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Unlock the Power of Your Machine: Get the Manual You Need Today...

MA100 AA CRAFTSMAN 80 and Dunlap 109 Lathes Click here for picturesAA Type 109(Craftsman) and Craftsman Model 80 Lathes (as made by the American "DoubleA" Company) and Branded "Dunlap 6-inch", "Craftsman80" and "Craftsman 6-inch". Operating Instructions andIllustrated Spares Sheets for all the models made plus a large set (75 pages)of advertisem*nt and technical specification pages from 1932 to 1980 showingall the Craftsman lathes.

MA462 AI Welders Type RA.16 & RA25 Operating and Maintenance Instructions.

MA105 A-1 Type R.A.16 Spot Welding Machine. Operator's Instructions and Partsas Annotated Photographs. Includes an Electrical Diagram. .

MA110 ABA (ABAWERK) FF-600 Surface Grinder. Operating and AdjustmentInstructions with useful cross-sectional drawings of the spindle assembly andan Electrical Diagram.

MA110A ABA (ABAWERK) VLF 600 Jig Borer. Operating and Adjustment Instructionswith some useful cross-sectional drawings and Electrical Schematics.

MA310 Abene VHF-2B Operator's Instruction Manual in English, German andSwedish.

MA310A Abene VHF-3 Operator's Instruction Manual in English, German andSwedish.

MA310B Abene VHF-2B and VHF-3 Spares Parts Manual with high-quality detailedSectional Drawings of all components. Text in English, German and Swedish.

MA311 ABMTM 25/32 Auto bar Turret Lathe. Operating and MaintenanceInstructions.

MA312 ABRASIVE DEVELOPMENTS Shot-blast cabinets Jupiter and Juno. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts and Electrical Diagrams.

MA312 ABWOOD Model SG Tool and Die Surface Grinding Machine. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual. Includes a copy of the useful 16-page Technical Salesand Specification Catalogue.

MA312Z ABWOOD Model 4H Tool and Die Surface Grinding Machine. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual

MA312A ABWOOD SG4H Vertical Spindle Surface Grinder. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual. Includes a copy of the useful 16-page Technical Sales andSpecification Catalogue.

MA312B ABWOOD Surface Grinding Machine Model 5025 and 7025 (larger table model:Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MA312C ABWOOD "CG" Series of Carbide Tool Grinding and LappingMachines. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual. Includes a copy of thedetailed Sales and Specification catalogue.

MA312D ABWOOD TG170 Carbide Tool Grinding and Lapping Machines. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with some useful sectional drawings andelectrical schematics. Includes a copy of the maker's detailed Sales &Technical Specification Catalogue.

MA312E ABWOOD RG1 Rotary Table Surface Grinding Machine. Operation &Maintenance Manual with Electrical & Hydraulic Schematics. Not afirst-class copy but readable.

ACCURATOOL Lathes - See under DOWDING and DOLL

MA321 ACIERA F1 Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Dividing Head Tables. English or French Text. Includes a copy of the veryuseful 14-page Sales and Specification and Accessories catalogue showing thefull range of attachments and extras.

MA321A ACIERA F2 Milling Machine. Instruction Manual and Exploded-view PartsManual. Both English and German-language versions are included - the latterhaving a number of extra illustrations.

MA321B ACIERA F3 Milling Machine late "angular-style" version.Instruction and Maintenance Manual. Magnificent 126-page publication that hascut-away pictures of most mechanical parts and includes the Use of Accessoriestogether with a complete Parts Manual with detailed Exploded Assembly Diagrams.English, German and French Text.

MA321C ACIERA F3 Milling Machine early "round-style" version.Instruction, Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and Adjustment Manual withSectional drawings including Use of Accessories. Electrical Chart. A copy of the maker's Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue. English andFrench text.

MA321CG ACIERA F3 Milling Machine German Text early "round-style" version.Instruction, Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and Adjustment Manual withSectional drawings including Use of Accessories. Electrical Chart. German text.

MA321D ACIERA F4, late model with "Angular" styling: (Full-sizeedition) Operator's Instruction, Service and Repair Manual with Parts as clearExploded Component Drawings. Full-size edition with English, French and Germantext.

MA321E ACIERA F4 Milling Machine, late model with "angular" styling:separate Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings showing the detailedconstruction of the whole machine.

MA321F ACIERA F5 Milling Machine Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.Includes a copy of the Parts Manual - which is presented as usefulexploded-component drawings - and details of the rotary tables and divisioncharts. Also included is comprehensive Sales, Technical Specification andAccessories Catalogue. The text of the manual is in English, French and German- the catalogue text is German. 173 pages.

MA321H ACIERA 6 and 10 Precision Drilling Machines. Two Instructions &Maintenance Manuals: one in English for the No. 6 and very similar No. 10 andanother in English, French and German for the No. 6. The latter has a PartsList with useful exploded-component drawings and clearly illustratedMaintenance Instructions. Also includes electrical diagrams.

MA321H2 ACIERA 13 Precision Drilling Machine. Instruction, Maintenance andParts Manual in English, French and German

MA321J ACIERA R20 Drilling Machine. Instruction and Maintenance Manual inEnglish and German *

MA321K ACIERA R22 Drilling Machine. Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MA321L ACIERA 23ST Drilling Machine. Parts Manual as useful Exploded ComponentDrawings.

MA321M ACIERA 22STA and 22VA Drilling Machines. Comprehensive CombinedInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.The 22VA manual has English, French and German text the SSSTA has French andGerman.

MA322/MV220 ACKWORTHIE "Vertomat" Rotary Transfer Machine. Operating& Maintenance Instructions with Parts Manual as Exploded ComponentDrawings. Includes Electrical Schematics and a copy of the maker's Sales &Specification Catalogue.

ACME-GRIDLEY - see also BSA-Acme Gridley

MA324 ACME-GRIDLEY Multiple-spindle Chucking Automatics: Design, Construction,Tooling and Operation - Very detailed and comprehensive American publicationfor all the 4, 6 and 8 spindle Models of the R, RA, RAS, RB Types in 4, 6 and8-spindle versions. As a complete background guide to these lathes and how theyfunction, this is the most complete publication ever issued.

MA324A ACME-GRIDLEY Multiple-spindle Chucking Automatics - later Edition: Verydetailed Operator's Instruction Manual that shows: Set-up and Operation, BasicPrinciples of Operation, Mechanisms and Motions, Tooling, Process Planning,Tool Design, Maintenance Instructions with Schematics. This is the best manualavailable to get these machines working efficiently.

MA324B ACME-GRIDLEY Multiple-spindle Bar Machine. Handbook for Operators of theModels R and RA 4-6-8.

MA324CC ACME-GRIDLEY 6" BR-6 Spindle Chucking Automatic. Operator'sManual.

MA324C ACME-GRIDLEY 6" BR-6 Spindle Chucking Automatic. ArrangementDrawings and Charts Showing the Composition of Standard Attachments. LargeFormat.

MA324D ACME-GRIDLEY 2 5/8"6" BRB-6 Spindle Bar. Arrangement Drawingsand Charts Showing the Composition of Standard Attachments. Large Format.

MA324E ACME-GRIDLEY R-RA and RB-4, RB-6 and RB-8 Spindle Bar Machines. DetailedOperator's handbook.

MA324F ACME-GRIDLEY RPA-4, RPA-6 and RPA-8 Multiple Spindle Automatic Chuckers.Parts Catalogue as Photographs and Sectional Drawings.

MA324G ACME-GRIDLEY RA-4 and RA-6 4 and 6 Spindle Automatic Bar Machines. PartsCatalogue as Exploded Component Drawings. as Photographs and SectionalDrawings.

MA324H ACME-GRIDLEY 2 inch-6 Series 2 Lathe. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MA324J ACME-GRIDLEY Attachments and Tooling Catalogue for 6-spindle Automatics.Detailed 65-page publication.

MA324K ACME-GRIDLEY Attachments and Tooling Catalogue for 8-spindle Automatics.Detailed 56-page publication.

MA324L ACME-GRIDLEY RB4, RB6 and RB8 4 and 6-spindle Automatic Bar Machines.Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MA324M ACME-GRIDLEY Model M Single-Spindle Automatics. Parts Manual.

MA324N ACME-GRIDLEY 7/16" RA-6 Toolholders and Attachments Manual.

MA324P ACME-GRIDLEY R4 and R6 Automatic Bar machines. Parts Catalog forAttchments Threading, Reaming and Drilling.

MA330 ACOMEL Variable Frequency Inverters Models ST32 to ST62. DetailedOperator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with fault-finding charts andelectrical schematics.

MA334 ACORNTOOLS 10-inch and 12-inch LATHES (Atlas 10-inch Clone):
A complete package of information that covers all models from the first modelsto the last is available. It includes:
1) A very comprehensive Manual with over 240 pages that contains detailedOperating and Maintenance Manual - it's probably the best instruction manualever produced by a lathe manufacturer.
2) Extensive thread-cutting instructions and dedicated charts from the larger61-page "supplementary" Screwcutting Instruction Booklet.
3) Extra instructional sheets issued by Atlas but never included in the mainManual: taper turning attachment; fitting new leadscrew nuts, steady rests,adjustable bed stop, machine vice and dismantling procedures for headstock andbackgear. .
4) A complete, illustrated Parts Manual with exploded-parts diagrams.
5) A set of reproductions of the original (Atlas) advertising catalogs (somevery rare) that give a complete technical specification for the lathe, showsmodel changes over the years and illustrate all the accessories.
on CD or Printed as a very high-quality reproduction.

MA334A ACORNTOOLS and Atlas 7" Shaper Instruction and Parts Manual. Thisis identical to the American ATLAS shaper.

MA336 A.C.S.A. 200 Automatic Cutter Sharpening Machine. Instruction Manual withhydraulic and lubrication schematics.

MA338 ACTON POWERCENTRE 3 and MATCHMAKER Machining Centres. Operator's Manualand Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MA440 ACU-RITE 3 (Acu-Rite 111)DigitalMeasuring System. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MA440A ACU-RITE A-R/5 Scale Assembly. Installation Manual.

MA440B ACU-RITE Mini-Scale Assembly. Installation Instruction Manual.

MA440C ACU-RITE Mini-Scale, TurnMate, MillMate Encoders. Reference-InstructionManual.

MA440D ACU-RITE ENC 150 Linear Encoder. Reference-Instruction Manual.

MB410 Adock & Shipley/BRIDGEPORT (Adco*ck & Shipley manufactures theBridgeport Series 1 Ram-Type Universal Milling Machine: A complete Data Packingconsisting of three elements:
1) Installation, Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and Parts Manual asexploded component drawings. This edition is the most complete available andunusual in showing all the different heads and power-feed table gearboxes, etc.Covers all years of production and includes all 8 known electrical diagrams(culled from various editions over the years) plus the Quinton Crane TableDrive Motor Instructions and Electrical Schematic.
2) A copy of the earlier "Sectional Drawings" Edition covering allyears including the very early "Master Milling Attachment" Model CHead in 1/4 and 1/2 hp versions.
3) A copy of the best Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogueever issued. 251 pages.

MA445ADco*ck and SHIPLEY No. 0 Models. Unfortunately no manual appears to have beenissued for the smallest of the Adco*ck and Shipley millers but we can supply aset of detailed Sales & Specification catalogues that include diagrams withannotations of the controls, dimensions, etc. Covers all versions from hand toautomatic-feed types.

MA445AADco*ck and SHIPLEY No. 1 Models A, AA, AB, Ad, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, M, N,P, and J with feed arrangements LSL, LLL, SSS, G, J, AH and M, etc. (these mayappear on the machine plate ) Horizontal Miller: Maintenance and Operator'sInstruction Manual. Includes three versions of the Technical Sales andSpecification Catalogue.

MA445B ADco*ck and SHIPLEY 1E Miller including 1ESL, 1LSL, 1EG, 1ES, 1ESG, 1EAH,EJ and AH types (and others, the various suffixes indicating the particulardrive system fitted to the table with some of these being "factoryspecials") : Maintenance and Operator's Instruction Manual with ElectricalDiagrams. Includes a Technical Sales and Specification and AccessoriesCatalogue.

MA445C ADco*ck and SHIPLEY 1E Miller including 1ELSL, 1EG, 1EAH, 1EJ and otherversions: Maintenance and Operator's Instruction Manual. This edition includesa Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue and also the Operation,Maintenance and Parts Manual for the various types of optional-extra Bridgeport"Ram-Type" Milling Heads that could be fitted.

MA445D ADco*ck and SHIPLEY Miller 1ES, 1ESG (M, G, J and AHJ feed arrangements -and other versions): Maintenance and Operator's Instruction Manual withElectrical Diagrams. Includes a Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MA445E ADco*ck and SHIPLEY 1ES Miller: Maintenance and Operator's InstructionManual. Includes a Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue and Maintenanceand Parts Manual for the various optional-extra Bridgeport milling heads.

MA445F ADco*ck and SHIPLEY 2A Series Millers including the 2AG and 2AGU MillingMachines Plain and Universal. Maintenance and Operator's Instruction Manualwith Electrical Schematics.

MA445G ADco*ck and SHIPLEY 2, 2B and 2D Horizontal Milling Machine. Maintenanceand Operator's Instruction Manual with fold-out Sectional Drawings ofmechanical components and circuit diagrams

MA445H ADco*ck and SHIPLEY 2E Miller (sometimes found badged as a Bridgeport):Operation & Maintenance manual with two Electrical Schematics - one for the2-speed model and the other for the standard version - together with aTechnical Sales and Specification Catalogue,


MA445ER ADco*ck and SHIPLEY 2ER Miller: Maintenance and Operator's InstructionManual with Electrical Schematic and 12" Rotary table Indexing Chart andInstructions.. Includes a Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MA445K ADco*ck and SHIPLEY 2ES Miller: Maintenance and Operator's InstructionManual. Includes a Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MA445L ADco*ck and SHIPLEY 2JR and 2JUR Millers: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.
Also available for the 2JR and 2JUR Millers: 4 large Sectional drawings.

MA445M ADco*ck and SHIPLEY 2S Horizontal Miller (also badged as a" Bridgeport"):Comprehensive 180-page Service and Maintenance Manual and with Parts asdetailed Sectional Drawings including the Optional Vertical Milling Head.
Also available as an addition to this 2S manual is a set of 11 large electricaldrawings including Control Box Connection Diagram, Connection Diagram for KneeLimit Switch, 2 Diagrams for Automatic Sequence, Wiring Diagram for AutomaticPlate, Wiring Diagram of Master Plate for Automatic and Manual Machines. (order under reference MA445ME)

MA445ME Adco*ck and Shipley 2S HorizontalMiller (also badged as a "Bridgeport"): . 11 large electrical drawings including Control Box ConnectionDiagram, Connection Diagram for Knee Limit Switch, 2 Diagrams for AutomaticSequence, Wiring Diagram for Automatic Plate, Wiring Diagram of Master Platefor Automatic and Manual Machines.

MA445NADco*ck and SHIPLEY 2S Horizontal Miller (also badged as a Bridgeport): DetailedOperator's Instruction Manual. Includes a copy of the Technical Sales andSpecification Brochure.

MA445P ADco*ck and SHIPLEY 2S VARI-FEED Horizontal Miller (also badged as aBridgeport): Detailed OPERATOR'S MANUAL.

MA445Q ADco*ck and SHIPLEY 2S VARI-FEED Horizontal Miller (also badged as aBridgeport): SERVICE MANUAL with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings andElectrical Schematics.

MA445QE ADco*ck and SHIPLEY 2S VARI-FEED Horizontal Miller (also badged as aBridgeport): 3 large ELECTRICAL SCHEMATICS.

MA445RADco*ck and SHIPLEY 2S Vertical Miller (also badged as a Bridgeport):Comprehensive 173-page Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as DetailedSectional Drawings including the Optional Vertical Milling Head and anElectrical Schematic.

MA445R/ELEC ADco*ck and SHIPLEY 2S Vertical Miller: Set of 8 large ElectricalSchematic Drawings.

MA445S ADco*ck and SHIPLEY 2S Vertical Miller (also badged as a Bridgeport):Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual.

MA445T ADco*ck and SHIPLEY 2S Vertical Miller with Plug Board Control:Supplementary Manual.

MA445HG ADco*ck and SHIPLEY 3HG and 3HGU Milling Machines. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MA445U ADco*ck and SHIPLEY 3S Bed Type Milling Machine. Maintenance Manual andParts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes a separate Manual for theHuron-type Universal Milling Head and Schematic Diagrams of the "TableSequence Electrical Control with Centre". Stop and Cutter relief.

MA445V ADco*ck and SHIPLEY 3S Miller. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MA445W ADco*ck and SHIPLEY. Bridgeport Vertical Heads. Maintenance andExploded-diagram Parts Manual covering all heads offered as optional-extra onall types of Adco*ck and Shipley Miller. 50

MA445X ADco*ck and SHIPLEY Duplex Deep-hole Boring Machine. TechnicalPublication and 6 Blueprint Set including Electrical Schematic.

MA446 ADco*ck and SHIPLEY 36-inch Type SV140 and SV140A Radial Arm Drill,Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with large Sectional-drawingBlueprint and Electrical Diagram.

MA447 ADDISON PSM500 Horizontal Band saw. Operator's Manual.

MA447A ADDISON-JUBILEE CD-250A Horizontal Band saw. Operator's Manual and Partsas Exploded Component Drawings.

MA447B ADDISON Universal 32 Bending Machine. Operator's Manual and Parts asExploded Component Drawings.

MA449ADIGE B75 SA/A Automatic Cut-off Machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MA450 ADIRA QH Press Brake. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MA452 ADVANCED CUTTING TECHNOLOGY PACM250 Precision Abrasive Machine.Instruction Manual.

MA453 AEI EC304 and EC304/1 3 h.p. Speed Control Instruction Book.

MA454 AEW HORIZON Vertical and Horizontal Milling Machine. Operator's Manual. 2editions are included covering both early and late machines.

MA454A AEW HORIZON Milling Machine. Illustrated Parts Manual

MA454B AEW HORIZON Milling Machine. Complete data pack including MA454 andMA454A above together with 6 works photographs of "show" machines.

MA455 AEW Electric Furnace. Installation Instruction Sheet and Two WiringDiagrams.

MA456 AGATHON (Switzerland ) Centreless Grinder 150-SL for Close-toleranceGrinding of Small and Miniature Parts. Not a Manual but a useful Sales andSpecification and Accessories Catalogue with detailed Technical InformationSheets. 20 pages.

MA456A AGATHON Minor 125 Precision Carbide-Tool Grinding and Lapping Machine.Slim but useful Operating Instructions with an Electrical Schematic and a Copyof the maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MA458Z AGEMASPARK Eurospark F400-P20 Spark Erosion machine. Operating andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Diagrams

MA458X AGEMASPARK Eurospark H400-P20 and H400-P with Pulse generator AP50.Operating Instructions.

MA458A AGEMASPARK EUROSPARK H425 (also badged as Hurco) Spark Erosion machine.Comprehensive Operator's Instruction and Technical Maintenance Manual withElectrical Schematics. Includes the Manual for the Eurospark Precision Pulsegenerators Type AP50-10 and AP10.

MA458B AGEMASPARK Eurospark F500 AGEMA Spark Erosion Machine. OperatingInstructions and Electrical Diagrams.

MA458BX AGEMASPARK Eurospark H550 AGEMA Spark Erosion Machine with Pulsegenerator AP50-10C. Operating Instructions and Electrical Diagrams.

MA458C AGEMASPARK Eurospark 740 with Pulse generator 50A. OperatingInstructions.

MA458D EUROSPARK Spark Erosion Machines (Hurco) - Manuals for most other"Eurospark" (Hurco) machines can be provided.

MA459 AGIETRON Spark Erosion Machine Types BL6, BM6 & BN6. Instruction& Maintenance Manual.

MA459X AGIE (Switzerland)Spark Erosion Power Pack 10 Electrical Schematics for the STM-D AgiecutMachine.

MA460 AHCOL Rotary Milling Machine. Operation Instructions with Parts asSectional Drawings.

MA464 AINJEST Ainjest High Speed Screwcutting.Detailed Instruction Manual andSpares Parts Manual as Exploded Parts Diagrams. Covers how to operate on all onmodels as used on a variety of Colchester, Harrison and other makes of lathe.Both the dial-selector and lever-selector models are covered - though not allstyles of body casting are shown - these varying with the particular machine towhich they were fitted.

MA468 AIRMEC Autoset Type N.271K Maintenance and s Serving manual with severallarge electrical schematics.

MA468A AIRMEC Autoset Type N.410 Installation, Programming, Operation andServicing Manual with circuoit Diagrams.

MA470 Taiwanese Mill Drills badged as Naerok, Warco, Nu-Tools, Sealey, Whitecote, Excel, Draper and Ajax, etc. . Covers the Types FR-30, RDM-400/500M/500MF, "Minor", "Major" and similar variants. A double-edition manual that will help with all versions.

MA475 AISIAKIN Pneumatic Dividing Plate with built-in Collet. OperationInstructions with 5 Sectional drawings. Includes copies of the maker'sTechnical Specification and sales catalogue.

AJAX - Manuals for models in addition to those shown below may be available.Phone: 01298-871633 for details.

MA480 AJAX C11M and C11B Lathes (also sold as the "Sofia").Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Instructions and Parts as DetailedSectional Drawings. Includes reproductions of the often damaged screwcuttingand feeds charts.

MA480A AJAX AJ165SS Lathe (also sold asthe "Sofia"). Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Instructions andParts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MA480B AJAX AJ210 Lathe (also sold as the "Sofia"). Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Instructions and Parts as Exploded ComponentDrawings.

MA480C Ajax AJ250, AJ235, CU582 (SU401, SU502, SP401, SP402) Lathes. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Instructions. Just a single publication appears tohave been issued for these machines - the only differences being in centreheight and capacity.

MA480D Ajax AJ400 Lathe. Operation & Maintenance Manual with Parts manualas Sectional Drawings and an Electrical Schematic.

MA480E Ajax 310 X 2225 (310-X-2225) CNC/Conventional Lathe. Instruction,Operation & Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes a number ofElectrical Schematics.

MA481 AJAX No. 1 Universal Milling Machine: Installation, Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as sectional drawings andan electrical schematic.

MA481-23 AJAX No.2 and No.3 Horizontal Milling Machines. Spare Parts Manual asuseful Sectional Drawings.

MA481A AJAX 2V, 3V and 4V Milling Machines: Installation, Maintenance andOperating Manual (two Manuals in one: 2V/3V and 3V/4V) US56

MA481B AJAX 2V, 3V and 4V Milling Machines: Spare Parts Manual: Includesdetailed, A3-sized Cross-Sectional Drawings.

MA481C AJAX 2A MILLING MACHINE (Universal): Operator's Instruction Manual andWiring diagram.

MA481D AJAX No.2, 3 and 4 "Cleveland " Milling machines. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manuals with Parts Manual as Detailed SectionalDrawings and Electrical Schematics. Includes a comprehensive Sales &Specification Catalogue.

MA481E AJAX AJT4 TURRET MILLING MACHINE (BRIDGEPORT TYPE). Installation,Operation and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings. Picture of the miller here: AjaxMiller

AJAX AJT-2 and AJT-3 Millers. These were built in early and late versions.The earlier model had a vertical head with two parallel rows of push-buttonswitches on the front face with the 2-speed motor switch immediately above and,on the top face of the head, at the front, two levers - one of a toggle typethe other moving radially in a slot. The head on the later lacked theelectrical push-button controls.

MA481FAJAX AJT-2 and AJT-3 Turret Milling Machines - a combined manual for both earlyand late models. Installation, Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Parts as Sectional Drawings and an electrical diagram. This is the mostcomplete of the three editions published and also has (for the later machines)larger and much clearer parts drawings. Two versions of the later vertical headwere produced; V-belt drive and variable-speed drive and this manual coversboth. Picture of the late-model AJT-2 and AJT-3 millers here: Ajax Miller

MA482AJAX AJBD16 and AJPD16 Drilling Machine: Operating Manual and Parts ManualExploded Component Drawings.

MA482A AJAX AJ35 Drilling Machine: Operating Manual and Parts Manual asDrawings.

MA482B AJAX AJ40 Drilling Machine: Operating Manual and Parts Manual asdetailed Sectional Drawings.

MA482C AJAX AJ50 Drilling Machine: Operating Manual and Parts Manual asDrawings.

MA482D AJAX AJBM16 and AJPM16 Drilling Machine: Operating Manual and PartsManual as Drawings.

MA482E AJAX AJ60 Drilling Machine: Operating Manual and Parts Manual asdetailed Sectional Drawings.

MA482F AJAX AJ155 Radial-arm Drilling Machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with electrical schematic.

MA482G AJAX AJ23 Universal Lathe Converter - a lathe-mounted, motorised,height-adjustable and swivelling milling and grinding attachment. No manual wasever issued for this attachment but the maker's Sales and TechnicalSpecification brochure contains a good deal of useful information about how thedevice can be emloyed. 4 pages.

AJ155 AJAX Radial-arm Drilling Machine. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with electrical schematic.

MA483 AJAX Metal Saws AJSD6, AJHD6, AJHD10 and AJHD16 : Maintenance andOperating Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MA483E Ajax No.5 Milling Machine Electrical Schematic.

MA485 ALBA 1A SHAPER. Operator's Manual and Parts List as Exploded AssemblyDiagrams. Two editions are included, early and late, Together with two editionsof the maker's Sales and Specification and Specification Sheets.

MA485A Alba S Series Shapers: 2S, 4S and 6S (14", 18" and 24"Strokes) and then renamed the 14S and 18S and 24S when marketed throughElliott. These shapers are often without any maker's identification marks butare instantly identifiable by the very large circular boss that takes up almostthe whole of the right-hand side face. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Illustrated Parts Manual.

ALBA S Series: badged variously as the 14S, 18S, 24S, 2S and 4S (14",18" and 24" strokes). Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualsand Illustrated Parts List.


MA495 Aldellverken U-35 Automatic Drilling Machine. Operation and MaintenanceManual with Electrical Schematics and Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MA500 Alexander (George Alexander GHA) Master Toolmaker Precision UniversalMilling Machine: Operating Instructions. Also applies to the original Mk. 1Deckel FP1, of which the Alexander is a copy. Includes both the Alexander andDeckel Manuals and copies of the original Alexander Sales, Specification andAccessories Catalogues Catalogues. The early manuals were rather thin so includedis a copy of the very comprehensive manual for the Mk.2 FP1, with all-lver gearchange, and an additional 16 pages from the Deckel Technical Bulletinsconcerning hints and tips and work on the FP1 This represents a complete datapack for these fine machines. 160 pages.

MA500A ALEXANDER (George Alexander GHA) Pantograph ENGRAVING and DIE-SINKINGMACHINES Nos. "1", "1A", "1B", "1-2","2", "2A", "2B" and "3A" and 3 Series.Detailed Operator's Instructions. This large 140-page triple-edition Manualalso covers: "All multi-head and special types of GHS Engravingmachines" - for example, the Model 1-2 was a 2B but fitted with a slightlysmaller table, pantograph and spindle for undertaking finer work. Thiscollection represents all known literature for these models and includes a veryuseful and detailed Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue withinformation about Special Machines, Type Sets, Etching Pencils, RotaryEngraving Attachments, Cutter Grinders, Cutter Microscope, Stylus, Collets andCutters and work examples.

MA500B ALEXANDER (George Alexander GHA) Universal Die-Sinking and EngravingMachines Parts Manual as detailed Sectional Drawings for Models: 1A, 1B, 1BS,2, 2A, 3A, 3AS and No. 1 "Standard" and No. 2"Deep-throat".

MA500C ALEXANDER 2SG Pantograph Engraver (could be badged "PrecisionGrinding Ltd), Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual together with acopy of the maker's Sales and Accessories Catalogue.

MA500D ALEXANDER (George Alexander GHA) 1/2, 2C and 2SG Universal Die-Sinkingand Engraving Machines Parts Manual as sectional Drawings:

MA500E ALEXANDER 4HB, 4HBS and 5HB Diesinkers. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MA500F ALEXANDER (George Alexander GHA) Universal Die-Sinking and EngravingMachines. Not a manual but a detailed "Technical" Sales andSpecification and Specification Catalogue that contains useful operating data,charts and details of the complete accessory range and how to mount it -includes two additional separate Sales and Specification and Specificationsheets.

MA500G ALEXANDER (George Alexander GHA) Die and Mould Production Handbook. Slimbut useful guide to using Diesinking and Engraving Machines with examples ofhow to mount and employ the various accessories: Spacing Piece, cam FormingArm, Rotary table, Swivel Vice, Etching Pencil and Transformer, Auxiliary Worktables, Cylinder and Roller Engraving Devices, G.H.A. Dividing Machine, OpticalDividing Head, conversion to Milling Head on the Engraver etc. together withdetails of other Alexander products including the tool and Cutter grinders andh0w to use them for grinding die sinking and engraving cutters.

MA500H/MD21 ALEXANDER (George Alexander GHA) Tool and Cutter Grinder (a copy ofthe Deckel Model "SO"). This is a complete data pack for the machineand includes all available printed data. This consists early and late manualsfor the simpler SO model together with the full manual for the more complex andversatile SOE. Also included is copy of the maker's Sales and AccessoriesCatalogue and all the relevant extracts from the Deckel Technical Bulletins.Very comprehensive instructions including cutter profiles, tool angles, cuttingspeeds, how to grind back rack angles, pointed cutters, tapered cutters,twist-drill grinding attachment, single lip cutters, grinding straight-toothedcylindrical or tapered two-lip or three-tooth cutters with concentric oroff-centre radii. etc.

MA500J/MD217AS ALEXANDER (George Alexander GHA) Tool and Cutter Grinder (a copyof the Deckel Model "SO") Parts Manual as detailed Cross-SectionalDrawings. This edition Includes both Mk.1 and Mk.2 (early & late) cabinet& bench-mounting machines. Includes the useful and detailed technical Sales& Specification Catalogue.

MA500K ALEXANDER (George Alexander GHA) Triple Twelve Power Saw. Operator's& Maintenance Manual together with Parts Manual as Exploded ComponentDrawings

MA500elec ALEXANDER (George Alexander GHA) Triple Twelve Power Saw large A2Electrical Schematic

MA500L ALEXANDER (George Alexander GHA) T.320 Horizontal Band saw. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual.

MA500M ALEXANDER EFAMATIC 9AC Chucking Lathe: Operator's Instruction Book. Includestwo blue-print sized sectional drawings together with speed, feed, screwcuttingand electrical charts.

MA500N ALEXANDER EFAMATIC 9AC Chucking Lathe: Spare Parts Book as SectionalDrawings

MA502 ALEXANDER TOWNSEND Automatic Driller and Former. Operator's InstructionManual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MG502A ALEXANDER (GALEX) Hyrivet Hydraulic Riveting Machine. Instruction Manualand Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MA500 ALFING Fine Boring Machine. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualincluding the Optical Reader Unit. Includes Hydraulic and ElectricalSchematics.

MA510A ALFING Fine Turning Machine Type DF. Installation, Operator'sInstruction, Maintenance and Parts Manual.

MA510B ALFING Machine Type DF 11/1. Installation, Operator's Instruction,Maintenance, Lubrication and Parts Manual.

MA510C ALFING Machine Type E3 Installation, Operator's Instruction,Maintenance, Lubrication and Parts Manual.

MA510D ALFING Transfer Line Machine 58/1930. Installation, Operator'sInstruction, Maintenance and Parts Manual.

MA510E ALFING Machine Type DF 11/1. Installation, Operator's Instruction,Maintenance, Lubrication and Parts Manual.

MA550 ALIGN Power-feed Units as typically retrofitted to milling machine tables to give a power-feed facility. Models: AL-235, NEW AL250, AL-99, AL-250, CE-250, CE-235 and CE-99Installation, Operator's Instruction and Parts Manual with circuit diagrams.

MA560 ALLEN-BRADLEY PLC-2/05 Processor. Programming and Operations Manual.

MA560A ALLEN-BRADLEY Series 7300 CNC, 7320 CNC (miller and machining centre), 7340 CNC (four-axis lathe) and the 7360 CNC (two-axis lathe) Diagnostics Manual.

MA560B ALLEN-BRADLEY Bulletin 1392 and 1327 Motor and 1392 Motor personality Module. High Performance AC Drive System. DetailedInstruction Manual.

MA560C ALLEN-BRADLEY Bulletin 1334 3, 5, 7.5 and 10 h.p. Adjustable FrequencyAC Motor Drives. Instruction Manual.

MA560D ALLEN-BRADLEY Series 8200 2-axis Lathe Operation Control. InstructionManual.

MA560D-2 ALLEN-BRADLEY Series 8200 2-axis Lathe Integration Manual (to integrate a Series 8200 CNC control into a Unified System).

MA560D-3 ALLEN-BRADLEY Series 8200 CNC PAL User's Manual.

MA560E ALLEN-BRADLEY PLC-5 Family (PLC-5/12, PLC-5/15 and PLC-5/25) Programmable Controllers. Detailed Processor Manual.

MA560F ALLEN-BRADLEY Vader 200 Series Instruction Manual.

MA560G ALLEN-BRADLEY DC PWM Servo Controller. Instruction Manual with Schematics.

MA560H ALLEN-BRADLEY AC Servo Controller. User Manual.

MA565 Allenwest "Simplex" Variable-speed Drives (D.C. Thyristor)Detailed Operation & Maintenance Manual with two large electrical diagrams.


MA569 ALTENDORF Sliding Table Saws Models F45, F45 ELMO, F45 POSIT, F45 c.a.t.s., F90. F90 ELMO and F90 POSIT. Detailed Operating & Maintenance Instructions (including DIGIT X, DIGIT L, DUPLEX D, DUPLEX DD Measuring System for the F45, F45 ELMO2 and F90 and Operation and Calibration of Display Electronics)and a Spare Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.MA572 ALPA RT450 Surface Grinder. Operation Instructions. English, French,German and Italian Text.

MA574 Al.Pin (ALPIN) 160 and 180 Models. Operator's Instructions. English,French, German and Italian Text.

MA576 ALZMETALL AB3/ESV, AB35/s, AB4/SV and AB45/s Drilling Machine. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MA576A ALZMETALL AC25-AS Drilling Machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MA576B ALZMETALL AC32-AS Drilling Machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics.

MA576C ALZMETALL "ALZSTAR 40" Drilling Machine. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual. English or German Text.

MA576D Alzmetall AB Series Radial Arm Drills AB 30/R 700, AB/30R 1000 andAB/30R 1400. Operator's Instructions.

MA576E Alzmetall ABOMAT 50 Drilling Machine Operation Manual with sectionaldrawings.

For AMADA "Promecam" Brake Presses see under PROMECAM - for otherssee below.

MA580 AMADA Saw Model HA-250: Operator's Instruction Manual - includes anElectrical Schematic:

MA580A AMADA Saw Model HA-250: Spare Parts Manual as Exploded ComponentDiagrams:

MM580B AMADA CS220 Corner Shear. Operator's Instruction and Service Manual withParts as Exploded Component Drawings and an Electrical Schematic.

MM580C AMADA SP15 & SP30 Set Press (for punching, edge, Vee and cornernotching) Operating Instructions and Routine Maintenance.

MM580D AMADA Press Brakes Parts List for all FBD Models: FBD-2512, FBD-3512,FBD-5012, FBD-5020, FBD-8020, FBD-8025, FBD-1025, FBD-1030, FBD-1040 andFBD-1253.

MM580E AMADA Vertical Bandsaw Model CHA-300S. Parts Manual as ExplodedComponent Drawings with a schematic of the Hydraulic Circuit

MM580F AMADA D500 and D750 Duplicators. Operation and Maintenance Manual with Electrical and Pneumatic Schematics

MM585 AMC (Stima AMC) Lathes Models HDP190 and HDP240. Detailed andwell-illustrated Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings with Electrical Schematics and screwcutting charts.English, French, German and Spanish Text.

MM585A AMC (Stima AMC) Lathe Type 490 Detailed andwell-illustrated Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings with Electrical Schematics and screwcutting charts.English, French, German and Spanish Text.

MM590 AMC Maskin Compagni K-2700 Crankshaft Grinder Operation & MaintenanceManual with Parts as Clear Sectional Drawings (no electrical).

MM590A AMC-SCHOU Crankshaft Grinder Model K1500-U and K2000-U Operation Manual

MA620 AMERICAN Pacemaker Lathes (American Tool Works): Instruction Manual circa1966/68 for the 14-inch, 16-inch, 20-inch, 22-inch and 25-inch.

MA620A "AMERICAN" Pacemaker Lathes (American Tool Works): InstructionManual for the 14", 16", 20", and 25" E and F lathes. USAArmy edition.

MA620B "AMERICAN" Pacemaker Lathes (American Tool Works) Parts Manualfor the 14-inch, 16" and 20" models.

MA620C "AMERICAN" Pacemaker Lathes (American Tool Works) InstructionManual for the 14", 16", 20" and 22" models - late 1940sand 1950s models.

AMK Radial-arm drill Type BR40 (as made by WMW and also badged"Union", BFW, Heckert and BOWES). Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with useful sectional drawings, annotated photographs ofvarious assemblies and a Wiring Diagram.

MA638 AML-618 Lathe (by Feeler) for this Hardinge copy use literature forHARDINGE HLV-H lathe (see under Hardinge below)

MA640/MD314 AMMCO SHAPER (by DELTA ROCKWELL): Operator's Instruction,Maintenance Manual and a copy of the comprehensive Sales and SpecificationCatalog. Two editions of the manuals are included, one with Exploded ComponentParts Drawings and the other with sectional and cut-away drawings.

MA640 AMMCO 3000, 4000, 4100, 7500 & 7700 Brake Drum Lathe. Operator'sInstruction, Maintenance Manual & Parts as exploded Component Drawings.

MA641 AM-POWER D.C. Servo Controller Series D.C.L. Instruction Manual.

MA641K ANDERLE (Karle Anderle) Punch Copy Shaper Type URK 46 Punch Shaper (and earlier Steyer). Instruction Manualwith Wiring Diagram and maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MA642 ANAYAK FV Series (FV1, FV2, FV3, etc) Universal Turret Head MillingMachine. Operation and Maintenance manual with Parts Manual as Sectionaldrawings - the latter including the Cherrying Attachment, All-Angle MillingAttachment, Right-Angle Milling Attachment and Slotting Attachment.

MA643 ANDRYCHOWSKA FABRYKA MASZYN AFM)TUE-40 Lathe. Instruction Book, Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematicsand copies of the (often worn) screwcutting and feeds charts. Other manualmay be available for this maker: Please e-mail your requirements

MA645 ANILAM "CRUSADER" Milling Machines CNC Control Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MA645A ANILAM "CRUSADER 2" Lathe Programming Manual (Complete withRS-232C Supplementary Manual).

MA645B ANILAM "CRUSADER 1" Lathe Control Programming and Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MA645BC ANILAM CRUSADER Series-ML Lathe. Programming Manual.

MA645BCC ANILAM COMMANDO Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MA550 ALIGN Power-feed Units as typically retrofitted to milling machine tables to give a power-feed facility. Models: AL-235, NEW AL250, AL-99, AL-250, CE-250, CE-235 and CE-99Installation, Operator's Instruction and Parts Manual with circuit diagrams.
MA645D ANILAM NC5 Milling Machine Control Programming Manual.

MA645E ANILAM Series G Computer Numerical Control Operation Manual including:Equipment, Control Systems, Extended Control Systems, parameter tables,matching and Mounting details Commissioning, Diagnostic Routine, fault Finding,Specifications for Series G and GL, etc.

MA645K Anilam CR80 Rack & Pinion Transducer Installation, Maintenance &Trouble-shooting Manual.

MA645F MA645F ANILAM "WIZARD" Digital Readouts. A full Data Packconsisting of Operating, programming and Set-up Manuals for the Models: Mini,100, 150, 150 Plus, 350, 350 Plus, Lathe 800 and Super Wizard

MA645FM ANILAM "MINI-WIZARD" Digital Readout. Instruction Manual

MA645M ANILAM "BT" Digital Readout and Measuring System. Instructionand Maintenance Manual.

MA645N ANILAM CR80 Rack & Pinion Transducer Installation, Maintenance &Trouble-shooting Manual.

MA645P ANILAM Wizard 450 and Wizard 450L Digital Readout Operations Manual.

MA645Q ANILAM RB Scale Installation manual and Owner's Guide.

MA646 Anselmi Antonio 180EA MonoFap Lathe Operation Manual with Parts asSectional Drawings. Italian text.

MA647 APEX (Oldak) Small Tools: Junior Drilling Machine, Foot-Lever Press, Tapping Machine.Parts Manual as annotated Pictures.

MA648 APOLLO Fixed Angle Notching Machines. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MA650 APPIANI Tool and Cutter Grinder. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual. French and German Text (no English Edition was published). WellIllustrated.

MA653/MA700A AR5-E TOOL and CUTTER GRINDER Model. Operator's Instruction Manualand Maintenance Manual. Includes a copy of the detailed Technical Sales andSpecification and Specification and Accessories Catalogue.

MA655A Arboga ER125S Radial-arm Drill. Operating Instructions with Parts asExploded Drawings. GERMAN text.

MA655B ARBOGA EM825 and 2508 and U2508 Vertical Miller/driller (also covers theEM252) Early and Late Variants : Operating Instructions with Parts Manual asSectional and Exploded Drawings and Wiring Diagrams. Includes a copy of themaker's Sales and Specification catalogue.

MA655C ARBOGA E100, E100S, EB100 & EB100S Drills. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings GERMAN TEXTand a copy (in ENGLISH) of the maker's comprehensive sales & technicalspecification catalogue.

MA655D ARBOGA E825 Drill. Operating Instructions with Parts as ExplodedDrawings. GERMAN text.

MA655E ARBOGA ER825 Radial-arm Drill. Operating Instructions with Parts asExploded Drawings. GERMAN text.

MA655F ARBOGA A2508 and A2508U Vertical Miller. Operating Instructions withParts Manual as Sectional and Exploded Drawings and Wiring Diagrams. Twoeditions combined with sections In English, Swedish, German, French andSpanish. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MA655G ARBOGA Drills Models E830, ER830 and ER1830 Combined OperatingInstructions and Parts Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings and WiringDiagrams. Includes a copy of the Maker's Sales and Specification Catalog. Slimbut very useful publication. Two editions included in English and German.

MA655H ARBOGA Drills Models G2508 and G2512 - floor-standing with manual feed;GM2508 and GM2512 floor-standing with power feed; B2508 and B2512 Bench modelswith manual feed; BM2508 and BM2512 Bench mount with power feeds; GL2508 andGL2512 Floor-standing with manual feed and extended column. Combined OperatingInstructions and Parts Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings and WiringDiagrams. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MA655J ARBOGA Drills Models GM3508 Combined Operating Instructions and PartsManual as Detailed Sectional Drawings and Wiring Diagrams. Includes a copy ofthe maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MA655K ARBOGA G2508, G2512, GM2508 and GM2512 Column Drills. Combined OperatingInstructions and Parts Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings and Wiring Diagrams.Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MA655L ARBOGA E135 Drilling machine. Operator's Instruction Manual (Germantext) with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings (4 pages). Includes a copy ofthe (English) Sales Catalogue.

MA655N Arboga Type E308, EP308, EPB308 and EPB308-POP 308 Grinding Machines andthe Arboga accessory Drill Grinding Attachments Types A and B. Operator'sInstructions and Spare Parts Lists.

MA660 MA660 ARCHDALE RADIAL-ARM DRILLING MACHINES - Data Pack: Most of theCompany's radial-arm drills appear to have been covered in a Publication withthe title: "Light, Medium and Heavy Duty Types". This Data Pack alsoincludes two electrical schematics and the Installation, Maintenance, Operating& Lubrication Instructions for drills marked "14567","14713" and 14582 together with Spare Parts Manuals (but notoperation instructions) for the "14582" and the smallest model in therange, the 38-inch "Sensitive" Type "2248" (the latter is a"photographic" listing. Most publications include some usefulsectional drawings together with copies of the Sales & SpecificationLiterature. Includes two electrical schematics, one marked for "Light,Medium and Heavy Duty Types" the other "Schematic D1200 Wiring Diagramfor Radial Drill Controller". inikop

MA660B ARCHDALE "38-inch" Radial-arm Drilling machine. Spare Parts asindividual photographs.

MA660C Archdale SRA Radial Arm Drill. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceInstructions.

MA660D ARCHDALE 1 1/4" and 2" Vertical Drilling Machine with a fixedhead and sometimes marked Type 14589 Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceInstructions - two editions: one for the stand-alone vertical drill the otherfor the same heads fitted to the radial-arm types; these manuals cover allknown versions. The drill was also available with a number of different tablesincluding compound screw-feed or plain types and shared its head with a numberof radial-arm and other drills. The head can be recognised by its circularspeed-selector dial on the front face, two levers immediately above set in arectangular surround with one lever set in a cylindrical holder - medium-dutytype - or a with a lever moving horizontally through a left-to-right saw-toothgate for the light-duty version, a fine-feed handwheel set below and to theright of the spindle nose, usually a chin-supported counterweight at the backand the motor mounted vertically towards the back of the head and the top ofthe spindle end covered by a slightly tapered cover with a rounded top. Thetable was either plain or a screw-feed or quick-action compound type. The twoversions of the head (mounted on a radial-arm drill) can be seen here: and here:

MA660E Archdale Geared-head Vertical Drilling Machine Type V.D. (Circular,2-lever speed selector on face of head, low-speed lever to left and fine-feedlever to right. Counterweight on chain at back of head) Operation andMaintenance Instructions.

ARCHDALE Millers were usually categorised by the table's longitudinal travel:

MA661A ARCHDALE No. 2 Milling machines, Horizontal, Universal and Vertical.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MA661B ARCHDALE 18" (18-inch table travel) Vertical Miller Model Type2310: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Instructions with ElectricalSchematics.

MA661C Archdale 20" Horizontal Milling Machine - knee type: Installation,Maintenance Instructions. Includes an electrical schematic and a copy of themaker's Technical Sales and Specification and Specification Catalogue. Twoeditions of the manual are included, early and late, for machines coded (amongothers) as 2318 and 14670.

MA661D ARCHDALE 20" Knee-Type Automatic Milling Machine Type 14759:Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MA661E ARCHDALE 24" Horizontal Milling Machine: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MA661F ARCHDALE 28" Horizontal Milling Machine: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MA661G ARCHDALE 30" Production Horizontal Milling Machine: Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded ComponentDrawings.

MA161H ARCHDALE 30" Production Milling Machine Type 14749: Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual.

MA661J ARCHDALE 30" Production Milling Machine Type 14749: Spare PartsManual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MA661K ARCHDALE self-contained Feed Drill Unit Type 785. Installation,Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MA661L ARCHDALE Twist Drill Grinding Machine: Installation, Maintenance andOperating Manual.

MC741 ARCHDALE and CUNLIFFE and CROOM Indexing tables for Universal MillingMachines. The UNIVERSAL type is the Horizontal Miller with a "swingtable" - the charts are for using the dividing head, powered andhand-turned, when calculating divisions, leads and spirals. Changewheelsettings are provided for Plain and Differential Indexing and Indexing Movementsfor High Numbers.

MA661M ARCHDALE AUTONOMIC Drilling Machine: Installation, Maintenance andOperating Manual.

MA665 ARCOY DOVETAILER Attachment. Assembly and Operating Instructions.

MA667 ARMAG Profiling Head (Cherrying Head) by Zwicky Machines Geneva (MFB) Operation Instructions, Parts Manual and a Copy of the Maker's Technical Brochure. .

MA670 ARNO 2 Horizontal Milling Machine (by Carlo MAGNONI) with Vertical Head.Parts Manual as Sectional Sectional Drawings and a Second Edition with Partsas Exploded Component Drawings. Includes an electrical schematic.

MA675 A.R.O Spot Welders. A complete package of Technical Information includingParts Lists, Instruction Book, Electrical Diagrams and Trouble Shooting,


MA680 ARTOS Wire Stripping Manual (Bulletin 57-G). A complete guide to the useof Artos wire strippers.

MA680A ARTOS CS-6 Automatic Wire Stripper. Owner's Manual, OperatingInstructions & Parts List.

MA680B ARTOS TA-20-S Automatic Wire Stripping and terminal Attaching Machine.Owner's Manual, Operating Instructions & Parts List.

MA684B ASQUITH ASR Radial-arm Drill. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

MA684B2 ASQUITH SRA Radial-arm Drill. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

MA685C ASQUITH EGC Radial-arm Drilling Machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual including a large general-arrangement and Foundationdrawing.

MA685D ASQUITH NLD RADIAL DRILLING MACHINE: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MA685E ASQUITH N2R Radial-arm Drill. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

MA685F ASQUITH "K and W" E33 Radial Arm Drill. Instruction Book withuseful Sectional Drawings. Also includes a dedicated sales catalogue withuseful annotated pictures and foundation drawings.

MA685G ASQUITH OD1, OD2, OD3 and OD4 RADIAL-ARM DRILLING MACHINES Mk.1 early versions:A complete data pack consisting of: Operator's Instructions, Maintenance Manualand Parts Manual (Sectional Drawings) with installation and foundation detailsand Electrical Schematics. Includes useful early and late Sales andSpecification and Specification Catalogues.

MA685GP ASQUITH OD1. Large Scale Foundation Plan.

MA685G2 ASQUITH OD1 Mk.2 and OD 50/75 Radial Drilling Machines (two manuals inone) Instruction & Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded ComponentDrawings and Hydraulic schematics. (The drills are usually fitted with abadge saying "Mk.2" and have a rectangular drill housing and a hiddenlongitudinal traverse screw)

MA685K ASQUITH No.3 RADIAL DRILLING MACHINE: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MA685L ASQUITH "POWER THRUST" Models: 2PT, 4PT and 6PT RadialDrilling Machines. A complete Data Pack built up from: Operator's Instructions,Maintenance Instructions, Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings and alarge Electrical Schematic. Also included is a comprehensive and usefulTechnical Sales and Specification and Specification Catalogue with descriptionsof the mechanisms, some Sectional Drawings and annotated control charts.

MA685M ASQUITH PORTABLE RADIAL DRILLING MACHINE "6FT" An early Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with some Sectional Drawings and anelectrical diagram. Includes two descriptive and well-illustrated catalogues(with annotated control pictures) - one early, the other late.

MA685Q ASQUITH 28-inch Vertical Miller (28-inch table travel) Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual.

MA685R ASQUITH 28-inch Vertical Rotary Table Milling Machine (Reference P.22014) Operator's Instructions plus an original and very large Electrical Schematic.

MA690 ASTOBA (Swiss) UW1 Universal Machine Tool (Also badged as the Meyer andBurger shown here: Meyer and Burger Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual together with a copy of the maker's Technical Specificationand Accessories Catalogues. English or German text.

MA690A ASTOBA (Swiss) Universal Machine Tool (a copy or re-badged German HommelUWG). Comprehensive Instruction Manual for the machine as seen here

MA700 ASTRA UNIVERSAL GRINDING MACHINE Type AFC 4. Operator's InstructionManual and Maintenance Guide.

MA700A ASTRA TOOL and CUTTER GRINDER Model AR5-E (Elite). Operator'sInstruction Manual and Maintenance Manual. Includes a copy of the detailedTechnical Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue.

MA738 ATLAS 6-inch Lathe Mk.1 Model 618 and Model 612 Clickhere for pictures A complete DataPack consisting of: Operator's Instruction Manual with extra pages on chuckoperation and care, a Spare Parts Manual as exploded Component Drawings and theessential screwcutting data and charts for inch and metric pitches (strangelymissing from the original Manual). A copy of the first-ever sales pages, alater (rare) dedicated 6-inch catalog with every accessory illustrated and acopy of the sales sheet for the "Craftsman" cloned version. Whilstthe ordinary manual has just 8 pages this is a complete data pack consisting of61 pages.

MA739 ATLAS 6-inch Lathe Mk. 2 "square style" Model 3950. Click here for pictures (& Craftsmanclone). Operator's Manual with Spare Parts Manual as exploded Components &screwcutting charts for English and Metric threads. Includes a copy of theSales & Accessories Catalogue. Whilst the ordinary manual has just 12 pagesthis is a collection of 44 pages.

MA731ATLAS 9-inch Lathe with early "multi-belt" countershaft assembly andno backgear Click here for pictures Rare, very earlyInstruction Manual and simple, Illustrated Parts Manual. Includes a copy of arare, early Catalogue. This lathe may be marked with the following modelnumbers: 918, 936, 942, 948, 954, 1042, 1042A, 1042B, 1042C. It was also soldas the "Craftsman" and "Metalcraft" models.

MA 732 ATLAS 10-inch LATHE: Click here for pictures whilst the latheremained basically the same for many years, with identical major components,various specifications were available with Model Numbers that included, overthe years: 10-F, 10-D, TA36, TA42, TA48, TA54, TH36, TH42, TH48, TH54, TV36,TV42, TV48, TV54, H36, H42, H48, H54, V36, V42, V48, V54, QC42, QC54, etc. Acomplete data pack of information that covers all models, from the first tolast, is available. It includes: 1) A comprehensive Owner's Manual with over240 pages that contains detailed operating instructions for the lathe and itsaccessories together with Maintenance and lubrication instructions - it'sprobably the best instruction book ever produced by a lathe manufacturer. 2)Extensive thread-cutting instructions and dedicated charts from the larger61-page "supplementary" Screwcutting Instruction Booklet. 3) Extrainstructional sheets issued by Atlas but never included in the main manual:taper turning attachment; fitting new leadscrew nuts, steady rests, adjustablebed stop, machine vice and dismantling procedures for headstock and backgear. .4) A complete, illustrated parts list with exploded-parts diagrams. 5) A set ofreproductions of the original advertising catalogs (some very rare) that give acomplete technical specification for the lathe, shows model changes over theyears. All the accessories are shown - enabling easy identification of anyitems that might be found on the second-hand market. A large and heavypublication.
34GBP on CD including air-mail post 58GBP Printed as a very high-qualityreproduction on 120g paper and bound including air-mail post (it's a heavybundle ....)

MA732B ATLAS 10-inch Screwcutting Gearbox Instructions. Comprehensive 72-pageSpecial Edition listing all the setting for Standard, metric and odd threadsand feeds. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification andSpecification Catalog for the Gearbox-equipped Atlas.

MA734 ATLAS 12-inch LATHE Late Model Clickhere for pictures These had various Model Numbers starting with"39" and including: 3950, 3965, 3975, 3980, 3981, 3982, 3983, 3985,3986, 3996, 3720, 3990, 3991, 3995, 3975:
A complete data pack of information. It includes: 1) A comprehensive Owner'sManual with over 240 pages that contains detailed operating instructions forthe lathe and its accessories together with Maintenance and lubricationinstructions - it's probably the best instruction book ever produced by a lathemanufacturer. 2) Extensive thread-cutting instructions and dedicated chartsfrom the larger 61-page "supplementary" Screwcutting InstructionBooklet. 3) Extra instructional sheets issued by Atlas but never included inthe main manual: taper turning attachment; fitting new leadscrew nuts, steadyrests, adjustable bed stop, machine vice and dismantling procedures forheadstock and backgear. . 4) A complete, illustrated parts list withexploded-parts diagrams. 5) A set of reproductions of the original advertisingcatalogs (some very rare) that give a complete technical specification for thelathe, shows model changes over the years. All the accessories are shown -enabling easy identification of any items that might be found on thesecond-hand market. A large and heavy publication.

MA736 ATLAS 10-inch F and D type Lathe. Separate Parts Manual as explodedcomponent diagrams and a basic threading chart.

MA736A ATLAS "PICKOMATIC" Screwcutting. 79-page Manual for the10-inch F and D type Lathe. Complete Installation and Operator's InstructionManual with extensive charts giving threads and feed rates for every possiblecombination of gears and including threads not listed on the lathe. Explodedcomponents diagrams. Plus a copy of the Pick-O-Matic lathes Sales andSpecification and Specification and Accessories catalogue

MA740 ATLAS 10-inch and 12-inch wood-turning lathes - late models 10-inch and 12-inch. Operator's Instructions and Parts and a copy of the maker's detailed andwell-illustrated Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue.

MA742 ATLAS SHAPER Instruction Manual and Parts Manual Click here for pictures This is thecomprehensive (and rare) edition produced for the UK market, not the simplespares list issued in the USA. Includes the first-edition, beautifullyillustrated Sales and Specification and Specification and Accessories Catalogue(No. 30 and ) additional pages from later Catalogues.

MA743 ATLAS MILLING MACHINE - all Models Click here for pictures Instruction Manualand Illustrated Parts Manual. Includes 3 different very detailed andinteresting Sales and Specification and Specification and AccessoriesCatalogues showing all models with accurate descriptions of their construction,parts, controls and the extensive accessory range. This represents the totalityof written and illustrated information about these machines.

MA744 ATLAS Lathes Accessories.
1) A set of separate sheets published separately covering the: Taper-turning Attachment (No. 6822) Mounting and Operating Manualand Parts Illustrations.
2) Follower Rest (Travelling Steady)Mounting and Operating Manual and Parts Illustrations.
3)Steady Rest (Fixed Steady) Follower Rest (No. 6820) Mounting and Operating Manual and Parts Illustrations.
4)Carriage Micrometer Stop (No. 6810) Mounting and Operating Manual.
5) Split Nut (Clasp nut to leadscrew) Mounting Instructions. 10 and12-inch models
6) TOOLPOST GRINDER ATTACHMENT. Owner's Manual with Parts as ExplodedComponent Drawing. 10 and 12-inch models.
7) Milling Slide for the 6-inch lathe. Operation Instructions withParts as Exploded Component Drawings
8) Drill Grinding Attachment (No. 2915) Comprehensive Manual and PartsIllustrations.
9) Spindle & Backgear Removal
10) Machine Vise
11) Levelling the Bed.

MA754 ATLAS Drill Presses. Operator's Instruction Manuals and Parts Lists for the Drills Type 42, Type 52, Type 63, Type 73, the "15-inch" and booklet by Atlas "How to Use a Drill Press". 24 pages.

MA755 ATLAS and Craftsman Drill Presses: a beautifully printed compendium of Atlas and Craftsman drill presses extracted from 30 years of catalogs spanning 1931 to the 1950s. Through the 1950s the range of Craftsman drill presses remained basically unchanged until withdrawn late in that decade. Includes the rare Instructions "How to Use a Drill Press". Instructions and Parts Sheets for the Drills Type 42, Type 52, Type 63, Type 73 and the "15-inch". All relevant pages from the catalogs are included with details of Accessories and Attachments including the Drill Sharpening Attachment, the "Slow-speed" attachment, "Planer", "Mortising", "Shaper" (spindle moulder), drum sanding, Drill-sharpening attachment, Vices, Chucks, Lamps, Tapping attachment, Guards, Drill Bits, Routers, etc. 116 pages.

Atlas Wood Lathes 10-inch and 12-inch. Instruction sheets and Parts Illustrations. 6 sheets.

MA758 ATLAS COPCO. A package of data:
High Pressure Spraying units EccO-Hydric 3, 4, 6, 4E and 6E OperatingInstructions.
A3 and A328 Spraying Units. Parts as sectional and Exploded component drawings.
Spray Guns and Nozzles - Maintenance Instructions.
Spray Gun JGB-501 Operating instructions.
Spray gun ECC-200. parts as exploded component drawings.
Grinder Slipmaskin LSS-52. Parts as Sectional and Exploded Component Drawings
Impact Wrench LMS11 Parts as sectional drawings.

MA820 (Atlas Copco) AUTOMAN AE5, AE6, AE8, AE9 and AE11 Compressors.Instruction Manual.

MA758A Atlas Copco Rotary Compressors Type GA. Operator's Instruction Manualwith Electrical Schematics.

MA758B Atlas Copco BT4 Compressor Spare Parts manual as useful ExplodedComponent Drawings.

MA758C Atlas Copco Compressors GA111, GA115, GA118 and GA122 Instruction Book.

MA758CP Atlas Copco Compressors GA111, GA115, GA118 and GA122 Parts Manual as useful exploded Component Drawings.

MA800 AUTOFOLD 4 Controller Operator's Manual with Technical Reference Manual(Jubilee Electronics).

AUTO-SPRINT Lathes: See under "EMI"

AUTOMA Hacksaws = see under the manufacturer SEGATRICE

MA865 AUTOOL TCT/21 Automatic Saw Sharpening Machine and Accessories (Tool andCutter Grinder). Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts asComponent Drawings. Includes a circuit diagram.

MA865A AUTOOL Model 230H Automatic Saw Sharpening Machine . Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Component Drawings.*

MA865B AUTOOL Model 300 Automatic Saw Sharpening Machine. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Component Drawings.*

MA870 Avemax 5KV Turret Milling Machine. Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manual.Covers all head types, belt-drive and vari-speed.

AVERY - manuals other than the ones below may be available: phone 01298-871633to enquire

MA875 AVERY 7206, 7207, 7208, 7209 Electrodynamic Balancing Machines.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MA875A AVERY 7211 FVB Dynamic Balancing Machine. User's Manual. (This is abasic manual and for a full understanding of how these machines work it isrecommended that the manual for the 7206 to 7209 models is purchased as well)

MA875B AVERY 72/3002 Dynamic Balancing Machine. User's Manual.

MA875C Avery 6402 Hardness Testing Machine. Operation & Maintenance Manualwith Hardness Conversion Tables.

MA875D Avery 7110 Universal Testing Machines 20 to 25 tons. Operation Instructions.

MA875C AVIA-Denison 6407 Hardness Tester. Operation Manual.

MD375 DENISON (Avery-Denison) Universal Testing Machines Models: T42B3, T42B4,T42C1 and T42C2. Detailed Instruction Manual with electrical schematics.Includes operating and Maintenance instructions for the variable deliveryhydraulic pump, Supplementary Instructions for the hydraulic system andinstructions for the lever-operated wedges.

AVIA WARSZAWA – milling machines. Manuals may be obtainable. Please e-mailyour requirements

MA882 AVM AV-125 Spartan Kadet Lathe. Two Operation Manuals withsectional drawings through the main components, an electrical schematic andscrewcutting data. The two manuals are the original for the AVM AV-125 and the morecomplete addition for the Spartan Kadet. Not the best of reproductions, butreadable.

MA882A AVM MAS130 Lathe. Operation Manual with sectional drawings through themain components and an electrical schematic.

MA885 AVO Model 7 Universal AvoMeter. Operating Instructions.

MA885A AVO Model 8 Universal AvoMeter. Operating Instructions.

MA885B AVO Model 8 Mk.5 Universal AvoMeter. Operating Instructions.

MA885C AVO Model 8 Mk.6 Universal AvoMeter. Operating Instructions.

MA885D AVO TEST SET No.1 Mk. 3 Universal AvoMeter. Operating Instructions.

AVO DOUGLAS Coil Winders - see under Douglas below

MA890 AXMINSTER APTC M950 Woodturning lathe. Manual and Parts Manual asExploded-component Drawings.

MA895 AYCE (Arriolia Y Compania S.L. Spain) AC60-A2 YA4 Boring machine."Technical Service Information" and Parts as Sectional Drawings.Includes a copy of the maker's Technical Specification and Sales catalogue.

MA908 AYLESBURY Rivett Setting Machines 120AP. Illustrated Parts Manual.

AZPIAZU Lathes (Italy) see under the Brand name "Victoria"

MA910 AZUMA Multi Bar (Bar Feeder) Operation Instructions with Trouble-shootingGuide.

MA910A AZUMA AUTO-BAR (Bar Feeder) Detailed Operation Instructions with Partsas Exploded-component Drawings. Includes and Electrical Schematic.


MB10 BAKA E and ET Stacker Truck. Operating Instructions.

BALDING Millers and "Balding Mil" and "Prince Hunter" seethe BEAVER Section below

MB50 BALLENGER Saws. 3 Blueprints - two mechanical, one a hydraulic schematic.

MB60 BAMBI "Silent" Air Compressors Super, Supreme and Trojan.Operating Instructions and Parts Diagrams.

MB70 BAMKIN Automatic Stud Threading Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual andParts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MB120 BARBER-COLMAN 6-10, 6-16, 6-20, 16-16, 16-36 and 16-56 Gear HobbingMachines: Comprehensive and Detailed Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual that is both machine-specific and also covers the general principles ofgenerating gears with hobs. 141 pages.

MB120A BARBER-COLMAN 6-10 Gear Hobbing Machine: Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings.

MB120B BARBER-COLMAN Multicycle Automatic Control for the 6-10 and 16-16 GearHobbing Machines: Operator's Instruction Manual.

MB120C BARBER-COLEMAN 14-15 Gear Hobbing Machine. Operator's Instructions.

MB120D BARBER-COLMAN 18-04 Gear Shaper. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MB120E BARBER-COLMAN Number 1 1/2 (one-and-one-half) Operation and Repair PartsManual as detailed sectional drawings.

MB120E2 BARBER-COLMAN Number 2 1/2 2 (two-and-one-half and two) Gear HobbingMachines. Repair Parts Manual as sectional drawings.

MB120F BARBER-COLMAN Number 2 1/2- 4 (two-and -one-half and four) Gear HobbingMachines. Repair Parts Manual as sectional drawings.

MB120G BARBER-COLMAN Number 3 Standard and Precision Gear Hobbing MachinesRepair Parts Manual.

MB120H BARBER-COLMAN Number 3 Standard and Precision Hobbing Machines"Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MB120J BARBER-COLMAN Combination Sharpener for Reamers, Hobs and Cutter.Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.Includes Electrical Schematic.

MB120K BARBER-COLMAN Type "A" Gear Hobbing Machine: Operating Manual.

MB120L BARBER-COLMAN Type "D" Gear Hobbing Machine: Operating Manual.

MB120M BARBER-COLMAN Type "T" Gear Hobbing Machine: Operating Manual.

MB120N BARBER-COLMAN HRS Combination Sharpener. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MB120P BARBER-COLMAN "Hob Hand books" - Parts 1 and 2. Complete andDetailed coverage of how to use and maintain hobs.

MB125 BARDONS and OLIVER No. 3, 5 and 7 Universal Turret Lathe: Manual,Operator's Instruction and Maintenance.

MB125A BARDONS and OLIVER Saddle Type Universal Turret Lathes. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual.

MB125B BARDONS and OLIVER No. 5 Universal Turret lathe. Parts manual asExploded Component Photographic plates.



MB132 BARNES HONING MACHINES. Booklet - Fundamental Principles Used in theHoning Process.

MB132A BARNES 307-C Honing Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MB132B BARNES 307 Honing Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MB132C BARNES 244, 307 and 4014 Hydraulic Honing Machines. Lubrication Manual.

MB132D BARNES Hydraulic Press Brake / Bending Press Model D.S. Operating Instructions with a hydraulic circuit diagarm and a copy of the makers Salesand Technical Specification catalogue.

BARRETT LATHES - See below under "SAIMP" the makers


MB134 BATY 600 Reflex Projector. Operating Instructions.

MB134A BATY-SHADOWMASTER SM20 Optical Projector. Operating Instructions.

MB136 BAUER Geared Motor Units with sump lubrication. Operating and MaintenanceInstructions.

MB136A BAUER Spring Disc Spring-setting Brakes. Operating and MaintenanceInstructions.

MB138 BAUSCH and LOMB ACU.RITE Mini-Scale Assembly. Installation andInstruction Manual.

MB15JIGBCA Miniature Jig Borer/JigDriller. Small Operation and Maintenance Manual together with complete datapack consisting of three UK Sales and Technical Specification Catalogues forthe Mk.2 and Mk.3, a LEINEN Model BFL Catalogue (the original machine) andsales sheets for the other earlier UK-made version, the EXCELModel. 34 pages.

MB140 BEAVER Model A (round ram) Vertical Miller. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Booklet. Includes a copy of the Maker's Sales and Specification andSpecification Catalogue.

MB140A BEAVER Milling Machines including the V, VB, Mk. 2 VBRP and Pal Millersand "Balding", "Baldingmil" (and "Prince Hunter"for some export versions): a complete 188-page Data Pack of informationincluding: Instruction and Service Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded Diagramsand Sectional Drawings with wiring diagrams. Additional sheets cover the Mk. 4table-feed gearbox, the Electronic variable-speed table drive (with wiringdiagrams) Variable-speed drive head, the head from the "Pal" Modeland the Operation Manual for the Slotting Attachment. Essential differencesbetween the later and Mk. 1 version are included together with a copy of theearlier (slimmer) Manual and two of the maker's Technical Sales andSpecification and Specification Catalogues.

MB140B BEAVER (Balding and BaldingMil) MK.5 Miller: Operator's and MaintenanceManual with Parts as Sectional Drawings. Includes Electrical Diagrams for3-phase and 1-phase, an Electrical Enclosure Diagram Connection Chart, D.C.Control Circuits Chart, "Z" Axis Electronic Gearbox connectiondiagram, and pneumatic and Hydraulic systems and automatic oiling systemsdiagrams.

MB140C BEAVER NC5. A data pack consisting of two manuals one "Operator'sManual" and a second "Operator's and Maintenance Manual" - thelatter with an Exploded-component Parts Manuals, Electrical Schematics and acopy of the maker's detailed Sales & Specification Catalogue.

MB140CE BEAVER NC5-FANUC and NC5-ATC-FANUC Electrical Manual with sets ofwiring diagrams, connection charts and wiring lists with colour descriptions.

MB140D BEAVER NC5-ATC and NC5-S MILLERS: Instruction Manual for the"Sinumerik" 5 Control System.

MB140DP BEAVER NC5-ATC Operation and Maintenance Manual with a Parts Manual assectional drawings. Includes circuit diagrams for the Spindle Speed ControlBoard Display, Beaver Standard Relay Connections, Index Position ComparatorCircuit and Tool Change Relay Control Board.

MB140E BEAVER NC5 "CRUSADER": Programming Manual:

MB140ES BEAVER NC5-S "CRUSADER": Operation and Maintenance Manualwith Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and Electrical Elecrtical Schematics.

MB140F BEAVER VC35 Miller. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withextensive Electrical Diagrams and Parts as Sectional Drawings. MB140FBEAVER VC35 Miller. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withextensive Electrical Diagrams and Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MB140FP BEAVER VC45 Flow Charts. OMB MB4521007 Miller (VC45-2MAGS) PMC & NC Name = PMC-MSystem OMB and VC45 1 MAG 0MB MB45110006

MB140G BEAVER TC10s Operator's Instruction Manual for machines with Sinumerik810 Controls & Siemens Main Spindle Drive and Feed Drive.pan>Includes anumber of Mechanical Sectional Drawings

MB140H BEAVER HC20 Machining Centre Machine. Comprehensive Manual for modelswith Fanuc 11 controls. Includes General and Technical Data, Operation,Maintenance and a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MB140-400 Beaver Toolmaker 400 Vertical Machining Centre (Model TM400)Operation, Maintenance and parts Manual for models with the Heidenhain TNC360control. Includes 28 pages of Electrical Schematics.

MB140J Beaver TC20 Lathe Turning Centre. Operation, Maintenance and PartsManual with Siemens 810T and 820T Control

MB140K Beaver Supplementary Programming and Operating Manual for machines withFanuc 11MF Control with Conversational Programming.

MB140L Beaver Supplementary Programming and Operating Manual for FANUC OM on Knee Type Millers Types V5-F and VC5-F.

MC180 BEAVERMILL Tool and Cutter Grinder (badged "VirginiaBeavermill") This is a Mk. 2 CLARKSON - see under Clarkson below

MB143 BECHET Automatic Lathe Type M1047. Operator's Instruction Manual andParts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MB145 BECHLER Swiss Automatic Lathes: A comprehensive 285-page User'sInstruction Manual designed to teach the operator every detail of theconstruction and operation of these remarkable machines. Includes a veryinteresting Bechler Company history, background notes and data on materials,processes, cam design, types of belt to use and numerous hints and tips forefficient and accurate production. The general operating instructions andCam-design data can be applied to any type of Swiss Automatic.

MB145A BECHLER Automatic Lathes: Non-machine Specific Comprehensive OperatingTables including feed rates, cutting angles, threading charts, cam templates,spindle speeds, etc.

MB145B BECHLER Type A Automatic Lathes. Detailed Operator's Instruction andSettings Manual with many useful sectional drawings.

MB145BP BECHLER Types A and AE Automatic Lathes. Drawings, General Plans ofInstallation, Tables of Speeds and Instructions for Setting Up Includes manysectional drawings and instructions for dismantling and adjustments. Anoriginal works copy, not a reproduction.

MB145C BECHLER Type AR and AR-c Automatic Lathes (AR-10, etc). DetailedOperator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MB145E BECHLER Type AS Automatic Lathes. Detailed Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MB145F BECHLER 'Type AS and AR Automatic Lathes. Headstock Spindle BrakeInstruction Manual.

MB145G BECHLER Type B Automatic Lathes. Detailed Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MB145H BECHLER Type BR Automatic Lathes. Detailed Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual. English and French language editions available.

MB145J BECHLER Type C and CR Automatics (C-26, C-32 and C-35) Lathes: OperatingInstructions, Speed tables and Installation Plans.

MB145K BECHLER Type A and Type B Automatic Lathes. Instructions for CalculatingCams and Production Times.

MB145L BECHLER AR and AS Lathe Thread-chasing Attachment. Detailed Instructionsfor Setting.

MB145M BECHLER Automatic Loader "Multibar" for AS, AR and BR Lathes.Detailed Instruction Manual with Electrical schematics.

MB145N BECHLER AS and AR LATHES. 3-spindle Counter-combined UniversalThreading, centring and Drilling Attachment Type 52-039. Detailed InstructionManual for both the single and twin-belt types.

MB145P BECHLER AR LATHES. 6-Spindle Turret Attachment. Operating Instructions.

MB145Q BECHLER BR Lathes. 3-Spindle Universal Combined Threading, centring andDrilling Attachment. Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual with SectionalDrawings and Annotated Photographs.

MB145R BECHLER BR Lathes. ACCELERATOR UNIT. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual

MB145S BECHLER A and B Lathes. 3-spindle Universal Combined Threading, centringand Drilling Attachment. Detailed Operating Instruction Manual for both thesingle and twin-belt types.

MB145T BECHLER AS and AR Lathes Milling and Slotting Attachment Type 52-040.Operating Instructions.

MB145U BECHLER A, AE, B and BE Lathes. Slotting Attachment. Detailed Manual forSetting up with Sectional Drawings, Annotated Photographs and Cam DesignInstructions and Diagrams.

MB145V BECHLER BR Lathes. Cross drilling (milling) Attachment. Detailed Manualfor Setting up with Annotated Photographs and Sectional Drawings.

MT180 Bechler NC-164 complete Operator's Instruction and Programming Manual.Massive Publication in English. It can be ordered securely on-line herewith payment by credit or debit card or PayPal:

MB145W BECHLER Type ENC-164 Lathe. Maintenance and Tooling Manual with OptionalEquipment and Parts as Detailed Sectional Drawings.

MB145X BECHLER Types ENC-162 and ENC-164 Lathes. "Schedule of Conditionsfor Tube or Bar Loading Device". Detailed Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MB145Y BECHLER Cam Slotting Machine Type CF. Operating Instructions. Includes acopy of the maker's Technical Sales Specification Catalogue.

MB145X BECHLER Threading Attachment 185.2.E for single and twin-belt drive,Detailed Operating Instructions that cover all Bechler models but with extradata included for Lathes Types AE and BE.

MB145Z BECHLER Automatic Lathes. Universal Combined 3-spindle centring,Drilling and Threading Attachment: Detailed Manual for Setting up withSectional Drawings.

MB146 BECHLER Automatic Lathes. Operating Tables giving a complete pictures ofcam dimensions spindle speeds. recommended feed rates, cutting angles forturning and parting off, overlapping ratios for threading, unproductive degreesfor cross tools, rollers and bell and cam and lever, metric pitches, Whitworthpitches, etc. etc.

MB148 BEDA Technology Magnetic Cyclone Filtration System. Operation & Maintenancemanual with several sectional drawings.

MB152 BEHRINGER Mechanical Saw Models HBP-320-A and HBP-400A (A= automatic).Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with a hydraulic schematic.

MB152A BEHRINGER Bandsaw Model HBP800A Spare Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings. Includes two hydraulic Schematics.

MB152B BEHRINGER Mechanical Saw HBP-650-A and HBP-800-A. Operating andMaintenance Manual with numerous Electrical and Hydraulic Schematics.

MB153 BEKA-MAK (might be branded "Excel) Horizontal Bandsawing Machines Models BSMO 280, BSMO 300 and BMSO 320L. Instruction and Parts Manual with Electrical Schematics. (FC6-D1)MB154 BELLISS and MORCOM VH50, VL, WH, WL and W(H3) Compressors. InstructionManual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MB156 BENCHMASTER (USA) 2-page Parts List together with a Full-range Sales andTechnical Specification Catalogue + Sales and Technical Specification Sheets.15 pages.

MB157 Bennett GW1 and GW2 Twin-Head Precision Grinders. Operating Instructions,Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as exploded Component Drawings. Includescopies of the makers Sales & Technical Specifcation Catalogues.

MB158 BENTLEY M Series Power Presses. Operator's Instruction and ServicingManual with 6 large drawings showing: sectional general-arrangement throughcrankshaft; general arrangement and tooling area layout; layout of lubricationsystem; wiring diagram; layout of pneumatic slide balance & brakemechanism; arrangement of single-stroke mechanism.

MB158A BENTLEY (HME-BENTLEY-CINCINNATI) GP & GH Series Open Front PowerPresses. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual asSectional Drawings including electrical & Hydraulic schematics.

MB158B Bentley Power Presses G11 30-ton, G12-50-ton, G8-80 ton and EPIC Type:Operating and Servicing Instructions and Spare Parts as Exploded ComponentDrawings together with a Separate publication "Installation and Servicingof Bentley Epic Presses" and, for the M-Type, a cross sectional drawingthrough the crank, drawing of the arrangement of the single-stroke mechanismtogether with Hydraulic, Electrical, Tooling, General and Lubrication layouts.

MB160 BERESFORD Type B20/49 Single-stage self-priming Pumps. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Photographic Plates andSectional Drawings.

MB162 BERGMANN ROTO Compactor Type PS 8100. Operation, Maintenance and a Parts Manual as clear Exploded-compoent Drawings.

MB164BERMI 500 Grinding Machine (Mergamini G. Franco - Italy). Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts manual as Sectional Drawings.

Berry Lathes - see under "BINNS and BERRY" below

MB166 BERRY PF 3-Roll Plate bending Machine. Operating and Maintenance Instructions.

MB168 BERTHIEZ (CNMP) VERTICAL BORING and TURNING MILL Model 9320/2. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual.

MB168A Berthiez (CNMP) Vertical Turning and Boring Mill Model 9340. Operation andMaintenance Manual. Includes sections on: Setting up, Description and Workingof the Machine, Operation, Maintenance and Special Devices Includes a sectionof useful annotated and sectional drawings.

MB168C BERTHIEZ (CNMP) : 62 individual 6" x 10" publicity photographs ofBerthiez VERTICAL BORING and TURNING MILLS in operation. Shows giantHydro-electric units, propellers, Turbine casings and other large jobs beingmachined.

MB168D BERTHIEZ (CNMP) VERTICAL BORING and TURNING MILL Model 9310. Detailed Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual.

MB168E BERTHIEZ (CNMP) Combined Milling and Boring Machine TR 135-90. Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual.

BESCO - see also under Edwards-Besco

MB170 BESCO Lightning Bending Roller and Pipe Forming Machine. Single-pageOperator's instructions.

MB 170A BESCO Universal Edging, Bending and Folding Machines. Simple 2-sideInstruction and Adjustments

MB170B Besco Treadle Guillotines Sizes 6.26 to 42 inches wide. Single-sheetOperating Instructions with blade-setting and blade regrinding advice.

MB171 BEWO Circular sawing machine CPO 315 and CPO 315/CT/PK. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MB172 BEYELER Hydraulic Pressbrake Models P50T and 75T 2-cylinder and4-cylinder - all sizes. Operating and Service Instructions with a number ofuseful sectional drawings. English, French and German text.

BFW Radial-arm drill Type BR40 (as made by WMW and also badged"Union", AMK and Heckert). Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with useful sectional drawings, annotated photographs of variousassemblies and a Wiring Diagram.

MB176 BICKFORD-CINCINNATI Radial-Arm Drill. 9-inch diameter Column model.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as PhotographicPlates.

MB176A BICKFORD-CINCINNATI Radial-Arm Drills with 11, 13, 15, 17 or 19-inchdiameter columns. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts asPhotographic Plates.

MB177 BILGRAM 6-inch Bevel Gear Generator. Operator's Instructions.

MB178 BILZ Tapping Chucks (BSA-BLIZ) General Instructions with SectionalDrawings and Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue.

MB179 BIMAX TA60SR Automatic Sawing Machine. Operation & Service Manualwith a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and an Electrical Schematic.

MB180 BINNS and BERRY lathes. 6.5, 7.5, 8.5 7 9.5-inch lathes - older type withtwin vertical slots on the face of the apron. Operator's hand book with Sparesas Sectional and Exploded Component Drawings and a copy of the 4-page Salescatalogue.

MB180B BINNS and BERRY T.B. Series lathes: TB.707, TB.808 and TB909 Lathes.Instruction Manuals and Parts Manuals as Sectional and Exploded ComponentDrawings. 2 Editions are included to cover production changes over the years.Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification and SpecificationCatalogue.

MB180C BINNS and BERRY "TRIDENT" L850 and L1000 lathes. Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Spares Parts shown as detailed Sectional Drawingsof the whole machine. Electrical Diagrams, Hydraulic diagram, a largefoundation plan for all sizes. Also has reproductions of the often damaged ormissing screwcutting charts, a copy of the Tolerance Chart and the maker'sTechnical Specification and Accessories Catalogue.

MB186 dent 27/17 Screw Injection Moulding Machine Operating, Service, FaultFinding and a Parts Manual with Electrical and Air-hydraulic schematics

MB190 BIRFEED (GKN) Automatic Bar Feed Magazine. Operator's Instruction Manualwith 4 large electrical, air and mechanical schematics.

MB195 Birkett Cutmaster CM10 Band saw. Operator's Instruction Manual with Partsas Exploded Component Drawings.


MB210 BLANCHARD NO. 1 Surface Grinder. Operator's Instruction Manual and PartsManual as Sectional Drawings.

MB210A BLANCHARD NO. 11 Vertical Surface Grinders (covers Models 12 to 17 aswell). Comprehensive Operator's Instruction Manual and detailedSectional-drawings Parts Manual and dismantling instructions.

MB210B BLANCHARD NO. 16 Vertical Surface Grinder. Operator's InstructionManual.

MB210C BLANCHARD NO. 16-A and 162A18 Vertical Surface Grinders. Comprehensive95+ page Operator's Instruction Manual and detailed Sectional-diagrams' PartsManual.

MB210D BLANCHARD NO. 18 Vertical Surface Grinder. Comprehensive 120+ pageOperator's Instruction Manual and detailed Sectional-diagrams' Parts Manual.

MB210E BLANCHARD NO. 32-48, 36-60, 42-82 Vertical Surface Grinders. Comprehensive85+ page Operator's Instruction Manual and Parts as Sectional Drawings withDismantling and Assembly Instructions.

MB220 BLISS POWER PRESSES - Inclinable and Bench. Service and MaintenanceSheets, Parts Sheets together with details of older and newer type"Improved Rolling Key Clutch". Individual shown as Photographs.Slender but useful volume.

MB220A BLISS S1 POWER PRESS detailed Installation, Operating and ServicingManual.

MB220B BLISS S1 POWER PRESS Electrical Schematic and a set of 10 large AssemblyDrawings.

MB230 BLOHM - a Book "Precision Surface Grinding". The mostcomprehensive book known on the subject - covers every aspect in great detail.

MB230A Blohm Surface Grinders "Simplex" Models 5, 7, 9, 11 & 75.Operating and Maintenance Manual with Wiring Diagrams.

MB230B BLOHM Surface Grinder Type HFS 512 Operating Manual with 6 LargeElectrical Schematics

MB230C BLOHM Surface Grinder Types HFS6, HFS9, HFS12, HFS510 SpareParts Manual as Photographs arranged as Exploded Component Pictures.

MB230D BLOHM Prazisions-Flachschleifmaschinen (Surface Grinders) HFS6, HFS9, HFS12, HFS510. Operation Manual. German Text.

MB230E Surface Grinder Type RB101 Spindle head sectional drawing. 1 page.

MB230F BLOHM Bedienungsanweisung Zur Prazisions-Flach-Schleifmachine HFS6 achtelektrische Zeichnungen German Text

MB240 BLOMQVIST BS, BN, SL Lathes "9-inch" South Bend Clone. The bestManual for this lathe is the one produced in England for the South Bend cloneby Boxford. Unlike the South Bend book "How to Run a Lathe" this137-page edition concentrates in detail on the 9-inch lathe, not the wholerange, and thus contains much more information about how to operate it as wellas many screwcutting charts, lists of changewheels set-ups as machines left thefactory, metric conversions and other valuable data. A few mechanical detailsare different but the operating procedures are identical.

For BOC units see also MUREX

MB249 BOC "Hand book of Instructions" for handling gas-weldingequipment. Includes: Welding - method of operation; Welding various material;hints on cutting; care in hand ling cylinders, etc. An excellent primer.

MB250 BOC ADR-200 and ADR-300 Argon Arc Welding Units. Detailed Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Wiring Schematics.

MB250A BOC CUB MAJOR Cutting Machine. Detailed Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Electrical Diagrams and Illustrated Parts List.

MB250B BOC MRCS 200B Welding Unit (Rectifier) with Lynx 2B Wire-feed and LT-3Torch. Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual.

MB250C BOC Micro-Plasma Welding Equipment. Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Electrical Schematic.

MB250D BOC Plasma Welding Console and WP-3 Plasma Welding Torch. Operator'sInstruction Manual and Parts Manual.

MB250E BOC Portapak Welding Unit. Instruction Manual.

MB250F BOC "QUASI-ARC" BOC "Quasi-Arc" Types ACP.300,ACP.300C, ACP.450 and ACP.2/300. BOC "QUASI-ARC" Types ACP.300,ACP.300C, ACP.450 and ACP.2/300. Detailed and well-illustrated Instruction andMaintenance Manual with photographs of the external faces and control leversand switches and all the inside components. Includes circuit diagrams and aParts List

MB250G BOC SMR 200 MIG Welding Unit with Lynx 2B Wire-feed and LT-3 Torch:Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual.

MB250H BOC SMR 350 MIG Welding Unit. Operation, Maintenace, Parts andElectrical Schematics Manual. Includes the Instructions and Parts Lists for theLynx 2B Wire-feed and LT-3 Torches.
MB250J BOC TRANSTIG DC-180 Operating Manual.

MB250K BOC TRANSTIG THF 450, TCM450 and TSM 335 Welding Sets: Instructions andParts Manual with wiring diagrams. English, French, German and Italian Text.Includes a copy of the Technical Sales and Specification and Specificationcatalogue.

MB250L BOC TRANSMIG 180 Welding Set Operating Instructions with complete withParts List and Wiring Diagrams Supplements.

MB250M BOC 36-inch Universal Cutting Machine (Type UCM). Detailed Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Diagrams and Illustrated Parts List.

MB250N BOC 55-inch Universal Cutting Machine (Type UCM). Detailed Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Diagrams and Illustrated Parts List.

MB250P BOC MINIGRAPH (also branded as the Hanco*ck Minigraph). DetailedInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Illustrated Parts List. . (Alsoavailable separately the Service Manual for Westinghouse (now Linatrol) HL-90co-ordinate drive trace system (scanner) - see below

MB250U BOC MINIGRAPH Westinghouse (now Linatrol) Service Manual HL-90co-ordinate drive trace system (scanner). Includes an electrical schematic.

MB250QBOC 5TW-451 and TW-452 Water-cooled Torches for Tig Welding. Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings. Text in English, Francais,Deutch, Italiano, Espanol

MB250R BOC PUG 1 and Pug-2 Portable Cutting Machines (early and late types).Two Instruction and Maintenance Manuals (early and late) including a Parts Listand Electrical diagram.

MB250S BOC FALCON 23 (manufactured by Hanco*ck Cutting Machines Ltd and badged BOC) Co-ordinate Drive Flame Cutting Machine (a Profiling Machine). DetailedInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Wiring Diagrams.

MB250SH BOC FALCON S (manufactured by Hanco*ck Cutting Machines Ltd and badged BOC) C-Ordinate Drive Flame Cutting Machine (a Profiling Machine). DetailedInstruction and Maintenance Manual with a Parts Manual as Sectional Drwawings and five Electrical Schematics.

MB250T BOC Oxygen cutting Machines. General Guide to their use, Model Types andCapabilities.

MP206 Bodmer (PELS) ASG-3 Shear and Nibbler. Operator's Instruction Manual withSectional Drawings.

MP206A Bodmer (PELS) ASQ-5 Shear and Nibbler. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MP206B Bodmer (PELS) ASQ-8 Shear and Nibbler. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MP206C Bodmer (PELS) MKC-10 Universal Steel Worker. Operator's InstructionManual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MP206D Bodmer Taumel-Rivetting Machine BK1000 Operator's Instruction &Maintenance Manual with Electrical & Hydraulic Schematics (Includes someserving notes and correspondence abut machine operation).

MB250U Hanco-Mark & Hanco-Mark Type CW Cutting Machines - all types.Detailed Instruction & Maintenance Manual.

MB253 BOHLE FW85, FU85, FW100 and FU100 Knee-type Milling Machines. OperatingInstructions with indexing tables for dividing head.

BOHNER and KOHLE - see under BOKO below

BOEHRINGER (Gebr. Boehringerb Goppingen) - See under VDF

MB255/us BOICE-CRANE Model 2325 Band SAW. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MB260 BOKO (BOHNER and KOHLE) Universal Machine FO and Milling Unit FOOperating Manual and Maintenance Manual with Sectional Drawings.

MB260A BOKO (BOHNER and KOHLE) F3 Universal Boring and Milling Machine:Operating Manual and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics.

MB260B BOKO (BOHNER and KOHLE) Tooling Manual for the F0, F1 and F2 Models.Shows the complete range of accessories, vertical heads, rotary tables, angulartables, cutting and chucking tools, arbors, collets, boring bars, clampingtools and additional equipment, The section on vertical heads and rotary tablesshows fittings, flanges, dimensions, swivels, etc.

MB260C BOKO (BOHNER and KOHLE) FW2 Universal Boring and Milling Machine:Operating Manual and Maintenance Manual . Poor quality copy.

MB260D BOKO (BOHNER and KOHLE) F2 FU Universal High-speed Milling Machine.Operating Instructions with Instructions for the Milling Unit FU:

MB260E BOKO (BOHNER and KOHLE) WF1/6#110 Machine Parameters, Machine PLC andMachine PLC Listings.

MB270 Boley 4L (4-L) lathe (later type model on cabinet stand with underdrivecountershaft). Operation Manual with Electrical Schematics, useful sectionaldrawings and a copy of the Sales & Specification Catalogue. Also an earlycatalogue showing the early, open-headstock versions of the 3L and 4L and thevery similar lathes based on them the 3R, 4R, 3C, H, PA and PS. The lathemanual and catalogue is in German but the parts manual, and the earlycatalogues in English. This is the only known technical literature for theselathes but is useful for both early and late types as shown here and here:

MB270A BOLEY 4LV (4-LV) Leitspindeldrehbank Anleitung zur Bedienung mit elektrischem Schaltplan. Operator's manual with electrical schematic.

MB271 BOLEY 4-HK Semi-Automatic, Cam-controlled Facing Lathe. DetailedInstruction and Maintenance Manual with large fold-out electrical, cam andchart schematics.

MB271AM Boley Automatic Capstan Lathe Model 4 HRA. Detailed OperatingInstructions with a number of useful Sectional Drawings. Includes instructionsfor the ZF Electromagnetic Clutches with sectional drawings. Includes a copy ofthe maker's detailed Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue. English text.

MB271A BOLEY 4 HRA Camless Automatic Capstan lathe. 15 large electricalschematics and 22 pages of associated parts listings. Includes a very detailed24-page Technical Specification Catalogue with useful explanations about thelathe's control systems.

MB271B BOLEY 5LZ High-precision Screwcutting Lathe. Operating Instructionswith screwcutting charts, useful sectional drawings through the headstock and avery useful and detailed Technical Sales and Accessories Catalogue with controland operation explanations. English or German Editiona available.

BOLEY: Unfortunately there appear to have been no "Manuals" producedby the company for their range of older flat-belt drive Precision plain-turningand screwcutting lathes, nor for the watchmakers' lathes. However, a largeselection of interesting and well-produced technical advertising literature isavailable on the CataloguesPages

Boley F1 Super-precision Watchmakers' Lathe. Not a manual but a very detailedand informative Sales Catalogue that explains clearly how to use the lathe forthe specialised work of which it was capable. 4 pages.

MB295 BOM-L CLUTCHES. (by Crofts of Bradford). Not a Manual but a detailed 44page catalogue that shows the complete range of clutches in cross sectiontogether with tables of essential data.

MB320 BONEHAM and TURNER (B and T) Fine Boring Machines. Detailed Specificationand Operation Literature that shows, by illustrated examples, how to set up anduse these machines.

MB325 BONSER Fork Lift Truck 50 LPG and 70 LPG. Parts as Exploded ComponentDrawings.

MB330 BOSCH Mini-Class Recorder Manual. English and German Language Edition.

MB330B BOSCH CNC Alpha 2 Programming Manual.

MB330C BOSCH CNC Alpha 2 Operating Manual.

MB330D BOSCH CNC Alpha CRT Manual Operating Manual.

MB330E BOSCH Transistor Amplifier TR-15S Hand book and Wiring Diagrams.

MB330F BOSCH SERVODYN Servo Drive Motors SD-B. Manual No.1; ServomoduleSM..-T(A) and Supply Module VM..-T(A) (3 publications) Service and MaintenanceManuals

MB330G BOSCH CC-100M Connections Manual with Modules, Interface, Machineparameters, Integral Interface Controllers and Integration,

MB330H BOSCH CC-100M MTB Handbook - with Milling Cycles, Hole Patterns andApplications Examples of MTB Pushbuttons.

MB330H2 BOSCH CC-100M Controllers and Programming Manual

MB330J BOSCH CC-100M Interface Conditions Manual with Overview, Modules,Interface, Machine parameters, Integrated Interface Controller PIC200,Integration.

MB330W Bosch CC200 and CC300 Diagnostics. Operating & Usage Manual together with an Error Message Manual. Includes details of the Logic Analyser D200, Contour Display D600, Axis Oscilloscope D300, Axis Optimisation D700

MB330X Bosch Universal Hydraulic Aggregate. Operating and Maintenanceinstructions.

MB350 BOULTON Vibro Energy Finishing Machines Models F.M.1, F.M.3, F.M.75.F.M.10, F.M.40 and "Autoscrol" Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Sectional Drawings.

MB360 BOWES Radial-arm Drills - see under WMW below for East German Machinery

MB375 Boxford Lathe Manual as a comprehensive Data Pack. A complete,high-quality 218-page publication for all models of belt-drive Boxford lathefrom earliest to last. Contains the best of the larger and far-better earlymanuals with clearer pictures and drawings together with additional sectionsand charts not included in the original - including, for example, how togenerate pitches not shown on the screwcutting gearbox, which pitches the leverpositions produce when converting from Imperial to metric and ice versa, a fulllist of standard and extra changewheels (and how they were set up on leavingthe factory) and data on metric to inch and inch to metric screwcuttingconversions. Includes an additional 40-page illustrated spares section for allyears including Models: A, B, C, CUD, BUD, AUD, VSL, CSB, T, TUD, ME10 and anhistorical account of the lathe's development, model and specification changestogether with many technical hints and tips, advice on converting theelectrical systems and which models to seek out and which to avoid. Acomprehensive 74-page collection of the best Sales and Accessories Cataloguesis also included that shows the complete range of models produced together withall the many accessories.

MB375P Boxford/Denford 3-inch Precision lathe. No manual was ever issued but wecan supply: a reproduction of the large work's Sectional drawing that showsthe entire machine and countershaft - less the parts dimensions andcopies of the Bench Lathe & Bench Capstan Lathe 4-page Sales &Technical Specification Sheets circa 1945/6.

MB376 BOXFORD Lathes 250, 280, 280TR, ST10.20, 10.20, 11.20, 11.30, 330, 280TR(also badged as the Mecha Lux), etc. Instruction and Maintenance Manual and anExploded components Parts Manual with electrical schematics for single and three-phase supply. Includes copiesof several detailed advertising catalogues that give the full specification ofthe various models and show all the accessories.

MB378 BOXFORD VM30 Vertical Miller. Operating and Maintenance Manual withElectrical Schematic (slender but useful) and a copy of the maker's Sales andSpecification and Specification and Accessories Literature.

MB379 BOXFORD (often badged "Union) G200 Tool and Cutter Grinder.Instruction Manual.

MB379A BOXFORD (often badged "Union") G200 Tool and Cutter Grinder.Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MB380 BOXFORD SHAPERS. A data pack consisting of the Operator's Manual for theBoxford 8-inch and Models 200 & S200 together with a copy of the detailedand well-illustrated manual for the shaper on which the Boxford model wasbased, the "South Bend". Also included are all four Boxford Sales& Technical Specification Catalogues: Edition 1: 8-inch High-speed shaper(2 pages). Edition 2 : 8-inch High-speed shaper (2 pages). Edition 3: Model 200Shaper 2-pages. Edition 4: Model S200 - and two price lists.

MB377 BOXFORD 125 TCL SERIES Computer Lathe. Operator's Instruction Manualincluding complete Computer Tutorial. Includes a copy of the User's Guide forthe Archimedes Advanced Draughting System - and the software discs.
MB377A BOXFORD 160 TCL SERIES Computer Lathe. Operator's Instruction Manualincluding complete Computer Tutorial, Mechanical Maintenance and Fault-findingGuides, Parts as sectional Drawings and electrical Schematic.

MB377B BOXFORD 190-VMC Vertical Machining Centre (190-VMC Vertical Miller)Operator's Instruction Manual including complete Computer Tutorial, MechanicalMaintenance and Fault-finding Guides, Parts as sectional Drawings andelectrical Schematic.

MB377C BOXFORD 260 VMC Vertical Machining Centre. Operator's Instruction Manualfor BBC Computer Software.

MB377D BOXFORD 280 TURNMASTER CNC Lathe. Programming Manual FANUC OT.

MB377E BOXFORD with FANUC Series O-CT, 00-TC and 0-Mate TC Operator's Manualwith PARAMETER LISTINGS.

MB377F BOXFORD ACL (Advanced Computer lathe). Programming Manual.

MB395 BOYAR-SCHULTZ 618 Surface Grinder. Operator's Instruction and Maintenancemanual with many useful sectional drawings. Includes Electrical and HydraulicSchematics.

MB395A BOYAR-SCHULTZ Jig Borer (re-badged Linley) Illustrated Parts Manual plusParts Prices and reproductions of both early and late Sales and SpecificationCatalogues.

MB374 BOYE and EMMES A 14 page folder showing Sectional Drawings of both beltand geared-head lathes with instructions for use, adjustment and Maintenance ofspindles, clutches, aprons, etc.

For other interesting early Boye and Emmes literature click here

MB400 BRADFORD Metalmaster Geared-head Lathe. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts as very useful Cross-sectional Drawings. Includesa copy of the (often worn) screwcutting and spindle speed data and the maker'sdetailed and interesting Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MB402/MJ158D BRAUNSTONE (Jones and Shipman-Braunstone) "PerfectPoint" Twist Drill Grinding Machine. "Instructions ForOperating" together with Technical Sales and Specification Sheets fromseveral years explaining the principles of the machine and how both it and theattachments worked.

MB405 BREDA Twist-drill Grinding Machines AFP-30, AFP-50 and AFP-80.Instructions and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. In English, Italian andGerman. A previous user wrote an extended translated English section withadditional Drawings - this is included.

MB408 BREGNARD Instructions de Service pour Table Croisee avec DispositicRepetiteur Type TR-33. Texte en Français.

MB410RR BRIDGEPORT "Round Ram" early-type Milling Machine:Installation, Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and Parts Manual and twocopies of early catalogs. Included is an American Operation and MaintenanceManual for one of the later machines which has the Parts Section as usefulsectional drawings.

MB410 BRIDGEPORT Series 1 Ram-Type Universal Milling Machine: A complete DataPack with all known literature consisting of three elements:
1) Installation, Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and Parts Manual asexploded component drawings. This edition is the most complete available andunusual in showing all the different heads and power-feed table gearboxes, etc.Covers all years of production and includes all 8 known electrical diagrams(culled from various editions over the years) plus the Quinton Crane TableDrive Motor Instructions and Electrical Schematic.
2) A copy of the earlier "Sectional Drawings" Edition covering allyears including the very early "Master Milling Attachment" Model CHead in 1/4 and 1/2 hp versions.
3) A copy of the the two best Sales, Technical Specification and AccessoriesCatalogues ever issued that explain not only the design of the machine but alsoits construction and functions as well as illustrating every accessory made. Aweighty, 260-page publication.

MB412 BRIDGEPORT Series 1 EZ-TRACK SX Milling Machine. Detailed Installation,Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.Includes an Electrical Schematic and Power Distribution Diagrams

MB420 BRIDGEPORT Series 2 Milling Machine (4J Variable-speed Head type):Installation, Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manualas detailed Sectional Drawings. Includes a copy of the maker's TechnicalSpecification, Sales & Accessories catalogue.

MB410TR Bridgeport 3D, 3DA and SYNCHROTRACE Copy Milling Machines. HydraulicEquipment - Specification, Installation, Start-up, Circuit functions,Adjustments, Hydraulic Diagram, Maintenance and Parts Manual as ExplodedComponent and Sectional Drawings.

MB410TROP Bridgeport Copy Milling Machines: "Synchro-Trace 11"(True-Trace) and "Control-path Automatic 360/3D Tracer Valve".Detailed Operator's Instruction Manuals.

MH330V7 BRIDGEPORT HEIDENHAIN TNC 370 Programming Manual with an extra 25 pages from a Heidenhain training course(as used on Bridgeport Machining Centres) TRUE-TRACE - for Bridgeports fitted with other TRUE-TRACE and CONTROL-PATHEquipment see the TRUE-TRACE listings

MB410CNC-A BRIDGEPORT SERIES 1 CNC Miller: Comprehensive Maintenance and PartsManual. Includes Electrical Schematics.

MB410CNC-B BRIDGEPORT SERIES 1 CNC Miller: Operator's Instruction Manual with a copy of the maker's Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue.

MB410CNC-C BRIDGEPORT SERIES 1 CNC Miller: Programming Manual.

MB410CNC-D BRIDGEPORT SERIES 1 CNC Miller: Student's Manual.

MB410E BRIDGEPORT SERIES 1 MDI Milling Machine: Maintenance Manual.

MB410F BRIDGEPORT SERIES 1 MDI Milling Machine: Operating and ProgrammingManual.

MB420AM BRIDGEPORT Series 2 CNC Milling Machine: Maintenance Manual with PartsManual and Electrical Schematics as detailed Sectional Drawings.

MB420AP BRIDGEPORT Series 2 CNC Milling Machine: Programming-Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MB425 FANUC OMF Maintenance Course Notes - with trouble-shooting data, ErrorCode list, wiring diagrams. Includes a section on the Interact 412F/720Fdigital axis drives.

MB429 Bridgeport Heidenhain TNC Control Operating & Programming Manual forthe INTERACT 1, INTERACT 2, INTERACT Mk.2 and INTERACT 4.


MB430AP BRIDGEPORT INTERACT SERIES 1. Operating and Programming Manual withHeidenhain TNC145 or TNC 150 Series Controls. Includes Test and Set UpProcedures notes devised by a factory service engineer.

MB430AX BRIDGEPORT INTERACT SERIES 1 Mk. 2 and SERIES 2 INTERACT 4. Operatingand Programming Manual. Includes Test and Set Up Procedures notes devised by afactory service engineer.

MB430A BRIDGEPORT INTERACT SERIES 1 Mk. 2 Maintenance Manual with Parts Manualas Detailed Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics for machines withHeidenhain TNC2500 Control with additional Parameter Sheets.

MB430B BRIDGEPORT INTERACT SERIES 1 Mk. 2 Maintenance Manual with Parts Manualas Detailed Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics for machines fittedwith Heidenhain TNC 151B or 155B Control.

MB420A BRIDGEPORT INTERACT 2 SERIES 2: Operating & Programming Manual.

MB420B BRIDGEPORT INTERACT 2 SERIES 2: Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual asDetailed Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics.

MB420C BRIDGEPORT INTERACT 4 SERIES 2: Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual asDetailed Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics for machines fitted withHeidenhain TNC 151B and 155B Control.

MB430AX BRIDGEPORT INTERACT 4 Series 2 (with INTERACT 1 Mk. 2) Operating andProgramming Manual.

MB430C BRIDGEPORT INTERACT 4 with Heidenhain TNC2500 Control: MaintenanceManual with Parts Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings and ElectricalSchematics.

MB430D BRIDGEPORT INTERACT 4 and INTERACT 1 Mk.2. SERVICE-ENGINEER'S SpindleDrive Information. Comprehensive details including hand books for theMidi-Maestro and Maxi-Maestro Variable-speed drives and the Mentor 11 DC DriveUser's Guide,

MB430E BRIDGEPORT INTERACT 412 CNC Vertical Machining Centre with Heidenhain351A, 355A, TNC-151P and 155P/Q Controls. Operating Manual and ProgrammingGuide.

MB430F BRIDGEPORT INTERACT 412 CNC Vertical Machining Centre as fitted withHeidenhain TNC 351/355 Control. Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics.

MB430G BRIDGEPORT INTERACT 412 CNC Vertical Machining Centre as fitted withHeidenhain TNC 2500 Control. Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics.

MB430H BRIDGEPORT INTERACT 412X Vertical Machining Centre as fitted with FANUCO MATE MF CONTROL. Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics.

MB430HF BRIDGEPORT INTERACT 412 CNC Milling Machine with GE Fanuc OM control.Programming manual.

MB430HFS BRIDGEPORT INTERACT 412 CNC Milling Machine fitted with FANUC O-MateMF Control Maintenance Manual.

MB430FAN BRIDGEPORT INTERACT 412 CNC Vertical Machining Centre as fitted withGE Fanuc OM control. Maintenance manual.

MB430J BRIDGEPORT INTERACT 520 Vertical Machining Centre as fitted withHeidenhain TNC 155 controller. Maintenance Manual with Wiring Diagrams.

MB430K BRIDGEPORT INTERACT MACHINES TNC 150/151/155 Test and Set Up Procedures.

MB430L BRIDGEPORT INTERACT 720 Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual withelectrical schematics for the Fanuc System 0-Mate MF Control

Some of the following models were branded either/or/and "BPC" forBridgeport production centre and/or "HMC" for Horizontal machiningCentre

MB450 BRIDGEPORT BPC 320H (Bridgeport Production Centre) Mechanical MaintenanceManual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MB450A BRIDGEPORT BPC 320H Production Centre. Operating Manual.

MB450B BRIDGEPORT BPC 320H, 350H and 380H. Three Programming Manuals: onemarked "BPC 320H" and the other "BPC 320, 350 and 380H" and"Programming and Operation of machine and Control Options"

MB450E BRIDGEPORT BPC 320H Electrical Maintenance Manual with copious CircuitDiagrams

MB455 BRIDGEPORT BPC HMC-320H Mechanical Maintenance Manual with Parts Manualas Exploded Component Drawings together with a separate detailed ElectricalManual with Electrical Circuit Diagrams, Electrical Block System, InterfaceDiagrams and Flow Charts:

MB455B BRIDGEPORT BPC HHC-320H (Bridgeport Production Centre) Manual forElectrical FANUC SYSTEM "O"

MB456A BRIDGEPORT BPC HMC-550H Production Centre. Maintenance Manual:

MB456A BRIDGEPORT BPC HMC-550H Production Centre. Parts Manual:

MB456B BRIDGEPORT BPC MHC-550H Production Centre. Electrical Manual:

MB456C BRIDGEPORT BPC HMC-550H with FANUC 0MA and 0MB Control with Digital Servo Drives (X, Y, Z & B)Detailed Electrical Test and Set-up Procedures. Includes Parameters for Initial power-up.

MB456D BRIDGEPORT BPC 520V (Fanuc 11M) PC Ladder Diagram together with BPC 550HFANUC 0M-B/C: PC Ladder Diagram

MB456DE BRIDGEPORT BPC 520V (Fanuc OM) Electrical Test and Set-up Manual

MB456E BRIDGEPORT Heidenhain TNC370 Programming Manual.

MB457 BRIDGEPORT MACHINING CENTRES: Service Engineers Comprehensive TechnicalInformation and Maintenance Folder for machines as fitted with: TNC 370, TNC407, TNC 415, TNC425, TNC 426: 0

MB460 BRIDGEPORT CNC STUDENT MANUAL - for Bridgeport CNC Milling Drilling andBoring Machines of the late 1970s and 1980s.

MB465 Bridgeport IES (and Variants by Adco*ck and Shipley)) Horizontal MillingMachine Operator's Instruction Manual and Workshop Manual.

MA445M Bridgeport 2S Miller: Comprehensive 180-page Maintenance and Operator'sInstruction Manual and with all parts shown as detailed Sectional Drawings.

MA445ME Bridgeport 2S Horizontal Miller 11 large electrical drawings includingControl Box Connection Diagram, Connection Diagram for Knee Limit Switch, 2Diagrams for Automatic Sequence, Wiring Diagram for Automatic Plate, WiringDiagram of Master Plate for Automatic and Manual Machines.

MA445N ADco*ck and SHIPLEY 2S Horizontal Miller (also badged as a Bridgeport):Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual. Includes a copy of the Technical Salesand Specification Brochure.

gnum MA445N Bridgeport 2S Miller: Operator's Instruction Manual with DetailedInstructions. Includes a copy of the Technical Sales and SpecificationBrochure.

MA445P Bridgeport 2S VARI-SPEED Horizontal Miller: Operator's InstructionManual with Detailed Instructions.

MA445Q Bridgeport 2SV (Vertical) Miller: Comprehensive 173-page MaintenanceManual and Parts Manual as detailed Sectional Drawings.

MA445R Bridgeport 2SV (Vertical) Miller: Operator's Instruction Manual.Detailed Instructions.

MA445S Bridgeport 2SV (Vertical) Miller with Plug Board Control: SupplementaryManual.

MA445T Bridgeport 3S Miller. Operator's Instructions.

MB446 Bridgeport-MOOG Hyrda-Point 3 axis N/C Milling Machine. (Based on theBridgeport) 182 page Detailed Maintenance Manual and Exploded Parts Diagrams(Covers only the Moog items, not the Bridgeport mechanicals).

MB447 BRIDGEPORT 815 Surface Grinder. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MB448 Bridgeport Spindle Drive by KTK. Instruction and Technical Manual,

MB448VMC Bridgeport VMC Vertical Machining Centre. A huge Maintenance Manualwith Electrical Schematics. Contains data for the Heidenhain 2500 and TNC370,407, 415 and 426 controllers and Siemens Drives. This is the only knownmanual for these machines.
MB448A Bridgeport Heidenhain TNC2500 Parameter Listings.

MB520 BRIERLEY ZB Drill Grinders (ZB10, ZB11, ZB20, ZB21, ZB25 and ZB32).Operator's Instruction Manual, Illustrated Parts Manual with clear ExplodedDrawings. There were early and lathe manuals for these machines and both areincluded in this package. Also includes additional Technical Bulletins producedover the years that detail a number of important aspects of drill-sharpeningwork. This represents a complete data set for the machine.

MB520A BRIERLEY ZNC32 and ZNC51 Drill Grinding Machines: Operator's InstructionManual, Illustrated Parts Manual and Exploded Drawings. Also includesadditional Technical Bulletins produced over the years that detail a number ofimportant aspects of drill-sharpening work. This represents a complete data setfor the machine.

MB520B BRIERLEY ZB50 Drill Grinding Machines: Operator's Instruction Manual,Illustrated Parts Manual and Exploded Drawings. Also includes additionalTechnical Bulletins produced over the years that detail a number of importantaspects of drill-sharpening work. This represents a complete data set for themachine.

MB520C BRIERLEY ZB60 Drill Grinding Machines: Operator's Instruction Manual,Illustrated Parts Manual and Exploded Drawings. Also includes additionalTechnical Bulletins produced over the years that detail a number of importantaspects of drill-sharpening work. This represents a complete data set for themachine.

MB520D BRIERLEY ZB80 and ZB80M Drill Grinding Machines: Operator's InstructionManual, Illustrated Parts Manual and Exploded Drawings. Also includesadditional Technical Bulletins produced over the years that detail a number ofimportant aspects of drill-sharpening work. This represents a complete data setfor the machine.

MB520E BRIERLEY ZB80SA (Semi-automatic) Drill Grinding Machines: Operator'sInstruction Manual, Illustrated Parts Manual and Exploded Drawings. Alsoincludes additional Technical Bulletins produced over the years that detail anumber of important aspects of drill-sharpening work. This represents acomplete data set for the machine.

MB526 BRIGGS and STRATTON Models 130200 and 132200: Operating and Maintenanceinstructions in English, German, Italian, French and Swedish.

BRIRO AUTOMAT testers - see under REICHERTER (George Reicherter)

MB528 BRISTOL-ERICKSON Speed Indexer. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MB530 BRITAN Repetition Lathe. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.Includes copies of the maker's Technical Sales and Specification Catalogues andAccessories Folders that explain the reasons behind the machine's design andwhat it is capable of. This literature represents a complete data pack for thelathe. Top quality reproduction.

MB535 BRITANNIA - a 234 page "Manual" published by the BritanniaCompany in 1899 to advertise their lathes and show how to use them in technicalschools. Because the lathes changed slowly in design the publication shows themachines as they were from about 1895 to 1914. An additional 192 pageadvertising section is at the back of the book that shows the complete range ofBritannia products for both the amateur and professional markets. A wonderfulpublication - and a rare find. Covers every aspect of lathe work including auseful section on ornamental turning, ornamental attachments and spinning.

MB535A/C118A Britannia No. 7 "Engineers' Tools Etc. Catalogue"showing the full range of lathes, millers, shapers, pillar and radial-armdrills, horizontal borers, planers, parting-off machines, punching and shearingmachines, screwing machines, plate flanging machines, chucks, compound slides,cutting tools, vices, saws, band saws and engineers tools. 82 pages.

BRITISH CLEARING (Vickers) POWER PRESSES were manufactured under licence byVICKERS (from USI-Clearing in the USA) and can sometimes be badged"Vickers".

MB540 CLEARING (British Clearing - Vickers) Brake Presses - all-models Installation and Operating Manual with Slide Adjustment Motor Control and asectional drawing of the Elswick clutch.

MB540A BRITISH (Vickers) CLEARING POWER PRESS "Press Brake" CP743Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MB540B BRITISH CLEARING (Vickers) POWER PRESS "Press Brake" CP897Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MB540C BRITISH CLEARING (Vickers) POWER PRESS DF 2575-84. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MB540D BRITISH CLEARING (Vickers) POWER PRESS F-4350-108. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MB540E BRITISH CLEARING (Vickers) POWER PRESS DH-300-200-48. MaintenanceInstructions with Parts as Sectional Drawings and Hydraulic Schematics.

MB550 BRITISH FEDERAL Motor Driven Stitch Welder. Operating Instructions (2sets) with S4SW/1 Sequence-weld timer and ignitron contactor icbc/1 Maker'sSales and Specification Folders.

MB550A BRITISH FEDERAL Pneumatically Operated Spot Welder. Operating Manual (2sets) with S4SW/1 Sequence-weld Timer and Ignition Contactor ICBC/1 Manuals.

MB550ZBritish Federal Installation and Operation Instructions for the Pedal Operated Spot Welder with W/6 Timer.

MB550YBritish Federal - Instructions for a Spot Welder with Safety Air Circuit. Comprehensive manual. Includes instructions for the TC50/1 and TC100/1 thyristor contactors.

MB550XBritish Federal RPS 20A Spot Welder. Installation, Operating and Servicing Instructions for the. Includes electrical diagrams and instructions for completing various types of jobs.

MB550WBritish Federal Motor Driven Stitch Welder. Operating Instructions (2 set) with S4SW/1 Sequence-weld timer and ignition contactor ICBC/1 and the Maker's Sales and Specification Folders.


MB560 BROADBENT and SCHOFIELD (also OLDFIELD and SCHOFIELD) "Drum"lathes with headstocks Type A, C and D Type. General Instruction and Operator'sInstruction Manual .

MB560A BROADBENT and SCHOFIELD (also OLDFIELD and SCHOFIELD) "Drum"lathes with headstocks Type A, C and D Type. 6 large Sectional drawings . MB560B BROADBENT 12.5" and 14" lathes. Simple Maintenance Manualcombined with a catalogue. Includes clutch adjustment instructions.

MB560C BROADBENT "BSH" High-Speed lathe. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic. Includes some Sectional Partsdiagrams and a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MB560D BROADBENT "BSN" 22-inch and 25-inch lathes. Service Manualwith Sectional Drawings, an Electrical Schematic and copies of thescrewcutting, power feeds and spindle-speed charts.

MB560E BROADBENT "BSX" High-Speed lathe. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic and Parts as Sectional Drawings.Includes two full-size drawings of Apron and Saddle.

MB560F BROADBENT "BSV" 17-inch and 20-inch Lathes. General Installation and Running Instructions with feeds and screwcutting charts and Parts as clear Sectional Drawings.

MB560G BROADBENT Model 2534 Lathe. Service, Installation and Operation Manualwith Parts as Sectional Drawings and reproductions of the Screwcutting andSpindle Speed charts. Also included is a copy of the maker's detailed Sales andTechnical Specification Catalogue.

MB560H BROADBENT 8.5-inch Model M and 10-inch Model L Instruction Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue.

MB570 Broadway Lathe - a copy of the Clausing 100 sold in the UK. ThreeInstruction and Maintenance Manuals and Illustrated Parts Manual (with detailedCross Sectional Drawings and Exploded Illustrations) that cover all variants ofthese early Clausing lathes from the 100 Model of 1938 to the renamed machine(Series 4800) of 1952 - and to the last versions made in 1964. Includes 26additional pages of Sales, Specification & Accessories catalogues.

MB580 BRODHEAD-GARRETT Instructions and Parts Manual for the J-Line 8-inchShaper.

MB610 BRONX Press Brake Tool Manual. Updated, 2nd Edition being a complete guide to the principles andpracticalities of Press Brake tool setting and use.

MB610A BRONX "UH" Series Press Brakes. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual including 9 large Sectional Schematics.

MB610B BRONX Hydraulic Presses (all models). Operator's Instruction,Maintenance and Installation Manual. Includes an electrical schematic.

MB610C BRONX Mechanical Press Brakes (all Dou-cycle Models). Operator'sInstruction, Maintenance and Installation Manual. Includes wiring diagram forthe 60 and 90 ton models.

MN615 BROOK Unit Heads UH3, UH4, UHM3 and UHM4. Service Manual.

MB630 BROOK Electric Motors 2 and 3-phase. Installation and Maintenance of theolder cast-iron body type motors.

MB630A BROOK CROMPTON Electric Motor DISC BRAKE type MB4 Instruction sheet(unit as fitted to Boxford VSL and other lathes).

MB635 BROOKHURST IGRANIC Relays and Contactors, Starters and Switches Types303, 472, 620, 728, 727, 728, 759, 779, 8013B, 8016B. Maintenance and SparesSheets with useful assembly diagrams.

MB638 BROOKMAN Automatic Dovetailer Type AD Mk. 1, Mk. 2 and Mk. 3. OperationInstructions.

MB640 BROOMWADE C3938B Automatic Air Governor. Operating and Maintenance Manualwith Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MB640A BROOMWADE TS1, TS1A and TS1B Compressors (Double-acting Stationary).Operating and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Exploded ComponentDrawings.

MB640AA BROOMWADE RA30 Compressor. Installation and Operator's Manual with an Electrical Schematic. .

MB640B BROOMWADE COMPRESSORS V65A Operating, Maintenance and Illustrated SparesManual

MB640C BROOMWADE RotAir 65 (RA65) COMPRESSOR Operating and Basic Service Manual

MB640D BROOMWADE Rotair 75 (RA75) COMPRESSOR Operator's Instruction and BasicService Manual.

MB640DP BROOMWADE Rotair 75 (RA75) COMPRESSOR Parts Manual as ExplodedComponent Drawings.

MB640E BROOMWADE COMPRESSORS V100A Operating, Maintenance and IllustratedSpares Manual

MB640F BROOMWADE COMPRESSORS V200A Operating, Maintenance and IllustratedSpares Manual

MB640G BROOMWADE COMPRESSORS V300A Operating and Maintenance Manual with PartsManual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MB640H BROOMWADE COMPRESSORS V350, V500, VHP350 and VHP500 Operating andMaintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MB640J BROOMWADE COMPRESSORS VM500, VMH500, VM750 and VMH705 Operating andMaintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MB640K BROOMWADE HPS Speed Riveters. Operation of prime pumps.

MB640L BROOMWADE POWER-VANE Portable Rotary Compressors (made by ConsolidatedPneumatic) - all models. Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MB640M BROOMWADE (CompAir Broomwade) Refrigerant Driers CD10-400, CBD90 andCBD120 Operator's Hand book.

MB640N BROOMWADE (CompAir Broomwade) VMD1000, VMD1500 & VMHD100Compressors. Detailed and well-illustrated Operating, Maintenance and Parts Manual.

MB640P BROOMWADE (CompAir Broomwade) AC26, AC32, AC41 (N5) and N4 Compressors Brief Operating Instructionswith Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MB640R BROOMWADE AC5 & AC7 Compressors & ACV5 & ACV7 Vacuumn Pumps Manual. Includes Instructions for the associated Danfoss PS and PSU pressure switches, the DeVilbiss JGA Spray Gun, and the KB Remote Cup.

MB642 BROTHER Reader Punch Unit TC600 Operating and Programming Instructionswith additional CNC600 Instruction Sheets.

BROWN Cut-off SAWS - see under the maker "Pedrazzoli" below

BROWN (David Brown) - see under "DAVID BROWN"

MB644 BROWN and SHARPE Grinders: Large (160 page) volume published by thecompany with very detailed photographs showing the machines in use and theapplication of special fittings. Not a Manual, and not a Sales andSpecification folder - but very interesting if you have one of the following:Universal Grinders, No.5 Plain Grinding machine, Surface Grinders, No. 11 FaceGrinding Machine, Tool and Cutter grinder No. 13 Universal and Tool and CutterGrinder.

MB644A BROWN and SHARPE No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 Universal Grinding machines:Comprehensive and detailed Operator's Instruction and Maintenance ManualIncluding Repair Parts as photographic illustrations.

MB644B BROWN and SHARPE No. 2 and 2B Surface Grinding Machines (No.2 powerfeeds, 2B hand -feed model): Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual andIllustrated Parts Manual as annotated photographs.

MB644D BROWN and SHARPE No. 5 Surface Grinding Machine: Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual.

MB644 BROWN and SHARPE 618 and 818 (6" x 18" and 8" x 18")Micromaster Surface Grinding Machines: Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual and Parts Manual as individual component photographs

MB644MM BROWN and SHARPE 824, 1024, 1030, 1224 and 1236 Micromaster SurfaceGrinding Machines: Operation & Maintenance Manual.

MB644MP BROWN and SHARPE 824, 1024, 1030, 1224 and 1236 Micromaster SurfaceGrinding Machines: Complete Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MB644RP BROWN and SHARPE 618 Micromaster Surface Grinding Machines: RepairParts as clear Exploded-component Drawings that show the construction of thewhole machine.

MB644G BROWN and SHARPE Nos. 5 Cylindrical Plain Grinding Machines: Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual.

MB644H BROWN and SHARPE Nos. 10 and 12 Cylindrical Plain Grinding Machines:Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual

MB644J BROWN and SHARPE No. 13 Universal Tool and Grinding Machine: Amulti-purpose machine capable of cylindrical, surface and tool and cuttergrinding operations. Two editions, one early the other late, of theComprehensive Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual giving completecoverage of the machine.

MB644JP BROWN and SHARPE No. 13 and 13H Universal and Tool Grinding Machines.Parts Manual as Exploded component Drawings.

MB644X Brown & Sharpe "Form Grinding of Circular Form Tools" for the B & S No.13 Universal Grinding Machine.

MB644K BROWN and SHARPE 814U Universal Grinding machines. Operation andMaintenance Manual

MB656E BROWN and SHARPE 00B Automatic Screw Machine and Attachments:Illustrated Repair Parts Manual.

MB656F BROWN and SHARPE 00G and 2G Automatic Screw Machines: Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual.

MB656FP BROWN and SHARPE 2 and 2G Automatic Screw Machines: Repair Parts Manual

MB656G BROWN and SHARPE 00G Automatic Screw Machines Repair Parts asPhotographic plates.

MB656G2 BROWN and SHARPE No.0 Size Automatic Screw, Turret Forming and CuttingOff Machines Repair Parts Manual.

MB656H BROWN and SHARPE 2B Automatic Screw Machine: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MB656J BROWN and SHARPE 2B Automatic Screw Machine: Illustrated Repair PartsManual.

MB656JC Brown & Sharpe No.2B CAMAC Attachment (Cam Acclerator) Manual.

MB656JT Brown & Sharpe No.2B Single-point Threading Attachment Manual

MB656K Brown and Sharpe MINI-16 Automatic Screw Machine. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MB656KATT Brown and Sharpe Automatic Screw Machines Attachments - Repair PartsManual

MB656L BROWN and SHARPE 2B ULTRMATIC R/S (Ram Slide) Lathe. Repair Parts asExploded Component Drawings.

MB656M BROWN and SHARPE "Automatic Screw Threading and Automatic PinionTurning Machines" Repair Parts Manual.

MB656N BROWN and SHARPE Automatic Screw Machines. Construction and Use Manual -a wonderful 333-page book written for the operator showing every aspect of howthe machines work and to set up and operate these incredibly reliable androbust machines. Includes care of the Machine, Adjustments, Standard Tooling,Automatic Turret Forming, Cutting-off and Screw Threading, How to Design andmachine Cams and the various Attachments. Increased in size from A5 to a moreeasily-read A4 and, in addition, many small drawings further increased in sizefor greater clarity.

MB657 BROWN and SHARPE DYNAMATIC "00" Single Spindle Automatic.Replacement Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MB657A BROWN and SHARPE DYNAMATIC 0013, 0019 and 00C Single Spindle Automatic.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MB657B BROWN and SHARPE 0013 and 0019 "DYNAMATIC" Speed tables for4-speed gearbox. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MB657C2 BROWN and SHARPE No. 00 DYNAPACT Series Single Spindle Automatic.Repair Parts Manual as clear exploded-component Drawings.

MB657C BROWN and SHARPE No. 2 DYNAPACT Series Single Spindle Automatic.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MB657CP BROWN and SHARPE No. 2 DYNAPACT Series Single Spindle Automatic. RepairParts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MB657D BROWN and SHARPE No. 8 Single Spindle Automatic. Replacement PartsManual as Exploded Component Drawings.


MB662 Brown and Sharpe Comprehensive Parts Publication for older Horizontal andVertical Millers * their drive countershafts, dividing attachments, spiraldividing attachments and vises. Includes sectional drawings through the heads,spindles, tables and knees etc. of the following: OY, 1Y, 2B, 2Y, 2, 3, 3A, 3B,4A, 5B.

MB664 BROWN and SHARPE No. 0 OMNIVERSAL Precision Universal Toolroom MillingMachine. Detailed Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual for thisfascinating and beautifully-made machine.

MB664A BROWN and SHARPE No.000 Milling Machine: Operator's Instruction,Maintenance and Illustrated Spares and Repair Parts Manual. Includes a numberof useful Sectional Drawings and a copy of the Maker's Sales and SpecificationCatalogue.

MB664B BROWN and SHARPE No.2 Universal (horizontal) Milling Machine: DetailedOperator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as IndividualPictures.

MB664C BROWN and SHARPE No. 2 Vertical, No. 2 Universal and No. 2 Plain andMilling Machines. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance including Repair PartsManual. A useable Manual but perfect.

MB664D BROWN and SHARPE Nos. 2, 3, 2A, 3A Vertical Millers Universal and PlainModels. Repair Parts Manual. Individually Illustrated and Numbered Spares.

MB664E BROWN and SHARPE No. 12 Milling Machine Plain, with 3 hp spindle drive.Construction and Use and Illustrated Repair Parts Manual.

MB664F BROWN and SHARPE No. 12 Milling Machine Plain, with 3 hp spindle drive.Construction and Use and Illustrated Repair Parts Manual.

MB664G BROWN and SHARPE No. 12 Milling Machine Plain, with 71/2 hp spindledrive. Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and repair Parts.

MB664H BROWN and SHARPE No.19 Milling Machine Electrically Controlled.Instruction Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual.

MB664J BROWN and SHARPE No. 20 Milling Machine "Rangemaster".Illustrated Parts Manual with Exploded Assembly Diagrams.

MB665 Brown and Sharpe Validator 50 Coordinate Measuring machine. Instructionmanual with Routine Maintenance, a Detailed description of the Electronics, aNumber of Circuit Diagrams and asection on Elementary Diagnostics &Adjustments.

MB666X BROWN & SHARPE Turret Drilling Machine Model A (manual type).Operation and Maintenance Manual with an Electrical Schematic. Includes a copyof the maker's detailed All- Models Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue

MB666 BROWN and SHARPE AB and TURR-E-TAPE AB-1118 and AB-1520 Turret DrillingMachines (also found badged as a "Cole"). Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with two Parts Manuals as Sectional and Exploded ComponentDrawings. Includes two small supplementary booklets and a large ElectricalSchematic.

MB666Y BROWN and SHARPE Turret Drilling Machine with 6 position turret, Automatic Cycle Control, PowerIndexing and a table either 11" x 18" or 15" x 20".These drills were fitted originally with Mark Century 120 2-axis Positioning Tape Control. Model designations appear uncertain but include No.6, AB-1118 and AB-1520. Detailed Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manual.

MB666A Brown and Sharpe ULTRAMATIC CNC Programming Manual

MB666AM Brown and Sharpe ULTRAMATIC CNC Turning Machine Operation andMaintenance manual.

MB666B BROWN and SHARPE PUMPS (coolant pumps) Repair Parts Manual "Currentand Old designs and Discontinued Models".

MB666C Brown and Sharpe "Formulas in Gearing". Comprehensive 266-pageBrown & Sharpe "Formulas in Gearing - with Practical Suggestions"a Comprehensive 266-page text book covering every gear type. Every calculationcarefully explained with useful suggestions. The preface says: "This bookdeals with the subject of gearing, essentially from the designer's anddraftsman's standpoint. It's aim is to condense as much as possible thesolution of all problems in gearing which in ordinary practice may be metwith...the mathematics employed are simple, and will present no difficulty toanyone familiar with ordinary algebra, the elements of trigonometry and logarithms.

MB666D Brown and Sharpe No.10 Tool & Cutter Grinder. Repair Parts Manual

MB666E Brown & Sharpe 414 Vakumaster Universal Grinder. Parts Manual asuseful Exploded Component Drawings.

MB666F Brown and Sharpe Cam Design Manual for British-made Automatic Screw Machines.


MB670 BROWN and WARD Automatic Magazine Bar Feed Unit. Operator's InstructionManual, Maintenance and Parts Manual as Sectional Diagrams; includes fullelectrical data.

MB670A BROWN and WARD Single Spindle Bar Automatics 5/8", 3/4" and7/8" Models. Operator's Instruction Manual,

MB670B BROWN and WARD Automatic Bar Machines B3, C3, D3, B4T, C4T, D4T, BS1,BS2 and CH. Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings. Large format. English,French, German, Italian and Spanish text.

MB670C BROWN and WARD Automatic Bar Machines 1 1/4", 1 3/8", 1 1/2Operator's Instruction Manual.

MB670D BROWN and WARD Standard Toolholders for Automatic Bar Machines.Illustrated list with Sectional Drawings.

MB670E BROWN and WARD 375, 475 and 575 Automatic Bar Machines - folder full of44 General Sectional Drawings, Charts and Schematics covering: capacity, camsetting, lubrication, wiring diagrams and sectional drawings of the machines.Ex Service Engineer.

MB670F Brown and Ward Type 574 3/4", 7/8" Automatic Bar Machines.Operator's Handbook with Sectional Drawings.

MB670G Brown and Ward Cam Calculations and Formulae.

MB672 BRISH SURFINDICATOR BL-110 Surface-finish Indicator. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual.

MB676 BRUDERER BSTA-40 Punching Press. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Electrical Schematics.

MB678 BRUGEOISE (BN) Cylindrical Grinding Machine Type 5036 BPA Operator'sManual.

MB680 BRUGGEMANN (Bruggemann BMA) Model Universal Milling machine. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance manual German Text.

MB681 BRUSH Electric Truck Model HE36. Operating and Detailed ServicingInstructions with an Electrical Schematic.

MB681A BRUSH Surfindicator Model BL-110 Surface-finish (roughness) Measurement Instrument. Operating Instructions with Electrical Schematic and details of the BL-113 Small Bore Adapter, BL-130 Chisel Point Adapter, BL-131 Minimum Clearance Adapter, BL-132 Hole Bottom Adapter, BL-133 Rough Finish Adapter, BL-134 Hand-held Small Bore Adapter, BL-117 Motor Drive Unit. Includes technical data about various US Surface finish standards.

MB682 BRYANS Model 21004 Plotter. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

MB684 BRYANT GRINDER COMPANY - 48 high quality photographs of the company'sproducts including close-up pictures of various mechanisms. Originally preparedas part of a photographic essay of Bryant.

MB684A BRYANT (Bryant Chucking grinder Co.) Series 16 Grinders (16-16"& 16-22") Hydraulic Internal. Spare Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings.

MB684B BRYANT (Bryant Chucking Grinder Co.) Centalign "C" Wide SeriesGrinders. Detailed Instruction Book with Parts as Exploded Component Drawingsand Electrical Schematics for the Stock Sensor and Electronic Control.

MB690 Bryant & Symons Thread-correcting Lathe. Operator's Instructions.

MB700/MA324B BSA ACME-GRIDLEY Multiple-spindle Chucking Automatics: Verydetailed Operator's Instruction Manual that shows: Set-up and Operation, BasicPrinciples of Operation, Mechanisms and Motions, Tooling, Process Planning,Tool Design, Maintenance Instructions with Schematics. This is the best manualavailable to get these machines working efficiently.

MB700A/MA324A BSA ACME-GRIDLEY Multiple-spindle Chucking Automatics - laterEdition: Very detailed Operator's Instruction Manual that shows: Set-up andOperation, Basic Principles of Operation, Mechanisms and Motions, Tooling,Process Planning, Tool Design, Maintenance Instructions with Schematics. Thisis the best manual available to get these machines working efficiently.

MB700B BSA Cam-Design Book "Laying-out Tools and Designing Cams for BSASingle-spindle Automatic Screw Machines". 105-page publication giving adetailed account of how to make and use cams through descriptions of typicalset-ups.

MB700C BSA Tooling Layouts for Automatic Lathes.

MB700D BSA SINGLE SPINDLE AUTOMATICS. Attachments Parts Book as SectionalDrawings (includes: the Slotting. Transfer, Swing Stop, High-speed Drilling,Rear End Drilling and Deburring, Nut Tapping, Third Slide, Screw Slotting, WormDrive Screw Slotting, Swing Stock Stop, Thread Cutting and Box-Type Third SlideAccessories.

MB700E BSA 3/8-inch and 5/8" Single Spindle Automatic. Operator's Manualand Parts Manual as Annotated Photographs.

MB700F BSA No. 5CM Single Spindle Chucking Automatic: Operator's Hand book andMaintenance Manual.

MB700G BSA 5M Single Spindle Automatic Chucking Lathe. Operator's Hand book.

MB700H BSA 5M Single Spindle Automatic Chucking Lathe Spare Parts Manual assectional Drawings.

MB700J BSA 9M Chucking Automatic Lathe. Spare Parts Manual as Sectionaldrawings.

MB700K BSA No. 18L and 25L (Metric) and 68L and 88L (English) Single SpindleAutomatic Screw Machines: Operator's Instruction Manual.

MB700L BSA No. 18L and 25L (Metric) and 68L and 88L (English) Single SpindleAutomatic Screw Machines: Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MB700M BSA 24, 36 and 52 "Metric" Single Spindle Automatic ScrewMachines: Operator's Hand book.

MB700N BSA 24, 36 and 52 "Metric" Single Spindle Automatic ScrewMachines: Spare Parts as Photographic plates.

MB700P BSA No. 48 Single Spindle Automatic Screw Machine: Operator's Handbook.

MB700Q BSA No. 48 Single Spindle Automatic Screw Machine: Maintenance andDismantling Manual with some very useful sectional drawings.

MB700R BSA No. 48 Single Spindle Automatic Screw Machine: Larger-format SpareParts Manual as detailed and Clear Sectional Drawings.

MB700S BSA No. 48 Single Spindle Automatic: Complete set of above threepublications:

MB700T BSA No. 48 "Phase 2" Single Spindle Automatic Screw Machine:Spare Parts Manual with Sectional Drawings.

MB700U BSA No. 68 Single Spindle Automatic Screw Machine: Operator's Handbook.

MB700V BSA No. 68 Single Spindle Automatic Screw Machine: Maintenance andDismantling Manual.

MB700W BSA No. 68 Single Spindle Automatic Screw Machine. Spare Parts Manualwith Sectional Drawings.

MB700X BSA No. 25L and 88L and Single Spindle Bar Automatic Lathes (alsoapplicable to the 18L and 68L). Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and SettingUp Manual.

MB700Y BSA 95 Single Spindle Chucking Automatic. Operator's Hand book.

MB700Z BSA 95 Single Spindle Chucking Automatic. Spare Parts Manual asSectional Drawings.

MB700ZA BSA 95N Single Spindle Chucking Automatic. Operator's Hand book.

MB700ZB BSA No. 98L, 138L, 168L Single Spindle Automatic Screw Machines:Operator's Instruction Manual

MB700ZC BSA No. 98L, 138L and 168L Single Spindle Automatic Screw Machines:Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MB700ZD BSA Single Spindle Automatic Screw Machines Models: 48, 68, 98L, 138Land 168L: Special Parts Manual for the Attachments: third slide, screwcutting,transfer, swing stop, high-speed drilling, rear-end drilling and deburring, nuttapping, etc.

MB700ZE BSA No. 98AL, 98Bl, 138AL, 138BL, 168AL Single Spindle Automatic ScrewMachines: Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MB700ZF BSA L-Type Single Spindle Automatic Screw Machines Spare Parts Manual *

MB701B BSA 5-inch Single-spindle Chucking Automatic Lathe: Spare Parts asSectional Drawings.

MB701C BSA C.L.1 (CL1) Copy Lathe. Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MB702 BSA TN17 Vertical Broaching Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MB704 BSA No. 4 Centreless Grinder (also sold as the Churchill No. 1)Operator's Manual with wiring diagram.

MB704A BSA No. 7 Centreless Grinder. Operator's Manual with wiring diagram.

MB704B BSA No. 8 Centreless Grinder. Operator's Manual with wiring diagram.

MB704C BSA No. 12 Centreless Grinder. Operator's Manual with wiring diagram.

MB704D BSA 95N Operator's Instruction Manual

MB704E BSA D.C. Motor Controller for Spindle Drives: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Instructions.

MB704F/MH362A BSA-HULLER Electrically Operated Tapping Machines (all sizes):Operating Instructions with Sectional Drawings.

MB704G BSA-NAMCO DIE HEADS and CHASERS - Detailed Instruction Manual forself-opening Dieheads.


MB707A/MA324A BSA ACME-GRIDLEY Multiple-spindle Chucking Automatics - laterEdition: Very detailed Operator's Instruction Manual that shows: Set-up andOperation, Basic Principles of Operation, Mechanisms and Motions, Tooling,Process Planning, Tool Design, detailed Maintenance Instructions withSchematics. This is the best manual available to get these machines workingefficiently.

MB707 BSA Acme-Gridley BRA 1" 6-Spindle Automatic Bar Machine. Operator'sHand book.

MB701 BSA 1.25" Capacity Type BRA.6 Automatic. Spare Parts Manual

MB707A BSA Acme-Gridley BRA 1" 6-Spindle Automatic Bar Machine. SpareParts as sectional Drawings.

MB707AM BSA Acme-Gridley 1/14" BRA 6-Spindle Automatic Lathe. Detailed andbeautifully illustrated Machine Manual: Basic principles; Description;Installation and Commissioning; Setting-up, Adjustment and Maintenance

MB707B BSA Acme-Grindley BRA 6-spindle Automatic Bar Machine Spare Parts Manualwith Sectional Drawings.

MB707 BSA Acme-Gridley BRT6 1 1/4" Automatic Bar Machines. Operator's Handbook.

MB707D BSA Acme-Gridley BRT6 1 5/8" Automatic Bar Machines. Operator'sHand book.

MB707E BSA Acme-Gridley BRT5 1 5/8" and BRT4 2 1/4" Automatic BarMachines. Spares Parts Book as Photographs.

MB707F BSA Acme-Gridley BRT4 2 1/4" Automatic Bar Machines. Operator'sHand book.

MB707G BSA Acme-Gridley BRB 2 5/8"-6 Automatic Bar Machines. Operator'sHand book.

MB707H BSA Acme-Gridley BRA 7/16" Automatic Bar Machines. Operator's Handbook.

MB707J BSA Acme-Gridley 5 1/4" BRAC 6 Automatic Chucking Machine.Operator's Hand book.

MB707K BSA Acme-Gridley BR 6" 6-Spindle Automatic Chucking Machine.Operator's Hand book.

MBSATM7 BSA TM7 Vertical Broaching Machine. Operation Manual.

MB730 BT (AB Bygg-och Transportekonomi) BT LSV 1000 and BT LSV 1200 Forklifttrucks. Basic Instruction and Preventative Maintenance Manual with Parts asExploded Component Drawings. Includes Electrical Schematics. English, French,German and Swedish Text

MB860 BUFFALO 837 (G/V-2000) Milling Machine. Instruction Manual and Parts Manualas Sectional Drawings (also marketed as the SEIKI and MICROCUT Model G/V-2000and 837 ).

MB860A BUFFALO Model 22 Drill Press (Drilling Machine). Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual.

MB860B BUFFALO Model 22RC Drill Press (Drilling Machine). Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual.

MB860C/MM280A BUFFALO Turret Type Vertical Miller (Bridgeport clone) also soldunder the MICROCUT Brand . Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withParts as Sectional Drawings.

MB860D BUFFALO (Milltech and Microcut) 5000VS Turret Milling Machine.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MB865 BULA MB79 (Switzerland ) Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Electrical Schematic.

MB870 BULGARIA - BULGARIANN LATHE C10M and C10MB: Detailed Parts Manual.

MB875 BULLARD Vertical Turret Lathe 42-inch. Illustrated Parts Manual as"Exploded-component" photographs.

MB875A Bullard Contin-U-Matic Types RD and RDH: Specifications, HydraulicSchematic and oil capcities, Spindle-drive drawings, sectional drawings of thefront drive, main drive, spindle details, feed drive bracket, base and carrier.Spindle Synchronizer and Adjustment, gear charts and tables, typical electricalschematics.

MB875B Bullard Mult-Au-Matic Type L Vertical Chucking Machine. DetailedOperator's Instruction Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MB875C Bullard Mult-Au-Matic Type D Vertical Chucking Machine. DetailedOperator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual a Repair Parts Manual as clear Sectional Drawings.

BULLOWS Compressors - see also under "HYDROVANE"

MB880 BULLOWS Air Compressors and Motors of the 1950s and 1960s; OperatingInstructions and Parts Lists as Sectional Drawings for the following Models: 2,19, V3755, L20, L500, L540, L600, L80, L810, L900, L910, E100, together withtechnical specification sheets for other products.

MB885 BUMA APM and JBM Centromic Cylinder Boring Bar. Instruction Manual.

MB900 BURDETT VERTICAL SLOTTING MACHINES 8", 10" and 12":Instruction Manual and Dividing Tables.

MB900A BURDETT 70, 75 and 77 Surface Grinders Mk.1 (identifiable by flat sidefaces to the grinding wheel cover, sloping sides to the stand , a smalltrapezoidal-shaped door beneath the central control wheel and the three maincontrol wheels in a diagonal line across the face of the machine). InstructionManual and Parts manual as Exploded component drawings. Includes a copy of thecomprehensive makers Sales and technical Specification Catalogue.

MB900C Burdett Elliott 70, 75, 77 "Rapidgrind" Surface Grinders Mk.2(identifiable by a round cover over the grinding wheel, two main controls wheelsone above the other on the face of the stand and to the right an"oval" shaped cover with a single control knob positioned centrallynear the bottom ). Operation & Basic Maintenance Manual with Parts Manualas Sectional Drawings and a wiring diagram. Includes a copy of thecomprehensive maker's Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue.

MB900E BURDETT (Elliott) 921 Surface Grinder: Operating and Maintenance Manualand Exploded-diagrams Parts Manual.

MB900F BURDETT (Elliott) 921 Mk. 2 Surface Grinder: Operating and MaintenanceManual and Exploded-diagrams Parts Manual.

MB900D BURDETT (Elliott) Burdett - Elliott - Snow Surface Grinders 618 & 1018: Operating & Maintenance Manual & Parts Manual as detailed Sectional Drawings drawings with electrical schematics and a hydraulic diagram. Includes a copy of the maker's Special Supplementary Instructions for the optional "Electronic Auto Downfeed and Electronic Cross Traverse" and the comprehensive Sales, Specification and Accessories catalogue.

MB900H BURDETT "20" x 8" Surface Grinder: Operating andMaintenance Manual and Exploded-diagrams Parts Manual.

MB900J BURDETT (Elliott) 8/18 Surface Grinder Model: Operating and MaintenanceManual with wiring diagrams.

MB900K BURDETT (Elliott) 6040 Surface Grinder: Operating and Maintenance Manualand Exploded-diagrams Parts Manual.

MB900L BURDETT - Elliott (and "Excel") Model 5 Tool and Cutter GrinderOperating and Maintenance Manual and Exploded-diagrams Parts Manual.

MB900M BURDETT (Elliott) 20 x 8 Surface GrinderMaintenance Manual with a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and Electrical and Hydraulic Schematics.

MB915 BURGESS Sharpener. Operator's instructions.

MB915A BURGESS Engraver Model VT-62. Operating Instructions and Parts List.

MB915B BURGESS BK3 and BK3 Plus Bandsaw Manual.

MB920 BURGMASTER (Newhall-Burgmaster) Model 25 CHT Tape controlled turretdrilling, tapping, boring, facing and milling machine. Installation, Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual. Includes Warner Electric Stationary FieldClutches Manual.

MB920A BURGMASTER 0A, 0B Turret Drilling and Tapping Machines and the 1D Automatic Feed Unit. Comprehensive Service Manualwith a Parts Manual as clear Sectional Drawings, Electrical Schematics and a copy of the maker's Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue.

MB920B BURGMASTER (BURGMASTER-HOUDAILLE) 1-D and 1-DL (also covers the mainelements of the 1-DP and 1-DC electric-feed versions) Bench Model TurretDrilling and Tapping Machine: Installation, Operator's Instruction, Maintenanceand Servicing Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings. Includes a copy of themaker's Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue.

MB920A BURGMASTER (BURGMASTER-HOUDAILLE) 2B and 2BL Turret Drilling and TappingMachine. Operator's Instruction and Service Manual with Parts as SectionalDrawings.

MB920C BURGMASTER 2-DC (BURGMASTER-HOUDAILLE) Automatic Turret Drilling andTapping Machine: Installation, Operation, Maintenance and Servicing Manual.Includes a sub-manual for the "Schrader Bellows" Rotary Table Feed.

MB920CD BURGMASTER ECON-O-Centre 11-25, 11-30 and 1130L Machining Centre.Programming Manual.

MB920E BURGMASTER (BURGMASTER-HOUDAILLE) Strippit Super 30/30 Hole Punching& Notching machine. Operation & Maintenance Manual with an electricalschematic and a copy of the Fabricator Tooling Catalogue.

MB930BURKE (Millrite/Powermatic) Vertical Turret Miller. Includes Standard andvariable-speed models. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Partsas detailed Exploded Component Drawings. Includes Electrical Schematics and twoSales and Specification and Accessories Catalogues.

MB930A/us BURKE (Millrite/Powermatic) No. 4 Horizontal Miller. MaintenanceManual and Illustrated Parts Manual.

MB840 BURNERD Multi-Size Collet System. Comprehensive 88-page Combined Manualand Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue that covers all varieties andsizes including the powered models. Includes detailed Sectional Drawingsshowing individual components.

MB940A BURNERD Chucks GRIP-TRU PRECISION and Standard. Set-up and MountingInstructions. English, French German and Spanish text.

MB945 BUSCH Hydraulic Keyway Milling Machine Type NF-2-Q-150 OperatingInstructions including a Hydraulic Schematic.

MB945A BUSCH FSV5 Hydraulic Vertical Square-Hole Milling Machine OperatingInstructions.

MB945B BUSCH NF8 Vertical Keyway Milling Machine. Operating Instructions withElectrical Schematics.

MB950 BUTLER "Concord" 450Lathe (also badged as the Elliott "Concord" 450): Instruction and Maintenance Manual. Includes a copy of themaker's comprehensive Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue and cleardiagrams of the often illegible Screwcutting and Feeds Chart.

MB950A BUTLER "Concorde" 450 Lathe (also badged as the Elliott"Concord" 450): Illustrated Parts Manual as Exploded AssemblyDiagrams.

MB950B BUTLER 460 Lathe (also badged as the Elliott 460): Instruction andMaintenance Manual. Includes a copy of the maker's comprehensive TechnicalSales and Specification Catalogue and clear diagrams of the often illegibleScrewcutting and Feeds Chart.

MB950C BUTLER 460 Lathe: Illustrated Parts Manual as Exploded AssemblyDiagrams.

MB850D BUTLER 550 Lathes (also badged as the Elliott 550): Instruction andMaintenance Manual. Includes a copy of the maker's comprehensive TechnicalSales and Specification Catalogue and clear diagrams of the often illegibleScrewcutting and Feeds Chart.

MB850E BUTLER 550 Lathe (also badged as the Elliott 550): Illustrated PartsManual as Exploded Assembly Diagrams.(*revise).

MB950F BUTLER GS14 Shaper: Operator's Instruction Manual and Illustrated PartsManual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MB850G BUTLER GS24 Shaper: Operator's Instruction Manual and Illustrated PartsManual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MB850H BUTLER Super Shaper 18-inch and 26-inch crank operated: Operator's &Maintenance Instructions and Illustrated Parts Manual as Exploded ComponentDrawings. Two editions included, early and late, with corresponding detailedSales and Technical Specification catalogues. This set represents a completedata pack for the two models.

MB850K BUTLER 8-inch and 12-inch Precision Slotter. Erecting, Maintenance,Operating Manual. Includes a copy of the maker's comprehensive Sales andSpecification catalogue.

MB850KD BUTLER 8-inch and 12-inch Precision Slotter. Sectional Drawings ofthe Table Assembly.

MB850L BUTLER 6 foot Open-sided Planer. Erecting, Operating and MaintenanceManual.

MB850M BUTLER Planer Spiral Electrical Type. Erecting, Operating andMaintenance Manual.

MB850N BUTLER Planer Spur Drive Type 12-foot by 4-foot 6 inches x 4 foot6-inches. Erecting, Operating and Maintenance Manual.

MB850P BUTLER Model 4A Planing Machine. Erecting, Operating and MaintenanceManual.

MB850Q Butler Elgamill CS10, CS10VA and DR12VA Milling Machines. A two-editionManual for all versions covering Erecting, Operating and Maintenance with Partsas Sectional Drawings.

MB850R BUTLER ELGAMILL Computer-control Manual for the WESTINGHOUSE W-2560Controller. Users Guide and Programming Manual.

MB900 Butterfly (Harvery Manufacturing) Die Filer Operator's Instruction Sheetsand Parts List (Sold in the UK as the Excel) 4 pages.

MB960 BUTTERWORH H Type Automatic Screw Machine. Setting Up and OperatingInstructions with Parts as Detailed Sectional Drawings and a HydraulicSchematic.

MB960A BUTTERWORTH Automatic Screw Machines Types AG and SD and other earlymodels. Setting Up and Operating Instructions with Parts as Detailed SectionalDrawings.

MB990 BUXTON Straight Folding Machines. Operating Manual.

MB990A BUXTON Initial Pinch Bending Rolls. Operating Manual.

MC01 Cabiati Mario (Precisione di Lavorazione Meccanica e Aeronautica) ModelloTPR-1. Istruzioni per l'uso, Catalogo con utili disegni in sezione, funzionitipiche e accessori. 12 pagine.

MC02 CABO No. 2 Double-axis swivel-head Surface & Universal Grinder. Acatalogue/handbook that shows all the many and varied operating modes andset-ups possible with this unusual machine.English, Italian & French text.
MC05 CALPE Lathe Types M-1200-H & M-1200-TH4. Operation & Maintenance Manualwith Electrical Schematics.

MC10 CAMBRIDGE Gas Analysis Equipment Models B. Operating Instructions.

MC12 Canning "Trojan" Hydraulic Return and Slipper Arm types of Automatic Plating Plant for bright zinc plating. Operating and Maintenance Instructions and Instructions for the Canning Rotary Air pumps and British Labour Pumps together with a number of Sectional Drawings.

MC15CAPCO Surface Grinders. It appears that no proper handbook was issued withthese machines - but there is a well produced and illustrated Sales &Specification Catalogue for the hand-operated Size 1 and Size 2 machines. 12pages with two editions included, early and late showing slightly differentmodels.

<![if !supportEmptyParas]><![endif]>

MC16CAPCO (Caplin Engineering Co.) Q-35 Mk.2 Automatic high-precision CuttingMachine. Operator's Instruction Book.

MC20CAPITAL-Auto Herbert 2D Capstan with Martonair Elgomatic Controls. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manuals including several large electricalschematics.

MC00 CAPSTAN TOOLING: The definitive guide to capstan Tooling, Toolholders,Accessories, Chucks and Collets of the traditional pattern. Wonderfully useful148-page book (published by Ward) with clear photographs showing the mountingand employment of all types of capstan tooling. Several editions of this bookwere published - this is the most complete. US

MC40 CARBA-TEC Mk. 11 Mini Wood Lathe: Simple Instruction Manual and PartsManual. All Carba-tec lathes machines use the same base unit and theseinstructions can be used with other models.

MC46 CARD Modellers Lathe. Set of dimensioned drawings - unfortunately not avery good quality copy.

MC50 CARDIFF No. 1 Power Punching and Shear Press. Operator's Instructions andBlade Adjustments .

MC50A CARDIFF (CARDIFF/ELLIOTT) Major lathe all 7-inch and 10-inchcentre-height models. Operating and Maintenance Manual with Catalogues.

MC50B CARDIFF (CARDIFF/ELLIOTT) Major lathes 7-inch and 8-inch centre-heightmodels. Illustrated Parts Manual.

MC50D CARDIFF (CARDIFF/ELLIOTT) SENIOR and CRUSADER lathes: 8.5-inch, 9-inchand 10-inch centre-heights. Data Pack with the Operator's Instruction,Maintenance and Parts Manuals and a copy of the maker's Sales, TechnicalSpecification and Accessories Catalogue.

MC50F CARDIFF No. 1 Power Punching and Shearing Machine. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Book with Illustrated Parts Manual.

MC52 CARLTON 1A Radial Arm Drill. Operator's Instruction Manual with ElectricalSchematics.

MC55 CARROLL-JAMIESON Master Model GH Engine Lathe: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts List as Photographs. Includes a copy of the Sales& Specification Catalog and Price Lists.

C5 CARSON Tool & Cutter Grinder. Not a manual but a Sales, Accessories& Specification Catalogue but with a page having as sectional drawingthrough the headstock with instructions concerning the bearing adjustmentprocedure. 12 pages.

C11CATARACT (Hardinge) Wonderful Full-range Catalogue circa 1910 - 1920 showingall the Precision Bench & Screwcutting Lathes, Milling Machines, AutomaticGear & Pinion Cutters, Drills and the full accessory range. Although not ahandbook, there are many descriptive and illustrative details of the machines'construction, drive systems and countershafts including sectional drawings ofthe various headstocks. 116 pages.

C11A CATARACT (Hardinge) 1902 Catalogue: Bench Lathes & Attachments;precision bench drill. 29 pages. Not a first-class copy.

C11B CATARACT (Hardinge) Wonderful Full-range Catalogue of Precision Lathes& Millers of the 1930s. Includes bench precision lathes, milling machinesof the MD3, MD4, BB2V, and MD5 types. Automatic Gear & Pinion Cutters,Drills and the full accessory range. Although not a handbook, there are manydescriptive and illustrative details of the machines' construction, drivesystems and countershafts including sectional drawings of the variousheadstocks.. 50 pages.

C11C CATARACT (Hardinge) No. 5 open-headstock flat-belt drive Milling Machine.Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue. 2 pages.

C11D CATARACT (Hardinge) MD3 and MD4 (similar to the BB4 Type) Enclosed HeadPrecision Bench Milling Machines. Sales, Technical Specification &Accessories Catalogue. 4 pages.

C11E CATARACT (Hardinge) MD5 Precision Milling Machine. Sales, TechnicalSpecification & Accessories Catalogue. 4 pages.

MC56 CATMUR-MOORE Air-Driven Slot Grinding Attachment - for all Moore JigGrinders.

MC58 CAWI-SPIRAL Tool & Cutter Grinders - all models. Operation &Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Exploded-component photographs andelectrical schematics. English and German Text. .

MC60 CAZENEUVE Lathe 360-HBX: English-language Instruction Manual and PartsManual as Detailed Sectional Drawings. Contains images of the screwcuttingcharts and the essential thread pick-up and automatic disengage charts - all ofwhich are often missing or damaged on these lathes. Also includes a copy of themaker's 12-page detailed Technical Specification and Sales Catalogue.

MC60A CAZENEUVE Lathe 360-HBX: French language Instruction Manual and PartsManual as Detailed Sectional Drawings with Electrical Schematics. Also includesa copy of the maker's 12-page detailed Technical Specification and SalesCatalogue.

MC60BL CAZENEUVE Lathes HB500, HB575, HB725: A complete data pack includingboth the earlier, smaller edition of the manual and the later and more completeEdition. Each is an Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts asdetailed sectional drawings and Electrical Schematics. To improve clarity, manyof the drawings have been scanned individually at high resolution are blown upto fill a whole page. Also includes a comprehensive (beautifully-illustrated)Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue.

MC60C CAZENEUVE Hydraulic Copying: Instruction Manual with detailed Drawings.French text.

MC61 CECO Models 5-3-8 and 5-4-8 Screw Machines (cam-controlled Automatic byThe City Engineering Co. Dayton, Ohio) Detailed Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Accessories Details including the 3-spindle attachment.

MC62 CEGIELSKI POZNAN (H.Cegielski) Turret Capstan Lathe RVL63. Operation and Maintenance Manual with a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MC62A CEGIELSKI POZNAN – drillers. Manuals may be available. Please e-mail yourrequirements

MC63/MG385 CEGELEC Gemdrive-Axis Mk.2SB Technical Manual.

MC63A/MG385A CEGLEC Gemdrive 2000 for Models GD2004 and GD2070. DetailedTechnical Manual.

CELTIC branded Lathes - See under the Manufacturer MONDIAL below.

MC65 CENTAURO T4 Wood-turning Copy Lathe. Operation Manual and Spare Parts asExploded Component Drawings. English, French, German and Italian text.

MC65A CENTAURO T5 Wood-turning Copy Lathe. Operation Manual and Spare Parts asExploded Component Drawings. English text.

MC65B CENTAURO Series SP Bandsaws. Operation and Maintenance Manual with Parts asExploded Component Drawings. English text.

MC66 CENTEC 2, 2A and 2B Milling Machines:
A data packing consisting of: an improved copy of the original, ratherinadequate publication - with better diagrams, extra illustrations andadditional Maintenance notes.
A second different edition of the manual with a Parts List as sectionaldiagrams.
40 pages of early to late maker's Sales and Specification catalogues for the 2,2A, 2B, 2C, all the 3-Series, No. 4 and Automil Models (this set includes anunknown-until-2019 early catalogue)

MC66B CENTEC 2C, AUTOMILL Mk. 11 and Automill Mk. 111: Operator's Hand booksand Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes a copy of the maker's Salesand Specification Catalogue.

MC66C CENTEC 3R (and other versions of this Centec production milling machine).Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual.

MC68CENTRELESS GRINDING: a Hand book for beginner and Expert by the SchrivenerCompany. 103 pages detailing the principles, typical machines and illustratedwork examples.

MC68A CENTRELESS GRINDING: an introductory guide by the Norton Company.

MC68B CENTRELESS GRINDING: Comprehensive 3-part Book.


MC70 CHAMPION Spark Plug Cleaning and Testing Machine Series 800. Operating andMaintenance Instructions with exploded-component pictures Parts list.

MC72 CHARD LATHES (Western Machine Tool Works): Operator's Instruction Manualand Parts as Sectional Drawings. Covers the Geared-head and flat-belt drive16", 18" and 20" Engine Lathes and 16" and 18"Manufacturing Lathes.

C38 CHARD (Western Machine Tool Works USA): a useful and very detailed catalogto accompany the above Manual is: Chard Full-range Catalogue with superbillustrations of the Timken-bearing lathes with belt and gear-drive headstocks.Many sectional drawings. 36 pages.

MC73CH CHARMILLES D1S Spark-Erosion Machine: Comprehensive manual covering:Setting up, Operation, Maintenance, Fault Finding, Accessories, Isopulse andMicrofin Generators. Includes an Electrical Schematic.

MC73CH2 CHARMILLES ROBOFIL 500/510 Spark-Erosion Machine. Very large anddetailed Spare Parts Manual with Wiring Diagrams. Includes; Lists and Drawingsof Parts; Cubicle; Positioning Function; Dielectric Function; Wire ChaningFunction; Erode Function; Accessories and Test Equipment and Options. English,French and German Text.

MC40 Chinese 7" x 12" Mini-Lathe. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MC40a Chinese lathe Type CQ6133 (165 mm centre height), Operation &Maintenance Manual.

MC50 Chin Tsan CTV700 Milling Machine. Operation and Basic Maintenance withParts as detailed sectional drawings.

MC74 CHICAGO Universal Box and Pan Hand Bending Brakes. Operating Instructionsand Parts List as annotated drawings. 3 pages.

MC75 CHIRON-TUTTLINGEN Chiromat Machining Centre FZ16NC. OperatingInstructions.

CHOLET Lathes: See under SOMUA (H.Earnault-Somua):

MC77 CHRISTEN UO and UO-A Miller. (smallest of the older machines) Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Wiring Diagram and sectional drawingsof the Optional Heads. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specificationand Accessories Catalogue.

MC77A CHRISTEN 2-32 Twist Drill Grinding machine. Very Detailed Operating andMaintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MC77C CHRISTEN 03-5 Drill Grinding Machine. User's Manual, Maintenance andindividually Illustrated Parts Manual for Machine and Accessories.

MC77E CHRISTEN 03-6 Drill Grinding Machine. User's Manual, Maintenance andindividually Illustrated Parts Manual for Machine and Accessories.

MC77G CHRISTEN 03-6B Drill Grinding Machine. User's Manual, Maintenance andindividually Illustrated Parts Manual for Machine and Accessories.

MC77J CHRISTEN 05-8 Drill Grinding Machine. User's Manual, Maintenance andindividually Illustrated Parts Manual for Machine and Accessories.

MC77L CHRISTEN 05-10 Drill Grinding Machine. User's Manual, Maintenance andindividually Illustrated Parts Manual for Machine and Accessories.

MC77N CHRISTEN KB-2 Champhering Machine. Instruction Book.

MC77P CHRISTEN "DAN" Lathe Operation & Service Manual withElectrical Diagrams (pd). GERMAN TEXT.

MC79 CHRONOS WHEEL-CUTTING ENGINE. Instructions for use Manual.

MC80 CHURCHILL GRINDERS - MANUALS ARE AVAILABLE for MODELS not listed below.Please e-mail your requirements -

MC80A CHURCHILL - a very useful book "Workshop Precision Grinding" byChurchill. The definitive book covering: cylindrical, centerless, internal,surface together with useful pointers on the design and operation of grindingmachines including: grinding spindles, internal spindles, workheads, universalworkheads, tailstocks, selection and use of wheels, operation and Maintenance,etc. If you have ever wondered where to find all the basic facts about grindingmachines - here they are.

MC81-01 CHURCHILL No. 1 Centreless Grinder (also sold as the BSA No. 4G) Operator'smanual.

MC81-02 CHURCHILL No.2 Centreless Grinder. Operator's & Maintenance Manualwith Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MC81AW CHURCHILL AW GRINDER: Operating and Maintenance Manual with Parts asSectional Drawings. Includes Hydraulic Diminishing Feed and 2-stage GaugeSizing Instructions.

MC81AY CHURCHILL AY GRINDER: Operating and Maintenance Manual.

MC81SHC CHURCHILL SHC No. 2 Splineshaft Grinder: Maintenance and OperatingManual.

MC81BX-PBX CHURCHILL BX and PBX GRINDERS: Comprehensive Maintenance andOperating Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Diagrams and ExplodedComponents (for both early and late machines) and Electrical and ElectricalSchematics.

MC81BX2U CHURCHILL BX Series 2 GRINDER Universal Model with compound swivelwheelhead: Operating Manual.

MC81BX2S CHURCHILL BX Series 2 GRINDER Non-universal versions with Plain,Angle-head and Angle-approach types of Wheelhead. Operating Manual.

MC81BW CHURCHILL BW GRINDER: Operating and Maintenance Manual with Parts asSectional Drawings and a large Electrical schematic.

MC81F Churchill C and F Roll Grinding Machines (On the "F" the backend of head lifts up and down to provide a cambering effect): MaintenanceManual, Operating and Maintenance Manual and Parts as Sectional Drawings.Included are an early manual for the "C" and a lathe manual for the"F".

MC81CA CHURCHILL CA and CAC Automatic Grinding Machines. Operating andMaintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Diagrams.

MC81CW CHURCHILL CW GRINDER: Operating and Maintenance Manual and Parts Manualas Sectional Drawings.

MC81CWD CHURCHILL CW GRINDER: Two Large Erection and Foundation drawings.

MC83DG100 CHURCHILL DG100 DRILL GRINDER (made to the original design by HerbertHunt): Instruction Manual, and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings

MC81DCH CHURCHILL DCH GRINDER Crankshaft Grinding Machine: ComprehensiveMaintenance and Operating Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Diagrams andExploded Components.

MC81D CHURCHILL D Roll Grinder: Comprehensive Maintenance and Operating Manualand Parts Manual as Sectional Diagrams and Exploded Components.

MC81D/DE CHURCHILL D and DE GRINDERS: Comprehensive Maintenance and OperatingManual and Parts Manual as Sectional Diagrams and Exploded Components.

MC81EC CHURCHILL EC GRINDER Centreless: Maintenance Manual, Operating Manualand Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MC81FPC CHURCHILL F Plain cylindrical (fixed head)**: Maintenance Manual,Operating and Maintenance Manual and Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MC81HAA CHURCHILL HAA GRINDER Internal Grinding Machine: Operating andMaintenance Manual and Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MC81HBA CHURCHILL HBA GRINDER Internal: Maintenance Manual, Operating Manualand Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MC81HBM CHURCHILL HBM GRINDER Internal Automatic. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MC81HBX CHURCHILL HBX GRINDER Internal: Maintenance Manual, Operating Manual andParts as Sectional Drawings.

MC81HBY CHURCHILL HBY GRINDER Internal: Maintenance Manual, Operating Manualand Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MC81HCY/HDY CHURCHILL HCY/HDY GRINDER Internal: Maintenance Manual, OperatingManual and Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MC81HC3 CHURCHILL HC3/15 Lathe. Detailed Operation Manual with Parts Manual asSectional Drawings.

MC81NB CHURCHILL NB Surface GRINDER: Comprehensive Maintenance and OperatingManual and Parts Manual as Sectional Diagrams and Exploded Components for bothearly and late machines.

MC81NH CHURCHILL NH GRINDER Horizontal Spindle Plano Type: ComprehensiveMaintenance and Operating Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Diagrams andExploded Components.

MC81HW CHURCHILL OH Semi-Universal/Tool & Cutter Grinder. Maintenance andOperating Instructions.

MC81OHW CHURCHILL OHW Semi-Universal Grinding Machine. Maintenance andOperating Instructions.

MC81PCH CHURCHILL PCH Universal Grinding Machine. Maintenance and OperatingManual and Parts Manual as Sectional Diagrams and Exploded Components.

MC81OSB CHURCHILL OSB GRINDER Surface: Comprehensive Maintenance and OperatingManual and Parts Manual as Sectional Diagrams and Exploded Components.

MC81OSC CHURCHILL OSC GRINDER Surface: Comprehensive Maintenance and OperatingManual and Parts Manual as Sectional Diagrams and Exploded Components. ContainsElectrical and Hydraulic Schematics.

MC81OSD CHURCHILL OSD Open Side Surface Grinder. Maintenance and Operating Manualand Parts Manual as Sectional Diagrams and Exploded Components.

MC81OSV CHURCHILL OSV Vertical Spindle Grinder: Comprehensive Maintenance andOperating Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Diagrams.

MC81OX CHURCHILL OX GRINDER Plain cylindrical: Comprehensive Maintenance andOperating Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Diagrams.

MC81OXW CHURCHILL OXW GRINDER Semi-universal: Comprehensive Maintenance andOperating Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Diagrams.

MC81PAH CHURCHILL PAH and PBH Universal Grinders: Operating and MaintenanceManual.

MC81PAW CHURCHILL PAW GRINDER Universal (with notes on the PBW and HBY models):Comprehensive Maintenance and Operating Manual and Parts Manual as SectionalDiagrams.

MC81PBW CHURCHILL PBW GRINDER Universal. Comprehensive Maintenance andOperating Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Diagrams: Two editions included:an early publication with the "Hydrauto" spindle bearings and alate-edition covering the modified machines.

MC81PCH CHURCHILL PCH GRINDER Universal: Comprehensive Maintenance andOperating Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Diagrams.

MC81RBY CHURCHILL RBY Ring and Surface Grinding Machine. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Diagrams.

MC81TWR CHURCHILL TWA, TWB and TWR Travelling Wheelhead Roll Grinders:Comprehensive Maintenance and Operating Manual and Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings.

MC81UA CHURCHILL UA Planetary Grinder. Operator's Instruction Manual with someparts shown as sectional drawings and hydraulic schematics.

MC81VB CHURCHILL VB and VBA Slideway GRINDER: Comprehensive Maintenance andOperating Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings for both early andlate machines.

MC81VXA CHURCHILL VXA Vertical Spindle Grinder. Maintenance and OperatingInstructions.

MC82EC2 CHURCHILL EC2 centring Machine: Operator's Instruction Manual andSectional Drawings for early and late Machines.

CHURCHILL GEAR MACHINERY ("Rigidhobbers" were licence-built from theCleveland Company in the United States)

MC240 CHURCHILL RIGIDHOBBER S8/8 and 8/16 Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Wiring diagram.

MC240A CHURCHILL RIGIDHOBBER S-815 Operator's Instruction Manual with aseparate Maintenance Manual and 2 Parts Lists (early and late) as SectionalDrawings Also included are 4 large electrical and mechanical drawings.

MC240B CHURCHILL RIGIDHOBBER S-1623 and S-1630 (23" and 30" betweencentres) Mk.5 and Mk.6 Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings.

MC240C CHURCHILL RIGIDHOBBER RH8 and RH8/15 Mk. Operator's Instruction Manual.This is the fuller edition with all the added supplements.

MC240D CHURCHILL RIGIDHOBBER RH8 and RH8/15 Mk. 2 Maintenance Manual with Partsas Exploded Component Drawings. Also available with Russian text.

MC240E CHURCHILL RIGIDHOBBER Mk. 4, 5 and 6. Operator's instructions

MC89 CHURCHILL GS Type Universal Gear Shaving Machine. Operator's InstructionManual.

MC89A CHURCHILL GS Type Universal Gear Shaving Machine. Maintenance Manual withSectional Drawings.

MC89B Churchill H250 7 PH250 Gear Hobbing Machines. Operator's Hand book withParts as Sectional Drawings.

MC89C CHURCHILL PH-400 Gear Hobbing Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual

MC89D CHURCHILL PH-1612 Universal Gear Hobbing Machine. OPERATOR'S MANUAL.

MC89E CHURCHILL PH-1612 Universal Gear Hobbing Machine. SERVICE MANUAL withParts as Exploded-component drawings.

MC89F CHURCHILL PH-2415 and PH-3615 Universal Gear Hobbing Machine. Operator'sInstruction Manual;.

MC89G CHURCHILL RED RING GEAR SHAVING MACHINE. Operator's Manual. (also seeunder RED RING below)

MC89-GS8 GHURCHILL GS8 Universal Gear Shaving Machine. Operator's Manual.

MC89H Churchill RED-RING G.H.D. GEAR HONER: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual and Parts as Sectional Drawings. (also see under REDRING)

MC90 CHURCHILL-CINCINNATI No.2 Centreless Grinder: A useful Sales andSpecification catalogue (Not a Manual) showing every aspect of the machine andits accessories.

CHURCHILL LATHES - Conventional Centre Type

MC92 CHURCHILL 22L, 28L and SB Lathes. Operator's Instructions.

MC95 CHURCHILL REDMAN "CUB" LATHE Mk.3. Maker's Instruction andMaintenance Manual and Spares Lists in the form of detailed Sectional Drawingsof the entire machine. Includes a copy of the maker's 12-page Technical Salesand Specification Catalogue.

MC95B CHURCHILL REDMAN "CUB" LATHE Mk.1. The only Maker's literaturefor this lathe is in the form of a useful and detailed Sales and SpecificationCatalogue - it includes Inch and Metric Screwcutting Charts and an annotatedcontrols drawing.

MC95C CHURCHILL REDMAN CUB: Blue Print of 3-speed gearbox on leadscrew end andchangewheel-carrying arm (banjo). Blue print of Apron.

MC95D CHURCHILL-REDMAN 18SL, 22SL and 22SB Lathes. Operator's Instruction andGeneral Maintenance Hand book with Sectional Drawings through ScrewcuttingGearbox, Headstock and Apron. Includes an Electrical Schematic.

MC95E CHURCHILL-REDMAN 22L, 28L SB Lathes. Operator's Instruction and GeneralMaintenance Hand book with Sectional Drawings through Screwcutting Gearbox,Headstock and Apron. Includes an Electrical Schematic.

CHURCHILL LATHES - Tracer, Copy and Profile Types

MC96D CHURCHILL P5 Model 15 Tracer (Profile) lathes. Operator's and MaintenanceInstruction Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MC96E CHURCHILL P5 Model 816 (8" x 16") Tracer (Profile) lathes.Operator's and Maintenance Instruction Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MC96F CHURCHILL P5 "Six-Twenty" and "Six-Thirty" (6" x20" and 6" x 30") Profile Turning and Multi-tool Lathe:Operator's Instruction Manual, Maintenance and Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MC96Q CHURCHILL P60 TRACER (Copy) lathe. Operator's Hand book, MaintenanceInstructions, Template Design.

MC96G CHURCHILL P5 12" x 20" (Twelve-Twenty) Semi-Automatic HydraulicProfiling Lathe. Operator's Hand book and Maintenance Manual.

MC96G2 CHURCHILL P5 12" x 40" (Twelve-Forty) Semi-Automatic HydraulicProfiling Lathe. Operator's Hand book and Maintenance Manual.

MC96G3 CHURCHILL P5 14" x 60" (Fourteen-Sixty) Semi-AutomaticHydraulic Profiling Lathe. Operator's Hand book and Maintenance Manual.

MC96J CHURCHILL "VERTIMAX" Vertical LATHES: J Model and No. 3 Mk. 2:Operator's Instruction Manuals.

CHURCHILL LATHES - Automatic and NC Types

MC97K CHURCHILL CA9-10 & CA9-16 Single Spindle Automatic Lathe: Operator'sInstruction Manual. Two editions are included: an earlier dedicated CA9-10version and a later dual CA9-10 and CA9-16.

MC97L CHURCHILL CA9-10 & CA9-16 Single Spindle Automatic Lathe: MechanicalMaintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Diagrams.

MC97M CHURCHILL CA9-10 Single-spindle Automatic Lathe Operation Manual.

MC97MM CHURCHILL CA9-10, CA9-16 & BA.60 Single Spindle Automatic Lathes.Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Diagrams. Includes 5large Electrical Drawings.

MC97N CHURCHILL CA9-10 Single Spindle Automatic Lathe: Standard Toolholders andAttachments. Sectional Drawings with dimensions.

MC97P CHURCHILL CA9-16 Single Spindle Automatic Lathe: Maintenance Manual andParts Manual as Exploded Component Diagrams.

MC97R CHURCHILL-FAY 12" Automatic Lathe. Operator's Instruction Manual,Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Diagrams.

MC97T/MP238B CHURCHILL COMPUTURN CNC-390 lathe (by PONAR-WROCLAW and alsobadged as Churchill). Comprehensive Operator's Instruction Manual with Parts asdetailed sectional drawings.

MC97U CHURCHILL-REDMAN "Red Century" 450-NC lathe with I.G.E. MarkCentury 100S Controls. Operation Manual with brief Programming Instructions.

MC97V CHURCHILL HC6/30 NC Lathe. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes details of the ContravesSpindle drives.

MC97W CHURCHILL "TWO SERIES" CNC Lathes with Fanuc 10TF Controls. Huge Operation and Programming Manual

MC97 CHURCHILL C-R Shaping machines (Churchill shaper) 18", 24" and32" strokes. Handbook for Operator's with detailed, sectional partsdrawings.

MC100CIMCOOL MIXMASTER. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual

CINCINNATI- please enquire if your Cincinnati Machine tool is not listed below.Spares are also available.

CINCINNAT-BICKFORD Drills - see under BICKFORD above.

MC110 CINCINNATI LATHE Hydrashift Model LRT: Detailed and comprehensiveAll-models "SERVICE MANUAL and PARTS LIST". Also covers Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance and shows the Parts as Exploded-component Drawings.

MC110A CINCINNATI "Tray-top" LATHE Model 10-inch, 121/2",15" 18" and "Tray Top LE" lathes 15-inch and 18-inch.Comprehensive Installation, Operator's Instruction, Service, Maintenance andExploded-diagram Parts List Manual

MC111 CINCINNATI "LT" LATHES 16", 18", 20" and24". Operation and Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual showing the itemsas Exploded-component Drawings.


MC112 CINCINNATI Acratrace Hydraulic Tracer Unit, Operation and Service Manualwith Parts as clear Exploded Component Drawings

Cincinnati TOOLMASTER Milling Machines. Three versions were produced: the earlySeries 1 "rounded" style models and two later models with"angular" styling the DD and the MT. If you are not sure which youhave, look here for details: TOOLMASTER

MC116 Cincinnati "TOOLMASTER" Milling Machines early"Round-style" Types 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E and H-V: Detailed Operator'sInstruction Manual. (See: Toolmaster)

MC116A Cincinnati "TOOLMASTER" Milling Machines early"round-style" Turret-head type: Service Manual and Exploded AssemblyParts Manual. Includes a copy of the maker's detailed 24-page Sales, TechnicalSpecification & Accessories Catalogue. Models: 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, HV etc. (See: Toolmaster)

MC116DD Cincinnati "TOOLMASTER" Milling Machines Model DD with"Square-styled" model Turret-head Type: A complete data pack for themiller containing a detailed Operator's Instruction Manual, Service Manual andParts Manual with Sectional Sectional Drawings, two electrical schematics andthe alignment test charts. Includes a copy of the maker's comprehensive Salesand Technical Specification Catalogue. (A complete data pack for the machine). (See: ToolmasterType DD)

MC116MT Cincinnati "TOOLMASTER" Milling Machines Model MT - the lasttype manufactured. Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual. (See: Toolmaster Type MT)

MC116MTECincinnati "TOOLMASTER" Milling Machines Model MT. Two very largeelectrical schematics issued by the factory.

MC116MTSP Cincinnati "TOOLMASTER" Milling Machines Model MT - thelast type manufactured. Detailed Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual asSectional Drawings. (See: Toolmaster Type MT)

Three versions of this type were produced: the original 8" x 18" andthen the same head fitted to modified versions of the first two types ofordinary "Toolmaster". If you are not sure which one you have, lookhere for details: CONTOURMASTER

MC117 Cincinnati Contourmaster Milling Machine (Turret-head Type) - Service andParts Manual Data Set. The "Contourmaster" was a machine built usingthe base section and table of the older "Toolmaster" combined withthe head from the "8" x 18"" model and the"Acratrace" Hydraulic Tracer Unit). The publication consists of: theService and Parts Manual for the early Toolmster, the Head Parts Manual for the"8 x 18" Model, the detailed "Operation, Repair Service andParts List Manual" for the "Acratrace" Hydraulic Tracer unit anda copy of the Contourmaster Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue.

MC117A Cincinnati "Contourmaster" No. 1C Tool and Die Milling Machinealso covering the 1A and 1B. Operation manual . First sold during the late1940s as the rather different 8" x 18" Tool and Die Milling Machine,by the late 1950s the Contourmaster was using the same column, knee and tableas the ordinary ram-head Mk.1 Toolmaster. To cover the A and B models, thispublication includes a manual for both the "Contourmaster" andanother for the early Mk.1 "Toolmaster".

MC117B Cincinnati Model OM No. 8" x 18" Tool and Die Milling Machine:Detailed Operator's Instruction Book.

MC1178X8 Cincinnati 8 x 8 Tool and Die Milling Machine. Operator's Manual. Thisis for the original model recognisable by the head unit sitting on a large on arectangular block on top of the column with "CINCINNATI" writtenacross its front face.

MC117C Cincinnati No. 8" x 18" Tool and Die Milling Machine SpareManual as Exploded Component Drawings.

Cincinnati "DIAL TYPE" milling machines. These changed over the yearsbut the (excellent) manuals available reflect these in a most comprehensiveway. However, If you are not sure which of the following is suitable for yourmachine please phone: 01298-871633 or e-mail: advice as to the most suitable. Also: check these pages for detailedinformation: Cincinnati Dial Type

MC114B Cincinnati Earlier "DIAL TYPE" Milling Machines Nos. 1, 2, 3and 4: Service Manual and Parts Catalogue with photographs of components.Includes a comprehensive and detailed Sales, Accessories and TechnicalSpecification Catalogue. As made from the 1930s until the mid 1940s. Thisversion of the DIAL TYPE can be identified by two small dials on the left-handface of the column.

MC114BI Cincinnati Earlier "DIAL TYPE" Milling Machines Nos. 1, 2, 3and 4: Operator's Instruction Manual. As made from the 1930s until the mid1940s. This version of the DIAL TYPE can be identified by two small dials onthe left-hand face of the column.

MC114-OM Cincinnati "DIAL TYPE" Milling Machines Nos. 2, 3 and 4Model OM and the earlier Models EA with one large combined speeds and feedsdial on the left-hand face of the column: Maintenance and Parts Manual - thelatter as clear, exploded-component drawings. Includes a comprehensive anddetailed Sales, Accessories and Technical Specification Catalogue.

MC114-OMI Cincinnati "DIAL TYPE" Milling Machines Nos. 2, 3 and 4Model OM and the earlier Model EA with one large combined speeds and feeds dialon the left-hand face of the column: Operator's Instruction Book. Includes acomprehensive and detailed Sales, Accessories and Technical SpecificationCatalogue.

MC114C Cincinnati "DIAL TYPE" Milling Machines Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6Models LL and also as Types: 315-15, 415-15, 420-16 and 520-16 (Model LL) and520-20, 540-20, 620-20, 640-20 (Model ELA): Comprehensive Service andDismantling Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Assembly Diagrams.Includes a comprehensive and detailed Sales, Accessories and Technical SpecificationCatalogue. This edition covers the later machines with a spindle speeds dial onthe left-hand face of the column and a separate feeds dial on the left-handface of the knee.

MC114F Cincinnati one of the Last Models of "DIAL TYPE" Milling MachinesNos. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 and also as Types: 315-15, 415-15, 420-16 and 520-16(Model LL) and 520-20, 540-20, 620-20, 640-20 (Model ELA). These models had aspeed dial on the column and a feed dial on the side of the knee. Operator'sInstruction Book.

MC114FE Cincinnati the last model of the "DIAL TYPE" was the SeriesE, Types 210-14, 310-14, 315-16, 420-16, 520-16, etc. made as Vertical,Horizontal and Universal types - all versions carrying a badge on the front ofthe knee Marked Series E (if you suspect the badge is missing, it should berepeated on the side face of the main column but, if not, just email picturesto and I'll confirm the model for you). Huge Service Manualwith a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. This is an original works copy.

Milling Machines Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 and also as Types: 315-15, 415-15,420-16 and 520-16 (Model LL) and 520-20, 540-20, 620-20, 640-20 (Model ELA).These models had a speed dial on the column and a feed dial on the side of theknee. Operator's Instruction Book.

MC114G Cincinnati No. 4 High Power "DIAL TYPE" Milling Machines Plainand Vertical: Repair Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MC114H Cincinnati Type EDO "DIAL TYPE" Milling Machine. Operator'sInstruction Book.

MC113 Cincinnati "CINEDO" Horizontal and Vertical Milling MachinesModels (often marked Cincinnati 210-14, 310-14, 315-16, 415-16 or 420-16).Comprehensive Manual including Operation, Service, Maintenance and Parts asuseful sectional Drawings.
Also: check these pages for detailed information: CINEDO

MC113A Cincinnati CINEL 60 Milling Machines: Operator's Instruction Manual.

MC113B Cincinnati No. 0 to 8 Plain Automatic Milling Machines: Service Manualand Illustrated Parts Manual with photographs and extensive Sectional Drawings.

MC113C Cincinnati No. 0 TO 8 Plain Automatic Milling Machine. Operator'sInstruction Book.

MC112D CINCINNATI MH and No.2 L Milling Machines: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MC113E Cincinnati 200 Series ML and 200, 300 and 400 Series ML MillingMachines: Service Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual with Exploded AssemblyDiagrams. Full-size, large-page Edition.

MC113F Cincinnati 2ML, 2MI and 3MI (Model OM) Milling Machines: Very DetailedService Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual with Exploded Assembly Diagrams.Two editions are available: early (without the separate motor on the right-handface of the knee) and later with the separate knee-mounted motor.

MC113G Cincinnati 2MI Plain, Universal and Vertical Milling Machines:Operator's Instruction Manual.

MC113H Cincinnati 2L and 2MH Milling Machines. Service and Maintenance Manualwith Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MC113HL Cincinnati 'Table of Leads' for Lead Driving Mechanism on the 2L, 2MHand 2MI Universal Milling machines.

MC113J Cincinnati "HYDROMATIC" Milling Machines: Operator'sInstruction Book.

MC113K Cincinnati "HYDROMATIC" Milling Machines: Detailed ServiceManual and Illustrated Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MC113K/Tracer Cincinnati "HYDROMATIC" TRACER CONTROLLED MillingMachines: Operator's Instruction Manual.

MC113L Cincinnati "POWERMATIC" Milling Machines: Service Manual andIllustrated Parts Manual with Sectional Drawings.

MC113L2 Cincinnati "POWERMATIC" Milling Machines: Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MC113M Cincinnati "POWERMATIC" Types 100 and 300 Milling Machines(with push-button controls): Operator's Instruction Book and Service Manualwith Parts as Exploded Component Drawings and Electrical schematics(Full-edition version). Includes a useful Sales and Specification andAccessories Catalogue showing the various models and accessories.

MC113N Cincinnati "HIGH POWER" No. 4 and No. 5 Milling Machines.Operator's Instruction Book.

MC113P Cincinnati "HIGH POWER" No. 4 and No. 5 Milling Machines:Service Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual.

MC113Q Cincinnati "HYPOWERMATIC": Operator's Instruction Manual.

MC113R Cincinnati "HYPOWERMATIC" No. 300, 400 and 500 Series MillingMachines: Comprehensive Service Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded ComponentDrawings. Includes 2 detailed Hydraulic and Electrical schematics.

MC117C Cincinnati Model OM No. 8" x 18" Tool and Die Milling Machine:Illustrated Parts Manual with very clear exploded-assembly diagrams.

MC118 Cincinnati 2MK (207MK) Milling Machines Vertical, Horizontal andUniversal General Purpose Types: Comprehensive Service Manual, IllustratedParts Manual and Complete Sectional Drawings Set.

MC119 Cincinnati 2MK (207MK) Milling Machines Vertical, Horizontal andUniversal General Purpose types: Operator's Instruction Manual; includes twoeditions of the detailed Sales, Technical Specification & AccessoriesCatalogue.

MC120 Cincinnati Vertical Hydro-tel (Hydrotel) Milling Machines 16-inch Series(16-inch wide table): Operator's Instruction Book.

MC120A Cincinnati Vertical Hydro-tel (Hydrotel) Milling Machines 16-inch Series(16-inch wide table): Detailed 190-page Service Manual and Parts Manual asExploded Assembly Diagrams.

MC120B Cincinnati Vertical Hydro-tel (Hydrotel) Milling Machines 28-inch Series(28-inch wide table): Detailed Operator's Instruction Book.

MC120C Cincinnati Vertical Hydro-tel (Hydrotel) Milling Machines 28-inch Series(28-inch wide table): Detailed 236-page Service Manual and Parts Manual asSectional Drawings.

MC120CH Cincinnati Hydro-tel Milling Machines. Functioning of the 36--degreeAutomatic Tracing Attachment. Special booklet explaining in detail how thisunit works.

MC120D Cincinnati Vercipower Milling machine 300, 400, 500, 600, 700 Model DH.Parts Manual as clear exploded-component Drawings.

MC121 Cincinnati Model OL and TRACER-CONTROLLED Milling Machines PLAIN andDUPLEX types: Service Parts Manual as Exploded Assembly Diagrams.

MC126 Cincinnati Nos. 1-12 and 1-18 Plain Automatic Milling Machines:Operator's Instructions.

MC126AA Cincinnati Nos. 1-12 and 1-18 Plain Automatic Milling Machines: ServiceManual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MC128B Cincinnati Nos. 2-18 and 2-24 Plain Rise and Fall Automatic MillingMachines: Service Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MC129 Cincinnati 200 Series ML, 200, 300 and 400 Series MI Milling Machines:Includes the 203-10, 205-12 and 307-12 Universal with swing table; the 203-10,205-12 and 307-12 Plain Horizontal; the 205-12 and 307-12 vertical and the307-14 and 410-14 Plain and Universal. Detailed Service Manual and Parts Manualas Exploded Component Drawings.

MC131 Cincinnati 200 MI & ML Milling Machines (Model LL): Operator'sInstruction Book.

MC133 Cincinnati 24-inch Automatic Plain and Duplex Milling Machines: Parts andService Repair Book circa 1929.

MC133A Cincinnati Independent Overhead Spindle with gear drive - replaces theStandard overarm on horizontal models to convert it into a vertical miller.Identification CAA-LR: this is the model with lever speed-change levers on theside face. Parts List as Exploded Component Drawings.

MC133B Cincinnati Independent Overhead Spindle with gear drive - replaces theStandard overarm on horizontal models to convert it into a vertical miller.Identification CAA-LL: this is the model with two selector levers closetogether in the middle of the ram. Parts List as Exploded Component Drawings.

MC133C Cincinnati Independent Overhead Spindle with a double-swivel head -replaces the Standard overarm on horizontal models to convert it into avertical miller. Identification: a rectangular appearance with a single dial onthe right-hand face of the head. Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings

Cincinnati Milling Machine Optional Extras and Accessories:

MC135 Cincinnati 16-INCH, 20-INCH and 24-INCH Circular Milling AttachmentsTypes ARA-0M and AYA-0m Service Manual and Parts List as Sectional Drawings.

MC135B Cincinnati Automatic Cycle Selectors for 0-8, 2-24 Milling Machines.Function Cycle Manual.

MC135C Cincinnati "Cutting Gear Teeth on a Milling Machine" 59 pageexplanatory Booklet describing the cutting of worms, , worm-wheels, spur,helical and bevel gears.

MC135D Cincinnati UNIVERSAL DIVIDING HEADS 8, 10, 12 and 14 inch. Detailed108-page Operator's Instruction Book.

MC135DP Cincinnati UNIVERSAL DIVIDING HEADS 10, 12 and 14 inch. Service Manualand Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MC135E/C230 Cincinnati Wide Range Divider to fit Cincinnati Milling Heads.Sales and Specification catalogue but contains the essential table of angulardivisions. 4 pages.

MC135F Cincinnati Booklet "Look Sharp at Your Cutter" - a useful16-page guide to correct sharpening and cutting speeds and feeds


MC156A Cincinnati GP and GH Open FrontPower Presses. Combined Operator's Instruction Manual, Service Manual and PartsManual as detailed Sectional Drawings. Includes Electrical & HydraulicSchematics. (see also HME-Bentley entry)

MC156B Cincinnati "HME OP Type" PRESSES: Service Manual and PartsManual as detailed Sectional Drawings (also branded as HORDEN, MASON andEDWARDS).

MC156C Cincinnati HME "DCP5 and DCP6" PRESSES: Operator's InstructionManual, Service Manual and Parts Manual as detailed Sectional Drawings.

MC156 CINCINNATI PRESS BRAKE FUNDAMENTALS - guide to using and theircapabilities (Cincinnati publication)

MC156D Cincinnati Press Brakes - all models from No. 4 through to the No. 50 Series and Autocycle Models. Two editions are included that cover: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance (with a separate, detailed Manual on Press Brake Die Design and a shorter Fundamental Booklet of Press Brake Dies), Instructions for the Automatic Cycle Versions, a range of useful Sectional Drawings and Parts (some enlarged for improved clarity and printed A3 instead of A4), Foundation Plan, Capacity Charts, Electrical Schematic and cycle-air circuit for the Autocycle model and copies of the manuals for bought-in equipment including the FD Lubricator, Pressure Regulators, Air Filters, Ross Valves, Electrical Contactors and Overload Relays, Electric Motors etc. A complete data pack including everything known about these machines.

MC156E Cincinnati PRESS BRAKE - 13 Series and Smaller. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual. Includes a Press Brake Die Manual and a range ofSectional Drawings. Foundation Plan, Capacity Chart and Electrical Schematicfor the Autocycle model.

MC156F Cincinnati PRESS BRAKE - Flip Gauge and Depth Stop Programming unit.Operating instructions with Sectional Drawings and 7 large and ElectricalSchematics.

MC156G Cincinnati Guillotine Shears Series 10, 14, 18, 25, 43, 62 and 100. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MC156H Cincinnati Autoform 400-2000 Hydraulic Press Brake. Operation & Maintenance Manual.

MC156J Cincinnati Proform 400-2000 Hydraulic Press Brake. Operation & Maintenance Manual.


MC157 Cincinnati Tool and Cutter Grinder "MONOSET": Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance hand book.

MC157 Cincinnati Tool and Cutter Grinder "MONOSET": Detailed Parts'List as Sectional Drawings. Includes Electrical Schematic.

MC157AA Cincinnati No. 1 TOOL and CUTTER GRINDER Very Detailed Operator'sInstruction and Parts Manual as exploded-component drawings.

MC157A Cincinnati No. 2 TOOL and CUTTER GRINDER Very Detailed Operator'sInstruction Manual together with a copy of the interesting Sales andSpecification and Accessories Catalogue.

MC157B Cincinnati No. 2 TOOL and CUTTER GRINDER Service, Adjustment andDismantling Manual, and Illustrated Parts' List Manual. Includes 3 ElectricalSchematics and the maker's Alignment Test Record Sheets.

MC157C Cincinnati SPIROPOINT DRILL Sharpener. Operating Manual, Service Manualand Illustrated Parts Manual


MC157E CINCINNATI Centreless Grinder No. 2 Detailed Operator's Manual.

MC157F CINCINNATI Centreless Grinder No. 2 Models EA and OM: Detailed 174-pageService Manual and Parts Manual showing every aspect of the machine and itsAccessories.

MC157G CINCINNATI Centreless Grinder No. 2 Models EA and OM: Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MC157H CINCINNATI Centreless Grinder Nos. 2 and 3 Models LO and LL: Detailed235-page Service Manual and Parts Manual showing every aspect of the machineand its accessories.

MC157J CINCINNATI Centreless Grinders No. 3 and No. 4: Operator's InstructionManual.

MC157K CINCINNATI Centreless Grinders No. 3 and No. 4: Detailed Service Manualand Parts Manual as fold-out Sectional Drawings showing every aspect of themachine and its accessories.

MC157KK CINCINNATI 14U, 18U and 24U Universal Grinding Machines. Operator'sInstruction Book.

MC157KP CINCINNATI 14P, 18P and 24P Production Grinding Machines Model NDO.Detailed Operator's Instruction Book.

MC157L CINCINNATI 210-6 and 220-8 Centreless Grinding Machines: Detailed97-page Service Manual and Parts Manual as exploded component diagrams showingevery aspect of the machine.

MC157M CINCINNATI DE Centreless Grinder 300 Series: Detailed 172-page ServiceManual and Parts Manual as exploded component diagrams showing every aspect ofthe machine.

MC157N CINCINNATI 2OM Centreless Grinder. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics.

MC157P CINCINNATI PROJECTO-FORM Grinding Machine. Parts List Manual as ExplodedComponent Pictures.

MC157Q CINCINNATI Plain and Roll Grinding Machines 20", 24" and28". Parts List Manual as Exploded Component Pictures.

MC157R CINCINNATI 4-inch and 10-inch Universal Hydraulic Grinding Machines(identification 2P,4U-LO). Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MC157S CINCINNATI 14" and 16" Plain and Universal Grinding machines.Parts Manual as Exploded Component Pictures.

MC157T CINCINNATI Principles of Centreless Grinding; comprehensive andpractical 45-page guide to the process.

MC157U CINCINNATI MILACRON 2EF70C Electronic Feed Bore and Face GrindingMachines: Instruction Manual.

MC157T CINCINNATI MILACRON CENTURAMIC 200, 300 Series Centreless GrindingMachines. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MC157V CINCINNATI MILACRON CENTURAMIC 200, 300 and 400 Series Centreless GrindingMachines, Parts Manual as cear. Exploded Component Drawings.

MC157W CINCINNATI 6-inch "Model R"; 10-inch "Model L";10-inch "Model R" and 14-inch "Model L" (Cincinnati6"R, 10"L, 10"R and 14"L). Plain Hydraulic SurfaceGrinders. Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MC157X CINCINNATI 4-inch and 10-inch Universal Hydraulic Grinding Machines(identification 2P,4U-LO). Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MC157Y CINCINNATI BROACH SHARPENER: Instruction Manual and Parts as SectionalDrawings.

MC157Z CINCINNATI 3-500 TwinGrip Centreless Grinder. Instruction Manual andMaintenance Manual.

MC157ZF CINCINNATI (200-300) RECTIFIEUSE CENTERLESS TWIN-GRIP) Manuel D'Utilisation. Ce manuel est redige pour les operateurs de rectifieuses TWINGRIP sans centre de Series 200 (230-10) et 300 (325-12, 330-15, 340-20)

MC157Z2 CINCINNATI MILACRON Electronic Command Plain & Plunge GrindingMachines Model DA Series 360, 370, 380, 410, 420, 430. Comprehensive ServiceManual.

MC157Z3 CINCINNATI MILACRON Electronic Command Plain & Plunge GrindingMachines Model DA Series 360, 370, 380, 410, 420, 430. Operation Manual.


MC158 CINCINNATI MILACRON "CINCRON Cell Controller" Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MC158A CINCINNATI MILACRON ACRAMATIC 950 REL-3 Computer Numerical ControlVersion 2 and 3 Control Reference Manual. 0

MC158B CINCINNATI MILACRON CINTIMATIC 5VC-750 Model E Machining Centre withMilacron Acramatic 850MC CNC Control. Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MC158C CINCINNATI MILACRON CINTIMATIC 5VT-1000 Cintimatic NC Machining Centrewith Acramatic 8D Control. Operator's Instruction Book.

MC158CP CINCINNATI MILACRON CINTIMATIC 5VT-1000 Cintimatic NC Machining Centrewith Acramatic 8D Control. Programming Manual.

MC158ARW CINCINNATI Vertical Machining Centres Types: Arrow and E/Dart 500 and 750 (ERM). The ARROW 500, 750, 1000 and 1250C (ERM) and the Arrow 1250, 1500 and 2000 (ERD) with Acramatic 2100E CNC Control. Detailed, 405-page Operating Manual.

MC158D CINCINNATI CINTIMATIC Model DE NC Machining Centre. Instruction andRepair Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MC158E CINCINNATI FILMATIC Instruction Manual.

MC158F CINCINNATI MILACRON Cinturn Turning Centres with Cincinnati Acramatic850TC Control Programming Manual.

MC158G Cincinnati Hydraulic Shaper Manual: SHAPER WORK - Work on the Shaping machine - although not labelled as such, this publication uses a large Cincinnati hydraulic shaper as an example. This is a complete, highly detailed and well-illustrated 333-page book on how to use and get the best from the machine. Titled: "For Beginners in Machine Shop Practice" and is the very best manual on shaper work ever published. A very heavy publication, bound in two volumes and printed on a heavy, high-quality 120g paper.

MC158H CINCINNATI MILACRON SABRE 500, SABRE 750 and SABRE 1000 (ERO) VERTICAL Machining CentresParts Manual as large sectional Drawings.

MC165 CLARE MILLING CHUCKS and MILLING CUTTERS: Comprehensive 53-page guide tothe company's products with useful and straightforward notes about the best useof different milling cutters and superb Sectional Drawings of the cutterholders and collet fixings.

MC170CLARK CL500M combined lathe and milling machine (vertical milling head on top of the lathe headstock) - also covers the CL430 lathe, the version without the milling head. Operating & Maintenance Instructions with Parts as exploded-component drawingsand English and Metric screwcutting charts and set-up instructions.

MC170A CLARKE Drilling Machines CDP-12TB, CDP-12FB, CDP-16TB, CDP-16FB and CDP-12EB. Instruction Manual and Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MC170B CLARKE Drilling Machine CDP-9FB. Instruction Manual and Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

CLARKSON Tool and Cutter Grinding. Individual Hand books are available for boththe various models and the individual accessories. Alternatively a completeData Pack can be provided that covers the entire range of products:

MC179CLARKSON AUTOLOCK MILLING CHUCKS and MILLING CUTTERS: Operator's Guide - usefuldetails of how to properly employ this popular fitting together withdescriptions of all the various cutter types and their best use.

CLARKSON Tool & CUTTER GRINDERS - also branded Smart & Brown, March,Virginia Beavermill, and DeVlieg. A complete 192-page data set for the Mk.1,Mk.2 & Mk.3 machines together with all the supplementary booklets(originally published separately) for the Controlled Spiral Grinding Attachment,Mk. 2 Radius Fixture, Drill Point & Tap Lead Attachment, Air-bearing FluteGrinding Attachment and a comprehensive Accessory Catalogue titled "Tool& Cutter Care" that is useful in showing the range & mounting ofthe various Accessories. Included is a separate early edition that shows, ingreater detail, how to set up many common tool-grinding jobs.
It can be ordered securely on-line here:

MC180 CLARKSON TOOL & CUTTER GRINDERS Mk 1 & Mk. 2 - also branded Smart& Brown, March, Virginia Beavermill and DeVlieg. Illustrated Operator'sManual. Included is a separate early edition that shows, in greater detail, howto set up many common tool-grinding jobs. This manual can be used to help withother makes of cutter grinder for which Instructions are not available.
It can be ordered securely on-line here:

MC180CClarkson Tool and Cutter Grinder. Radius Fixture - Operator's InstructionManual.

MC180D Clarkson Tool and Cutter Grinder. Drill Point and Tap Lead GrindingAttachment. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MC180E Clarkson Tool and Cutter Grinder. Air-bearing Flute Grinding Attachment.Operator's Instruction Manual.

MC180F Clarkson Tool and Cutter Grinder. Controlled Spiral Grinding Attachment.Operator's Instruction Manual.

MC180G Clarkson Tool and Cutter Grinder "Tool and Cutter Care" AnAccessory Catalogue for Mk. 1, 2 and Mk. 3 machines. Useful in showing therange and mounting of the various Accessories.

test timer MC 190 CLIFTON Dynamic Balancing Machine (by Small Motors Ltd.)Operation and Checking Manual with additional and separate electrical sheetsfor the Oscillator and Test panel, Automatic Tuning Arrangement and an externalCable Arrangement.

MJ120 CUTTER and TOOL GRINDING (by Jones and Shipman) 60 page Tool and CutterGrinding. Explanatory Booklet - which details the principles, which must beadhered to for successful operation of a Tool and Cutter Grinder. Showsspecific examples with wonderful photographs and explanations. The instructionsare also applicable to other makes of grinder. Includes a copy of the Jones andShipman Tool and Cutter Grinder Sales and Specification and AccessoriesCatalogue.


MC221 CLAUSING/COLCHESTER: many of the Clausing/Colchester lathes wereidentical to the ordinary English Colchester machines and convert as follows:
13-inch Clausing = Colchester Student/Master
15-inch Clausing = Colchester Triumph
17-inch Clausing = Colchester Mascot and later Mascot 1600
21-inch Clausing = Colchester Mastiff 1400
Clickhere for pictures to help identify your lathe. If your model is not shownplease enquire (details at top of page).

MC200 CLAUSING 100 Series and 4800 Series "12-inch" (6-inch centreheight) Lathes. Three Instruction and Maintenance Manuals and Illustrated PartsManual (with detailed Cross Sectional Drawings and Exploded Illustrations) thatcover all variants of these early Clausing lathes from the 100 Model of 1938 tothe renamed machine (Series 4800) of 1952 - and to the last versions made in1964. Includes 36 additional pages of Sales, Specification & Accessories catalogues.

MC200/3 Clausing 1300 Series lathes. Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manual.

MC200A Clausing 1500 Series 14-inch variable-speed drive lathe: Instruction andMaintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual.

MC200B Clausing 4900 series 10-inch lathe: Operating and Maintenance Manual andExploded-diagrams Illustrated Parts Manual. Includes copies of both early andlate Technical Sales and Specification Catalogues.

MC200CX CLAUSING 5300 Series variable-speed drive lathe: ComprehensiveOperating and Maintenance Manual with Illustrated Parts Manual as ExplodedComponent Drawings (pf).

MC200CY CLAUSING 5300-5400 Series Lathe: Comprehensive Operating andMaintenance Manual with Illustrated Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings(pf).

MC200C CLAUSING 5900 Series variable-speed drive lathe: Comprehensive Operatingand Maintenance Manual with Illustrated Parts Manual as Exploded Drawings (muchof the Manual applies to the ordinary 5400 12-inch lathes as well) and theextra instructions and charts for the metric screwcutting arrangement. Includedis a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification and Accessory Catalog.

MC200CZ CLAUSING 5900 from Serial Number508890 onwards (Sometimes listed as theModel 5914) Comprehensive Operating and Maintenance Manual with IllustratedParts Manual as Exploded Drawings.

MC200D Clausing 200 Series and 6300 Series Lathe (6348, 6349, 6350, 6318, 6319,6320, 6338, 6339, 6340 etc). Operating and Maintenance Manual and ExplodedAssembly Diagrams Parts Manual. Includes copies of the interesting early andlater Technical Sales and Specification Catalogues

MC200DX Clausing 6900 Series Lathes (and 6913). Operating and MaintenanceManual and Exploded Assembly Diagrams Parts Manual.

MC300ACColchester-Clausing 11 (sold in the UK as the Bantam "Mk. 2" 800,1600 and 2000. Combined manual for all three types as a 95-page Instruction andMaintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual with exploded drawings andElectrical Diagrams. Includes complete translation of the text into French andGerman - and copies of the useful Specification, Sales and Specification andAccessories Brochures for each model. Perfect pictures and diagrams. (A picture of the lathe is the second onedown on this page: )

MC200EClausing 15-inch lathesModels 6574, 6575, 6534, 6535, 6576, 6577, 6536, 6537 Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual wit Parts as Exploded Component Diagrams. (these lathes weresold in the UK as the Colchester Triumph Mk.1 in the 1950s and 1960s). Picturesof an example here.

MC200F Clausing 13-inch Lathe Models 8010, 8011, 8012, 8013. Instruction andMaintenance Manual and Exploded-diagrams Parts Manual. These lathes were soldin the UK as the Colchester Student and Master.

MC200G Clausing 13inch Models 8014, 8015, 8016, 8017. Instruction and MaintenanceManual and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Diagrams. This lathe was sold inthe UK as the Colchester Master 2500.

MC200H Clausing 8028 13-inch Vari-speed lathe: Instruction and MaintenanceManual and Illustrated Parts Manual as Exploded Component Diagrams. This lathewas sold in the UK as the Colchester Student 3100.

MC200J Clausing 6535 15-inch lathe: Instruction and Maintenance Manual andIllustrated Parts Manual. This lathe was sold in the UK as the Triumph Mk.1 and"Mk. 1.5" with Standard and safety aprons. Pictures of an example here

MC200K Clausing 15-inch Lathe Models 8030, 8031, 8032, 8033 Instruction andMaintenance Manual and Exploded-diagrams Parts Manual. This lathe was sold inthe UK as the Colchester TRIUMPH 2000. Pictures of an example here

MC200L Clausing Colchester 17-inch Lathe "Mammoth" Models 6582, 6542,6594, 6583, 6554, 6543 Lathe - from the 1950s with a round-top headstock.Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Spare Parts Manual. Theselathes were sold in the UK as the "Mascot". Pictures of an example here.

MC200M Clausing 17-inch (Models 8050, 8051, 8052, 8053, 8054, 8055) Instructionand Maintenance Manual and Parts as Exploded-component diagrams. These modernlathes were sold in the UK as the Colchester MASCOT 1600. Pictures of anexample here

MC200N Clausing 21-inch (8100, 8111, 8112, 8118, 8114, 8115, 8116, 8119)Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts as Exploded-diagrams.These lathes were sold in the UK as the Colchester Mastiff 1400. Pictures of anexample here.

MC200P Clausing 25â€Lathe Models 8216, 8217, 8218, 8219 Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts as Exploded-diagrams. Includes twocopies of the maker's Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue(these lathes were sold in the UK as the Colchester Magnum).

MC210 Clausing 15-inch Drill Press Operating Manual and Illustrated PartsManual.

MC210A Clausing-Colchester Radial-arm Drill 8400 Series. Instruction and PartsManual.

MC219 Clausing 8520 and 8525 Vertical Milling Machine: Operating Manual,Illustrated Parts Manual and Exploded Drawings.

MC219A Clausing 8530 and 8535 Vertical Milling Machine (a later version of the8520 and 8525 models): Operating Manual, Illustrated Parts Manual and ExplodedDrawings.

MC220 Clausing 8540, 8541, 8550 and 8551 Horizontal Milling Machines: OperatingManual and Parts Manual with exploded assembly diagrams.

MC222 CLEARING (British Clearing - Vickers) Double-Action Press. Type 2575-84.Service Manual and Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MC222A CLEARING (British Clearing - Vickers) Single-Action Press. TypeF-4350-108. Service Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MC224 CLEERMAN JIG BORER Model 1830: Operating and Servicing Manual.

MC226 CLEMCO Pressure Blast Cabinets Types 800P and 1200P Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance manual. Includes wiring and pneumatic schematics.

MC228 CLEMENT Watchmakers' Lathe "Instructions for Use ofAttachments" together and a separate publication "AttachmentsCatalog"

C360 CLEMENT Watchmakers' Lathes (USA): "The Clement Master Watchmakers'Lathe Outfit". A very rare Sales & Technical Specification Booklet.1923 – perfect copy. A remarkably eccentric production with not only technicaldetails of the lathe and its accessories also home-sum business philosophiesand Strange homilies. 20 pages.

Cleveland Rigidhobbers - were also Branded "Churchill"

MC240 Cleveland and Churchill Rigidhobber S8/8 and 8/16 Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Wiring diagram.

MC240A Cleveland and Churchill Rigidhobber S-815 Mk.4 Maintenance Manual withParts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes 4 large electrical and mechanicaldrawings. The package includes two editions - early and late.

MC240B Cleveland and Churchill Rigidhobber S-1623 and S-1630 (23" and30" between centres) Mk.5 and Mk.6 Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual asSectional Drawings.

MC240C Cleveland and Churchill Rigidhobber RH8 and RH8/15 Mk. 2 MaintenanceManual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings. Also available in Russian.

MC240D Cleveland and Churchill Rigidhobber Mk. 4, 5 and 6. Operator'sinstructions

MC240E Cleveland Model A "New Design" Single Spindle Automatics/Parts Manual as detailed Cross Sectional Drawings.

MC240F Cleveland Drum Type Air Friction Clutches. Operator's Instruction,Adjustment and Disassembling Instructions with 6 large drawings.

MC240G Cleveland Speed Variator. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceInstructions with Parts as Sectional Drawings and a copy of the maker's Salesand Specification Catalogue.

MC243 Cleveland (Sommer & Adams Co.) No.1 Vertical Milling Machine. Parts Manual.zbrMC245 CLIFTON and BAIRD VSO Vertical Cold Sawing Machines. Maintenance andOperator's instruction Book. Also available: Five large drawings showing:foundations and general Arrangements; Detailed Sections of valves; detailedfront elevation of valves; detailed plan of valves; detailed end elevation ofvalves.

MC250 CLIPPER Masonry Saw Type MS. Instruction Book and Parts as ComponentDrawings.

MC260 CME F-1.200-C Auto-cycle Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction andService Manual.

MC260ACME FU-1 and FU-1S Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction and Service Manualwith Electrical Schematics.

MC260CCME FU-1/E Milling Machine. Parts Manuals as Sectional Drawings.

MC260DCME FU-2, FU-2CM and FU-2CMC Milling Machines. Operator's Instruction andService Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings and Electrical schematic.

MC260FCME FU-3L Milling Machines. Instruction and Service Manual with Parts asSectional Drawings and Electrical Diagram.

MC260GCME F900 Milling Machine. Basic Operation Instructions with a detailed Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MC26OHCME F1200-RH Milling Machines. "Instruction Book" including Parts asSectional Drawings and Electrical Diagram - (but little in the way ofinstructions).

MC206JCME Vertical Milling Head. Operating Instructions.

MC220CMZ Swaging Machines Types 4, 5 & 6. Installation & Operating Manualwith Parts as Sectional Drawings and a copy of the maker's Sales &Specification Catalogue.

MC250 COGMATIC 7F Flame Machining Unit. General Operating Instructions.

MC265 COLE Precision lathe - continuation of the CVA Toolroom Models CVA 1 and1A Series PRECISION LATHE: Operating Instructions. Three manuals in one: anearly edition, a late edition and an additional, simpler edition - almostcertainly the complete set published by CVA. Also included, in addition to themanual, is a comprehensive 41-page set of CVA advertising literature (*more tobe scanned). The manuals contain, amongst other things: Highly detailed andcomprehensive screwcutting instructions and charts, Installation instructions,Lubrication requirements and oil types from different makers (of the period),Operation Instructions, Basic adjustments, General description, Detailedspecification, Electrical equipment, Wiring Diagram, Additional Equipment,Special equipment, Annotated photographs of controls

MC265A COLE Model AB Turret Drilling Machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MC270 COLEMAN Model 10-20 Horizontal Hobbing Machine. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual.

MC280 COLEMAN TYPE A Hobbing Machine. Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual.

C390 COLCHESTER LATHES - pre-1948 there were no proper manuals for pre-1948Colchester lathes - but we can offer an interesting set of early Catalogues forthe Bantam, Master, Triumph and Mascot from the late 1920s to early 1950s.These show all versions of the open flat-belt drive and geared-headstock types.40 pages.

MC300 COLCHESTER Bantam Mk. 1 all-models - Instruction and Maintenance Manualand Illustrated Parts Manual as Exploded Diagrams, Electrical Diagrams, a copyof the rare "Standard Accuracy Chart" and the maker's interestingSpecification, Sales and Specification and Accessories Brochure. (OriginalModel with the two spindle-speed control levers on top of the headstock).Marked either 800 or 1600 rpm top speed. Perfect pictures and diagrams. Thismanual is also available in German

MC300A Colchester Bantam "Mk. 2" 800, 1600 and 2000 (also sold in theUSA and Canada as the Clausing-Colchester11) Combined manual for all three typesas a 95-page Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Manualwith exploded drawings and Electrical Diagrams. Includes complete translationof the text into French and German - and copies of the useful Specification,Sales and Specification and Accessories Brochures for each model. Perfectpictures and diagrams. ( A picture of the lathe is the second one down onthis page: )

MC300BColchester "Colt" - a version of the Mk. 2 Bantam identifiable by abox on the top of the headstock holding the electrical switchgear and the use,on the screwcutting gearbox, of the 6-position joystick lever (as also employedon the original Mk. 1 Bantam). Instruction and Maintenance Manual andIllustrated Parts Manual as useful Exploded and Sectional Drawings togetherwith Electrical Diagrams.. Includes a picture of the often damaged screwcuttingcharts showing Inch, Metric and MOD pitches. Contains sections with English,French and German text. A pictureof a version of the Colt (also listed as the Clausing/Colchester 11-inch and12-inch) is here:

MC300C Colchester Bantam Mk. 3 Series 2000 (actually a Harrison M250 Clone withround-knob headstock controls). Instruction and Maintenance Manual andIllustrated Parts Manual as exploded diagrams and Electrical Diagrams. IncludesFrench and German language sections. Includes a copy of the usefulSpecification, Sales and Specification and Accessories Brochure. Perfectpictures and diagrams

MC300VS Colchester Bantam VS3500 Variable-speed Model. Instruction andMaintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual as exploded diagrams andElectrical Diagrams.

MC306 Colchester Chipmaster. A comprehensive Data Pack with both early and lateeditions of the Instruction and Maintenance Manual and both early and lateParts Manuals as exploded component diagrams. Covers all models with Imperialor Metric gearboxes and including electrical, variator and drive differences.Contains a complete Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts Book for thespecial Kopp Variator Unit produced for the Chipmaster. Two electrical diagrams(UK market) that are greatly enlarged for clarity and a copy of the ChipmasterSales, A ccessories and Specification Catalogue. A fist-class, perfectlyprepared publication that is essential reading for this relatively complexlathe.

MC308 Colchester Master Early Lathes (1930s to early 1950s with an cast-ironplinth under headstock and a leg under the tailstock end). Unfortunately datapublished by the Company for their early lathes was either non existent orskimpy - and information about early Colchester Master lathes (before about1953/4) has been difficult to find. No proper handbook was published until asmall A5 edition, complete with a photographic parts list, of the late 1940s.Unfortunately even this was not complete, as it lacked the comprehensivescrewcutting data of the later, larger editions (though the screwcuttingarrangement was, actually, identical). Therefore, I have put together a pack ofdata of everything that is known: it consists of the first handbook for theMaster/Student, the screwcutting sheets from the next edition and 64 pages ofearly Colchester Sales & Specification Literature showing all the variousmodels of Master lathe made and most of the other lathes of the same era.

MC310 Colchester Student, Master and Dominion Lathes Mk 1 and "Mk. 1½" (and other versions,etc). Round-headstock model but with either a "sliding-lever" on theapron to engage the power feeds or a centrally-mounted single lever control.The Mk. 1 and Mk.2 Student lathes are shown on my page at:

A specially assembled Data Pack that gives all known data for thesepopular lathes comprising: Instruction andMaintenance Manual and Exploded Component Parts Manual with detailedscrewcutting instructions and data about how to generate inch and metricpitches from those models without the dual inch/metric box. In addition tocovering ordinary models this edition includes information about the rareall-metric screwcutting gearbox version, the "Third-shaft electricalcontrol" version and details and a Parts Manual for the English and metric"Quick-threader" units and the Hydraulic Copy equipment. Alsoincludes Electrical Circuits and copies of the maker's Technical Specification,Sales and Accessories Catalogues.

MC312 Colchester Student and Master Mk. 2 (and the "Dominion"versions, etc.) with a Flat-top headstock. The Mk. 2 lathe is shown in thesecond picture on my page at:

Instruction & Maintenance Manual and Exploded Diagrams Parts Manual,detailed screwcutting instructions with data about how to generate inch andmetric pitches from those models without the dual inch/metric box and electricaldiagrams. Includes a copy of the maker's Technical Specification, Sales andAccessories catalogue. This is the comprehensive 116-page edition.

MC310-DE Colchester Student & Master Mk.1 Instruction and MaintenanceManual and Exploded Component Parts List. The quality of this manual is not to our usual high standards; however, it is readable.GERMAN EDITION.

MC310-FR Colchester Student & Master Mk.2 Instruction and Maintenance Manualand Exploded Component Parts List. Perfect, high-quality copy. FRENCH EDITION.

MC314 Colchester Student and Master 1800 Instruction and Maintenance Manual andIllustrated Parts Manual as exploded diagrams and Electrical Diagrams.(Includes Additional French and German language sections)

MC314NEW Colchester Student 2500 new model - easily recognised by the controlson the face of the headstock all being in the form of round knobs. Instructionand Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual as exploded diagrams andElectrical Diagrams.

MC314OLD Colchester Student-Master 2500 Older modeleasily recognised by the spindle speed controls on the face of the head in theform of a large coloured dial with two concentric paddle controls. Instructionand Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual as exploded diagrams andElectrical Diagrams.

MC315 Colchester Student 3100 variable-speed drive lathe. Instruction andMaintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual as exploded diagrams andElectrical Diagrams..

MC317 Colchester Master VS 3250 Operation & Maintenance Manual with PartsManual as Sectional Drawings. Includes a wiring diagram of the rear of thecontrol panel.

MC318 Colchester Triumph (and "Dominion") 15-inch lathes. A complete174-page data pack covering all models from the late 1930s on either separatecast-iron plinths or on the later (early 1950s) full cabinet stands. Picturesof a typical example hereInstruction and Maintenance Manual and with Exploded Component Parts Pictures.The literature includes a copy of the first Triumph Operation and Parts Manual(originally in A5 format) and the later A4 edition covering all models fromfirst to last including the later single-slot (safety) apron types and allgearbox variants - Standard, Dominion and Continental - as well as the rarer3rd-shaft control and Hydraulic-copying models. Includes full screwcuttingcharts, electrical schematics and several copies of the maker's sales andSpecification catalogues dated 1930s to 1960s.

MC322 Colchester Triumph 2000 Mk. 1 and Mk. 2. Full 110-page ComprehensiveInstruction & Maintenance Manual & Illustrated Parts Manual as ExplodedDiagrams with 17 Electrical Schematics.
This version includes both early and late models with different clutch types,apron modifications, etc. with the necessary drawings and alterations clearlyshown.
Also includes extra sections detailing the accessories together with explodedparts diagrams for the:
rapid threader inch and metric types, lever-action collet closer,centring-centre. longitudinal positioning dials, dual metric/inch feed dials,chip guards, lighting, steadies, stops, 6-position longitudinal stops, taperturning, Dickson-type quick-change toolpost, the maker's own 4-way toolpost,rear toolpost, power-drilling attachment, capstan unit, draw-bar unit, coolantequipment and a list of "standard items" (ordinary nuts, bolts,seals, motors, Woodruff keys, nipples, dowels, roll pins, circlips, bearings,bushes, cap screws, Allen keys, springs, electrical contactors, etc.)

MC322A Colchester Triumph 2000 Mk. 1 and Mk. 2. Full 114-page Comprehensive Instruction& Maintenance Manual & Illustrated Parts Manual as Exploded Diagramswith 17 Electrical Schematics.
This version includes both early and late models with different clutch types,apron modifications, etc. with the necessary drawings and alterations clearlyshown.
Also includes extra sections detailing the accessories together with explodedparts diagrams for the:
rapid threader inch and metric types, lever-action collet closer,centring-centre. longitudinal positioning dials, dual metric/inch feed dials,chip guards, lighting, steadies, stops, 6-position longitudinal stops, taperturning, Dickson-type quick-change toolpost, the maker's own 4-way toolpost,rear toolpost, power-drilling attachment, capstan unit, draw-bar unit, coolantequipment and a list of "standard items" (ordinary nuts, bolts,seals, motors, Woodruff keys, nipples, dowels, roll pins, circlips, bearings,bushes, cap screws, Allen keys, springs, electrical contactors, etc.)

MC322ELC ELECTRONIC TRIUMPH CNC Lathe. Detailed (378-page) Operation and PartsManual

MC322CNC Colchester CNC Lathes Models: CNC1000, CNC2000, CNC3000 and CNC4000with Fanuc OTA Controls. Massive 680-page Comprehensive Installation, Instruction, Maintenance, Parts and Programming Manual.

MC326 Colchester Triumph VS2500 (variable speed) Comprehensive Instruction andMaintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual as exploded diagrams andElectrical Diagrams.

MC326A Colchester Master VS3250 (variable speed) Comprehensive Instruction andMaintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual as exploded diagrams and twoelectrical schematics and a fault-finding guide for the spindle drive.

MC328 Colchester Mascot Mk. 1 (1950s and early 1960s"round-headstock" model). Instruction and Maintenance Manual,Illustrated Parts Manual as Parts Pictures and a copy of the Sales &Technical Specification Catalogue. Pictures of an example here

MC330 Colchester Mascot 1600 Data Pack with Instruction and Maintenance Manualand Illustrated Parts Manual as Exploded Component diagrams and 13 ElectricalDiagrams. Covers both the early and late models with complete spares lists forboth types. (Includes French and German language sections). Full 172-pageedition.
Pictures of an example here

MC330A Colchester Mascot & Mastiff VS Models VS1600, VS1800, VS2000, VS2000(variable-speed) Large Edition Instruction and Maintenance Manual andIllustrated Parts Manual as exploded diagrams. (Includes French and Germanlanguage sections)

MC330B Colchester Mastiff 1400 Instruction and Maintenance Manual andIllustrated Parts Manual as exploded diagrams and Electrical Diagrams. Thisversion has full details in English, French and German. Pictures of an example here

MC330C Colchester MASTIFF VS1800 and MASCOT VS2000 (variable-speed) Detailed Instructionand Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.Includes sections on the accessories: high-speed threading units, bed stops,taper-turning unit, steadies, toolposts, guards, Heidenhain Glass Scale andother fittings, coolant assembly, etc. Details of the wiring harness cablingspecifications, an electrical schematic for the relay board, schematics andconstructional details of the headstock push-button assembly, Electricalschematics and layout diagrams of the apron control panels, constructional andlayout details of the electrical enclosure assembly, etc.

MC330ELEC Colchester Mascot and Mastiff ELECTRONIC Lathes. Detailed, 468-pageInstruction and Spare Parts Manual. Bound in two Volumes.

MC330D Colchester Magnum 1250 and LB800 Instruction and Maintenance Manual anda Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings. Includes an Electrical Schematicand two copies of the maker's Sales, Technical Specification and AccessoriesCatalogue. The two lathes were identical apart from centre height, spindlebore, spindle nose and speeds - the Model "1250" having a top speedof 1250 r.p.m. and the "LB800" a maximum of 800 r.p.m.

MC330DFColchester Magnum 1250 and LB800 Lathes English, French and German Language Edition. Instruction and Maintenance Manual and a Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings. Includes an Electrical Schematic and two copies of the maker's Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue. The two lathes were identical apart from centre height, spindle bore, spindle nose and speeds - the Model "1250" having a top speed of 1250 r.p.m. and the "LB800" a maximum of 800 r.p.m.

MC330T2 Colchester TORNADO Type T2 (T200) Operation, Programming, Parts,Accessories, Trouble Shooting and general Maintenance Manual. Available inEnglish, French or German. 500 pages (the Fanuc and Heidenhain manuals areavailable separately)

MC330T4 Colchester TORNADO Type T4 CNC Lathe Operation, Programming, Parts,Accessories, Trouble Shooting and general Maintenance Manual. Available inEnglish, French or German. 500 pages (the Fanuc and Heidenhain manuals areavailable separately)

MC330T6 Colchester TORNADO Types T6 CNC Lathe Operation, Programming, Parts,Accessories, Trouble Shooting and general Maintenance Manual. Available inEnglish, French or German. 500 pages (the Fanuc and Heidenhain manuals areavailable separately)

MC330T8 Colchester TORNADO Type T8 CNC Lathe Operation, Programming, Parts,Accessories, Trouble Shooting and general Maintenance Manual. Available inEnglish, French or German. 500 pages (the Fanuc and Heidenhain manuals areavailable separately)

MC330T10 Colchester TORNADO Type T10 CNC Lathe Operation, Programming, Parts,Accessories, Trouble Shooting and general Maintenance Manual. Available inEnglish, French or German. 500 pages (the Fanuc and Heidenhain manuals areavailable separately)

MC330FA Colchester TORNADO Types A50, A90, 120M, 220 and 220M DetailedOperation Manual with a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. . Available inEnglish, French or German.

MC330FA220 Colchester Colchester TORNADO Types 220 and 220M. A huge, detailed985-page Operation Manual, Programming, Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings andElectrical Schematics. Bound in four volumes.

MC330-120 Colchester Colchester TORNADO Lathes Types 120M, Detailed (651-page)Operation Manual, Programming and a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MC330FB Colchester TORNADO 200 Very large, Dedicated Operation, Programming,General Maintenance, Accessories and Parts Manual with numerous ElectricalSchematics.

MC330LT Colchester TORNADO LT600 CAD/CAM Data Package covers all aspects ofprogramming required (using Windows) on the on TORNADO and STORM LATHES frombasic two-axis machines to full three-axis models the TORNADO and STORM 120Mand 220M. 460 pages.

MC330FC Colchester TORNADO 80 (Sold in the USA as the Clausing Storm 80)Operation, Programming and Parts Manual. Available in English, French and German. 500 + pages

MC330X Colchester CNC500 Operating, Programming and Maintenance Manual withsome electrical schematics. A detailed, 380-page edition.

MC330XX Colchester CNC Bar-feed Accessory Unit. Installation and Test Manual.

MH113 COLCHESTER-HEPWORTH HYDRAULIC COPYING (TRACER) Attachments for Series:300, 400, 450, 470, 472, 600 and 620 as fitted to Colchester, Harrison and manyother makes of lathe. A complete collection of all the literature ever producedfor these models Operator's Instruction Manual and Spares as SectionalDrawings.

MA51 Colchester-AINJEST High Speed Threading Attachment. Detailed InstructionManual and Spares Parts Manual as Exploded Parts Diagrams. Covers how tooperate on all on models as used on a variety of Colchester, Harrison and othermakes of lathe. Both the dial-selector and lever-selector models are covered -though not all styles of body casting are shown - these varying with theparticular machine to which they were fitted.

MC335 COLCHESTER HYDROPOWER 390 Lathe: Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MC335C Triumph Hydropower 390 Lathe. Set of nine large electrical schematics.As these are "blueprints" they are best sent as high-resolution filesor PDFs

MC335A COLCHESTER HYDROPOWER 430 Lathe: Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual. Includes 10 Electrical Schematics MC336A

MC335B COLCHESTER HYDRO NC540 Lathe: "This manual covers the detailedMaintenance of the mechanical parts of the machine and the setting ofelectrical items such as limit switches". Includes a circuit diagram forthe Variator Mk. V1 Servo Controller.

MC338 Collet & Engelhard Tools Handbook. For use with the Company'sHorizontal Boring & Milling Machines. A complete listing of accessories,cutters, milling tools, facing attachments, clamping fixtures, work-holdingfixtures, accessories. tables and charts. 92 pages.

MC345 COMET Turret Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual with PartsManual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MC347 "Complex" RF-30 Milling Machine (Similar to many other types of"Mill-Drill" made in Taiwan). Operation Manual with Parts as ExplodedComponent Drawings.

MC350 COMPTON Compressors. Diaphragm Models including the older 657 Models..Operating Instructions and Sectional Parts Drawings.

MC370/MP238B COMPUTURN CNC-390 lathe (by PONAR-WROCLAW and also badged asChurchill). Comprehensive Operator's Instruction Manual with Parts as detailedSectional Drawings.

MC380 CONE Automatic 4 Spindle Conomatics. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MC380A CONE Automatic 6 Spindle Conomatics Models SW, SX, SY, TA, SN, SD, SE,SF and SZ. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MC380B CONE Automatic 6 Spindle Conomatics Models TV and TVB Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MC380D CONE Automatic 8 Spindle Conomatics. Parts Manual.

MC380E CONE Automatic 6 Spindle Conomatics. Parts Manual as ComponentPhotographs for the "SD" and "SE" Models.

MC380F CONE Automatic 6 Spindle Conomatics. Parts Manual as ComponentPhotographs for the "SF" and "SZ" Models.

MC380G CONE Automatic 6 Spindle Conomatics. Parts Manual as ComponentPhotographs for the "SW", "SX", "SY" and"TA" Models.

MC380H CONE Automatic 6 and 8 Spindle Conomatics. Operator's Instruction Manualfor the Chucking and Spindle Stopping Mechanisms.

MC380J CONE Automatic "A" Models - all Types. Operator's InstructionManual.

MC380K CONE Automatic "C" Models - all Types. Operator's InstructionManual.

MC380L CONE Automatic 9/16" Spindle 6-Spindle Conomatics. Parts Manual asa written list of components "QE" Model.

MC382 CONRAC Model 412 Synchro-Bend. Comprehensive Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical schematics and Parts as Assembly Drawings.

CONSOLIDATED PNEUMATIC (and Power Vane) - See also under "Broomwade"

MC384 CONSOLIDATED PNEUMATIC Type T Horizontal Compressor. Instruction Manualand Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MC384A CONSOLIDATED PNEUMATIC600-RO-2 and 600-RO-2HP Portable Compressor. Parts Manual as useful ExplodedComponent Drawings.

MC388 CONTRAVES Compact ADB/F (200Series) Operating Manual and a set of Service Guides (ex-service engineer)comprising: several sets electrical diagrams; Electrical Test and Set UpInstructions for Interact 4 with 150TNC control, Series 1 Interact Mk.2 withTNC 150/B/TNC155A; Series 2 Interact 4 with TNC 150/B/TNC155A; WHS D/A SpeedReference PCB main spindle drive.

MC388A CONTRAVES NC 500 Series Servo Controllers Operation & Service Manual.

MC390 CONTROL TECHNIQUES FXM5 Field Controller for DC Motors. Users' Guide. (See also under "Mentor" below)

MC392 COOKE (Cooke Troughton and Simms) HORIZONTAL COMPARATOR. OperatingInstructions. Used for verifications of diameter, roundness and taper of plugand ring gauges.

MC394 COPMATIK Capstan lathe (by MATIK). Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Electrical Diagrams.

MC396 COPYMAX Capstan Lathe Attachment - all models (by Target Engineering):Instruction Manual. Includes details of the Copy Box Tool Models C1 and C2. US70

MC398 CORNELIS Thread Generating Machine. Detailed Operating and MaintenanceManual (pc).

CORONA Drills and Machine Tools: - See under POLLARD below

CORONET - See also under RECORD

MC400 CORONET MAJOR, MINOR, MINORETTE, ELF, CONCORD (etc) planers, bandsaws,sawbenches, etc. A complete data pack compendium for Coronet productsconsisting of: Instruction Sheets and handbooks for the older Major, Minor,Minorette and "Home Cabinet Maker" lathes. This shows the assembly ofthe machine and the many accessories and how to mount them correctly and safely.A full Manual for the later Major and the Major CMB500"Multi-function" machine based on the Major. A full manual for theMinor and Minorette. A very interesting booklet: "Wood Working & WoodTurning on Universal and Independent Machines". A collection early andlate Coronet advertising literature including the Major and Minor lathes, theMinorette Woodworking Centre and the Minorette "10-in-one". Theseshow the mounting of each accessory including: Planing & Rebating Machine,Circular Saw Table, Mortising Attachment, Bandsaw, Disc Sander, Flexible Drive,Long-hole Boring, etc. plus changes to the specifications of the various lathesand other machines over the years. 148+ pages of data.

MC400A CORONET Minor/Minorette/Elf and the "Ten-in-one" based on thesemodels: a special data pack with all published information including a copy ofa very interesting booklet: "Wood Working & Wood Turning on CoronetUniversal and Independent Machines".

MC400B CORONET (and RECORD) Woodturning lathes No. 1, No. 3 (twin bar-bedstyle) Operator's instructions with Sales and Specification Catalogues. Alsomarketed as the RECORD CL1, CL2, CL3, CL4 etc. A compendium of every knownpublication for these models.

MC400C CORONET CONSORT UNIVERSAL WOODWORKER. Maker's Assembly and InstructionManual with exploded component diagrams.

MC410 Corpet Louvet (France) Hydraulic Shearing Machine for Chamfering CC 3185 x 15. Operation, Adjustments and Servicing.

MC420 CORREA F1U-E Universal Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction andServicing Instructions with Electrical Schematics and fold-out SectionalDrawings.

MC430 CORTINI (Meccanica Cortini) C3Lathe Operation Manual with a separate Electrical Manual including circuitDiagrams. ITALIAN TEXT.

MC440 COS-POR UniversalHigh-precision Dividing Head. Instruction Manual.

MC445 COVEL 91-A Universal Tool & Cutter Grinder. Operation Manual With Parts as Sectional Drawings. Includes copies of the maker's Technical Sales and Specification Catalogs for the machine and its accessories including separate sheets on the Large Radius Grinding Attachment, the Tap Grinding Attachment and Precision Machine Vices.

MC450 COVENTRY DIE HEADS "The Book of the Coventry Die Head". Highlydetailed, 92-page, copiously-illustrated large-format edition that givescomplete data, with in stage-by-stage illustrations, of how to operate,dismantle and service these units (manufactured by Herbert).

MC450A COVENTRY DIE HEADS Spare Parts Manual with Illustrations and usefulCross-Sectional diagrams of the various units including all "D"types. (Herbert)


MC456 COWELLS 90 Lathes. Detailed and interesting Operation & MaintenanceManual. Covers all versions.

MC500C CRAFTSMAN 6-inch Lathe Mk.1 Click here for pictures. Craftsman 6-inchLathe Mk.1 Models: 101.2048, 101.2048F, 101.2120, 101.2140, 101.M1518 and 101.07300,etc. (all a clone of the Atlas 6-inch). A complete Data Pack consisting of:Operator's Instruction Manual with extra pages on chuck operation and care, aSpare Parts Manual as exploded Component Drawings and the essentialscrewcutting data and charts for inch and metric pitches (strangely missingfrom the original Manual). Also included are detailed Craftsman and Atlasadvertisem*nts detailing the technical specification and accessories - the mainelements of these publications being the more informative Atlas publications.While the ordinary manual has just 8 pages this is a complete pack with 62pages.

MC500D CRAFTSMAN 6-inch lathe Mk. 2"square style" Click here for pictures (a"clone" of the Atlas 6-inch mk.2)Operator's Manual with Spare PartsManual as Exploded-component Drawings and screwcutting charts. Includes a copyof the Sales and Specification catalogue.

MA100 AA CRAFTSMAN 80 and Dunlap 109 Lathes Click here for picturesAA Type 109(Craftsman) and Craftsman Model 80 Lathes (as made by the American "DoubleA" Company) and Branded "Dunlap 6-inch", "Craftsman80" and "Craftsman 6-inch". Operating Instructions andIllustrated Spares Sheets for all the models made plus a large set (75 pages)of advertisem*nt and technical specification pages from 1932 to 1980 showingthe development of the lathes.

MC500F CRAFTSMAN 9-inch lathe Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual andIllustrated Parts List. This edition is for the very early metal-turning lathewith the multiple V-belt drive. It was also sold with "Atlas" and"Metalmaster" badges. Click here for pictures

MC500G CRAFTSMAN 12-inch LATHES. Click here forpictures Various Models including: 101.20140, 101.20280, 101.20300,101.20320, 101.20650, 101.20670, 101.20690, 101,20710, 101.20730, 101.20750,101.20770, 101.20790, 101.27440, 101.27430, 101.07301, 101.07360, 101.07361,101.07362, 101.07363, 101.07380, 101.07381, 101.07382, 101.07383, 101.07400,101.07401, 101.07402, 101.07403, etc. A complete package of information thatcovers all models from the original 1930s lathe (a clone of the Atlas 10-inch)to last version in 1958. It includes: 1) a very comprehensive Manual with over240 pages that contains detailed Operating & Maintenance Manual and thecorrect and extensive thread cutting charts (different to those on the Atlasversion) - it's probably the best lathe instruction book ever produced by alathe manufacturer. 2) extra instructional sheets, but never included in themain Manual: taper turning attachment; fitting new leadscrew nuts, steadyrests, adjustable bed stop. 3) a complete, Illustrated Parts Manual withexploded diagrams. 4) a set of reproductions of the all original advertisingmaterial (some very rare) that give a complete technical specification for thelathe and shows the changes from 1932 to 1960 together with illustrated listsof all the accessories.
34GBP on CD including air-mail post 58GBP Printed as a very high-qualityreproduction on 120g paper and bound including air-mail post (it's a heavybundle ....)

MC500H CRAFTSMAN 12-inch LATHES late model from 1958 onwards. Click This modelwas identical to the Atlas 12-inch and sometimes branded as the"Commercial". It is also found with the following (and probablyadditional) Model Numbers: 101.28950, 101.28910 or a similar 101.289** numberincluding: 101.2758, 101.2759, 101.2895N, 101.2893N, 101.2894N, 101.28970, 101.28980,101.2897N, 101.28990, 101.28991N and 101.28993N2. Pictures can be found here: A complete package of informationthat covers all models from the original 1930s lathe (a clone of the Atlas10-inch) to last version in 1958. It includes: 1) a very comprehensive Manualwith over 240 pages that contains detailed Operating & Maintenance Manualand extensive thread cutting charts - it's probably the best lathe instructionbook ever produced by a lathe manufacturer. 2) extra instructional sheets, butnever included in the main Manual: taper turning attachment; fitting newleadscrew nuts, steady rests, adjustable bed stop. 3) a complete, IllustratedParts Manual with exploded diagrams. 4) a set of reproductions of the originaladvertising material (some very rare) that give a complete technicalspecification for the lathe, shows changes over the years and illustrated listsof all the accessories. 5) the special instruction sheets produced by Sears fortheir revised post 1959 models; surprisingly, these add useful additional factsand instructions to those issued for lathes carrying ATLAS badges.
34GBP on CD including air-mail post 58GBP Printed as a very high-qualityreproduction on 120g paper and bound including air-mail post (it's a heavybundle ....)

MC500L/MA242 CRAFTSMAN SHAPER Instruction Manual and Parts Manual Click here for pictures This is thecomprehensive (and rare) edition produced for the UK market, not the simplespares list issued in the USA. Includes the first-edition, beautifullyillustrated Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue (No. 30 and )additional pages from later Catalogues.

MC500M CRAFTSMAN Milling Machine Click here for pictures Instruction Manualand Illustrated Parts Manual. Includes a copy of the original Sales andSpecification catalogues (Atlas and Craftsman) that show all versions of themiller, give detailed specifications, illustrate the extensive accessory rangeand give accurate descriptions of the construction, parts and controls.

MC500N CRAFTSMAN/COMPANION/DUNLAP (USA): compilation of all 86 pages from theearly Craftsman catalogs which show all the Metal and Wood lathes. Covers:1929, 1930, 1932, 1933, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942 and 1943- when the catalogue was withdrawn for the war years.

MC500P CRAFTSMAN/COMPANION/DUNLAP post World War 2 Metal and Wood Lathes plusMillers and Shapers: compilation of every page showing these machines. Includesthe first post war catalogue of 1948, then 1949, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955,1956, 1957, 1960/1, 1963, 1966, 1973/4 and 1980/81.

MC501 CRAFTSMAN "The Wood Lathe" An instructional Booklet toaccompany the company's wood-turning lathes. Published from the 1930s to the1960s. 32 pages

MC501A CRAFTSMAN 2-speed, 4-inch Dustless Belt Sander model 315.22670. Assembly,Operating and Illustrated Parts Manual.

MC501B CRAFTSMAN POWER HACKSAW Model 108.1502/1501 3 sheets of Assembly,Operating Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual.

MC501C CRAFTSMAN SPRAY GUN Model 106.157121: Owner's Manual and Parts asExploded Component Drawings.

MC501D CRAFTSMAN Twin-cylinder Spray painter Model 106.154541 and 106.154591:Owner's Manual and Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MC520 Crankshaft Balancing: a booklet by Dott. Ing. Luigi Buzz1. An excellentprimer with general principles, specific examples, balancing pions, connectingrods, various forms of crankshaft, balancing machines and principles of theory.

MS845E SWIFT Craven 16B lathe Series 60.Operator's Manual

MC540 CRAVEN-RIGID Milling Machines - all models (the type identifiable by theround support column at the front of the knee). Detailed operating Instructionswith Simple, Differential and Spiral Indexing Tables.

MC545 CRAWFORD Collets Data Pack: standard collets and Crawford Multi-Bore Collets and Collet Chucks in standard and power-feed forms (Pneumatic and Hydraulic): a three-part book, the first with applications by makers, a second 41-page identification section with drawings of collets and their dimensions and a third edition showing the. Makers covered include: Bechler, Boley, Boley Leinen, Boxford, Bridgeport, Brown & Sharpe, Brown & ward, B.S.A., B.S.A.Gridley, Cataract, Conomatic, Colchester, C.V.A., Davenport, Dowding & Doll, EMI-MEC, Feinler, Gildmaster, Habbeger, Herbert, Index, Iralag, Marlco, Manhurin, Peterman, Pittler, Pultra, Schaublin, Schutte, Smart & Brown, Strohm, Tarex, Tornos, Traub, H.W.Ward and Wickman. Please note: this is not a service and repair manual but does appear to be the totality of data published by the company on collets and their various chucks.

MC545A CRAWFORD Multibore Power-operated Collet Chucks. Mounting & Operating Instructions.

MC550 CRESSEX Power Presses. All models Operator's Instruction Manual and a Parts Manual useful Sectional Drawings.

MC560 CREUSEN Double-ended Grinders. Directions for Use.

CRI-DAN High Speed Threading machines (lathe) - see under Herbert

MC580 CRI-DA Lathe Type D ATS 300 mm centre height by 700 to 2500 mm betweencentres. Operation and Maintenance Instructions, screwcutting data, lubricationinstructions and 28 very clear, large sectional drawings of all the parts.Includes reproductions of the screwcutting and feed charts.

MC610 CROFTS Variable-Speed Motor Units and Variable-speed Drive PulleysAutomatic and Stationary Adjustment Types. Installation, Maintenance,Lubrication and Belt Changing Manual.

C610A CROFTS B.O.M.-L Clutches - detailed catalog (not a Manual) with usefulSectional Drawings

MC620 CROMWELL (Smallpeice) S800 Precision Lathe Manual. A compendium of allavailable Cromwell literature (including a Sales and Specification cataloguefor the 4-inch Mk.2) that includes Sectional Parts Drawings of the whole lathe(both English and Metric gearboxes) Wiring Diagrams, Operating Instructions anda reproduction of the four known Sales, Technical Specification and AccessoriesCatalogues.

MC670 CROUZET TC-125 Lathe. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance manual withElectrical Connections data and many useful Sectional Drawings. French text.

MC670A CROUZET 125-VM lathe. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith. Electrical drawings and many useful Sectional Drawings. French text.

MC670B CROUZET FC100 Miller. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith. Electrical drawings and many useful Sectional Drawings. French text.

MC670B CROUZET Type 133 Miller. Brief (13-page) Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with. Electrical drawings. French text.

MC680 CROWN Stacker Truck Series W and WE. Operator's Instruction and ServiceManual with Parts Manual as Useful Exploded-component Drawings. Includes awiring diagram.

MC680A CROWN Stacker Truck Series M. Operator's Instruction and Service Manualwith Parts Manual as Useful Exploded-component Drawings. Includes a wiringdiagram.

MC680B CROWN Stacker Truck Series WB. Operator's Instruction and Service Manualwith Parts Manual as Useful Exploded-component Drawings. Includes a wiringdiagram.

CRUSADER CNC controller, etc. - See under ANILAM above

MC690 Crypton (FKI Crypton)Instruction, Fault-finding and Servicing Manual for the 267/CO/HC Analyser and 270 CO/HC/CO2/O2 Analyser and Instructions for the 267/270 POR and 267/270 PORD.

MC700 CSEPEL Model UF-VF222 and 221 Horizontal and vertical Millers. Parts asSectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics.

MC700A CSEPAL UF24 and VF24 UNIVERSAL and VERTICAL MILLING MACHINES:Comprehensive Instruction, and Maintenance Manual with Spares as fold-outDetailed Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics

MC720 C-Tec Series DDC Bi-Directional Counter. Owner's manual with electricalschematics.

MC740 CUNLIFFE and CROOM No. 2 Milling Machines - Vertical, Universaland Horizontal. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with UsefulSectional Drawings. Includes a copy of the maker's 28-page Sales andSpecification Catalogue. This milling machine was identical to the one badgedas the "Archdale No.2" - the manual and catalogue for which arerather more comprehensive - hence both edition and all catalogues are includedgiving a complete Data Pack for the machine. (If you have a Cunliffe and Croommilling machine it's almost certain to be a "No. 2" - it seems to bethe only one the Company made from 1933 onwards).

MC741 CUNLIFFE and CROOM and ARCHDALE Indexing tables for Universal MillingMachines. The UNIVERSAL type is the Horizontal Miller with a "swingtable" - the charts are for using the dividing head, powered andhand-turned, when calculating divisions, leads and sprirals. Changewheel seetingsare provided for Plain and Differential Indexing and Indexing Movements forHigh Numbers.

MC751 CUOGHI Drill Sharpening Machine Models APE25, APE40 and APE60.Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MC755 CUTTERMASTER Tool and Cutter Grinder. Operator's Manual with Parts asExploded Component Drawings.

MC755A CUTTERMASTER Two-way Relieving Fixture. Instruction Manual.

MC760 (Identical to MT18 below) "CUTTER GRINDING" (Tool and CutterGrinding) . Jones and Shipman 60 page Tool and Cutter Grinding. ExplanatoryBooklet, which details the principles, which must be adhered to for successfuloperation of a Tool and Cutter Grinder. Details specific examples withwonderful photographs and explanations. Instructions are also applicable toother makes of grinder.

CVA MILLING MACHINES see below and also under KEARNEY and TRECKER fordual-marked models.

MC870 CVA 1 and 1A Series PRECISION LATHE (sometimes marked as Kearney &Trecker or Lodge & Shipley in the USA): Detailed Operating Instructions. Threemanuals in one: an early edition, a late edition and an additional, simpleredition - almost certainly the complete set published by CVA. Also included, inaddition to the manual, is a comprehensive 41-page set of CVA advertisingliterature (*more to be scanned). The manuals contain, amongst other things:Highly detailed and comprehensive screwcutting instructions and charts,Installation instructions, Lubrication requirements and oil types fromdifferent makers (of the period), Operation Instructions, Basic adjustments,General description, Detailed specification, Electrical equipment, WiringDiagram, Additional Equipment, Special equipment, Annotated photographs ofcontrols.

MC870A CVA 1 and 1A Series PRECISION Backgeared and Screwcutting LATHE(sometimes marked as Kearney & Trecker or Lodge & Shipley in the USA):Illustrated Replacement Parts Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings.

CVA MILLING MACHINES: see also under KEARNEY and TRECKER for dual-markedmodels.

MC876 CVA 3CE and 2CES Milling Machines (Kearney and Trecker). InstructionManual and Maintenance Manual

MC878 CVA 3CE and 2CES Milling Machines (Kearney and Trecker). IllustratedParts Manual with complete high-quality Sectional Drawings of the wholemachine.

MC880 CVA 2CE and 2E Milling Machines (Kearney and Trecker). Instruction Manualand Maintenance Manual *

MC882 CVA 2CE Milling Machine (Kearney and Trecker). Parts Manual ashigh-quality Sectional Drawings.

MC884 CVA 2E and 2CE Milling Machine (Kearney and Trecker). Instruction Manualand Maintenance Manual

MC886 CVA Mechanical Pressure Lubricators Type BMRD: Working Particulars andRunning Manual

MC887 CVA No. 8 Single Spindle Automatic Lathe: Operator's Instruction Manual.

MC887B CVA No. 8 Single Spindle Automatic Lathe: Illustrated Parts Manual withExploded Component diagrams

MC887C CVA No. 8 Single Spindle Automatic Lathe: Tools and equipment list.

MC887D CVA No. 8 Single Spindle Automatic Lathe: Attachments Spares List asExploded Component Pictures.

MC888 CVA No. 12 Single Spindle Automatic Lathe: Detailed Instruction Manual(late edition with fuller information)

MC890 CVA No. 12 Single Spindle Automatic Lathe: Illustrated Parts Manual withExploded Component Diagrams and Wiring Diagrams for the Lathe and Bar FeedUnity.

MC890 CVA No. 12 Single Spindle Automatic Lathe: Attachments Spare Parts Manualwith Exploded Assembly Diagrams. Covers: Deburring, Slotting, Vertical Slide,Overhead turning, Cross Drilling, High-speed Drilling, Tap and Die Revolving,Combination Drilling and Tapping, Combination Cross Drilling and High-Speed,Turret Milling, Nut Tapping.

MC892 CVA No. 20 and 26 Single Spindle Automatic Lathe: Operator's InstructionManual and Instruction Book *

MC893 CVA No. 16 and No. 20 Single Spindle Automatic Lathes: Spare Parts Manualas exploded Component Drawings, Electrical Diagrams and Cam layout tables.

MC893A CVA No. 20 Single Spindle Automatic Lathe: ATTACHMENTS Spare PartsManual with Exploded Component diagrams.

MC894 CVA "A Series" Single Spindle Automatic Lathes A12, A16, A20.Operator's Instruction Manual with a wiring diagram.

MC894 CVA "A Series" Single Spindle Automatic all A12, A16 and A20Types. Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MC896 CVA Single Spindle Automatic "A Series" Secondary Turret andvertical Drilling Attachment. Operator's Instruction Manual and Parts Manual asExploded Component Diagrams.

MC897 CVA Single Spindle Automatic "A Series" ATTACHMENTS (verticalslide, slotting, deburring, drilling, turret milling, etc.). Spare Parts Manualas Exploded Component Diagrams.

MC898 CVA Gear Hobbing Machine No. 2. Operator's Instruction Manual with tableof Dividing and Change Gears.

MC899 CVA 10-ton Dieing Press. Operating and Maintenance Notes. Includes auseful Technical Sales and Specification catalogue.

MC899A CVA 25-ton Dieing Press. Detailed Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with a Parts Manual as Exploded component Drawings. Includes bothMechanical and Air-clutch Models and Instructions for adjusting the MagneticFriction Clutch. Includes a wiring schematic.

MC899B CVA 50-ton Dieing Press. Parts Manual as Sectional andExploded-component Drawings.

MC899BE CVA 50-ton Dieing Press. A collection of 5 Large Electrical Schematicsand Connection Diagrams.

MC899C CVA 75-ton Dieing Press. Parts Manual as Sectional andExploded-component Drawings.

MC920 CYCLEMATIC CTL-618EM Lathe (copy of Hardinge HLV-H) Operation & MaintenanceManual with Parts Manual as sectional Drawings and an Electrical Schematic.

MD1 D'ANDREA Precision Surfacing and Boring Attachment Types TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4 and TS5 for Milling and Boring Machines, Jig Borers and Radial Drills, Instruction Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MD3 DAINICHI KINZOKU KOGYO B40M and BX40M CNC "Mill-Turning Centre".Massive Operation and Maintenance Manual with Hydraulic schematics.

MD3A DAINICHI KINZOKU KOGYO B40M Electrical Circuit Diagrams Manual

MD4 DAITO ST-6090 Horizontal Bandsaw. Operation and Maintenance instructions..

MD5 DALAPENA SPEEDHONE. Instruction Manual for Machines with capacity 1.143mmto 79mm.

MD10 DANCKAERT Band saw with 31.5" wheels. Basic Assembly, Operator'sInstruction, Lubrication and some sectional drawings. 6 pages.

MD10A DANCKAERT 9947 "Cliches" machine - appears to have a large sanding/thicknessing belt running around rollers. Operation, Mainteace and Parts as Sectional Drawings

MD15 DAN 750 Lathe (Switzerland) Operation Manual with electrical schematicsand a number of useful sectional drawings. GERMAN text.

MD20 DANFOSS VLT5 Frequency Inverters. Service Manual

MD20A DANFOSS VLT215, VLT220, VLT230, VLT380, VLT415, VLT460 and VLT500VFrequency Inverters. Service Manual

MD40 DANOBAT Danomatic- 26/35 Automatic Lathe. Operator's Instruction andService Manual with Electrical Drawings.

MD40A DANOBAT Danomatic- 42 Automatic Lathe. Operator's Instruction and ServiceManual with fold-out Sectional Parts and Electrical Drawings.

MD40B DANOBAT Danomatic- 63 Automatic Lathe. Operator's Instruction and ServiceManual with useful Sectional Drawings.

MD40C DANOBAT Danocopy- 63 Copying Lathe. Operator's Instruction, Service andParts Manual with Exploded Component and Sectional Drawings.

MD40D DANOBAT IMEMATIC-50 Automatic Turret Lathe. Operator's Instruction andService Manual.

MD40E DANOBAT "Dano 2 and 3" - SINUMERIK System 3 with MemoryDisplay. Operator's Instruction Manual.

ME565 DANOBAT (ESTARTA) 301 Centreless Grinder. Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings and a set of electrical schematics. The parts section is incompleteand in poor condition but the drawings are readable.

MD45 DANISH MANCHINERY COMPANY Huron 230 Lathe (Danish Machine Tool Co.)Operating Instructions with an electrical schematic. DANISH TEXT.

MD50 DARENTH Universal Clarifiers10-Hundred Series. Installation and Operator's Instruction Manual. English,French and German Text.

MD55 DAREX SP2000 and SP2500 Drill Sharpener. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MD60 DASHIN Champion Lathe (Colchester Triumph copy made in Taiwan) Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MD60A DASHIN Prince Lathe. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic and Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MD70 DATA DYNAMICS ZIP-30-KSR and ZIP-30-ASR Paper Tape Punch and Reader Unit.Operator's Manual.

MD70A DATA DYNAMICS ZIP-585/EIA Paper Tape Punch and Reader Unit. Operator'sManual.

MD76 DAVENPORT Model B 5-spindle Automatic Lathe. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance manual with many useful Sectional Drawings.

If not listed below we have access to a large range of David Brown gear HobbingManuals. Please e-mail your requirements phone: 01298-871633 09:00 to 23:00

MD80 DAVID BROWN No.7 Hydrax Gear Hobber. Operating Manual.

MD80A DAVID BROWN No.7 High Production Gear Hobbing Machine. Operating Manual.

MD80B DAVID BROWN MT-15 (covers MT-V as well). Operating Manual.

MD80C DAVID BROWN Gear Roll Testing Instrument with Graphic Recorder.Instructions and Data.

MD80D DAVID BROWN MT30 Gear Hobber Operating Instructions.

DAVID DOWLING Pantograph Machines - see under DOWLING

MD90 DAVIS (Stuart Davis) 418 Cylindrical grinder. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MD90A DAVIS (Stuart Davis) Fine Boring Machines - all Models FB1, FB2 and FB3.Instruction Manual with electrical diagrams.

DEAN, SMITH and GRACE - If your lathe is not listed below a manual may still beavailable. Phone: 01298-871633

D20A DEAN, SMITH & GRACE Centenary Booklet 1965. Detailed description ofthe Company's development. Includes a comprehensive factory tour showing theentire production process from casting to final testing. 60 pages.

MD100A Dean, Smith and Grace Type A and B lathes from the lathe 1930s and intothe 1940s (marked variously as A, B, 4AN, 4AV, 4BN, 4AB, 4BR, 4AR, 4ABR, 4BDR,4BZ, etc). These lathes have simple lever control of spindle speeds andscrewcutting gearbox changes. Rather basic Instruction Book with Threading andSpeed Charts and Clutch Adjustment details plus a splendid Catalogue (June1948) showing the Model A & B lathes in all their configurations.

MD100C Dean, Smith and Grace Type 13Z and 13ZH "Minor" lathes as madeduring the 1940s. Two publications in one. Simple Instruction Books withScrewcutting Charts and clutch-adjustment instructions. Includes a copy of theinteresting and detailed Maker's Sales and Specification catalogue.

MD100G Dean, Smith and Grace Lathes Types 13, 13-1, 13-30, 13-42 and 16SB.Instruction, Maintenance, Adjustment and Illustrated Parts Manual. Includes anelectrical schematic and a copy of the maker's comprehensive Technical Salesand Specification catalogue (Model 13 x 30 and 42).

MD100H Dean, Smith and Grace Type 15, 17 and 17T (toolroom version) Lathes: Acomplete data pack for these popular lathes: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual - three editions in one covering both early and late models,their different gearboxes and the special features of the 17T together with aSales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue.

MD100J Dean, Smith and Grace Lathes Type 16SB. Instruction, Maintenance,Adjustment and Illustrated Parts Manual (Model 13 x 30 and 42).

MD100K Dean, Smith and Grace Type 18 and 21 Lathes: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MD100Q Dean, Smith and Grace Lathes Type 20SB and 24SB Surfacing & BoringLathes. Instructions, Maintenance, Adjustment and Illustrated Parts Manual.

MD100PP Dean, Smith and Grace Lathes Type 25P. Instructions, Maintenance,Adjustment and Illustrated Parts Manual.

MD100R Dean, Smith and Grace Lathes Types 22, 25, 26, 30, 36XS, 36/4, 30XS,36LD & 36XS. A composite, 3-edition Instruction Manual, Maintenance,Adjustment and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MD100S Dean, Smith and Grace Lathes Type 30TC Numerically Controlled Lathe.Instruction, Maintenance, Adjustment and Parts Manual (Model 13 x 30 and 42).

MD100SP Dean, Smith and Grace Lathes Type 30P Lathe. Operation and Maintenancemanual and Parts as sectional drawings.

MD100S Dean, Smith and Grace Lathes Type TC1. Operator's Instruction manualwith GE 1050T Control.

MD100T Dean, Smith and Grace Lathes Types 1307. Instructions, Maintenance,Adjustment and Illustrated Parts Manual.

MD100U Dean, Smith and Grace Lathes Types 1609. Instruction, Maintenance andAdjustment manual and Illustrated Parts Manual as sectional drawings. Includesa copy of the comprehensive 28-page Sales and Technical SpecificationCatalogue.

MD100V Dean, Smith and Grace Lathes Types 1609 Spare Parts Manual. Alternativeversion as clear Exploded-component Drawings.

MD100W Dean, Smith and Grace Lathes Types 1709. Instruction, Maintenance,Adjustment and Illustrated Parts Manual.

MD100X Dean, Smith and Grace Lathes Types 1910, 1910-TNR and 2112.Instructions, Maintenance, Adjustment and Illustrated Parts Manual.

MD100Y Dean, Smith and Grace Lathes Types 1810. Instructions, Maintenance,Adjustment and Illustrated Parts Manual.

MD100Z Dean, Smith and Grace Lathes (Monarch) Type 2112CT. InstructionMaintenance, Adjustment and Illustrated Parts Manual.

MD101 Dean, Smith and Grace Lathes (Monarch) Type 2415. Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MD101A Dean, Smith and Grace: Hydraulic Copying: a descriptive InstructionManual showing the principles and methods used in the DSG system.

MD101B Dean, Smith and Grace 24-inch Lathe: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MD101C Dean, Smith and Grace 17" x 60", 80", 108" (alllengths) Lathe: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MD101D Dean, Smith and Grace 21 x 84 Lathe: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MD101E Dean, Smith and Grace High-speed Threading Attachment for Hydraulic Copying Operator's Instruction Manual.- includes the Hydraulic Copy Attachment Instructions.

MD217 Deckel "SOE" and "SO" Tool and Cutter Grinders - acomplete Data Pack that includes all available printed material: early and latemanuals for the simpler "SO" Model together with the full Manual forthe more complex and versatile "SOE". Also included is the specialDeckel publication "SO Model: Notes on Disassembly and Reassembly - SpareParts (as sectional Drawings)", a copy of the maker's comprehensive Salesand Accessories Catalogue and all the extracts from the "Deckel TechnicalBulletins" that dealt with these machines. Very comprehensive instructionsinclude cutter profiles, tool angles, cutting speeds, how to grind back rackangles, pointed cutters, tapered cutters, twist-drill grinding attachment,single lip cutters, grinding straight-toothed cylindrical or tapered two-lip orthree-tooth cutters with concentric or off-centre radii. etc. English text.

MD217G Deckel SO Tool and Cutter Grinders: Operating and Maintenance Manual.German Text.

MD217GF Deckel GSO & SO Deckel La Fraise a une Coupe: Son Affutage et SesApplications: Pour la gravure, le Copiage, le Fraisage de Moules & leFraisage de Poincons. Pas un manuel d'instruction mais exte détaillé et bienillustré.

MD217BBK Tool & Cutter Grinding Book: - to assist beginners withcutter-grinding operations we can also supply a copy of the very useful andclearly-explained Workshop Practice Series book No. 38. See also: books

MD217AS Deckel SO Tool and Cutter Grinder:(Alexander GHA Clone) Parts Manual asdetailed Cross-Sectional Drawings. This edition Includes both Mk.1 and Mk.2(early and late) cabinet and bench-mounting machines. Includes the useful anddetailed technical Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MD217B Deckel SO Tool and Cutter Grinder: Detailed Technical Sales andSpecification Catalogue (included in MD216A).

MD217D DECKEL S1 Tool and Cutter Grinder Detailed Operating and MaintenanceInstructions.

MD217E Deckel S11 Tool and Cutter Grinder Detailed Operating and MaintenanceInstructions.

MD217F Deckel S11 Tool and Cutter Grinder Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MD218 DECKEL FP1 Universal Precision Miller Mk.1 . Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual (including accessories) for the early model with demountablechange-gears to vary the table-feed rates and levers for the spindle speeds.Contains essential horizontal and vertical bearing adjustment Manual. Althoughan English-language edition, a couple of German-text pages have crept in aswell. This early manual was rather thin so also included is the much morecomprehensive manual for the Mk.2 machine with all-lever gear changes and anadditional 16 pages from the Deckel Technical Bulletins concerning work on theFP1.

D40 DECKEL FP1 Miller early Sales and Specification Catalogue for the"Lever-change" model. Not a Manual, but a very useful 52-pagepublication that shows, using superb photographs, the extent of the FP1's versatility.

MD218DATA Both MD218 and D40 together as a data pack:

MD218A DECKEL FP1 Universal Precision Miller Mk. 2 - with all-lever speedchanges for both head speeds and table feeds. Detailed Operating, Maintenanceand Dismantling Manual (including accessories) - Available in English, Swedishor German. Includes an additional 16 pages from the Deckel Technical Bulletinsconcerning work on the FP1.

MD218B DECKEL FP1 Universal Precision Miller MK. 3 later "All-Dial-changeModel" Detailed Operating, Maintenance and Dismantling Manual (includingaccessories) - in English. This is the complete, later edition with extra pageson adjusting and dismantling the special boring and high-speed heads. Includesan additional 16 pages from the Deckel Technical Bulletins concerning work onthe FP1.

MD218C DECKEL FP1 Universal Precision Miller Dial Type. Parts Manual asDetailed Sectional Drawings.

MD218CA DECKEL FP1-2102 (with Heidenhain TNC113 controller) Parts Manual asexploded Component Drawings.

D40A DECKEL FP1 Miller late Sales and Specification Catalogue for the"dial-change" model. Not a Manual, but a very useful 52-pagepublication that shows, using superb photographs, the extent of the FP1'sversatility.

MD218D Deckel "CLONE": SUPERUNIVERSAL Model 675 a Russian-built copyof the DECKEL FP1 Universal Toolroom Miller. Comprehensive Manual withElectrical Schematics and Sectional General Sectional Drawings.


DECKEL FP2 - two versions were made: one with the motor flange-mountedexternally against the rear face of the column and another with the motorinside the column (and so not visible). Operating Manuals and Parts Manuals areavailable for each type.

MD218EX DECKEL FP2 Universal Precision Miller with externally-mounted motor.Detailed Operating, Maintenance and Dismantling Manual (including accessories)- English Text. Includes a copy of the detailed, profusely illustrated and veryinteresting 40-page FP2 Sales, Technical Specification and AccessoriesCatalogue.

MD218EINT DECKEL FP2 Universal Precision Miller with internally-mounted motor.Detailed Operating, Maintenance and Dismantling Manual (including accessories)- English Text. Includes a copy of the detailed, profusely illustrated and veryinteresting 40-page FP2 Sales, Technical Specification and AccessoriesCatalogue.

MD218GEXT DECKEL FP2 UniversalPrecision Miller with externally-mounted motor. SPARE PARTS as SectionalDrawings with English annotations.

MD218GINT DECKEL FP2 UniversalPrecision Miller with internally-mounted motor. SPARE PARTS as a mixture of 3Dsections, cross-sectional and annotated drawings with listings in GERMAN (thisappears to have been the only edition issued).


MD218F DECKEL FP2 DetailedOperating, Maintenance and Dismantling Manual (including accessories) - GERMANTEXT.


MD218NC Deckel FP2-NC Programming Manual and handling the Control Unit with introductory Technical Specification Section that includes data on Transport and Assembly Preparatory Operations, Measuring System and Manually-controlled Operation.*********************************

MD218J DECKEL FP3 Universal Miller.Comprehensive Machine and Accessories Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual (including accessories).

MD2218K DECKEL FP3 Universal Miller. Parts Manual as Exploded ComponentDiagrams.

Deckel FP3A: this is the model with two motors on the back of the column(one for the main drive the other a servo controllingthe powered table feeds) and a remote control panel at the side. Three manualsare available:

DECKEL FP3A Universal Miller. Comprehensive Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual for the conventional (non-CNC type) including accessories.

MD218JA2DECKEL FP3A Universal Miller fitted with straight Line CNC 2102 Control and nohand feeds. Comprehensive Operator's Instruction Manual that explains thecontrol and measuring systems and how to programme the controls.

MD218JA3 DECKEL FP3A Universal Miller. Spare Parts Manual for the conventional model asExploded Component Drawings.

MD218L DECKEL FP3L Universal Miller. Comprehensive Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Dismantling Instructions and Parts as ExplodedComponent Drawings (including accessories).

MD218FP3NC Deckel FP3NC & FP4NC Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MD218M DECKEL FP4(M) Universal Miller. Detailed Operator's and MaintenanceManual including a section on the accessories. 280 pages. With English andGerman Text

MD218N DECKEL FP4(M) Universal Miller. Illustrated Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings and Exploded Diagrams plus Electrical Schematics.

MD218MA DECKEL FP4MA Universal Miller with GRUNDIG CNC Contour 2 Control.Comprehensive and detailed Operator's and Maintenance and Lubrication Manualwith details of hand ling the Control Unit/Program-controlled operation,working with attachments, basic programming procedures, etc.

MD218M4 DECKEL FP41NC and FP42NC Miller with Continuous Path Control.Operator's Manual.

MD218CNC DECKEL CNC2101 Straight Line Control Unit. Programming Manual

MD218NG DECKEL Grinding Head for FP and LKD Machines. Operator's Manual.

MD218G1 Alexander (George Alexander GHA) Pantograph Engraving and Die-SinkingMachines Nos. "1", "1A", "1B", "1-2","2", "2A", "2B" and "3A" and 3 Series.These engravers were copies of contemporary Deckel machines - all based on theDeckel G1L. Detailed Operator's Instructions with sectional drawings of all thecutter heads (these have been scanned at high resolution and enlarged tofull-page size). This large 140-page triple-edition Manual also covers:"All multi-head and special types of GHS Engraving machines" - forexample, the Model 1-2 was a 2B but fitted with a slightly smaller table,pantograph and spindle for undertaking finer work. This collection representsall known literature for these models and includes a very useful and detailedSales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue with information aboutSpecial Machines, Type Sets, Etching Pencils, Rotary Engraving Attachments,Cutter Grinders, Cutter Microscope, Stylus, Collets and Cutters and workexamples.

MD218P Deckel GK12 and GK21 Pantograph Engraving and Profiling Miller:Operating, Servicing, Lubricating and Disassembly and Reassembly Instructions.Includes a copy of the maker's useful 20-page Technical Sales and Specificationand Accessories Catalogue.

MD218R Deckel GK12 and GK21 Pantograph Engraving and Profiling Miller:Operating, Servicing, Lubricating and Disassembly and Reassembly Instructions;includes a copy of the maker's useful 20-page Technical Sales and Specificationand Accessories Catalogue.

MD218V DECKEL KF1, KF2, KF2S and KF12 Universal Pantograph Die Sinking and CopyMilling Machine. Operator's and Maintenance Manual with Lubricating and someDisassembly and Reassembly Instructions.

MD218W Deckel KF1, KF2, KF2S and KF12 Universal Pantograph Die Sinking and CopyMilling Machine. Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes a copy of thedetailed and interesting KF-Series Sales, Specification and AccessoriesCatalogue.

MD218S DECKEL KF Series UniversalPantograph Die Sinking and Copy Milling Machines Sales and SpecificationCatalogue - being a comprehensive and detailed examination of the variousmodels' construction and operation - and employment of accessories. A veryuseful adjunct to the Instructions and Illustrated Parts Manuals listed above.

MD218W DECKEL KF3S Universal Copy Milling Machine (with hydraulic ServoControl). Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and Disassembly Instructions.

MD218X DECKEL PATTERN FORMING ATTACHMENT for the KF Series (KF2, KF2S and KF3S)Pantograph Die Sinking Machines. Detailed Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MD218Y DECKEL LKB OPTICAL COORDINATE BORING MACHINE: Operating and MaintenanceManual with Dismantling Instructions.

MD218Z DECKEL LKS OPTICAL COORDINATE GRINDING MACHINE: Operating andMaintenance Manual with Dismantling Instructions.

MD218ZC Deckel Die-Sinking and Engraving machines. Detailed Sales andSpecification Catalogue for the identical English models badged"Alexander. Not a Manual but contains useful operating data, charts anddetails of accessories and how to mount them - includes two additional separateSales and Specification sheets.

MD218ZR Deckel Roll Engraving Attachments. Operating Instructions.

MD210 DECKEL TECHNICAL BULLETINS - The COMPLETE SET from the 1950s to the1970s. Detailed and incredibly useful advice - based on customer feedback -about getting the best from a wide range Deckel machine tools: Millers,Pantograph Engravers, Profiling Millers, Tool and Cutter Grinders, KF DieSinking machines, etc. Wonderful photographs and diagrams. 400 pages.

MD211 DECKEL "CNC CONTOUR 1". Operator's Briefing Cards (56) showingall control functions.

MD211A Deckel E3L and E3LV NC Milling and Boring machines with Straight LineControl and C3LV and C3L with Continious Path Control Operator's Manual.

MD211B Deckel E3L CNC Miller Parts Manual. Not a perfect copy but complete withwiring schematics.

MD270 DEDTRU Centreless grinding Fixture. Instruction Manual.

MD281D SUPERUNIVERSAL Model 675 (675 "11") a Russian-built milleralong the lines of the DECKEL FP1 Universal Toolroom Miller. ComprehensiveManual with Electrical Schematics and Sectional General Sectional Drawings.
MD290 De-HYDRAULIC Slotter 12-inch and 36-inch stroke Models. Installation,Operator's Instruction and Service Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.Includes an electrical schematic.

MD290A De-HYDRAULIC Slotter 36-inch and 48-inch stroke Models. Installation,Operator's Instruction and Service Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.Includes an electrical schematic.

MD290B De-HYDRAULIC Open-sided Planer Installation, Operator's Instruction andService Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings. Includes an electricalschematic and a comprehensive Sales and technical Specifications catalogue.

MD290C De-HYDRAULIC 12-inch Shaper. Installation, Operator's Instruction andService Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings. Includes a wiring diagram.

MD295 DEKA DRILL (South Bend) Models 171 and 1222. Operation and Parts Manual.

MD300A DELAPENA Delapena "Speedhone" Precision Honing Machines andmanual types - a Data Pack including:. General Operating Manual. Includes adata manual giving Recommended Honing Speeds and Honing Stone Pressurestogether with a large collection (60 page)of sales and Technical Specificationcatalogues covering the types: "Speedhone" Junior; VHM/1, VHM1D,VHM/3C. VHM60, HHM/11, HHM/30, Model 276 Beam Stroking Honing Machine; Model301, VHM/1, VHM/1D, VHM/3, VHM/3C, VHM/5, VHM60, VHM/60 and HHM/11 and the 276Industrial Beam honer, etc.

MD300B DELAPENA Speedhone MA Bench-mount Precision Honing Machine. OperatingManual together with a copy of "Delapena Recommended Honing Speeds& Honing Stone Pressures" and two Technical Specification Sales& Accessories Catalogues .

MD300C DELAPENA AUTO-SPEEDHONE. Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MD300D DELAPENA 301 Honing Machine. Instruction and Maintenance Manual withElectrical Schematic.

MD300E DELAPENA HHM/1A Honing Machine. Instruction and Maintenance Manual withElectrical Schematic.

MD300F DELAPENA VHM/3M Honing Machine. Instruction and Maintenance Manual withElectrical Schematic.

MD300G Delapena VHM-18 Honing Machine. Instruction and Maintenance Manual witha pair of large, original, wiring and hydraulic schematics. Includes a copy ofthe booklet: "Delapena Recommended Honing Speeds & Honing Stone Pressures"

MD300H DELAPENA VHM/40 Honing Machine. Instruction and Maintenance Manual withElectrical Schematic.

MD300J DELAPENA Large Horizontal Honing Machines - all models Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MD300K "Delapena Recommended Honing Speeds & Honing StonePressures" - a useful booklet that helps to get the best from any make ofhoning machine.

MD302 DELCAM DUCT5 CNC System. Two Manuals: one a detailed set of TrainingNotes and the other an Intermediate Course.

MD305 DELTA (Italy) LA300, LB300, LF350 and LC400 vertical Surface Grinders.Basic Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Instructions including parts asSectional Drawings an Electrical Schematic (10 pages) . English, Italian,French and German Text.


MD310 DELTA ROCKWELL 10-inch Lathe (Rockwell) Instruction Book, MaintenanceManual and Exploded Parts Diagrams. Includes a picture of thefrequently-damaged screwcutting and lubrication chart, a number of useful andwell-illustrated dismantling procedures and a copy of the Maker's Sales &Specification and Accessories Catalog.

MD311 DELTA ROCKWELL 11-inch Lathe (Rockwell) Instruction Book, MaintenanceManual and Exploded Parts Diagrams. Includes copies of the Maker's Sales,Specification and Accessories Catalog and the Screwcutting & Feeds Chart.

MD312 DELTA ROCKWELL 14-inch Lathe (Rockwell) Instruction Book, Maintenance andRepairs Manual, Exploded Parts Diagrams and a 14-page Maker's Sales andSpecification and Accessories Catalog. Included is a set of the rare"Special Attachment" Booklets that were not printed in the StandardManual:
Detailed 9-page Instruction Booklet for the Taper-turning Attachment withIllustrated Spares list.
Detailed 13-page Instruction Booklet for the "Safety Spindle Brake"with "Electrical Disconnect and Start Switches".
Detailed 10-page Instruction Booklet for the Single-speed Electrical DrumSwitch, Overload Switch and Magnetic Starter Controls.
Detailed 8-page Instruction Booklet for the Power-driven Spindle-speed Changer.
Detailed 5-page Instruction Booklet for the Hand -lever Collet Closer Assemblyand Collet Rack.
1-page Instruction Sheet for the Collet Draw Bar.
Detailed 2-page Instruction Booklet for the 4-position Carriage Stop.
Detailed 2-page Instruction Booklet for the Tachometer Fitting.
The 14-inch Manual together with the "Special Attachments Set" .

MD312A DELTA ROCKWELL 14-inch lathe - basic manual with Exploded PartsDiagrams.

MD312A DELTA ROCKWELL 14-inch lathe - "Special Attachments" Sectionon its own

MD313 Delta Rockwell Millers: Vertical, Horizontal and Horizontal with VerticalHead. Combined Manual for the Models 21-100 Horizontal, 21-120 vertical and21-122 Combination Horizontal and Vertical. Also covers the 52-020 and 21-820versions - but not the latter's variable-speed table drive system. InstructionManual, Maintenance Manual, Exploded Parts Diagrams, several detailedelectrical diagrams and copies of two Sales, Technical Specification &Accessories Catalogs.

MD314/MA640 DELTA ROCKWELL SHAPER (also sold branded as the Ammco). Operator'sInstruction, Maintenance Manual and a copy of the comprehensive Sales andSpecification Catalog. Two editions of the manuals are included, one withExploded Component Parts Drawings and the other with sectional and cut-awaydrawings.

MD315 Delta Wood Turning. Excellent 64 page book titled "Getting the Mostout of Your Lathe" - covers all the elements of Woodturning from thesimple to the advanced with chapters on basic metal turning and spinning.Includes a detailed 5-page technical Sales and Specification and Accessoriescatalogue for the 46-305 and 46-310 models and a manual showing how to assemblethe stand and countershaft. Applicable to any wood lathe, not just Delta.

- MD321 DELTA SHAPER 16-inch. Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and ExplodedAssembly Diagrams.

MD322 DELTA TOOL and CUTTER GRINDER. Model 24-822: Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

MD323 DELTA Double-ended 10-inch Grinder. Instruction Book and Parts asSectional Drawing.

MD324 DELTA 10-inch Contractors Saw Limited Edition. Model 36-426. InstructionManual and Parts List as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD325 DELTA 10-inch Contractors Saw with 30" Unifence. Model 34-445.Instruction Manual and Parts List as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD326 DELTA SUPER 10 Motorised Saw. Model 34-740. Instruction Manual and PartsList as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD327 DELTA 10-inch Right Tilting Arbor Saw (and Special Edition Unisaws).Model CS-4K-14. Instruction Manual and Parts List as exploded ComponentDiagrams.

MD328 DELTA Sidekick Frame and Trim Saw. Model 33-060. Instruction Manual andParts List as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD329 DELTA Sidekick Builders Saw 8.25". Model 36-275. Instruction Manualand Parts List as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD330 DELTA Builders Saw 8.25". Model 34-330. Instruction Manual and PartsList as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD331 DELTA 10-inch Table Saw. Model 36-550. Instruction Manual and Parts Listas exploded Component Diagrams.

MD332 DELTA UNISAW with 52" Unifence. Model 36-841. Instruction Manual andParts List as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD333 DELTA UNISAW with 50" Commercial Biesemeyer Fence System. Model36-843. Instruction Manual and Parts List as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD334 DELTA Deluxe Uniguard. Model 34-976. Instruction Manual and Parts List asexploded Component Diagrams.

MD335 DELTA Dust Collector/Sweeper. Model 50-075. Instruction Manual and PartsList as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD336 DELTA Sidekick Frame and Trim Saw. Model 33-060. Instruction Manual andParts List as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD337 DELTA Sharpening Centre. Model 23-710. Instruction Manual and Parts Listas exploded Component Diagrams.

MD338 DELTA DC-33 13" x 5.9" Planer. Models 22-660, 22-661 and22-671. Instruction Manual and Parts List as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD339 DELTA 6" Motorized Jointer. Model 37-280. Instruction Manual andParts List as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD340 DELTA DJ-15 6" Jointer. Model 37-150. Instruction Manual and PartsList as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD341 DELTA Vertical Bandsaw. Model 28-340 with 20-inch capacity. InstructionManual with Parts as Exploded component Pictures.

MD341A DELTA 12" Vertical Bandsaw. Model 28-190. Instruction Manual andParts List as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD341B DELTA 14" Vertical Bandsaw. Models 28-293 and 28-299. InstructionManual and Parts List as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD341c DELTA 20" Vertical Bandsaw. Models 28-340. Instruction Manual andParts List as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD341cc DELTA 20" Vertical Bandsaw. Models 28-365 and 28-366 (Metal andWood capability). Instruction Manual and Parts List as exploded ComponentDiagrams.

MD342 DELTA 8" x 14" Horizontal Bandsaw. Model HBS-6. InstructionManual and Parts List as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD342A DELTA Horizontal Bandsaw Model 7V. Instruction Manual and Parts List asexploded Component Diagrams.

MD342B DELTA Horizontal Bandsaw Model 10-Standard and 10A Automatic.Instruction Manual and Parts List as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD342E DELTA Horizontal Bandsaw Model 12A (sometimes labelled) InstructionManual.

MD344 DELTA 12-inch Variable-speed Wood Lathe Models 46-700 Bench and 46-701Floor-standing. Detailed Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as ExplodedComponent Drawings. In English or Spanish.

MD344A DELTA 16-inch Variable-speed Wood Lathe. Model 46-745. InstructionManual and Parts List as Exploded Component Diagrams.

MD344B DELTA Wood Turning Duplicator Attachment Model 46-408 to fit the Delta12-inch and 16-inch lathes. Detailed Instruction Manual and Parts List asexploded Component Diagrams.

MD348 DELTA 13-Spindle Line Boring Machine. Model 32-325. Instruction Manualand Parts List as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD349 DELTA 13-Spindle Pneumatic Line Boring Machine. Model 32-326. InstructionManual and Parts List as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD350 DELTA 14", 16" and 18" Long Arm Radial Saws. Models33-400, 33-401, 33-402, 33-403, 33-410, 33-411, 33-412, 33-413, 33-420, 33-421,33-422, 33-423. Instruction Manual and Parts List as exploded ComponentDiagrams.

MD351 DELTA SIDEKICK 10" Mitre Box. Model 36-210. Instruction Manual andParts List as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD351A DELTA SIDEKICK 10" Motorized Mitre Box. Model 36-090. InstructionManual and Parts List as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD353 DELTA Plate Joiner. Model 32-100. Instruction Manual and Parts List asexploded Component Diagrams.

MD354 DELTA 14" Abrasive Cut-off Saw. Model 20-150. Instruction Manual andParts List as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD355 DELTA Drill Press Oscillating Spindle Sander Attachment. Model 17-960.Instruction Manual and Parts List as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD356 DELTA B.O.S.S. Bench Oscillating Spindle Sander. Model 31-780.Instruction Manual and Parts List as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD357 DELTA 4" Belt/6" Disc Sander. Model 31-460 Type 2. InstructionManual and Parts List as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD357A DELTA 6" Belt/9" Disc Sander. Model 31-460 Type 2. InstructionManual and Parts List as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD358 DELTA Platinum Edition 2-speed Heavy-duty Wood Shaper. Model 43-424.Instruction Manual and Parts List as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD359 DELTA Stock Feeders. Model 36-851 single-phase and Model 36-852three-phase. Instruction Manual and Parts List as exploded Component Diagrams.

MD360 DELTA Mortising Attachment. Model 17-905. Instruction Manual.

MD361 DELTA Mortising Attachment. Model 17-905. Instruction Manual.

MD362 DELTA TENONING Jig Model 34-182. Instruction Manual.

MD363 DELTA 10-inch Double-ended Grinder. Instructions, Electrical Diagrams andParts.

SEE the ROCKWELL SECTION below for other Delta/Rockwell products - -

MD366 DEMAG KBA, KBF, KBS, SBA and SBS Brake Motors. Operator's Instructions,Maintenance and Adjustments Guide.

MD366A DEMAG P Type Electric Hoists. Parts Book as Exploded Component Drawings.

MD367 DEMM TP120, TS120 & Copymatic 120 (Makers: Daldi e Matteucci)Operation manual with Electrical Schematics. ITALIAN TEXT.

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MD368 DEMOOR LATHES for all Typefrom 821 up to 827 including the older Models: 613, 513, 614, 615, 615H, 711,811, 712, 812, 624, 625, 626 and 627: Installation, Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Headstock, Gearbox, apron and slides as SectionalDrawings.

MD369 DENBIGH 3E, 4E and 5E Gear-head drills (the Victoria/Elliott type).Operating and Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Spares Manual.

MD369A DENBIGH C-Type Milling machine. No proper manual was produced for thismachine but the makers issue three drawings: a large General Arrangement with asectional drawing through the horizontal spindle and with parts annotated on asecond sheet. A Drawings showing the lubrication requirements and one withsections showing the necessity of removing the table winding hand le duringcertain operations. The drawings plus a sales and Technical Specificationcatalogue:

DENFORD - see also under VICEROY

MD370 DENFORD EASITURN 3 Lathe. Installation, Programming and MaintenanceManual.

MD370A DENFORD ORAC CNC Lathe. Installation, Programming and MaintenanceManual.

MD370AT DENFORD ORAC CNC Lathe. TEACHER'S Manual. Introduction, NC Control and Machine Tool Functions, The co-ordinate system of an NC machine tool,Programming Principles in ORAC Format, ISO Codes and Addresses, Tool Setting and Tool Offsets, General Review of NC Programming.

MD770B DENFORD STARTURN CNC LATHE Programming, Instruction and MaintenanceManual:

MD370C DENFORD TRIAC CNC Milling Machine. Comprehensive Instruction andMaintenance Manual:


MD370E DENFORD ZEROTURN Lathe. FANUC OT-Model. Operator's Manual.

MD370E2 DENFORD ZEROTURN Lathe. FANUC OTC-Model. Detailed Operator's and Service Manual with Parameters.


MD370H DENFORD QUATROMILL (Heidenhain 355) Operator's Instruction and ServiceManual.

DENFORD: See also under VICEROY

MD372 DENHAM JUNIOR Lathe: Operator's Hand book and Parts Manual as ExplodedComponent Drawings - includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification andAccessories Catalogue.

MD372A DENHAM SR8V, SS8, SR10 & SR10V Lathe: Installation, Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Sectional Parts diagrams. Includes acopy of the Sales and Specification Catalogues.

MD372B DENHAM BV and L Lathe: Installation, Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Sectional Parts diagrams.

MD372C DENHAM "SUPER" LATHES Models BV, BV-L, SR18: ShortInstallation, Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MD375 DENISON Universal Testing Machines (Avery-Denison) Models: T42B3, T42B4,T42C1 and T42C2. Detailed Instruction Manual with electrical schematics. Includes operating and Maintenanceinstructions for the variable delivery hydraulic pump, SupplementaryInstructions for the hydraulic system and instructions for the lever-operatedwedges.

MD375-2 Desoutter Machines: Service Instructions and Parts as clear Exploded-Component Drawings for the: Oscillating Saw Type DG.0S; High-speed Electric Drill Gun Type D.G.500 and Parts Drawings and Dismantling Instructions for the Types 2SA8 and 2000L, PAI/S, M224/L, SA8/500/L, M217/s

MD376 DEUTSCHE NORMEN Tutormill "0" Universal Milling Machine. SlimOperator's Instructions with Electrical Diagrams.

MD377 DeValliere H140E Precision lathes. Instruction and Maintenance Manual.English Text

MD377A DeValliere H130F Precision lathes. Two editions of the Instruction &Maintenance Manual. One brief, the other more detailed with a Parts Manual asSectional drawings, Electrical Schematics and a copy of the maker's TechnicalSpecification & Accessories catalogue. French Text. This is aless-than-perfect copy but still readable and useful.

DeVLIEG B-Series Spiramatic Jigmils: 2B, 3B, 4B, etc. In order to cover all themodels this publication is made up of several editions including those for the2B, 3B, 4B, etc. in various capacities. Installation, Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual together with a Parts Manuals as detailed SectionalDrawings. Electrical Diagrams and sample Inspection and Tolerances Test ResultsSheets. This is a complete Data Pack with 375 sheets containing all knownpublications for the DeVlieg Type B.

DeVLIEG 3H Series SPIRAMATIC JIGMIL Installation, Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual. Covers all 3H versions, No. 3H-48, 3H-60, 3H-72, etc.

DeVLIEG No. 3H and 43H (all types and sizes) Parts Manual as detailed SectionalDrawings - includes a detailed, multi-page wiring diagram. These have beenscanned at very high resolution, enlarged for perfect clarity and spread over389 sheets.

DeVlieg K-Series Jigmil: Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual. Thisis the much larger and highly detailed edition covering: specification,description, Installation and preparation for operation, operating the Jigmil,Maintenance, tool changer, accessories, arrangement drawings, electrical system(but not circuit diagrams), DC Drive Jigmils. Covers all K Models 3K-72, 3K-60,4k-72, 4K-50, 4K-60, 4K-72, 5K-60, 5K-72, etc, where the first digit is thespindle diameter and the second number the table length).

DeVLIEG K-SERIES JIGMIL - PARTS MANUAL as Detailed Sectional Drawings. Inaddition to the major parts it also includes sections on Hydraulic Schematics,Bar-feed Unit,Electric Controls, Spindle Head Elevating Units and the FeedUnit, Table Unit, Saddle Unit and Coolant Unit. Covers all K types. e.g. 3K-72,3K-60, 4k-72, 4K-50, 4K-60, 4K-72, 5K-60, 5K-72, etc. where the first number isthe spindle diamter and the second the table length.

MD379DK DeVlieg "Contouring K" a Supplement to the K Series Manual. Operation, Maintenance and Parts as Sectional Drawings. Includes Hydraulic Schematics.

DeVLIEG J-Series Jigmil. Detailed Installation, Maintenance and Parts Manual(the latter as sectional drawings). Includes several Hydraulic (but notelectrical) schematics and details of the CNC Systems details in 3 Sections:Description, Computer and Interface and Magnetics. The full manual as issuedwith new machines.

DeVLIEG RELIANCE Spindle Drive MaxPak-Plus VS W/D 27940 19 to 70 Amps and WD29741 70 to 250 Amps Installation, Operating and Maintenance Instructions withelectrical schematics.

DeVLIEG RELIANCE 15-hp Machine Tool Spindle Drive as used on Devlieg Machines.Detailed Technical Specifications, Operating Notes and set-up Instructionstogether with 26 Electrical Schematics.

DeVLIEG RELIANCE 40 h.p. S6R Drive as used on Devlieg Machines. DetailedTechnical Specification, Operating Notes and set-up Instructions together with26 Electrical Schematics.

DeVLIEG 4K-60 with TAPAC 5 Control: Programmer's and Operator's ReferenceManual.

MD379H DeVlieg Tape Dialin (Herbert) Electrical Systems Manual with 19 Electrical Schematics. As used on the DeVlieg Jigmil Models 2B, 3H, 43H and 4k

MD379X DeVLIEG MARK CENTURY CNC 2000 Section 6 MSD Parameters. (see alsoGeneral Electric section below)

DeVlieg Micropoint Tool Grinder Operator's Instruction Manual with a PartsManual as Sectional Drawings. Includes a copy of the Makers Sales &Technical Specification Catalogue. sh

MD380 DeWalt 1370 Radial Arm Saw. Operation, Adjustment, Maintenance &Spare Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings together with a number ofElectrical Schematics. Multi-language edition in English, Italian, French,German and Dutch.

MH381/330D DHW 4-jaw wood-working chuck - as used on Hobbymat and other lathes.Operator's Instruction Manual in German but with useful Sectional andillustrative Drawings

MD382 DIAFORM Wheel Dressing Attachments A Complete Guide to the Diaform unitand how to employ it successfully. English and french text.

MD383 DIAFORM Wheel Forming Attachment Vertical Models A, B, AT, BT, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, Rand 4B Operating Manual. English and French Text. (with a detailed guide, inEnglish only, as to what the machine can achieve with illustrated examples ofwork) and copies of the maker's Sales & Specification Catalogues.

MD383B DIAFORM Models 5/1, 5/2 and 5/4 Series. Grinding Wheel Forming Machine.Wheel-head mounting type. A complete Data pack consisting of two editions of theOperating Manual - covering any changes - together with a copy of the DiaformBooklet "Form Dressing with the Diaform Wheel Forming Attachment" (adetailed guide to the what the machine can achieve with illustrated examples ofwork)

MD383S Diaform Servicing and Adjustment Manual for Vertical Types A, B, AT, BT, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, Rand 4B. Includes several useful sectional drawings.

MD383D DIAFORM-KREMER 100 Control Instruction Manual. Includes ProgrammingExamples for lathes and millers.

MD384 DIAG HF-3.9 Milling Machine with Programme Control. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics.

MD386/MH380B DIAL-SET Unit for Turret lathes. Detailed Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MD388 DIEDESHEIM FRONTOR 40. Front-Operated Semi-automatic Chucking Lathe.Installation, Operating and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics andBlueprints. 0

MD388A DIEDESHEIM LS5A Installation, Operating and Maintenance Manual with manylarge drawings and Electrical Schematics. 0

MD388B DIEDESHEIM LSA-6 Horizontal Automatic Multi-Unit Machine. OperatingInstructions with Installation, Operating and Maintenance Manual withElectrical Schematics.

MD388C DIEDESHEIM/NECKAR AMSI Armature Machine. Operating and MaintenanceManual.

MD392 DIGIPAC 3 (by Newhall) Operator's Handbook.

MD392A DIGIPAC 4 (by Newhall) Users' Guide Handbook.

MD392B DIGIPAC 5 (by Newhall) Users' Handbook.

MD392D DIGIPAC 3 Cassett Unit (by Newhall) Operating Instructions

MD393 Diprofil hand-held Filing Unit - flexible-shaft driven from an electric motor. Detailed, 50-page Operating Manual with many suggestions for successful use.

MD394 DIVIDING: How to use a Dividing Head. A set of clear instructions, basedon the Myford unit but applicable to any make, showing how to use the platesand position the sector arms, etc.

MD396 DIXI Precision Lathe. Operating Instructions (brief, 7 pages) togetherwith a well-illustrated 16-page Sales, Specification & AccessoriesCatalogue.

MD396A DIXI 60 Jig Borer. Installation, Levelling, Functions, OperatingInstructions, Adjustments, Lubrication and an Electrical Schematic.

Do-All Lathes - often a re-badged UK-built Harrison. If unsure, send aphotograph to

MD397/MHL13Do-ALL 17-inch Lathe. Late Model Machine (made by Harrison in the UK) Late-model with a very "square-edged headstock", large sheet-aluminium covers embossed with "speeds and feeds" and a screwcutting operated only by rotary lever controls (no sliding lever). Operator's Instruction Manual and Spare Parts Manual as detailed Sectional Drawings. Includes a copy of the DoAll Technical Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue. Picture of the lathe type here: Harrison late-type 155/165/195 and 1300 models See: can be ordered securely online here where can choose to pay by most credit and debit cars - or PayPal:
Picture of the lathe type here:Harrison late-type155/165/195 and 1300 models

MD397B17A Do-All 17-inch lathe (by Harrison in the UK) : Early model with three downward-pointing spindle-speed controls levers. Operator's Instruction Manual and Spare Parts Manual as detailed Sectional Drawings. Includes a copy of the DoALL Technical Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue.It can be ordered securely online here where can choose to pay by most credit and debit cars - or PayPal:

MD397ADo-All 16" (Actually a Harrison M450/500) Operation and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded component Drawings.It can be ordered securely on-line here with payment by credit or debit card or PayPal:

MD398B DoAll bandsaws "Contour Machines" manufactured under licenceby Geo. Alexander. Instruction Manual. Covers the V-16, V-26, V-36 and V-60Models.

MD398BZ Do-All ZW-3620 'Zephyr' BandSaw. Instruction Manual.

MD398C Do-All DZ-36 Saw. Instruction Manual and Parts as Sectional Drawings andIllustrations.

MD398D Do-All 26-3 BandSaw: Operator's Instruction Manual and Parts Manual asSectional Drawings..

MD398E Do-All 1612-0 and 3613-0 BandSaw Models. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MD398F-us Do-All 2612-0M BandSaw: Detailed 60 Page Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MD398G-us Do-All 2612-1M BandSaw: Detailed 60 Page Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MD398H-us Do-All 2613-20 BandSaw: Detailed 160 Page Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MD398J-us Do-All BandSaw 2614-1: Detailed 150 Page Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MD398K-us Do-All BandSaw 3613-20 : Detailed 150 Page Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MD398L Do-All BandSaws V16, V26, V36 and ML . Operator's Instruction,Maintenance and Parts as Sectional drawings.

MD398M Do-All HC-35A and HC-35 Automatic and Manual Power Saws. Operator'sInstruction, Maintenance and Lubrication Manual.

MD398MP Do-All HC-35A and HC-35 Automatic and Manual Power Saws. Parts Manual

MD398N Do-All 26-3-60-3 COUNTOURMATIC SAW. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MD398P Do-All Servo-controlled Contour Sawing Attachment. Set-up and OperationInstructions.

MD398Q Do-All Model 56250 Bandsaw. Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MD398R Do-All DBW-15 BUTT WELDER. Instruction and Illustrated Parts Manual.

MD398SC Do-All Model 8 Tool and Cutter Grinder (a re-badged Boxford 200). InstructionManual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MD400 DOMINION Universal Woodworker (Sometimes badged "ElliottWoodworker") Minor, Ten-inch, Supreme and Portable - all models. Acomplete Data Pack with Maintenace and Operating Instructions together with aset of very detailed, well-illustrated catalogues showing all the variousmodels, their accessories and how the many and varied attachments are used.

MD400A DOMINION Type FP 6" Four-sided Planing & Moulding Machine.Operating & Maintenance Instructions. .

MD 400B Wadkin (Wadkin-Dominion) KK Automatic Cross-cut Saw. Operation &Maintenance Manual.

DONEWELL see under SAFAN below

MO200 DONG YONG (OKUMA) TYPE LS Toolroom Lathe. Data Pack consisting of:Operator's and Maintenance Manual with the special "Service Drawings"(originally a separate publication), a second, more concise edition and a copyof the maker's comprehensive Sales, Technical Specification and AccessoriesCatalogue.

MO200A DONG YONG (OKUMA) TYPE LS Toolroom Lathe. Illustrated Parts Manual withExploded Assembly Diagrams of the entire machine showing the construction andassembly methods and complete Electrical Schematics.

MD408 DOOSAN Puma 400L Lathe Detailed Operation and Operation Manuals (as two separatebooks of 375 pages total)

MD408A DOOSAN Puma 400L Lathe Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MD408B DOOSAN Puma 400L Electrical Ladder Diagrams

MD408C DOOSAN eZ Guide 1 CNC Turning Centre Operation Manual. 770 pages.

MD408D DOOSAN Puma 400L Electrical Circuits Diagrams

MD410 DORE WESTBURY Milling Machine Mk.1: Working Instructions for building theMk.1 Models together with a full drawing set (and various other descriptions)40

MD410B DORE WESTBURY Milling Machines Mk.2: Working Instructions for buildingthe Mk.2 Models together with a full drawing set.

MD410C DORE WESTBURY: Sectional Drawings to manufacture the large capacity(5") fixed steady with 4 jaws. Adaptable to any lathe.

MD412 DORMAC No. 2 Milling Machine. Instruction and Maintenance Manual withElectrical Diagrams.

MD415 DORMER Drill Grinder Model 45 and 49 (Automatic type) but applicable toother sizes as well. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with PartsManual as Sectional Drawings and a number of electrical schematics.

MD415AP DORMER Drill Grinder Model49. Parts Manual as sectional drawings.

MD415A DORMER Drill Grinder Model 48 (design by HUNT). Operator's InstructionManual and Clear descriptions of the advantages of "point relieving"and "point thinning".

MD415B DORMER Drill Grinder Model DG55. Operator's Instruction Manual. IncludesElectrical Diagram.

MD415BP DORMER Drill Grinder Model Centrapoint 84. Operating and MaintenanceInstructions with a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Not one of our bestcopies, but readable.

MD415C DORMER Drill Grinder Model 71 Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

MD415D DORMER Model 100 Drill Sharpening Machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics and Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MD415E MD415E DORMER Drill Grinder Model 108. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics and Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MD415E DORMER 308 "Subland-Step-angle" Grinder. Operator'sInstruction and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MD415F DORMER GONIOMETER Micropoint Drill Measuring Gauge OperatingInstructions. 4 -pages.

MD415G DORMER KBS.6 Meteor Precision Drill Grinder. Operating Instructions.

MD418 DOUGLAS (AVO Douglas) No. 1, 2, 3 and 6 Coil-Winding machines. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Annotated Sectional Pictures. US

MD420 DOWDING Co-ordinate Drilling machine as supplied with AtlanticPositioning Table and Ferranti tape Control. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceInstructions,

MD420A DOWDING and DOLL H-7 Universal Gear Hobber: Operating Manual. Includes acopy of the maker's detailed Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MD420B DOWDING and DOLL V4 Gear Hobbing Machine: Operating Manual with GearSchedules and Charts. Includes a copy of the maker's detailed Technical Salesand Specification Catalogue.

MD420B DOWDING and DOLL V8 Gear Hobbing Machine (Including Cross feed Head):Operating Manual. Includes a copy of the maker's detailed Technical Sales andSpecification Catalogue.

MD420F DOWDING and DOLL V10 Gear Hobbing Machine. Instruction Book with largeElectrical Schematic. Includes a copy of the maker's Technical Sales andSpecification sheet.

MD420C DOWDING and DOLL ACCURATOOL 6D Turret Lathe. Comprehensive Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. MD420CE DOWDING and DOLL ACCURATOOL 6D Turret Lathe. Electrical Manual withSchematics and Supplementary Data.

MD420E DOWDING and DOLL - Injection Moulding Machine - Automatic Cycle.Instruction Book.

MD425B DOWLING (David Dowling) Pantograph Engravers/Die Sinkers & Engraving Cutter Grinders. Models 242, 595, 848 and 848A. Collection of Operation Manuals and Sales & Technical Specification Catalogues.

MD425CDowling (David Dowling) Model H-7 Universal Gear Hobber. Operator's & Setters Manual. Includes instructions for adjusting the index worm and wheel, the hobs and hobbing head positioning.

D176 DOWLING Machine Tools. Not a manual but a useful Catalogue collectioncomprising: Model 242 Pantograph Engraver, Model 303 Bench Panel PantographEngraver, Model 713 Pantograph Engraving Machine, Model 848 PantographEngraving Machine, Engraving Cutter Grinder Model 595, Bench Type SwivellingHead Tool & Cutter Grinder, Models 858A and 595 Engraving Cutter Grinders,Model 858 Engraving Cutter Grinder, Universal Tool & Cutter Grinder, ModelC Tapping Machine, Type faces Illustrations. 21 pages

MD430 DOWNHAM MINI JIG BORER (also badged Elliott and Gate) Operating and MaintenanceManual and parts as Exploded Component Drawings. Covers the Mk. 1, 2 and 3 models and the Electrical Manual for the variable-speed Mk. 3. Includescopies of the Maker's Sales and Specification and Accessories Literature. Acomplete data pack for the machine containing all known literature.

MD440 DREMEL Models 700, 700-1, 70001 (etc) Operator's Instruction Manual.

MD445 DRAVO (Powell Duffryn Heating Co.) Model 30 Counterflo Heaters (OilFired). Installation, Operation and Service Instructions with a WiringSchematic.

MD445A DRAVO (Powell Duffryn Heating Co.) Models 40-50, 75-100 and 125-150Counterflo Heaters (Oil Fired). Installation, Operation and ServiceInstructions with a Wiring Schematic.

MD540 DROOP and REIN "Ecomil" Copy Milling Machines. Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MD540A DROOP and REIN Oil Groove Cutting Lathes SZ 250 and 250N. OperatingInstructions, Lubricating Manual and an Electrical Diagram.

Drummond Lathes: Although proper hand books were never issued for the older, ordinary Drummond lathes,there is a large collection of Drummond literature that can be ordered online.Click here to go to the listings.

MD270 DRUMMOND MAXIMATIC Automatic Multi-tool Lathe: Operator's InstructionManual + Service Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings and a copy ofthe detailed Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue.

MD270A DRUMMOND MAXICUT No. 1 Automatic Multi-tool Lathe: Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MD270A2 DRUMMOND MAXICUT No. 2 Automatic Multi-tool Lathe: Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MD270B DRUMMOND MAXIRAPID Automatic Multi-tool Lathe: Operator's InstructionManual.

MD270C DRUMMOND MAXIMINOR Automatic Multi-tool Lathe: Operator's InstructionManual.

MD270D DRUMMOND MAXICUT 2A, 2B and 2C GEAR SHAPERS (sometimes badged"Hoblique" and "Staveley"): Operator's Instruction Manualtogether with a detailed and informative Sales and Technical SpecificationCatalogue.

MD270F DRUMMOND MAXICUT 3A GEAR SHAPER (sometimes badged "Hoblique"and "Staveley"): Operator's Instruction Manual with a Sales &Specification Sheets.

DSG lathes - see under 'Dean Smith and Grace' above.

MD285 DUBIED Type 514 Hydraulic Copying Lathe. Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Electrical Diagram and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes copiesof the Technical Sales and Specification and Accessories catalogues. A completedata pack for the machine.

MD285A DUBIED Type 517S 500 Hydraulic Copying Lathe. Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes a copy ofthe maker's Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MD350 Dufour (Gaston Dufour) Type 51 Milling Machine: Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional and Exploded ComponentDrawings with Electrical Diagrams.

MD350A Dufour (Gaston Dufour) Type 52 Milling Machine: Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings with ElectricalDiagrams. FRENCH TEXT

MD350B Dufour (Gaston Dufour) Type 54 Milling Machine: Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional and Exploded ComponentDrawings with Electrical Diagrams.

MD350C Dufour (Gaston Dufour) Type 61 Milling Machine: Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and ElectricalDiagrams.

MD350D Dufour (Gaston Dufour) Type 62 Milling Machine: Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MD350E Dufour (Gaston Dufour) Type 161CS Milling Machine (Fraiseuses a CycleAutomatic): Operator's Instruction Manual (French text only)

MD350F DUFOUR (Gaston Dufour) Model F-162 Universal Milling Machine. Operation& Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and anElectrical Schematic. Not perfect, but a readable copy.

MD350G Dufour (Gaston Dufour) Type F-164 Milling Machine: Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Exploded ComponentDrawings (French text)

MD350J Gaston Dufour 220, 221, 211N 7 221R. Milling Machine: Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings and anElectrical Schematic. The manual is missing the first 15 pages and was originallyprinted on heavy-duty lavatory paper - hence the quality is only justacceptable. However, it includes: mounting of high-speed spindle and verticalhead, angular setting and swivelling settings of table, backlash elimination oflongitudinal movement, double swivelling sliding spindle high-speed head,slotting attachment, adjustments: belt tension, play in universal head spindleand horizontal spindle, knee and cross slide locking devices, gib strips,steady bearings, lubrication, Parts Manual and electrical diagram.

MD350K DUFOUR (Gaston Dufour) 221R Milling Machine. Operation &Maintenance Manual with Parts manual as Exploded Component Drawings. Notperfect, but a readable copy.

MD350L Gaston Dufour 222N and 222R Spare Parts List, as exploded componentdrawings.

MD350M Dufour (Gaston Dufour) 223 and 230 Milling Machine: Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings andElectrical Diagram.

MD350N Dufour (Gaston Dufour) 225 and 231 Milling Machine: Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MD350X Dufour (Gaston Dufour) Type F250 Milling Machine. Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MD350P Dufour (Gaston Dufour) Type F302 Milling Machine. Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings and ElectricalSchematic.

MD350Q2 Dufour (Gaston Dufour) 624D Milling Machine: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with a Parts Manual as exploded Component Drawings and anElectrical Schematic. The manual is marked for the 624D but the"624C" appears to have been identical, save for a less powerful motor.

MD350S Dufour (Gaston Dufour) Milling Machine Automatic Cycle Instructions.

MD350T DUFOUR (Gaston Dufour) Universal Dividing Head. Instructional Manualand Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Gives details of plain and differential dividing, spiralmilling, etc, together with Differential Indexing Tables.

MD410 DUMBAR & COOK Mark 2A Crankshaft Lathe. Operation Manual.

MD400 DUMORE Milling Attachments. Operation & Parts Manual. Two editionsincluded covering the models 8349 (with twin round column supports) and the 312- arranged as a conventional vertical milling slide.

MD450 DUNMORE Drill Press Series 16 Operating Instructions.

MD450A DUNMORE Feed Drill Series 60 Operating Instructions.

MD450B DUNMORE Hydraulic Feed Control Types 508-0065. Operating Instructions.

MD450C DUNMORE Toolpost Grinder Series 12 Operating Instructions.

MD450D DUNMORE Toolpost Grinder Series 14 Operating Instructions.

MD450E DUNMORE Toolpost Grinder Series 25 Operating Instructions.

MD450F DUNMORE Toolpost Grinder Series 44 Operating Instructions.

MD450G DUNMORE Toolpost Grinder Series 57 Operating Instructions.

MD500 DUPLEX Toolpost Grinders Models: D22A, D22A/3, D27A, D27A/3, D28, D29.D30, D30A, D31, D31A, D31B, D34, D35, D70, D71, D72, D73. Includes Duplex BuiltCollace M34, M36 and Wolf-Duplex GL3. Instruction Manual and three detailed technical-specificationcatalogues.

MD500A DUPLEX Shears & Nibblers: Shears types: G1, G2, G3, 10, G16, GS10,GS16, GS18 B12 and B15. Nibblers Types: N1, N3, N10, N18, N12 and N20.Operation Instructions and Parts as a Sectional Drawing.

MD555 DUPLOMATIC "FILEMATIC 50 and FILEMATIC 100" High-speedautomatic lathe threading attachment: Instruction Manual and Exploded-PartsDiagrams. Includes a copy of the useful Technical Sales and SpecificationCatalogue and a set of can charts.

MD555A DUPLOMATIC Type "T" all sizes TRACER (Hydraulic copying unit)Instruction Manual and exploded-parts Diagrams.

MD555B DUPLOMATIC TA/20 TRACER (Hydraulic copying unit) Detailed InstructionManual and exploded-parts Diagrams.

MD555B2 DUPLOMATIC TA/20/1 TRACER (Hydraulic copying unit) Operation andMaintenance Manual and Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MD555C DUPLOMATIC TA "COMPACT SERIES" Hydraulic Copying Unit.Detailed setting up and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as explodedcomponent diagrams.

MD555D DUPLOMATIC - (BSA) BSV-N-120/Baureihe Series 24, BSV-N-160, BSV-N-200 and BSV-N-250. FastIndexing Heads. Instructions for Use and and Maintenance with Assembly Drawingsas Sectional Diagrams. English and German Text.

MD555E DUPLOMATIC (BSA) TRM-N-120/20, TRM-N-160, TRM-N-200 Vertical Axis Toolholders. Operating & Maintenance Instructions with Sectional Drawings. English & German Text.

MD570 DYNA (Dyna Myte Electronics) DM2400 and DM2200 Milling Machine.Programming Manual

MD600 DYNAFLEX LAPPING MACHINES 12A and 15B. Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

MD600A DYNAFLEX LAPPING MACHINES 30B and 40A. Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

ME5/E20 EAGLE SURFACE GRINDERS: Unfortunately no manual appears to have beenissued for these machines but there is an interesting collection of Sales andSpecification Catalogue available for the early and late Standard and HeavyDuty Models 1, 2, 2a, 3, 3A, 4, 4A, 5, 6; the Model 534 in Mk.1 and Mk.2versions together with a price list. This collection represents the completedata set for these machines. 13 pages.

ME10 EAM (Electronic Autosizing Metrology) Gauge Head Models ECM/50/CS andElectronic Unit DS4R/ES and DS2R/ES. Operating Instructions.

ME10A EAM (Electronic Autosizing Metrology) Metran Model 2001 Electronic Gauging & Control Apparatus. Operating Instructions with Electrical Schematics.

ME12 EBOSA M31 & M32 High-precision Turning and Thread-chasing machine.Operation and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings andan Electrical Schematic. Also included is a separate Manual "Instructionsfor the Calculation of Cams and Standard Chucks"

ME12A Ebosa: Parts book for the Ebosa S.A. Grenchen M-32 Turning and ThreadChasing machine. With instructions for making cams, including a section ofcharts for the determination of degrees of non-productive travels. Alsoincludes drawings of fittings, toolholders, regulating devices for cuttingtools, cam drawings, dimensions and positions of cam levers for cams, manytables including those for micro-stop setting pin positions, turning feeds inmillimetres per rev, recommended cutting speeds and worked examples. English,French and German text. .00

ME15 EB Machine Tools: See H.E.B. (H. ERNAULT-BATIGNOLLES) below

ME20 ECKOLD Kraftformer Piccolo - Sheet Metal Forming Machine. WorkingInstructions with Sectional Drawings, an electrical Schematic and a useful andvery detailed 44-page Catalogue of Forming Tools and Spares.

ME20A ECKOLD Kraftformer KF 6533 CVA - Sheet Metal Forming Machine. WorkingInstructions with Parts as Sectional Drawings, a large Electrical Schematic anda useful and very detailed 44-page Catalogue of Forming Tools and Spares.

ME20B ECKOLD Mobilformer - Sheet Metal Forming Machine. WorkingInstructions with Electrical Parts as Sectional Drawings and details of the Power Units Type HAT 400 and HAT 550.

ME25 ECLIPSE Magnetic Chucks (rectangular and circular). Very detailed User'sHand book describing correct operation, setting up jobs, holding awkward jobs,machining forces, installation, construction, Maintenance, etc.

ME50 EDBRO 12 TON PRESS: User Instructions and Maintenance.

ME50A EDBRO Standard Hydraulic Cropper Model No. 2: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Hand book.


ME60 EDGWICK 61/2" Lathe Mk.1 Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Electrical Diagrams and Parts Manual as exploded componentdrawings. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales, Technical; Specification &Accessories Catalogue.

ME60A EDGWICK 61/2" Lathe Mk.2 Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Electrical Diagrams and Parts Manual as exploded componentdrawings. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales, Technical; Specification &Accessories Catalogue. This lathe can be seen here

ME60B EDGWICK Face Cutter Grinding Machine: Operator's Instruction Manual.

ME60C EDGWICK Face Cutter Grinding Machine: Parts Manual as Exploded ComponentDiagrams.

ME60D EDGWICK Tool and Cutter Grinder. Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

ME60F EDGWICK SIMPLIMEL No.1 Parts as Exploded Component Pictures.

ME60G EDGWICK (Herbert) Type 1214-HY Injection Moulding Machine. Detailed Operator's Manual with sectional drawings anda 29-page Manual and Service Information for Vickers-Detroit Vane Type Pumps and the Balanced Piston Hydrocone Type Relief Valves.

ME65 EDL VFM-1 Vacuum Forming Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual.

EDWARDS and BESCO Machines can be hard to recognise as a specific model. If youare unsure what you have email:

ME71M EDWARDS TRUECUT DD (Direct Drive) Guillotine Models. A complete data packwith Operator's Instructions, Maintenance and Spare Parts as Exploded ComponentDrawings. Covers early and late examples (two manuals are included) and thedifferent drive systems of the 2.5/1250, 2.5/2000, 2.5/2500, 2.5/3000,3.25/1250, 3.25/2000, 2/3000 2.5/2500, 2.5/3000, 2.5/3600 etc. - alsoapplicable to the 3/125, 4/125, 5/125 and 6/125 models (3, 4, 5 and 6 feet widewith 1/8" capacity) and the metric equivalent models. Includes wiringdiagrams for the UK, European and American markets and Instructions for theStandard, Precision and Power Back Guage Assemblies.
Also available separately, if required, large drawings of the DD covering: BackGauge; Front Gauge, Installation, General Arrangement, General Arrangement ofthe Hold Down Pneumatic Lift Off, Electrical blue print.

ME70 EDWARDS "BESCO" Besco Universal Edging, Bending and FoldingMachines. Instructions for adjusting and operating with exploded componentsdrawing. (2 sheets)

ME70B EDWARDS "BESCO-TRUEFOLD" Folders. Because a number of modelswere produced a complete Data Pack has been gathered for these types consistingof: Operation and Maintenance Manuals covering the Light Type, Heavy Type, Boxand Pan Folder Models 218, 316, 416 and 616 and the Box Pan and StraightFolding Machines Mk.2. Includes two maker's Sales and Specification Catalogues.

ME70C Edwards Besco All-Steel Folding machine Mk.2 Recognisable by the twooval-shaped, heavy weights supported on rods at each end of the machine.Operating instructions.

ME70D EDWARDS BENDING ROLL TRH/26. Instruction Manual with large SchematicDrawing and Parts List.

ME70E EDWARDS BENDING ROLL ESMB. Instruction Manual with large InstallationDrawing and Parts List.

ME71F EDWARDS "BESCO-TRUECUT" 698 Guillotine. Instruction Manualincluding Parts Listing and 6 Blueprints.

ME71G EDWARDS "BESCO-TRUECUT" 4/08, 3/08 to 10/25 Electro-MechanicalGuillotines. Two Instruction Manuals including Parts Listings, Mechanical andElectrical drawings and the Warner Clutch Service Instructions.

ME71H EDWARDS "BESCO-TRUECUT" 4/125 Guillotine. Instruction Manualincluding Parts Listing, 2 large General Arrangement Drawings, ElectricalSchematic and the Warner Clutch service Instructions.

ME71J EDWARDS "BESCO-TRUECUT" 808 Guillotine. Instruction Manualincluding Parts Listing and a blueprint showing the "Key Drawings"referred to in the Manual.

ME71K EDWARDS "TRUECUT" SHEARING MACHINES Models 2.5/1250, 2.5/2000,2.5/2500. 2/3000, 3.25/1250, 3.25/2000, 3.25/2500, 3.25/3000, 3.25/3600:Operator's Instruction and Service Manual with a wiring diagram.

ME71K EDWARDS Pearson. Late-type "TRUECUT" SHEARING MACHINES Brand edwith a "600 Group Logo) Models from 2/3000 to 4/4000 for Europe and 14GAto 8GA for North America. Detailed Operator's Instruction and Service Manualwith Parts manual as Exploded Component Drawings.


ME75 EECO Spool Mate SMS9150 Tape reader. Instruction Manual.

ME90 EFI "FG" Drilling Machine. Operating and Maintenance Manual withElectrical Diagram and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. English and GermanText.

ME94 EGURO Super-Precision Miniature screwcutting lathe: Operator's InstructionManual.

ME96 EINELL MTB300 Mini Lathe (sometimes badged 7" x 12"). Operator'sInstruction and Service Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

ME97/MR752 EHJ-58 Milling Machine (a re-badged Thiel Duplex 58) Operation &Maintenance Manual with detailed and useful sectional drawings and ElectricalDiagrams (German text only). Includes copies of the only two knownEnglish-language Sales and Technical Specification Catalogues - an additional18 pages.

ME97R EIMELDINGEN Rotary Table Type WSEE 8-8820 Operating Instructions. Includesa manual for Heidenhain ROD-700 Incremental Encoder.

ME97R2 EIMELDINGEN Rotary Table Type WGE 12-1250 Operating Instructions.Includes a manual for Heidenhain ROD-700 Incremental Encoder,

ME98EISELE METAL SAWS Models VMS-11 and VMS-PV: Operating and Maintenance Manualand Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

ME98A EISELE Feed Unit Type VE/72 to convert the VMS 11/V, VMS 111/PV and VMS1V/PV to fully automatic operation. English or German Text.

ME98B EISELE VMS-1 Sawing machine. Operator's Instruction Manual with anElectrical Schematic and Parts as Sectional Drawings.

ME116A ELB SURFACE GRINDERS. The maker's Detailed Instruction and MaintenanceManual for all models SW3 to SW20 including B suffix models. Includes twowiring diagrams and a copy of the maker's interesting and detailed Sales &Technical Specification Catalogue that provides construction design details andadvice on grinding techniques.

ME116B ELB Surface Grinder Model SW6: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance andParts Manual specific to the SW6 (though the instructions apply to all the SWrange). The known two editions are included - together with a a copy of themaker's interesting and detailed Sales & Technical Specification Cataloguethat provides construction design details and advice on grinding techniques.

ME116C ELB SURFACE GRINDER Model SW6: Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual Detailed Instruction Manual specific to the SW6. Includes a copy of themaker's interesting and detailed Sales & Technical Specification Cataloguethat provides construction design details and advice on grinding techniques.

ME116D ELB SURFACE GRINDER Model SW4 and SW5: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual specific to the SW4 and SW5 models. Includes two wiringdiagrams and a copy of the maker's interesting and detailed Sales &Technical Specification Catalogue that provides construction design details andadvice on grinding techniques..

ME116E ELB SURFACE GRINDER Model STAR 35-VA-1-Z. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual. Includes Heidenhain LS701 DRO Manual, EXE-600 Pulse ShapingElectronics and Siemens Servomotor 1HU305 Instructions.

ME116F ELB SURFACE GRINDER Model SWBE-010-VA-11 Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

ME116G ELB BE 8 NCK (BE-8-NCK) Automatic Creep Feed Grinding Machine. Detailed Operating Manual witha Manual for the Heidenhain External Pulse Electronics Types EXE700 and EXE710.

ME112Z ELB Surface Grinders. Not a manual but an interesting and thoroughTechnical Guide to the Design and Construction of ELB Grinders. 50 pages.

ME120 Elektra Beckum DB800 and DB800M Woodturning Lathes. Operations and SpareParts Manual.

ME120A Elektra Beckum PKF 255 Circular Saw. Assembly and Parts Manual inEnglish, German, Dutch, Danish, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.

ME123 ELECTRO Arc Model 2-DBQT Disintegrator. Operation and Parts Manual asExploded Component Drawings and with Wiring Diagrams.

ME125ELGA Optical Jig Boring Machine. Operating and Maintenance Instructions.

ME125A/MG640/MP350 ELGA Vertical Turret Miller: This was a re-badged machinemade by PRVOMAJSKA as the Models G-301A and G-301D. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics and Parts Manual as detailedSectional Drawings.

ME125B ELGA Hydrapressbrake. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withElectrical Schematic.

ME125C ELGA Hydrashear. All-Models Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Electrical and Hydraulic Schematics. Two Editions included coveringthe Models 612, 614, 618, 638, 812, 814, 838, 1012, 1014, 1018, 1038, 1212,1214, 1238, 1514, 1538, 2014 and 2039.

ME125D ELGA Hydrashear SB2504, SB3004, SB2506 and SB3006 OperatingInstructions.

ME160A ELGAR Type FK08c Automatic Copy Milling Machine: Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual.

ME180 ELGIN RIBON RUR (Ribon) Grinders 500, 800, 1000, 1500L, 2000 and L.T.all-Models 2-Edition publication: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Parts Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics. Oneedition has English text, the other English, French and German.

ME180B ELGIN RIBON (Ribon) Grinders RI 200 Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Parts Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings.

ME180C RIBON RUR (Elgin Ribon) RUR 800 and RUR 1500 Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and an Electrical Schematic.

E95 ELGIN Precision Bench Lathes: No Manuals were issued for these machine butthere is a beautiful full-range Catalogue circa 1920/1930 showing all thelathes and all their accessories. Includes full screwcutting charts for thethreading attachment.76 pages.

ME190 ELGO KL26 Turret Lathe (also sold as the Capital Auto 1/26). DetailedOperation and Service Manual with parts as Sectional Drawings

ME200/MA700A ELITE (ASTRA) TOOL and CUTTER GRINDER Model AR5-E (Elite).Operator's Instruction Manual and Maintenance. Includes a copy of the detailedTechnical Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue.

MB900d Elliott 618 and 1918 Surface Grinders (these differ only in dimensions) Operation andMaintenance Manual with a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MP700aElliott 3E, 4E and 5E Geared-head Drills. Operation and Maintenance manual withIllustrated Spares and copies of the makers Technical Specifcation andAccessories catalogue.

Elliott Sturdimil 1250 & 1500: Operating & Maintenance Manual withExploded-diagrams Parts Manual and Electrical Schematic. This edition containsExploded Component Drawings of the two different turret heads used on thismiller.

ME252X Elliott Sturdimil No.2 Lathe Type Milling Machine. This was the lastversion produced with some differences over the earlier models. If you areunsure if this is your machine, do send some pictures to andphone 01298-871633 as well. Detailed Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manualwith exploded-component drawings of the two different vertical heads used onthis model. ME300 ELUMATEC MGS 73/23 and MGS 73/33 Pull-down saw. Operation andMaintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings and an ElectricalSchematic.

ME350EMCO UNIMAT 1: INSTRUCTION Manual. Enlarged from the tiny original.

ME350A EMCO UNIMAT SL1000 Lathe (in the USA DB200): A very comprehensive, highquality Data Pack including the Operation and Maintenance Manual covering thelathe and the use of accessories in great detail. Full explanatory texts withclear diagrams of how to get the best from the lathe and its attachments.Exploded Parts diagrams of the lathe and every accessory. Includes several veryuseful contemporary Sales and Specification Catalogues showing the fulltechnical specification and accessories not covered in the Manual. The earlyversions of this lathe were issued with a small-format handbook of very limitedusefulness; this later edition covers the use of those first models as well.

ME350FF UMINAT SL1000 Instructions de Service (edition Francais).

ME350C EMCO Unimat lathe (DB200 in USA) Early (1950s) Operator's handbook forthe "cast iron" models. Includes an interesting comprehensive sales& Technical Specification Catalogue from the same era. Also available withGerman text.

ME350D EMCO Unimat DB200 Lathe as marketed by Sears, Roebuck and Co. USA.Repair Parts Manual:

ME350F Emco Unimat 3 Lathe (also covers the Unimat 4): Very comprehensive,full-size edition with detailed instructions together with an Illustrated PartsManual showing Exploded Assembly Diagrams. English and German text. Includes acopy of the maker's comprehensive Sales and Specification Catalogueillustrating all the many attachments and accessories.

ME350G Emco Unimat PC Computer-controlled Lathe (twin-bar bed): Programming andSoftware Manual (Titled "Software Description A91-5 EN1-724").

ME350H Emco Unimat PC Computer-controlled Lathe (twin-bar bed): Thread-cuttingprogramming Manual.

ME350J Emco Unimat PC "Basic" Lathe (twin-bar bed without computercontrol): Very comprehensive, full-size Instruction Book with Parts Manualshowing Exploded Assembly Diagrams (applies to the mechanical parts of thecomputer-controlled lathe as well)

ME350K All the above 3 items of literature for the Emco Unimat PC lathe (thecomplete data package for the machine)

ME350L Emco Compact 5 Lathe and Vertical Milling Head: Instruction Manual andIllustrated Parts Manual with Exploded Assembly Diagrams and Wiring Diagramsfor Lathe and Milling Head. Includes a comprehensive 12-page Sales, TechnicalSpecification and Accessory Catalogue. This collection of literature representsa complete data pack for the lathe.

ME350N Emco Compact 5PC Lathe (Controlled by a PC and without the built-incomputer and control panel of the Compact 5CNC): Comprehensive Operator'sInstruction Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings and full SoftwareInstructions.

Compact 5CNC lathes - a range of literature is available. Please read throughthe whole list before deciding.

ME350P Emco Compact 5CNC Lathe (Computer Controlled): Complete Student'sInstruction Manual (262 pages) with full programming details. Scan to CD-ROMonly.

ME350Q Emco Compact 5CNC Lathe (Computer Controlled): Complete Instructor'sManual. Scan to CD-ROM only.

ME350R Emco Compact 5CNC Lathe (Computer Controlled): Electronic and MechanicalWorkshop Manual with Exploded-Parts diagrams. Scan to CD-ROM only.

ME350S Emco Compact 5CNC Lathe (Computer Controlled): Computer Manual. Scan toCD-ROM only.

ME350T All 4 above Emco Compact 5CNC Lathe Manuals on CD-ROM.

ME350U Emco Compact 5CNC Lathe (Computer Controlled): Operator's Hand book -very detailed, full-size A4 edition. This is not the same as, or a substitutefor, the Manuals listed as 361A to 361C. This lathe is illustratedhere:

ME350V/391 EMCO 5CNC Lathe and F1 CNC Milling Machine: Comprehensive, 3-partLate-edition SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS for Computer, Electrical and Mechanicalelements (including the tool changer) with detailed Electrical Charts andExploded Component Parts Diagrams. This version is a full Data Pack covers allmodels, explains the differences between the generations of the machine and isthe full-sized and hard-to-find version.

ME350W Emco Emcomat/Maximat 7 and 7L Lathe. Detailed Operator's InstructionManual with Electrical Diagrams. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales andSpecification catalogue detailing the specification and showing all theaccessories

ME350X Emco Emcomat/Maximat 7 and 7L Lathe: Parts Manuals as usefulExploded-component Diagrams.

ME350Y EMCO Compact 8 Lathe: Detailed Instruction Manual and Comprehensive 76page Workshop Manual together the Exploded Assembly Parts Manual, wiringdiagram and two copies of the comprehensive Technical Specification andAccessory Catalogue. This collection of literature represents a complete datapack for the lathe. Manual available in with English, French or German text.

ME351 Emco Emcomat/Maximat 8.4 and 8.6 Lathes (including use of the 4-speedmilling head): Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Diagrams. InEnglish or German. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specificationcatalogue detailing the specification and showing all the accessories

ME351A Emco Emcomat/Maximat 8.4 and 8.6 Lathes: Parts Manuals as usefulExploded-component Diagrams (including the 4-speed milling head) with ExplodedAssembly Diagrams. English, German and French Text.

EMCO Emcomat/Maximat 8.4 and 8.6 Lathes with the 6-speed milling head will needthe Comprehensive Manual and Parts Manual for the F2B miller (Code ME352below).

ME351B Emco Maximat/Emcomat V8 (lathe and miller combination as also marketedby Edelstall): This machine is identical to the Emcomat 8.4 and 8.6 Lathes:Comprehensive Operator's Instruction Manual (including the 4-speed millinghead) with Electrical Diagrams.

ME351C Emco Maximat/Emcomat V8 (lathe and miller combination as also marketedby Edelstall): This machine is identical to the Emcomat 8.4 and 8.6 Lathes:Parts Manuals as useful Exploded-component Diagrams (including the 4-speedmilling head) as Exploded Assembly Diagrams.

ME351D Emco Compact 10 Lathe: Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual includingElectrical Diagrams. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specificationcatalogue detailing the specification and showing all the accessories.

ME351E Emco Compact 10 Lathe: Parts Manuals as useful Exploded-componentDiagrams. 96 pages.

ME351F Emco Emcomat/Maximat V10P Lathe. (and Mentor V10P) power-cross feedmodels: Operator's Instruction Manual (including use of the 4-Speed millinghead) and Electrical Diagrams. Covers the power cross feed model and includes acopy of the maker's Sales and Specification catalogue detailing thespecification and showing all the accessories.

ME351G Emco Emcomat/Maximat V10P Lathe. (and Mentor V10P) power-cross feedmodels: Parts Manuals as useful Exploded-component Diagrams (including the4-speed Milling Head).

*NOTE: Emco Emcomat/Maximat V10P Lathe (and Mentor V10P) power-cross feedmodels fitted with 6-speed Milling Head will need the ComprehensiveInstructions and Parts Manual for the F2B miller (Code ME381).

ME351H Emco Emcomat/Maximat V10 Lathe (and Mentor V10) Non-power cross feedmodels: Operator's Instruction Manual with electrical diagrams and details ofthe 4-speed milling head. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales, TechnicalSpecification and Accessories Catalogue.

ME351J Emco Emcomat/Maximat V10 Lathe (and Mentor V10) Non-power cross feedmodels: Parts Manuals as useful Exploded-component Diagrams. Includes PartsIllustrations for the 4-speed milling head.

ME351KK EMCO EMCOMAT 17/20 Lathe (Emco Technics). Two Manuals (1)DetailedOperating Instructions, Maintenance Instructions and a Parts Manual asExploded-component Drawings. (2) Electrical Documentation with CircuitDiagrams.

ME351P EMCO Maximat Super 11 and 11CD Lathe: Operator's Instruction Manualincluding electrical connection diagrams, copies of the sometimes damaged orunclear screwcutting charts. Also included is a copy of the comprehensiveSales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue.

ME351Q EMCO Maximat Super 11 and 11CD Lathe: Parts Manuals as useful Exploded-componentDiagrams.

ME351K Emco 6-speed Vertical Milling and Drilling Head as fitted to variousEmco lathes and as a stand -alone miller. Operator's Instruction Manual andParts Manuals as useful Exploded-component Diagrams. (this is the same as ME352below).

ME351L Emco 4-speed Vertical Milling and Drilling Head as fitted to variousEmco lathes and as a stand -alone milling machine. See Publication ME352 below(the 4-speed head is included in the Maximat V10 Manual above).

ME351M EMCO Maximat 3000, 3100, 4000 and 4100 "MAXIMAT Standard","MAXIMAT COMPACT" Lathes - all versions: Comprehensive Operator's'Instruction Manual. Includes comprehensive details of the screwcuttingarrangements for metric and inch pitches and copies of all the screwcuttingcharts - imperial, metric and conversion - and a copy of the now rare maker'sSales and Specification catalogue. This Manual is also available with Germantext.

ME351N EMCO Maximat 3000, 3100, "MAXIMAT Standard", "MAXIMATCOMPACT" Lathes - all versions: Parts Manuals as superb qualityCross-Sectional Drawings. In English, German and French.

ME351R Emco Maximat V13 Lathe: Operator's Instruction 7 Maintenance Manualincluding several electrical diagrams covering all the different versions.Includes two copies (26 pages) of the maker's detailed Sales, Specification andAccessories Catalogues detailing the specification and showing all theaccessories.

ME351S Emco Maximat V13 Lathe: Parts Manuals as useful Exploded-component Diagrams.

ME352 Emco FB2 (and MENTOR) Vertical Milling Machine (alsosold with other badges by various Taiwanese makers including ones badged asWarco including the Model Type FV320T): Combined Operator's' Instruction Manualand Parts Manuals shown as useful Exploded-component Diagrams. Includes detailsof both the later 6-speed and earlier 4-speed versions together with a factoryissue 14-page "Electrical System" bulletin for the late FB2. Includesa copy of the maker's detailed Sales & Accessories Catalogue and a chartshowing the "Calculation of hole numbers required on the indexingattachment".

ME352A EMCO F1 and F1P Miller: Operator's Instruction Book, Service Parts andParts Manuals as useful Exploded-component Diagrams.

ME352B EMCO F1 CNC Miller: Basic Operator's Instruction Book, Service Parts andParts Manuals as useful Exploded-component Diagrams.

ME352C EMCO F1 CNC Miller: Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as usefulExploded-component Diagrams (interwoven with that for the late-model 5CNC latheManual).

ME353 EMCOSTAR and "EMCO-REX" (EMCO STAR) Combination WoodworkingMachine: Comprehensive Instruction and Maintenance Book with Parts Manual asExploded Component Diagrams with Electrical Schematics. Includes 2 fulleditions, early and late.

ME353A EMCOSTAR SUPER Combination Woodworking Machine. Instruction Manual withParts Manual as exploded component pictures and wiring diagrams for 1-phase and3-phase supply.

ME353B EMCO-REX B20 Planing and Thicknessing machine. Instruction Manual andParts Manual as exploded component pictures and wiring diagrams for 1-phase and3-phase supply.

ME353C Emco Star and Emco-Rex 2000 (EMCO STAR) Combination Woodworking Machine.Instruction Manual and Parts as exploded component pictures. GERMAN TEXT:

ME353D EMCO MC90 CNC Woodworker (Top Spindle Moulder). Comprehensive Operation,Programming, Maintenance and Parts Manual. This is a massive publication.

ME400 EMI-MEC AUTO-SPRINT Lathe (circa 1968/70) : Operating Manual andProgramming Guide.

ME400A EMI-MEC AUTO-SPRINT S Lathe: Operating Manual and Hand book.


ME400BF EMI-MEC AUTO-SPRINT S Lathe: "Service Notes for Faults"Manual.

ME400C EMI-MEC AUTO-SPRINT S Lathe Instructions for the bar-feed and VerticalSlide Units with 5 drawings.

ME400D EMI-MEC AUTO-SPRINT S Lathe: A complete set of 11 large electrical and 4Pneumatic schematics.

ME400E EMI-MEC AUTO-SPRINT S Lathe Setters Course.

ME400F EMI-MEC AUTO-SPRINT S Lathe Setters Programming Course.

ME400G EMI-MEC SPRINT Lathe (1" capacity). SERVICE MANUAL withProgramming, Setting and Fault-finding Sections.

ME400-GOP EMI-MEC Series E AUTO-SPRINT Lathe. Operation Manual.

ME400H EMI-MEC Series E AUTO-SPRINT Lathe. Service Manual.

ME400J EMI-MEC Series E AUTO-SPRINT Lathe. Spares Manual.

ME400K EMI-MEC Auto 38 and Auto 50 Service Manual for Control System.

ME400L EMI-MEC MICROSPRINT 32 Lathe Operator's Instruction Manual.

ME400M EMI-MEC MICROSPRINT 32 Lathe Operator's Instruction Manual.

ME400N EMI-MEC MICROSPRINT 50 Lathe Operator's Instruction Manual andMaintenance Manual with 6 electrical schematics.

ME400P EMI-MEC AUTO-HERBERT 2D Capstan. Service Manual.

ME400Q EMI-MEC DRILLSPRINT 500. Operator's Instruction Manual.

ME400R EMI-MEC Detailed Automatic Control System Manual for the 1.5" &2" Auto lathes. Includes Electrical and Hydraulic Schematics. Covers all aspectsof the machine with 20 Programming Examples, Setting Instructions, FaultFinding, etc.

ME400SEMI-MEC equipped Herbert Auto 2D lathe: Complete Service Manual.

ME405EMMA 2 Technical Manual (LJ Electronics).

ME405A EMMA 2 Technical Manual (LJ Electronics).

ME405B EMMA 2 Experiment Manual (LJ Electronics).

ME420 EMT Super 80 Electronic Bar Feeder for High-speed Automatic or CNClathes. Detailed Instruction Manual (2-parts) with Spare Parts Manual asExploded Component Pictures.

ME430 ENDOMATIC FACING MACHINE Type DB (Fraser Arbroath Endomatic): InstructionManual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MF430A ENDOMATIC FACING MACHINE Type MC1 (Fraser Arbroath Endomatic). Operatingand Setting Instructions and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MF430 ENDOMATIC FACING MACHINE Type SC2 (Fraser Arbroath Endomatic). OperatingManual and Electrical System.

ME436 ENGEL Roll Forming Machines - All-models instruction Manual. Includes aset of the maker's Sales, Specification & Accessories Catalogues.

ME440 ENERGY VM-25 Vertical Milling Machine (copy of the Arboga). For thismachine the Arboga Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with ExplodedComponent Drawings can be used.

ME445 ENGINEERING INDUSTRY TRAINING BOARD: Several sets of very well writtenand thoroughly illustrated publications from their training series. Probablythe best training manuals ever written: For details see this entry: Engineering Training Manuals

ME450 ENGLISH ELECTRIC Dorman Type 12Q Parts Manual

ENGRAVING - for General Instructions about using Pantograph Engraving Machinesof all types the following is most useful:

ALEXANDER (George Alexander GHA) Pantograph ENGRAVING and DIE-SINKING MACHINESNos. "1", "1A", "1B", "1-2","2", "2A", "2B" and "3A" and 3 Series.Detailed Operator's Instructions. This large 140-page triple-edition Manualalso covers: "All multi-head and special types of GHS Engravingmachines" - for example, the Model 1-2 was a 2B but fitted with a slightlysmaller table, pantograph and spindle for undertaking finer work. Thiscollection represents all known literature for these models and includes a veryuseful and detailed Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue withinformation about Special Machines, Type Sets, Etching Pencils, RotaryEngraving Attachments, Cutter Grinders, Cutter Microscope, Stylus, Collets andCutters and work examples.

ME500 ENSIGN (Elliott) "Slant-bed" Lathe. Instruction Manual.

ME510 ENTERPRISE LATHE Model 1675 (by Mysore Kirloskar). Detailed Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual and Spares Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings and Wiring Diagrams.

ME510A ENTERPRISE LATHES Models 1810 and 2215 (by Mysore Kirloskar). Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual and Spares Parts Manual as high-qualitySectional Diagrams. Includes a Wiring Diagram.


ME511A ERCOL HACKSAWING MACHINE 320/360 and 460/540 HE. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual and Spares Parts Manual as Sectional Diagrams witElectrical and Hydraulic Schematics.

ME515 ERFURT - see also under WMW and "Union"

ME520B ERFURT) DLZ-500, DLZ-630 & DLZ-800 Precision Lathes. OperatingManual with Mechanical and Electrical Schematics.

ME520C ERFURT (VEB) External Cylindrical Grinders SASE 200/02 and SASE 200/03.Electrical Control Manual with fold-out schematics.

ME520B ERFURT SIP 200 x 315/1Cylindrical Grinding Machine. Operating Instructions.

MW560B-315 WMW & ERFURT UNION SU-315 VEB Cylindrical Grinder. DetailedOperating Manual.


ME525 ERODA Spark Erosion Machines. Operating and Maintenance Instructions.

ME530 ESAB A9-200, A(-275 and A9-400 Welders. Parts Manual as detailedSectional and Annotated Drawings.

ME530A ESAB "The C02 Welding Process. A Complete Guide to using ESABWelders.

ME540 ESCO ESCOMATIC DS1 and DS2 Automatic Lathes. Spare Parts as PhotographicPrints.

ME540A ESCO ESCOMATIC D2 Automatic Lathes. Operator's Instruction Manual.

ME540B ESCO ESCOMATIC D2 Automatic Lathes. Spare Parts as Detailed SectionalDrawings.

ME540C ESCO ESCOMATIC D2 Automatic Lathes. List of Special Accessories withDetailed Sectional Drawings.

ME540-D4 ESCO ESCOMATIC D4 Automatic Lathes. Operating Instructions.

ME540-D4A ESCO ESCOMATIC D4 Automatic Lathes. Manual of Special Accessorieswith Detailed Sectional Drawings.

ME540-D4P ESCO ESCOMATIC D4 Automatic Lathes. Spare Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings.

ME540D ESCO ESCOMATIC D6 and D6R Automatic Lathes. Operating Instructionsincluding the separate "Mounting Instructions" Manual. Includes ElectricalSchematics.

ME540E ESCO ESCOMATIC D6 and D6R Automatic Lathes. Spare Parts as detailedsectional Drawings.

ME540F ESCO ESCOMATIC D6 and D6R Automatic Lathes. 10 Blue-print-size GeneralSectional Drawings.

ME540G ESCO ESCOMATIC D6 and D6R Automatic Lathes. Special Accessories Manualwith Detailed Sectional Drawings.

ME540H ESCO ESCOMATIC D6S and D6S-R Automatic Lathes. Spare Parts Manual asSectional Drawings.

ME540J ESCO ESCOMATIC D6S and D6S-R Automatic Lathes. List of SpecialAccessories and Mounting Details.

ME540K ESCO ESCOMATIC D6-3-Mp640. Spare Parts as Sectional Drawings (possiblyincomplete).

ME540L ESCO "ROTOMATIC" Automatic Lathe all Models. DetailedOperating Instructions with Additional Instructions for the AuxiliaryStraightening Apparatus and centring Microscope.

ME545 ESEWAY HARDNESS TESTERS Models: Types R, PR, PRB, ER, ELR, ERW, ELRW,ERBW and ELRBW. Operating Instructions with Hardness Scales and BrinellConversion Charts.

ME545A ESEWAY HARDNESS TESTER "Vikers Method" Machine Type SPV-2Operating Instructions with Hardness Scales and Brinell Conversion Charts.

ME545B ESEWAY HARDNESS TESTERS Types ES, ELS, ESW and ELSW. OperatingInstructions with Hardness Scales and Brinell Conversion Charts.

ME550 ESSA BH-6 Press. Instruction Manual. Includes Maintenance Guide forVariable-speed drive unit.

ME560 ESSEX No. 124 Tapping Machine: Parts List with Sectional and AnnotatedDrawings (8 sheets)

ME565 ESTARTA 301 Centreless Grinder. Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and aset of electrical schematics. The parts section is incomplete and in poorcondition but the drawings are readable.

ME565A ESTARTA 320 Centreless Grinder. Operation and Servicing Instructions.

MS824A ESZTERGROM Shaper (a re-branded machine by STRIGON) Models GH400, GH560and GH710. A detailed Operator's Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings,Electrical Schematics, Lubrication and Adjustment Instructions and BasicMaintenance. Not a very good reproduction but readable and sent as a PDF.

ME570 ETHER (Pye) TRANSITROL Controller Series 12-90B (Wild Barfield Furnaces).Instruction and Technical Manual.


ME580 EVEREDE Cherrying Head. Operating Instructions.

ME600 EXCEL Universal TOOL and CUTTER GRINDER No. 5 Operator's InstructionManual and Parts Manual as Individually illustrated Items.

ME600A EXCEL No.1 Bench and Pedestal Surface Grinding Machines. InstructionBook.

ME600B EXCEL No.3, 3A and 3C Surface Grinders. Operator's Instruction Manualwith Parts List as Component Photographs.

ME600C EXCEL No.4 Filing and Sawing Machine. Instruction Book with IllustratedParts Manual.

ME600D EXCEL Die Filing Machine. Operator's Instruction Sheets and Parts List.4 pages.

ME600E EXCEL XL-1640 Heavy-duty Lathe. Comprehensive Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manual with an Electrical Schematic.

ME600F EXCEL XL-740 Heavy-duty Lathe. Comprehensive Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manual with Copies of the Threadingand Screwcutting Charts and Circuit Diagrams.

MEX10 Ex-Cell-O 602 Miller Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withdetailed lubrication instructions. Includes a Spares Parts Manual as DetailedSectional Drawings.

MEX10A Ex-Cell-O REMEX Tape R with Electrical Schematics.

MEX10B Ex-Cell-O Precision Boring Machine Model 2112-A. Installation,Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MEX10D Ex-Cell-O Precision Thread Grinders Types 35 and 35-L. Installation, Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Photograpic Plates and a full Hydraulic Schematic and an Elementary Electrical Diagram. Three editions of the manual have been found - with all the different information contained in one publication.

ME800 EWAG WS11 Grinder (for fine carbide tools and electrodes). OperatingInstructions with Electrical Schematic. Includes: details of the RadiusAttachment, Spiral Grinding Attachment, an Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual for the Arter Variable-speed Control Unit, Manual for themaker's "Spade Drill" Manual and a copy of the Sales andSpecification and Accessory catalogue.

MF005 FACIT N1050 NC Satellite. Users Manual

MF02 fa*gOR CNC 8055 & CNC 8055i Milling Machines. Two Manuals in one: OperatingManual and Self-Teaching Manual.

MF02A fa*gOR CNC 8025 GP, M, MS Controls Operating Manual.

MF02B fa*gOR CNC 8025 GP, M, MS Programming Manual.

MB250S BOC FALCON 23 (manufactured by Hanco*ck Cutting Machines Ltd and badged BOC) Co-ordinate Drive Flame Cutting Machine ( a Profiling Machine). DetailedInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Wiring Diagrams.

MB250SH BOC FALCON S (manufactured by Hanco*ck Cutting Machines Ltd and badged BOC) C-Ordinate Drive Flame Cutting machine (a Profiling Machine). DetailedInstruction and Maintenance Manual with a Parts Manual as Sectional Drwawings and five Electrical Schematics.

FANUC - for FANUC literature also see: FANUCManuals

MF01EXP FANUC - A General Guide to the Operation of Fanuc Equipped MachineTools. Includes: General Operation, Operational Devices, Manual Operation,Automatic Operation, Test Operation, Safety Functions, Alarm and Self DiagnosisFunctions, Data Input, Editing Programs, Creating Programs, Setting andDisplaying Data, Graphics Function, Display and Operation, etc.

MF10 FANUC AC SERVO UNIT (Digital) 185V and 200V Input Type and L Series Type:Maintenance Manual.

MF10A FANUC AC SERVO UNIT Maintenance Manual.

MF10B FANUC AC SPINDLE SERVO UNIT Models: 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 12, 15, 18, 22, 30,40,1S, 1.5S, 2S, 3S, 2H, 2VH: Maintenance Manual.

MF10C FANUC SYSTEM 2T-MODEL-A and 3T-MODEL-C: Maintenance Manual.

MF10D FANUC GE ( GE Fanuc) AC Servo Unit. Maintenance Manual.

MF103MFANUC SYSTEM 3M-MODEL-C. Operator's Manual.

MF103M FANUC SYSTEM 3M-MODEL-C and 2M-Model A. Maintenance Manual.

MF10DA FANUC SYSTEM 3T-MODEL-A. Maintenance Manual.

MF10DC FANUC SYSTEM 3T-MODEL-C: Maintenance Manual.

MF105T FANUC SYSTEM 5T Operator's manual.

MF105TM FANUC SYSTEM 5T Maintenance Manual.

MF10EX FANUC SYSTEM 6T Operator's Manual.

MF10E FANUC SYSTEM 6T Model-B Operator's Manual.

MF10F FANUC SYSTEM 6T Model-B: Maintenance Manual.

MF10FL FANUC SYSTEM 6T Model C for 4-axis Lathe Maintenance Manual.

MF10FC FANUC SYSTEM 6M Model-C for 4-axis Lathe Maintenance Manual.

MF10FG FANUC SYSTEM 6T Model-B for 4-axis Lathe Operator's Manual

MF10GM FANUC SYSTEM 6M Model-B: Operator's Manual.

MF10G2 FANUC SYSTEM 6M Model-C for 4-axis lathe: Maintenance Manual withelectrical diagrams.

MF10G3 FANUC SYSTEM 6T and 6M (Fujitsu Fanuc) Electrical MaintenanceSchematics.

MF107M FANUC SYSTEM 7M Maintenance Manual.

MF107M FANUC SYSTEM 7M Programming and Operator's Instruction Manual.

MF110M FANUC SYSTEM 10M-Model A, 11M Model A and 12M Model A Operator's Manual.

MF10H FANUC System 11M Model A. Instruction Manual For Programming No. 2

MF10H FANUC System 11M Model F. Operator's Manual

MF10J FANUC SERIES O Series, 0 Mate Series and OO Series including Series 0TMate-Model A, OM Mate Model A, OT-Model A, OM-Model A, OOT-Model A, OOM-ModelA. Maintenance manual.

MF10JI FANUC SERIES O Series, 0 Mate and OO Series including Series 0TMate-Model A, OM Mate Model A, OT-Model A, OM-Model A, OOT-Model A, OOM-ModelA. Operator's Instruction Manual. 465 pages.

MF10JC FANUC SERIES O Series, 0 Mate and OO Series including Series 0TMate-Model A, OM Mate Model A, OT-Model A, OM-Model A, OOT-Model A, OOM-ModelA. Connecting Manual.

MF10J2 FANUC SERIES 0 and SERIES 00 Model B including Series 0-TB, 0-TTB, 0-MB,0-GB, 00-TB, 00-MB and 00-GB: Maintenance Manual.

MF10J3 FANUC SERIES 0-TB and OO-TB Maintenance Manual.

MF10X FANUC Series O-CT, 00-TC and 0-Mate TC Operator's Manual with PARAMETERLISTINGS.

MF10K FANUC SERIES 0, Series 00 and 0-Mate including Series 0-TC, 0-TF, 0TTC,0-MC, 0MF, 00-TC, 00-MC, 0-MATE TC, 0-MATE MC and 0-MATE MF. MaintenanceManual.

MF10K2 FANUC SERIES 0, Series 00 and 0-Mate including Series 0-TC, 0-TF, 0TTC,0-MC, 0MF, 00-TC, 00-MC, 0-MATE TC, 0-MATE MC and 0-MATE MF. ConnectionsManual.

MF10PAR FANUC Oi-Model C and Oi-Mate-Model C. Special PARAMETERS Manual 435 detailed pages.

MF10L Fanuc OT Model A, OT Mate-Model A & OOT-Model A Detailed Manual

MF10L2 FANUC OT Model A Descriptions Manual >

MF10LZ FANUC OT. Detailed Operator's Manual.

MF10M FANUC Graphic Conversion B/C for Lathe - Series )-TF and 0-TC. Operator'sManual.

MF10N FANUC DC SERVO UNIT (for M Series): Maintenance Manual.

MF10P FANUC GE Automation - Series O Model C: Product Service Guide.

MF10Q BPC 520V (Fanuc 11M): PC Ladder Diagram.

MF10R FANUC ROBOT A-Model 1 Comprehensive Users Manual (511 pages)

MF10S FANUC ROBOT A-Model 1 Operator's Manual.

MF10T FANUC ROBOT A-Model 1 Maintenance Manual with Electrical Diagrams.

MF10U FANUC ROBOT A-Model 1 Parts Manual.

MF10V FANUC ROBOT A-Model 1 "Descriptions" - Plain-languagedescription of the machine's functions and abilities.

MF10W FANUC ROBOT A-Model 1 Connecting Manual description of the Interfacesrequired when setting up the machine.

MF10WW FANUC ROBOT A-Model 00, A-Model 0, A-Model 2, M-Model 1, M-Model 3Supplementary Manual

MF10WX FANUC ROBOT A-Model 3-0 and A-Model 4-0 Maintenance Manual

MF10WY FANUC ROBOT A-Model 3-0 and A-Model 4-0 User's Manual

MF10WX FANUC ROBOT A-Model 3-0 and A-Model 4-0 Electrical Drawings Manual(titled "Maintenance Drawings)

MF10W2Z FANUC ROBOT M-Model 00 Connecting Manual

MF10W2 FANUC ROBOT M-Model 1 five-axis-at-a-time control AC Servo Drive:Maintenance Manual

MF10W2AZ FANUC ROBOT M-Model 0 Maintenance Manual

MF10W2A FANUC ROBOT M-Model 1 five-axis-at-a-time control: Descriptions

MF10W2B FANUC ROBOT M-Model 1 five-axis-at-a-time control: Operator's Manual<

MF10W3 FANUC ROBOT M-Model 1 one-axis-at-a-time control: Descriptions

MF10W3A FANUC ROBOT M-Model 1 one-axis-at-a-time control: Operator's Manual MF10W3B FANUC ROBOT M-Model 1 one-axis-at-a-time control: Connecting Manual<

MF10W3C FANUC ROBOT M-Model 1 one-axis-at-a-time control: Maintenance Manual MF10J3 FANUC SERIES 0-TB and OO-TB Maintenance Manual.

MF10W3D FANUC ROBOT M-Model 1 one-axis-at-a-time control: Parts Manual asExploded Component Drawings

MF10W3E FANUC ROBOT M-Model 3 Operator's Manual with Descriptions Manual andSupplementary Manual

MF10W4 FANUC ROBOT M-Model 100 Mechanical Unit-Connecting: Maintenance Manual

MF10W42 FANUC ROBOT M-100 and M-300 Service and Maintenance Manual

MF10W5 FANUC ROBOT S-Model 3C and ROBOT S-Model 4C User's Manual

MF10W6 FANUC ROBOT S-Model 3 Maintenance Manual

MF10W7 FANUC ROBOT S-Model 3 Connecting Manual

MF10Y FANUC 10 Series, 11 Series and 12 Series Maintenance Manual (600-pages)

MF10YC FANUC 10 Series, 11 Series and 12 Series Connecting Manual (549-pages)

MF10Z FANUC 10/100 Series, 11/110 Series and 12/120 Series Operator's manual.

MF10Z2 FANUC 10/100 Series, 11/110 Series and 12/120 Series Operator's Manual APPENDIXES

F10Z3 FANUC 10/100 Series, 11/110 Series and 12/120 Connecting Manual(connection to PC instructions)

MF10ZM FANUC 10/100 Series, 11/110 Series and 12/120 Series Maintenance Manual(700-pages).

MF11 FANUC Tape-Cut T1 (with OM-A) and T3 (with OM-A) Titled "MaintenaceDrawings" which are electrical systems

MF11A FANUC PMC-Model I and PMC-Model J Programming Manual (LADDER language).

MF11APCL FANUC PMC-Model I and PMC-Model J Programming Manual (PASCALlanguage).

MF11A1 FANUC PMC Models. These were sold using older and newer Model Names: SB5(old name RB5); SB6 (old nameRB6); SC (old name RC); SC3 (old name RC3); SC4(old name RC4); NB and NB2. Also covered are the Models P and Model NA.Programming Manual.

MF11KK FANUC PMC-Model K, Model L and Model M Programming Manual (Ladderlanguage)

MF11A2 FANUC Model A and T Series 16i, 18i, 21i, 160i, 180i, 210i. ConnectionManual (the manual describes all the NC functions required to enable machinetool builders to design their CNC machine tools. Includes: General features ofthe functions, Signals, Parameters, Alarms and Messages, Reference Items.

MF11A3 FANUC Series 16i, 160i, 160is-MB. Series 18i, 180i, 180is-MB5. Series 18i, 180i, 180is-MB. Two-volume Operator's manual. 1230 pages.

MF11B FANUC Series 15-MA, Series 15-MF and Series 150-MA Operator's manual.

MF11C FANUC 10TA and 11TTA Programming Manual.

MF11D FANUC Series 15 and Series 150 Operator's Manual.

MF11E FANUC 200 A/B Operator's Manual.

MF11F FANUC 2000C Operator's Manual.

MF11G FANUC Series 16i, 18i, 21i, 160i, 180i, 210i Model A. Connection Manual(Hardware).

MF11H FANUC PC Series Electrical Schematics Manual

MF11H FANUC Series 16, 18, 160, 180 Model B. Connection Manual - Hardware.

MF11J FANUC Series 16, 18, 160, 180 Model B. Connection Manual - Function.

MF11K FANUC Robocut Alpha Series OC & 1C Maintenance Manual

MF11L FANUC Robdrill Alpha-T14iA Maintenance Manual

MF11M FANUC Tape Cut Model O, P, Q, R Electrical Drawings Manual.

MF11N FANUC System 5D, 5T and 5M Principle of Operation Manual


MF11Q FANUC VC45 11MF Machine Operation Manual.

MF11R FANUC AC Spindle Motor Series. Operator's Manual

MF11S FANUC EYE - Visual Sensor System - detailed Descriptions and Functions

MF14 FAT WROCLAW (WAFUM) lathes: see entry under "Wafum"

FAY Automatic Lathes - see also under Churchill Fay.

MF15 FAY Automatic Lathes - all types. General Instruction Manual.

MF16/ML8 FAYSCOTT Land IS "Land is Chainstich McKay Sticher" Model77. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts as PhotographicPlates.

FEEDMASTER CNC Bar Feeds Unit. Operator's Instruction Manual with electricaland pneumatic circuits.

MF17 FEINMECHANIK Tool and Cutter Grinder (DECKEL). Maintenance Manual withParts as Sectional Drawings and notes on Disassembly and Reassembly.

MF17A FEINPRUF Millipneu Surface-finish Comparison Guage Models: 1020, 1040,1060, 1022, 1024, 1062 and 1064. Operator's Instructions.

MF17B FEINPRUF Millitron Nr. 1222, 1224, 1226 und 1228. Bedienungsanleitung und Elektrischer Schaltplan(Operation Manual) German text.

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MF18FEELER FTL-618 Lathe. For this Hardinge copy use literature for HARDINGE HLV-Hlathe (see under Hardinge below)

MF12DFThe Feeler FTS-27 in its "Second-operation", "Capstan" and "Plain-turning Precision" forms was a copy of the Hardinge DSM-59. The following is very useful: HARDINGE DSM-59, DSM-59R and DV-59 (also advertised as the "DSM five-nine" and also applying to the HSL-59 short-bed version) - all these lathes were identical save for the equipment bolted to the bed. e.g. a tailstock and compound slide rest produced the Super-Precision plain-turning DV-59 and with a turret head and cut-off slide and other equipment the DSM-59 "Second-operation" Model. A complete data pack for the lathes with an Operation & Maintenance Manual with two comprehensive (and beautifully illustrated) Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogues for the DV-59 and DSM-59

MF25 FELCO Electric Chain Hoists OF125 and OF250. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Pictures. Includes WiringDiagrams.

MF35 FENDO 250 Horizontal Band saw. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Electrical Schematic and Parts.

MF38 FERM MD-350 and MD-500 Lathes. Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manual.English, French & German Text.

MF40 FERRANTI "Digiturn" lathe Control System. Operator's Manual.

MF40A FERRANTI Co-ordinate Inspection Machines Sizes 2,3,4 and 5. Users Handbook.Includes "Interconnection Wiring Diagrams".

MF42 FETTE Thread Rolling Heads. Instruction Manual and Parts Manual asexploded Component Drawings.

MF43 FEXAC Model UP, UM and UG Universal Milling Machine. Operation Manual withbasic Maintenance, an electrical schematic and a copy of the makers deatiledand well illustrated 24-page Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue.

MF45 FFI Drill. Operating and Service Manual.

MF46 FODEN 6-Cylinder Marine Generator Sets (60 K.W) Operator's InstructionManual with Specification, Operation & Maintenance Schedule.

MF47 FOLEY Saw Filers - Detailed Operating and Maintenance Instructions (andsome Illustrated Parts Lists) for Foley Saw Filers, Foley Retoothers, Model 281Foley Setter, Foley 281 and 282 Band Saw Setter, Foley 280 and 536 Circular SawSetter, Foley 462 Vulkan Electric Brazer, Foley HG-12 Saw Sharpener and Gummer,Foley Automatic Retoother Model 32, Foley 562 Electric Brazer and some detailsfor the Foley Lawn Mower Sharpener.

MF47A FOLEY BELSAW SS-1000 Saw Setter - Power Model. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MF50 FG (FORGES De GILLY Belgium) A.F.M.F. Horizontal Boring Machines.Operating Manual.

MF50A FG (FORGES De GILLY Belgium) A.F.M.F. 60, 80 and 100 Boring Machine:Operating Instructions and Service Manual.

MF50A FG (FORGES De GILLY Belgium) A.F.M.F. 100 Boring Machine: OperatingInstructions and Service Manual with Special Tooling hand book.

MF50B FG (FORGES De GILLY Belgium) A.F.M.F.130 Boring Machine: OperatingInstructions and Service Manual.

MF50B FG (FORGES De GILLY Belgium) Tooling Hand book for Horizontal Boring andMilling Machines.

MC157ZF Forges De Vulcan CINCINNATI (200-300) RECTIFIEUSE CENTERLESS TWIN-GRIP Manuel D'Utilisation. Ce manuel est redige pour les operateurs de rectifieuses TWINGRIP sans centre de Series 200 (230-10) et 300 (325-12, 330-15, 340-20)

MF52 FICEP (F.I.C.E.P.) Beton Bar Shears. Operating Instructions andMaintenance Manual

MF52A FICEP (F.I.C.E.P.) Spares and Tools for Standard Super UniversalIronworkers. Useful Exploded Diagrams showing in detail how the tooling isassembled with descriptions of what it can achieve.

MF52B FICEP (F.I.C.E.P.) Model "34 Standard" Universal PunchingMachines. Operator's Instruction Manual. Includes an Electrical Schematic.

MF52C FICEP (F.I.C.E.P.) Standard/Super Universal Punching and SearingMachines. Operator's Instruction Manual. Includes an Electrical Schematic.


MF54 FINNSONIC Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine W11-30/40-30-30. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual.

MF54F Filtermist Coolant Units Series 8 Models F34, F28, F21, F14, F1200, F900F600, F1200/28, F900/21 and F600/14. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

MF54J "First" (Long Chang machinery Co.)Turret Milling Machines ModelLC-1 1/2VS and LC-1 1/2TM Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual andParts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MF54K "First" (Long Chang machinery Co.)Turret Milling Machines ModelLC-50RS and LC50R Parts Manual as clear sectional drawings.

MF55 Firth Hardometer by Thos Firth & John Brown Ltd of Sheffield. Althoughclassed by the makers as a catalogue, the publication gives full details of themachine's design, its dimensions, principles of operation, construction, thevarious models, calibration, hardness conversion charts, Theoretical Notes onBrinell and Diamond tests, determining hardness of surface layers and thinsections, changing the ball or diamond, preparation of samples, making andreading the impression, table showing the correct objective to use and muchadvice about getting the best from the machine, etc. .00

MF56 FIRTH CLEVELAND M and F Series Pumps. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual

MG58 Fischer +GF+ KDM 7/50 Copying Lathe. Detailed Instruction Manual andService Manual.

MG58A Fischer +GF+ KDM-11 and KDM-18 (George Fischer) Copying Lathe. DetailedInstruction Manual and Service Manual for Models: KDM-11/40, KDM-11/70,KDM-11/100, KDM-18/70, KDM-18/150, KDM-18/250, KDM-18/350, KDM-18-25/70,KDM-18-25/150,KDM-18-25/250, KDM-18-25/350, KDM-18-K35/70 and KDM-18-K42/70.

MG58B Fischer +GF+ KDM-A11 and KDM-A18 (George Fischer) Copying Lathe. DetailedInstruction Manual and Service Manual. English, German and French Text.

MG58C Fischer +GF+ KDM-11 and KDM-18 (George Fischer) Copying Lathe: SparesParts Listings and Drawings. 0

MG58E Fischer +GF+ KDM 18-28/F Copying Lathe. Detailed Operating Instructionsand Maintenance.

MG58E2 Fischer +GF+ KDM 19/80 Copying Lathe. Detailed Operating Instructions andMaintenance.

MG58F Fischer +GF+ Copying Lathes: Accessories Catalogue. A very usefulpublication to be used in conjunction with the Operating Manuals thatillustrates all the fitments made for these lathes. 65 pages.

MG58G Fischer +GF+ 3-cut Recycling Device and Hand -operated SwivellingTemplate Holder for GF Copying Lathes: Instruction Manual.

MG58H Fischer +GF+ Type HEA-11/22 and HEA-18/35 Infeed Attachments. InstructionBook.

MG58J Fischer +GF+ Type KDM 18-25/250 Profiler. Electrical Schematics andlistings.

MG58P Fischer-Brodbeck Hydraulic Fibrotakt Indexing Table No. B14.002-o Operating and Servicing Instructions with electrical diagram, a section titled ""The Febrotakt Electrical System" and a large layout drawing. As the drawing is large, this manual is supplied as PDF.

MG58P2 Fischer-Brodbeck Hydraulic Fibrotakt Indexing Table No. MY 11.K500 x 500 Operating and Servicing Instructions with electrical diagrams and two large "layout" drawings. As the drawings are large, this manual is supplied as PDF.

MS218Flexispeed, Perris and Norfolk, Hector, Simat 101, Meteor, Meteor 2, Perris andDerivatives. A complete 150-page Data Pack containing everything ever publishedfor these miniature lathes: Sales and Specification Sheets, Illustrated PartsManuals, sheets of Assembly Instructions for the Perris version and theFlexispeed, Simat and Meteor. A separate 5-page Manual for the Meteor 2 is alsoincluded. Full-size "blue print" (in sections) and an additional8-page Mk. 1 Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue together withspecification and price lists from the 1970s.

MF62 FLORIN MANUMOLD Plastic Injection Moulding Presses. Installation andOperating Instructions with Servicing of Plasticing Cylinders, details of the Temperature ControllerType 3-M.1569, Safety Instructions, Recommened Lubricants and several sheets of drawings showing Moulds of the Simple Ejector, Percussion,Ejector with Spring Retrun, Ejector with Stripper Plate, Split Taper Jaws, Self-degatings type, etc, and the Maker's Technical Specification Catalogue.

MF68 FLUIDAIR COMPRESSORS SR60, SR80, SR100, SR177, S2R66H and S2R110H.Operating and Maintenance Instructions.

MF68A FLUIDAIR COMPRESSORS SR250 and R270. Operating and MaintenanceInstructions with wiring diagrams.

MF69 FMB Mini Turbo "S" Automatic Bar Loading Magazine. OperatingInstructions.

MF69A FMB Turbo Automatic Round Bar Loading Magazine. Parts Manual as SectionalDrawing with Parts Descriptions.

MF69B FMB Turbo 5-42 (Citizen B12, L20, L25, L16/20 and E20/32) ElectricalCircuit Diagrams.

MF70 MF40 FOBCO DRILLS. There never was a "Manual" for theFOBCO" drills but we have put together an "Guide to Dismantling"for the "STAR", together with a collection of Technical SalesCatalogues and Sectional Parts Drawings for all models will be helpful ownersof the 1/2" and 7-Eight and ten/eight models.

MF71 Foden 6-cylinder Marine Generator Sets. Operator's Instruction Book withMaintenance Schedule.

MF72 FORADIA GH 50/1000 and GR 50/1200 Operator's Instruction Manual withSectional Drawings.

MF74 FORMECH Vacuum Forming Machines: Booklet giving General Information onOperation, Choices of Plastic, Checklist for Moulds, Common Problems, MouldMaking, Venting, Mould Release, Finishing, Paint Spraying, Flocking, SkinPacking, Blister Packing. Includes a sheet of Dismantling Instructions for the300X and a Sales and Specification Sheet for the same machine.

FORGES De GILLY - see under " FG"

MF76 FORSYTH VO50 and V50 Presses. Instruction Manual.

MF78 FORTE 250 Bandsaw. Operating Manual, Maintenance and Spare Parts Manual asSectional Drawings.

MF78A FORTE "Fortemat" BA251 Automatic Bandsaw. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual and Spare Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings. Includes two electrical diagrams.

MF78C FORTE "FORTEMAT" SBA240/1V Bandsaw. Instructions andMaintenance Instructions, Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings, Electricaland Hydraulic Diagrams and Operating Instructions and Parts List for the StoberVariable-Speed drive unit.

MF85 Fortis (a re-badged Clausing) 100 Series and 4800 Series"12-inch" (6-inch centre height) Lathes. Three Instruction andIllustrated Parts Manual (with detailed Cross Sectional Drawings and explodedillustration) that cover all variants of these early lathes from the 100 Modelof 1938 to the renamed machine (Series 4800) of 1952 - and to the last versionsmade in 1964. Includes an additional 36 pages of Clausing Sales, Specificationand Accessories literature and a copy of the rare Fortis Sales andSpecification Catalogue.

MF90 FORTUNA AFB-A and AFB-AM (AFB-300 Finimag). Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual

MF90A FORTUNA ME200 Cylindrical Grinding Machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual

MF90B FORTUNA SE 300-400 Cylindrical Grinder (Rundschleifmaschinen) Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual. GERMAN TEXT.

MF95 FRASER and Fraser Arbroath Endomatic Facing Machines - see under ENDOMATIC

MF97 FRATELLI GRISETTI Hydraulic Universal Grinding Machine. Operation Manual with a Parts and Accessories Manual as detailed and very clear Sectional and Exploded-componet Drawings. Includes an Electrical Schematic.

MF97AFratelli Grisetti RU/AUSR Grinder Spare Parts Manual as exploded component drawings.

MF100 FRAY Milling Machines and Attachments: Illustrated Parts Manual,Specifications Instruction Manual. Slender but useful 22 page publication.

MF105 FREDDY Oil/Water Separator. User's Manual (English, French, German andSpanish text).

MF108 FRENCO SH450 Involute and Helix Gear Testing Machine. Operator's Manual.


MF110 Fromag Keyseating Machine Types "Rapida" Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual. Contains pages marked for the 50/425, 63,/425 &63/600 but covers how to operate of all sizes of this type: 50/425, 70/600,70/750, 100/600, 100/750 and 100/1000. Includes 4 electrical schematics.

MF110A FROMAG Keyseating and Broaching Machines Rapida and Combi-Rapida 70/100.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Diagrams andlarge Foundation Plan.

MF110B FROMAG Keyseating and Broaching Machines Types KZM 32 and 50/300.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Diagrams andlarge Foundation Plan.

MF110C FROMAG Keyseating and Broaching Machines Types KZH50 and KZH 90.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Diagrams.

MF110D FROMAG Keyseating and Broaching Machines Type KZ50. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Diagrams.

MF110E FROMAG Keyseating and Broaching Machines Type KZH70 and KZH100. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MF115 FRORIEP Vertical Turning Machines Type DS: Detailed Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual.

MF115A FRORIEP Double Column Boring and Turning Mill Type 10KZ. OperationManual. Includes supplements for thread cutting, taper turning, pentagaonturret, copy turning and a manual for the ZF Clutches.

MF115B FRORIEP BFT 150-325 Horizontal Boring and Milling Machine. Detailed Operation and Maintenance Manual

MF120 FROUD Type G Hydraulic Dynamotor Engine tester. Operator's InstructionManual with Sectional Drawings.

MF125 FRY FLOWSOLDER MACHINE. Operator's Instructions with ElectricalSchematics and Sectional Drawings.

MF130 FUJI HYPOMATIC FS-Universal and Standard Lathes. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MF130A FUJI FSR Lathe Instruction Manual and Parts as Exploded-componentDrawings.

MF140 FUM Lathes - See under POREBA

MF150 Shopsmith Mk.5 (and earlier) FUSSO Universal Woodworker - also badged as Fusso, Multico, Shopsmith, Teckney, Tyme, Total Shop, MasterShop, Master Woodcraft, SuperWoodBuilder, ShopCentre and SuperShop, etc. Data Pack with wwo Editions (early and late) of the Detailed Operator's Instruction Manuals with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings and a superby-illustrated Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories catalogue.

MF150A Shopsmith Mk. 7 Universal Woodworker. Data Pack with Operator's Instruction Manual, a Parts as Exploded Component Drawings, separate sheets of instructs for Assembling the Stand, the "Sawdust Collector and Under-table Saw Guard, "How to Replace a Poly-V belt" and "How to Replace the Control Sheave". Also included is a copy of the contemporary maker's Technical Sales and Accessories Catalog and a separate 8-page accessory catalog. 74 pages in total.

MF200 FV-320T Vertical Miller (copy of the Emco FB2) and Dividing Head/RotaryTable: Combined Operator's' Instruction Manual and Parts Manuals shown asuseful Exploded-component Diagrams. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales andSpecification and Accessories Catalogue. Includes details of both 4 and 6-speedversions. As this is an inadequate technical publication also included is acopy of the proper Emco FB2 Manual and Parts List.

MG230 GACK K15 "precision sliding head horizontal boring and millingmachine ("Kehlhobelmaschine") Instruction Manual (German text) andParts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MG240 GALDABINI (Cesare Galdabini) Press Type RPR S/6. Operator's InstructionManual and Electrical Diagram.

MG250 GALEX (and Alexander) Hyrivet Hydraulic Riveting Machine. InstructionManual and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MG251 GALILEO (Officine Galileo Di Milano) A-200 Hardness Tester for Rockwell and Vickers Tests. Operation Instructions

MG252 GALLENKAMPH Muffle Furnaces Series FSE-621.Instruction Manual with Electrical Diagrams for the Models FSE-621-010L, FSE-621-110H, FSE-621-210D.

GALLIC Lathes - see under the manufacturer MONDIALE

GALLICOP and GALLIMAT Copy and Conventional) Lathes - see under the makerMONDIALE.

MG255 Gallmeyer and Livington (Grand RAPIDS) SURFACE GRINDERS Models 25, 28,35, 36, 38A, 45, 45A, 45B, 55, 55A, 55B, 65 and 65A. Operator's Instruction,Maintenance and Lubrication Manual. Includes a separate and detailedMaintenance and Parts Section for the Vickers Hydraulic pump and Instructionsfor the Rectifier and Control System for the Magnetic Chuck/Table. Additionalinstructions concern the preparation, truing and mounting of Magnetic Chucks.

MG255a Gallmeyer and Livington (Grand RAPIDS) Surface Grinders: Parts Manual asuseful Sectional Drawings. Covers models: 20, 25, 35, 36, 38, 38A, 35 thru 65A.

MG255b Gallmeyer and Livington (Grand RAPIDS) No. 5 Tool and Cutter Grinder:Parts as useful Sectional Drawings.

MG270 GALTONA Serrated Blade Cutters - Detailed Maintenance Guide to removal,remounting, adjustment of blades, re-grinding, relieving, etc.

MG280 GAMBIN 2251, 2253, 2254 Millers: Parts Manual as large and detailedSectional Drawings.

MG280A GAMBIN 2M Miller: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withcomprehensive dividing and spiral milling instructions and charts..

MG280B GAMBIN 3M Miller: Detailed Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Electrical Schematic and toolling details.

MG280C GAMBIN F2N Miller: Detailed Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

MG280D GAMBIN 27S Miller: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual -FRENCH Text only.

MG280E GAMBIN Dividing heads with division plates and gears. Operator'sInstruction Manual with comprehensive charts.

MG280F GAMBIN 3M Fräse. Bedienungs-und Wartungsanleitung. DEUTSCHER TEXT. 3MMilling Machine. Operation and Maintenance Manual. GERMAN TEXT.

MG283 GARDEM Meccancia SC-2-70 Lathe. Operation & Maintenance Manual with aParts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings. Includes a large ElectricalSchematic.

MG285 GARDNER: "Modern Methods of Gardener Grinding". Explanatory Bookletillustrating typical Gardener Disc Grinder jobs. 40 pages.

MG285A GARDNER 4V30T, 4V36T and 4V36R-36" Vertical Spindle Grinders.Operator's Instructions. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specificationcatalogue. 1

MG287 GARFITT Lawn Mower grinder. Operator's Instructions.


MG295 Gate 3S and 3VS Turret Miller. Operator's Instruction Manual and PartsManual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MG295B/MJ90 Gate Profitmil Vertical Turret Miller 4AS and 4AVS (also badged asthe Gate Profitmill and made by "Roundtop"). Operator's InstructionManual and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MG295C GATE Rigidturn Lathe Models 1810 and 2215 . Instruction Book and Partsas Sectional Drawings with Electrical Diagram:

MG295D GATE Profitdrill WR40 (radial arm type). Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with electrical schematics:

MG295E/MG640A Gate (GIEWONT) TUTORMILL No. 1. (sometimes badged as a"Gate") Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with ElectricalSchematic.

MG299 Gate Velox Hacksaw Models 7.5-inch, 10-inch and 12-inch. Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manul.

MG305 GAUTHIER GM75 Automatic Lathe (Prazisions Langdreth-Automat). DetailedOperation & Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics, numbers ofsectional drawings of component parts and explanations of their functions.Includes details of how to mount and use the various accessories. This editionappears to be the one issued for machines sold outside Germany with the maintext still in German but some English annotations on diagrams.

MG320 "GEARS" A Book of Reference for Engineers Concerned with theDesign, Manufacture, Application and Maintenance of Gear Drives. Acomprehensive publication covering the whole field of gear design andmanufacture. 420 pages.

G.DUFOUR = Gaston Dufour see under DUFOUR

For GEC FANUC - see under FANUC

MG350A GEC GEMINI 2, 4, 7 and 11 Thyristor Controlled Adjustable-speed drives.Operator's Instruction and Technical Manual with Electrical Schematics.

MG350B GEC GEMDRIVE Spindle Mk. 2 Operator's Instruction and Technical Manualwith Electrical Schematics. Manual Ref: 78208

MG350C GEC GEMDRIVE Spindle Mk. 2B Operator's Instruction and Technical Manualwith Electrical Schematics. Manual Ref: 78213

MG350D GEC GEMINI Single Phase Adjustable Speed, Half-controlled D.C.DriveModules. Technical manual.

MG355 GEE EDM500 Spark Erosion Machine (Glevum Electronic Equipment Ltd). Detailed Operator's Instructions.

MG358 GEHRING Type Z2 Honing Machine. Large Operation Manual with parts as Large Sectional Drawings. An original maker's Copy.

MG360 GEKA Hydracrop Croppings Machines. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceInstructions for all models.

MG360A GEKA 11H Shearing machine. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceInstructions.

MG360B GEKA Hydraulic Steelworkers for Cutting, Notching, etc. Models MicroCrop-36, Minicrop, HYD50, HYD-70, HYD100 and HYD150. Detailed Operating Instructions/

MG360CGEKA Hydraulic Punching Machines Types PU.MA.-50, PU.MA-70, PU.MA.-100, PU.MA.-150 and PU.MA.-200 Operator's Instructions.MG380 GEL Digital Readout Positioning System. Operator's Installation andOperator's Instruction Manual.

MG385/MC63 GEMDRIVE (CEGELEC) Gemdrive-Axis Mk.2SB Technical Manual.

MG385/MC63A GEMDRIVE (CEGLEC) Gemdrive 2000 for Models GD2004 and GD2070.Detailed Technical Manual.

GEMMO Machine Tools - see under SIMPLON

MG400 General Electric "STATOTROL 11" DC Drives Series: 3SFW, 3SFWB,3SFWC and 3SFWR. Instruction Book:

MG400-1 General Electric MARK CENTURY "One" CNC Operation and Part Programming Manual.

MG400A General Electric MARK CENTURY 550T Control Instruction Book (HardingeLathes)with tape reader information. Includes: Operating, Programming, Test andDiagnostics, etc

MG400B General Electric MARK CENTURY 550T Control Electrical Diagrams Manual.

MG400C General Electric MARK CENTURY 550TX Lathe Control Instruction Book withtape reader information. Includes: Operating, Programming, Test andDiagnostics.

MG400D General Electric MARK CENTURY 1050 Control: Comprehensive Operating andMaintenance Manual. Includes Programming, Options, Custom Features, Interface,Interpretation of Logic Diagrams, Diagnostic Software and HardwareTrouble-shooting, Alphanumeric Display, Tape reader, Position feedback Systems,Servos, Power supplies, etc. Manuals included are GEK-25260, 45670, 45691,45672, 45673, 45674, 45775, 45676,45680, 45681, 36040, 45563, 45650, 41565A,41565, 45618 (servos) 15178C, 15178, 36037, 36038 and 45611.

MG400DD General Electric MARK CENTURY Supplementary Diagrams - ElectricalSchematics for circuit boards starting 44CC3 - (Publication GEK-1510B - datedDecember 1974).

MG400F General Electric MARK CENTURY 1050 Control Electrical Circuits Manual No. GEK-25268B:

MG400E General Electric MARK CENTURY 2000 CNC Systems Communications Manual.(Publication No. GEK-25387A)

MG400E2 General Electric MARK CENTURY 2000 CNC Maintenance and TroubleshootingManual. (Publication No. GEK-25382)

MG400E3 General Electric MARK CENTURY 2000 CNC Start-up and Adjustments Manual.(Publication No. GEK-25381)

MG400E4 General Electric MARK CENTURY 2000 Control Descriptions Manual Thisnames the functions of each BCB and sub-assembly separately and states thelikely hardware source of three given problem symptoms.

MG400E5General Electric MARK CENTURY 2000 Connector and Cable Requirements forCustomer Cables.

MG400E6General Electric MARK CENTURY 2000 Part Programming Manual 2000MC CNC

MG400FGeneral Electric Numerical Contouring System Control 550TX Electrical SchematicManual. 370 pages

MG400YGeneral Electric 6V30F3333 Speed Variator Model for Valutrol Drives:Instruction Book.

MG400Z General Electric PWM Servo Drive. Operating and Maintenance Instructionswith Electrical Schematics.

MG450 GER (Jose Arocena Unzueta) Model C-1500 Cylindrical Grinder. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings andElectrical Schematics. English Text.

MG450A GER (Jose Arocena Unzueta) Model C-1500 Cylindrical Grinder. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings andElectrical Schematics. Spanish Text.

MG450B GER (Jose Arocena Unzueta) Model RHL-450 Cylindrical Grinder. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings andElectrical Schematics. English Text.

MG450C GER (Jose Arocena Unzueta) RS-1500 Surface Grinding Machine: Maintenanceand Working Instructions. 20+ pages of instructions and several large-scalediagrams.

MG450D GER (Jose Arocena Unzueta) RA 2-N-450 Cylindrical Grinding Machine:Service Instructions with many detailed sectional Drawings.

MG450E GER (Jose Arocena Unzueta) RHC-450 Cylindrical Grinder: Operation Instructions with many detailed sectional Drawings.

MG458 Gerät Modul DBF (Modul DBF Gerät) Allzweck Kleinwerkmaschine (Multi-function Machine). Betrieb, Wartung und Katalogsammlung deutscher Text (Operation, Maintenace and Catalogue Collection with German text).

MG475 GERBER (Ernst Gerber) Monforts DA-400 Automatic Lathe (Chuckautomat)Operator's Instruction Manual - Swedish Text.

+GF+ Automatic lathes - see entry under "Fischer" above

GHA - see entry under 'ALEXANDER'

G-H Grinders - see below under GHIRINGELLI

MG500 GHIRINGHELLI and PISONI (GP) Centreless Grinders. A General Guide for allModels with work examples using infeed (plunge), overhang and through-feedmethods. Work supports, Lubrication recommendations, basic Maintenance, wheelbalancing, workrest height adjustment, grinding wheel changeover, grindingerrors and their likely causes, etc.

MG500A GHIRINGHELLI and PISONI (GP) M65, M100, M120, M200, M250, M2100Centreless Grinding Machines. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.English and Italian Text.

MG500B GHIRINGHELLI and PISONI (GP) M65, M100, M120, M200, M250, M2100Centreless Grinding Machines. Parts as detailed Exploded Component Drawings.

MG500C GHIRINGHELLI and PISONI (GP) M200 Mk.2 Centreless Grinding Machine.Instruction Book with electrical schematics.

MG500D GHIRINGHELLI and PISONI (GP) A45, A50, A60 and N170 Centreless GrindingMachines. Instruction Book with electrical schematics.

MG500E GHIRINGHELLI and PISONI (GP) Model 100 Type D1 + M.I.A. CentrelessGrinding Machines. Electrical Instruction Book with electrical schematics.

MG500F GHIRINGHELLI and PISONI (GP) Model A50 Type D1 Centreless Grinding Machine. Operation Manual.

MG500G GHIRINGHELLI and PISONI (GP) Static Electrical Converter (Convertitore Statico) Type D.I. + M.I.A. Model 200.Operation Instructions with Electrical Schematic and Component Details.

GIBAS - see entry under M.B.M.

MG620 GIDDINGS and LEWIS Model 825 Variax Milling Machine: Operator'sInstruction Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual with detailed Cross-Sectionalelevations of all components.

MG620A GIDDINGS and LEWIS 70A-Dp 4 and 5-T Horizontal Boring, Drilling andMilling Machines. Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MG620B GIDDINGS and LEWIS 330, 340, 350-F, 350-FQ and 360-F Floor Type Horizontal Boring,Drilling and Milling Machines. Two Manuals with Operating Instructions and Reassembly and Operation.

MG630/MP350 GIEWONT (Mechanicy Ponar-Komo) Mk. 3 Vertical miller. This was are-badged machine made by PRVOMAJSKA as the Models G-301A and G-301D.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics andParts Manual as detailed Sectional Drawings.

MG630A GIEWONT TUTORMILL No. 1. ( (Mechanicy Ponar-Komo) and sometimes badgedas a "Gate") Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withElectrical Schematic.

MG630B GIEWONT (Mechanicy Ponar-Komo) FWA-32-M, FWA-41M, FYA-32-M and FYA-41-MMilling Machines. Service Manual with electrical schematics.

MG630C GIEWONT (Mechanicy Ponar-Komo) FWE-40 and FXE-40 Milling machines.Service Manual with electrical schematics.

MG628 GIOVANNI BREDA. See under "Breda" above.

MG631 GISHOLT "Masterline" Ram-type Turret lathe with Lynn HydraulicDrive: Service Manual with 75 pages plus 29 pages of Sectional Drawings.

MG631A GISHOLT No. 3, 4 and 5 Ram Type Turret Lathes: Service Manual withIllustrated Parts Manual and 27 pages of detailed Cross-Sectional Drawings.

MG631B GISHOLT "Simplimatic" Automatic Lathe. Instruction Book,Service and Maintenance Manual with Illustrated Parts Manual as Cross-SectionalDrawings.

MG631C GISHOLT No. 12 Hydraulic Automatic lathe. Service Manual, Installation,Adjustments and detailed Repair Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. asCross-Sectional Drawings.

MG631G GISHOLT Dynetric Balancing Machine. Installation, Operation, Maintenanceand Repair Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings. Includes Wiring Schematicsand a copy of a most useful book by Gisholt " Balancing Machines - theProblems of Balancing Rotating Parts".

MG631H GISHOLT 1L, 2l & 3L Turret Lathe. Operator's Instruction &Maintenance Manual with a Parts Manual as detailed cross-sectional drawings.

MG631Y GIUSTINA Type R-1 Rotary Surface Grinder (Vertical Axis). Spare Parts Manual as Clear Secional Drawings (Italian text). Includes a copy of the maker's Sales & Technical Specifcation Catalogue.

GKN -see also under "Lincoln"

MG632 GKN Spark Erosion Machine Model C.1 Operating Instructions.

MG632BGKN Spark Erosion Machine Model B. Operating Instructions.

MG645 GILDEMEISTER AVH150, AVH210, ASH130, ASH160, ASH190, AAH130 and AAH150Multi-spindle Automatic Lathe. Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual. Englishor German text.

MG645A GILDEMEISTER ASH190 Multi-spindle Automatic lathe. Detailed Operator'sInstruction Manual. German text.

MG645B GILDEMEISTER MD5S Turning Centre. Detailed Operator's Instruction Manualwith programming Examples.

MG645C GILDEMEISTER MD5S Turning Centre. Electrical manual

MG630D GILDEMEISTER AS32 Multispindle Bar-automatic Lathe. Operator'sInstruction Manual with Electrical Schematics.

MG647 GLOBE Milling Attachment. Excellent descriptive catalog doubling asInstructions for Use and showing how to employ the unit for a wide variety oftasks.

MG647Z GLOOR (Switzerland) Jointed-arm Torch Cutting Machine. Operator's Manual with sectional Drawings and Dismantling Instructions.

MG647A GMN (Georg Muller) High-frequency Spindles. Operating Instructions withPutting into Operation, Lubrication Systems, Cooling System, Drives (FrequencyConverters), Monitoring, Grinding Wheel Mounting, Repairs, Etc.

MG647B GMN (Georg Muller) Grinding Spindles TypesTSA, TSI, TSL, TSAV and TSEV.Service Instructions.

MG647Z GNUTTI Drilling & Tapping machine. Operation Instructions with anumber of useful Sectional Drawings.

MG648 GOCKEL G40 Grinding Machine: Service Manual.

MG648 GORKY (Russian) 6M83 Universal Milling Machine. Operating Instructions.

MG650 GORTON 2-30 TRACE-MASTER: Maintenance Manual and Exploded AssemblyDiagrams Parts Manual.

MG650A GORTON 1-22 MASTERMIL Operator's hand book.

MG650B GORTON 1-22 MASTERMIL Maintenance Manual.

MG650C GORTON 1-22 MASTERMIL Operator's Spare Parts.

MG650D GORTON 8-D, 81/2-D &9J "Super-speed" Vertical Milling Machines. Operation &Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings. Includes lubrication,adjustments, instructions on how to set up work, data on cutters for die andmould work, grinding single-flute Gorton cutters and cutter speed charts, etc.

MG650E GORTON 265 Tool & Cutter Grinder. Operation Manual.

MG700 GOSMETA Press Brake KM. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MG701 Gosmeta D135 Lathe. This machine appears Identical to the Gromatic 140 and the manual supplied is for that machine.

MG710 Goss and De Leeuw Machine Co. 6" x 6.75" Double-ThreadingMachine. Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MG710A Goss and De Leeuw Machine Co. Tool Rotating Four-spindle Automatic ChuckingMachines Instruction Manual. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and TechnicalSpecification Catalog.

MG710B Goss and De Leeuw Machine Co. 1-2-3 Chucking Machine Operating Manualand a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings

MG720 GOULD & EBERHARDT Manufacturing Type Gear Hobbing Machine (36HS).Operator's detailed Instruction Manual.

GP Centreless Grinders - see under GHIRINGHELLI and PISONI above

MHW1 GRADUATE (Harrison Graduate and Union) Woodturning andBowl-turning Lathe. Machine Manual with Maintenance, Lubrication, Wiring andExploded-diagram and Sectional-Drawings Parts Manual. Two editions areincluded, early and late, showing both types of spindle design. Includes anORIGINAL Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue.
Picture of the lathe here: HarrisonGraduate

MG760GRAFFENSTADEN Model AF Boring and Milling Machine: Operating and MaintenanceManual.

MG760A GRAFFENSTADEN FB625 Milling Machine: Operating and Maintenance Manualwith electrical and hydraulic schematics.

MG760B GRAFFENSTADEN FU.102-122, FH.102-122, FV.102-122 Milling Machines: PartsBooks as individual illustrations. .

MG760C GRAFFENSTADEN AM-162 Boring and Milling Machine. Operator's Instructionand Lubrication Manual. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and SpecificationCatalogue and a pack of 6 drawings supplied with new machines. .

MG760D GRAFFENSTADEN Model AP-091 and AP-101 Boring & Milling Machines.Operating and Maintenance Instructions with many useful sectional drawings.

MG760E GRAFFENSTADEN DU40 Lathe. Operating and Maintenance Instructions withParts as Sectional Drawings. FRENCH TEXT.

Grand RAPIDS see under Gallmeyer and Livington above.

MG780 GRANOR (Graham and Normanton) of Halifax Machine Shaper. Catalogue andbasic Maintenance Manual.

MG780A GRANOR (Graham and Normanton) LATHES Models 11-inch HL and 13 inch ML:Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings.

G180 GRANVILLE Lathes: no manual was ever issued (but see below) but thecomplete set of known Catalogues for this make is available:
"SENIOR" 3.5" and 4" Models - two Sales, Specification& Accessories publications: 12 pages
"STAR" Sales, Specification & Accessories 13 pages
SENIOR 3.5" Model. Publicity booklet issued by the makers. 3 pages.
For getting to grips with the Granville lathe the following is ideal -published originally in 1947 to make up for the fact that all lathes like theGranville had no proper instructions with them.
"The Amateurs Lathe".
Written as long ago as 1947 to make up for the fact that no small British latheof the time - Drummond, Myford, Grayson, Granville, Adept, Portass, etc. - hada satisfactory handbook, this publication details, in great clarity, everydetail of a lathe's construction and goes through all the basic (and someadvanced) operating procedures in a simple and logical way - and has long beenregarded as an indispensable aid to the beginner - or even experienced turner.It includes such useful things as screwcutting charts for various pitches ofleadscrew including one that suits the Grayson. If you want to know aboutcountershafts, drive system suitable turning speeds, how to sharpen tools, etc.this is the book. We always have copies in stock for immediate delivery: .75UK inc. post To order the books see:

MG790 Gray "Flying Scott" Planing Machine. Operator's Instructionsand Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MG790A Gray "Handymill" Planing Machine. Operator's Instructions andParts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MW70 GRAYSON (and also badged "Winfield") lathes: 3.5-inch and3-inch. Unfortunately no manual was ever issued for these machines but thefollowing is available: Two editions of the Sales & Technical Specification& Accessories Catalogues; one early one late with different cover pictureand prices. 8 pages. To help with the lathe an excellent low-costsubstitute is a book: "The Amateur's Lathe". This was first publishedat a time when many similar lathes were on the market - and non had anyworthwhile literature. The book covers in detail all the elements of a lathe'sconstruction, its operation, Maintenance and how to make accessories.Screwcutting charts that suit the Winfield and Grayson leadscrew pitch are alsoincluded. .75 To order the books see:

MG882 GRAZIANO SAG 12 Lathe. Comprehensive Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts Manual with both Exploded Component and SectionalDrawings and an Electrical Diagram. English, Italian, French and German text.Includes 2 Sales and Specification and Accessories catalogues.

MG882A GRAZIANO SAG 14 and SAG 180 Lathes. A Full Data Pack containing all knowinformation for these lathes. Includes Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManuals with a Parts Manual as Detailed Sectional and Exploded ComponentDrawings. Includes copies of the (frequently damaged) screwcutting charts,charts for special threads and an Electrical Schematic. Two editions included -a smaller earlier and a fuller later - together with a detailed andwell-illustrated Sales, Specification and Accessories Catalogue and aSchlesinger Test Chart.

MG882B GRAZIANO SAG 210, 210nr, 210r3 and 210imc Lathes. ComprehensiveInstruction and Maintenance Hand book with Detailed Parts Manual with bothExploded Component and Sectional Drawings. Contains Electrical Schematic.

MG882C GRAZIANO SAG 20, SAG 230 and SAG 508 (the "20" was version for"inch" countries and the 230 and 508 for metric). The 230 and 508models were identical apart from centre height - 230 and 508 mm respectively).Comprehensive Instruction and Maintenance Hand book with Parts Manual asExploded Component and Detailed Sectional Drawings. Contains ElectricalSchematic and a selection of Technical Specification and Accessory Catalogues.

MG884 GRAZIOLI "DANIA 180" Lathe. Operation & Maintenance Manualwith Parts as Sectional Drawings and an Electrical Schematic. ITALIAN TEXT.

MG884A GRAZIOLI "FORTUNA 150" Lathe. Operation & MaintenanceManual with Parts as Sectional Drawings and an Electrical Schematic. ITALIANTEXT.

MG884X Greenwood & Batley Wire-feed Solid Die Cold Heading Machine with 2 Bellows. Working Instructions with Sectional Drawings.

MG884Z Gressel BM146 Hydraulic Bending Machine Instruction Manual with Sectional Drawings and a Hydraulic Schematic.

MG885 GRINDING - TOOL and CUTTER. Jones and Shipman 60 page Tool and CutterGrinding. Explanatory Booklet, which details the principles that must beadhered to for successful operation of a Tool and Cutter Grinder. Detailsspecific examples with wonderful photographs and explanations. Instructions arealso applicable to other makes of grinder.

MG885b GRINDING: PRECISION GRINDING TECHNIQUES - Jones and Shipman. PrecisionGrinding Techniques - a Primer. Covers the essential basics of Surface, Tool,Cylindrical Internal precision grinding. 87 pages.

MG885C GRINDING: Precision Grinding "Workshop Precision Grinding" byChurchill. The definitive book covering: cylindrical, centerless, internal,surface together with useful pointers on the design and operation of grindingmachines including: grinding spindles, internal spindles, workheads, universalworkheads, tailstocks, selection and use of wheels, operation and Maintenance,etc.

MG900 GROB 4V-18 Band Saw Operating and Maintenance Instructions with Parts asSectional Drawings and Electrical Schematic. Includes Operating Instructionsfor the GROB RWA-1" and RWB-1/2" Saw Blade Welders.

MG915 GROMATIC 140 Lathe. Operation & Maintenance Manual with usefulSectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics.

MG918 GROS-IT Manufacturing Company. "Roy" Screw Slotter. Detailed Operation & Maintenance Manual

MG920 GRUPP (Wilhelm Grupp) WF1 Precision Universal Milling Machine. Operation& Maintenance manual with electrical schematic. GERMAN TEXT.

MG922 GSP (Guillemin Sergot Pegard) Radial-arm Drill Models 44-K-14 and 44-D-10. Parts Manual as Exploded-component Photographs.

MG925 GUILDER Model Builder Lathe. Simple Set-up and Instruction Sheetstogether with the Original Sales and Specification Catalogue, Price Lists andCustomer Correspondence. 17 pages.

MG940 GUILLIET KXL Instruction and Maintenance manual.

MG950 GUYSON Shot Blaster Models 125, 130, 200/20, 250/20, 300/20, 400/20,400/40, 490/40, 600/40, 690/40, 600X/40, 800/40, 900/40, SBP/40, T40, T50, DBH.Operating Manual.

MG950A GUYSON Shot Blaster Model Euroblast SBP. Operating and MaintenanceManual.

H.ERNAULT-SOMUA = see under SOMUA below

MH001 HABEGGER Instruction Service Booklet. Simple 6-page guide with headstockdisassembly instructions and Sectional diagrams.

MH001A To compliment the HABEGGER literature above (MH1) a useful supplement isthe literature for the almost identical Schaublin lathes. These are shownimmediately below. Other Schaublin literature lower down the page. - -

MS008 Habegger/SCHAUBLIN 102 - 80 Lathe (plain): Service Manual and Operator'sInstruction Manual (23 pages).

MS009 Habegger/SCHAUBLIN 102SV Lathe (plain): Service Manual and Operator'sInstruction Manual (29 pages).

MH002 HABEGGER Metal Band Saw Model UMB Operating Manual.

MH010 HAGENUK Loading Magazine (Bar-feed system) Type LM-RN. Operation Manual

MH20 HALIFAX 10-inch Lathe (Atlas 10-inch Clone:
A complete package of information that covers all models from the first modelsto the last is available. It includes:
1) A very comprehensive Manual with over 240 pages that contains detailedOperating and Maintenance Manual - it's probably the best instruction manualever produced by a lathe manufacturer.
2) Extensive thread-cutting instructions and dedicated charts from the larger61-page "supplementary" Screwcutting Instruction Booklet.
3) Extra instructional sheets issued by Atlas but never included in the mainManual: taper turning attachment; fitting new leadscrew nuts, steady rests,adjustable bed stop.
4) A complete, illustrated Parts Manual with exploded-parts diagrams.
5) A set of reproductions of the original (Atlas and Halifax) advertisingcatalogs (some very rare) that give a complete technical specification for thelathe, shows model changes over the years and illustrate all the accessories.

MH030CV Hahn and Klob Variomatic Rotary Transfer Machine T2C INDEXING UNIT.Operating Instructions with Electrical Schematic.

MH030D Hahn and Klob Variomatic Rotary Transfer Machine T2D. Operator's Handbook with Electrical Schematics.

MH030E Hahn and Klob Variomatic Rotary Transfer Machine T3. Operator's Handbook with Detailed Sectional Drawings.

MH030F Hahn and Klob Variomatic Rotary Transfer Machine: Machining AttachmentsOperator's Manual with Parts as Exploded Photographs. Covers the variousMounting Brackets (G26, G27, G28 and G30), Horizontal Slide Unit (G12),Vertical Slide Unit (G23 Motorised(, Drilling and Tapping Heads (B08, B10, B19,B66), Turning and Recessing Attachments (D14, D14C, E262, E261, E260),MillingAttachments (F16, F13, F13B, F65) and Assembly Attachments (M81 and M83).

MH030G Hahn and Klob Escomatic Type D2 Operating Instructions with largeElectrical Schematics.

MH030H Hahn and Klob Escomatic Type D6 Electrical Schematics.

MH030J Hahn and Klob TORNOMAT Size 2 Ploygonal Turning Machine. Operator's handbook.

HAHN and KOLB - see also under "MAHO" and "KLOB"

MH032 HAMAI Production Milling Machine Type 2/4MP-H/V. 4 electrical Schematics.

MH035HAMEG HM203-7 Oscilloscope Technical Manual

MH040 HAMILTON Model 00 Spur Gear Hobbing Machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MH045 HAMMERLE ZOFINGEN 100-ton and AP 200-3700 200-ton Presses Operating Manualwith some sectional drawings. Includes instructions for the American Bosch ACCSafety Seal Accumulators, Land ert-Motoren-AG Motors and Lightguards safetyFittings.

MH50 HANco*ck (HANCO-MARK) range of machines (cutting and profiling Types A andB all sizes). Detailed Instruction Manual, Parts Manual as Exploded ComponentDrawings and Maintenance and fault-finding Guides. Instructions.

MH50A HANco*ck (Hanco-Mark) Type 50 Oxygen Cutting and Profiling MachineProfiling Machine. Instruction and Maintenance manual.

MH50B HANco*ck (Hanco-MARK) "Master" Oxygen Cutting and ProfilingMachine. Operator's Manual

MH50C HANco*ck Oxygen Cutting Machines. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MH50D HANco*ck MINIGRAPH (also branded as the BOC Minigraph). DetailedInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Illustrated Parts List. . (Alsoavailable separately the Service Manual for Westinghouse (now Linatrol) HL-90co-ordinate drive trace system (scanner). Includes an electrical schematic.)

MH060 HARBOTS 618 Surface Grinder. Basic Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceInstructions. Includes a 4-page Sales & Specification catalogue.


C11 CATARACT (Hardinge) Wonderful Full-range Catalogue circa 1910 - 1920showing all the Precision Bench & Screwcutting Lathes, Milling Machines,Automatic Gear & Pinion Cutters, Drills and the full accessory range.Although not a handbook, there are many descriptive and illustrative details ofthe machines' construction, drive systems and countershafts including sectionaldrawings of the various headstocks. 116 pages.

C11A CATARACT (Hardinge) 1902 Catalogue: Bench Lathes & Attachments;precision bench drill. 29 pages. Not a first-class copy.

C11B CATARACT (Hardinge) Wonderful Full-range Catalogue of Precision Lathes& Millers of the 1930s. Includes bench precision lathes, milling machinesof the MD3, MD4, BB2V, and MD5 types. Automatic Gear & Pinion Cutters,Drills and the full accessory range. Although not a handbook, there are manydescriptive and illustrative details of the machines' construction, drivesystems and countershafts including sectional drawings of the variousheadstocks.. 50 pages.

C11C CATARACT (Hardinge) No. 5 open-headstock flat-belt drive Milling Machine.Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue. 2 pages.

C11D CATARACT (Hardinge) MD3 and MD4 Enclosed Head Precision Bench MillingMachines. Sales, Technical Specification & Accessories Catalogue. 4 pages.

C11E CATARACT (Hardinge) MD5 Precision Milling Machine. Sales, TechnicalSpecification & Accessories Catalogue. 4 pages.

MH13 HARDINGE HLV (early narrow-bed model). A data pack with 144 pagesconsisting of the detailed and well-illustrated later-edition Operator'sInstruction Manual with basic Maintenance Instructions, a copy of the 24-pageedition issued with earlier lathes and a number of interesting andwell-illustrated Technical Sales and Specification Catalogues and the rare"HLV Chart of Tests". This collection represents a complete Operationand Maintenance data set for the lathe with all known publications included.

MH13partsHARDINGE HLV (early narrow-bed model) Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MH13-RADIUS HARDINGE Types D14 and L0 Radius Turning Attachment. Operating Instructionsand Parts List.

MH13A HARDINGE HLV-H (and TFB-HProduction version) Detailed Maintenance Manual with dismantling Instructionsand a Wiring Diagram. Full 52-page version.

MH13B HARDINGE HLV-H Operator's Detailed Instruction Manual. Full 65-pageversion.

MH13C HARDINGE HLV-H Illustrated Parts Manual. This edition also includesdetails of the dual English/metric machine.

MH17 HARDINGE TL (TL-10) TOOLROOM Lathe 1940s to early 1950s"Split-bed" type (to distinguish it from the later wide"flat-bed" HLV and HLV-H types. Operator's Instruction book and a Sales andSpecification catalogue.

MH10 HARDINGE AHC Automatic Chucking Machine. Maintenance Manual. Includes acopy of the rare "Operator Difficulties and Cures, Maintenance Checklistand Repair Kit List".

MH10A HARDINGE AHC Automatic Chucking Machine. Parts Manual as DetailedSectional Drawings.

MH10AT HARDINGE AHC Automatic Chucking Machine. Detailed Operator's TrainingProgramme.

MH10B HARDINGE ASM-5C Automatic Lathe. Parts Manual as usefulSectional-Drawings and illustrations.

MH10C HARDINGE ASM-5C Automatic Lathe. Maintenance Manual.

MH10D HARDINGE ASM-5C Automatic Lathe. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MH11 Hardinge CONQUEST T42, T42L and T42SP CNC Lathes with GE Fanuc 18TControl. Programmer's Manual

MH11A Hardinge CONQUEST T42, T42L and T42SP CNC Lathes with GE Fanuc 18TControl. Operator's Manual

MH11B Hardinge CONQUEST T42, T42L and T42SP CNC Lathes with GE Fanuc 18TControl. Maintenance Manual

MH11C Hardinge CONQUEST T42, T42L and T42SP. Parts Manual as Sectional Drawingson A3 Sheets.

MH12 HARDINGE DSM-A Lathe. Maintenance Manual with large Electrical andHydraulic Schematics. Includes 6 pages of Maintenance Notes not in the originalManual.

MH12A HARDINGE DSM-A Lathe. Maker's Training Manual for Operator's.

MH12B HARDINGE DSM-A Lathe. Parts List as Detailed Sectional Drawings.

MH12D HARDINGE DSM-59, DSM-59R and DV-59 (also advertised as the "DSM five-nine"and also applying to the HSL-59 short-bed version). These lathes were identicalsave for the equipment bolted to the bed. A tailstock and compound slide restproduced the Super-Precision plain-turning DV-59 and with a turret head andcut-off slide and other equipment the DSM-59 "Second-operation"Model. A complete data pack for the lathes with an Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with two comprehensive Technical Specification andAccessories Catalogues for the DV-59 and DSM-59.

MH12E DSM-Five-nine, DSM Five-nine, DSM Five-nine R, VBS and VBS-R (alsoapplying to the HSL-Five-nine short-bed version) HARDINGE Parts manual asDetailed Sectional Drawings.

HARDINGE HSL "Speed Lathe" Separate Parts Manual as useful SectionalDrawings.

MH13HC HARDINGE Model HCT, HC and HCR Chucking Lathes. Comprehensive Operator'sInstruction Manuals. Two editions, early and late, are included together with aseparate publication giving detailed instructions for the Automatic ThreadingUnit (HC-T) and Pneumatic Bar Feed. separate publications one for the AutomaticThreading Unit and another for the Bar Feed. Also included is an electricalschematic. A complete operation data pack for this lathe.

MH13HCE HARDINGE Model HCT lathe. Wiring Diagram with Diode Board.

MH13HCM HARDINGE Model HC Chucking Lathe. Maintenance Manual with detaileddismantling Instructions. Includes a copy of the maker's useful 24-page Salesand Specification and Accessories Catalog showing all the accessories andoutlining their applications.

MH13HCP HARDINGE Model HC Chucking Lathe. Parts List as Annotated and SectionalDrawings - an essential supplement to the Maintenance Manual.

MH14HNC-M HARDINGE HNC Super Precision N/C Bar and Chucking Lathe. MaintenanceManual.

MH14HNC-P HARDINGE HNC Super Precision N/C Bar and Chucking Lathe. Parts Listas Sectional Drawings.

MH15CHNC-M HARDINGE CHNC Precision Computer-controlled Lathe - early model withround Perspex covers. Detailed Maintenance and Repair Manual.

MH15CHNC-P HARDINGE CHNC Precision Computer-controlled Lathe - early model withrounded Perspex covers. Operator's and Programmer's Manual.

MH15CHNC-L HARDINGE CHNC Precision Lathe. Later Model Maintenance Manual.

MH15CHNC-N HARDINGE CHNC Precision Computer-controlled Lathe - Late Model withsliding metal covers. Operator's Instruction and Programming Manual for FANUCGN6T-B Control.

MH15X HARDINGE SYSTEM 7370 CHNC Programming Manual.

MH16 HARDINGE TALENT 2-Axis Turning Machine with Fanuc OT-A Control (the manualdescribes the simply as the "Talent). Programmer's and Operator's Manual.

MH16S HARDINGE TALENT 2-Axis Turning Machine with Fanuc OT-A Control (themanual describes the simply as the "Talent). Service and MaintenanceManual with Parts as Exploded -component Drawings

MH16T HARDINGE TALENT Lathe 8/52A and 10/78 lathes Parts Manual. 297 Pages.

MH16A Hardinge HXL CNC Universal Turning Centre. Programmer's and Operator'sManual.

MH16A Hardinge HXL CNC Universal Turning Centre. Operator's Guide.

MH16B/MG400C Hardinge Servo Drive GENERAL ELECTRIC (General Electric) Operatingand Maintenance Instructions with Electrical Schematics.

MH18 HARDINGE Pneumatic Bar Feed Assembly. Operator's Instruction Manual andParts List.

MH18B HARDINGE Retractable Bar Feed Assembly. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional drawings.

MH18C HARDINGE Automatic Threading Unit Model AT (Chase type). Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MH19 HARDINGE TM and UM Precision Milling Machines: Operator's InstructionManual. Included is a copy of the maker's original Sales and SpecificationCatalog.

MH19A HARDINGE TM and UM Precision Milling Machines: Parts Manual withSectional Drawings including a separate set for the Optional Bridgeport VerticalHead.


MH21 HARDINGE Dividing Head Instructions.

MH22 HARDINGE Superslant Lathe. Huge, comprehensive Manual with: Instructions,Installation, Power-up Procedure, Maintenance of Lubrication, Coolant,Hydraulic Systems and Air Filters, Collet Closer, Tailstock, Control Panel,Parts Program language, Keyboard Functions, Program Tape, Linear and CircularInterpolations, Work Coordinate Syst4em, Tooling and Tool Offsets, Tool Nose RadiusCompensation, Automatic Cycles, Threading, Slide Travel Limits, Miscellaneous,Program 3-axis or 4-axis Superslant-GN Chucker, User Macro A and B, Appendixone, two and three.


MH25 HARE Press Brakes "Airmiser" AM150 and AM300. Operating and Maintenance Manual withElectrical Diagrams and Sectional Drawings.

MH25B HARE 2BS Hydraulic Bench Press. Installation, Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MH25C HARE 5BS High Speed Hydraulic Bench Press. Installation, Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual.

MH25D HARE 7.5 TON General Purpose Press. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Instructions with Parts as Sectional Drawings and a large generalArrangement Drawing.

MH25E HARE 10-TON General Purpose Press. Operation Instructions with Parts astwo large Sectional Drawings, Outline Drawing and a copy of the Maker's Salesand Specification Catalogue.

MH25F HARE AIRMISER 2-ton Hydro-pneumatic Press. Installation, Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Sectional Parts Drawings.

MH25G HARE NS Presses. Detailed Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Parts as Sectional drawings.

MH25H HARE 51T High Speed Press Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Parts Manual as Sectional drawings. Includes Electrical & HydraulicSchematics.

MH25J HARE 2-Ton Hydrauliac Bench Press Model 2 B.S. Oprator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith a number of useful sectional drawings.

MH40HARIG TML 6 x 12 Surface Grinder. Instruction Manual including the maker'sSales Literature.

HARRISON LATHES - If you are in doubt about which model Harrison lathe youhave, refer to the Harrison pages in the Archive - or send a photograph. - -

MHL5 HARRISON Lathes L5, L5A & "11-inch", 140 Models -including the hydraulic-copy versions: Data Pack consisting of: InstructionManual and Illustrated Parts Manual with Exploded Parts diagrams and a genericwiring diagram. Perfect quality production. Covers all models with 4.5 inch to5.5 inch centre heights and has screwcutting charts and data missing from theoriginal publication e.g. details of the "all-metric" screwcuttinggearbox and charts showing the lever positions when cutting inch-pitch threads.Includes a complete set of sales and Technical Specification Catalogues showingall the different models and the full range of accessories.
Picture of the lathes here: Harrison L5 early andhere Harrison L5A andhere
Harrison 140

MHL5X A mint condition ORIGINAL Manual for the early L5 (4.5" centreheight) up to 1959 (contains less information than the edition above).

MHL5AA HARRISON Lathe AA Mk. 1 ( "Round" styling and identical to theColchester Chipmaster). Colchester Chipmaster. A comprehensive Data Pack withboth early and late editions of the Instruction and Maintenance Manual and bothearly and late Parts Manuals as exploded component diagrams. Covers all modelswith Imperial or Metric gearboxes and including electrical, variator and drivedifferences. Contains a complete Instruction and Maintenance Manual and PartsBook for the special Kopp Variator Unit produced for the Chipmaster. Twoelectrical diagrams (UK market) that are greatly enlarged for clarity and acopy of the Chipmaster Sales, Accessories and Specification Catalogue. Afist-class, perfectly prepared publication that is essential reading for thisrelatively complex lathe.

Accessories and Specification Catalogue. MHL52AA HARRISON Lathe AA Mk. 2VS330TR ( "Square" styling) 13-inch swing variable-speed driveprecision lathe. Instruction Manual, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual asuseful Exploded Assembly Diagrams. Includes Electrical Diagrams.

MHL12 HARRISON Lathe 12-inchswing (6.5-inch Centre height Model L6 Mk.1 - also badged, for some markets, asa 13-inch) - a model with "rounded" styling from the 1950s, a long,upwards-pointing lever on the face of the headstock and two spindle-speedchange levers on the top. Instruction & Maintenance Manual and Parts Manualas useful Exploded Assembly Diagrams with a generic wiring diagram. Perfectquality production. Includes a copy of the original sales and accessoriescatalogue.

To check that this is yours,pictures and details on my web site here:

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MHL12A HARRISON Lathe early 13-inchswing model with a 6.5-inch centre height and recognisable by 2downward-pointing handles on the face of the headstock and a"diamond-shaped speed chart. Instruction Manual, Maintenance Manual andParts Manual as useful Exploded Assembly Diagrams. Perfect quality production.Includes a copy of the detailed Sales, Technical Specification &Accessories Catalogue An example of this lathe can be seen here:

<![if !supportEmptyParas]><![endif]>

MHL13 HARRISON Lathe Model 12-inch and 13-inch swing L6 Mk. 2(also badged as the 155 and 165 and distinguishable from earlier models by aflat front face to the headstock, a third control shaft control rod below theleadscrew and power-feeds shaft, a screwcutting gearbox with a sliding selectorcontrol that indexed into a row of holes. The gearbox had either two thumblever along the top edge (English threading) or three thumb levers (metricversion). A long, single upward pointing handle on the face of the headstockand two spindle-speed change levers on the top.
Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded AssemblyDiagrams. Added to this publication (not in the original edition) is data aboutconverting the 3-lever metric box to inch screwcutting. Also Includes acomplete set of the maker's Sales and Specification and Accessories Cataloguescovering all years and models. To check if this is yours,pictures and details here: You can order it securely on-line here:


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MHL190 Harrison "13-inch" and "15-inch" (identicalapart from centre height) and badged variously as: 155, 165, 190 and"1300". These very distinctive lathes differ from the other 155 and165 L6 Mk. 2 types in having the two spindle-speed levers pointing downwards onthe front face of the headstock (instead of on top), large embossed sheet-aluminiumcovers on the headstock and face of the apron and an enclosed screwcuttinggearbox operated only by rotary lever controls (no sliding, spring-loadedindent lever). Operator's Instruction Manual and Spare Parts Manual asSectional Drawings.

To check if this is yours, pictures and details of the lathe here: can order it securely on-line here:

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and, a special version:

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MHL190E Harrison "13-inch" and "15-inch" (identicalapart from centre height) and badged variously as: 155, 165, 190 and"1300". These very distinctive lathes differ from the other 155 and165 L6 Mk. 2 types in having the two spindle-speed levers pointing downwards onthe front face of the headstock (instead of on top), large embossedsheet-aluminium covers on the headstock and face of the apron. The screwcuttinggearbox was the earlier type with a sliding tumbler selector that indexed intoa row of holes.This manual consists of the two manuals above (MHL13 and MHL190)to cover the differences between the models. A picture is here you can order it securely on-line here: Harrison 14-inch

MHL15 Harrison Lathe 15 and 16-inch swing Models (L21). Covers both early"rounded style" 15-inch swing and the very similar early 16-inchswing models with two downward-pointing levers on the face of the headstock.Instruction Manual, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful ExplodedAssembly Diagrams. Perfect quality production. Includes a copy of the detailedSales, Technical Specification & Accessories Catalogue
Picture of the lathe here: Harrison 15-inch and16-inch older types

If you are not sure what model your Harrison is, just email photographs to:

MHL17A Harrison Lathe 17-inch swing (8.5" centre height) Very early modelwith round styling and three downward-pointing spindle-speed controls levers.Operator's Instruction Manual and Spare Parts Manual as detailed SectionalDrawings. Includes a copy of the detailed Sales, Technical Specification &Accessories Catalogue Perfect quality production.
Picture of the lathe here: Harrison 17-inch

MHL21A Harrison Lathe 21-inch swing(M500 in the UK) with 10.5" centre height). Operator's Instruction Manualand Spare Parts Manual as detailed Sectional Drawings and electrical schematic.Includes a copy of the detailed Sales, Technical Specification &Accessories Catalogue Perfect quality production.

MHL250 Harrison M250 Lathe Instruction Manual, Maintenance Manual and PartsManual as useful Exploded Assembly Diagrams. Includes electrical schematics.Includes a copy of the detailed Sales, Technical Specification &Accessories Catalogue

MHL250CNC Harrison TRAINER 250 CNC/Manual Lathe: Maintenance Manual and PartsManual as useful Exploded Assembly Diagrams. Includes a copy of the detailedSales, Technical Specification & Accessories Catalogue

MHL250CNC/B Harrison TRAINER 250 CNC/Manual Lathe: Programming Manual.

MLH280 HARRISON VS280 CNC Operator's Instruction Manual with Maintenance.

MLH280T HARRISON 280 Dual CNC/Manual Training Lathe. Comprehensive Operator'sInstruction, Maintenance and Programming Manual with Parts as ExplodedComponent Drawings and Electrical Schematic.

MLH280U HARRISON "TRAINER" CNC (enclosed model marked simply"TRAINER" on the headstock). Comprehensive Operator's Instruction,Maintenance and Programming Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawingsand Electrical Schematic.

MLH280V HARRISON V280 Variable-speed drive Lathe. Instruction Manual,Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Assembly Diagrams.

MHL300 Harrison M300 Lathe (and T300 the training version) Instruction Manual,Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Assembly Diagrams.Includes 3 electrical schematics (UK and USA)and a copy of the maker's TechnicalSales and Specification Literature.

MHL350 Harrison M350 Lathe Instruction Manual, Maintenance Manual and PartsManual as useful Exploded Assembly Diagrams with UK and European wiringdiagrams. Includes a copy of the maker's Technical Sales and SpecificationLiterature and electrical schematics.

MHL350V Harrison M350V Lathe (Variable-speed drive) Operation & MaintenanceManual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes two electricalschematics and a spindle drive electrical fault-finding guide. (This lathe is aColchester VS3250 with Harrsion badging).

MHLVS330 Harrison Lathe VS330TR ("AA") Lathe variable-speed drive:Instruction Manual, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful ExplodedAssembly Diagrams. Includes Electrical diagrams.

MHL390 Harrison M390 Lathe: Instruction Manual, Maintenance Manual and PartsManual as useful Exploded Assembly Diagrams. Includes electrical diagrams.

MHLV390 Harrison M390V Variable-speed Lathe: Instruction Manual, MaintenanceManual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Assembly Diagrams.

MHL400 Harrison M400 Lathe: Instruction Manual, Maintenance Manual and PartsManual as useful Exploded Assembly Diagrams including details of the complex4-way toolpost, the optional bed-mounted capstan assembly, quick-threaderassembly, taper-turning unit and other accessories, etc. Includes 2 electricalschematics.

MHL450 Harrison M450 Lathe - early version, often badged "17-inch"and with headstock control levers tipped with round knobs): Instruction Manual,Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Assembly Diagrams with10 electrical schematics covering the various versions. This edition shows bothheadstock clutch/brake types.

MHL450L Harrison M450 Lathe - lateversion badged "450" and with headstock control levers as flat barswith rounded ends and an apron where the centre section is stepped. Usuallyfitted with black fascia plates on headstock face and apron: InstructionManual, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded AssemblyDiagrams with 10 electrical schematics covering the various versions.

MHL450CNC Harrison VS450 CNC Lathe:Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual including details of the FANUCControls and Programming Instructions.

MHL460 Harrison M460 and 550 Lathes: Instruction Manual, Maintenance Manual andParts Manual as useful Exploded Assembly Diagrams. This is large and detaileddouble manual covering the M460 and M550 models.

MHL500 Harrison M500 Lathe: Instruction Manual, Maintenance Manual and PartsManual as useful Exploded Assembly Diagrams with 3 electrical schematics.

MHL540 Harrison M540 Lathe: Instruction Manual, Maintenance Manual, ElectricalSchematics and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Assembly Diagrams.

MHL600 Harrison M600 Lathe (a re-badged Colchester "Magnum"):Instruction Manual, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful ExplodedAssembly Diagrams.

MHL750 Harrison M750 Lathe: Instruction Manual, Maintenance Manual and PartsManual as useful Exploded Assembly Diagrams.

MHL600 HARRISON 1A and 1B Automatic Camless Chucking Lathe. Operator's Handbook and Spares as Exploded Component Drawings. US

MHL1550S Harrison ALPHA 1550S Lathe. Operation Manual. Fanuc controls - withladder diagrams. Includes two additional publications: "Manual Guide ModeTutorial" designed as a familiarisation exercise for first-time users inthe set up and operation of the machine in manual mode and a "CNC Tutorial"that provides users with basic information on operation of the machine in CNCmode. 649 pages.

MHL-Alpha-SHarrison Alpha 1350S and 1000 Series Lathes: Detailed Manuals for Operation, Maintenance, Parts (as Sectional Drawings), Electrical Schematics and Ladder Diagrams. 465 pages

MHM8H HARRISON HORIZONTAL MILLINGMACHINES (can accept a vertical head) : Instruction Manual and Exploded PartsDiagrams. Covers all models. Includes a copy of the maker's Technical Sales andSpecification Catalogue.

MHM8V HARRISON VERTICAL MILLING MACHINES (dedicated, vertical-only machine): Instruction Manual and Parts Manual. This manual now includes details of the vertical head - this assembly being identical in construction to that fitted as an option on the horizontal Harrison milling machine. Covers all models. Includes a copy of the maker's Technical Sales & Specification Catalogue. It can be ordered securely on-line here:

MHW1 HARRISON GRADUATE (Harrison Graduate and Union) Woodturning andBowl-turning Lathe. Machine Manual with Maintenance, Lubrication, Wiring andExploded-diagram and Sectional-Drawings Parts Manual. Two editions areincluded, early and late, showing both types of spindle design. Includes anORIGINAL Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue.
Picture of the lathe here: HarrisonGraduate

MHW2 Harrison Jubilee Wood lathe.Simple User's Guide with annotated photographs and a copy of the detailed Sales& Specification Catalogue.

MH113 COLCHESTER-HEPWORTH HYDRAULIC COPYING (TRACER) Attachments for Series:150, 300, 400, 450, 470, 472, 600 and 620 as fitted to Colchester, Harrison and manyother makes of lathe. A complete collection of all the literature ever producedfor these models Operator's Instruction Manual and Spares as SectionalDrawings.

MA22 HARRISON-AINJEST High Speed Threading Attachment. Detailed InstructionManual and Spares Parts Manual as Exploded Parts Diagrams. Covers how tooperate on all on models as used on a variety of Harrison, Colchester and othermakes of lathe. Both the dial-selector and lever-selector models are covered -though not all styles of body casting are shown - these varying with theparticular machine to which they were fitted..

MA90 HASS VF Series Vertical Machining Centre. Operator's Instruction andProgramming Manual.

MA92 HASSE and WREDE Type 3 Turret lathe. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with useful sectional and exploded-component drawings.Includes a set of electrical schematics.

MH95 HAU Type SMF-350 and SM-350 Belt Grinding Machine. Operator's InstructionManual

MH100 HAULIN ELP5024 Lathe (bar-bed type). Operator's Instruction Book.Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MH110A HAUSER 2A3 Jig Borer. Detailed Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

MH110B HAUSER 2BA Jig Borer Type - early "round top" design withrounded edges to the stand. Two Operation and Maintenance Manuals were producedfor this model, a shorter and longer version; they have some commonality butalso unique content, so both are included. Detailed Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual. Includes Use of Accessories, a Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings and Electrical Schematics.

MH110C HAUSER 2BA Jig Borer Type - later "flat-top" design and withword HAUSER down each front face of the square-edged stand . Detailed Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual. Includes Use of Accessories and PartsManual as Sectional Drawings.

MH110D HAUSER 2SB Combination Jig Borer and Jig Grinder. S Jig Grinder.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawingsand Electrical Schematic.

MH110E HAUSER 2S Jig Grinder. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematic.

MH110F HAUSER 3BA Jig Borer Type. Detailed Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual Includes Use of Accessories, a Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings and copy of the maker's Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue.

MH110G Hauser Type M4 Jig Boring Machine. Detailed Operating and InstallationInstructions with Parts Manual as useful sectional drawings and a largeelectrical schematic.

MH110H Hauser Type M5 Jig Boring Machine. Detailed Operating and InstallationInstructions with Parts Manual as useful sectional drawings and a largeelectrical schematic.

MH110J Hauser 570 Auto Multi-Spindle Drill. Operator's Instruction Book withnumbers of useful sectional drawings.

MH110K Hauser Type 543 Drilling & Milling Machine with three verticalspindles. Service Manual with numbers of useful sectional drawings and a largeelectrical schematic.

MH110L HAUSER OP3 Electrical Switchgear Manual with Electrical Schematics pluscontrol descriptions. As used on a variety of Hauser Jig Borers.

MH110M HAUSER 2SO Optical Jig Grinder. Detailed Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematic.

MH110N Hauser P215 Profile Projector. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MH110P/H102A HAUSER PROFILE AP-6A PROJECTOR. Technical Sales and Specificationand Catalogue - useful information (but not a manual). 12 pages.

MH110Q HAUSER PIVOT POLISHING. A most useful Explanatory Booklet showing therange of Hauser Pivot Polishers and accessories (Hauser 191, 212, 232, 241,244, 306, 309, 430 and 438) and how they work - together with an explanation ofthe process of pivot polishing. Includes extracts from a range of Hauserpublications that show the pivot polishers.

MH110R HAUSER PIVOT POLISHER Type 191. Operator's Instruction and ServiceManual with electrical schematic.

MH110S HAUSER PIVOT POLISHER Type 241 and Type 232 (Identical capacity but ondifferent stands). Operator's Instruction and Service Manual with electricalschematic. Includes copies of two maker's Sales & Specification sheets and7 pages with drawings of the diamond wheels and their mountings andcorrespondence with Hauser about them.

MH110T HAUSER PIVOT POLISHER Type 306 Dedicated Instruction Manual (5 pages).

MH110U HAUSER PIVOT POLISHER Type 430 Dedicated Instruction Manual with anElectrical Schematic. Includes a copy of the maker's detailed Sales &Specification Catalogue.

MH110V HAUSER Type 244 Machine for Trueing Tungsten Carbide Wheels as used onPivot Polishing Machines Types: 191, 212, 232 and 241. Technical Instructions.

MH110W HAUSER Type 160 Rotary Table (High Precision 12-inch (300 mm)diameter)). Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Instructions.

MH110X HAUSER UP1, UP2 and UP3 Universal Facing and Boring Heads. OperatingInstructions.

MH110Y HAUSER Tools and Accessories for Jig Borers and Jig Grinders. 26 pages.

MH116/MS692 HAVIR Shaper (branded Start-Rite) Operator's Manual.

MH120 HAYES Diemaster. Machine Manual and Parts Manual in the form of detailedCross-Sectional Drawings. Includes two editions of the maker's Sales andSpecification Catalogues including one showing the rare vertical attachment,high-speed vertical head, jig-boring and hydraulic-copying accessories.

MH120A HAYES Tracemaster TM32A Milling Machine. Instructional Manual andSectional Parts Manual. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and SpecificationCatalogue.

MH120B HAYES Tracemaster TM43 (single head) Milling Machine. InstructionalManual and Sectional Parts Manual. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and SpecificationCatalogue.

MH120C HAYES Tracemaster TM43-3D Milling Machine. Instructional Manual withParts Manual as Sectional Drawings Manual, a large Electrical Schematic and acopy of the maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MH120D HAYES Tracemaster TM 54-3D AUTO Milling Machine. Instructional Manualand Sectional Parts Manual. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales andSpecification Catalogue.


MH240 HEALD No. 72 Universal Grinding Machine: 90-page Service, Repair andIllustrated Parts Manual with detailed Sectional Drawings.

MH240A HEALD Type 72A Size-Matic Internal Grinding Machine. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual.

MH240B HEALD Type 72A3 and 72A5 Size-Matic Internal Grinding Machines.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawingsand a copy of the maker's detailed sales & technical SpecificationCatalogue..

MH240B2 HEALD Type 70A and 75A Internal Grinding Machines. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional drawings.

MH240B3 HEALD Type 74 Plain and Extended Bridge Internal Grinding Machine. Operator's InstructionManual and a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MH240C HEALD Type 81 Plain Internal Grinding Machine. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MH240D HEALD 261 Rotary Surface Grinding Machine. Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MH240E HEALD (Cincinnati) 271 and 272 Plain and Toolroom Models and Heald 274Universal and Heald 275 and 276 Extended Bridge Internal Grinding Machines:Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings andHydraulic Circuit Schematics.

MH240F HEALD (Cincinnati) 271 and 272 Size-matic and Gage-Matic InternalGrinding Machines: Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as (improved) SectionalDrawings and a Hydraulic Schematic.

MH240G HEALD (Cincinnati) 271B and 272B Size-Matic and Gage-Matic InstructionManual and Service Repair Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MH240L HEALD (Cincinnati) 171B Size-matic and Gage-matic and Plain InternalGrinding Machine. Operator's Instruction Book.

MH240LX Heald 171 (Cincinnati) Size-matic and Gage-matic and Plain InternalGrinding Machine. Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and and Parts Manual asSectional Drawings.

MH240H HEALD 222A-224A, 322A-324A and 422A-424A BORE-MATIC Models. InstructionManual and Service Repair Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MH240J HEALD 45, 46B, 47 and 49 BORE-MATIC Models Precision Boring Machines.Instruction Manual and Maintenance Manual.

MH240K HEALD 46B, 47A, 48A and 49 BORE-MATICS Precision Boring Machines. PartsManual as Sectional Drawings.

MH240M Heald Tool Sharpening Machine No. 2. Instruction Manual and Parts asSectional Drawings.

MH240N HEALD SYKES No. 22 Rotary Surface Grinding Machines. Instruction Manualand Parts Manual as detailed Sectional Drawings.

MH240P HEALD (Cincinnat-Heald) Borematic Boring Machines Models 221A, 222A,224A, 225A, 226A, 322A, 324A, 325A, 326A, 422A, 424A, 425A and 426A Operation,Maintenance and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MH248 HEAP (Jushua Heap) Screwing Machine (Threading Machines). A complete datapack for the most common models consisting of the General Instructions andindividual manuals for the: 1-inch tangential; 4-inch Tangential; 4-inch UR, 4-inch URT and4-inch UT. Includes a copy of the maker's detailed Sales and Specificationcatalog with details of the tangential die holders.

MH250 HEB (H. ERNAULT-BATIGNOLLES) HN250 Lathe: Operator's and MaintenanceManual together with a separate Operation & Maintenance Manual for theHydraulic Copying Attachment.

MH250AP HEB (H. ERNAULT-BATIGNOLLES) Types All HN and HNC lathes. Parts manualas detailed and clear Sectional Drawings. Covers the HN350, HN400, HNC400,HN450, HN500 & HNC600.

MH250B HEB (H. ERNAULT-BATIGNOLLES) PILOT 510 Lathe: Operator's InstructionManual.

MH250C HEB (H. ERNAULT-BATIGNOLLES) "PILOT U" Lathe: Operator'sInstruction Manual (in French).

MH250D HEB (H. ERNAULT-BATIGNOLLES) OP320 and OP420 Lathes: Operator's andMaintenance Manual in FRENCH with Sectional Diagrams.

MH250E HEB (H. ERNAULT-BATIGNOLLES) OP320 and OP420 Lathes: Parts Lists assuperb Exploded-Component Drawings and Electrical Schematics. English andFrench text.

MH250F HEB (H. ERNAULT-BATIGNOLLES) HN Copying Unit. Applicable to a number ofthe Company's lathes. Detailed Operation Manual with many sectional drawings.English Text.

MH252 HECO Centring Microscope. Operating Instructions 1 page, plusillustration.

MH255 HECKERT (Fritzh Heckert - East Germany) also, see the WMW Section below

MW255 Heckert (WMW & UNION) BR40 x 1250 Radial Arm Drill Model (also badgedas the AMK and VEB). Basic Operating Manual with Parts Repair Manual asSectional Drawings and Photographs.

MW255A Heckert (WMW & UNION) FW and FU 315, FW.400, FW.400V also covers themain parts of the FW and FU 315, 400 and 400V1 models. Installation andOperator's Instruction Manual with Sectional Drawings. This is for the oldermachines only, without logic controllers.

MW255B Heckert (WMW & UNION) Vertical Miller Model FSS 400 x 1600/V1.Installation, Operator's Instruction Manual and Maintenance Manual with anumber of useful Sectional Drawings including Spindle Brake, Vertical Head,clutches, anti-backlash nut, gearing layout, etc.

MW255C Heckert (WMW & UNION) FU-250 and FW250 Vertical Millers. Data Packsupplied with new machines including an "Electrical Manual" and twoelectrical schematics.

MW255D Heckert (WMW & UNION) F315/400 Ten Electrical Schematics.

MW290 HECKLER and KOCH BA-20 Drilling and Boring Machine. Operator's Manualwith sets of Electrical and Control Schematics, a Heidenhain ROD-426 EncoderManual, Stromacon Current Converter Manual.

MW290A HECKLER and KOCH CNC 783/M Control System for Milling, Drilling andBoring Machines. Operator's Manual with Programming Examples, Messages,Technical Data, Hardware and Software Interfaces and CommissioningInstructions.

MS300 HECTOR - see under Flexispeed

MH310 HEENAN "Ajusto-Speed" variable-speed drives and couplings Sizes903, 904, 906 and 914. Instruction Manuals

MH310A HEENAN "Ajusto-Speed" variable-speed drives and couplingsSizes 906 and 914. Instruction Manual

MH310C HEENAN and FROUDE "Automatic Machines For Wire and StripIndustry". A comprehensive Booklet, which reviews the Company's productsand explains how the machines work. Not an Instruction Manual as such. Alsoincludes details of the Company's High-speed Nail Presses, Ring Coiling Machines,Chain Formers. Hair Grip Machine, Automatic Chain Formers and Welders,Automatic Mattress Chain Machine, Jack Chain Machine and Automatic High-speedWire Straightening and Cutting Machines.

MH310D HEENAN (and FROUDE) Wire and Strip Forming Machine: Instruction Manualwith maker's Technical Sales and Specification Catalogues.

MH310E HEENAN (and FROUDE) S 1 1/2 Wire and Strip Forming Machine: GuideBooklet with 11 General Sectional Drawings showing layout and installation.

MH310G HEENAN (and FROUDE) Dynamometer Type G Detailed Operator's Manual.

MH315 HEGENSCHEIDT Semi-Automatic Cranshaft Deep Rolling Machine Type 7812 K. Operator's Manual with a number of very large Sectional Drawings.

MH320 HEID DZKRSV-NC Lathe: Erection and Installation Manual.

MH320A HEID DZKR-LI Lathe: Detailed Operating Manual with fold-out ElectricalSchematics.

MH320B HEID DZKR-LI Lathe: Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MH320C HEID DZKR-LI Lathe: Instructions for Machining Layouts and NotchedProgramme Bars for automated production lathes equipped with LI Control.

MH320D HEID K-18 Lathe, KR-18 and KH-18 Lathes (Models with Universal Copying,Turret Tailstock and Relieving).Instruction and Maintenance Manual withElectrical Schematics Manual

MH72E HEID DLZK-400 Lathe: Operating Instructions with some fold-out SectionalDrawings, Electrical Schematics and copies of the frequently damagedscrewcutting and power feed charts. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales,Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue for the Series 400 lathesconsisting of the DLZ400, DZ400, DLZK400 and DZK400.

MH72F HEID MSO Cylindrical Grinding Machine. Operating Instructions.

MH72H HEID DNK 26-32 Lathe. Operating Instructions with Electrical Schematicand screwcutting and feed charts. The basic lathe was offered in five versions:DN25 multi-purpose; K26 Multi-purpose copying; R26 Multi-purpose with turrettailstock, H26 Multi-purpose with Relieving Attachment and KH26 Multi-purposewith Relieving and Copying Attachments. The manual covers all versions.

MH200 Heidelberg Printer Models KOR, KORA, KORD64 and KORS. Supplimentary Operation Manual.

MH200A Heidelberg Printer Models KOR, KORA, KORD and KORS. Spare Parts Manual as clear, annotated Illustrations.

HEIDENHAIN - if your manual is notshown below others can be supplied. Please phone: 01298-871633 or e-mail:

MH329 HEIDENHAIN TNC 111 Service Instructions:

MH329B HEIDENHAIN TNC 114 Service Instructions:

MH329C HEIDENHAIN V.24 Data transfer Connection for TNC 125, 131, 135, 145,150, 151, 155. Positip VRZ-965, VRZ-742, ME-101 and ME-102.

MH329D HEIDENHAIN TNC 121 Operating instructions:

MH330 HEIDENHAIN TNC 125 Operating instructions:

MH330C HEIDENHAIN TNC 131, TNC 135: Mounting Instructions and Interface CircuitControl-Machine (Operating and Programming Instructions):

MH330DS HEIDENHAIN TNC 131 Point-to-Point with Straight Cut: Operating Manual

MH330D HEIDENHAIN TNC 131, TNC 135 Straight Cut Control and TNC 145, TBC 150,TNC 151, TNC 155 Contouring Control: Programming Examples:

MH330E HEIDENHAIN TNC 145 Contouring Control: Mounting Instructions andInterface Circuit Control-Machine (Operating and Programming Instructions):

MH330F HEIDENHAIN TNC 145 Contouring Control: Operating Manual:

MH330G HEIDENHAIN TNC 145C Contouring Control: Mounting Instructions andInterface Circuit Control-Machine (Operating and Programming Instructions):

MH330H HEIDENHAIN TNC 145C Contouring Control: Operating Manual:

MH330J HEIDENHAIN TNC 150: PLC-Description.

MH330K HEIDENHAIN TNC 150 Mounting Instructions and Interface CircuitControl-Machine (Operating and Programming Instructions).


MH330M HEIDENHAIN TNC 150B, TNC 150Q, TNC 155A and TNC 155P: PLC-Description.

MH330N2 HEIDENHAIN TNC 151A, TNC 151P, TNC 155A and TNC 155P: ContouringControl: Operation Manual with Programming as "ConversationalInstructions" 316 pages.

MH330P HEIDENHAIN TNC 150B and TNC 150Q: Operating Manual.

MH330P2 HEIDENHAIN TNC 150B/F, TNC 150 Q/w, TNC 150 BR/FR and TNC 150 QR/WR:Operating Manual.

MH330Q HEIDENHAIN TNC 151A, TNC 151P, TNC 155A and TNC 155P MountingInstructions and "Interface Circuit Control-Machine" (Operating andProgramming Instructions).

MH330R HEIDENHAIN TNC 151 Service Manual.

MH33S HEIDENHAIN TNC 151 and TNC155 Service Manual.

MH330T HEIDENHAIN TNC 151 B/TNC 151Q and TNC155 B/TNC 155Q Operator'sInstruction Manual. Only ever published with German Text

MH330U HEIDENHAIN TNC 151 and TNC155 "PILOT" - Trouble-shooting Guidebased on the Workpiece Drawing.

MH330V HEIDENHAIN TNC 155A and TNC 155P Operating Manual.

MH335 HEIDENHAIN TNC 310 Users Manual.

MH330VV HEIDENHAIN TNC 351 and TNC 355 Service Manual

MH330V7 HEIDENHAIN TNC 370 Programming Manual with an extra 25 pages from a Heidenhain training course(as used on Bridgeport Machining Centres)

MH330WX HEIDENHAIN VRZ100, VRZ100.070 bi-directional counters. Service Manual

MH330WX2 HEIDENHAIN 300.1 and 300.2 Bi-directional Counters OperatingInstructions. English, German and French text.

MH330W HEIDENHAIN VRZ Bi-Directiona Counters models: 310, 311, 312, 313, 316, 317,320, 321, 322, 323, 410, 411, 412, 413, 416, 417, 420, 421, 422 and 423Operating instructions.

MH330XX HEIDENHAIN VRZ 401 and VRZ 405 Bi-Directional Counters: OperatingInstructions

MH330X HEIDENHAIN VRZ 650, VRZ 710 and VRZ 750 Counters: Operator's Guide

MH330X2 HEIDENHAIN VRZ 714, VRZ 754, VRZ756 and VRZ 757 Counters: Operator'sGuide, GERMAN text.

MH330XX HEIDENHAIN VRZ 720B and VRZ 760B Display Units. Operating Instructions.

MH330Y HEIDENHAIN VRZ 731: Operating Instructions:

MH331 HEIDENHAIN LS-303 Incremental Liner Transducer. Mounting and Set-upInstructions.

MH331A HEIDENHAIN LS-405/LS and LS-405C Mounting Instructions.

MH331B HEIDENHAIN LS-501D Incremental Liner Transducer. Mounting and Set-up Instructions.

MH331C HEIDENHAIN LS-501, LS-501D, LS-510, LS-510D D Incremental LengthMeasuring System. Mounting and Set-up Instructions.

MH331D HEIDENHAIN LS-503, LS-503D, LS-513, LS-513D Sealed Incremental LinearTransducer. Mounting Instructions.

MH331CE HEIDENHAIN LS-603 and LS-603C Sealed Incremental Linear Transducer.Mounting Instructions. FRENCH TEXT.

MH331CF HEIDENHAIN LS-703 Mounting Instructions & Technical Specification.

MH331CG HEIDENHAIN LS-803, LS-803Dm LS-903 Sealed Incremental Length MeasuringSystem. Mounting Instructions.

MH331DX HEIDENHAIN ROD 250 Operating and Mounting Instructions.

MH331D HEIDENHAIN ROD 420 and ROD 426: Mounting Instructions.

MH331E HEIDENHAIN ROD 450 and ROD 456: Mounting Instructions.

MH331F HEIDENHAIN MINI-ROD 450: Mounting and Operating Instructions.

MH331E HEIDENHAIN ND510 and ND550 Digital Read-out: Operating Instructions.

MH331F HEIDENHAIN LS-803, LS-803D and LS-903 Incremental Length MeasuringSystem. Mounting Instructions.

MH331G HEIDENHAIN LS-803, LS-803D,LS-903: Incremental Length Measuring SystemOperating Instructions.

MH331H HEIDENHAIN EXE-602D, EXE-604C and EXE-605S Interpolations and DigitizingElectronics. Operating Instructions.

MH332 HEIDENHAIN ROD-450: Incremental Angle Encoder. Mounting and OperatingInstructions.

MH332A HEIDENHAIN ROD-520 and 620: Incremental Angle Encoder. Mounting andOperating Instructions.

MH332B HEIDENHAIN ME-101 and ME-102 Magnetic Tape Cassette Unit. OperatingInstructions.

MH332C HEIDENHAIN TNC Contouring Control: special hand book with Features andSpecifications for Machine Tool Manufacturers.

MH332D HEIDENHAIN ND-920, ND-960 and NDP-960 Position Display Units for millingMachines. User's Manual.

MH332DA HEIDENHAIN 5041 Digital Read-out: Operating Instructions. English,French and German Instructions.

MH332DB Service Manual (Data Interfaces) for Heidenhain Controllers (withmachine parameters): TNC 122, TNC 124, TNC 125, TNC 131/135, TNC 145, TNC150/151/155, TNC 246, TNC 2500, TNC 306, TNC 310, TNC 335, TNC 351/355, TNC360, TNC 370, TNC 406, TNC 407/415, TNC 410, TNC 425TNC 426/430, CNC 232 B, CNC234.xx and CNC 332

MH338 HEIDENREICH and HARBECK (part of the VDF Group) Dividing Tables. Vereinfachte Berechnung vonKegelradkorpern - fur eine normale Verzahnung mit 1167 m fubhohe und 90-degreeAchsenwinkel.

MH338A Heidenreich and Harbeck (part of the VDF Group) 18RO lathe (cover the same design butlarger 21RO and 24RO Models). Operator's Instruction & Basic MaintenanceManual with reproductions of the screwcutting and feed charts for metric,Whitworth, Modul & Diametral pitches. THIS EDITION IS IN GERMAN but alsoincluded is a complete copy of the larger manual in English that contains theexploded-components Parts Manual See MV170 for the manual in ENGLISH.

For other Heidenreich and Harbeck see VDF below.

MH339 HEISTEEL 3-Roll Pyramid Roller Type FIX Operation and Maintenance Manual with an electrical Schematic.

MH340 HELLER FH-120 Horizontal Milling machine. Operating Instructions. GERMANTEXT.

MH340A HELLER FV-120 Milling Vertical Machine. Operating and MaintenanceInstructions. Both English and German Editions are included.

MH340B HELLER FV-140 Milling machine Assembly Drawings and ElectricalSchematic. with useful Sectional Drawings and Illustrations of mechanicalassemblies.

MH340C HELLER LFK-160/2500V plano-milling machine. Operating and basicMaintenance Instructions. Includes a very large Electrical Schematic. AllEnglish text.

MH340D HELLER Circular Cold Saws Models SSH 500 to 800 (manual) and SSH 500A to800A (automatic). Operating Instructions, Care & Maintenance, Assembly ofHydraulics, fault Finding.

MH340E Heller KA 315 and KA 315M Automatic Cold Sawing machines. Operating Instructions.

MH340F Heller Crankshaft Milling Machine Type RFK 200/500/2, also listed in the manual as the BA2065. Detailed, Comprehensive Operating and Maintenance Manual with a set of Electrical Schematics.Includes a Service Manual for the Chemaperm Slide Conveyors Type 16.7 and 16.8; Operating and Maintenance Instructions for the Demag Microspeed and Brake Motor; Service and Maintenance Instructions for the High Pressure Filters Series Pi and data on the Seimens Time Switch.

MH350 Hembrug DR1 Precision Toolroom Lathe (Artillerie-Inrichtingen, Holland)Operation, Service and Illustrated Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawingsand an electrical schematic. Also includes a set of 25 sectional drawing -obviously from the blueprints but without the dimensions. English, Dutch andGerman Text.

MH350B HEMBRUG DR1 (Artillerie-Inrichtingen, Holland ) Operation and ServiceManual (DUTCH TEXT) Also includes a set of 25 sectional drawing - obviouslyfrom the blueprints but without the dimensions.Also included are thescrewcutting charts and two electrical schematics.

MH350C HEMBRUG ERGONOMIC "Hard Turning" High-precision lathe.Operation and Maintenance Manual with Parts as clear sectional drawings onlarge A3 sheets, Electrical Schematics and a reproduction of the ScrewcuttingCharts. English text.

MH360A HENDEY Lathes 1930 to 1944. Operator's Instruction Manual. A very highquality reproduction of the 5th edition of this excellent 88 page book containsa wealth of data about Hendey lathes from around 1920 to 1944. This edition isby far the best of all those produced during this period. Contains Cross-Sectional diagrams of thegeared headstocks. It can be ordered securely on-line here with payment by credit or debitcard or PayPal:

H237A Hendey Lathes: "Modern Engine Lathes". This is the bestpublication for getting to grips with the earlier Hendey Models. A beautifullyillustrated and comprehensive 67-page catalog-cum-handbook it shows thecomplete lathe range as it was in the early to mid 1920s showing both cone andgeared-head models and the complete accessory range of slide rests, capstanattachments, steadies, collets, tools, coolant equipment, chucks, taper-turningunits, the various electric drive systems and countershafts, etc. Includes afull range of screwcutting charts and how to calculate formulas, details of thelathes' constructional arrangements, full details of how to operate therelieving attachment and a number of useful sectional drawings. Thispublication is very much more complete than the small format edition issued byHendey as a "Handbook".

It can be ordered securely on-line here with payment by credit or debitcard or PayPal:

MH360 HENDEY Lathes 1920 and earlier Operator's Handbook. Extracted from thefull-range catalog-cum-handbook above (Code H237A) this shows the constructionand operation of the Company's lathes back to around 1910. Extensivescrewcutting charts and operation of accessories: taper turning, relieving,etc.

MH360A HENDEY Lathes post 1920 to 1944. Operator's Instruction Manual. A veryhigh quality reproduction of the 5th edition of this excellent 88 page bookcontains a wealth of data about Hendey lathes from around 1930 to 1944. Thisedition is by far the best of all those produced during this period. ContainsCross-Sectional diagrams of the geared headstocks.

MH360AA HENDEY Lathe Operator's Instruction Manual for the No.1 12-inch generalPurpose Lathe.

MH360B HENDEY Parts Book for the 12-speed and 18-speed geared-head lathes. (not a first-rate reproduction)

H36C HENDEY Catalogue 1903. Although not a Manual this wonderful 115 pagepublication - which illustrates all the machine tools made by Hendey - containsa wealth of useful information: Sectional Drawings, extensive English andMetric screwcutting charts and detailed engravings of aprons, gearboxes, etc.Many of the machines illustrated were current until around 1918. CLICK to seedetails of other Hendey publications.

MH113 COLCHESTER-HEPWORTH HYDRAULIC COPYING (TRACER) Attachments forSeries: 150, 300, 400, 450, 470, 472, 600 and 620 as fitted to Colchester, Harrisonand many other makes of lathe. A complete collection of all the literature everproduced for these models Operator's Instruction Manual and Spares as SectionalDrawings.

MH380AM HEPWORTH HYDRAULIC COPYING (TRACER) attachment as fitted to the ELLIOTTMILMOR Milling Machine. Operating Instructions and Parts List.

MH380B HEPWORTH Dial-Set Programme Control System for capstan Lathes.Operator's Manual with Electrical Schematics and Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings.

MH380C HEPWORTH Dial-Set Wiring Schedule for Ward 7DS Capstan lathe.

MH380D HEPWORTH 360-degree Automatic Tracer System for Hydraulic or Electric Drives. Detailed Handook with Operating Instructions and Basic Maintenance.

HERBERT Acme-Gridley - see under Acme Gridley

MH390 Herbert (Australia) "Home Workshop" Woodworking Machine. Operation Instructions.

MH400 HERBERT "TURRET LATHE WORK" a detailed and highly informativebook by the Herbert Factory concerning capstan and turret repetition lathes.Written to assist for Operator's and those who design and lay out tools for thistype of machine. This is Edition 5, the largest and most complete of theseries. 180 copiously illustrated pages.

MH400A HERBERT "TURRET LATHE TOOLING" - Herbert Turret and Capstan Lathe Tooling - Two comprehensive, well-illustrated and detailed editions - one early with 27 pages and the other late with 78 pages - showing every variety of tooling made for these lathes.

MH400DATA - Combined publication containing "Herbert Turret Lathe Work" and "Turret Lathe Tooling". All the data needed to run these manual production lathes. (saving on the individual prices)

MH400B HERBERT AIR-OPERATED EQUIPMENT for Capstan and Turret Lathes. SpareParts List

MH400Z HERBERT BATCHMATIC Lathe. Mechanical Maintenance Manual.

MH400Z/1 HERBERT BATCHMATIC Lathe. Circuit Diagrams Manual for machines withthe Mk. 1 CNC Control System.

MH400Z/2 HERBERT BATCHMATIC Lathe. Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MH402 HERBERT CARBIJUNIOR Copy-turning Lathe: Operator's Instruction Manual.

MH402A HERBERT older models: No. 1, 11, 13 and 19 Hexagon Turret Lathes.Operator's hand book.

MH404 HERBERT No.0 Electro-pneumatic Capstan Lathe: Operator's InstructionManual, Spare Parts Manual as Exploded Component drawings together with twoeditions of the Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MH404A HERBERT No.1 Capstan Lathe: Operator's Instruction Manual.

MH405B HERBERT No.1 Capstan Lathe: Illustrated Spares Parts Manual as ExplodedComponent Diagrams.

MH405C HERBERT No.1 Capstan Lathe (Built in India Model) Illustrated PartsManual.

MH406D HERBERT 1S and 2S Capstan Lathe Operator's Instruction Manual.

MH407 HERBERT AUTO LATHES "Production on Auto-lathes". A 36 page A4Booklet illustrating the No. 3A, 4, 5A, 5A-33, Auto-Junior lathes and showing avariety of typical set-ups that assist in determining the best application of the Auto lathe.

MH407A HERBERT AUTO-JUNIOR Mk.1 and Mk.2 Lathes Setting Manual.

MH407B HERBERT AUTO-JUNIOR Mk.1 and Mk.2 Lathes Spare Parts Manual as ExplodedComponent Drawings.

MH408 HERBERT 2 Preoptive Hexagon Turret Lathe: Operator's Hand book.

MH410 Herbert 2D Capstan Lathe: Herbert 2D Capstan Lathes: Operator'sInstruction Manual and Setting Manuals. Three editions are included to coverall versions: the final, fully revised and most comprehensive 6th for theoriginal machines with "rounded" styling and two for the late-typemodels with "angular" lines - one of these is the interimpublication, the other the final 8th edition covering from Serial Numbers:No.30/12743 (Standard) and 15/12622 (Long-bed). Contains a number of usefulsectional drawings, some dismantling and Maintenance instructions and bothearly and lathe Sales, Technical Specification & Accessories Catalogues

MH411A Herbert 2D Capstan Lathe: Spare Parts Manual. Detailed SectionalDrawings of the complete machine.

MH411C1 HERBERT 2D Auto Robot Capstan Lathe with Plug-board Control: Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MH411C2 HERBERT 2D Auto Robot Capstan Lathe with Plug-board Control: Spare PartsManual as Exploded Component Diagrams.

MH411C3 HERBERT 2D Auto Robot Capstan Lathe with Plug-board Control: ElectricalSystems Manual.

MH411C4 HERBERT 2D Auto Robot Capstan Lathe with Plug-board Control: 31Blueprints with electrical and mechanical layouts.

MH411C5 HERBERT 2D Auto Robot Capstan Lathe with Plug-board Control: Operator's(comprehensive) Manual.

MH411C6/MN625A HERBERT 2D fitted with NICKOLS AUTOMATICS (EMI) Controls.Detailed Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual for this single-spindleAuto lathe.


MH411EE HERBERT 2D Auto Robot Capstan Lathe 21 very large Electrical Schematicslabelled as: "Standard Bar Type", "Plug Board Wiring","Schematic for Standard bar", "Motor and Control PanelWiring", "Schematic Wiring" and "Standard Bar"

MH411F HERBERT 2S, 2Ss and 2D Capstan Lathes: Spare Parts Manual as ExplodedComponent Diagrams.

MH411G HERBERT 2S and 2B Capstan Lathes: Operator's Instruction Manual.

MH411H HERBERT 2 SENIOR MONOSLIDE LATHE: Operator's Instruction Manual with acopy of the maker's Sales, Accessories & Technical Specification Catalogue.

MH411J HERBERT 2 FLASHCAP LATHE: Operating and Setting Manual.

MH411JE HERBERT 2 Auto FLASHCAP LATHE: Electrical, Mechanical and SystemsManual. Includes large Electrical Schematics.

MH411JP HERBERT 2 Auto FLASHCAP LATHE: Spare Parts as Exploded ComponentDrawings.

MH411L HERBERT "2 PROGRAMAUTO" Lathe: Spares as Exploded ComponentDrawings.

MH411M HERBERT "2 PROGRAMAUTO" Lathe: Detailed Maintenance Manual.

MH411N HERBERT "2 PROGRAMAUTO" Lathe: Setting Manual.

MH411P HERBERT 2M and 3M Lathes. Operating and Setting Manual.

MH411Q HERBERT 2M and 3M Lathes. Spare Parts Manual as Exploded ComponentDrawings.

MH411R HERBERT 2M and 3M Lathes. Mechanical Systems hand book (Maintenance andRepair). English and German text.

MH411S HERBERT 2M and 3M Lathes. Electrical Systems Hand book.

MH411T All 4 Herbert 2M and 3M Manuals:

MH411Z HERBERT No. 2 QUADRA CHUCK. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MH414 HERBERT 3 CAPSTAN Lathe: Spares as Exploded Component Drawings.

MH414A HERBERT 3A Auto-lathe Mark 1: Maintenance Manual.

MH414B HERBERT 3A Auto-lathe Mark 2: Maintenance Manual.

MH414C HERBERT 3A Auto-lathe Mark 1 and 2: Spare Parts Manual as ExplodedComponent Diagrams.

MH414D HERBERT 3A Auto-lathe Mark 1 and 2: Spare Parts Manual as ExplodedComponent Diagrams.

MH414E HERBERT 3A AUTO Lathe Mk. 2: Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

MH416 HERBERT 4, 4B and 4C Capstan Lathe: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual. Includes 2 editions, early and late, covering all models.

MH416A HERBERT 4, 4B and 4BS Capstan Lathe: Parts Manual as Exploded ComponentDrawings (the Parts Manual for the Model 4 was changed from simple photographicplates to a fully drawn exploded-component edition in the 1960s). Full 115-pageedition including Power Chucks, hand and power bar-feed units.

MH416C HERBERT 4 SENIOR (and 4SE) Capstan Lathes with Dial-Change Headstock(identifiable by a 4-lever rotary speed control): Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MH416D HERBERT 4 SENIOR Capstan (and Monoslide Lathe) with Dial-ChangeHeadstock (identifiable by a 4-lever rotary speed control): Parts as ExplodedComponent Drawings.

MH416E HERBERT 4 Senior Capstan Lathe with Dial-change Headstock: Operator'sInstruction, Maintenance and Dismantling Manual. Full 116-page edition.

MH416F HERBERT 4 Senior Preoptive Monoslide Lathe: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual. Contains electrical diagrams for the electric 3-jaw chuckand bar-feed.

MH416G HERBERT 4 Senior Preoptive Capstan Lathe: Parts Manual as ExplodedComponent Drawings (full 180-page edition and a copy of the maker's detailed 12-page Sales, TechnicalSpecification & Accessories Catalogue.

MH416GE HERBERT 4 Senior Preoptive Capstan Lathe: Large Electrical schematic.

MH416H HERBERT 4 Auto-lathe: Maintenance Manual.

MH416J HERBERT 4 Auto-lathe: Spare Parts Manual as Exploded Component Pictures.

MH416K HERBERT 4 Auto-lathe: Operator's Instruction Manual.

MH416L HERBERT 4 AUTO JUNIOR: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MH416M HERBERT 4 FLASHCAP LATHE: Detailed Operator's and Maintenance Manualwith Sectional Drawings and Dismantling Instructions. 15 pages of Fold-outElectrical Schematics.

MH418D HERBERT 5 Senior PREOPTIVE Capstan lathes. Operating, Maintenance andSetting Manual (last edition with fuller details).

MH418E HERBERT 5 Senior PREOPTIVE Monoslide lathes. Operating, Maintenance andSetting Manual (last edition with fuller details).

MH418F HERBERT 5 Senior PREOPTIVE Capstan and 5 Senior PREOPTIVE Monoslidelathes. Spare Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings and Electrical Schematics (last edition withfuller details).

.MH418G HERBERT SENIOR Monoslide Lathes: Spares Parts Manual as ExplodedComponent Drawings.

MH418H HERBERT 5 PREOPTIVE HEPWORTH Mk 4 Dial Set Programme Sequence Control.Operator's Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MH418J HERBERT 5A Auto Lathe: Operator's Instruction Manual.

MH418K HERBERT 5A Auto Lathe: Setting Manual.

MH418L HERBERT 5A Auto Lathe: Maintenance Manual.

MH418M HERBERT 5A Auto Lathe: Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MH420 HERBERT 7B Combination Turret Lathe. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MH420A HERBERT 7B Preoptive Combination Turret Lathe. Operator's InstructionManual.

MH420B HERBERT 7 Combination Turret Lathe with dial-change headstock. PartsManual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MH420C HERBERT 7 Preoptive Combination Turret Lathe. Installation, Lubrication,Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual. 93 pages.

MH420D HERBERT 7 and 7B Preoptive Combination Turret Lathe. Parts Manual asDetailed Exploded Component Drawings. Full 182-page edition.

MH422A HERBERT 8 Preoptive Combination Turret Lathe: Installation, Lubrication,Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with a number of pages devoted todismantling instructions. Two editions are included, early and late, coveringall versions of the lathe.

MH422B HERBERT 8 Preoptive Combination Turret Lathe: Illustrated Parts Manual.

MH424 HERBERT 9B and 9B/30 Combination Turret Lathe and 9B Hexagon TurretLathe. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MH424A HERBERT 9B and 9B/30 Combination Turret Lathe and 9B Hexagon TurretLathe. Illustrated Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MH424B HERBERT 9C and 9C-30 Combination Turret Lathes and 9B Hexagon TurretLathe. Operator's Instruction Manual - full 63-page edition with an additional25-page Taper-Turning Manual.

MH424BP HERBERT 9C and 9C-30 Combination Turret Lathes and 9C Cross-sliding Turret Lathe Supplement. Parts Manual

MH424C HERBERT 9C and 9C-30 Combination Turret Lathes and 9B Hexagon TurretLathe. Illustrated Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MH424D HERBERT 9C, 9C-30 Copy-turning Attachment Operating Instructions.

MH424E HERBERT 9S Turret lathe. Spares Parts as Annotated Photographs.

MH424F HERBERT 12B Combination Turret Lathe. Operator's Handbook withMaintenance Instructions. Includes a copy of the maker's detailed Sales &Specification Catalogue.

MH424FX HERBERT 12B Cross-sliding Turret Lathe. Operator's Handbook withMaintenance Instructions.

MH424G HERBERT 14/36 CombinationTurret Lathe. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MH424H HERBERT 14/36 Combination Turret Lathe. Illustrated Parts Manual asExploded Component Drawings.

MH424J Herbert Herbert AL20, AL30& AL40 CNC Lathes. Detailed Service Manual. Includes Fault-findingElectrical Schematics, a list of Parametrs for the A30 and a copy of the MarkCentury 1050HLX Control Manual with the title ""Operating theControl".

MH424K HERBERT 7, 9, 20 and 21 Combination Turret Lathes. Operator's Manual.


MH426 HERBERT Single Spindle Automatic No. 48. Spare Parts Manual asSectional Drawings.

MH426A HERBERT Single Spindle Automatic Lathe "Attachments Parts Manual"with Sectional Drawings of all the Accessories.

MH426B HERBERT Single Spindle Automatic Lathes, Toolholders and Special Attachments. Complete listing and illustration of all the tooling and accessories for the Herbert - BSA Automatic Lathes.

MH426C HERBERT (also badged as a BSA) 48 Phase 2 Single Spindle Automatic Lathe. Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MH426CP HERBERT (also badged as a BSA) 48 Phase 2 Single Spindle Automatic Lathe. Operation and Service Manual

MH428 HERBERT "Prematic" Diehead Operator's Instruction Manual.Stationary and Rotating Models with Parts as Component Pictures.

MH428A HERBERT HUSKY TAILSTOCKS. Operator's Instruction Manual

MH430-10 HERBERT No.10 Vertical Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual with an Electrical Schematic.

MH430 HERBERT 46 Vertical Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MH430C HERBERT 47 and 47V Vertical Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MH430D HERBERT 47 and 47V Vertical Milling Machine. Spare Parts as IndividualComponent Photographs.

MH430-49 HERBERT 49V Vertical Millings Machine. Operation Manual.

MH430E HERBERT 15S Vertical Milling Machine Operator's Instruction Manual.

MH430F HERBERT OV Vertical MillingMachine. Operator's Instruction Manual and Parts as Exploded ComponentDrawings.

MH430G HERBERT 28A Vertical Milling Machine. Spare Parts Manual as usefulExploded Component Drawings.

MH430H HERBERT "WALTEC"PROGRAMME-CONTROLLED PRODUCTION MILLING MACHINE Types H, LV, H/RF and LV/RF.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with a General ArrangementDrawings.

MH430J HERBERT No.2 Simplimil Horizontal Milling Machine. Operation Manual.

MH430K HERBERT No.3 ND Horizontal Milling Machine. Operation Manual.

For HERBERT DeVlieg see also DeVlieg above

MH432-MD379A HERBERT/DeVLIEG No. 3H-48, 3H-60, 3H-72, 43H etc. SPIRAMATICJIGMIL (Covers all 3H versions. Installation, Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MH432A/MD379B Herbert/DeVLIEG No. 3H, 43H and 4H Installation and Parts Manualas detailed Sectional Drawings with a detailed, multi-page wiring diagram. Thepages have been scanned at very high resolution, enlraged for perfect clarityand spread over 389 sheets.

MH432B/MD379 HERBERT/DeVLIEG 2B, 3B and 4B SPIRAMATIC JIGMILs. In order tocover all the models this publication is made up of several editions includingthose for the 2B, 3B, 4B, etc. in various capacities and length capacities.Installation, Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual together with aParts Manual as detailed Sectional Drawings. Electrical Diagrams and sampleInspection and Tolerances Test Results Sheets. This is a complete Data Packcontaining all known publications for the DeVlieg Type B. 370 pages.

MH432C-MD379B(X) Herbert/DeVLIEG JIGMIL Model B: Operator's Instructions withParts as fold-out Blueprints and 3 large Electrical Schematics.

MH432C-MD379D DeVLIEG K Series JIGMILS - covers all K types. e.g. 3K-72, 3K-60,4K-72, 5K-72, etc, where the first number is the spindle diameter and thesecond the table length. Installation, Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Electrical Diagrams.

MH432D/MD379E Herbert/DeVLIEG 4K Series JIGMIL - Parts manual as Detailedsectional drawings. In addition to the major parts it also includes sections onHydraulic Schematics, Bar-feed Unit, Electric Controls, Spindle Head ElevatingUnits and the Feed Unit, Table Unit, Saddle Unit and Coolant Unit.

MH434 HERBERT DRILLS Types C, V and M and "V Senior" (single andmulti-set drills) Operator's Instruction Manual - Final most-complete edition.

MH434A HERBERT DRILLS Types C, V and M and "V senior" Spare PartsManual as Exploded Component Diagrams. Final, most-complete Edition.

MH434B HERBERT DRILLS Types B, H, J and "V Junior" (precision benchlarge and small, precision column and multi-head units): Spare Parts Manual asPhotographs.

MH434C HERBERT DRILLING MACHINE TURRET-TYPE: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MH434d HERBERT DRILLING MACHINE TURRET-TYPE: Spare Parts Manual explodedcomponent drawings.

MH434E HERBERT 6AT AUTO-TURRET DRILL Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

MH434F HERBERT 6AT AUTO-TURRET DRILL Control System Manual. .

MH434G HERBERT Type L Drilling Machine. Spare Parts as Exploded ComponentDrawings with Wiring Diagram. .

MH434G HERBERT CO-ORDATROL Automatic Turret Drilling Machine. Spare Parts asExploded Component Drawings. .

MH436 HERBERT-BSA Turning Centre Thyristor Controller. Detailed Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual

MH436A HERBERT "Co-ordatrol" Automatic Turret Drilling Machine: SpareParts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MH436B HERBERT (Coventry) DIE HEADS. See entry under "Coventry" above- -

MH436C HERBERT (Coventry) TANGENTIAL CHASERS Some Notes on their Use andMaintenance. Cutting Action. Thread, Lead, Rake and Helix Angles. GrindingInstructions. Cutting Speed. Cutting Lubricant.

MH436D HERBERT Tangel and Tangar Dieheads. Detailed Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

MH438 HERBERT Collets, Feed Collets and Conical Holders for Herbert CapstanLathes. Illustrated and dimensioned Parts Manual.

MH440 HERBERT FlashTapper No. 2 Operator's Instruction Manual.

MH440A HERBERT FlashTapper Spare Parts Manual with Exploded Parts Assemblies.

MH440B HERBERT 'SAFTAP' Safety Tapper. Instruction Manual and Parts asSectional Drawings.

MH440C HERBERT S.10 Thread Rolling Machine. Instruction and Maintenance Manualand Parts as Sectional Drawings.


MH443A HERBERT SENTINEL CRI-DAN Type B High-SPEED THREADING MACHINE Type: SpareParts Manual as Exploded Component Diagrams.



MH443C HERBERT SENTINEL CRI-DAN Type E High-SPEED THREADING MACHINE InstructionManual. For some unknown reason this model had a rather perfunctory, 20-pagemanual so, included with it, is a copy of the comprehensive CRI-DAN Type Bmanual that gives lots of useful extra information.

MH443D HERBERT SENTINEL CRI-DAN Type E High-SPEED THREADING MACHINE Parts Manual.Not a very good copy.

MH443E HERBERT SENTINEL CRI-DAN Type TT-260 High-SPEED THREADING MACHINEInstruction Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MH443F HES (HERBERT) SENTINEL CRI-DAN Type H.E.S. High-SPEED THREADING MACHINEParts Manual as detailed Sectional Drawings.

MS575 Herbert-Smallpeice No. 6 SL Production Lathe. Operator's InstructionManual and Maintenance Guide.

MS575A Herbert-Smallpeice) No. 6 Multi-cut Production Lathe. Operator'sInstruction Manual and Maintenance Guide.

MS575B Herbert-Smallpeice) No. 6 Multi-cut Production Lathe. Parts Manual asExploded Component Drawings.

MS575C Herbert Junior Surface Grinder Parts Manual as exploded componentdrawings.


HERBERT MILLS - See under Mills Presses

MH560 HERCULES Power Presses. Installation, Maintenance and OperatingInstructions and Spare Parts as Drawings. Covers Models T.20, T.30. T. 40,T.60, T.100, T.129 and T.180.

HM570 Hercus Lathe Manual. By far the best Manual for this lathe is the oneproduced by Denford Tools for their original Boxford lathe - itself a copy(like the Hercus) of the USA South Bend. A few mechanical details are differentbut the operating procedures are identical. This publication is the completeand far-better early edition with lots of extra data about the 4.5-inch centreheight model. Includes material missing from the original including a HercusParts Manual, extra screwcutting data, pictures of the original charts fixed tothe lathes and the original configuration of changewheel set-ups for all Hercusmodels including the different arrangements of the later machines. Alsoincluded are interesting early and late Hercus Sales and SpecificationCatalogues.

HM570A "Hercus Textbook of Turning". Covers, in detail, use of the9-inch South Bend clone.

HM570B Hercus Illustrated Parts Manual. Early Models.

HM570C Hercus Illustrated Parts manual. Lathe Model Type 260 (includes bothearly and late editions).

HM570Z Hercus No. 0 Horizontal Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with some useful sectional drawings, Circuit Diagrams,Dividing Head Charts and a copy of the maker's Technical Specification, Salesand Accessories catalogue.

MH575 HERLAN P5 Horizontal Toggle Press. Operating Instructions with a numberof useful, large sectional drawings.

MH575A HERLAN P3 "FließPresse". Parts Manual. English, German and French Text.

MH570 HERLESS (Shun Shin) Lathes Models 11CF, 11CFK, 16CF and 16CFK. Operation,Maintenance and Parts Manual. Includes an Electrical Schematic.

MH580 HERMLE FW-801 and FU-801 HORIZONTAL Milling Machines and Accessories.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with parts manual as SectionalDrawings.

MH580A HERMLE 801 Universal Precision Toolroom Milling Machine with Ram Head(the Deckel-like model). Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withParts Manual as Sectional Drawings. FRENCH TEXT.

MH580B HERMLE 801 PH Universal Precision Toolroom Milling Machine with NC Control using the Heidenhain LS 803, LS 803D and LS 903 Systems.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings, the correct heidenhain manual and full instructions as to the use of the NC control system

HERNES - See "New Hermes"


MH590 HEY No. 3 Automatic Facing and Centring Machine: Operator's InstructionManual. Includes a copy of the Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MH590A HEY No. 3 Automatic Facing and Centring Machine: Equipment for ShortWork - Supplementary publication.

MH590B HEY No. 3 Automatic Facing and Centring Machine: Manual of StandardTooling to inch Standard with detailed illustrations.

MH590C All 3 of the above Hey No. 3 Manuals

MH590D HEY 10-inch Gear Tooth Rounding and Chamfering Machine. Operating andMaintenance Manual.

MH590E HEY 20-inch Gear Tooth Rounding and Chamfering Machine. Operator'sInstruction Manual; two Manuals in one.

MH590F HEY 18A Gear Burring Machine. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

MH600 HEYLIGENSTAEDT - a description of the company's copy milling machines andhow they operate.

MH602 H and H SPOT WELDERS. Operating and Maintenance Instructions.

MH305 HIBASS (Astro Technology) M90 OptoScan Guarding Systems. User's Manual.

MH305A HIBASS (Astro Technology) M-20A OptoScan Guarding Systems. User's Manual.

MH400ZZ HICK Blowers (Hick Hargreaves) 2000 and California Series Operator'sInstruction, Repair and Maintenance Manual

MH500 Hiller & Lutz SSP125 Friction Screw Press with Electro PneumaticHydraulic Control. Working Instructions and List of Spare Parts. IncludesElectrical and Pneumatic/Hydraulic Schematics.

MH607 HILGER and WATTS Micrometer Angle Dekker Mk. 111. Instruction Manual.Includes a copy of the Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MH607A HILGER and WATTS Inspection Enlarger Type TT288 Instruction Manual.

MH612 HILMOR DB401 & DB402 Semi-automatic CNC Tube Bender. OperationManual.

MH615 HINDUSTAN No. 2 Millingmachine Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual andSectional Drawings.

MH615A HINDUSTAN FN2 Vertical Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts Manual as fold-out Sectional Drawings.

MH615B HINDUSTAN M2U Milling Machine. Working Instructions.

MH618 HIRST Spot Welding JV10, JV25 and JV50. Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

MH620EE Hitachi E Series Module Type EM Programmable Control System. Operation Manual.

MH620 HITACHI SEIKI No. 2 ML Milling Machine - Horizontal, Vertical andUniversal Models: Operator's Instruction Manual.

MH620 HITACHI SEIKI MS Knee Type Milling Machine (Plain, Universal andVertical). Comprehensive Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withParts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MH620A HITACHI SEIKI Model K Milling Machine: Operator's Instruction Manual

MH620B HITACHI SEIKI 3NE-300 Turning Centre: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Hydraulic Schematic (but not electric).

MH620BC HITACHI SEIKI 3NE-300 CNC Turning Centre. Mechanical Maintenance -Detailed Course Manual.

MH620BC HITACHI SEIKI 3NE-300 F-S6T Model B CNC Turning Centre. ElectricalDiagrams - Maker's copy but poor reproduction..

MH620D HITACHI SEIKI 3NE-300 Turning Centre: Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings.

MH620E HITACHI SEIKI 3NE-300 Turning Centre: Programming Manual (with FANUCSystem 6T-B).

MH620C HITACHI SEIKI 3NE-300A Turning Centre: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Hydraulic Schematic (but not electric).

MH620G HITACHI SEIKI 4NE-600(2) Turning Centre: Programming Manual (with FANUCSystem 6T-B).

MH620F HITACHI SEIKI 4NE-600(2) Turning Centre: Operator's Instruction Manual(with FANUC System 6T-B).

MH620H HITACHI SEIKI 4NE-600 Turning Centre: Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings.

MH620H2 HITACHI SEIKI 4NE-2-600 & 4NE-2-2100 Turning Centre: Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings.

MH620J HITACHI SEIKI 4NE Wiring Diagram Manual with Software Sequence Diagrams.

MH620K HITACHI SEIKI 4NF-600 Turning Centre: Operator's Instruction Manual(with FANUC System 6T-B).

MH620L HITACHI SEIKI 5NE-1100 Turning Centre: Operator's Instruction Manual.

MH620LP HITACHI SEIKI NE/NF C.N.C. LATHES: Programmer's Manual.

MH620P HITACHI SEIKI SEICOS Mk. 2 Programming Manual.

MH320Q HITACHI SEIKI GTF-A2 Face Cutter Grinder. Detailed Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MH620R HITACHI SEIKI GTF-A2 Face Cutter Grinder. Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings.

MH620S HITACHI SEIKI HG400/3 HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTRE. Parts List asExploded Component Drawings.

MH620SE HITACHI SEIKI HG400/3 CE Electrical Drawings.

MH620Y HITACHI SEIKI HG-43500. Parameter Lists for FANUC Series 16i-M Model A.

MH620ST HITACHI SEIKI Tool Length Measuring Device for Machining Centres.Instruction Manual. Measures the length of the tool automatically on themachine with the result used as an input into the tool-compensationmechanism.

MH620T HITACHI SEIKI HT20-S2 Model NR20 NC Lathe. Parts List as SectionalDrawings.

MH620U HITACHI SEIKI HT20/23R11 Turning Centre. Instruction Manual.

MH620V HITACHI SEIKI HT20/23R11 Turning Centre. Sequence Diagrams SEICOSLY05/30.

MH620W HITACHI SEIKI HT20/23R Electrical Diagrams SEICOS LY05/30

MH620X HITACHI SEIKI Auto-Setter and Tool Breakage Detector for NCC Lathe(Seicos LX3/L Multi) Instruction Manual.

MH621EE HITACHI SEIKI HITEC-TURN 20, 25 Electrical Schematics Manual for FANUC10TF,A and FANUC Sequencer PC-1.

MH621A HITACHI SEIKI NK20 Lathe. Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MH621B HITACHI SEIKI MINIMATIC 500 Machining Centre. Parts Manual as usefulfold-out Sectional Drawings.

MH621B/MS508 Hitachi SEIKI Milling Machine Model G/V-2000 and 837. Instruction Manualand Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings (also marketed as the BUFFALO andMICROCUT 837).

MH621C Hitachi Seiki MULTI INTERACTIVE Computer-control SYSTEM Operator'sInstructions.
MH621D HITACHI SEIKI Hitec Turn 20/20-600/25 NC Lathe Operation Manual (withConversational Fanuc 10TE-F)

MH621E HITACHI SEIKI HG63011 (HG630-2) Horizontal Machining Centre. PartsManual as Exploded-component Drawings.

MH621F HITACHI SEIKI VA30, VA40 and VA50 Vertical Machining Centre. PartsManual as clear Sectional Drawings

MH621G HITACHI SEIKI VA Machining Centre with Fanuc System 6M Operator'sManual.

MH621H HITACHI SEIKI HITEC-TURN CNC Lathe. Operator's Instruction Manual (withFANUC 3T-F).

MH621J HITACHI SEIKI HITEC-TURN CNC Lathe. Programming Manual for FANUC 3T-F.

MH621K HITACHI SEIKI HITEC-TURN CNC Lathe. Programming Manual for FANUC 10T-E

MH621L HITACHI SEIKI VM500 Spares Parts Manual as very useful and clear Exploded Component Drawings. English, French, German and Japanese Text.

MH640 Hi-Ton Hydraulic Presses 2 to 12 tons, 20 tons and 30 tons. InstructionManual with general Maintenance, removing pump units, replacing ball valves,oil pressure adjustment, cylinder assembly, power ejection equipment, straighteningequipment, etc.

HME and HME-BENTLEY - also see entry under BENTLEY above

MH650 HME (Horden, Mason & Edwards) O.P. Range Power Presses 20, 30, 40, 55, 75 and 100 tons. ServiceManual with Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MH650A HME (Horden, Mason & Edwards) OH Power Presses. Service and Maintenance for the "OH"type of friction Clutch and Brake.

MH650B HME (Horden, Mason & Edwards) RIGIDSPEED PRESS - 45, 70 and 100 tons. Service manual and PartsList with large electrical schematic.

MH650BCC HME (Horden, Mason & Edwards) FRICTION CLUTCH Service, Adjustment and Parts Manual - the clutch as fitted to the OP range of Power Presses.

HMT - see under HINDUSTAN

MH660 HORSTMANN Rotary Tables Type R100MP (EL19/1/-). Operation and Maintenance Manual with wiring diagram (and PNC Interface Connections), Air-Hydraulic Circuit Diagram.

MH725 HULTSFREDS (AB Hultsfreds Mekaniska Verkstad Sweden)Type AV Horizontal Boring Machines : Set-up and Maintenance Manual with Parts as detailed SectionalDrawings. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification catalogue.

MH728 HOBBIES "Companion" and "Hobbies" Lathes with Fretsawand Circular Saw Attachments. Assembly, Set and Fix Instructions withIllustrated Parts List. 5 Pages.

MH730A HOBBYMAT MD65 Lathe: Operating Manual, Maintenance Manual,Exploded-components Spares List and Wiring Diagram. Includes copies of theoriginal Sales and Specification catalogues for the lathe and powered millingattachment.

MH730B HOBBYMAT BFE65 Milling and Drilling Attachment (geared-head type):Operating Manual, Maintenance Manual, Exploded-components Spares List andWiring Diagram. Includes copies of the original Sales and Specificationcatalogues for the lathe and powered milling attachment.

MH730C HOBBYMAT MD120 and MD150 WOOD-TURNING LATHES: Operating Manual andIllustrated Spares List. Includes a copy of the original Sales andSpecification catalogues.

MH730D HOBBYMATWOOD-TURNING LATHE Special 4-jaw chuck by DHW. Operator'sInstruction Manual in German but with useful Sectional and illustrativeDrawings

MH733 HOBROUGH Surface Grinder. Basic Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceInstructions with Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MH733 HOBROUGH Surface Grinder Instruction and Maintenance Instructions withParts as Sectional Drawings. The Hobrough was a copy of the American ROBOTgrinder and very similar to the Brown & Sharpe 2B. In case it helps, theparts manual for that Smart & Brown is included as well.

HOBSON - Taylor Hobson Engravers - see under TAYLOR HOBSON

MH735 HOFMANN Dividing Heads. Instructions and Comprehensive Charts and Tablesfor the operation of the Type "UTH" (with division plates and gears)and the R, RI, RD, RDI Models.

MH735A HOFMANN Dividing Heads. Instructions Charts and Tables for the operationof the Type "HTH"

MH735B HOFMANN Electronic Dynamic Balancer Type SW-M. Working instructions.

MH735C Hofmann Precision Balancing Scales Type GS and NG. Operating Instructions.

MH740AA Holbrook Model B No. 10 lathe. operator's Manual

MH740 HOLBROOK Model B No. 13, No. 17 and No.21 Toolroom Lathes: Operator'sInstruction Manuals plus Lubrication data, screwcutting charts and electricaldiagrams. Includes a comprehensive Technical Sales and Specification andAccessories Catalogue that clearly explains the machine's functions andcapabilities.

MH740A HOLBROOK Model C Lathes: Operator's Instruction Manuals plus detailedscrewcutting charts and electrical diagram. Includes a comprehensive TechnicalSales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue that clearly explains themachine's functions and capabilities.

MH740C HOLBROOK Model D Nos. 13, 15 and 18 Toolroom Lathe (covers all the ModelD lathes and the differences between them): Operator's Instruction Manuals.Individual publications bound as one plus the comprehensive Technical Sales andSpecification and Accessories Catalogue.

MH740DR HOLBROOK Model D Lathe Relieving Attachment Instructions.

MH740E HOLBROOK Model H Lathes (all versions) Detailed and well illustrated120-page Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual. Revised Second Editionwith electrical schematic.

MH740F HOLBROOK Model H-20 Lathe Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MH740G HOLBROOK Model H-20 Lathes Operator's Instructions with Oiling Chart.

MH740H HOLBROOK Model 10B (modern-style lathe from the 1970s and 1980s)Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MH740J HOLBROOK MINOR Lathe. Comprehensive Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics.

MH750 HOLMAN Drill Sharpener Model "DBH" Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Instructions.

MH765 HOLROYD No. 3 Profile Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MH765A HOLROYD 6-inch Oil Grooving Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MH765B HOLROYD Twist Drill Fluting and Relieving Machine. Operator's Hand book.

MH765C HOLROYD CS-380 Form Cutter Sharpening Machine. Operating Instructions.

MH765D HOLROYD 5A Automatic Pump Rotor Milling Machine. Operating andMaintenance Instructions.

MH765E HOLROYD Automatic Rack Cutting Machine. Operating Instructions.

MH765F HOLROYD T160 Short Thread Milling Machine. Operating Instructions with an Electrical Schematic.

MH780 HOMMEL UWG1 Universal Machine Tool. Comprehensive, very high resolutionscan of the 150-page, beautifully Illustrated Instruction Manual for thisincredible, multi-purpose machine tool. English, French, German and Italiantext.

MH780A HOMMEL UWG2 Universal Machine Tool. Comprehensive, 217-page InstructionManual for this incredible, multi-purpose machine tool. English or German Text.

MH861 HORDERN, MASON and EDWARDS K Type Knuckle Joint Presses. Service Manualand Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings. Includes Electrical Schematics.

MC156A HORDERN, MASON and EDWARDS (HME and Cincinnati) GP and GH Open FrontPower Presses. Combined Operator's Instruction Manual, Service Manual and PartsManual as detailed Sectional Drawings. Includes Electrical and HydraulicSchematics. (see also HME-Bentley entry)

MC156B HORDERN, MASON and EDWARDS (HME and Cincinnati) OP Type PRESSES: ServiceManual and Parts Manual as detailed Sectional Drawings

MC156C HORDERN, MASON and EDWARDS (HME and Cincinnati) G Series Open Frent Power Presses. Service Manual and Parts asA3-size, pristine Sectional Drawings. Includes abd Electrical Schematic.

MH790 HORNAMILL Milling Attachments. A Data Pack consisting of: OperatingInstructions for the 3-way Lathe Attachment, Catalogue for the 3-way MillingAttachment, Powered Milling Attachment to Convert Horizontal Milling Machinesinto a Vertical Miller. 13 pages.

MH861 HORDEN, MASON and EDWARDS Models "K" Knuckle Joint Presses.Service Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings. IncludesElectrical Schematics.

HORDEN, MASON and EDWARDS Presses - bought by Cincinnati listings can be foundunder that name and HME and HME-Bentley

MH862 HORSMAN COPMATIK 13/4" Automatic Capstan Lathe. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics.

MB920E HOUDAILLE Strippit Super 30/30 Hole Punching & Notching machine.Operation & Maintenance Manual with an electrical schematic and a copy ofthe Fabricator Tooling Catalogue.

MH863 HUAN (Lin Huan) TL-20, TL-25,TL-32 and TL-42 Turret Lathes. Operator's Instruction Instructions andMaintenance with Parts as Sectional and Exploded-component drawings. Includedan electrical Schematic.

MH864 HUELLER Hubomat BA Miller. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual. 6

MH864A HUELLER-BSA Electrically Operated Tapping Machines: OperatingInstructions with Sectional Drawings.

MH864B HUELLER "Ultromat" TAPPING MACHINES UG1, UG2, UG3, UG4 andUG5 (Hahn and Klob): Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withElectrical Schematics.

MH864C HUELLER "Ultromat" TAPPING MACHINES UG8, UG20 and UG36 (Hahnand Klob): Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts asSectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics.

MH866 HUFFORD "Model 50" 50-Ton Stretch-Wrap Forming machine.Operator's Instruction and Service Manual.

MH867 Humpage, Thompson and Hardy: Gear Hobbing Sales and Specification Folder,which includes basic Operating Manual.

MH870 HUMPHRIS EP.10 Endwheel Press. Operating and Maintenance Hand book andParts manual as Exploded-component Drawings.

MH870A HUMPHRIS CP25 25 Ton Press. Electrical Schematic, GeneralArrangement Blue Print (sectioned), Tooling Blue Print and lubricationrecommendations.

MH870B HUMPHRIS OC10 10-ton Hydraulic Press. Operation Handbook

MH870Z Humphreys Magnetic Chucks and Demagnetisers. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Instructions.

MH872 HUNT Drill Grinders Models DG100, DG23, DG2A, DG3S, DG3A, DG50 &DG100. Operator's Instruction and Parts Manuals - includes detailed Sales andSpecification Catalogues. These instructions apply to all types and sizes of"Hunt patent" drill grinder.

MH874 HURCO BMC-20 NC Comprehensive Machining Centre. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Diagrams and ElectricalSchematics.

MH874A HURCO BMC-30 NC Comprehensive Machining Centre. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Diagrams and ElectricalSchematics.

MH874B HURCO MB-1 3-axis CNC Machining Centre: Operator's Instructions.

MH874C HURCO MB-1 3-axis CNC Machining Centre: Comprehensive Maintenance Manualwith Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MH874D HURCO KMB-1m 3-Axis Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MH874D2 HURCO KMB-1 3-Axis Milling Machine. Comprehensive Installation,Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manual

MH874E HURCO "Using the Calculation Assist Software" and"Special Executive with Conventional CNC".

MH874F HURCO Hawk 5M Knee-type Milling Machine. Data Pack consisting of:
Machine Maintenance Manual
Ultimax Programmig Instruction Manual
Ultimax 3 Operator's Manual for single and Dual Screen Control
Ultimax 3 Operator's Manual Standard Version
Training Manual for Conversational Part Programming (Rotary) for Ultimax Controls
Wiring Diagrams Manual with Electrical Parts Listings. 1550 pages.

MH876 HURON (Leon Hure) Type LU Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual for the main machine and the accessories including:Universal Heads, powered rotary tables, milling heads, dividing heads and witha Parts Manual as Exploded Components Diagrams.

MH876A HURON (Leon Hure) Type K, KM and KU Milling Machines - all Models:Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual for the main machine and theaccessories including: powered rotary tables, milling heads, dividing heads andwith a Parts Manual as Exploded Components Diagrams.

MH876C HURON (Leon Hure) Type N (NU and MU Series) Milling Machines:Comprehensive 225-page Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual for themain machine and the accessories including: powered rotary tables, millingheads, dividing heads and with a Parts Manual as Exploded Components Diagrams.Includes a copy of the 33-page Sales and Specification and AccessoriesCatalogue.

MH876-NC HURON NU150 Numerical Controlled Milling Machine. A Data Pack thatappears to have been supplied with a new machine. Includes: Inspection Chart,Foundation Plan and Dimension Chart,Installation, Technical Features, PendantControls, Measurement Feedback, Heidenhain LS Incremental Linear TransducerManual, Heidenhain ROD 450 Incremental Encoder Manual. Indramat Servo System,Permanent Magnet Direct-current Servo Drives Series MDC10, 3-axes Single-phaseThristor Control Amplifierand Modular Structured Two-pulse Control UnitManuals, Electrical Diagrams,Drive System Drawings, Lubrication Instructionsand a Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MHMU355 HURON MU355 Instruction & Maintenance Manual.

MH876D/H821 HURON MILLING MACHINES: Wonderful 158-page Catalogue showing thefull range of millers and Accessories as current through the 1950s to 1970s.Models include: "N", "M", "NU", "MU","MVC", "MVCAO", "MVP", "MVPCNP","MVPCNC", "MVGVCNP", "MVGVCNC", "MH","MVR", "MUR", "MUCNP", "MUCNC","MHCNP", "MHCNC", "MHR", "LR","2-LUR", "L", "P", "PU","PUCNP", "PUCNC", "R" and "RU". Manyexplanatory drawings accompany each entry and there are copious photographs andexplanations of difficult and complex jobs being set up and machined. Completedetails are given of the many heads: universal, right-angle, sensitivedrilling, extension, production, sliding, sliding spindle, automatic-feed andslotting heads - as well as all the other many attachments and options.

MH876E/H821A HURON MILLING MACHINES: Wonderful 100-page Catalogue showing thefull range of millers and Accessories as current through the 1940s to 1950s.machines include: "K", "KU", "KVC", KVCAO","KVP", "KH", "KVR", "KUR", "KHR","LR", 2-LUR", and "L". Many explanatory drawingsaccompany each entry and there are copious photographs and explanations ofdifficult and complex jobs being set up and machined. Complete details aregiven of the many heads: universal, right-angle, sensitive drilling, extension,production, sliding, sliding spindle, automatic-feed and slotting heads - aswell as all the other many attachments and options.

MH876F HURON "Dossier Technique Electrique Machine" Circuit Diagramset market for "Machine DX".

MH876G HURON Conseils Pratiques pour l'utilisation des Machines a FraiserUniverselles P. Hure A broche Orientable Type42c (1950s). 177 pages.

MH876X Huron 230 Lathe (Danish Machine Tool Co.) Operating Instructions with anelectrical schematic. DANISH TEXT.

MH880 HURTH AMT4 AutomaticMulti-spindle Indexing Head. Operator's Instruction and Adjustment Manual.

MH880A HURTH KF32a Milling Machine Automatic type. Detailed Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual (with full cycle control instructions) andElectrical and Hydraulic Schematics.

MH880B HURTH LES1 Automatic Loading Equipment. Electric data Sheets.

MH880C HURTH lF4 VERTICAL KEYWAY and SLOT MILLING MACHINE. Detailed Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Large Electrical Schematics and a copyof the Specification and Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MH880D HURTH lF32a Automatic keyway Miller. Detailed Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical and Hydraulic Schematics and a copy of theSpecification and Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MH880E HURTH Type SRS400 Gear Shaving Cutter Grinder. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics.

MH880F HURTH Type SRS400 Gear Shaving Cutter Grinder. Spare Parts Manual asPhotographs.

MH880G HURTH Type ZK-5 (ZK5) Gear Tooth Chamfering & Deburring Machine.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MH880G2 HURTH Type ZK-10 Gear Tooth Chamfering & Deburring Machine.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MH880H HURTH Type FSA2 CutterGrinding Attachment. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MH880J HURTH Type LES1 Multi-purpose Loading Equipment. Electrical Data Sheets.

MH880K HURTH RV355 Power Feed Circular table. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MN300DP/MH380D HURTH Multi-purpose Loading Equipment Type LES1 as fitted to NewBritan Model 88 lathe. Electric Data Sheets.

MH880L HURTH V10A vertical Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with electrical schematic.

MH880M HURTH Automatic Indexing Head and Multi-head Indexing Heads AT4 and AMT4 Operator's instructions with some useful sectional drawings.

MH881 HUVEMA (?) Turret Milling Machine HU-24-EVS. Operation & MaintenanceManual with Parts as Exploded Component drawings. (the maker or brand isuncertain but the model type correct)

MH882 HYBCO 2100 Series Cutter Grinder ("Two-way Relieving Fixture2100"). Instruction Manual.

MH882X HYDRAFEED Multifeed 3-80 Short Mazazine Bar Feed. Operator's Manual, Mazak Lathe Users Only.

MH883 HYDRAULIC DIE FORMING. An Explanatory Manual.

MH884 HYDRO NC540 Detailed Mechanical, Service and Maintenance with Parts asExploded Component Drawings and Electrical Schematics.

MH885 HYDROFLOW 20-22-520 Centrifuge and Scavenge and Direct Drive Centrifuges.Detailed Manual with Electrical Schematics.

MH886 HYDROPOWER 390 Lathe. Set of nine large electrical schematics.

MH886A HYDROPOWER 430 Lathe. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MH888 HYDRO-BLOCK Distribution Valve and Lubrication Systems. MaintenanceManual.

MH900 HYDROVANE COMPRESSORS by BULLOWS - if you machine is not listed below amanual may still be available: Phone 01298-871633
Most Hydrovane Literature is in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian

MH900E Early Hydrovane Compressors including: R900, R1800, SR1800, R4000,R6000, R8000 and R10000 Series (e.g. SR4508, R6308, etc). Detailed Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Photographic Platesand sectional Drawings. Includes Electrical Schematics.

MH900A Hydrovane 3 Series Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withElectrical Schematics and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings (H.C).

MH900B Hydrovane 5 Series Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withElectrical Schematics and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MH900BX Hydrovane 5/15 Series Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Electrical Schematics and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings. TwoEditions are included, the early and the late.

MH900C HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors 5, 15 and 20. Operator's Instruction,Maintenance and Parts Manual as Exploded-component Pictures.

MH900D HYDROVANE Rotary Compressor 6 Series, 6PU and 6PUA. Operator'sInstruction, Maintenance and Parts Manual as Exploded-component Pictures.

MH900E HYDROVANE Rotary Compressor 6PUM, 6PUH and 6PUMR. Operator's Instruction,Maintenance and Parts Manual as Exploded-component Pictures.

MH900F HYDROVANE Rotary Compressor 7 Series 37-47. Operator's Instruction,Maintenance and Parts Manual as Exploded-component Pictures.

MH900G HYDROVANE Rotary Compressor 8 Series all Types. Operator's Instruction,Maintenance and Parts Manual as Exploded-component Pictures and ElectricalSchematics.

MH900H HYDROVANE Rotary Compressor 9 Series 955-975 Air Centres. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MH900/9PU HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors 9PU and 18PU. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MH900J HYDROVANE Rotary Compressor 12/6. Operator's Instruction and Maintenanceand Parts Manual as Exploded-component Pictures with Electrical Schematic .English, French German and Italian text.

MH900K HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors 12 and 12PU and 12PUAC. Operator'sInstruction, Maintenance and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MH900L HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors 13-17-23. Operator's Instruction,Maintenance and Parts Manual as Exploded-component Pictures with ElectricalSchematic.

MH900M HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors 13-23PU and 13-23PUA. Operator'sInstruction, Maintenance and Parts Manual as Exploded-component Pictures withElectrical Schematic.

MH900N HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors 13-23. Operator's Instruction, Maintenanceand Parts Manual as Exploded-component Pictures with Electrical Schematic.

MH900P HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors 23-33-43. Operator's Instruction, Serviceand Parts Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MH900Q HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors 25 Series. Operator's Instruction andService Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MH900R HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors AC26W, 32W, 41W (N5 and N4). Operator'sInstruction, Maintenance and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MH900S HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors 27-27ck, 33-33ck, 43-43ck. Operator'sInstruction, Service Manual and Parts Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MH900T HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors 33-43. Operator's Instruction, Maintenanceand Parts Manual as Exploded-component Pictures with Electrical Schematic..

MH900U HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors 33-43pu and 33-43pua. Operator'sInstruction, Maintenance and Parts Manual as Exploded-component Pictures withElectrical Schematic..

MH900V HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors 43 Series and 43 PUM. Operator'sInstruction, Maintenance and Parts Manual as Exploded-component Pictures withElectrical Schematic..

MH902W HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors 43 Air Centre Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic..

MH902X HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors 45 and 45PU Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic..

MH902Y HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors 47 Operator's hand book.

MH902Z HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors 48 Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Parts Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MH903A HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors 66 "Element" Model. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual with ElectricalSchematic.

MH903B HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors 66, 66PU, 66PUA, 55CK, 66CK and 66CRK.Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and Parts Manuals as Exploded-componentdrawings with an Electrical Schematic.

MH903BC HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors 66 Air Centre Model. Brief Operation andMaintenance Manual with electrical schematic. 6 pages.

MH903C HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors 67/87 Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts Manual with Electrical Schematic..

MH903D HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors 68 Air Centre Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic..

MH903E HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors 120 "Packaged Unit" Detailed Operation and MaintenanceManual with Parts Manual as large, clear Exploded-component Drawings.MH903F HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors 120 "Felt" Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MH903G HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors 120PUM, 120PUMW, 120PU, 120PUW and 120PUAOperator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual asExploded-component Pictures with Electrical Schematic.

MH903H HYDROVANE 128PU and 128PUA Compressors. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Exploded Component Parts Lists and ElectricalSchematic.

MH903J HYDROVANE 128 and 178 Compressors. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MH903K HYDROVANE 140 Air Centre Compressors. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MH903L HYDROVANE 140 Air Centre AUTO Compressors. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MH903M HYDROVANE 148 and 178 Compressors. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MH903N HYDROVANE 170 and 170 Air Centre Compressors. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MH903P HYDROVANE 170 "Felt" Air Centre Compressors. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MH903R HYDROVANE 170 Air Centre AUTO Compressors. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MH903S HYDROVANE 170PU and 170PUW Compressors. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Pictures (170 pages).

MH903T HYDROVANE 178, 178PUTS and 178PUWS Compressors. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual.

MH903U HYDROVANE 218 and 258 Compressors. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MH903V HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors 250, 250PU and 250WPU. Operator'sInstruction, Maintenance and Parts Manual as Exploded-component Pictures.

MH903W HYDROVANE 388 Air Centre. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings and an Electrical Schematic.

MH903x HYDROVANE 501 and 502 Compressors. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded-component Pictures.

MH903Y HYDROVANE 705 and 707 Compressors. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded-component Pictures.

MH903z HYDROVANE 845 Compressors. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualand Parts Manual as Exploded-component Pictures. Includes an electrical schematic.

MH904 HYDROVANE Rotary Compressors SR900, SR1800, SR6000, SR6500, SR4000,SR4504. Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and Parts Manual as Photographs andSectional Drawing.

MH904A Hydrovane H3TM Compressor. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualand Parts Manual as Exploded-component Pictures.

MH904A Hydrovane H3TR Compressor. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualand Parts Manual as Exploded-component Pictures.

MH925 HYSTER (Willamette Hyster Co) "Karry Krane" Model KB Instruction and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MH950 Hyundai T-BL-20B Bench Lathe. Instruction Manual

MH950A HYUNDAI-KIA Super Kiaturn 15/21/21L Electrical Diagrams (Fanuc Oi-TBVersion 05)

MI5A IBARMIA Column Drilling Machines A/35, A40, A50, B35, B40 and B/50. Service and Maintenance Instructions with a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and an Electrical Schematic.

IBP - see under PEDRAZZOLI (S.p.A.)

MI100 IKEGAI A-20 Lathe. Operator's Instruction Manual plus Separate ElectricalManual together with a well-illustrated and detailed 36-page Sales andTechnical Specification catalogue (blue on LP)

MI100P IKEGAI A-20 Lathe. Parts Manual as clear Exploded Component Drawings

MI100AA IKEGAI A-20 NC Lathe. Operator's Instruction Manual + ProgrammingFundamentals Manual.

MI100B IKEGAI FX-20N NC Lathe. Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual with a2-volume manual "FX20N Fanuc-FX Increment. System M".

MI120 ILLIG ( Adolf Jllig) "Skinpackaging, Sealing and Blow Formingmachines" Types SB 53c-c6, SB 74c-c6, SB 100c-c6 and SB125c-c6. DetailedInstruction and Set-up Manual

MI150 IMOBERDORF Transfer Machine Type 168. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual including Program Control, Indexing Rotary Tables, etc. anda Large Electrical Schematic.

MI150A IMOBERDORF MB3 3 spindle Machine. Operation Instructions withSpecification Sheets for accessories.

MI200 IMPERIA TOOL and CUTTER GRINDER Type M6 (AR). Instruction Manual andSpare Parts as Exploded Component Diagrams and Cross-Sectional Drawings.Includes a copy of the maker's useful Technical Sales and Specification andAccessories Catalogue. (English and French text)

MI315 I.M.S. Universal Gear Hobbing Machine Model B11. Operator's InstructionManual.

MI320 INDEX 12, 18 and 25 Auto lathes. Operator's Instruction Manual withsections on Adjustments, Lubrication and Care of the Machine. Includes anElectrical Schematic.

MI320A INDEX 12, 18 and 25 Auto lathes. Spare Parts Manual as Photographs withseparate Electrical Connections Manual.

MI320AT INDEX Toolholders and Tools for Lathes 12, 18, 24, 25, 36 & 52.Detailed Dimensioned drawings.

MI320B INDEX 24, 36, 52 Single Spindle Automatic Screw machines. Operator'sManual.

MI320C INDEX E26 and E42 Single Spindle Automatic Screw Machines. Operator'sManual with Maintenance Instructions, Hydraulic Schematics, etc.

MI320C2 INDEX E26 and E42 Single Spindle Automatic Screw Machines."Maintenance Instructions Trouble Shooting". The first section containsguide-lines for routine care and servicing. The second section is intended tosimplify the detection and elimination of any troubles that arise.

MI320D INDEX B30, B42, B60 and B60F Turret-Type Bar-Automatic Lathes.Operator's Instruction Manual including 7 Supplementary Manuals: "DrivingAttachment (with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings); "Lubrication andDirections For care of the Machine"; High Speed Drilling Attachment; DeepDrilling Attachment; Cutout Attachment for Camshafts; "Electrical Controlsat Right-hand End of Front Camshaft" and a packet of Associated ElectricalDiagrams and Electric Motor Information. 310 pages. Highly detailed andcomprehensively illustrated.

MI320E INDEX B30, B42, B60 and B60F Turret-Type Bar-Automatic Lathes. SpareParts manual as Exploded Component Drawings

MI320F INDEX B30, B42, B60 and B60F Lathes Driving Attachment - SupplementaryManual with Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MI322T INDEX Toolholders and Tools for Lathes B30, B42, B60 and B60F. DetailedDimensioned drawings.

MI320G INDEX C19 and C29 Turret Automatics. Operator's Instruction Manual withDetailed Cam Charts.

MI320H INDEX C19 and C29 Turret Automatics. GERMAN TEXT Operator's InstructionManual with Detailed Cam Charts.

MI320J INDEX C19 and C29 Turret Automatics. Spare Parts Manual with ExplodedComponent Drawings.

MI320GT INDEX Toolholders and Tools for Turret Automatic Lathes C19 and C29.Dimensioned Drawings.

MI320K INDEX DG12 and DO12 Lathes. Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual withbasic Maintenance.

MI320L INDEX DG12 and DO12 Lathes. Spare Parts Manual with Photographs andExploded Component and Sectional Drawings.

MI320LT INDEX Toolholders and Tools for Lathes DG12 and DO12. DetailedDimensioned drawings.

MI320M INDEX ER16 and ER25 Program Controlled Automatics. Operator's Manual.

MI320MP INDEX ER16 and ER25 Program Controlled Automatics. Spare Parts Manualwith exploded photographic views.

MI320N INDEX ON-12 Automatic Lathe. Construction and Use Manual. Highlydetailed and comprehensively illustrated.

MI320P INDEX "ON" and "OR" Automatic Lathes. Spares PartsManual.

MI320PT INDEX Toolholders and Tools for "ON" and "OR"Forming and Screw Making Automatic Lathes. Dimensioned drawings.

MI320Q INDEX 30 Instructions for Use and Designing and Laying Out Cams.

MI322 INDEX B30, B42, B60, B60F, C19 and C29 Automatic Lathes. Thread ChasingAttachment. Detailed Instruction Manual.

MI322A INDEX Eccentric Turning Attachment for Index 18 and 25 TurretAutomatics. Operator's Instruction Manual.
I80 INDEX - Booklet "Building Index Automatic Lathes" A facinating, detailed, well-illustrated account of how INDEX Automatic lathes were built during the 1950s from design, castings, machining the parts, the machine tools used (including the Tornomat Polygonal) production set-ups, the lathes' various ingenious mechanisms, assembling, and testing, etc.


MI325 INDRAMAI Servo Drives MDC10 Installation Instructions, Technical Data andTechnical Documentation.

MI325A INDRAMAI 3-Axes Single Phase Thyristor Control Amplifier. InstallationInstructions, Technical Data and Technical Documentation.

MI350 INDUMA 1-S Turret Miller: Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as ExplodedComponent Drawings. Includes Electrical drawings and a copy of the maker'sdetailed Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MI350A INDUMA 2U and 3U Milling Machines - late model with dial-control ofspeeds: Detailed Service Manual and Parts Catalogue as Sectional Drawings.

MI350AUR INDUMA 2UR Horizontal Milling machine Early model with lever controlof speeds. Operation and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings.

MI350B INDUMA 4U and 5U Milling Machines: Detailed Service Manual and PartsCatalogue as Sectional Drawings. English and German Text.

MI350BTD INDUMA 5U Milling machine. 2 blueprints of the motorised overarm.

MI350C INDUMA NL-48 Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual with Partsas Sectional Drawings.

MI350D INDUMA NL-49 Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual with Partsas Sectional Drawings, an Electrical Schematic and a copy of the maker's detailed and well-illustrated Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue.

MI350E INDUMA NL0-87 and NLO-75 Milling Machines. Operation manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings and an Electrical Schematic. The parts drawings are not very good, but clear enough to read.

MI350F INDUMA "Simplex Type" Vertical Milling Machine. Service Manualand Repair Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and Photographs.

MI350G INDUMA VM70 (also applies to the VM60 and VM90) Milling machine.Operating Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes a copy of thedetailed and well-illustrated Sales & Technical Specification catalogue.

MI355 INDUSTRO-LITE Horizontal Milling Machine and Vertical Head: Care,Operation and Maintenance Instructions with Instructions for removing thespindle to replace the belt and Parts as Exploded Component Drawings. Includesa copy of the maker's sales & Technical Specification Catalogue.

MI360 INFRATIREA G25 Drilling Machine. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual. English, French and German text.

MI370 INGAR PL-175 and PLB-175 Surface Grinder. Basic Operator's Hand book withSectional Sectional Drawing and Electrical Schematic.

MI370A INGAR PL-200 and PLC-200 Surface Grinder. Basic Operator's Hand bookwith Sectional Sectional Drawings.

MI370B INGAR RA-6 and RA-6H Universal Tool and Cutter Grinders. Operator's Handbook with 2 large Sectional Drawings of the whole machine and ElectricalSchematics.

MI370C INGAR RT-612 and RT-618 Surface Grinder. Basic Operator's Hand book withSectional Sectional Drawing and Electrical Schematic.

MI370D INGAR RT-618-2A Surface Grinder. Basic Operator's Hand book withSectional Sectional Drawing and Electrical Schematic.

MI370E INGAR RT-1024 Surface Grinder. Operator's Hand book with 4 largeSectional Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematic.

MI400 INGERSOLL A500 Automatic Cutter Grinder. Installation, Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual and a Parts manual as Exploded ComponentDrawings.

MI400A INGERSOLL (USA) "Installations of Milling Equipment."Wonderful publication, circa 1900-1910, showing the use of large millingmachines.

MI405AP INGERSOLL-Rand Type 40 Small Compressors Models 25, H25, L25 and 40 Compressors. Repair Parts as Exploded-componentDrawings.

MI405 INGERSOLL-Rand Type 30 Compressors. Repair Parts as Exploded-componentDrawings.

MI405PP INGERSOLL-Rand Type 30 Compressors. Instruction Manual with Installation, Pre-start Checks and Lubrication, Operation and adjustment, How to Regulate and a comprehensive Maintenance Sectionand many useful sectional drawings.

MI405A INGERSOLL-Rand Straight-Line, Horizontal Heavy-Duty Compressor (Probablymarked: ES, ER, FR and FS). Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceInstructions.

MI405B INGERSOLL-Rand SSR-2000 rotary Screw Compressors. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Instructions including Electrical Schematic.

MI405C INGERSOLL-Rand SSR-2000 rotary Screw Compressors. Parts Manual as ExplodedComponent Drawings.

MI405D INGERSOLL-Rand Model 15T Compressors. Parts Manual (Repair parts Book) as ExplodedComponent Drawings.

MI450 InLand MOTOR SPA, SPAR, TPA and TPAR Series 1-phase and 3-phase SCR ServoAmplifier . Manual and Applications Guide.

MI470 Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IME). On original copy of the 1940edition "Acceptance Test Charts for Machine Tools"


MI480 INTERWOOD Router OFN, OFC and OFL. Operator's Instructions. Includes acopy of the maker's detailed and well-illustrated Technical SpecificationCatalogue.

MI500 INVICTA (also badged Elliott)Shaper Models: 2MR, 4MR, 5MR and 6MR and INVICTA Series 2M. 4M, 5M, 6M,14M, 18M, 24M, 30M (14" to 30" inch stroke). A complete data packingconsisting of two Operating andMaintenance Manuals and Parts Manuals and 48 additional pages of detailed Salesand Technical Specification Catalogues.

MI500A INVICTA (also badged Elliott)Shaper Models: 18", 24" and 30" (sometimes labelled"Invicta 30 Major") Operator's and Maintenance Manual and IllustratedParts Manual. Includes a set of Sales and Technical Specification Catalogues.

MJ5 Jackman (England) Flat-Surface Disc-type Surface Grinders. Instruction Manual and a detailed, all-models Catalogue.

MJ8 Jackson & Bradwell Electronic Balancing Machines. Operator's Instructions.

MJ10 JAESPA Horizontal Bandsaw Type W-260 Automatic. Operating & ServiceInstructions with electrical schematics.

MJ10A JAESPA Horizontal Bandsaw Type W-260 Operating & ServiceInstructions.

MJ10B JAESPA Horizontal Bandsaw Type 260. Spare Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings. Includes a useful and detailed Sales and Technical SpecificationCatalogue that describes how the machine works and its various adjustments.

MJ20 JAFO JAROCIN FWA/M and FYA/M Milling Machines (Poland - MetalexportFabryka Obrabiarek Specjalnych "Ponar-Poznan"). OperatingInstructions Service Manual.

MJ20A JAFO JAROCIN (Poland - Metalexport Fabryka Obrabiarek Specjalnych"Ponar-Poznan") FWD-25 and FYD-25 Milling Machines. ServiceInstructions with Electrical Diagrams.

MJ20AU JAFO JAROCIN (Poland - Metalexport Fabryka Obrabiarek Specjalnych"Ponar-Poznan") FWD-25U Milling Machine.Service Instructions andTechnical Description. Includes three Electrical Schematics. ServiceInstructions with Electrical Diagrams.

MJ20B JAFO JAROCIN (Poland - Metalexport Fabryka Obrabiarek Specjalnych"Ponar-Poznan") FWD-25, FYD-32 and FYD-25 Universal and VerticalMilling Machines (Poland - Metalexport). Spare Parts as Sectional Drawings

MJ20C JAFO JAROCIN (Poland - Metalexport Fabryka Obrabiarek Specjalnych"Ponar-Poznan") FWD-32U SERIES Universal Milling machine (Poland -Metalexport). Operator's Instruction Manual with Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings. Includes a separate Electrical Manual with fold-out wiring diagrams.

MJ20D JAFO JAROCIN (Poland - Metalexport Fabryka Obrabiarek Specjalnych"Ponar-Poznan") FWD-25, FYD-25, FWD-32 & FYD-32 Universal andVertical Milling Machines (Poland - Metalexport). Operation Instructions, SpareParts Manual as sectional drawings and Electrical Schematics.

MJ20E JAFO JAROCIN (Poland - Metalexport Fabryka Obrabiarek Specjalnych"Ponar-Poznan") FWD-25, FYD-25, FWD-32 and FYD-32 Electrical Equipmentand Wiring Diagrams.

MJ20F JAFO JAROCIN (Poland - Metalexport Fabryka Obrabiarek Specjalnych"Ponar-Poznan") FWD-25, FWA/M and FYA/M Milling Machines (Poland -Metalexport). Spare Parts Listings (no illustrations).

MJ20G JAFO JAROCIN (Poland - Metalexport Fabryka Obrabiarek Specjalnych"Ponar-Poznan") FWF-32 Series Universal Milling Machine. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics.

MJ20H JAFO JAROCIN (Poland - Metalexport Fabryka Obrabiarek Specjalnych "Ponar-Poznan")FWH-32A Horizontal Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MJ20J JAFO JAROCIN (Poland - Metalexport Fabryka Obrabiarek Specjalnych"Ponar-Poznan") FYD-32 Dedicated and detailed single-model ServiceManual with a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawingsl Drawings.

MJ20K JAFO JAROCIN (Poland - Metalexport Fabryka Obrabiarek Specjalnych"Ponar-Poznan") FC25 and FC26 Horizontal Milling Machines. Operation and ServiceManual with a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and Electrical and Hydraulic Schematics.

MJ20K JAFO JAROCIN (Poland) - four large Electrical Diagrams for the FWD 25U, FWD 32U, FYD 25U and FYD 32U.

MJ30 Jaguar CD 0.75 to 7.5kW 1-phase to 3-phase Inverter. Detailed User's Guidefor drives built after July 1989 and fitted with Version 6 Software (Manualreference: DCA 6/89 Code 0177-7007)

MJ50JAKOBSEN SJ-12 Surface Grinding Machine Model. Operator's Instruction Manualand Spare Parts Manual with detailed Sectional Drawings of main and all subassemblies. Includes all the different pages from 2 editions showing differencesbetween early and late models. Includes an Electrical Schematic.

MJ50A JAKOBSEN SJ-16 & SJ-30 Surface Grinding Machine Model. Operator'sInstruction Manual together with Spare Parts Manual with detailed SectionalDrawings of main and all sub assemblies.

MJ50B JAKOBSEN SJ-24 Surface Grinding Machine Model. Spare Parts Manual asuseful Exploded Component Drawings. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales andSpecification Catalogue.

MJ50C JAKOBSEN SJ-25 Surface Grinding Machine Model. Spare Parts Manual asuseful Sectional Sectional Drawings.

MJ52 JARBE F2, F3, F4, F2H, F3H & F4H Milling Machine. Service Manual withParts as very useful Sectional Drawings. Includes an electrical diagram anddetails of the "Huron" vertical head - though this section (withuseful drawings and layout diagrams) is in Spanish. Main manual has English,French, German & Italian text.

MJ52A JARBE Universal Miller. Instruction Manual. Italian Text.

MJ60 Jason 3-inch Model and Clockmaker's Lathe. Operating Manual with PartsManual as Sectional Drawings. Also sold with Randa badges. clickhere for pictures.

MJ65 JASPER 2CR Milling Machine. Installation and Operator's Instruction Manualwith Electrical Schematics and a copy of the maker's Sales and SpecificationCatalogue.

MJ70 JATOR CAPSTAN LATHE Models 190-42, 190-50 and 175-36: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic and copies of the maker's Sales & Technical Specification Catalogues.

MJ70A JATOR CAPSTAN LATHE Model 140-26 and 140-40: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic and copies of the maker's Sales & Technical Specification Catalogues.

MJ72 Jenny (Jenny Pressen AG) Type ARP Fully Automatic Straightening Press. Detailed Operating and Computer Instructions.

MJ73 JERVIS PRESSES. Service Manual and Parts List as Sectional Drawings (8pages).

MJ374 JET Lathes GH-1340W & 1440W Operation & Maintenance Manual

MJ74A JEYMA Tool & Cutter Grinder. Operating Instructions.

MJ74B JEYMA TFC5th Three-dimensional Copy Milling Machine. OperatingInstructions with scaling up and scaling down tables and instructions on how touse the calculator.

MJ75 JIG BORING - a comprehensive 160-page explanation of traditionaljig-boring techniques and jig borers. The only known book on the subject.

MJ80 JOEMARS EDM (Electrical Discharge Machine) Models AZ Series, Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MJ85 JOHANSSON Cylindrical Grinding Machines 1U, 2U and 2P. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional and 3DDrawings.

MJ90 JOHNFORD Vertical Turret Miller 4AS and 4AVS (also badged as the GateProfitmill and "Roundtop"). Operator's Instruction Manual and PartsManual as Exploded Component Drawings. Includes an electrical schematic.

MJ90A JOHNFORD 5H and 5Vh Vertical and Horizontal (turret) Milling Machine(also badged as a Gate). Operator's Instruction Manual and Parts Manual asExploded Component Drawings. Includes an electrical schematic.

MJ100 Joinville 9-inch Lathe - South Bend Copy. The best Manual for this latheis the one produced in England for the South Bend clone by Boxford. Unlike theSouth Bend book "How to Run a Lathe" this 137-page editionconcentrates in detail on the 9-inch lathe, not the whole range, and thuscontains much more information about how to operate it as well as manyscrewcutting charts, lists of changewheels set-ups as machines left thefactory, metric conversions and other valuable data. A few mechanical detailsare different but the operating procedures are identical. Includes a Parts Listas Exploded Component Drawings.

MJ110 Jones Machine Tools (Pootatuck USA) - kit-built from castings.
7-inch bench lathe: 3 pages of "manufacturing" and one generalarrangement drawing.
"Tyro" bench lathe: 4 pages of Drawings plus general arrangement.
"Modelmaker" bench lathe: 7 pages of Drawings plus general assembly.
No.1 Bench Milling Machine: 2 pages of Drawings plus general arrangement.
No. 2 Bench Milling Machine: 2 sheets of Drawings plus general arrangement.
No. 10 Bench milling machine: 2 pages of Drawings. Milling Machine Accessories,3 pages of Drawings.
6-inch Stroke bench Shaper: 3 pages of Drawings plus general arrangement.
(about ) for the complete set.

MJ111 Jones Machine Tools (as above) plus the maker's advertising catalogue andprice list.

MJ115 JONES and LAMSON Ram Type Turret Lathes - All Models Instruction Book andParts Manual as Photographic plates.

MJ115A JONES and LAMSON Automatic Thread Grinding Machine 5" x 30"and 6" x 36" Models. Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual (plus brief maintenance details) with many useful Sectional Drawings and comprehensive photographic coverage ofthe different electrical control panels - but no electrical schematics.

MJ115AA JONES and LAMSON Automatic Thread Grinding Machine 6" x 36"and 12" x 45" Models. Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual (plus brief maintenance notes) with many useful Sectional Drawings.

MJ115B JONES and LAMSON TG-6 x 36 and TG-12 x 45 Automatic Thread GrindingMachine (6" x 36" and 12" x 45") Models. DetailedOperator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Detailed Sectional Drawingsand comprehensive details of the Electrical Operations.

MJ115C JONES and LAMSON Precision Boring Machine with 6.75-inches from top oftable to spindle centre line. Operator's Manual

MJ115D JONES and LAMSON Saddle Type Capstan Turret Lathes. Instruction Book and Parts Manual.

MJ115E JONES and LAMSON No.5 Ram Type Turret Lathe. Large Operation and Detailed Service Manual and a Parts Manual as Exploded-component Drawings.

MJ115F JONES and LAMSON No.7 Saddle Type Turret Lathes. Detailed Operation and Service Manual and a Parts Manual as Exploded-component Drawings. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue.

MJ115G JONES and LAMSON Models E-2 and E-3 Automatic Form Grinder. Detailed Operation and Service Manual and a Parts Manual as Exploded-component Drawings. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue.

MT160 JONES and SHIPMAN 60-page Tool and Cutter and Other Grinding Principles.Explanatory Booklet that details what must be adhered to for successfuloperation of a Tool, Cutter and other Grinders. Shows specific examples withwonderful photographs and explanations. The instructions are also applicable toother makes of cutter grinder. Includes a copy of the Jones and Shipman Tooland Cutter Grinder Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue

MG885b GRINDING: PRECISION GRINDING TECHNIQUES - Jones and Shipman. PrecisionGrinding Techniques - a Primer. Covers the essential basics of Surface, Tool,Cylindrical Internal precision grinding. 87 pages.

MJ120e Jones and Shipman. Operator's Instruction Manual that covers theessential details of all the company's grinders of the 1930s and 1940s.

Not sure which model of older Jones and Shipman you have? Just email aphotograph to:

MJ 140 Jones and Shipman 10" x 27" Universal (cylindrical externaland internal) Grinder. An older model possibly marked on the maker's plate asthe Types 138, 140 or 144. Operator's handbook.

MJ150 Jones and Shipman 150 HONING MACHINE: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MJ126 Jones and Shipman Radial Grinding and Wheel Forming Attachment. Listedunder various model names including X9 and X900. Instruction Book.

MJ158C Jones and Shipman 300X3 Radius and Angular Wheel Forming Attachment.Operator's Instructions.

MJ305 Jones and Shipman 305 Tool and Cutter Grinder. Operating and MaintenanceManual.

MJ310 Jones and Shipman 310 Tool and Cutter Grinder. Operating and MaintenanceManual with the Parts Manual as annotated photographs.

MJ310P Jones and Shipman 310 Tool and Cutter Grinder. Parts manual.

MJ310F Jones and Shipman 310 Machine a Affuter Les Outils. LivreD'Instructions. Texte en Français.

MJ310T Jones and Shipman 310T Tool and Cutter Grinder with Tilting andSwivelling Head. Operating and Maintenance Manual.

MJ311 Jones and Shipman 311 Tool and Cutter Grinder with Tilting and SwivellingHead. Operating and Maintenance Manual.

MJ311-P Jones and Shipman 311 Tool and Cutter Grinder Parts Manual as usefulSectional Drawings.

Jones and Shipman 520Miniature Precision Cylindrical Grinder. There never was a manual for thismodel - but instead a well-produced 8-page booklet plus three extra salessheets showing the extent of the machine's capabilities.

MJ124 Jones and Shipman 540 Hydraulic Surface GrinderOperator's and Maintenance Manuals. A complete Data Pack for this popularmachine which, although basically the same throughout its production life,underwent numerous small mechanical, hydraulic and electrical changes. Thiscomposite Operating and Maintenance Manual contains three Manuals: early,middle and late covering all models and years of production including the powerrise and fall types; 9 different electrical/connection diagrams; hydraulicschematics; Operating & Maintenance Instructions for the Westwind Air-BearingConversion; Instructions for the Eclipse Permanent Magnetic Chuck; details ofthe Phillips Clarifier System and early and late detailed Technical Sales,Specification & Accessory Catalogues. Also included are detailedspecification sheets (originally issued separately) for the DiaformWheel-forming Attachment; P.G. Optidress Wheel-forming (optical-control)Attachment; Radius and Angular Wheel-forming Attachment; P.G. Optical DividingHead; Magnetic Chuck and Surfacing Plates; Universal and Angular Sine Vices andthe Coolant Clarifer

MJ124P Jones and Shipman 540 Hydraulic Surface Grinder Spare Parts Manuals. Twoeditions are included: one with useful sectional drawings of the maincomponents (ideal to help with dismantling and reassembly work) and the otheras Photographic Plates. These are the larger and clearer full-size editions.Includes an additional Sectional Drawing Set for the Power Rise and Fall Head.

MJ124CP Jones and Shipman 540CP (creep-feed) A Version of the 540 with aspecial head and slow table feeds. Operator's Instruction Manual withElectrical Schematics.

MJ124CP Jones and Shipman 540X and 1400X Microprocessor-controlled SurfaceGrinder. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with ElectricalMaintenance and fault Finding.

MJ124CPS Jones and Shipman 540X and 1400X Microprocessor-controlled SurfaceGrinder. Parts Manual as Sectional drawings.

MJ878 Jones & Shipman "Fig. 878" Cylindrical Grinder 10" x26". Operating and Maintenance Manual.

MJ1001 Jones & Shipman Series 1001 Cylindrical Grinders. Operating,Adjustments and Basic Service Manual.

MJ1011 Jones and Shipman 1011 and 1012 Surface Grinding Machines. This is alsorelevant to the earlier 12" x 27" machines - recognisable by their12" x 27" (or 11" x 27" tables) and a head feed controlhand wheel above and to the right of the grinding wheel. Operating andMaintenance Manual together with 3 Sales and Technical Specification Cataloguescovering the range.

MJ1011p Jones and Shipman 1011 and 1012 Surface Grinding Machines. Parts Manual as Sectional drawings

MJ1014 Jones and Shipman 1014 Universal Toolroom Grinder. Operator'sInstructions and Lubrication. Includes a copy of the comprehensive Sales,Accessories and Technical Specification Catalogue.

MJ1015 Jones and Shipman 1015 Cylindrical grinding machine. Operating andMaintenance Manual.

MJ1032 Jones and Shipman 1032 and 1033 Cylindrical Grinding Machines. Operatingand Maintenance Manual.

MJ1040 Jones and Shipman 1040 Cylindrical Grinding machines. Operating andMaintenance Manual.

MJ1049 Jones and Shipman 1049, 1051, 1052, 1053, 1054, 1055, 1061, 1062, 1063,1064, and 1065 E, EF and EFT Series. Production Grinding Machines. Operatingand Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MJ1070 Jones and Shipman 1070, 1071, 1070M Cylindrical Grinding MachinesOperating and Maintenance Manual.

MJ1074 Jones and Shipman 1074 and 1076 Cylindrical Grinding Machine Operatingand Maintenance Manual.

MJ1204 Jones and Shipman 1204, 1025 and 1209 Hydraulic Cylindrical Grinder. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual:

MJ1204M Jones and Shipman 1204 Mechanically-operated Cylindrical Grinder. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual:

MJ1212 Jones and Shipman 1212 Cylindrical Grinder: Operator's Instruction &Maintenance Manual. Includes copies of the maker's Sales & TechnicalSpecification Catalogues.

MJ1212P Jones and Shipman 1212 Cylindrical Grinder: Spare Parts Manual as ExplodedAssembly Pictures.

MJ1212EM Jones and Shipman 1212E and 12112M High-precision CylindricalGrinders: Operating and Maintenance Manual.

MJ1235 Jones & Shipman Type 1235 Tool & Cutter Grinding Machine.Operation & Maintenance Manual.

MJ1300 Jones and Shipman 1300 Series Grinding Machine Models (1302, 1305, 1307,1310, etc) Operating and Maintenance Manual as a complete Data Pack with twoeditions included covering both early and late machines. Includes completespecification details of the various wheelheads, tables, internal spindles,etc., the special supplementary instructions for the Universal Wheelhead,details of wheelhead variations and alternative collet fittings (Hardinge,Schaublin and Crawford) and Operating Instructions for the numerous Accessoriesincluding the Air-operated Collet Attachment, 4 versions of the RadiusWheel-forming Unit, Radius Truing Attachment, Internal Form Grinding Attachmentfor use with the Wheelhead Mounted Diaform, Shoulder Position Indicator, TablePosition Indicator, Diamond Holders, Angular Wheel-forming Attachment and, inEdition 2, an additional separate and detailed section on correct installation& Maintenance. An electrical schematic for machines with a 6-speed workheadis included together with a copy of the maker's Sales, Accessories andTechnical Specification Catalogue.

MJ1300P Jones and Shipman 1300 Series Grinding Machines (1302, 1305 and 1307).Spare Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MJ1310 Jones and Shipman 1310 Series Grinding Machines. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual.

MJ1310PJones and Shipman 1310 Series Grinding Machines. Parts Manual asExploded Photographic Prints.

MJ1311 Jones and Shipman 1311 Series Grinding Machines. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual.

MJ1314 Jones and Shipman 1314 Universal Toolroom Grinding Machine. Operatingand Maintenance Manual.

MJ1400 Jones and Shipman 1400 and 1400A (automatic power rise and fall to head) Surface Grinding Machine.Operating and Maintenance Manual - thisis a two-manual edition covering both early and late models. Also included aredetailed specification sheets (originally issued separately) for the DiaformWheel-forming Attachment; P.G. Optidress Wheel-forming (optical-control)Attachment; Radius and Angular Wheel-forming Attachment; P.G. Optical DividingHead; Magnetic Chuck and Surfacing Plates; Universal and Angular Sine Vices;Coolant Clarifer and a comprehensive Sales, Technical Specification &Accessories Catalogue.

MJ1400P Jones & Shipman 1400 Surface Grinding Machine Parts Manual asclear Exploded Component and Sectional Drawings.

MJ1400AR Jones and Shipman 1400AR and 1400LAR Surface Grinding Machine.Operating and Maintenance Manual.

MJ1411 Jones and Shipman 1411 Grinding Machine including Types: S, SP, SF andSFT. Operating and Maintenance Manual with 3 Electrical and a HydraulicSchematic.

MJ1540 Jones and Shipman 1540 (6" x 18") Surface Grinder. Operating& Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic. This grinder was a rarevariation on the 540 Model and the manual include an additional 41 pages fromthe J & S 540 catalogues showing all the extras and accessories.

MJ2000 Jones and Shipman Model 2000 (2000/2004, 2001/2005, 2002/2006 and2003/2007) Cylindrical Grinding Machine. Operating and Maintenance Manual withElectrical Schematic.

MJ2121 Jones and Shipman Model 2121 Series including the 2121E, 2121MCylindrical Grinder. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual. Includescopies of the maker's Sales & Technical Specification Catalogues.

MJ156 Jones and Shipman 10" x 27" Universal Precision Grinder.Operating and Maintenance Manual.

ML158 JONES and SHIPMAN additional EQUIPMENT MANUAL: Covers the following Attachments:Radius and Angular Wheel-forming; Air-operated Collet, Radius Wheel-forming (2types), Radius Truing, Internal Form Grinding, Shoulder Position Indicator,Table Position Indicator, Diamond holders and Angular Wheel-forming.

MJ158A Jones and Shipman PG OPTIDRESS wheel-dressing attachment (branded Jones& Shipman but made by Precision Grinding Ltd. and often found labelled"PG"). Operator's Instruction Manual with Parts Manual as ExplodedComponent Pictures.

MJ158B Jones and Shipman PG OPTIDRESS Type E Wheel-dressing attachment (brandedJones & Shipman but made by Precision Grinding Ltd. and often foundlabelled "PG"). Operator'sInstruction Manual together with Parts Manual as Exploded Component Pictures.Includes later Addendum.

MJ158E Jones and Shipman (Jones and Shipman-Braunstone) "PerfectPoint" Twist Drill Grinding Machine. "Instructions ForOperating" together with Technical Sales and Specification Sheets fromseveral years explaining the principles of the machine and how both it and theattachments worked.

MJ160 Jones and Shipman HYDROHONER Micro honing Model 715 (and variants)Detailed Operator's Instruction and Maintenance with Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings.

MJ160A Jones and Shipman MICROMATIC Micro honing Model 150 (and variants). Thiswas a licence built copy from the American Micromatic Hone Corporation ofDetroit. Detailed Operator's Instruction and Maintenance with Parts Manual asSectional Drawings.

MJ160B Jones and Shipman MICROMATIC Micro honing Model 738 (and variants). Thiswas a licence built copy from the American Micromatic Hone Corporation ofDetroit. Detailed Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with PartsManual as Sectional Drawings.

MJ160C Jones and Shipman HYDROHONER Micro honing Model 761 (and variants). Thiswas a licence built copy from the American Micromatic Hone Corporation ofDetroit. Detailed Operator's Instruction and Maintenance with Parts Manual asSectional Drawings.

MJ162C Jones & Shipman VHM 3E/36 Vertical Honing Machine. Instruction Manual. Includes Service Parts Manuals for the Vickers Vane Type Double Pumps, vales of the Check, Flow Control, and two-stage Relief type.

MJ160D Jones and Shipman UX8223 Twist Drill Grinding Attachment for Tool and Cutter Grinding Machines. Operator's Instructions.

MJ162 Jones and Shipman CNC Rotary Tables: Operator's Manual.

MJ162A Jones & Shipman SLOT-HYDROMIL Slot-Milling Machine. Operation &Maintenance Manual.

MJ162B Jones and Shipman Electronic Indexing Spacers (Rotary Tables) Types 8413, 8414 and 8415, Control Units 100 Series, 2000 and 3000 Series, Types 2000 and 300 Control Unit Interconnection Details. Operation and Maintenance Manual and ProgrammingInstructions.

MJ162C Jones & Shipman VHM 3E/36 Vertical Honing Machine. Instruction Manual. Includes Service Parts Manuals for the Vickers Vane Type Double Pumps, vales of the Check, Flow Control, and two-stage Relief type.

MJ200 JORG Bending Brakes Press Series 3700. Operator's Instructions and a Parts manual as Exploded-Component Drawings.

MJ 264 JOTES LODZ – grinders. Manuals may be available. Please e-mail yourrequirements

J75 JOTES "Tacchell" Universal Tool & Cutter Grinders 4-M and4-AM. Detailed Sales, Accessories and Technical Specification Catalogue.Not amanual, but almost as useful. 31 detailed and well-illustrated pages withdetails of the machine's construction, controls, lubrication system, how themany accessories are mounted and used and showing many typical tool and cuttergrinding jobs.

MJ265 JOWETT Thread Milling and Hobbing Machine. Operator's InstructionInstructions.

MJ270 JUARISTI MDR-65 and MDR-70 Horizontal Boring Machine. Installation andOperator's Instruction Manual with Electrical Schematics and some usefulSectional Drawings.

MHW2 Jubilee Wood lathe by Harrison. Simple User's Guide with annotatedphotographs and a copy of the detailed Sales & Specification Catalogue.

MJ300 JUNG BS7 InternalGrinding Machine: Operating Manual with Maker's Sales and Specificationcatalogue.

MJ300B JUNG C8 Internal Grinding Machine: Operating Manual with usefulSectional Drawings. US

MJ300C JUNG CM8 Internal Grinding Machine: Operating Manual with usefulSectional Drawings and an electrical schematic.

MJ300D JUNG D7 Internal Grinding Machine: Operating Manual with ElectricalSchematics.

MJ300E JUNG HFR-30 Rotary Table Surface Grinding Machine: Operating Manual withElectrical & Hydraulics Parts Lists and large Electrical Schematics.

MJ300F JUNG A3 Centreless Grinder detailed Operating Manual with a number ofuseful Sectional Drawings.

MJ300GE Jung HF50: operating instructions for surface and profile grinding machine series HF50 and the makers Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue. English Text.

MJ300G Jung HF50. Betriebsanleitung für Flach- und Profilschleifmaschinen der Baureihe HF50 und der Verkaufs- und Technische Datenkatalog des Herstellers. German Text.

MJ300H JUNG (Jungenthal) KE1200 Vertical Turning and Boring Mill Operating Instructions with an Electrical Diagram.

MJ300J JUNG (Jungenthal) F50 RA Surface Grinder. Operating Instructions with an Electrical Schematic, a copy of the maker's detailed Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue and a manual for the Bosch Oil Pump Types MU and MSU.

MJ300K JUNG (Jungenthal) F50 N Surface Grinder. Operating Instructions with an Electrical Schematic and a manual for the Bosch Oil Pump Types MU and MSU.

MJ325 Jung (JUNGNER) US-2305 Tool and Cutter Grinder. Detailed Operation manual withExploded-Component Parts Drawings and an Electrical Schematic.

MJ350 JUNKER NAJI Automatic Flute Grinding Machine. Operation & MaintenanceManual.

MKL50 KAESER Roll GrinderModel LCL. Basic Operation & Maintenance Manual.

MK80 KARGER Lathes DZ20, DZ32 and DZ42, DL2 and DL3,. Instruction andMaintenance Manual with some useful sectional drawings. English and GermanText.

MK100 KAINDL Drill Grinding Jig BSG60. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

MK115 KALTENBACH KKS, SKL and RK Circular Saws. Operating and MaintenanceManual

MK115A KALTENBACH HDM Cold Saw. Instructions, Starting up, Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual

MK117 KAMPH FK-1 Die Sinker. Operation & Maintenance Manual

Kand UX - see under Matrix

KART ROYAL E2n-MH - by TECHNOIMPEX. Operator's Instruction Manual and PartsManual as Sectional Drawings. Includes reproductions of the screwcutting andspindle-speed charts and electrical diagrams.

MK119 KASHIFUJI KS-14 GearHobbing Machine. Detailed Operating and Maintenance Instructions with hydraulicSchematic, Foundation Plans, Lubrication Diagrams, details of the elecricalsystem with three Electrical Schematics, electro-magnetic clutch, generaladjustments, adjustment adjustment of spindle bearings,hob saddle gibs,verticalfeed screw and backlash in index worm wheel. Clear instructions for setting thechangewheels, gears for vertical and horizontal feeds and charts fordifferential changewheels for Module and D.P. etc.

MK119A KASHIFUJI KS-14 Gear Hobbing Machine. Parts Manual as "SectionalExploded Component Drawings".

MK120 KASTO EBS 250-U, 320-U and 450-U Mechanical Saws. Instruction Manual withParts Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings.

MK120A KASTO PSB 280-U Saw. Instruction Manual with Parts Manual as DetailedSectional Drawings.

MK120B KASTO BSM 190/240 Saw. Instruction Manual with Parts Manual as DetailedSectional Drawings and Electrical Schematic. English and German text. Includesa copy of the detailed Technical Specification & Sales Catalogue.

MK120C KASTO EBS 320-AU Saw. Instruction Manual with Parts Manual as DetailedSectional Drawings and Electrical Schematic. Only published with GERMAN TEXT.

MK120D KASTO EBS 320-U & EBS 450-U Saw. Instruction Manual with PartsManual as Detailed Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematic. English Text

MK130 KC Wood Turning Lathe. Operator's Instruction Manual with Parts Manual asExploded Component Diagrams.

KEARNEY and TRECKER MILWAUKEE - for some models also see the 'CVA' entry.

MK170 Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker Model 2D Milling Machines(Rotary Head type): Instruction and Maintenance Manual - later full editionwith Appendix for power drive to the knee and revised lubrication instructions..00

MK170A Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker Model 2D Milling Machines(rotary head type): Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. .00

MK170B Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker Tri-D Milling Head. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Diagrams..00

MK170E Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker (CVA) 2CE and 2E MillingMachines: Instruction Manual and Maintenance Manual. .00

MK170F Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker (CVA) 2CE Milling Machines:Parts Manual with complete high-quality Sectional Drawings of the wholemachine. .00

MK170G Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker (CVA) 2E Milling Machines:Single-model Instruction Manual and Maintenance Manual. .00

MK170H Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker (CVA) 2E Milling Machines:Parts Book as Exploded Component Diagrams. .00

MK170J Kearney and Trecker: (CVA) Dats Pack for the 2E, 2CE, 2CES and 3CEMilling Machines: Instruction Manual and (basic) Maintenance. Includes an ElectricalSchematic. .00

MK170K Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker (CVA) 3CE and 2CES MillingMachines: Parts Manual as high-quality Sectional Drawings. .00

MK170L Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker Model H Milling Machine PlainHorizontal, Universal, Vertical: Operator's Instruction Manual. .00

MK170M Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker Model H Milling Machine PlainHorizontal, Universal, Vertical: Replacement Parts Manual with ExplodedComponent Diagrams. .00

MK170N Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker Model H Milling Machine PlainHorizontal and Universal: Replacement - Alternative Parts Manual shown asSectional Drawings. .00

MK170P Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker 2H Milling Machine PlainHorizontal, Universal, Vertical and Automatic Cycle: Operator's InstructionManual. .00

MK170Q Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker Model 1H and 2H MillingMachines Plain Horizontal, Universal, Vertical and Automatic Cycle: ReplacementParts Manual with Exploded Component and Sectional Diagrams. Two publicationsare included, one early, one late. .00

MK170R Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker Model K Milling Machines PlainHorizontal, Universal, Vertical. Replacement Parts Manual with ExplodedComponent and Sectional Diagrams. .00

MK170S Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker 2K and 3K Milling MachinesPlain, Universal and Vertical: Instruction Manual. .00

MK170T Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker 2K and 3K Milling MachinesPlain, Universal and Vertical: Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. .00

MK170U Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker (Milwaukee) Milling Machines:Illustrated Parts Manual for Attachments: with detailed Sectional Drawings ofthe units used on Models: 1H, 2HL, 2H, 2E, 1CH, 2CH, 2K, 2KM, 2CSM, 3H, 3K,3KM, 3CSM, 4CSM, 5CSM, 6CSM, 4H, 4K, 5H, 5HM, 2CK, 3CH, 3CK, 4CH, 4CK, 5CK and6CK. .00

MK170V Kearney and Trecker: KEARNEY and TRECKER S-Type (S-12 & S-15)Milling Machines Operator's Instruction Manual. These millers were made invarious forms: Plain Horizontal, Universal, Vertical and Ram Types, with anumber of different table sizes (S-12, S-15, etc.) and with differing ModelDesignations (205, 307, etc.) depending upon the year of manufacture.Operator's Instruction Manual. .00

MK170W Kearney and Trecker: KEARNEY and TRECKER S-12 and S-15 Milling MachinesMaintenance Manual with Dismantling Instruction Guides as written instructionswith diagrams and exploded-component drawings. Includes Hydraulic, Lubricationand electrical Schematics. These millers were made in various forms; PlainHorizontal, Universal, Vertical and Ram Types, with a number of different tablesizes (S-12, S-15, etc.) and with differing Model Designations depending uponthe year of manufacture. Maintenance Manual with Dismantling Instruction Guidesas Exploded Component Drawings. Includes 2 electrical wiring diagrams, 12hydraulic circuit diagrams with expected pump (and other) pressures listedtogether with the spindle, column and lubrication pressure adjustmentsexplained,. Includes a lubrication schematic. .00

MK170W-C12 Kearney and Trecker (Milwaukee) C12 Model 203 Milling Machine. Operation and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MK170X Kearney and Trecker: KEARNEY and TRECKER S-12 Milling Machine. PartsManual as Exploded Component Drawings .00

MK170X2 Kearney and Trecker: KEARNEY and TRECKER S-15 Milling Machine. PartsManual as Exploded Component Drawings .00

MK170Z Kearney and Trecker: KEARNEY and TRECKER 205 S-12 & 307 S-12 MillingMachines. Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings. These millers were madein various forms; Plain Horizontal, Universal, Vertical and Ram Types, with anumber of different table sizes and with differing Model Designations dependingupon the year of manufacture. .00

MK170ZP Kearney and Trecker: MK170ZP KEARNEY and TRECKER 205 S-12 & 307S-12 Milling Machines. Operator's Instruction Manual. .00

MK172 Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker TF Series. All-modelsInstallation Manual and Lubrication. .00

MK172A Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker 210-220, 310-320, 315-330,415-430 TF Series Milling Machines: Plain, Universal and Vertical. Operator'sInstruction Manual. .00

MK172B Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker 315-330 and 415-430 "T andF" Series Milling Machines: Plain, Horizontal and Vertical. Operator'sInstruction Manual. .00

MK172C Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker 315-330 and 415-430 TF SeriesMilling Machines: Plain, Universal and Vertical. Parts Manual as ExplodedComponent drawings. .00

MK172D Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker 215 TF-16, 220 TF-16, 315 TF-16and 320 TF-16 "T and F" Series Milling Machines: Plain, Horizontaland Vertical. Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings. .00

MK172E Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker Milwaukee-Mil 1200-1800 SeriesSimplex and Duplex "Milwaukee Milling Machines". Operator'sInstruction Manual. .00

MK172F Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker Milwaukee-Mill 1200-1800 SeriesSimplex and Duplex "Milwaukee Milling Machines". Operator'sInstruction Manual. .00

MK172G Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker Milwaukee-Mil 1200 Series BedType Production Milling Machine. Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. .00

MK172H Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker MWC-65 Operator's InstructionManual. .00

MK172J Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker Milwaukee-matic Series EaMilling Machine. Machine Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded ComponentDrawings. .00

MK172K Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker KT-gemini-D Control SystemOperating Manual (Publication 883C). .00

MK172L Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker KT-modular-D ControlMaintenance Manual (Publication 894C). .00

MK172M Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker Table of Leads for Model 2EUniversal Milling Machines with metric leadscrews. .00

MK172N Kearney and Trecker: Kearney and Trecker Table of Leads for 8-inch and10-inch Model H dividing Head. .00

MK172P Kearney and Trecker: Lubrication Manual for "Milwaukee"Milling Machines. A complete guide covering the Horizontal, Vertical andUniversal Models of the Types: 1H, 2HL, 2H, 3H, 4H, 5H, 2K-2KM, 3K-3KM, 4K,1200 Simplex, 1200 Duplex, 1800 Simplex, 1800 Duplex, 1400 Simplex and Duples,2200 Simplex and duplex, Bridge Type vertical, Model D Tool & Die MillingMachine, Rotary Head Feed Box, Table Feed Gearbox.

MK172Q Kearney and Trecker Series 1000 and 2000 Bed-type Production MillingMachines. Detailed 42-page Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue withannotated control diagrams and clear explanations of how the machines function.

MK172R Kearney and Trecker Dial-a-Cycle 1400 & 1800 Series Milling Machines. Detailed Operator's Manual.

KEARNS BORERS: Besides the Kearns manuals below - others may be available.Phone: 01298-0871633 or enquire

MK318EX Using the Kearns Horizontal Borer. A Theoretical & Practical Exercisefor Engineering Students & Apprentices - "Making the Geneva WheelMechanism", A short, 5-section booklet explaining how a borer is used tomachine the castings, the driven & driving wheels, etc. A step-by-stepguide to a typical job.

MK318 KEARNS No.0 (OA, OB, Oc Models) Horizontal Boring and Facing Machine(including Optimetric Measurement System Types). Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematic. Includes aseparate smaller manual issued with the early machines and a copy of thecomprehensive and useful technical Sales and Specification catalogue.

MK318A KEARNS No. 1 Horizontal Boring and Facing Machines. Operator's Handbook. Levelling, Lubricating, Shear Pins and Operating. Includes a copy of thecomprehensive and useful technical Sales and Specification catalogue.

MK318B KEARNS No. 2 and No. 3 Boring and Facing Machines. Operator'sInstruction, Installation and Lubrication Manual. Includes a copy of thecomprehensive and useful technical Sales and Specification catalogue.

MK318D KEARNS "S Type" Horizontal Borer: Operating and MaintenanceManual (including Optimetric Measurement System). Includes details for both the"Spindle" and "Facing Chuck" Models, an electrical schematicand a copy of the maker's detailed 65-page Sales and Specification Cataloguegiving, with superb photographs, much additional information about accessoriesand attachments for Kearns borers. This set of publications represents acomplete data pack for the Kearns S Type.

MK318P Kearns-Richards (also found badged Staveley) "Electrabore"Boring and Facing machine. Kearns-Richards (also found badged Staveley)"Electrabore" Boring and Facing machine. Two manuals in one coveringboth early and late machines ("round" and "angular"styling) and all sizes (A, B, C and D) and Versions: T, S, W, O, e.g. somebeing marked AT, BT, CT, ATX, ATY, ATZ, BTX, BTY, BTZ, CTZ, CTY, CTZ, AS, BS,CS, TA30, TB40, TC50, TC60, WA30/72, WB40/84, WB40/102, WC50/144, WC60/144,WC50/168, YA35, YB50, YC60, XA35, XB50, XC60, etc. Operator's Instruction andbasic Maintenance Manual together with a detailed Sales & TechnicalSpecification catalogue.

MK318G KEARNS-RICHARDS KR Horizontal Boring and Milling Machine. Instruction Manualand Parts Manual as useful Sectional and Exploded-component Drawings.

MK318H KEARNS-RICHARDS PR Series Horizontal Boring and Facing Machine Manual ofInstruction. This was issued together with, and intended to be used alongside,a very detailed 63-page Technical Sales and Specification, Accessories andTooling Catalog (also largely covers the PRT - the PR with a threadingfacility).

MK318J KEARNS-RICHARDS PR Series Horizontal Boring and Facing Machine"Tools and Equipment Catalogue"

MK318K KEARNS-RICHARDS SH75 Horizontal Boring and Milling Machine. InstructionManual and Parts as useful Sectional and Exploded-component Drawings.

MK318L KEARNS-RICHARDS SH125 Horizontal Boring and Milling Machine. InstructionManual with program print outs, Maintenance notes, etc.

MK318LSF KEARNS-RICHARDS SF125 Horizontal Boring and Milling Machine. Operator'sInstructions with program print outs, Maintenance notes, etc.

MK318LSE KEARNS-RICHARDS SE125 and SE150 Horizontal Boring and Milling Machine.Operating & Maintenance Manual.

MK318M KEARNS-RICHARDS TK40, TK40B, SB, SK and TK Horizontal Boring and MillingMachines (Sometimes marked Staveley). Detailed Instruction and MaintenanceManual and Parts as Sectional and Exploded-component Drawings.

MK318N/MR79C Kearns-Richards BTX40 Horizontal Borer. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MK318P Kearns-Richards B/K and WB Horizontal Borers. Operation &Maintenance Manual. (not a very good copy)

MK318Q Kearns-Richards Type 450 Horizontal Borers. Operation & MaintenanceManual. Includes a set of machine arrangement (sectional) drawings

MK318R Kearns-Richards SJ100 (SJ-100) Horizontal Boring and milling machine.Operation, Maintenance with a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings..

MK318S Kearns-Richards 451P and 721P Horizontal Borers Operating and Maintenance Manual with an electrical Schematic and removal instructions for Traverse Selection, Drive and Feed gearboxes and the front spindle slide.

MK325 KEETONA-BATH Press Brakes. Parts List as Exploded Component Diagrams.

MK325A KEETONA CADET Guillotine. Operating and Maintenance Instructions withExploded Component Parts Drawings.

MK325B KEETONA Cramp Folding Machines Operating and Maintenance Instructionswith Exploded Component Parts Drawings.

MK325C KEETONA Initial Pinch Bending Rolls. Operating and MaintenanceInstructions with Exploded Component Parts Drawings.

MK325D KEETONA Pyramid Bending Rolls. Operating and Maintenance Instructions.

MK325E KEETONA HydroForm Universal Folding Machine. Instruction Manual andParts as Exploded component Drawings. Includes Electrical and HydraulicDiagrams.

MK325E/4 KEETONA HydroForm Mk. 4 Universal Folding Machine. Instruction Manualand Parts as Exploded component Drawings. Includes details of the Multiformprocess and the SC100 Microprocessor Control with Operating Instructions and anElectrical Diagram.

MK325F KEETONA K3 Folder. Instruction Manual and Parts as Exploded ComponentDrawings.

MK325G Keetona SHEARMASTER and SHEARMATIC Manuals: Shearmaster Service Manualwith Parts Appendix and Electrical Schematic together with the Keetona Shearmatic10-foot by 10g High-Speed Shear with Operating and Maintenance Instructions anddetails of the essential slideway, brake, clutch, hold-down and blade changingand adjustment settings, etc. These two publications appear to cover themajority of Shearmaster and Shearmatic models.

MK325H KEETONA HYDRO-CUT Squaring Shears. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic.

KEIGHLEY machine Tools - see under NEWALL-KEIGHLEY

MK330 KEMPSMITH Model G Milling Machines. Operation Manual with Parts manual asSectional Drawings.

MK335 KENDALL and GENT CVM 25 Vertical Milling Machine. Operating andMaintenance Manual with Sectional Drawings, an Electrical Schematic and a copyof the maker's Sales and Specification catalogue.

MK335A KENDALL and GENT CVM40 and CVM60 Vertical Milling Machines. Operatingand Maintenance Manual with Sectional Drawings and wiring diagrams. Includes acopy of the maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MK335B KENDALL and GENT "KENCO" Screwing Machines. Operating Manual.Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification catalogue.

MK340 KENT-OWENS 2-20 Hydraulic Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

KERRY LATHES, DRILLS and other machines were often badged "Q and S"or "Qualters and Smith". The model designations were identical. Seethe Qualters and Smith section below. Some Harrison L5 lathes also appearedwith the Kerry badge and if you are uncertain which Kerry model you have lookfirst in the Kerry section of theArchive and then in the Harrison.

MK450 KERRY Mk.1, Mk.2 and Mk.3 (Type "AG" ) Lathe: A complete datapack with all know publications included: the Instruction and MaintenanceManual and two separate Parts Manuals - one for the screwed-nose spindle theother for the L00 fittings (these are in the form of useful sectional drawingsthat have been enlarged for clarity) and copies of both early and late Sales,Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogues.

MK450A KERRY LATHES 1124/1140 and 1324/1340 (with square styling).Instructionand Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts with Cross-Sectional Drawings.Includes a copy of the maker's Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MK450B KERRY (Q and S) DRILL "Super 8" "Backgeared Type":Instruction Manual and Separate Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings; includescopies of early and late maker's comprehensive Technical Sales and SpecificationCatalogues. Covers all models: early "round" style A, B and S and thelater more "angular" Series "U". A complete data pack forthe machine.

MK450C KERRY (Q and S) DRILL "Drillmaster" Instruction Manual andParts Manual as Sectional Drawings; includes a copy of two early and latemaker's Technical Sales and Specification Catalogues.

MK450D KERRY (Q and S) DRILL Model "100" (P Series) Geared-head, No.3 Morse taper: Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings;includes a copy of the maker's Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MK450E KERRY (Q and S) DRILL Model "125" (P Series) Geared-head No. 3Morse taper: Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings;includes a copy of the maker's Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MK450F KERRY (Q and S) DRILL Model "150" (P Series) Geared-head, No.4 Morse taper: Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings;includes a copy of the maker's Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MK450G KERRY (Q and S) DRILL Model "150" (H Series) Geared-head, No.4 Morse taper: Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MK450H KERRY (Q and S) DRILL Model "150 AG" Geared-head: InstructionManual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MK450J KERRY (Q and S) DRILLS RADIAL-ARM R3 and R4: Instruction Manual andParts Manual as Sectional Drawings; includes an electrical diagram and a copyof the maker's Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MK450K KERRY E3 and E4 Radial Arm Drills (also sold as Qualters and SmithQSR-3, QSR-4, QSR-3E and QSR-4E) All types, both rise-and-fall arm andrise-and-fall table. Instruction Manuals and Parts Manuals as SectionalDrawings with Electrical Schematics. This is a 4-edition publication coveringall versions from first to last and includes a set of Sales & SpecificationCatalogues.

MK450L KERRY DRILLS RADIAL-ARM Type R.10: Instruction and Maintenance Manualand Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings; includes a copy of the maker'sTechnical Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MK450M KERRY DRILLS (Qualters and Smith) Drillmaster QDM 500, 625 and 750:Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MK455 KERRY ULTRASONICS - Plastiscon Mk. 3 KS 3007, KS 6007 and KS 1207 PlasticWelders: Installation, Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual. Includes3 blue prints.

MK455A KERRY ULTRASONICS CD-50 Portable Stud Welder. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual. Includes a Wiring Diagram.

MK455B KERRY ULTRASONICS CD-550 Portable Stud Welder. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual. Includes a Wiring Diagram.

MK455C KERRY ULTRASONICS 3-stage Cleaning Equipment incorporating the KS2000Ultrasonic Generator. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MK460 KENCO Screwing Machines: All sizes from 2 to 4-3. Operating Manual.

MK460A KENCO Screwing Machines Model6-3. Operating Manual.

MK462B KENNEDY Miniature HACKSAWS Models 60 & 90. Sales & TechnicalSpecification Catalogues with Operation, Maintenance and Set-up Instructions. 8pages.

MK468 King (King Rich) Lathe Type KC-1440B.Operation and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MK470 KING (King Rich) TFY-515 Vertical Milling Machine. Instruction Manualwith Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MK470A KING (King Rich) TFY-1050 & TFY-1054 Vertical Turret MillingMachine. Instruction Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MK470B KING (King Rich) Turret Vertical Milling machine. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with separate Variable-speed Head Manual.

MK470C KING (King Rich) Milling Machine DPM (KR-B2CNC) Instruction Manual with Lubrication Schematic and a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MK478 KINGHORN Punching Press Model "Acorn" Type 120/8/10 OperatingInstructions. (not a first-class copy)

MK478A KINGHORN Press Brake Model 180/10 (applies to other models in the Series as well). OperatingInstructions and Spare Parts List with Drawings.

MK485 Kingsland J14 Power Punching and Shaping machine. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Instructions.

MK485A Kingsland 115XS Hydraulic Steelworker.Operating Instructions withElectrical and Hydraulic Schematics.

MK485B Kingsland J18 Power Punching and Shaping machine. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual.

MK485C Kingsland J21 Power Punching and Shaping machine. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual.

MK485DKingsland TRIM-TUB Vibratory Finishing Machine. Installation and Operating Instructions.

MK490 TYF = see also under "TFY" below

MK495 Kira Drillmill KN-6V(h) Drill-mill with Fanuc Control. Operator'sInstruction Manual. Includes: Specifications, Transferring and installing,Preparations for test run, Operation of machine, programming in relation to themachine (not the full Fanuc manual), checking and Maintenance, troubleshooting. MK597 KISTLER Charge Amplifier Type 5001. Operating and ServiceInstructions.

MK496 Kitagawa Iron Works MAC-Mini NC Controller. Maintenance Manual

MK597A KISTLER Charge Amplifier Type 9001. Operating and Service Instructions.

MK500 KITAMURA MT-20B Lathe. Detailed Operator's Instruction and ProgrammingManual including a Separate Manual for Kitamura Hydraulic Chucks, and anOmega-80 IC Card System Operating Manual.

MK505 KITCHEN and WADE Radial Arm Drills Types E24, E25 and E26. A completedata pack for the machine including the Operator's Instruction Manual with 3detailed Sales & Technical Specifications Catalogues that containadditional annotated diagrams. with Sectional Drawings.

MK505-E31 KITCHEN and WADE Radial Arm Drilling Machine Type E31. Operator'sInstruction Manual with a number of useful sectional drawings.

MK505A KITCHEN and WADE Radial Arm Drill Type E32 Mark 1 and Mark 2. Operator'sInstruction Manual with Spare Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings andan electrical schematic. Also includes a detailed sales & TechnicalSpecification Catalogue.

MA685 Kitchen and Wade E33 Radial Arm Drill Mk.1 (some times badged ASQUITH).Instruction Book with useful Sectional Drawings. Also includes a dedicatedsales catalogue with annotated pictures and foundation drawings.

MK505B KITCHEN and WADE H15 Horizontal Boring, Drilling, Tapping and facingMachine. Operating Manual.

MK505C KITCHEN and WADE T9 Drilling Machines. Operating and Maintenance Manualwith Sectional Drawings and Electrical Diagram.

MK510 KITCHEN and WALKER E2 and E3 RADIAL ARM DRILLS. Operating and MaintenanceManual with Parts, Electrical Schematics and a set of the maker's Sales &Specification catalogues.

MK510B KITCHEN and WALKER E4 RADIAL ARM DRILL. Operating and Maintenance Manualwith Parts and Electrical Schematics. and a set of the maker's Sales &Specification catalogues.

MK510C KITCHEN and WALKER E5 RADIAL ARM DRILL. Operating and Maintenance Manualwith Parts and a set of the maker's Sales & Specification catalogues.

MK510D KITCHEN and WALKER V2 32-inch RADIAL ARM DRILL. Short Operating andMaintenance Manual with wiring diagram and large General Assembly Drawing.

MK510E KITCHEN and WALKER E38 800 Radial-Arm Drill. Operating Instructions withParts as Exploded-component drawings.

MK515 KLAIBER WS-11a Tool & Cutter Grinder. Instruction Manual withsectional drawing through the spindle and a copy of the maker's Sales,Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue. GERMAM TEXT. p

MK520 KLINGELNBERG Hob Sharpening Machine AGW231 and AGW391. Parts as Sectionaldrawings.

MK520A KLINGELNBERG Hob Sharpening Machine AGW230 Change Gear Tables.

MK520B KLINGELNBERG PFS600 GEAR TESTING MACHINE with Makrograph Control Unit.Operator's Instruction and set-up manual with many useful sectional drawings.

MK523 KARL KLINT Broaching Machine RSI-8-DT and RSI-8-DT1 (with pull and lifthead locking). Operator's Instructions & Lubrication Manual with PartsManual as Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics.

MK525 KLOB JIG BORER TYPE OPCO 175 (Optical Jig Borer) Operator's InstructionManual and Sectional Parts Drawings and a copy of the maker's Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue.

MK525A KLOB "Waagerecht-Rundtisch-Flachschleifmaschine SBFR 060-40"Circular-table turret-head grinding machine. Instruction Manual with Parts asSectional Drawings. German text

MK525B KLOB Polygonal Turning Machine Tornomat Size 2. Operator's Instructions

KLOB - see also HAHN and KOLB

MK530 KNAPP UZFM 300H Rack Milling Machine: Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MK540 KOEPFER 205/210 Rack Cutting Machine 205/210. Operating Manual with twoelectrical schematics.

MK540A KOEPFER Type 170 Gear Hobbing Machine. Operating Manual including anElectrical Schematic.

K.O.Lee - see under LEE below

MK550 KONDIA FV1 (FV-1) Vertical Turret Miller (Bridgeport-like clone) asmarketed by Clausing USA and others (and sometimes badged as the"Splendor"). Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with aParts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes a wiring diagram (for the standardmachine), an additional Service and Instruction Manual for the KVVariable-speed head with Parts as Sectional Drawings and a copy of the maker'sdetailed Sales, Technical Specification & Accessories catalogue.

MK550A KONDIA FV1-NC Computer-controlled Vertical Turret Miller as above butfitted with MICRON NC Control System. Includes 7 electrical schematics.

MK550B KONDIA K76 Computer-controlled Milling Machine. 11 ElectricalSchematics and a listing of codes used for the Manual Control Panel (e.g. Decimal 02, Octal 02, Instruction LD, Element No. 400, Remarks Spindle Forward).

MK550C KONDIA K76. Service and Instruction Manual for Maintaining the Electronic Power Feed Unit.Includes an electrical schematic and Sectional Drawings of the Parts.

MK555 KOPINGS LATHE S12A. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual andParts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales,Accessories and Technical Specification catalogue.

MK555A KOPINGS F20 and UF20 Milling Machines. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings with ElectricalSchematic.

MK555B KOPING VF2A Vertical Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction,Maintenance Manual, Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and a copy of themaker's sales & Technical Specification catalogue..

MK565 KSM "No-Mark" StudWelder. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MK575 KOPP VARIATORS 100 Series (Allspeeds): Instruction, Maintenance andSpares as Sectional Drawings.

MK575A KOPP VARIATORS 300 Series (Allspeeds): Instruction, Maintenance andSpares as Sectional Drawings.

MK575B KOPP VARIATORS B Series (Allspeeds): Instruction, Maintenance and Sparesas Sectional Drawings.

MK590 KTK 6P4Q Speed-control of DC Motors Converter. Operation, Maintenance and Technical Data Manual with Electrical Schematics.

MK600 KTM 400-CNC, 500-CNC and 560-CNV Machining Centre. Maintenance Manual.

MK600A KTM 1500CNC and KTM 2500CNC Machining Centers. Maintenance Manual.

MK600B KTM 1500CNC and KTM 2500CNC Machining Centers. Parts Manual as clearExploded-component Drawings.

MK600C KTM HMC 1500 Milwaukee-matic. Parts Manual as clear Exploded-componentDrawings.

MK600D KTM FM100 Fleximatic Machining Centre. Maintenance Manual

MK600E KTM FM200 FM300 CNC machining Centre Sinumerik 8M Maintenance Manual.

MK600F KTM Floor Mounted Tool Magazine & Changer. Replacement Parts Manualfor the original and Mk. 2 Models

MK600G KTM ROEVATRAN RT 100, RT 100/1, RT200, RT 200/1, RT300, RT300/1.Replacement Parts Manual.

MK600H KTM FANUC Digital AC Spindle Servo Unit Installation & MaintenanceManual.

MK650 KURAKI MH-40 Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual (poorillustrations but perfect text)

MK720 KUHLMANN Copy Milling Machines NF1 and NF2. Detailed instruction Manualand Maker's Machine and Accessories Catalogues.

MK720A KUHLMANN Copy Milling Machine GM-11/3D. Detailed Instruction Manual anda copy of the maker's Sales & Specification Catalogue.

MK722 KUMMER Freres K20 High Precision, Double Spindle Lathe with Automatic Cycle. A maker's original copy of the Instruction Manual with Electrical Schematics and Maintenance Instructions.

MK722A KUMMER Freres Semi-Automatic Lathes. Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings. English, French and German Text.

MK725 KUNMING Pantograph Engraver Models X4220A and X4222A. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics and somedimensioned Parts Drawings. Available with English or Chinese text.

MK750 KUNZMANN Miller UFV500. Installations and Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings (German text).

ML1 LACFER Lathes Models CR-1, CR-2 and CR2E: Instruction Manual. IncludesCross-Sectional Drawings of the entire machine, a wiring diagram and a copy ofthe 4-page Eide Electromagnetic clutch instructions. Text is in English, Spanish andGerman.

ML-01 LIANG DEI Lathe LD-1340S Operation Manual and parts as Exploded ComponentDrawings with a copy of the maker's Sales & Technical SpecificationCatalogue.

ML2 LAN BAT Multiangular Vertical Head. Operating Instructions with SectionalDrawings and Angular tables.

ML2A LANCASHIRE Dynamo Nevelin Ltd. Variable-speed Drive. Instruction Manualwith a large Electrical and General-arrangement Schematic.

ML3 LANCING BAGNALL FSEP-2 Pedestrian Controlled Electric Fork Lift Truck.Operator's Hand book and Maintenance Manual.

ML3A LANCING BAGNALL FRES2-1 Pedestrian Controlled Electric Fork Lift Truck.Operator's Hand book and Maintenance Manual. ML3B LANCING BAGNALL BatteryChargers C Range Models C1, C2 and C3. Operation and Maintenance Manual withParts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings. Contains fault-finding guides,circuit diagrams, circuit descriptions and charger adjustments.

ML4X Landis Cylindrical Grinding Manual. A complete guide to using Landiscylindrical grinders. Much information applicable to other makes as well.

ML4X2 "Modern Methods of Cylindrical Grinding". A well-illustratedand useful 28-page booklet explaining production methods and tolerancesachievable on a variety of typical jobs.

ML4 Landis Type H-4 Plain Hydraulic Grinder. Operator's Instructions.

ML4A Landis Universal & Cylindrical Grinding Machines Types 1, 1 1/2, 2, 3,4 (1920 and 1930s Models) Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and Spares PartsBook.

ML4C Landis UNIVERSAL GRINDER 10" x 20" Operator's InstructionManual.

ML4CH-LCH Landis 10-inch and 12-inch Types CH and LCH Cylindrical Grinders.Operator's Handbook with Parts as Sectional and Cut-away Drawings.

ML4D Landis 1-inch Type LC and 10" -12" -14" -16" -18"Type C UNIVERSAL GRINDERS: Operator's Instruction Manual and Parts Manual asSectional and Cut-away Diagrams.

ML4D2 Landis Type C 6", 10" & 14" Plain (cylindrical)Grinders. Operator's Instruction Manual.

ML4E Landis 1R 10" x 20" Universal grinding Machines. A complete datapack with Operator's Instruction Manual, Performance Records Brochure and theMaker's detailed Technical Sales and Specification catalogue.

ML4F Landis 2R 6" and 10" Semi-Automatic and Plain (Cylindrical)Grinding Machines. Operator's Instruction Manual. Includes a copy of the maker'sdetailed and useful 48-page comprehensive Technical Sales and SpecificationCatalogue showing all the "R" machines.

ML4G Landis 2R 6" and 10" Semi-Automatic and Plain (Cylindrical)Grinding Machines. Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

ML4H Landis 3R 10" and 14" Type Semi-Automatic and Plain(Cylindrical) Grinding machines. Operator's Manual. Includes a copy of themaker's detailed and useful 48-page comprehensive Technical Sales andSpecification Catalogue showing all the "R" machines.

ML4HP Landis Type 3R Grinder. Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

ML4J Landis 4R and 4RH 10", 14", 18" 4RH Semi-Automatic andPlain (Cylindrical) Grinding Machines. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual (indifferent but readable copy); Parts catalogue as Exploded ComponentDrawings and a copy of the maker's detailed and useful 48-page comprehensiveTechnical Sales and Specification Catalogue showing all the "R"machines.

ML4JE Landis 4R. Pack of 14 large electrical drawings.

ML4K Landis 10" and 14" Cylindrical Grinder Parts Catalogue asExploded Component Drawings.

ML4L Landis R-Type Grinders. General Instructions.

ML4M Landis 16" Semi-Automatic CRANKPIN Grinding Machine. Operator's Handbook.

ML4M2 Landis Type 4R and 4RH Crankpin Grinders. Operation and MaintenanceManual with Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

ML4M5RR Landis Type 5R Crankshaft Main Bearing Grinder with Numerical Feed.Operator's Manual.

ML4M5R Landis Type 5R Crankshaft Main Bearing (Crankpin) Grinder. Parts Manual as ExplodedComponent Drawings.

ML4XX Landis Type 5R Fully Automatic Crankpin Grinder with Microtronic Feed. Operator's Manual z

ML4N Landis 5-inch Type R Cam Grinding Machine. Parts catalogue as ExplodedComponent Drawings.

ML4P Landis 5RIW Grinder ( 5R-IW Grinder). Comprehensive Instruction andMaintenance Manual. A complete data pack assembled by an end user and includingfactory updates and special instructions.

ML5A Landis Handbooks (2 editions) for Chasers & Die Heads: Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual for Lanco Type R hand-operated machines,Lanco Head Type MR, Landex Heads Types J, JX, MJ & MJN for Automatic ScrewMachines, Landmatic Head Type A, F and MF for Turret Lathes. Includes grindingthreads with and without leadscrew feed, tapered pipe threads and rake or cuttingangles. General grinding instructions; setting Landis Chasers; Operation ofLandis Die Heads; left-hand threads; cleaning, adjusting, repairing andlubricating Landis Die Heads.

ML5B Landis Thread Cutting Equipment: Comprehensive Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Instructions for Die Holders, Tangential Thread Chasers, ThreadingHeads and Machines, Grinding Tap Chasers and the Operation of Collapsible Taps,Special threads, Care & Operation of Threading Machines, etc. 185 pages.

ML5C Landis No. 3 Pinner 60 Grinder. Electrical Manual (Circuit diagrams).

ML5D Landis Microtronic Feed Multi-Wheel Grinder, Crank Pin Grinder and Line Grinder. Electronics Manual. 2nd Edition for Mk.2 Feed Systems.

ML8 Landis (by Fay-Scott Landis) "Landis Chainstich McKay Sticher"Model 77. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts asPhotographic Plates.


ML10 LANG Junior Lathes up to the 1940s. Technical literature for theseearlier, smaller Lang lathes was sparse so a data pack has been assembled withall known publications consisting of: two editions (early and late) of the"Operation of Lang Lathes", a Combined Instruction Book for the13-inch and 17-inch Junior and a well-illustrated early Junior Sales Catalogue.

ML10A Lang Junior Lathes - later Mk. 2 Models. 13-inch and 17-inch. Operationand Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual.

ML10AA LANG B and CB Lathes: Detailed and very well-illustrated Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual.

ML10B LANG J6 13-inch and 17-inch Lathe: Detailed Instruction Manual and Partsmanual as Component Photographs. Includes clutch adjustment instructions and acopy of the maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue.

ML10C LANG 8B, 8B2, 10B and 10B2 Lathes: Instruction Manual and Parts Manualwith Electrical schematic.

ML10D LANG A4 and CA4 (Models 12A4, 14A4, 33CA4, 42CA4) Lathes: InstructionManual and Parts Manual.

ML10E LANG 21D, 25D and 30D Lathes: Detailed and well-illustrated Instruction,Maintenance and Parts Manual. Includes the Maintenance Instructions for the BHIMulti-disc clutches.

ML10F LANG 16D, 16CD, 20D and 20CD Lathes: Detailed and well-illustratedInstruction, Maintenance and Spare Parts Manual. Instructions for the BHIMulti-disc clutches.

ML14 LANTAINE LAM 350-BH bench lathe. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual and Parts List with electrical schematics. Two editions are included -one for which might have been a later version of the machine.

ML16LAPMASTER Model 15 Operator's Instruction Manual with Electrical Schematic and a Section on General Operating Methods for this class of machine.It can be ordered securely online here where can choose to pay by most credit and debit cards - or PayPal:

ML16ALAPMASTER LM24/700/36 "27" Series. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.It can be ordered securely online here where can choose to pay by most credit and debit cards - or PayPal:

ML16BLapmaster 12-inch, 24-inch & 36-inch High-precision Lapping Machines. Instruction Manual with an Electrical Schematic.It can be ordered securely online here where can choose to pay by most credit and debit cards - or PayPal:

ML16C LAPMASTER 48" Lapping Machine. Operator's Instructions and Maintenance ManualIt can be ordered securely online here where can choose to pay by most credit and debit cards - or PayPal:

ML18 LAPOINTE Broaching Machines Vertical and Horizontal Types includingL-Types, HP-Types, Small Vertical Pull Down, Vertical Hydraulic Presses, SingleRam Surface Machines, Double Ram Surface Machines, Hydraulic Pull Down Machinesand Universal Broach Sharpeners. Types: 2S-L, 2S-L6, 2L, 2L6,3L, 3L8, 3 1/2L,4L, HP-5, HP-15, HP-20, HP-30, HP-40, HP-50, HP-75, HP-100, SPD 4-12, SPD 6-18,SPD 8-24, SPD 10-24, the CPC range of Hydraulic Presses, SRV Models, DRVModels, V-1 to V-9 Models, : Operator's Instruction and Service Manual withElectrical and Hydraulic Schematics.

ML35 LARS Tool and Cutter Grinder - Deckel copy. The best manual for thismachine is the one for the DECKEL SOE. See under Deckel above

ML45 LARSSON CL-21 (Lidkoping-Larsson) Fine-boring Machine. Detailed Operatingand Maintenance Manual. Includes a copy of the maker's Specification and Salesand Specification Catalogue.

ML55 LARVIC Rehabilitation Wood-turning lathe (treadle-operated). InstructionBook. Two editions are included covering both the Mk.1 and Mk. 2 Machines

ML65 LAYco*ck 60-ton Hydraulic Press. Maintenance and Service Instructions.

ML68 LEADWELL MCH500 Service Manual. A comprehensive guide to the machine withParts as Sectional Drawings and FANUC System 10M-Model A Controls.

ML68A LEADWELL VMC-25 and VMC-40 CNC Machining centre (milling machine)Instruction Manual.

ML71 LeBLOND REGAL 10-inch Regal. For this lathe we can offer a data pack withthe 2 known relevant publications:
1) The original basic 15-page Manual and Instructions (that shows a copy of theoften polished and unreadable gearbox threading chart) - this is included in acopy of the LeBlond book "Running a Regal". This book deals, in avery comprehensive way, with all sizes of "Regal" lathes made duringthat period - originally printed as a 72-page small format edition this hasbeen enlarged to A4 to make it more readable and the illustrations clearer.
2) A superb 47-page Technical Sales Catalogue and Price List. Thisfirst-edition publication introduces the new, lighter LeBlond lathes and isfull of detailed technical information, useful Component Parts Pictures as wellas interesting company and factory information.

ML71A LeBLOND REGAL "Running a Regal" 1930s to 1940s. The firstLeBlond handbook that deals, in a very comprehensive way, with all sizes of"Regal" lathes made during that period. (72 pages, small format).Also included is a superb 47-page Technical Sales Catalogue & Price List.This first-edition publication introduces the new, lighter LeBlond lathes andis full of detailed technical information, useful Component Parts Pictures as wellas interesting company and factory information.
Pictures of these early Regal lathes can be seen here:

ML71B LeBLOND REGAL LATHES (13" to 19") early 1940s to late 1950s. Thesewere designated: A = 10", B = 13", C = 15", D = 17" E =19", F = 21", H = 24". The lathes remained largely unchangedmechanically from their introduction until the late 1950s - although the standsand drive systems were modernized to make the machines more compact. Operation,& Maintenance Manual, with Parts Manual shown as Exploded ComponentDrawings. 98 pages, large format - and includes a very useful updated versionof the original LeBlond Book "Running a Regal" and a copy of the MakersRegal Sales Catalog. GBP40
Pictures of this revised type can be seen here: regal 1940s and 1950s.

ML71C LeBLOND and "LeBlond MAKINO" Instruction & IllustratedParts Manual (as detailed Cross-Sectional Drawings) for the later"Regal" lathes from the late 1950s through to the 1980s: Models13" (C3), 15" (C5), 17" (E3) and 19" (E7) including theServo-shift and sliding bed types. Pictures of this revised type can beseen here: Regal late 1950sonwards.

ML71E LeBLOND: 12", 14", 16" & 18" lathes in Engine,Toolroom and gap-bed forms and the 19" to 38" sliding-bed models.These were heavier, industrial-class LeBlond lathes made from the 1930s to theearly 1950s. Service & Instruction Manual. GBP35

ML71F LeBLOND "Dual Drive" Mk.1 Instruction and Illustrated PartsManual as detailed Cross-Sectional Drawings. This is for the lathe with thefront face of the headstock "rounded".

ML71F2 LeBLOND "Dual Drive" Mk. 2 Instruction and Illustrated PartsManual as detailed Cross-Sectional Drawings. This is for the later Dual Drivewith a flat face to the headstock.

ML71G LeBLOND 14" and 16" Tool and Diemaker Precision Lathe.Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as detailed Sectional Diagrams.

ML71G/20 LeBlond 20-inch Heavy-duty Engine Lathe. Service Manual with PartsManual as sectional Drawings.

ML72H LeBLOND 25", 27", 30" and 32" Heavy-duty lathes -plain, gap bed, sliding bed, hollow spindle models: Installation, Operator'sInstruction, Maintenance and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

ML71J LeBlond "Multi-cut Lathe" Guide to the lathe with Settings andWork Examples.

ML71K LeBlond AUTOMATIC Lathes. Detailed Operator's and Maintenance Manual withTypical and Special Cam and Tooling Layouts and Parts as Sectional Drawings.

The LeBlond Tool & Cutter Grinder was sold before the advent of dedicatedInstruction books. However, the following publication is that produced by LeBlondand intended to be used by them as a guide to using the machine effectively.
LeBlond Universal Tool & Cutter Grinders & Accessories. Detailed andwell-illustrated 70-page Sales & Specification Catalog-cum-Instruction Bookwith headings that include: General Descriptions (of construction and layout)
Specification of the machine (and descriptions of accessories)
Emery wheels
Operation and Care
Remarks on Grinding (hints and tips for use)
Illustrations of typical jobs and the employment of accessories including theplain machine between centres, the Universal Attachment, CylindricalAttachment, Internal Attachment, Gear Cutter Attachment, Surface GrindingAttachment, Power Automatic Feed to the Table, etc.

L76 LeBLOND REGAL Lathes. A superb, 47-page Full-range Technical Sales andSpecification Catalogue and Price List 1931. This first-edition publicationintroduces the new, lighter LeBlond lathes and is full of detailed technicalinformation, useful Component Parts Pictures as well as interesting company andfactory information.

ML85 K.O.LEE Universal Tool and Cutter Grinders. Very detailed 127-pageInstruction Book. Covers most models (and the principles of cutter grinding)including the B360, BA960, BA962, B2060, B2062, B6060, B6062, B300, BA900 andB2000. Machines were stamped with various suffix letter combinations and themanual applies to them all. Examples include "X" and "Y"for special-equipment models, "H" for hydraulic table travel, "BB"for ball-bearing mounted flat and V-rollers for anti-friction table travel,"M" for metric calibration of dials, etc.

ML87 Lees Bradner 7HD Gear Hobber. Detailed Operation, Maintenence and Parts Manual with Electrical Diagrams and Technical Drawings.

ML87A Lees Bradner HT and LT Thread Milling Machine. Operation and Service Manual

ML88 LIEBER & GÜRTLER DLZ300 Lathe. Installation, Operation and MaintenanceManual. GERMAN TEXT (this is a po0r quality reproduction but readable).Contains a detailed, high-quality 22-page Sales & Specification Cataloguein English.

ML89 LEINEN LZ4S and MLZ 4S and SK (the ML21SB looks similar) Super-precisionlathe: Operating Manual with Sectional Drawings, Maintenance and AdjustmentSections, Wiring Diagram, and copies of the often damaged or missingscrewcutting and feed charts, etc. Includes works drawings of the "Multiplicator" screwcutting gearbox and copies of all the associated LeinenSales and Specification Literature.

ML89B Leinen LZ (early) Precision Lathe. Manual with GERMAN TEXT. IncludesIllustrated Parts Drawings with sections through the headstock tailstock,screwcutting gearbox, compound slide-rest assembly and countershaft drive unitand an electrical schematic. This lathe is an early version of the MLZ4 withlever rather than dial-controlled screwcutting gearbox. Includes works drawings of the "Multiplicator" screwcutting gearbox and a copy of themaker's Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue in English containinguseful capacity, screwcutting and alignment charts. German text in the manual.

LEINEN: Unfortunately there appear to have been no "Manuals" producedby the company for their range of older flat-belt drive Precision plain-turningand Screwcutting Lathes, nor for the watchmakers' lathes. However, a largeselection of interesting and well-produced technical advertising literature isavailable here - -

LM91 LEMPCO (Bedford Ohio, USA) Model KG Crankshaft Grinder. Detailed Operation Manual with Adjustment Instructions.

ML93 Leonard-Douglas Bendmaster Models MB. Detailed Instruction Manual withRepair Parts as Sectional Drawings.

ML95 LESTO (bar-bed lathe made in Switzerland) - see under Scinta and Scintilla

ML97 LEVIN LATHES - Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual. Includes a1973 through 1978 Lathes and Accessories Catalog.
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ML97A LEVIN LATHES - Data Packconsisting of: Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual and the followingcatalogs. LEVIN (USA) Precision lathes:Full Lathe & Accessory Catalogue. Dated 1950. 32 pages. LEVIN (USA) Precision lathes: Full Lathe& Accessory Catalog. Dated 1954. 36 pages. This is the first of theimproved "glossy-photograph" editions. LEVIN (USA) Lathe Accessories, Heavy-duty Slide Rests, CircularSaws, Collets, Turret Tooling, Micro Drilling, Micro Drills. Publication circa1960. 12 pages. LEVIN (USA) PriceLists: 1950, 1953 and 1958.12 pages.LEVIN (USA) Precision Lathes, Drills & Accessories Sales &Technical Specification Catalog 1963. 40 Pages. LEVIN (USA) Precision Lathes, Drills & Accessories Sales& Technical Specification Catalog with price lists 1972. 46 Pages. LEVIN (USA) Precision Lathes, Drills &Accessories Sales & Technical Specification Catalog 1973 through 1978. 31Pages.

LEYLAND -GIFFORD "Hybco"Cutter Grinder - See under Hybco

M1005 LIBBY (International machine Tool Corporation) Type H Turret Lathe.Erection, Operator's Instruction Manual and a Parts Manual as Clear Sectional drawings.

ML100A LIBBY Type 4A Universal Ram Type Turret Lathe. Parts as DetailedSectional Drawings.

ML101 LIBERTY (Axelson-Liberty) Medium-duty Double-housing Type Planer.Instruction Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.

ML101A LIBERTY (Axelson-Liberty) Medium-duty Double-housing Type Planer.Instruction Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.

ML101B LIBERTY (Axelson-Liberty) Double-housing Open-side Convertible Planers.Instruction Manual.

ML102 LIBERTY LATHE (a direct copy of the Colchester Student 1800) for theLiberty the manual for the Colchester version is correct. Operation andMaintenance with a Parts Manual as exploded Component drawings.

ML103 LIDKOPING Centreless GrindingMachines. Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual for all Models.

ML103A LIDKOPING NO. 2 Centreless Grinding Machine all Types. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual; includes large electrical schematic.

ML103A LIDKOPING NO. 2C Centreless Grinding Machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

ML103B LIDKOPING NO. 2C Centreless Grinding Machine. Set of 14 very large plusseveral small Electrical Schematics as used by a Lidkoping Service Engineer.

ML103C LIDKOPING Turret Lathe Type CR-4. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual. English and German text.

ML103D LIDKOPING 3B Grinder. 5 Large Electrical Schematics. Original maker's copies.


ML105 LIECHTI Lathes (Switzerland ). "Description and WorkingInstructions" with detailed Sectional Drawings of the"Universal" Lathes Type P Centre lathe, Type PR Turret Lathe, TypePRT Drum-turret Lathe. Includes a Sales and Specification Catalogue for theCombination Turret Lathe Type PR

ML107 LIEBHERR L401 Gear Hobber: Spare Parts as Large Sectional Drawings.

ML107A LIEBHERR S650 Gear Hobber: Parts Manual as general Sectional Drawings.

ML107B LIEBHERR S500 and S800 Gear Hobber: Detailed Operating Manual with tables ofgears and differential change gears (includes a copy of the detailed salescatalogue for the similar L301).

ML107A LIEBHERR S650 Gear Hobber: Parts Manual as general Sectional Drawings.

ML108 LIGHGUARDS Data Pack: three publications consisting of: "LightguardsInstallation & Maintenance Instructions"; "Lightguards Manual forInfra Red Lightguards (with a section on faultfinding for the Mk.3" and aSet of Electrical Schematics labelled for Pearson, Bronx, BMF and variousunidentified press brakes.

ML109 LIH CHANG Turret Milling Machine Operator's Instruction Manual andExploded-diagrams Parts Manual.

ML110 LINATROL HL-90 (Westinghouse) Co-ordinate Drive Tracing System. ServiceManual with electrical schematic.

ML111 LINCOLN (GKN) "Lincomig" Welding Sets CVR-330, CVR-440,CVR-55-, CVR-660, AM-21, AM-42, AM-213, AM-423, MB-25, MB-36KD, MG-36, MB-40KDand RB-61. Instruction Manual, Electrical Schematics and Illustrated PartsManual.

ML11A LINCOLN (GKN) Archmaker Sprite 2000F Wire-feed unit. Instruction Manualwith Parts as Exploded-component drawings and Electrical Schematics. Includesthe instruction manual for the FCR200, FCR.200A,FCR.300VC and FCR.400VCRectifier Power Units.

ML11B LINCOLN (GKN) FCR200, FCR.200A,FCR.300VC and FCR.400VC Rectifier PowerUnits. Instruction Manual.

ML11C LINCOLN (GKN Norweld) TIG-182 Welding Rectifier . User's manual with an Electrical Schematic.

ML112 LINDNER Type FS-1 THREAD GRINDING MACHINE: Operator's Instruction Manualwith foundation plans, lubrication, countershaft drawings, Electrical diagrams,a number of useful sectional and outline and drawings of the Micro-opticalDevice, Universal Dressing Device, Full-profile Dressing Device, DressingDevice of Special Type, Dressing Device for multiple profile grinding wheels,Work Headstock, Arrangement of change gears and indexing device for axialshifting of the work carriage, grinding wheel chart, Tailstock and workcarriage.

ML114A LINDNER SJD 12 Automatic Internal Grinding Machine Model. Operating andMaintenance Manual with electrical and mechanical schematics.

ML114B LINDNER "Standard Type" Thread Grinding Machines. Operating andMaintenance Manual with a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

L370 LINLEY JIG BORER (USA) Early Model (narrow saddle) Sales Catalog 4 pages.Model 1A Sales Catalog 6 pages + Illustrated Parts List plus Parts Prices.There was also a development of the Linley made in England by the companyDownham: see manual reference

ML120 LINMATIC Filing Machine: Operator's Instruction Manual. Slender butuseful publication.

ML121 LNS Super Hydrobar Type HYS Bar Feeder. Instruction & MaintenanceManual in English, French and German.

ML121A LNS Super-Hydrobar Model HS (Hydraulic bar-feed Machine). Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with parts as sectional drawings. English,French and German text.

ML121B LNS Hydrobar Hydraulic bar-feed Machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with electrical schematic. English, French and German text.

ML121Z LOOPCO LD3M Conveying & Stacking System. Operation & MaintenanceManual.

ML122 LODGE and SHIPLEY PowerturnLathes. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual. Includes comprehensivescrewcutting charts and inch/metric and metric/inch conversion tables.

ML122AX LODGE and SHIPLEY Powerturn Lathes. Parts Manual as useful and very clear ExplodedComponent Drawings.

ML122A Lodge and Shipley Operator's Instruction Manual for 12", 14"and 16" Engine Lathes. Includes a detailed 20-page technical Sales and Specificationbrochure.

ML122B LODGE and SHIPLEY Repair Parts Manual. Geared and belt-dive headstockmodels. 12 pages

ML122C LODGE and SHIPLEY DUOMATIC Lathe. Repair Parts Manual as componentphotographs. 10 pages.

ML122D LODGE and SHIPLEY 60 Model T Lathe. Repair Parts Manual as usefulexploded component drawings.

ML122E LODGE and SHIPLEY T-15977 Electric Lathe Drive by the Reliance Electricand Engineering Co. Operation Manual with Electrical Schematics.

ML125A Logan Lathes. Early Instruction and Maintenance Manual book for theLogan and Montgomery-Ward badged lathes with slender bed feet.

ML125H LOGAN Lathes Models 1937 and 1947 Parts Manual as Exploded ComponentDiagrams.

ML125J LOGAN Lathes Models 1925, 1927, 1955 and 1957 Parts Manual as ExplodedComponent Diagrams.

ML125B LOGAN Lathes 1900 Series: Parts Manual as Exploded Component Diagrams.(any lathe with a model number starting 1900).

ML125C LOGAN Lathes 200, 201, 210 and 211: Comprehensive Instruction Manual.Includes a Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams and SectionalDrawings and a detailed Sales and Specification Catalog.

ML125D LOGAN (USA) Lathes and Accessories: Not a Manual but a very useful early(1943) Catalogue s - superb full-plate pictures and detailed Sectional Drawingsof all components.

ML125E LOGAN Lathes 6500 series (6565, 6510, 6560, etc.) 14-inch: Parts Manualas Exploded Component Diagrams.

ML125G LOGAN Lathes Models 925, 927, 995, 957. Parts Manual as ExplodedComponent Diagrams.

ML125K LOGAN: Shaper. 8-inch model. Operation Instructions and Parts Manual asexploded Component Diagrams.

ML180 LOEWE FW4 Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual with ElectricalSchematic and Rotary Table Instructions and Charts. German text.

ML180A LOEWE FS4 Program Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual.English Text.

ML180B LOEWE FS5 Program milling Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual.English Text.

ML210 LOH TR 4-700 Sawing Machine. Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

ML230 LORCH LAS Lathe: Instruction Manual, Illustrated Parts Manual andSectional Drawings. Includes a set of Sales and Specification sheets for theLAS and similar versions - LL-K, LL-V, LL-S, LL-PV, PLL-V, PLL-S, etc

ML230A LORCH B30 LZS and B30LZ Lathes: Lorch B30 LZS and B30LZ Lathes: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with English text. Includes copies of the essential screwcutting and power-feed charts, explanations of how to generate thread pitches not on the charts, specifications of the bearings used in the lathe and a copy of the maker's detailed and well-illustrated Technical Sales and Specification catalogue.

ML230B LORCH KD50 lathe. Data pack consisting of a German-language manual withuseful sectional drawings of headstock and compound slide, wiring diagram, testcharts, etc. Three catalogues, one in English, two in German giving thecomplete specification.

LORCH: Unfortunately there appear to have been no "Manuals" producedby the company for their range of older flat-belt drive Precision plain-turningand screwcutting lathes, nor for their watchmakers' lathes. However, a largeselection of interesting and well-produced technical advertising literature isavailable on the CataloguesPages

ML300 LORENZ Gear Shaper Model Soo-SVoo. Operating Instructions. Includes anelectrical schematic and a foundation plan.

ML320 LUCA LBC/60 and LBC120 Battery Charger and Engine Starter. . Operating|Instructions with wiring diagrams.

LUMSDEN Manuals often covered more than one model type - with the thosecombined in one volume changing over the year - with others dedicated to aspecific model. If your table size is different to those stated e.g. 43"instead of 38", the same Manual is applicable.

ML340 LUMSDEN Type 70 with reciprocating rectangular table. Operator'sHandbook. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales & Specification Catalogue.

ML340-71 LUMSDEN Type 71MLOD Vertical Spindle Reciprocating Table SurfaceGrinder. Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual. Includes a Hydraulicschematic, sectional drawings of the Hydraulic system and a number of otheruseful sectional drawings of the mechanical parts.

ML340A LUMSDEN Type 90 Vertical Segmental Wheel Surface Grinding Machines withreciprocating table (including Models: 90LE, 90ML, 91ML, 91MLT, 92 ML and93ML): Operator's Instruction & Maintenance Manual. (see below for anedition with a large electrical schematic).

ML340B LUMSDEN Type 90ML, 91ML, 90LE, 91LE and 92LE Vertical AutomaticContinuous Production Surface Grinder (rotary table fixed vertical wheel head).Operator's Instruction & Maintenance Manual and Spares Parts Manual asSectional Drawings (two manuals, 1st and 2nd Editions for the 90ML and 91MLcombined and a separate Operatots handbook for theLE Series machines).

ML340B2 LUMSDEN Type 90MLN and 91MLN) Automatic Continuous Production SurfaceGrinding Machines (rotary table, fixed vertical wheel head). Operation,Maintenance and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

ML340C LUMSDEN Type 91MLS Automatic Continuous Production Surface GrindingMachine (rotary table, fixed vertical wheel head). Operator's Instruction &Maintenance Manual and Spares Parts as Sectional Drawings.

ML340D LUMSDEN Type 91MLT Vertical Grinder. Operator's Instruction &Maintenance Manual and Spares Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

ML340F LUMSDEN Type 92ML & 93ML VerticalGrinder. Operator's Instruction & Maintenance Manual and pares Parts Manualas Sectional Drawings.

ML340G LUMSDEN Type 96ML Vertical Segmental-wheel Grinder. Operator'sInstruction & Maintenance Manual with 2 large Electrical Schematics and someuseful and detailed Sectional drawings.

ML380 LUNA SP800 and SP1000 Wood-turning Lathes. Instruction Manual and PartsAs Exploded Component Drawings.

ML380a Luna W69, W64, W59, W49,L39, L38-310, L38, L28, L18 Circular Saw, SawGuard Frame and Sliding Table, Planer Table and Fittings, Planer Cutter, Fence,Thicknessing Table, Gearbox, Spindle Moulder, Moulding Fence, Drilling Tableetc. Parts Manual as very useful Exploded Component Diagrams.

ML400 LUND UK "PRECIMAX" Cylindrical Grinding Machines: Operator'sGeneral Handbook. Issued by the factory as a guide to using all their models of cylindrical Grinder. (see also "Landis-Lund")

ML400A LUND (Landis-LUND "Precimax") Model FB-1 Fine Boring machine.Instruction and Maintenance Manual. (see also "Lund" for otherPrecimax machines)

ML400B LUND "PRECIMAX" FB-1, FB-1/3, FB-2 and FB-2/3 Fine BoringMachines: Instruction and Maintenance Manual. (see also"Landis-Lund")

ML400C LUND "PRECIMAX" MPA and MPB Grinding Machines: Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. (see also "Landis-Lund" for later edition for the MPB Version)

ML400D LUND "PRECIMAX" MPO Cylindrical Grinding Machines: Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. (see also "Landis-Lund")

ML400E LUND "PRECIMAX" HUP-1 Cylindrical Grinding Machines:Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings. (see also "Landis-Lund")

ML400F LUND (Landis-LUND) Model MPH, MPJ-12, MPH-10 (and other models ofsimilar type but varying capacity) "Precimax" Plain CylindricalGrinding Machines: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with PartsManual as Sectional Drawings.

ML400G LUND (Landis-LUND) Model MPB Grinding Machine: Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

ML400H LUND (Landis-LUND) Model HMPB Grinding Machine: Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

ML400J LUND (Landis-LUND) Model UPH and UPJ Grinding Machines: Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

ML400JUK LUND (Landis-LUND) Model UK Grinding Machine: Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

ML400K LUND (Landis Lund) Model MPO Plain Cylindrical Grinder. Instruction Bookwith Parts as Sectional Drawings.

ML400L LUND (Landis Lund) Wheel Profile Dressing Attachment - Instructions forSetting and Operating. This assembly was used on the Models MPL, MPM, MPH, MPJ,MPB and MPA

ML400M LUND (Landis Lund) Tymcizer Automatic Sizing Equipment (automaticallycontrols the "spark-out" time, that is, between end of the weelheadinfeed and resetting of the wheelhead to the start position. Operator'sInstructions.

ML400N LUND (Landis Lund and Landis Lund Division of Litton UK) Type 3L CNC CAM 800 Series Grinding Machine. Huge Operator's Manual withMajor Components Adjustment and Preventitive Maintenance and a number of useful sectional and annotated drawings.

ML400P LUND (Landis Lund) Type 5SE Journal Grinder. Large Operator's Manual with Major Component Adjustment,Preventive and Maintenance Schedules and Fault Finding.

ML400Q LUND (Landis Lund) Type 3SE Journal Grinder. Large Operator's Manual with Major Component Adjustment,Preventive and Maintenance Schedules and Fault Finding.

ML450 LUNN KEYSEATING MACHINE Model 15 and LD15. Operating Manual andElectrical Schematic.

ML475 LUREM Universal Woodworker C210B. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings and Electrical Schematics.Editions in English and French included.

ML475A LUREM Universal Woodworker C2100. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings and Electrical Schematics.

ML500 LUX-2M, LUX-2H, LUX-3 Milling Machines. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

ML600 LVD Hydraulic Press Brake Type PPNMZ. Operating Instructions withHydraulic Schematics.

ML600A LVD Electrical diagrams for the MVM Guillotine - includes a layoutdiagram.

MM20 MAAG SS-30, SS-30-X and HSS-30 Gear Grinders. Operator's InstructionManual.

MM20A MAAG PH-60 Gear Testing Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual withElectrical Schematics. Late edition - fully revised.

MM20B MAAG SH-100 and SH-100/140 Gear Cutting Machines. Detailed Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MM20C MAAG SH-45 and SH-75C Gear Cutting Machines. Detailed Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MM20D MAAG HSS-60-BC Gear Grinding Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MM20DS MAAG HSS-60-BC Gear Grinding Machine. Supplementary Manual with machinetechnical data, general gear formulas, instructions for crowning devices,examples of calculations, charts of pressure angles and lots of usefuladditional information about gear grinding on the HSS-60.

MM20E MAAG SH-45, SH-75 and SH-100 Gear Cutting machines. Operator'sInstructions. Includes full instructions for the mounting, setting up andoperating the Internal Gear and Rack Cutting Attachment Type JV (Theseinstructions also apply, in general terms, to the Internal Attachment TypeHJV).

MM20F MAAG Gear Book. Calculation & Manufacture of Gears, Gear Drives for Designers & Works Engineers.Comprehensive coverage of: Gear Geometry & Load capacity, Gear Drives, Gear Cutting, Gear Grinding, Inspection of Gears,Gear Materials & Methods of Heat Treatment, Dictionary of Gear Terms, Comprehensive Charts for such as base tangent calculations, etc.576 pages enlarged from A5 to A4. .

MM30 MACHINEX 5 Hand book and Operator's Instruction Manual for all Machinexlathes, Drills and Mills. Includes Exploded Component Parts Manual and a copyof the original Sales and Specification Catalog with lists of all theaccessories.


MM45 MADAN Junior Air-Hydropump. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual

MM45A MADAN Gas Booster Pump. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MM120 MAESTRO and MAXI and MIDI Variable-speed Drives 1kW, 2kW, 5kW. UsersGuide.

MM47 MAGDEBURG D30 Production lathe. Operation & Maintenance Manual withelectrical diagram

MM50 MAGERLE Milling Machine FD-10-R: Electrical Manual.

MM50B MAGERLE FD-10, FD-12, FD15 Grinding Machines. Comprehensive Operating,Maintenance and Repair Manual with Hydraulic and Electrical Schematics andSpares as Sectional Drawings.

MM50C Magerle Surface Grinding Machines F, FP and FPA Series Grinders: F-7, F-10 , F-12, , FP-10, FP-12, FP-15, FPA-10, FPA-12, FPA-15, etc . A complete 371-page data pack with several Individual Operator's Instruction Books. Includes use of the Accessories - wet-grinding, dust extraction, electro-magnetic clamping, vertical in-feed, transverse measuring device, tips, defects, regulation and re-adjustment of truing apparatus. Also includes a copy of the maker's detailed and well-illustrated 14-page Sales, Technical Specification & Accessories Catalogue.

MM50D MAGERLE FD-120-R,F-100 and F-100-R-S1, Surface Grinder. Electrical Manualincluding Schematics.

MM50E MAGERLE MFP-125.35 Horizontal Surface Grinder Electrical Manual consisting of 127 large Electrical Schematics.including Schematics.

MM58 MAGANAFLUX Models ZA.37W, ZA.37E and ZA.37S Zyglo Flourescent PenetrantSystem Operating Manual. Includes copies of the maker's Sales and TechnicalSpecification catalogues.

MM65 MAGNETEK GPD 503 Technical and Installation Manual.

MM73 MAGNONI (Carlo Magnoni) = see under Arno above

MM85SK Maho SK250 Universal Toolroom Milling Machine. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Employment of Accessories Instructions. Availablewith English or German text.

MM85 "MAHO" MH400 Universal Toolroom Milling Machine. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics and Employment ofAccessories Instructions.

MM85A "Maho" MH500 Universal Toolroom Milling Machine. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings andElectrical Schematics. Employment of Accessories Instructions and a copy of themaker's Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue.

MM85B "MAHO" "Maho" MH600 and MH700 - Toolroom MillingMachine - also covers the almost identical MH700 with its larger table, longertravels and slightly more powerful motors but otherwise same specification.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics,Employment of Accessories Instructions and a copy of the maker's Sales andSpecification and Accessories Catalogue.

MM85C "MAHO" MH800 Universal Toolroom Milling Machine and Die Sinker(earlier rounded style). Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withParts Manual as Sectional Drawings, Electrical Schematics, Employment ofAccessories Instructions and a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification andAccessories Catalogue.

MM85D "MAHO" MH800, MH900 and MH1000 Universal Toolroom MillingMachine and Die Sinker (later square style) - also useful for the smaller butvery similar late-type 600 model. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings, Electrical Schematics, Employment ofAccessories Instructions and a copy of the maker's comprehensive Sales,Specification and Accessories Catalogue.

MM85E Maho CNC 432 Path Control Operating Instructions.

MM85F Maho (specific) Heidenhain TNC 135 Path Control Operating Instructions(used for example on the 400P). Detailed 292-page publication.

MM85G Maho MH500P and MH600P Milling Machine. Detailed Operating InstructionManual

MM95 MAHR 890 Gear Testing Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MAJESTIC Lathes - see under TAKISAWA

MM105 MAKINO MC86 Machining Centre FANUC 11M System. Operator's InstructionManual including drawings.

MM105A MAKINO MC40 Machining Centre Parts Manual as sectional drawings (this issupplied as colour scans)

MM110 MALCUS MC Type Centreless Grinders. Operating and Maintenance Manual.

MM115 MALMEDIE EPMK-10 Single Blow Ball Press. Operating Manual and Parts asSectional Drawings with an Electrical Schematics.


M118 Mandelli Prince 500U CNC Machining Centre. Large Mechanical and ElectricalManual (no circuit diangrams)

MM120 MANEX No.2 JIG BORER: Instruction Book with Electrical Schematics andParts as Sectional Drawings.

MM128 MANN 4102 Horizontal Milling Machine. Operating Instructions with a sectional drawing of the spindle and a wiring Diagram.

MM130 MANNAIONI MANN "AU-CYCLE" Threading Lathe 3" and 4".Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings and Electrical Schematics.

MM130A MANNAIONI MANN F.B.1 Thread Milling Machine. Operating and ServicingManual.

MM140 MANNESMAN DEMAG P1000 and P1200 Electric Rope Hoists. Parts as ExplodedComponent Drawings.

M12B ManSon: USA Maker's Sales Folder (4 x A5 pages) plus various sheets &adverts including and English Dealer's Sales Folder. 14 pages. Plus anadditional 24 pages of accurately dimensioned sketches of every part that makesup the lathe - including the contents of the accessory kit - from whichany component could be manufactured. Notes: these are sketches, not engineeringdrawings. 24 pages.
<![if !supportLineBreakNewLine]>

MM172MANURHIN TR.12/16 and TR.18/22 Automatic lathe. Operator's Instruction Manual. US

MM172A MANURHIN TR.12/16 and TR.18/22 Automatic lathe. Illustrated Parts Manual. US

MM172B MANURHIN COMBIMAT 42-60-80 Single Spindle Lathe. Parts Manual asSectional Drawings.

MM172E MANURHIN COMBIMAT 42-60-80 "Combimat" Automatic Lathe(Manurhin-Tarex) Cam Design Manual with fold-out Charts.

MM172C MANURHIN - detailed "Instructions for the Calculations ofCams".

MM172D MANURHIN "Polygon"Universal & Profile Grinding Machine. A complete Data Pack Consisting of adetailed Operation & Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics; aseparate 58-page publication "Working Principles of the Polygon GrindingMachine" (with examples of work possible) and a third 58-page publicationgiving additional technical and performance information.

MARCH Tool and Cutter Grinders -these were re-badged CLARKON machines. See under CLARKSON for details

MARK CENTURY Controls. See under General Electric

MM180 MARLCO Hydraulic Presses - all models. Operating & MaintenanceManual.

MM273/M15 MARLOW Vertical Millers: No manual was produced for these millers butthe following Sales and Specification Catalogues are available: Models Standard1, 2 and 3, 4-DF and 5-DF, TM-10, TM-10A. 7 pages.

MM274 MARPOSS E12 and E12-MPC Programmable Controller. Detailed Operating andProgramming Manual.

MM274A MARPOSS E44 Grinder Control System. Operating and Programming Manual.

MM274B MARPOSS E54 Grinder Control System. Operating and Programming Manual.

MM274F MARPOSS "Alsar" Type AL-SARX-CAO-3 "ElectronicIn-progress Gages": Operator's Instruction Manual, Technical Notes andconnection diagram.

MM274G MARPOSS Finar "Electronic In-progress Gages": Operator'sInstruction Manual, Technical Notes and connection diagram.

MM274H MARPOSS M53 Bench Guage Operating Instructions and Retooling Instructions (two manuals in one).

MM274J MARPOSS E24 Grinder Control System Operating & Programing Instructions.

MM274K MARPOSS E4 Modular Electronic Gauging System. Installation and Operating Instructions with Parts as an Exploded Component Drawings Page.

MM274L MARPOSS Electronic In-process Gages Model Micromar ZF4 Operating Instructions.

MM276 MARSHALL "Watchmakers' Handy Manual 1949" showing a vast rangeof Swiss watch spares "All calibre and part numbers of Swiss Ebauchefactories and Watchmakers of Switzerland Catalogues for identifyingparts". 174 pages.

MM278 MARTONAIR Pneumatic Hoist: Instruction Manual and Parts as SectionalDrawings.

MM282 MARTIN Lathe Model DLZ502, DLZ602 and DLZ702. Operation & MaintenanceManual with Electrical Schematics and a reproduction of the screwcutting andfeeds chart. Includes a copy of the maker's Technical Specification andAccessories Catalogue.

MM282A MARTIN Lathes Models Martin Lathe Models D63, DS63, D71, DS71, D80 andDS81 - the lathes were of identical specification except for their centreheights. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual. Includes a copy of themare's detailed 20-page Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue. DS.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MM282B MARTIN Lathes KM180 and KM200. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with electrical diagrams. GERMAN TEXT

MM285 MARWIN Max-E-Mill Horizontal, Single-spindle Numerically ControlledProfile Contour Milling and Boring Machine. Installation, Maintenance andComponent Replacement Manual, the maker's Specifications, Sales andSpecification Catalogue and the Plessey Programming Manual for the BR3100 Controller.

MM285A MARWIN Cutting Tools Turbo Grind 200 Grinding Attachment OperatingManual.

MAS - these machine tools were also sold under the TOS brand name (see below)with identical model numbers.

M290 MAS VR2 Radial Arm Drilling Machine: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes fourWiring Diagrams.

MM290A MAS MAS VR-4 Radial Drilling Machine: English-language Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual. Includes a Wiring Diagram and a number ofuseful, detailed sectional drawings (but not a complete parts manual)

MM290B MAS VR-5A Radial Drilling Machine with Programme Control: Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual. Includes a Wiring Diagram:

MM290C MAS VRM-50A Universal Radial Drilling Machine: Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings.

MM290D MAS SV18R Lathe: Operating and Maintenance Manual. Includes adetailed 12-page Sales & Specification Catalogue.

MM290E MAS SV18R Lathe. Parts Manual as detailed Sectional Drawings.Contains an Electrical Schematic and clear reproductions of all thescrewcutting charts and one showing the list of spindle speeds and therelationship to cutting speeds.

MM290F MAS Manual of Chucking Tools with dimensions for Automatic Lathes Types A12, A20 and A40.

MM300 MASERATI Index Tables and Table of Leads for Maserati Universal DividingAttachments.

MM395 Massey (B and S Massey) "clear Space" Pneumatic Power Hammers 2cwt to 15 cwt. Several Operating and Maintenance Instructions covering thevarious sizes of machine together with Sectional Drawings showing the names ofparts.

MM395A Massey (B and S Massey) Trimming Press Tiebolt Type with MultiplateClutch. Operating Instructions with a sectional drawing of the machine.

MM402 Mastercam Lathe (version 6) User Guide.

MM403 MASTERLAP lapping machine. Instruction Manual with Parts List.

MM450 MASTRA (Northern Tool & Gear Co.) Gear Tooth Deburring Machine. Single-page Instructions plus a 2-page catalogue.

MM516 MASWEG Double Belt Sander DBSM 11. Operating Instructions. Includes anelectrical schematic.

MM408 Matchmaker TNC151/155 Computercontrol Programming Course Manual.

MM408A Matchmaker Posidata CNC 1800M and 1800D Programming Manual.

MATCHMAKER = see also under "Positdata"

MM408ACMATTERSON (England) No.11 Universal Model Thread Milling Machine. Operating Instructions with an Electrical Schematic.

MM408AC2MATTERSON (England) No.12 Universal Model Thread Milling Machine. Operating Instructions with an Electrical Schematic.

MM408AC3MATTERSON (England) Seies 1N Screw Milling Machine. Operating Instructions with some sectional drawings.

MM408ABMATTISON Machine Works (USA). Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawing "For all sizes of Mattison High-powered Surface Grinders of the Horizontal Spindle, Reciprocating Table Type".Includes a large Electrical Schematic and a copy of the manual for the General Electric Electronic Timer Type CR7504-A142.

MM408AB2MATTISON Machine Works (USA). Operating Manual "For all sizes of Mattison High-powered Surface Grinders of the Horizontal Spindle, Reciprocating Table Type". Includes comprehensiveinstructions for the "OilGear" Variable-delivery pumps Typea D, DC, DS, CG, abd D with sectional drawings and the "Four-way" reversing Plunger pumps for reciprocating drives". Includes a copy of the maker's all-models' Sales & Techical Specification and Accessories Catalog.

MM408Z Mattsson & Zetterlund VF-600 Vertikal fräsmaskin. Grundläggande instruktioner, delar som sektionsritningar och en kopia av tillverkarens försäljnings- och tekniska specifikationskatalog. SVENSK TEXT.

MM498Z Mattsson & Zetterlund VF-600 Vertical Milling Machine. Basic instructions, Parts as Sectional Drawings and a copy of the maker's Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue. SWEDISH TEXT.

M409 MATRA Modell S10 Drehbank Betriebs- und Wartungsanleitung. Enthält Reproduktionen der Threading-Diagramme. Matra D10 Lathe. Operation and Maintenance Manual with reproductions of the screwcutting charts.

M410 MATRIX CLUTCHES. Whilst not a manual this comprehensive Sales andSpecification catalogue contains detailed (and dimensioned) Sectional Drawings,application examples and instructions on fitting, adjustment, dismantling andMaintenance.

MM500 MATRIX (Coventry Gauge and Tool Company) "Thread Grinding" -Its History and Development.

MM500A MATRIX (Coventry Gauge and Tool Company) "Thread Grinding". Highlydetailed publication titled: "Operator's Machine Hand book". Explainsevery detail of the process.

MM510A MATRIX (Coventry Gauge and Tool Company) Measurement of ThreadedComponents. An unusually detailed Catalogue with explanations of how to use thevarious thread checking machines made by the company.

MM510B MATRIX (Coventry Gauge and Tool Company) No. 1A Cylindrical Grindingmachine: Operator's Instruction and Lubrication Manual with electricalschematic. .

MM510C MATRIX (Coventry Gauge and Tool Company) No. 1A Cylindrical Grindingmachine: Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes a detailed Sales andSpecification Catalogue with annotated diagrams, electrical circuits, afoundation plan, lubrication diagram and clear descriptions of the machine'sconstruction functions.

MM510D MATRIX (Coventry Gauge and Tool Company) No.2 Cylindrical GrindingMachine. Detailed Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MM510E MATRIX (Coventry Gauge and Tool Company) No.2 Cylindrical GrindingMachine. Parts Manual.

MM510F MATRIX (Coventry Gauge and Tool Company) No.10 Thread Grinding machine.Operation Instructions.

MM510G MATRIX (Coventry Gauge and Tool Company) No. 16 Universal Tap and ThreadGrinding Machine. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MM510H MATRIX (Coventry Gauge and Tool Company) No. 33 Thread Grinding Machine.Detailed Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as SectionalDrawings.

MM510J MATRIX (Coventry Gauge and Tool Company) Model 37 Automatic IndexingWorm Grinding Machine (Coventry Gauge and Tool Company). Detailed OperatingManual and Maintenance Guide.

MM510K MATRIX (Coventry Gauge and Tool Company) No. 37 and No. 47 Type 3 TaperThread Grinding Machines. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withDismantling Instructions.

MM510KP MATRIX (Coventry Gauge and Tool Company) No. 37 (Types 1, 2, 3 and 4) Plain Thread Grinders. Parts Manual as Sectional drawings.

MM510L MATRIX (Coventry Gauge and Tool Company) No. 37 and No. 47 Type 2Plunge-cut Thread Grinding Machines. Service and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings and Dismantling Instructions.

MM510L2 MATRIX (Coventry Gauge and Tool Company) No. 36 and No. 46 UniversalThread Grinding Machines. Operator's Instructions.

MM510M MATRIX (Coventry Gauge and Tool Company) T.I.21 (No. 66) Small Diameter Internal Thread Grinding Machine. InstructionBook.

MM510N MATRIX (Coventry Gauge and Tool Company) Universal Single-Ribbed WheelGenerating Machine. Operating Instructions.

MM510P MATRIX (Coventry Gauge and Tool Company) 55 and TT-712 Tap GrindingMachine. Detailed Service Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings

MM510Q MATRIX (Coventry Gauge and Tool Company) No. 61 Gear Grinding Machine.Operating Instructions.

MC510R Matrix (Coventry Gauge and Tool Company) DG100 Drill Point GrindingMachine. Operator's Instruction Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MC510S Matrix (Coventry Gauge and Tool Company) Type B and BB Surface GrindingMachines (sometimes badged Thompson-Matrix). Operator's Instruction Manual withMaintenance & Trouble-shooting Guides, lubrication and hydraulic charts anddetailed technical descriptions of the machines.

MM510A Matrix (Coventry Gauge and Tool Company)Floating Carriage Diameter Measuring Machines (High-precision Checking of the diameters of threaded components)Combined Catalog and Operating Instructions.

MC510GP Matrix (Coventry Gauge and Tool Company) Type GP900 Roll Grinder. Operator's Manual.

MM510T MATRIX CHURCHILL 4/15 CNC Lathe. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual. US

MR531 MATRIX-ROCKWELL 25-ton Dieing Press Air-clutch Model. ReplacementParts list as Sectional and Exploded component drawings.

MM510V MATRIX / Kand UX Optical projectors. The Care and Use of InstructionBook.

MM515 MATSUURA MAM72S40 Vertical Machining Centre: Comprehensive Operation,Programming, Maintenance & Installation Manual.

MAXIGRIND Spiral Milling Machine:see below under WARD Maxigrind

MM518 Max Arc M.I.G. (Co.2) Welder. Operating & Maintenance Instructions.

MM520 MAXI MAESTRO Inverter. Instruction Manual.

MM530 MAXIMAT lathes and milling machines, etc. - see under "EMCO"

MM140 MAZAK - see under the makers YAMAZAKI.

MM145 M.B.M. "Gibas" Model TAS 6 Trimming Machine. Operator'sInstruction Manual with Electrical Schematics and Sectional Drawings.

MM150 MC Machines NC350 and MC3500 Tube benders: Instruction Manual and Sparesas Exploded Component Drawings.

MM152 McIlvanie B-40 Lathe. Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manual.

MM158 MAYPRESS MKN 1-30/5Single-sided Toggle Lever Press. Operating and Maintenance Instructions.

MM158 MAYPRESS MKN 1-63/6 Single-sided Toggle Lever Press. Operating andMaintenance Instructions.

MM160 MAXARC (MAX-ARC or MAX ARC) M.I.C. - M.A.G. Welder. Instruction manual

MM170 McILVANIE LATHE Model B-40. Operator's Instruction Manual, MaintenanceManual and Spares as Photographed Parts.

MM170A McILVANIE CENTURY LATHE Model B Standard and Toolroom Lathe: MachineWorks Manual of Instruction and Illustrated Parts Manual.

MM170B McILVANIE CENTURY LATHES - MODEL S. Instructions for Installation,Maintenance and Operator's Instruction with a Parts Manual as PhotographicPlates.

MM173 McMaster Power Hacksaw. Parts Lists as Exploded Component Drawingstogether with a simple Instruction and Service Sheet.

MM175/ME350Y McMillan ML-18 Lathe (copy of Emco Compact 8). The best manual forthis lathe is the full one for the Compact 8, complete with Spares Manual asExploded Component Drawings.

MM180A MEBA and "Mebamat" 250, 250A (Automatic type) and 320 HorizontalBand Saws. Operating and Maintenance Manual with some sectional drawings. Thisis a Data Pack consisting of all publications found for the machines from earlyto late.

MM180B MEBA Models SR Band saws (SR500, SR600, SR700, SR800 and SR900). Operatingand Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MEBA - Also: see under STARTRITE for Modelswith the same model designation

MM182 MECA (Mecatecnica) TR1 Turret Drilling and Tapping Machine. Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MM182A MECA (Mecatecnica) Rotary Indexing Tables P1, PD and PS. Operation & ServiceInstructions with Indexing Charts and Parts as Sectional Drawings. (4 pages)

MM184/MB376 MECA-LUX - this was a BOXFORD 250, 280, 280TR, ST10.20, 10.20,11.20, 11.30, 330, 280TR badged as the Mecha-Lux. Instruction and MaintenanceManual and Exploded components Parts Manual. Includes copies of severaldetailed advertising catalogues that give the full specification of the variousmodels and show all the accessories.

Mechanical Plopeni = see under M.I.C.M. (Romania)

MM190 MECOF 25PR Radial-arm Drill Mode. Operator's Instruction, MaintenanceManual with Parts Manual as detailed Sectional Drawings. Includes an electricalschematic.

MM190 MECOF 25PR Radial-arm Drill Mode. Operator's Instruction, MaintenanceManual with Parts Manual as detailed Sectional Drawings. Includes an electricalschematic.

MM190A MECOF 40C Radial-arm Drill Mode. Operator's Instruction, MaintenanceManual with Parts Manual as detailed Sectional Drawings. Includes an electricalschematic.

MM200 MECHANICY PONAR-KOMO (also badged Giewont) Vertical Miller FYC-26 .Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings.

MM200A MECHANICY PONAR-KOMO Universal Milling Machines (also badged Giewont)FWA-32M and FWA-41M and Vertical Milling Machines FYA-32M and FYA-41M. ServiceManual and Spare Parts Manual with Electrical Diagrams.

MM200B MECHANICY PONAR-KOMO (also badged Giewont) Milling Machines FWA-32M,FWA-39M and FWA-41M UNIVERSAL: Catalogue of Interchangeable Parts. Drawings.

MM200AA MECHANICY PONAR-KOMO Milling Machines (also badged Giewont)FYA-31, FYA-32 & FYA-41. Operation and Service Manual.

MM200D MECHANICY PONAR-KOMO (also badged Giewont) Milling Machines FWA32M,FWA41M, FYA32M and FYA41M: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual andParts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MM200E MECHANICY PONAR-KOMO (also badged Giewont) Milling Machines FXJ40 andFYJ40: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual asfold-out Sectional Drawings.

MM200F MECHANICY PONAR-KOMO (also badged Giewont) Milling Machines FXJ40 andFYJ40: Electrical Operation and Maintenance Manual with fold out Schematics.

MM200G MECHANICY PONAR-KOMO (also badged Giewont) Gear Box 2-4 Fu. ServiceManual and "Leads Charts".

MM200H MECHANICY PONAR-KOMO (also badged Giewont) Head Power Feed Box 2-3 FYs.Service Manual.

MM200J MECHANICY (ZAKLADY PRZEMYSLOWE *) Milling Machine FXE40: Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with large fold-out Electrical Schematics.

MEDDINGS - if your Meddings drill is nor listed below please phone: 01298871633 and one may be available

MM205 MECOF Radial Arm Drill Model 40C. Basic Instruction and Erection withElectrical Schematic and Parts as Sectional Drawings (as issued with newmachines).

MM205 MECOF Radial Arm Drill Model 60C. Basic Instruction and Erection withElectrical Schematic and Parts as Sectional Drawings (as issued with newmachines).

MM210 MEDDINGS 1 and 1S Drilling Machines bench and floor standing: Operatingand Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Spares.

MM210A MEDDINGS L1 (Mk.4) and L2 (Mk.2) Drilling Machines: Spares as ExplodedComponent Drawings.

MM210B MEDDINGS 2G and 2GS Drills: Bench and floor standing with reductiongearing in head: Operating and Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Spares.

MM210L MEDDINGS LB1 and LF1 Bench and Floor Type Drills (usually marked LB orLF followed by a digit): Spares Parts as Exploded Component Drawings -including the Morticing Attachment (this is the only publication issued forthis model).

MM210C MEDDINGS MB2 and MF2 Drills in Mk. 1 and Mk. 2 Form (with reductiongearing in head): Illustrated Spares as Exploded Component Diagrams. Includes acopy of the maker's Technical Specification & Sales Catalogue.

MM210D Meddings MB4, MF4,MF4/RC, MF4/FS, MF5, MB5, MF5, MFS/FS MB4 and MF4 Mk.2Drills - "rounded" and "rectangular" head models, allversions. Operation, Maintenance & Parts Manual. Several editions that coverall versions of these popular and well-made drills with internal head reductiongearing.

MM210E MEDDINGS MB10 Mk.2 Precision Drilling machine. Brief Operating &Maintenance Instructions and Spare Parts List as Sectional Drawings. Includestwo editions of the maker's Sales & Specification Sheets.

MM210EE MEDDINGS MF9 Standard, MF9 Mk.2 and MF9/T Mk.2 Combined drilling andTapping Model. Working Instructions, Maintenance, Electrical Diagrams and Partsas Exploded Component Drawings.

MM210F MEDDINGS A8 and A10 Articulated Throat Drilling Machines: this was builtin two versions, Mk.1 and Mk. 2. The base and table remained the same but thehead changed from the early “rounded” type to one with a more “angular"appearance – these heads also being used on the LB1, LF1, MB2, MBF and“Mk.4" drills. A data pack with all printed information issued for theMk.1 and Mk.2 Models covering Operation, basic Maintenance and Illustrated Spares Listings as usefulExploded Component Drawings. Includes copies of the various maker's detailedand well-illustrated Sales & Technical Specification Catalogues.

MM210G MEDDINGS CS-30/3, S-30, S-68, S-25, SB-68 and SB-25 Drills: Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts as Photographed Components.

MM210J MEDDINGS S-68 Drill: Parts Manual as Photographic Components.

MM210K MEDDINGS "Drilltru" 15" Bench and Floor Type Drills:Operating and Maintenance Manual and Spares as Exploded Component Drawings.

MM210M MEDDINGS Drilling and Tapping Machines: T4 Mk.V1, TB4-TF4 and RC-TA8 anddrills with the T4 Head. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withParts as Exploded Component Drawings and electrical schematic.

MM210 Meddings "Pacera" F14 Drill A model with belt drive and built-inslow-speed reduction gearing. Operating and Maintenance Instructions withSectional Drawings and Spares as Exploded Component Drawings.Two editions areincluded, early and late together with the maker's Sales, Specification andAccessories Catalogue.

MM210P MEDDINGS "Pacera" M4 (7/8" 10-speed) Drill: Operating andMaintenance Manual and Spares as Exploded Component Drawings.

MM210Q MEDDINGS Air-hydraulic Power Feed Units and PACERA Unit Heads.Operator's Instructions and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.Drawings.

MM215 MEGA Bandsaw Type BS400SA Instruction Manual & Parts Manual asExploded Component Drawings.

MM215A MEGA Semi-Automatic Bandsaw Type BS1830 Instruction Manual and PartsManual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MM217 Meiden (Meidensha Corporation) AC Speed Control Equipment Thyfrec-VT210S Instruction Manual.

MM220 MENTOR (Control Techniques) 1 Microprocessor DC Drives. DetailedInstruction Manual with electrical Specification, Connection diagrams, Carddescriptions, Descriptions of parameters, Fault Finding & Repair &Maintenance,

MM220A MENTOR (Control Techniques) Maxi Mystro Instruction Manual.

MC390 CONTROL TECHNIQUES FXM5 FieldController for DC Motors. Users' Guide.

MM225 MENZIKEN (Switzerland )Vertical lathe Type LA-750. Operator's Instruction Manual and Service Instructions.Includes separate publications for "Setting Up", a Description of theFunctioning of the Electrical System. Includes a number of large ElectricalSchematics

MM225A MENZIKEN Lathe Type 200Lathe. Operating Instructions with details of how to set the (important) frontbearing clearance and adjust the spindle and power-feed clutches.

MM227 MERCER Air-Gauging Equipment.Not a manual but a Detailed Sales and Specification Catalogue that gives fulldetails of how the system works and the various models. Includes details ofrecorders, Comparators, Microprobes, Air plug Gauges, Gap gauges and Air rings,Mechanical Probes, callipers, stand s, etc. US

MM227A Mercer 155 Electronic/Pneumatic Gauging. Setting and Instruction Manual.

MM229 MERCIER 1124B, 1224B, 1236b and 1340B lathes. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with a Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings. U

MM230 Meritus (Barnet) 10KVA to 100KVA Spot Welders: A pack of 4 manuals withOperating and Servicing details, electrical diagrams and some sectionaldrawings.

MM235 MERLI CLOVER 15/21 Lathe. Operator's Instruction and Maintenancehandbook. A poor copy.

MM240 MESSER GRIESHEIM "QUICKY" Portable Flame Cutting Machine:Detailed Operating Manual and illustrated Parts Manual.

MM240B MESSER GRIESHEIM STATOSEC "K Junior" Universal Flame CuttingMachine: Detailed Operating Manual.

MM240C MESSER GRIESHEIM STATOSEC Model W Universal Flame Cutting Machine:Detailed Operating Manual.

"METALEXPORT" Poland - see Jafo Jarocin

MM242 METALMASTER 9-inch Lathe with early "multi-belt" countershaftassembly and no backgear. This lathe was also sold as the "Atlas"9-inch and "Craftsman Lathes" clickhere for pictures Rare, very early Instruction Manual and simple,Illustrated Parts Manual. Includes a copy of a rare, early Catalogue. Thislathe may be marked with the following model numbers: 936, 942, 948, 954, 1042,1042A, 1042B, 1042C.

MM243 Metalprogres Univerzalnom Glodalicom Tip UG-P. Uputstvo Zarukovanje. Croatian Text.

MM244 METBA MB-3 Universal Milling Machine Operation and Maintenance Manualwith use of accessories including tilting and non-tilting tables, dividinghead, indexing head, indexing reference tables, multi-directional milling head,high-speed milling attachment, an electrical schematic and a copy of themaker's detailed Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue. MM244A Metba MB-0 Universal Milling Machine. Operation Manual with Electrical Schematics. SPANISH TEXT.Not a very good copy. but readable.

MM245 METCO Metalizing Hand book (Spraying molten metal to form a surfacecoating). Detailed 232-page book describing the Wire Process method.

Meteor lathes - see under Flexispeed.

MM250 METEOR Twist-Drill Grinding machine ME14 with tap-grinding jig GBA (byMegomat, Germany). Operating Instructions. Covers Twist Drills, Point Thinning,Tap Grinding, etc. Includes and electrical schematic.

MM250A METEOR KBS-6 Drill Grinding Operation Manual.

MM250B METEOR MM-10 Drill Grinding Manual - a very detailed publication with anelectrical schematic.

METOR bandsaws - also branded as STARTRITE & METROA

MM260 METORA UMB-220 and UMB-220S Band saw with Automatic Operator'sInstruction. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual asSectional Drawings.

MM260A METORA VMB-250 Band saw with Automatic Operator's Instruction.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings. Includes a Hydraulic Schematic.

MM260B METORA UMB-250 Band saw with Automatic Operator's Instruction.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings.

MM260C METORA HMB 400+STA Band saw with Automatic Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MM261 Metosa-Pinacho "Torrent" Timemaster 71.68 Lathe Basic OperationManual with Parts as Sectional Drawings and an Electrical Schematic. Not aperfect reproduction - but readable with clear drawings. .

MM261A Metosa-Pinacho Lathe Type L1-180 Lathe. OperationManual with a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and an Electrical Schematic. English, German, French and Spanish Text. .

MM261B Pinacho 190 Lathe by VOLSTAD. Operation Manual with Parts Manual as sectional drawings. Includes anelectrical schematic and reproductions of the screwcutting and feed charts.

MM261C Pinacho L11-260 Lathe (Type Torrent?). Operation Manual with Parts Manual as sectional drawings. Includes anelectrical schematic.

MM262 Metropolitan-Vickers "Care and Maintenance of DC Motors andGenerators". Comprehensive 40-page publication covering not only everyaspect of larger motors but drive belts and special considerations such as thespecial conditions required for storing roller-bearing motors.

Meuser literature appears to have been built up from standard sheets assembledinto a manual to suit a particular lathe as dispatched from the works. A set ofdata has been assembled that users of the MOL, M1L, M2L, M3L, MOO, MOL etc havefound to be of help:

MM264 MEUSER Lathe MOL, M1L, M2L, M3L MOO, MOL (230 x 750) Model 37475Operation and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings and enelectrical schematic.

MM264A MEUSER Lathe M3 Operation and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings and enelectrical schematic.

MM268 MEYER EB4004 ELTROBALANCE Dynamic Balancing Unit and balancing HeadsTypes 2000/4000. Operator's Instruction Manuals. Includes an electrical drawingshowing the Alarm, Start-circuit, Stop-circuit, System Error and Option RPMcontrol settings; basic dismantling instructions for the Balancing Heads and abrief Trouble-shooting Guide.

MM268A MEYER EB5004 ELTROBALANCE Dynamic Balancing Unit. Operator's InstructionManual.

MM268B MEYER MANOBALANCE Dynamic Balancing Unit. Operator's Instruction Manual.English text - also available in French.

MM274 MEYER and BERGER UW1 Multi-purpose machine Tool (sometimes badged AstobaUW1). Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual together with a copy of themaker's Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogues. English or GermanText. (machine type as shown here: Meyer and Burger

MM275Michigan Roto-Flo (Roto Flow) Cold-forming Machine Types 3225, 3237 and 3251. Operation Manual

MM276 M.I.C.M. (Uzina Mecanica Plopeni - Romania) G-6 Precision Bench DrillOperator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MM278 MICON Numericon 850 CNC System. Operator's Instruction and ReferenceManual

MM279 Micro Lathe (maker unknown - headstock label says "MicroLathe") Operating Instructions with Parts as Exploded Component Drawingsand an electrical schematic.

MM280 MICROCUT 837 Milling Machine. Instruction Manual and Parts Manual asSectional Drawings (also marketed as the SEIKI and BUFFALO Model G/V-2000 and837 ).

MM280A MICROCUT Turret Milling Machine (Bridgeport Clone) also marketed underthe Buffalo Brand. Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings

MM280B MICROCUT 5000VS Vertical Turret Milling Machine (also sold as theBuffalo and Milltech).Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings

MICROFINISH MACHINES - See THIELENHAUS Section (Ernst Thielenhaus Wuppertal)

MM295 MICRON DRILL SHARPENING MACHINE Model 108 Operator's Instruction Manual.

For other MICRON Drill-sharpening machines see under "Dormer" for thesame Models

MM295A MICRON LATHE - Bosch Alpha 2 Programming Manual.

MM297 Microrex Centreless Grinding Machine No.1. Operation Instructions with anElectrical Schematic and a copy of the maker's detailed Sales and TechnicalSpecification Catalogue.

MM298 Microspot CNC Controller - Operation and service Instructions.

MM300 MIDGLEY and SUTCLIFF HB3 Radial Arm Drill. Spare Parts Manual as usefulExploded Component Drawings.

MR182A MIDGLEY and SUTCLIFF (branded RICHMOND) SR2 Radial Arm Drilling Machine(also badged as a Midgely & Sutcliffe). Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings and WiringSchematic.

MIDGLEY and SUTCLIFF made machine tools branded "Richmond" - seeunder RICHMOND below

MR235 Midlands Machine Tool Co (MMT)Operation & Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics and a Manual for the PCBC Clutch-Brake Unit.

MM310 MIDSAW Alpha, Beta and Delta Manual Bandsaws. Instruction Manual andParts Listing.

MM310A MIDSAW Minor, Minor Super, Minor Deepthroat, DT-36 Series, Standard(canting), Standard (Rigid), Deep-throat Models. Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

MM311 MIEDSA 243H Copy Grinding machine. Operating Instructions.

MM312AA MIGATRONIC Mig/Mag Welding Machines 100 Mono, 140 Mono, 120 Compact, 160Compact, 250 Compact, 300 Compact, 300, 320 and 350. Instruction & Maintenance Manual withElectrical Schematics and Exploded Component Parts Lists.

MD315 MIGBLU 300, 300W, 400 and 400W Welding Machines. Operator's InstructionManual and Parts Manual with Electrical Schematics. English, French, German,Spanish and Italian text.

MIKRON - traditional precision lathes and plain milling machines: no operator'smanuals were issues for these models but we can supply several detailed andinteresting sales catalogues:

M65 MIKRON Lathe and Milling Machine Catalogue. The largest and most completeMikron publication that shows in greater detail and clarity than any other allthe various combinations of toolroom lathes and milling machines of thetraditional pattern. Catalogue is dated 1951 and numbered No. 50b. 84 Pages.

M65A MIKRON T90 Precision Bench Lathe Sales and Technical Specification andAccessories Catalogue 28 pages.

M65B MIKRON Range Catalogue dated 1935 showing Precision Bench Centre Lathes,Bench Capstan Lathes and Bench Milling Machines and Accessories as made fromthe early 1930s until the 1940s. 68 Pages.

M65C MIKRON Range Catalogue dated 1935 showing Gear Cutting Machines, ThreadMilling Machines and Sharpening Machines and Accessories as made from the early1930s until the 1950s. 36 Pages.

MM999 MIKRON Automatic Sharpening Machine Type 121. Operator's InstructionManual with adjustment instructions.

MIKRON - later machines and gear cutters: We have access to many MIKRON GearManuals. If what you need is not listed below please phone to enquire:01298-871633 or email:

MMWF2 MIKRON WF2 Vertical Milling Machine (also applicable to thenear-identical but larger WF3). Operation and Maintenance Manual. Includes acopy of the maker's sales, Specification and Accessories catalogue.

MMWF23DP MIKRON WF 2/3 DP Universal Milling Machine. Detailed Operation andMaintainance Manual with Dismantling Instructions and Use of SpecialAccessories.

MMWF23DPA MIKRON WF 2/3 DP and WF 3 DP Universal Milling Machine. ProgrammingInstructions for Heidenhain TNC121 Controller.

MM3R MIKRON 3R (GOULDER-MIKRON) Gear Tester. Operator's (detailed) Manual withspecial supplements on the theory and practice of gear testing methods. Alsoincludes a detailed Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue covering anumber of Goulder-Mikron gear testers.

MMA21/0 MIKRON Type A 21/0 Gear Hobber. Operator's Manual with Repair andMaintenance Instructions and Electrical Schematics Set.

MMA21/2 MIKRON Type A 21/2 Gear Hobber with Electro-Hydraulic Control.Operator's Manual with Repair and Maintenance Instructions and ElectricalSchematics Set.

MMA22/2 MIKRON Type A 22/2 Fully Automatic Gear Hobber with Electro-HydraulicControl. Operator's Manual with Repair and Maintenance Instructions.

MMA22/3 MIKRON Type A 22/3 Gear Hobber with Fully Automatic Electro-HydraulicControl. Operator's Manual with Setting Up, Installation, Operation andMaintenance Instructions.

MMA24/0 MIKRON Type A 24/0 Gear Hobber. Operator's Manual with Repair andMaintenance Instructions.

MM79 MIKRON Type 79 Gear Hobbing Machine. Operating Instructions

MM79P MIKRON Type 79 Gear Hobbing Machine. Parts Manual as Photographic Pictures.

MM102 Mikron Gear Hobber Data Set for the Types 102, 102.01, 102.03 and 102.04. All known data that includes two manuals to cover the changes between the models. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with an electrical schematic. Includes a copy of the Maker's 102 Sales and Specification Catalogue and a second catalogue showing all the gear-hobbing machines current from the 1950s to 1970s (Types 21, A21A22, A24, A60/0, 61/0, A62, 79, 102, 102MPS, 106, 120, 121, 122, 132, 134 plus hobs and the n/0r and N1R rolling gear testers). 218 pages

MM119 MIKRON Type 119 Automatic Gear Hobber. Comprehensive Operator's Manualwith Maintenance Instructions.

MM120 MIKRON Type 120 Gear Hobber. Comprehensive Operator's Manual with Maintenance Instructions.

MM132 MIKRON Type 132 Gear Hobber. Operator's Manual.

MM133 MIKRON Type 132-02 Gear Hobber. Operator's Manual.

MM320 MIKRON Booklet giving "Cutters and Calculations" - including various graphs - for Bevel Gears.

MM320A MIKRON WF52D Universal Milling Machine (Heidenhain TNC 407/415 Control)Operating Instructions.

MM320B MIKRON WF52D and WF72D Universal Milling Machines (Heidenhain TNC407/415 Control) Electro Documentation with Circuit Diagrams.

MM320C MIKRON WF41C Universal Milling and Boring Machine Operator's ManualMechanical Part

MM320D MIKRON WF41C Universal Milling and Boring Machine Electro Documentation(Heidenhain TNC 155 Control)

MM320E MIKRON WF31SA Universal Gear Hobbing Machine Operator's Manual MechanicalPart

MM320F MIKRON WF31SA Universal Gear Hobbing Machine Electro Documentation(Heidenhain TNC 114B Control) with Circuit Diagrams

MM320G MIKRON WF32C, WF52C and WF72C Universal Milling and Boring Machines (TNC407 and TNC 415 Control) Detailed Service Manual

MM320H MIKRON WF32C Universal Milling machine with Heidenhain TNC 425 ControlElectro Documentation with Circuit Diagrams.

MM320J MIKRON WF32C Universal Milling Machine (Heidenhain TNC 425 Control)Operating Instructions

MM320K MIKRON WF32C Universal Milling Machine (Heidenhain TNC 425 Control)Electra Documentation with Circuit Diagrams

MM320L MIKRON WF32D Universal Milling Machine (Heidenhain TNC 407 and 415Control) Operating Instructions

MM320M MIKRON WF32D Universal Milling Machine (Heidenhain TNC 407 and 415Control) Electra Documentation with Circuit Diagrams

MM320N MIKRON WF21D Universal Milling Machine Operator's Manual MechanicalEdition

MM320P MIKRON WF21D Universal Milling Machine (Heidenhain TNC 355 Control)Electra Documentation with Circuit Diagrams

MM320Q MIKRON WF21D Universal Milling Machine (Heidenhain TNC 407 and 415Control) Electra Documentation with Circuit Diagrams

MM320R MIKRON WF52C Universal Milling Machine Operating Instructions for modelwith Heidenhain TNC 407 and 415 Control

MM320S MIKRON WF52C Universal Milling Machine Operating Instructions for modelwith Heidenhain TNC 425 Control

MM320T MIKRON WF52C Universal Milling Machine (Heidenhain TNC 407 and 415Control) Electra Documentation with Circuit Diagrams

MM320U MIKRON WF51C Universal Milling Machine (Heidenhain TNC 150 Control)Electra Documentation with Circuit Diagrams

MM320V MIKRON WF51C Universal Milling Machine (Heidenhain TNC 155 Control)Electra Documentation with Circuit Diagrams

MM320W MIKRON WF51D Universal Milling Machine from Series 36 onwards(Heidenhain TNC 407 and 415 Control) Electra Documentation with CircuitDiagrams

MM320X MIKRON WF51D Universal Milling Machine from Series 21 onwards(Heidenhain TNC 355 Control) Electra Documentation with Circuit Diagrams

MM320Y MIKRON WF31CH Universal Milling Machine Operator's Manual MechanicalPart

MM320Z MIKRON WF31CH Universal Milling Machine (TNC 155 Control) Two ElectraDocumentation Manuals ( and with Circuit Diagrams

MM321 MIKRON WF31D Universal Milling Machine Operator's Manual Mechanical Part

MM321A MIKRON WF31D Universal Milling Machine (TNC355 Control) Electra Documentationwith Circuit Diagrams

MM321B MIKRON WF54CH and WF74CH Service Manual

MM321C MIKRON WF61C Universal Milling Machine Operator's Manual Mechanical Part

MM321D MIKRON WF61C Universal Milling Machine (TNC355 Control) Electra Documentationwith Circuit Diagrams

MM321E MIKRON WF61C Universal Milling Machine (TNC155 Control) ElectraDocumentation with Circuit Diagrams

MM321F MIKRON WF31C Universal Milling Machine Operator's Manual Mechanical Part

MM321G MIKRON WF31C Universal Milling Machine Electra Documentation withCircuit Diagrams

MM321H MIKRON WF-C Universal Milling Machine (TNC 151 and TNC 155 control)Operator's Manual Electrical Part

MM321J MIKRON WF-C Universal Milling Machine (TNC 150Q control) Operator'sManual Electrical Part

MM321K MIKRON WF-C and WF-D Universal Milling Machine (TNC 355 control)Operator's Manual Electrical Part

MM321L MIKRON WF3SA Universal Milling Machine Electro Documentation

MM321M MIKRON WF3SA Universal Milling Machine Operator's Manual Mechanical Part

MM321N MIKRON WF-CH Universal Milling Machine (TNC 155 Control) Operator'smanual Electrical Part

MM321P MIKRON WF2SA Universal Milling Machine Operator's Manual Mechanical Part

MM321Q MIKRON WF3DCM Universal Milling Machine (TNC150 control) ElecroDocumentation with Electrical Diagrams

MM321R MIKRON WF3DCM Universal Milling Machine (TNC155 control) ElecroDocumentation with Electrical Diagrams

MM321S MIKRON WF3DCM Universal Milling Machine Operator's Manual MechanicalPart

MM321T MIKRON WF3DPM Universal Milling Machine Operator's Manual

MM321U MIKRON Universal Milling Machine UME710 and UME900 with Heidenhain TNC407 (415B) Controls. Operation and Maintenance Manual

MM321V MIKRON Universal Milling Machine UME600, UME710 and UME900 withHeidenhain TNC 410 Controls. Operating and Maintenance Manual

MM321W MIKRON Universal Machining Centre VHC750 with Heidenhain TNC 407 andTNC415 Controls. Operating and Maintenance Manual

MM321W2 MIKRON Universal Machining Centre VHC750 Electro Documentation (withcircuit diagrams) for machines with Heidenhain TNC 415 Controls

MM321X Mikron Universal Milling Machine UMS710 and UMS900. Operation andMaintenance manual for machines with Heidenhain TNC 426 Controls

MM321XV MIKRON Tool Changer TCP10 Operator's Manual Mechanical and ElectricalManual.

MM321XW MIKRON Automatic Tool Changer TCP 12 Operating Instructions (Mechanicaland Electrical Parts) including: Preparation, Description, Maintenance,Electrical Sections. Includes a sub booklet containing instructions on: SpindlePositioning Drive, Basic Setting, Height Setting, Swivel Drive, Tool ChainPositioning, Chain Tensioning, Replacement of Tool Pockets (recesses) andmachine parameters.

MM321XX MIKRON Tool Changer TCD18. Two detailed manuals one labelled"Operating Instructions" the other "Operating Instructions validfor Universal Milling and Boring Machines Types: WF51D, WF71D, WF32C, WF52C,WF72C with Control System Heidenhain TNC 407/415 or Bosch CC200/300Mikron"

MM321XX2 MIKRON Tool Changer TCD 22 Operating Instructions valid for Heidenhain TNC 407, TNC415B and TNC425

MM321XY MIKRON Tool Changer TCD22V Operating Instructions Valid for UniversalMilling and Boring Machines UM600, UM710 and UM900 with Heidenhain TNC 410 andTNC 426 Controls

MM321XZ MIKRON Tool Changer TCD44V and TCD44VH. Two Manuals - one the OperatingInstructions Valid for Universal Milling and Boring Machines with HeidenhainTNC 426 Controls and the other labelled "Adjustment" that includesCommissioning, Mechanical Adjustments, Spindle Orientation, Gripper JawChanges, Replacing the Toothed Belt, Horizontal-Vertical Switch Over, DriveMotor and Maltesian Wheel and Hydraulics.

MM322 MIKRON VC500, VC750, VC1000 (VC-500, VC-750, VC-1000) Vertical MachiningCentres SERVICE MANUAL.

MM322EE MIKRON VC750, VC1000 (VC-750, VC-1000) Vertical MachiningCentres Electro Documentation Manual (TNC415)

MM322X MIKRON VC750 and VC1000 TNC 425 Vertical Machining Centres. Operating Instructions.

MM322XY MIKRON NC Rotary Table NCT 600-AC Operator's Manual.

MM322B MIKRON 3R (GOULDER-MIKRON) Gear Tester. Operator's (detailed) Manualwith special supplements on the theory and practice of gear testing methods.Also includes a detailed Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue coveringa number of Goulder-Mikron gear testers.

MM322C MIKRON A22/3 Gear Hobber. Electrical Drawings and Key to Symbols. Two sets included one for early machines and the other for machines Series 16 onwards

MM322B MIKRON CN Dividing Head NCD 160-AC. Operator's Manual

MM322C MIKRON Goulder System 116.02 Instruction Manual

MM325 MILLER MIGBLU 300-400-400w-500w Welder. Instruction Manual and PartsList.

MM325A MILLER S54D Wire-feed Welder (ASCI-MILLER S.p.A. Italy). InstructionManual and Parts List.

MM325B MILLER Dialarc Welders HF & HF-P and CY50 Models (ASCI-MILLER S.p.A. Italy). Operation andMaintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component drawings.

MM325C Miller Electric Mfg Co. (ASCI-MILLER S.p.A. Italy) Watermate 1 and Watermate 2. Operation & Maintenance Manual with Repair Parts as Exploded-component Drawings.

MM325D Miller (ASCI-MILLER S.p.A. Italy) Pulstig 300 Welder. Parts Manual as Exploded-component Drawings.

MM327 Millers Falls No. 2140 Jig SawAttachment for Electric Drills. Operating Instructions and Parts as ExplodedComponent Drawings

MM330/MB800 Millrite (Burke/Powermatic) Vertical Turret Miller. IncludesStandard and variable-speed models. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Parts as detailed Exploded Component Drawings. Includes ElectricalSchematics.

MM330A/MB800A MILLRITE (Powermatic/Burke) No. 4 Horizontal Miller. MaintenanceManual and Illustrated Parts Manual (Army Edition)

MM335 MILLS (John Mills) Oilaulic Presses. Operator's Manual with Instructionsfor Installation and Maintenance with Full-range Product Catalogue

MM337 MILLTECH 5000VS Vertical Turret Milling Machine (also branded Buffalo andMicrocut). Operator's Instruction Manual.

MM340 MILNES 13-inch Swing Centre lathe: Detailed Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Sectional Parts Drawings and a copy of the maker's well-illustrated and detailed Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue.

MM340A MILNES DF-4 lathe (this is a re-badged Denham Junior Mk.2) . Operationand Maintenance Manual.

MM340B MILNES (Churchill-Milnes) Heavy Duty Fine Boring Machines: Operator'sInstruction Manual.

Early Milnes Lathes: unfortunately no manuals were produced for the earlymodels but some splendid catalogues are available on the catalogues pages. here

MM340C MILNES Vertical Miller. Brief Operator's Guide, Descriptions,Lubrication and Adjustments with two detailed Sales and Technical SpecificationCatalogues containing useful sectional drawings and pictures of components.


MM350 MIMIK 3000 Hydraulic Copying (Tracer) Attachment FOR boring mills andV.T.Ls. Installation and Operator's Instruction Manual.

MM350A MIMIK 6000 Hydraulic Copying (Tracer) Attachment. Installation andOperator's Instruction Manual.

MM350B MIMIK Series 8000, 9000 and MIMIKETTE Hydraulic Copying (Tracer)Attachments. Installation and Operator's Instruction Manual (two editions).

MM350C MIMIK Type PTE4.5 Tracer (hydraulic copy) Unit as used on larger lathessuch as the Colchester Mastiff 1400, Mascot 1600, Harrison M500 series, etc.Operating Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MM350D MIMIK 360-DEGREE TRACER SYSTEM. Hydraulic Coping (Tracer) Installation and Operator's InstructionManual.

MM355 MINGORI Pipe-bending Machine Type OB-30. Operating and Maintenance Manualwith Exploded Components Parts Drawings and Hydraulic Schematic.

MM358MC73 MINI-LATHE 7" x 12" (Chinese lathe as produced and soldunder many badges). Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts asExploded Component Drawings.

MM360 MINILOR TR-1 Lathe and Powered Vertical Milling Head: ComprehensiveOperator's Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.Available with English or French text.

MM360A MINILOR TR-20S Lathe. Operation & Maintenance Manual. French textonly.

MM360B MINILOR TR-11 Lathe. Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manual. French textonly.

MM362 MINI MAXI Wood-copy latheModels T90, T100, T120, CT90, CT100 and CT120. Operator's Instruction,Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MM363 MIPSA Universal Grinding Machines Types U (120 x 400mm and 130 x 750mm)Servicing & Maintenance Instructions including a separate manual for theInternal Grinding Attachment, wiring and installation instructions, the maker'salignment and test certificate and a copy of the Sales & Technical SpecificationCatalogue .

MM364 MISAL 817 Lathe. Operator'sInstructions with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings including a dimensioneddrawing of the special spindle nose, Electrical Schematic and reproductions ofthe Screwcutting and Feeds Charts.

MM364A MISAL 735 Horizontal Milling Machine. Operator's Instructions with PartsManual as Sectional Drawings and a large Electrical Schematic.

MITSUBISHI - Manuals other than those listed below can also be supplied

MM373 MITSUBISHI MELDAS-EI Numerical Control Unit. Instruction Manual


MM373B MITSUBISHI MELDAS Drive Amplifier. Maintenance Manual.

MM373C MITSUBISHI MELDAS 530 & 520 MCONTROL Electrical Drawings Manual.

MM373D MITSUBISHI F-Series Programmable Controller. User Guide and ReferenceManual

MM375 MITTS and MERRILL KEYSEATER Sizes 2, 3 and 3A. Instructions forOperator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual. Includes 11 large blue printsnot in the original publication.

MM375A MITTS and MERRILL KEYSEATER Sizes 3A. Instructions for Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual including some Sectional Drawings.

MM375B MITTS and MERRILL SHAPERS. All Model 16-inch to 32-inch Stroke.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MITUTOYO - if NOT LISTED BELOW manuals for most Mitutoyo Products can be provided.Phone: 01298 871633 or e-mail your requirements

MM380 MITUTOYO AT2-N and AT2-FN Linear Scale Reader. Operator's InstructionManual (see below for installation manual).

MM380A MITUTOYO AT2-N and AT2-FN Linear Scale Reader. Installation Manual

MM380B MITUTOYO FPSU4 Pulse Signal Unit. User's Manual.

MM380C MITUTOYO GM and GM/L-Counter 164 Series. Detailed Operator's InstructionManual.

MM380D MITUTOYO KL Counter (Series 174) for Linear Scale Units. Detailed UsersManual.

MM380E MITUTOYO KS Counter for Linear Scale Units. Detailed Users Manual.

MM380F MITUTOYO PL Series Counter (includes all sub-types such as the PLL32L)Digital Readout (Counter for Linear Scale). Detailed Operator's InstructionManual.

MM380G MITUTOYO PM-L Counter Series 164 for Linear Scale (digital Readout).Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual including Touch Signal Probeinstructions.

MM380H MITUTOYO 543 Digimatic Indicator. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MM380J MITUTOYO QUALIMATE DL-500. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MITUTOYO - all other manuals available to order. Please Enquire:

MM386 MIYANO CNC-6BC Lathe. Instruction and Maintenance Manual together with a166-page "outline of Programming" section.

MM390 MIZOGUCHI Boring Head MU-S. Instruction Manual.

MM398 MMK (Matsumoto) MMK NC Rotary Tables. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MM399 MODERN Universal Oil Grooving Machine (Modern Machine Tools Coventry). Operator's Instructions.

MM400 MODIG RBM 28 & 28B Geared-head drill. Operator's Instruction Manualand Illustrated Parts Manual.

MM400A MODIG (Sweden) UBM-AM Miller. Instruction Manual and Parts Manual asSectional Drawings and Component Pictures. Operator's Instruction Manual andIllustrated Parts Manual.

MM400B MODIG BMS 190 Lathe. Instruction and Maintenance Book and Parts asSectional Drawings. Swedish Text.

MM420 MONARCH 10EE - Operation, Maintemnance and parts Manualsted Parts Listfor the early version with "old height" round selector chart andexposed gear drive to the screwcutting gearbox.

MM420A MONARCH 10EE - Two complete editions of the Operation, Maintenance andParts Manuals for the "new height" lathe with the rectangularselector chart and enclosed gear drive to the screwcutting gearbox. Includes aParts Manual as Exploded Component and Sectional Drawings, electrical diagrams,a copy of the factory Test & Inspection Sheet showing tolerances andoperational function and copy of the late Sales, Techanical Specification andAccessories Catalog.

MM420B MONARCH 10EE. "Blueprints" of the rectangular selector platemachine on 40 sheets; scan onto CD-ROM.

MM420C Monarch 13-inch Model EE Precision Tool Room Lathe. Basic OperatingManual (6 pages)

MM420D Monarch 13-inch Model EE Precision Tool Room Lathe. Operator'sInstruction Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual (61 pages)

MM420E Monarch Lubrication Manual for Engine and Toolmaker's lathes includingEE Series 60 and Heavy Duty Models M, N and NN (15 pages).

MM420F Monarch 610 models 2516 and 2013. Operator's Instruction Manual andParts Manual as Exploded-component Drawings. Includes a copy of the maker'sSales and Specification and Technical Specification Catalogue.

MM420G Monarch 610 models 1610, 2013 and 2516 Detailed Exploded-view PartsManual.

MM420H Monarch Merit Lathe. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MM420J Monarch MONOMATIC: Operator's Instruction Manual and Illustrated PartsManual. Includes factory blueprints of the wiring and switching system.

MM420K Monarch K Series Lathe. Operation Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual assectional drawings and photographs.

MM420L Monarch Series 60 lathes. Operator's Instruction Manual with PartsManual as Component Photographs and Lubrication Manual.

MM420L Monarch Series 62 lathes. Operator's Manual together with a copy of theMonarch Air-Gage Tracer Type B Manual and a Guide to the Lubrication ofMonarch Lathes

MM420N Monarch Models NN, M and N Operation Manual and Illustrated PartsManual.

MM420P Monarch Model C Toolroom Lathe. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Electrical Schematic. Includes a superb 33-page Sales, Accessoriesand Technical Specification Catalogue.

MM420S MONARCH CNC-250 and CNC305 Lathe. Detailed Maintenance Manual withPhillips 3482/PC20 PCI Ladder charts and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. 0

MM420Z MONARCH CATALOGUE circa 1919 - not a Manual (there were non for theearly lathes) but precise technical details are given of a huge range ofMonarch lathes and accessories of the type built between 1909 and approximately1927. If you have an early Monarch lathe, this appears to be the only dataavailable. 87 pages.

MM440 MONDIALE CELTIC 12 Lathe - older style with rounded styling. Operator'sInstruction Manual - in Dutch or German only. Includes Electrical Schematics.

MM440A MONDIALE CELTIC 12 Lathe - older style with rounded styling. Spare Partsas very useful and clear Detailed Sectional Drawings. Includes copies of thescrewcutting and speed charts and electrical diagrams.

MM440N MONDIALE CELTIC 12N Lathe - newer type with angular styling. Operator'sInstruction Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includesreproductions of the lathe's screwcutting, power feeds and spindle-speedcharts. English text.

MM440B Mondiale Celtic 14 Lathe (newer, more angular style model). Operationand Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as clear Sectional Drawings. Availablewith English or French Text.

MM440BD MONDIALE CELTIC 14 Lathe (old, rounder style). Operator's InstructionManual DUTCH text. Includes Electrical Schematic and a sectional drawingthrough the headstock and spindle and a dimensioned drawing of the spindle'sthreaded nose.

MM440C MONDIALE CELTIC 17 and Celtic 20 Lathes - older model with roundedstyling (the 20 is a 17 with a raised centre height). Operator's Manual withParts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes high-resolution copies of theoften worn screwcutting charts and lever markings. Also included is whatappears to be a simple "switch" wiring diagram (though not a completewiring schematic) and copy of the maker's detailed Sales and SpecificationCatalogue.

MM440CN MONDIALE CELTIC 17N and Celtic 20N Lathes - newer model with angularstyling (the 20 is a 17 with a raised centre height). Operator's Manual withParts Manual as Sectional Drawings and copy of the maker's detailed Sales andSpecification Catalogue that contains reproductions of the screwcutting, powerfeeds and spindle-speed charts.

MM440D MONDIALE GALLIC 14 and Gallic 350 Lathes (the "14" is namegiven to the model with a 14-inch swing, the 350 is the metric name for thesame 350mm swing lathes) Late model with angular styling: Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as detailed SectionalDrawings. Includes an electrical schematic. Available with English or FrenchText.

MM440E MONDIALE GALLIC 16 and Gallic 400 Lathes (the "16" is namegiven to the model with a 14-inch swing, the 400 is the metric name for thesame 400mm swing lathes)- later models with angular styling. Operator'sInstruction Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes reproductionsof the frequently damaged screwcutting and speed charts and an electricaldiagram.

MM440G MONDIALE CG16 and DG16 Lathe. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual (17 sheets).

MM440H MONDIALE GALLICOP Copy (and Conventional) Lathe. ComprehensiveMaintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings with ElectricalSchematics.

MM440J MONDIALE GALLIMAT Lathe. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MM440K MONDIALE RE Lathe. Operation & Maintenance Manual. GERMAN TEXT ONLY.

MM440L MONDIALE L-1 Lathe. Operation & Maintenance Manual. English Text.

MM440M MONDIALE VIKING Milling machine. Operation and Maintenance Manual.

MONFORTS - See under GERBER (Ernst Gerber)

MM442 MONNIER and ZAHNER SF139 Gear Milling Machine. Electrical Schematics.

MM446 MONOPRECIS Type 114R Surface grinder. Operation & Maintenance manualFRENCH TEXT.

MM448 MOODY lathe - Canada. The best Manual for the Moody is the one producedin England for that other South Bend clone by Boxford. Unlike the South Bendbook "How to Run a Lathe" this 137-page edition concentrates indetail on the 9-inch lathe, not the whole range, and thus contains much moreinformation about how to operate it as well as many screwcutting charts, listsof changewheels set-ups as machines left the factory, metric conversions andother valuable data. A few mechanical details are different but the operatingprocedures are identical. Also included is a copy of the original South BendParts Manual - most items being identical to those used on the Moody.
MM450 MOOG Hydra-Point 3 axis N/C Milling Machine. (Based on the Bridgeport)182 page Detailed Maintenance Manual and Exploded Parts' Diagrams (Covers onlythe Moog items, not the Bridgeport mechanicals).

MM450A MOOG Hydra-Point Model 83-1000 MC 3-axis N/C Milling Machine Centre.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with 9 full-sized ElectricalSchematics and Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MM450B MOOG Hydra-Point Super 10 3-axis N/C Milling Machine Centre. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded-component drawings.

MM450C MOOG Models 1000S and 1000S-TP Hydra-Point NC Controlled Milling andDrilling Machines. Programming Instructions.

MM454 MOON Corrugating Machine. Set of 5 Sectional Drawings.

MM455 Moore No. 1 Jig Borer - the first version made. This had open V-belt drive over 5-step pulleys; to the top rear of the main column a 4-spoke capstan handwheel and to the right-hand side of the elevating head, a 4-spoke full-cycle handwheel. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Photographic Plates.

MM455A MOORE No. 3 Jig Borer. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Parts Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings.

MM455B MOORE 11/2 and 3 Universal Measuring Machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts as Detailed Sectional Drawings.

MM456 MOORE No. 2 JIG GRINDER. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withParts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MM456A MOORE No. 2C JIG GRINDER. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Parts Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings.

MM456B MOORE No. 3 Jig Grinder. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes a Wiring Diagram.

MM456C MOORE G18 No.3 JIG GRINDER. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

MM456D MOORE G18 NO.3 JIG GRINDER. Electrical Manual.

MM456E MOORE JIG BORING and JIG GRINDING ACCESSORIES "The Most CompleteLine of Jig Boring and Jig Grinding Accessories in Existence". AComprehensive, well-illustrated 135-page catalogue showing all the fittings andaccessories made by the company.

MM456F MOORE air-driven Slot Grinding Attachment. Operation and MaintenanceManual.

MMC58 MOORE-CATMUR 0.7 h.p. Air-Driven Slot Grinding Attachment - for all MooreJig Grinders. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance manual.

MM466 Morando Type PA25 Lathe. Operation and Maintenance Manual with a numberof mechanical sectional drawings (spindle, Clutch unit, slide rest) and anelectrical schematic.

MM4557 MORAT B9 Gear Hobbing Machine: Operator's Instruction Manual. (poor-quality copy)

MM4557B MORAT B11 Gear Hobbing Machine: Operator's Instruction Manual.

MM460 Moore & Wright Precision Tools: Illustrated and clearly written DataSheets showing the detailed Construction and "How-to-use-correctly"instructions for Micrometers external, internal, depth and telescoping;Universal Bevel Protractors, bevel and Setting Protracors, Combination Squares;Engineers' Steel Try Squares; Adjustable Try Square; Universal Surface Gauges;V Blocks and Clamps and Calipers and Dividers. This is all the data needed forthe great majority of laying out and measuring in toolmaking and generalengineering.

MM462 MOPCO Universal Grinding Machine Types RCF75 and RCF125. Operation Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MM465 MORFAX "Linerider" Operating & Maintenance manual.

MM475 MORGAN Guillotines. Power and Treadle types. A compendium of all knownliterature. Operator's Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings.

MM475C MORGAN RUSHWORTH A.S.T.S. Treadle Guillotine. Operating Manual.

MM475D MORGAN RUSHWORTH BBP (Imported) Folding Machine (possibly brand ed"Reliant". Operating Manual.

MM475E MORGAN RUSHWORTH Straight Folding Machines (Possibly brand ed"Reliant"). Installation and Operating Instructions. 4 pages.

MM475F MORGAN RUSHWORTH Box and Pan Brake Model BP48/16 (Possibly brand ed"Reliant"). Installation and Operating Instructions. 2 pages.

MM475G MORGAN RUSHWORTH Box and Pan Brake Model BP550/16. Installation andOperating Instructions. 2 pages.

MM475H MORGAN RUSHWORTH Bending Rolls Model PIP 2500/6 (also applies to otherPIP Models) Operation and Service Instructions. Includes an ElectricalSchematic.

MM475J MORGAN RUSHWORTH Guillotines Types DDPG 1000, DDPG 1500, DDPG 2000 and DDPG 2500 Operation and Service Instructions. Includes an Electrical.

MM489 MORI SEIKI MR Type Lathe. Comprehensive Operator's Instruction Manual.

MM489A MORI SEIKI MS Type Lathe. Comprehensive Operator's Instruction Manual.

MM490A MORI SEIKI SL-1-4 and TL-3.5 Fanuc 10T-A(MFNC-L3), 10T-F LadderDiagrams.

MM490B MORI SEIKI MV-Junior (Mori-Fanuc) Comprehensive & Detailed 360-pageOperator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Diagram list and FanucCommissioning papers. Includes sections on Specification, Tooling, ManualOperation, Automatic Operation, Machine Moveable Range, Functional Explanation,Inspection, Maintenance and Lubrication, Before Programming, Programming,Installation and Troubleshooting, etc.

MM490C MORI SEIKI SL-1B Nc lathe with FANUC 10T-A 7 11T-A. Operator'sInstruction Manual and Diagram List.

MM490D MORI SEIKI NMV5000 DCG and NMV8000 DCG Pallet Changer InstructionManual.

MM490DM MORI SEIKI NMV8000 DCG CNCMachining Centre Detailed Maintenance Manual

MM490E MORI SEIKI NMV8000 DCG Pallet Changer: Maintenance Manual.

MM490F MORI SEIKI NMV8000 DCG/40 and NMV8000 DCG/50 Pallet Changer: PartsManual as Exploded Component and Sectional Drawings.

MM490G MORI SEIKI SL-15/20 ( N/C 10TD) Electrical Circuit Diagrams

MM490H MORI SEIKI DL-20 CNC Lathe. Huge and detailed Instruction Manual.Includes a Manual for the Operation Panels DL-20, 20MC and DL-25, 25MC.

MM490J MORI SEIKI DL-20 CNC lathe. Detailed Maintenance Manual. Includes:Machine Specifications, Routine Maintenance, Lubrication, Hydraulics,Pneumatics, Headstock Cooling, Electrical System, Chuck Cylinder, Coolant,Tooling, Operation Panels, Manual Operation, Chuck Edit, Co-ordinate System andContinious Machining, etc. 5

MM490K MORI SEIKI MV-55 Vertical Machining Centre. Maintenance Manual withElectrical Circuit and Hydraluic diagrams.

MM490L MORI SEIKI CL-200 and CL150 Maintenance and Installation Manual.

MM490M MORI SEIKI Programming Manual Fanuc System 5T for Models SL-1, SL-2, SL-3, SL-4, TL-3, TL-5, etc.

MM490N MORI SEIKI SL-3 CNC Lathe. Operation Manual

MM492 MORRIS 400 Series Hoist. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MM492 MORRIS 164 Travelling Trolleys. Adjustment and Conversion Instructionswith Parts manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MM451/M150 MOSELEY (USA) No manuals were produced for this lathe a veryinteresting and rare catalog is available: No.11, late 1800s. 103 (small)pages.

MM501 MOSSNER (August Mossner) "Rekord" Band saw SM300, SM400, SM420:Operating Instructions with spares as Sectional and exploded componentDrawings.

MM5001 MOULTON Universal Thread Milling Machine. Operator's WorkingInstructions with Electrical Schematic and a copy of the maker's Sales &Specification Catalogue.

MM502 MSO Type R (all sizes)Cylindrical Grinders. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with PartsManual as Sectional Drawings.

MM502A MSO Type FH-300 Cylindrical Grinder. Operating Instructions.

MM504 MULHEAD ROTARY AUTOMATIC Mk.5A. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with useful Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematic.

MM504A MULHEAD ROTARY AUTOMATIC Mk.6. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with useful Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematic.

MM506 MULLER Model MDW 20 N.C. Chucking Auto with Automatic Tool Changing.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MULTICO - other MULTICO Manuals may be available if not listed below:

MM508 MULTICO B400 bandsaw. Operation and Adjustment Instructions.

MM508A MULTICO Universal Woodworker (sometimes badged "FUSSO" or"SHOPSMITH"). Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual with Parts asExploded Component Drawings

MM508B/MHW1 MULTICO GRADUATE (Harrison Graduate and Union) Woodturning andBowl-turning Lathe. Machine Manual with Maintenance, Lubrication, Wiring andExploded-diagram and Sectional-Drawings Parts Manual. Two editions areincluded, early and late, showing both types of spindle design. Includes anORIGINAL Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue.

MM508C MULTICO-TEKNY TWL800/1000 Wood-turning lathe. Instruction Manual withParts as Exploded Component Drawings. Includes copies of the Maker's Sales andSpecification Sheets.

MM508D MULTICO-TEKNY 37-inch single-bar bed wood-turning Lathe (sometimesbadged Multico) Instruction Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MM508E MULTICO Model K Morticer. Instruction Manual with Parts as ExplodedComponent Drawings.

MM508F MULTICO Model M Morticing Machine. Instruction Manual with Parts asexploded components. 6 pages.

MM508G MULTICO Model PM10 and PM12 Morticer. Instruction Manual.

MM508H MULTICO SENIOR 12-inch Circular Saw Bench. Instruction Book.

MM508J MULTICO TM Tenoner. Instruction Manual with Parts as Exploded ComponentDrawings.

MM520 MULTIFIX Quick-Change Toolholders. Not a manual but a set of verydetailed and well-illustrated early to late Sales & Accessories Cataloguesshowing the complete range of equipment and dimensions. 18 pages.

MM525 MURAD CAPSTAN LATHE Service Manual. Electrical and mechanicalspecifications and Sectional Drawings together with a comprehensive 16-pageSales, Accessories and technical Specification Catalogue.

MM525A MURAD BORMILATHE - unfortunately no manual ever seems to have beenproduced for this ingenious machine but there is an excellent and detailedTechnical Sales and Specification Booklet available that has ScrewcuttingCharts and a full explanation of how the machine and its accessories function.20 pages.

MM530 MUREX Tranarc Tradesman DC130 Welder. Operating Manual with largeElectrical Diagram.

MM530A MUREX Tradestig DC-145 Welder. Operating Manual with Parts List andElectrical Diagram.

MM530B MUREX Tradestig 283 and 333S Welders. Operating Manual with Parts List andElectrical Schematics.

MM530C MUREX Tradestig Welders Models 2 x 2, 4 x 4 and 4 x 4HD. Operating Manual with Parts List andElectrical Schematics.

For MUREX see also BOC above

MM532 Myford/Drummond M-Type. Although there never was a proper"handbook" for the Myford/Drummond M Series of lathes, we can supply4 items that represent everything published about the lathe: Drummond 19213.5-inch M-Type. 12-pages plus 2-page letter from the makers. Drummond1930-1942 M-Type. Sales Booklet. Contains details of the essential headstockbearing adjustment technique a study of which will enable you to dismantle theheadstock safely. 12 pages. Myford/Drummond M Type lathe: The"transition" booklet when Myford took over manufacture in 1941. 12pages. Drummond M-Type Lathe: Special Attachments & Accessories Catalogue.16 pages.

Myford ML1, ML2, ML3 and ML4 lathes. A complete and very interesting data pack for the lathes with all known literature - increased in size from the tiny originals to A4 for clearer pictures, drawings, charts and diagrams. Comprises six Sales and Accessories Catalogues (including what must have been the first ever, together with the last issued in 1946 that together show all the original extras offered) with one of them doubling as the small but useful Instruction Book with screwcutting charts and a price list. Also included is a very useful Myford instructional booklet for the later ML7 "Lessons in Lathe Work" showing all the common operations possible on these small machines; a 4-page booklet prepared by the factory for the ML2 to ML4 range but apparently never issued titled: "Particulars and Adjustments Concerning the Working of the Lathes and Accessories"; the long article by Tony Griffiths detailing the development of the lathes, their technical specification, suggested modifications and hints as to which parts from other Myford models can be used as spare parts - and a number of recently discovered photographs from the Myford Archives. 97 pages.

Myford 4-inch Precision (MF Series 1940s). Unfortunately no manual was everissued for this lathe but some very rare and interesting sales literaturesurvives: a perfect copy of the main 6 page edition with a separate 2-pageprice list; a second 3-page catalogue and a single sales sheet. These are theonly known technical specification sheets for the 4-inch Myford that was manufacturedfrom 1940 to 1944.

Myford ML10 and Speed 10: A data pack with Operator's, Maintenance and PartsManuals covering both the early plain-bearing machines and the later Speed 10type with a roller-bearing headstock. Includes copies of the maker's early andlate Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories literature. Available withEnglish or German text.

MYFORD "ML10 Lathe Manual" (Book of the ML10). Detailed user's guideand operating instructions.

Myford ML7. A complete data pack for all versions including the Tri-Leva:Instruction & Maintenance Manual (with electrical connection/wiringdiagrams to the Dewhurst and Stanton switches for all common makes of electricmotor) an Exploded-diagrams Parts Manual together with together with a copy ofthe Myford Publication "Practical Turning on Myford 3.5-inch Centrelathes" - a booklet that gives step-by-step instructions (using thebuilding of model engines as examples) of how to employ a Myford lathe to besteffect. Also Included are several high-quality reproductions of Sales &Specification Catalogues (first to last editions) showing all the models andthe complete accessory range. 118 pages

MM535AG The ML7 W.M.E.D "Easy Change Screwcutting Attachment". Noteson Installation and Operation.

MM535SP Myford SPAREY SCREWCUTTING GEARBOX (this was an early box designed forthe ML7 and intended for home construction)- two large technical drawingsshowing how to machine and assemble the box.

MM535AA Myford "A Man and His Lathe" Improving and using the ML7lathe. A high-quality facsimile of L.H.Sparey's helpful book witten to assistowners of the ML7 get the best from the machine. Includes how to improve thelathe and guard against wear, a long section on how to make and employ a numberof useful accessories, using the maker's accessories and a chapter on"Aids to Better Results".

MM535B MYFORD ML7 Instruction and Maintenance Manual Original 1946 version withthe first-ever price list. Interesting, but scanty data.

MM535C MYFORD ML7R Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as ExplodedComponent Drawings. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales, Accessories andTechnical Specification catalogue.

MM535D MYFORD ML7R Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as ExplodedComponent Drawings together with a Sales and Specification catalogue showingthe complete accessory range.

Myford Super 7 (and "Connoisseur) Instruction and Maintenance Manual withParts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings together with a copy of the MyfordPublication "Practical Turning on Myford 3.5-inch Centre lathes" - abooklet that gives step-by-step instructions (using the building of modelengines as examples) of how to employ a Myford lathe to best effect. Covers allversions of the lathe including the early model with a sight-glass oiler on theface of the headstock. Includes high-quality reproductions of several of Salesand Specification Catalogues chosen to show all the different models and the fullaccessory range. The Connoisseur section consists of instructions regarding theStarting of the lathe and electrical controls, 130 pages.
To help further we can also supply an excellent book, the: "Myford Series7 Manual". This is a comprehensive publication that covers the ML7,ML&R and Super 7. It includes:correct installation; tools; mounting work;general turning; boring and drilling; threading and screwcutting; tables forthreads; milling; gear cutting; taper turning; repetition work; accessories andfitments; Maintenance; lubrication charts; drawings and build instructions fora number of useful accessories, etc. .75 post-paid UK. See: Myford book

MM536AF MYFORD SUPER 7 French Tex edition - Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MM537A Myford Screwcutting Gearboxes. There were two versions of the box: theearlier had a train of external gears under a detachable cover on the right-handface, the later version was entirely enclosed. The gears and settings for eachbox differ and this publications contains both editions with full details ofthe metric conversions sets needed and other important data.

MM538 Myford Mini-Kop Mk.1 The original Mini-Kop based on the Super 7 lathe -which it closely resembles - even to the fitting of a screwcutting gearbox.Instruction Manual, Workshop Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded ComponentDrawings.

MM538A Myford Mini-Kop Mk. 1A - identified by its square headstock with, on itsfront face, an electrical control panel with two push-buttons and a lever - thelathe being mounted on a abinet with open shelves; Instruction Manual, WorkshopManual and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MM538B Myford Mini-Kop Mk. 3 and 3a (flat-front cabinet with control box onright) Instruction Manual, Workshop Manual and Parts Manual as ExplodedComponent Drawings.

MM539 Myford ML8 Wood Lathe. A complete data pack consisting of: "Assemblyof Lathe and Countershaft" booklet - including complete exploded-partsdiagrams (this shows the relative position of parts and is useful for repairwork and damage-free dismantling). "Installation, Lubrication, Adjustmentand Parts List" - simple explanatory sheets. Copies of the headstock end,tailstock end and countershaft templates needed to accurately bench mount thelathe, A Copy of the first-ever sales Brochure, No. 800, together with a latercatalogue illustrating all the Accessories and giving a full technicalspecification for the lathe. Two Sales Brochures (one very rare)) for the"Multi-purpose Woodworker" and the "Complete Woodworker" -a catalogue which shows all the accessories ever made for the ML8: Planer andThicknesser - Illustrated advertising and technical sheets Planer - ExplodedParts diagram and list Planer - Installation, Maintenance and OperationInstructions Planer - Drilling template to mount the machine Planer -Instructions for sharpening and setting the planer blades Band Saw - 4-pagesales and specification catalogue together with the maker's Instruction andAdjustment leaflet Mortising Attachment - Illustrated advertising and technicalspecification sheets Combination (collet) chuck - Advertising sheets, technicalspecification and assembly instructions

MM530ML Myford Mystro Wood-turning lathe. Operator's Instruction &Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MM539P Myford Planer andThicknesser. A compendium of data from all published about the machine:
Planer & Thicknesser - Illustrated advertising & technical sheets;Planer - Exploded parts diagram and list; Planer - Installation, Maintenanceand Operation Instructions; Planer - Instructions for sharpening and settingthe planer blades.

MM540 Myford 280 Geared-head Lathe. Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MM540F Tour à tête dentée. Édition en langue française. Manuel d'instructions et d'entretien et manuel des pièces sous forme de dessins en coupe
Myford 280 Geared-head Lathe. French-language Edition. Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MM541 Myford 254S Operation & Maintenance Manual and Spare Parts Manual asExploded Components Diagrams.

MM541A Myford 254R Operation & Maintenance Manual and Spare Parts Manual asExploded Components Diagrams.

MM541B Myford 254 "Plus" Operation & Maintenance Manual and SpareParts Manual as Exploded Components Diagrams.

MM542 Myford 2-speed Motor (Brook Compton) special 2-sheet wiring diagramshowing the original Myford-supplied switch gear and installation.

MM543 MYFORD DIVIDING UNIT. How to mount and use the Myford DividingAttachment.

MM545 Myford MG12 Grinder: Detailed Instruction Manual with an IllustratedParts List as Detailed Sectional Drawings, an Electrical Schematic and a copyof the maker' Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue.

MM545A Myford MG12-HA/HAC Grinder: Detailed Instruction Manual and IllustratedParts List as Detailed Sectional Drawings and an Electrical Schematic.

MM545AG Myford MG12-HA/HAC Grinder: Detailed Instruction Manual and IllustratedParts List as detailed sectional drawings and an Electrical Schematic.

MM545B Myford MG12-HP and MG12-HPC with Automatic-cycle Traverse and PlungeGrinding: Instruction Manual, Parts as Detailed Sectional Drawings and anElectrical Schematic. Includes the Supplement Covering the Plunge Feedmechanism.

MM545C MYFORD MG12-HPT Grinding Machine with Automatic-cycle Traverse and PlungeGrinding: Instruction Manual, Parts as Detailed Sectional Drawings and anElectrical Schematic.

MM546VMA MYFORD VM-A Milling Attachment - made by Rishton. Operator'sInstruction Manual with Parts as Sectional drawings. This publication coversthe head unit and also the Rishton compound table with a Rishton electricaldiagram and copies of the Myford and Rishton Sales and SpecificationCatalogues.

MM546A MYFORD VM-B Milling Machine. Operator's Instructions with Parts asSectional drawings. Includes an electrical diagram and a copy of the maker'sSales and Specification Catalogue.

MM546 Warco-Myford VM-C, VM-E "A1S", "AM", "A1" and "VO-A1 Milling Machines (also sold badged with names). This is a collection of data for these models that often had the designation "A1S", "AM", "A1" and "VO-A1" in their model-type description. Three publications are included, two for the Myford-badged models and another for the "generic" Warco type. Operator's Instruction Manuals with Parts as Sectional drawings. Includes two copies of the maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue and price lists for the VM-C and VM-E.

MM546E MYFORD VM-E Milling Machine (Myford VME). This is the model with the ram head in the form a cylinder that allows the head to be tilted each side of vertical.Operator's Instructions with Parts as Sectional drawings. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales andSpecification Catalogue and price lists.

MM546F MYFORD Turret Attachment for ML7 and Super 7 Lathes (Accessory 1408). Instructions and Drawings for Drilling and Reaming the holes in the turret head.

MM600 MYSORE KIRLOSKAR 4 Senior Capstan lathe. Parts as Exploded ComponentDrawings.


MN220A Naerok "918" lathe. Excellent illustrated Operator's andMaintenance Manual with Sectional Drawings.

MN220B Naerok 12" swing wood lathe Type WL12037. Operator's InstructionBook, Exploded Component Parts List and electrical diagram.

MN220C Naerok Bandsaw (also branded NuTOOLS). Operator's Instruction Book andExploded Component Parts List.

MN222 NAGEL Deep Hole Drilling Machine. Operating Instructions.

MN228 NAKAMURA-TOME TMC 30 Turning Centre. Instruction and Operating Manual(with Nakamura-Fanuc OTE/10TE/10TEF Control)

MN228A NAKAMURA-TOME TMC 35 and TMC 35X CNC Turning Centre. Instruction and Maintenance Manual(with Nakamura-Fanuc OTA/10TE-F and OTTA/11TTE-F Controls)

MN228B NAKAMURA-TOME Super-Turn 3 & 4 Turning centre, Spare Parts Manual asExploded Component Drawings.

MN230 NAMCO (BSA-NAMCO) DIEHEADS andCHASERS - GRINDING INSTRUCTION MANUAL for self-opening Dieheads - see under BSAabove.

MN232 NAM SUN NSM-T Milling Machine. Parts Manual as sectional Drawings.

MN232A NAM SUN NSB-U1500 Milling Machine. Parts Manual as sectional Drawings.

MN234 NARDINI MS-1400, MS-1600, MS-175 and MS-205 Series Lathes. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.and an Electrical Schematic.

MN235 NAREX (Naradi) Boring Heads VHu56, VHu80 and VHu125. OperatingInstructions,

MN250 NASSOVIA FMK 500 Vertical Copy Milling Machine "Sentidux".Instruction Manual with Electrical and Hydraulic Schematics.

MN250A NASSOVIA Automatic Die Sinker VA 1.11-2 Instruction Manual with Electrical and Hydraulic Schematics.

MN260 Natgraph Exposure Unit M3A. Operator's Guide with Installation, Maintenance and Wiring Diagrams.

MN275 NATIONAL "MAXIPRESS". Operator's Instruction, Maintenance andLubrication Manual, Parts Manual as Exploded Component Diagrams, electrical andHydraulic Schematics.


MN280 NEBEL Lathes. Operating and Maintenance Instructions for Geared-headmodels:

MN290 NEWBOLD Segmental Saws. Selection, Operation & Maintenance. A booklettitled "What you should know about the Newbold Segmental Saw"
NEWBOLD Segmental Saws

MN300 NEW BRITAIN AUTOMATIC Model657: Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MN300A NEW BRITAIN AUTOMATIC Model 661: Parts Manual as Detailed SectionalDrawings.

MN300B NEW BRITAIN AUTOMATIC Model 60: Operator's Instruction Book.

MN300C NEW BRITAIN AUTOMATIC Model 60: Parts Manual as Detailed SectionalDrawings.

MN300D NEW BRITAIN AUTOMATIC Model 60: Tool Holders Manual. DimensionedDrawings.

MN300E NEW BRITAIN AUTOMATIC Model 61: Operator's instruction Manual.

MN300F NEW BRITAIN AUTOMATIC Model 61: Parts Manual as Detailed SectionalDrawings.

MN300G NEW BRITAIN AUTOMATIC Model 61: Tool Holders Manual. DimensionedDrawings.

MN300H NEW BRITAIN AUTOMATIC Model 61- 15/8": Operator's Instruction Book.

MN300J NEW BRITAIN AUTOMATIC Model 62 six-spindle Automatic bar machine:Operator's Instruction Manual.

MN300K NEW BRITAIN AUTOMATIC Model 62 six-spindle Automatic bar machine: PartsManual as Detailed Sectional Drawings.

MN300L NEW BRITAIN AUTOMATIC Models 412, 695 and 88 Multi-spindle Automaticchucking machines: Parts Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings.

MN300M NEW BRITAIN AUTOMATIC 6956-spindle Automatic chucking machine. Operator's Instruction Book. NEW VISBY - see under PURCELL below


NEWALL-KEIGHLEY - this was the name used by NEWALL for their Grinders. Seelisting below.

MN310 NEWALL Crankshaft Grinding Machines: Maintenance and Setting UpInstructions

MK310BG NEWALL-KEIGHLEY "BG" GRINDER (including Single-arm automaticloader): Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as detailed Sectional Drawings.Includes 4 large Electrical and Hydraulic Schematics.

MN310/3D NEWALL 3D Turbine Blade Grinder Single-wheel CRANKSHAFT Grinder:Operating and Maintenance Manual with Hydraulic and Electrical Schematics.

MN310DJ NEWALL DJ Single-wheel CRANKSHAFT Grinder: Operating and MaintenanceManual with Hydraulic and Electrical Schematics.

MN310FG NEWALL FG Angular-head Grinder: Operating and Maintenance Manual withHydraulic Schematics and Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MN310HAC NEWALL HAC CRANKSHAFT Grinder: Operating and Maintenance Manual andParts as Sectional Drawings.

MK310KG NEWALL Keighley"KG" GRINDER: Instruction Manual with ComprehensiveElectrical and Control Schematics.

MK310KG3 NEWALL KG300 GRINDER: Operating and Maintenance Manual with Electricaland Control Schematics.

MN310KN NEWALL KN Internal Grinding Machine: Operating and Maintenance Manualwith Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MK310KS NEWALL KS Internal grinding Machine. Instruction Manual with sectionalDrawings.

MK310KSE NEWALL KSE Internal grinding Machine. Simple 8-page Instructions withadditional assorted sectional Drawings.

MN310KU NEWALL KU Universal Grinder: Two editions of the Operating andMaintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings. Includes two editions ofthe maker's Sales & Specification Catalogues.

MK310KU16 NEWALL KU16 Grinder: Instruction Manual and Maintenance Manual.

MN310L NEWALL Type L (all Models) Plain Grinding Machine: Operating andMaintenance Manual with Parts as Clear Sectional Drawings.

MN310L4 NEWALL Type L4 and L6 Plain Cylindrical Grinding Machine: Operating andMaintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings. Short edition or fulledition

MN310L12 NEWALL Type L12 External Cylindrical Grinding Machine: Operating andRoutine Maintenance Manual.

MK313L12A NEWALL L12A. Angle Approach Grinding Machine: Instruction Manual.

MN310LAHLF NEWALL LA and HLA Cylindrical Grindings Machines: Operating andMaintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MN310LA NEWALL LA Cylindrical Grindings Machines (only): Dedicated Operatingand Maintenance Manual with electrical schematics.

MN310U/LA NEWALL U/LAa Grinder (Plunge Cut Cylindrical Type). Operating andMaintenance Manual.

MN310MAC NEWALL MAC Multi-wheel Grinding Machine: Operating and MaintenanceManual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MN310MAF NEWALL MAF-1040 Multi-wheel Cylindrical Grinding Machine: Operatingand Maintenance Manual.

MN310MAS NEWALL MAS-1040 Multi-wheel Cylindrical Grinding Machine: Operatingand Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics.

MN310MJ NEWALL MJ-1040 Multi-wheel Cylindrical Grinding Machine: Operating andMaintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MN310MU NEWALL MU Cylindrical Grinding Machine: Operating and MaintenanceManual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MN310NL NEWALL Type NL (SNL and LNL) Grinding Machine: Operating andMaintenance Manual with Sections on the Straight Flute Relieving Attachment,Spiral Flute Relieving Attachment, Optical Equipment, Surface GrindingAttachment, Internal & Hob Grinding Attachment, Wheel Crushing EquipmentUniversal Dresser, Thread & Profile Dresser, Newall "75"Pantograph Dresser, Newall "125" pantograph Dresser, Newall"475" Pantograph Dresser and the Plunge Grinding attachment.

MN310SA NEWALL SA Single-wheel Grinding Machine: Operating and MaintenanceManual with Hydraulic and Electrical Schematics.

MN310GG NEWALL Groove Grinder L12 x 24. Operating and Maintenance Manual.

MN310FB NEWALL Fine Boring Machines Models A and B. Operating and MaintenanceManual with Electrical Schematics.

MK310XL NEWALL XL Cylindrical Grinding Machine. Instruction Manual and PartsManual as detailed Sectional Drawings.

NEWALL Jig Borer Manuals

MN311 NEWALL Jig Borer No. 0 Operating and Maintenance Manual with Electricalschematics.

MN311A NEWALL Jig Borer No. 1 Operating and Maintenance Manual with Electricalschematics. (The Newall No. 1 was renamed the 2436 and then, with just agreater table capacity was sold as the 2436 Mk.2, and then finally renumberedas the 2443.

MN311B NEWALL Jig Borer Model 1520 JIG BORER. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MN311B NEWALL Jig Borer Model 2436 Mk. 1 and Mk.2 Operating and MaintenanceManuals (three editions are included) and a copy of the Maker's Sales andSpecification and Accessories Catalogue. Includes the separate Operating Notesfor the 1520 Airmec Jig Borer.

MN311E NEWALL Jig Borer Model 2442 Types H and L. Operating and MaintenanceManual.

MN311F NEWALL Jig Borer Model 2443 Operating and Maintenance Manual with Partsas Sectional Drawings, Electrical Schematic and a copy of the maker's Sales andSpecification Catalogue.

MN311F3 NEWALL Jig Borer Model 2443 Mk. 3 Operating and Maintenance Manual withParts as Sectional Drawings, Electrical Schematic and a copy of the maker'sSales and Specification Catalogue.

MN311G NEWALL Jig Borer Model JMT/24A51/D2NE Operating and Maintenance Manual.

MN311H NEWALL Jig Borer Model 2451 Types "H" & "L"Operating and Maintenance Manual with an Electrical Schematic.

MN312 NEWALL "RIGIDLAP" Universal Lapping machine. Operating and MaintenanceManual (pc) with a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification and AccessoriesCatalogue.

MN313 NEWALL DIGITAL READOUT system Type ESP-515 Mk.3. Operating andMaintenance Manual.

MN313X NEWALL DIGITAL READOUT system Type ESP-522. Operating andMaintenance Manual.
MN313A NEWALL DIGIPAC 3 operator's hand book

MN313B NEWALL DIGIPAC 4. User's Guide.

MN313C NEWALL DIGIPAC 5. User's Hand book.

MN313D NEWALL DIGITAL READOUT Mark 111 Operating and Maintenance Manual.

MN313E NEWALL (OMT) Horizontal Precision Measuring Machine. Basic OperatingInstructions. 8 pages

MN313F NEWALL DP7 Digital Read Out Counter. Installation and OperatingInstructions.

MN313G NEWALL SPHEROSYN Digital Read Out System. Special InstallationInstructions.

MN313H NEWALL Pin and Journal Grinders. Huge and Detailed Hardware and Software Operating Instructions for the SiemensSIMATIC 55 DG635 Programmer. . 600 pages.

MN313J NEWALL Measuring Machine. Not really a manual, but it does include 2 pages og Operating Instructions. 8 pages.


MN415 NEW BRITAIN (BRITAIN-GRIDLEY) Model 40, 42, 60 and 61 Four and SixSpindle Automatic lathes Setting Up and Operating Manual.

MN415A NEW BRITAIN (BRITAIN-GRIDLEY) Model 61 Parts Manual as detailedSectional Drawings.

MN415B NEW BRITAIN (BRITAIN-GRIDLEY) Models 49 and 675 4 and 6 SpindleAutomatic Chucking Machines. Operator's Instruction Book.

MN417 NEW HERMES Tool and Cutter Grinder CG-4. Operating Instructions (6 pages)

MN419 NIBBLER Universal Sheet Steel Plate Working Machine: Instruction Manualwith Electrical Diagram.

MN419A NIBBLER SENIOR Sheet Steel Plate Working Machine: Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

MN520 NICHOLS Milling Machine USA. All-models Maker's Instruction Manual andMaintenance Guide. Includes a copy of the Makers 11-page Sales, Accessories andTechnical Specification Catalog.

MN560 NICHOLS (Rex Nichols, Birmingham) Two-spindle nut tapping machine.Operator's Handbook

MN625 NICKOLS AUTOMATICS (UK) Hydraulic Control Systems: charts to plot set-upsand descriptive literature.

MN625A NICKOLS AUTOMATICS (EMI) Auto Herbert 2D. Detailed Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual for this single-spindle Auto lathe fitted with Nickols(EMI) controls.

MN625B NICKOLS AUTOMATICS "The Nickols System of Automatic for Ward Capstan Lathes".Detailed and well-illustrated Service Manual describing how the system is applied to any conventionalcapstan lathe. Includes electrical and pneumatic Schematics, programming examples and fault finding.

MN625C NICKOLS Sprint Automatic Capstan Lathe. Service Manual.

MN680 NIIGATA 2HMB Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Parts as Sectional Drawings and a large Electrical Schematic. Theoriginal copy was printed on "blue" paper using a spirit duplicatorhence the drawings, even after being scanned at 800 d.p.i., are not of the bestquality. The text is perfectly clear. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales& Technical Specification Catalogue.

MN682 NIKKEN CNC Rotary Tables (Circular tables). Detailed Instruction Manual

MN690 NIKON Model 6C Profile Projector. Instruction Book.

MN700 NILES WMW VEB DLZ-500, DLZ-630, DLZ-800, DZ500 and DZ630 Lathes (WMW, VEBand UNION East Germany) Huge Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withMechanical and Electrical Schematics.

MN730 NOBLE and LUND AL/CC Sawing Machine Model (with Automatic Lubrication andChip Conveyor). Operator's Instruction Manual with electrical circuit diagrams,basic Maintenance, fault-finding guides, how to set up the Fluidfeed system,etc.

MN730A NOBLE and LUND S.B. Circular Saw Sharpening machine. Operator'sInstruction Instructions.

MN730B NOBLE and LUND S.E. Circular Saw Sharpening machine. Operator'sInstruction Instructions.

MN730B NOBLE and LUND "FLUIDFEED" CIRCULAR SAWING MACHINE. Operator'sManual including Hydraulic Schematic.

MN730C NOBLE and LUND Model WGD 54-inch "FLUIDFEED" Cold Saw.Operator's Manual + Electrical Schematics, including Wiring and HydraulicSchematic and Foundation Plans.

MN730C NOBLE and LUND VLHMA Vertical Milling Machine. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as fold-out Sectional Drawings.

MS218 Norfolk,Perris, Hector, Flexispeed, Simat 101, Meteor, Meteor 2, Perrisand Derivatives. A complete 150-page Data Pack containing everything everpublished for these miniature lathes: Sales and Specification Sheets,Illustrated Parts Manuals, sheets of Assembly Instructions for the Perrisversion and the Flexispeed, Simat and Meteor. A separate 5-page Manual for theMeteor 2 is also included. Full-size "blue print" (in sections) andan additional 8-page Mk. 1 Sales and Specification and Accessories Cataloguetogether with specification and price lists from the 1970s.

NORTON SURFACE GRINDERS Models can be difficult to recognise. Send a picturesif you are not sure which you have. e-mail:

MN850 NORTON COMPANY - CENTRELESS GRINDING: an introductory guide by the NortonCompany.

MN850A NORTON CV-4 and LCV-4 Angular Slide Wheel Grinders Semi-automatic Types.Instruction, Adjustment and Lubrication Manual and Parts Manual as ExplodedComponent Diagrams.

MN850A2 NORTON 10" Type CV-5 Cylindrical Grinder. Operator's Instructionand Parts Manual as exploded component drawings

MN851 NORTON Model S1 Surface Grinder 12", 14" and 16".Instruction Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual with a Separate LubricationBulletin.

MN851A NORTON Model S-3 Surface Grinder 8" x 24": Instruction Manualand Parts Manual as Sectional and cut-away Drawings.

MN851B NORTON Surface Grinder: 5" x 10" Model. Instruction Manual andParts Manual as Section-through Drawings.

MN851C NORTON Model TS Surface Grinder: 6" x 12" Hand -operated.Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MN851D NORTON Surface Grinder 6" x 18 with either horizontal or verticalwheels. Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional and cut-away Drawings.

MN851E NORTON Surface Grinder 6" x 18" Model S-3: Instruction Manualand Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MN851F NORTON Surface Grinder: 10" Model (older type recognisable by thelarge curved head support). Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings.

MN851G NORTON Surface Grinder (hand -operated model) 10" x 16":Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings withElectrical Schematic.

MN852 NORTON Type C-5 and C5-HD Cylindrical Grinder Instruction Manual andParts Manual as Exploded Component Diagrams.

MN852A NORTON Type 10" CTU, 14" LCTU, 10" CTU-HD and 14"LCTU-HD Cylindrical Grinders . Instruction, Adjustment and Lubrication Manualand Parts Manual as Exploded Component diagrams.

MN852B NORTON Type C 14-inch, 16-inch and 18-inch Cylindrical Grinders,Heavy-duty high Swing Grinders and 42-inch x 72-inch Special Universal Jet PartGrinders. Instruction, Adjustment and Lubrication Manual and Parts Manual assectional drawings.

MN852C NORTON 6" Type C Cylindrical Grinder - covers all hand, hydraulicand semi-automatic models. Detailed Operation & Maintenance manual with anumber of useful sectional drawings and a hydraulic schematic.

MN853 NORTON UNIVERSAL GRINDER10-inch (with sliding table and swivel table). Instruction and Parts Manual (asexploded-component and cut-away Drawings).

MN854 NORTON No.3 Cam-O-Matic Automatic Cam Contour Grinding Machine.Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MN855 NORTON No. 26 HYPROLAP Lapping Machine. Operator's Instruction andServicing Manual with Parts Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings.

MN855A NORTON CRANK-O-LAP No. 31: Operator's Instruction Manual, Electricaldetails and fold-out Sectional Drawings.

MN860 NORTON: a brief guide to Centreless grinding.

MN861 NORTON Lubrication of Norton Grinders: listing of machines and correctoils and greases to use.

MN862 NORTON: Hydraulic Production Presses 7.5 - 10 tons. Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Sectional Drawing. Includes the "Deadlength"Strip Feed Unit Manual.

MN862A NORTON Multi-speed Roll Feed Machines. 4-page Operating Instructions with a futher4 pages of explations and notes concerning Producing precion-wrapped bushes from strip material.

MN870 NORWELD Welding Rectifier TIG-182 Directions for use with ElectricalSchematic.

MN871 NOVA DVR-XP Wood Lathe. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MN871A NOVA 1624/44 Wood Lathe. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MN872 NOVAMODUL Grinding Machine Type S8M-910-HWFX Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MN875 NOVAR 1.VR vertical Milling Machine Operator's Instruction Manual withParts as Detailed Sectional Drawings

MN875A NOVAR 1.AR Horizontal Milling Machine Operator's Instruction and Manualwith Parts as Detailed Sectional Drawings

MN880 NSK Nakanishi ELECTER Miniature Engraving Tool. Instruction andMaintenance Manual

MN888 NUM (Group Schneider) 1060 Profil User's Manual (creating contours milling and turning).

MN888A NUM (Group Schneider) 760T Large Programming Manual.

MN890 NU-TOOL (NUTOOL) CH10 Bench Drill. Operation Instructions and Parts as ExplodedComponent Drawings.
MM890A NU-TOOL MTL-400P combined lathe and milling machine (vertical milling head on top of the lathe headstock) - also sold braned as the Clarke CL500M and with other brandings.Operating & Maintenance Instructions with Parts as exploded-component drawings and English and Metric screwcutting charts and set-up instructions.

MO100-DE OERLIKON Lathe Model DM1/1a: Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual.German text including an electrical diagrams.

MO100A OERLIKON Lathe copying attachment Model HKv. Operator's InstructionManual:

MO100B OERLIKON R2 JIG BORER Model: Operator's Instruction Manual: Englishannotations to German text. Fold-out diagrams with several electricalschematics.

MO100C OERLIKON RE3S Jig Borer. Working Instructions, Maintenance andAdjustment Manual with Maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MO100D OERLIKON UB2 UNIVERSAL DRILLING and BORING MACHINE. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification catalogue.

MO100E OERLIKON F.60 Open Ended Chucking Lathe. Working Instructions,Maintenance and Adjustment Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings. 2


MO100G OERLIKON Lathe Model DE0a Detailed Operator's Instruction &Maintenance Manual including Electrical circuit diagrams, useful sectionaldrawings and spindle-speed, screwcutting and feed charts, etc. GERMAN TEXT.

MO100H OERLIKON Spiromatic 1 & Spiromatic 2 Spiral Bevel Gear Cutters. Detailed"Gear Calculation Manual" with worked examples. English, French &German Text.

MO100G OERLIKON Spiromatic 1 & Spiromatic 2 Spiral bevel Gear Cutters.Tables of five place transmission ratios from 0.10000 to 0.99999 in 0.00001intervals for 6 gears.

MO100H OERLIKON Tool & Cutters Grinders FS21 and FS21a Detailed Operationand Maintenance Manual

MO100J OERLIKON Precision Boring and Millings Machines KC4, KC5, and KC6-R12PL. Detailed Operationand Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. English, French and German Text.

MO125 OHLER KA400 Cold Circular Saw. Detailed Operating Instructions with a Hydraulic Schematic.

MO150 OKAMOTO 1GM-1E Internal Grinder: Operating Manual with electricalschematics - this is not the clearest of reproductions, but readable. Alsoincluded is a copy of the Operator's Instruction Manual for the FeinprufMillipneu Surface-finish Comparison Gauge.

MO200 OKUMA TYPE LS Toolroom Lathe. Data Pack consisting of: Operator's andMaintenance Manual with the special "Service Drawings" (originally aseparate publication), a second, more concise edition and a copy of the maker'scomprehensive Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue. MO200A OKUMA TYPE LS Toolroom Lathe. Illustrated Parts Manual with ExplodedAssembly Diagrams of the entire machine showing the construction and assemblymethods and complete Electrical Schematics.

MO200C OKUMA LA40-N Numerically Controlled Lathe. Operator's Instruction Manualand Service Manual.

MO200D OKUMA LC20 CNC Lathe with OSP-3000L CNC System.Comprehensive Operation & Maintenance Manual with electrical schematics.

MO200DP OKUMA CNC Systems OSP500L-G and OSP5000L-G. Detailed Programming Manual (7th edition) 442-pages

MO200D2 OKUMA LC20 CNC Lathe. Comprehensive Operation and Maintenance Manual withElectrical Schematics.

MO200D3 OKUMA LC20 CNC lathe Parts Manual as Exploded-component Drawings.

MO200D3 OKUMA LC10, LC20. LC30, LC40 and LC50 Numerically Controlled Lathe withOSP-5000L CNC System. Huge Operation and Programming Manual.

MO200E OKUMA LS-N CNC Lathe: covers the LS-N4, LS-N6, LS-N4/6, LS-N8, LS-N10,LS-N. Parts as exploded Component Drawings.

MO200F OKUMA GPB Cyclic Plain Cylindrical Grinder. Operator's InstructionManual and Maintenance Manual with 8 Electrical Schematics

MO200G OKUMA LC40 Lathe. Manual of Electrical Drawings. 83 pages.

MO200H OKUMA Lathes with OSP 5000-LG Control. Labelled "Concise Workshop Manual" for the 4-axis version - but actually contains: General Notes, Addresses, G Codes, M Codes,Setting & Proving Procedure, Zero Sets, Tool Offsets, Tool Shape, M.D.I., Program Selection, Graphics, Overtravel Release,Mid-Auto-Manual Function, Sequence Restarts 4-axis,Sequence Restarts 2-axis, Restart by Sequence Number search 4-axis and 2-axis, Edit Functions, Soft Limits, Chuck and tailstock Barriers, Tool Barriers, PARAMETERS, IGF and Software Loading.

MO225 OLDFIELD and SCHOFIELD (also Broadbent and Scholfield) GeneralInstruction and Operator's Instruction Manual for the Type A, C and D Typelathes. Includes an electrical diagram.

MO270 OLIVER No. 20 Rotary Shears (Lockseamer): Operating Instructions withParts manual as Sectional Drawings.

MO270A OLIVER No. 25 Shears: Operating Instructions with Parts as SectionalDrawings.

MO270B OLIVER Bolted Bending Bars Hand Brakes ( Box and Pan Floor Models)Operating Instructions. 3 pages.

MO270C OLIVER Press Brake No. 131. Operating Instructions.

MO270Z OLIVER 510 Drill Sharpening machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawing.

MO280 OLIVER Instrument Company No. 2 Arc Cutter Grinder. Operation Manual.

MO305 OMT ETAMIC UNIVERSAL HEAD: Operation Instructions with Wiring Diagramsand a "Special Instructions" Manual:

MO305A OMT 10-inch and 12-inch Rotary Tables. Operating Instructions.

MO310 O.M.Z. (OMZ) Turret Drilling Machine, Service and Operator's InstructionManual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and two Electrical Schematics.Includes a copy of the maker's Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue.

MO312 OPHER 10-20 Surface grinding Machine. Instruction and Parts Manual with an electrical schematic.

MO320/MJ158 OPTIDRESS Wheel-dressing attachment (by Precision Grinding Ltd.).Operator's Instruction Manual with Parts Manual as Exploded Component Pictures.Includes later Addendum.

MO320A/MJ158A OPTIDRESS E Wheel-dressing attachment (by Precision GrindingLtd.). Operator's Instruction Manual with Parts Manual as Exploded ComponentPictures. Includes later Addendum.

MO450 OPUS Filing and Jig-saw Machine Model 120. Instruction Booklet. English,Italian, French and German text.

MO450A OPUS Filing and Jig-saw Machine Model 140. Instruction Booklet. English,Italian, French and German text.

ORAC Computer-controlled lathes - see DENFORD

MO475 ORCUTT 20-inch and 36-inch Spline Shaft Grinding Machines. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MO475A ORCUTT Hydraulic Gear Grinding Machine Type HM. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with sets of Sectional Drawings of the Working Parts.

MO475B ORCUTT Helical Gear Grinding Machine HK 111. A Detailed Manual with sections on Indexing Setting and Operation; Hydraulics, Automatic Cycle and feed Control; Wheel Trimmers Setting and Operation and a copy of the maker's Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue.

MO480C ORMEROD Shapers.Ormerod Shapers 10 to 20-inch stroke. Sectional PartsDrawings, a copy of the "All-Models" Operation Manual and threecatalogues, one early edition, the other two later.

MO480D ORMEROD Slotters: 4.5", 6.5", 14" and 16" Models.Operator's Instructions.

MO500 ORN Model GK Lathe (Storebro Bruks) Operator's Instruction Manual withscrewcutting charts and Parts as Sectional Drawings. (English or German text)

MO600 OSAI 8600 GP FAST Use and Programming Manual.

MO600A OSAI 8600 MC and MC-TC Programming & Operator's Manual (a hugepublication).

MO600B OSAI 8600 MCE User's Manual (a huge publication).

MO600C OSAI 8600 TC Programming & Operator's Manual (a huge publication).

MO700 OVERBECK "Zetto 20" Cylindrical; Grinding Machine. OperatingInstructions with Wiring Diagrams and Lubrication Instructions.

MO700A OVERBECK 250 RU (250-RU) Grinding Machine. Comprehensive InstructionManual.

MO700B OVERBECK 250i and 350i (also appears to cover the 400i) Grinding Machines. Comprehensive Instruction Manual withHydraulic Schematic and many useful sectional drawings.

MO700C OVERBECK 250/400 I-HA Grinding Machine. Comprehensive Instruction Manualwith Wiring Diagrams, Hydraulic Schematic and Hydraulic Parts List.

MO700D OVERBECK 400 IR Grinding Machine. Comprehensive Instruction Manual withWiring Diagrams, Hydraulic Schematic and Hydraulic Parts List.

MO700E OVERBECK 250/400 IR Grinding Machine. A bound set of 44 WiringSchematics plus hydraulic schematics and other wiring diagrams.

MO700F OVERBECK 400 RU (400-RU) Grinding Machine. Comprehensive InstructionManual.

MO700G OVERBECK 400 RE Precision Grinding Machine. Comprehensive InstructionManual.

MO700H OVERBECK 400 RE-VA Precision Grinding Machine. Comprehensive InstructionManual with Wiring Diagrams, Hydraulic Schematic and Hydraulic Parts List.

MO700J OVERBECK Mikro-CNC 400 IR and 600 IR (400-IR and 600-IR) PrecisionGrinding Machine. Comprehensive Instruction Manual with Wiring Diagrams,Hydraulic Schematic and Hydraulic Parts List.

MO700K OVERBECK 600 RSE-VA Grinding Machine. Comprehensive Instruction Manual.

MO700L OVERBECK 600 RU (600-RU) Grinding Machine. Comprehensive InstructionManual with Wiring Diagrams.

MO700M OVERBECK 600I CNC. A bound set of 29 sheets of electrical schematics.

MO700N OVERBECK MIKRO-CNC BN-5403 Grinding Machine: Three manuals: Operator'sInstruction and Programming, Connection and Start-up Operation and FunctionExtension Software Version 2.0 and follow-ups.

MO700P BN 6452.1040 Switching over Amplifier. Technical Manual.

MO750 OXFORD MIG Welding machines. Instruction Manual

PACEMAKER Lathes: see the entry above under "American Pacemaker". - -

PACERA Drills - see entry under "Meddings"

MP3 PAI-DEMM DS180/300 NC Gear Shaper. Instruction Manual in English andPolish.

MP3A PAI-DEMM DS180NC, DS300NC and DS500NC Vertical Milling Machines. Instruction manual in Italian.

PAK Cutting Systems - see under THERMAL DYNAMICS

MP5 PALLAS Vertical Miller Model V1. Basic Instruction Manual and a collectionof Pallas Advertising Literature showing the vertical and horizontal models.

MP5A PALLAS Surface Grinders. a 3-cataloge set with detailed 10 pages.

MP8 PARAMATIC DRSI Digital Readout. Installation, Operating, Service andvault-finding Instructions.

MP9 PARKANSON Lathe - this isa copy of the South Bend9-inch and the bestManual is the one produced in England for the South Bend clone made by Boxford. Unlike the South Bend book"How to Run a Lathe" this 137-page edition concentrates in detail onthe 9-inch lathe, not the whole range, and thus contains much more informationabout how to operate it as well as many screwcutting charts, lists ofchangewheels set-ups as machines left the factory, metric conversions and othervaluable data. A few mechanical details are different but the operating proceduresare identical. Includes a Parts List as Exploded Component Drawings.

For"PARKINSON" MILLERS see under the makers PARKSON

MP10 PARKSON 1NA MILLING MACHINE (also covers the very similar 1N Type):Operating and Maintenance Instructions (simple) and Illustrated Parts Manualwith Exploded Assembly Diagrams and Lubrication Schematic. Also included is acopy of the

usefulTechnical Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue.

MP10A PARKSON 2N Series Milling Machines (all versions: 2N-1, 2N-2, 2V-1, 2V-2,2NU, 2NU-1, 2NU-2, 2NP-1, 2NP-2, 2V-1 and 2V-2, etc ). Complete andcomprehensive Data Pack with two editions (early and late) of the Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual and the matching Parts Manuals as usefulExploded Component Drawings. Also includes an Electrical Schematic and Sales,Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogues.

MP10AE PARKSON 2N and 2V Miller - a large electrical schematic.

MP10C PARKSON No. 3 Size Milling Machines Models: 3V/3, 3V/3A, 3V/3M, 3V/33,3N/1, 3N/3, 3N/33, 3NP/1, 3NP/3, 3NP/3M, 3NP/3A, 3NP/33, 3NU/1, 3NU/3, 3NU/3A,3NU/3M, and "Millermatic" etc. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MP10D PARKSON No. 3 Size Milling Machines Models: 3V/3, 3V/3A, 3V/3M, 3V/33,3N/1, 3N/3, 3N/33, 3NP/1, 3NP/3, 3NP/3M, 3NP/3A, 3NP/33, 3NU/1, 3NU/3, 3NU/3A,3NU/3M, and "Millermatic" etc. - Illustrated Parts Manual that coversall Vertical and Horizontal Models with detailed Exploded Assembly Diagrams.

MP10DE PARKSON 3V Miller - a pack of 4 larger electrical drawings.

MP10E PARKSON M1200 MILLING MACHINES: Comprehensive 140 page Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Exploded-components Parts Manual.Includes Technical Catalogues for all variants.

MP10F PARKSON M1250 Series and M1250E MILLING MACHINES: A complete Data Packwith two manuals in one early and late:Operator's Instruction and Maintenance with Parts as Sectional Drawingsand a detailed Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue

MP10G PARKSON M1700 MILLING MACHINES: Comprehensive Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Exploded-components Parts Manual. Includes TechnicalCatalogues for all variants.

MP10H PARKSON Model L MILLING MACHINES: Operator's Instruction Manual (includesboth the early and late editions). Includes a copy of the detailed and usefulTechnical Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MP10J PARKSON MILLER-MATIC 3A: Spare Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MP10K PARKSON 9N, 15N and 15MN GEAR TESTER. Operator's Instructions and Partsas Exploded Component Drawings.

MP10L PARKSON MILLER-MATIC Plug Program Controlled Vertical and HorizontalMilling Machines: not a Manual but a technical paper explaining how themachine's control system worked. 8 pages.

MP12 PARNUM Gauge Unit B.103 and Probe C111. Operating Instructions.

MP18 Payne 12-inch and 14-inch High-precision "Lapmaster" InstructionManual with an Electrical Schematic,

MP19 PBR Model AFU80 Horizontal Boring Machine. Operation and Maintenance Manual with table-feed and thread-cutting charts, Electrical Schematics and a number of useful Sectional Drawings.

MP20 PCmill (TechWare) Software operating instructions.

MP20 PCturn (TechWare) Software operating instructions.

MP50 PEARSON Electro-Hydraulic Guillotine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings. Includes a copy of a mostuseful 28-page booklet "Pearson Hydraulic Guillotine Shears" thatgives a complete oversight of their design, features and methods of operation.

MP50A PEARSON Electro-Hydraulic Press Brake (flanging Press). Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings. Includes acopy of a most useful 28-page booklet "Pearson Hydraulic GuillotineShears" that gives a complete oversight of their design, features andmethods of operation.

MP50B PEARSON TX Guillotine. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withParts as General Sectional Drawings. Includes a copy of a most useful 28-pagebooklet" Pearson Hydraulic Guillotine Shears" that gives a completeoversight of their design, features and methods of operation.

MP50C PEARSON "1012" Guillotine swinging beam type. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Exploded Component and SectionalDrawings. Includes a copy of a most useful 28-page booklet" PearsonHydraulic Guillotine Shears" that gives a complete oversight of theirdesign, features and methods of operation.

MP50D PEARSON Model 4012H Guillotine, Swinging-beam type. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings. A second-genation copy so not to our usual high standard.

MP50Y PEARSON 155-ton Press Brake Models 15512, 15514, 14416, 15518 & 15520(155 ton). Maintenance and servicing Manual.

MP50Z PEARSON Vertical Miller. See below under "SAIMP" themanufacturer.

MP90 PEDDINGHAUS Model 210 Super 20 Universal Steelworker Combined Shearing andPunching Machine. Operating Instructions.

MP90A PEDDINGHAUS "PEDDY" or "Peddyshear" Shearing andPunching Machine. Operating Instructions. Only available with GERMAN text.

MP90B Peddinghaus: '210AD/13 Super' Universal Steelworker Combined shearing andPunching Machine. Operating Instructions.

MP90C Peddinghaus: 210/13 Plate, Section and Barstock Shears with Notcher andPunch. Operating Instructions.

MP100 PEDERSEN (VILH.PEDERSEN Denmark) VPV-00 and VPV-02 and VPF-00 and VPF-02Milling Machine Model: Instruction Manuals and a set of high-quality SectionalParts Drawings. Includes copies of the Sales and Specification Catalogues.

MP100A Pedersen (Vilh. Pedersen Denmark) VP1, VP2 Vertical and VPU-1 and VPU-2Horizontal (etc) Milling Machines. Everything known about these millers in onecomplete data Pack: Milling Machines (Horizontal, Universal and Vertical)Operation Instructions with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes a copyof the maker's Sales, Technical Specification &v Accessories Catalogue. Theliterature is marked as being for the VP1 range but appears to cover bothtypes. This miller - and others in the Pedersen range - were close copies ofthe English "Victoria" machines and copies of the two manuals for theVictoria/Elliott U1, P1 and V1 and larger U2, P2 and V2 are also included asare their Sales and Technical Specification Catalogues.
To make sure that you are ordering the right manual, look through the Victoriamillers section to check.

MP100B PEDERSEN (VILH.PEDERSEN Denmark) Tool and Cutter Grinder. Not a Manualbut an excellent and useful Sales and Specification 16-page Catalogue withAnnotated Diagrams and a full description of the various accessories and howthey are mounted.

MP116 Pedrazzoli MEC BROWN 75 cut-off Saw. Instruction, Maintenance, Repair andParts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MP116A Pedrazzoli MEC BROWN 75A cut-off Saw. Instruction, Maintenance, Repairand Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MP116B Pedrazzoli Super-BROWN 300-DV Cut-off Saw. Instruction, Maintenance,Repair and Parts as Exploded Component Drawings. English and German text.

MP116C Pedrazzoli "Super-BROWN-Special" Cut-off Saw. Instruction,Maintenance, Repair and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MP116BD Pedrazzoli Export-BROWN Cut-off Saw. Instruction, Maintenance, Repairand Parts Manual as Exploded Component Diagrams and Sectional Drawings.

MP116E Pedrazzoli "Major BROWN" Cut-off Saw. Instruction,Maintenance, Repair and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Diagrams andSectional Drawings.

MP116F Pedrazzoli BROWN 250 Cut-off Saw. Instruction, Maintenance, Repair andParts Manual as Exploded Component Diagrams and Sectional Drawings.

MP200 PEE-WEE Thread Rolling Machine P-20UE. Operating Instructions.

MP202 PEHAKA HS260, HSL260 and HVS260 Saws. Operating and MaintenanceInstructions and Electrical Schematic.
MP202A PEHAKA HS340 and HS400 Saws. Operating Instructions, Parts Manual withan Electrical Schematic and a copy of the makers' Sales and TechnicalSpecification Catalogue.

MP204 Pellegrini-Traversa-Pastorino D500 Gear Hobbing Machine. Instruction Manualwith Gearing Charts for helical spur gears, differential drives, etc.

MP206 PELS (Bodmer) ASG-3 Shear and Nibbler. Operator's Instruction Manual withSectional Drawings.

MP206A PELS (Bodmer) ASQ-5 Shear and Nibbler. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MP206B PELS (Bodmer) ASQ-8 Shear and Nibbler. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MP206C PELS (Bodmer) MKC-10 Universal Steel Worker. Operator's InstructionManual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MP208 PELTZER and EHLERS AAG-24 Automatic Trimming and Reheading Press.Comprehensive Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Instructions. Includesseveral fold-out diagrams, electrical Schematics and Parts as ExplodedComponent Drawings.

MP210 PENSOTTI (Ezio Pensotti) SG.600 Universal Slotting Machine. Installation and Operation Manual with a number of useful sectional drawings. English and Italian text.

MP212 PERFECTO Machine Tools (UK): Operator's (Simple) Instruction Lathe Sheet,Threading Charts and Advertising and Price Leaflets for the Lathe, LatheAccessories, Tool and Cutter Grinder, Vices, etc. The complete data pack forPerfecto.

MP214 PERKINS Power Presses - all Models. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MP215 PERKINS (Barker Perkins) R.G.3 Press Brake. Instructions for Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance including Parts as useful Sectional Drawings.

MS218 Perris and Norfolk, Hector, Flexispeed, Simat 101, Meteor, Meteor 2,Perris and Derivatives. A complete 150-page Data Pack containing everythingever published for these miniature lathes: Sales and Specification Sheets,Illustrated Parts Manuals, sheets of Assembly Instructions for the Perrisversion and the Flexispeed, Simat and Meteor. A separate 5-page Manual for theMeteor 2 is also included. Full-size "blue print" (in sections) andan additional 8-page Mk. 1 Sales and Specification and Accessories Cataloguetogether with specification and price lists from the 1970s.

MP217 PERMUTIT Automatic Water Softener Type BZA-4. Operating Instructions.

MJ60 Perris "Pixi" miniature Clockmaker's Lathe. Operating Manualwith Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Also sold with Randa, Jason andStartglen badges. click here for pictures.

MP219 PETERMANN P3 Automatic Lathe: Comprehensive Operator's Hand book withMachine Adjustments, Wiring Diagram, Lubrication Details, Cam Design andManufacture Instructions.

MP219A PETERMANN P4 Automatic Lathe: Comprehensive Operator's Hand book withMachine Adjustments, Wiring Diagram, Lubrication Details, Cam Design andManufacture Instructions.

MP219B PETERMANN P4 Automatic Lathe. Spare Parts as Machine Sectional Drawings.

MP219C PETERMANN P7 Automatic Screw Machine with Turret: ComprehensiveOperator's Hand book with Machine Adjustments, Wiring Diagram, LubricationDetails, Cam Design and Manufacture Instructions.

MP219D PETERMANN P7 Automatic Screw Machine. Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings.

MP219E PETERMANN P10 and P10HS Automatic Screw Machine with Turret:Comprehensive Operator's Hand book.

MP219F PETERMANN P16 Automatic Screw Machine Operator's Instruction Manual. *

MP219G PETERMANN P16 Automatic Screw Machine: Parts Manual as detailedSectional Drawing set. *

MP219H PETERMANN P25 Automatic Screw Machine: Operator's Instruction Manual.Available with English or French Text.

MP221 PeTeWe Projection Form Grinding Machine PFS-4u Technical Instruction and Operation Manual with an Electrical Schematic and a copy of the maker's Detailed and Comprehensively Illustrated Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue.

MJ158A PG OPTIDRESS wheel-dressing attachment (sometimes branded Jones &Shipman but made by Precision Grinding Ltd. "PG"). Operator'sInstruction Manual with Parts Manual as Exploded Component Pictures.

MJ158B PG OPTIDRESS Type E Wheel-dressing attachment (sometimes branded Jonesand Shipman but made by Precision Grinding Ltd. "PG"). Operator's Instruction Manual together witha Parts Manual as Exploded Component Pictures. Includes later Addendum.

MJ158C PG Profiloscope andProjectorscope. Operating Instructions together with a detailed Sales &Technical Specification Catalogue.

MP224 PG Technology System 620Instruction Manual

PGM-Staveley SH200 Gear Hobbing Machine (also marketed as RED-RING) .Operator's Instructions.

MP226 PHEKA Band SAW Models HS, HSL and HVS 260.Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual. Includes copies of the maker's technical Sales andSpecification literature.

MP227 PHILIPS (Philips Darenth) FILTRATION: Clarifier Type 1010/00. Operating Manual.

MP227A PHILIPS (Philips Darenth) MAGNA-DRUM Clarifier. Operating Manual.

MP227BB PHILIPS E 7744/22/23/25/27/28/29/30 and F 7760/01 - E 7775/01 and E7755/22/23/25/27/28/29/30 Universal, Magnetic Drum and Combined Clarifiers.Operating Manual in English, French, German and Dutch text.

MP227CC PHILIPS (Philips Darenth) Filtration Universal Clarifier Type 1012. Operating Manual with Electrical Schematic. English, French, German and Dutch text.

MP227DD PHILIPS (Philips Darenth) Filtration Universal Clarifier Ten Hundred Series Models 1010, 1020, 1030 and 1040. Operating Manual. English, French, German and Dutch text.

MP227B PHILIPS PE2472 and PE2473 Digital Readouts Operating and InstallationManual.

MP227C PHILIPS WELDER PZ5805/30, PZ5807/30 and PZ5809/30. Operating andInstallation Manual with 4 wiring diagrams, one "exploded component"picture of the control panel showing wire runs and colours and two printedcircuit diagrams.

MP227D PHILIPS Series CNC3000 including CNC3480, CNC3580 and CNC00 OperatingManual.

MP227E PHILIPS Series CNC3000 Types CNC3480, CNC3580 and CNC00 Programmer'sManual.

MP227F PHILIPS Type CNC 3360 Operating Manual.

MP227G PHILIPS Type CNC 3360 Programmer's Manual.

MP229 PIERCE-All "Perf-O-Mator" Models 3025A and 3025AT Piercing andNotching Machines: Detailed Operator's Instruction and Service Manual withParts Manual as exploded-component diagrams and Sectional Drawings.

MP229A PIERCE-All "Perf-O-Mator" Models 1825A-48/30, 2025A-48/30,3025A-48/30, 3025A-72/54, 3050A-104/80, 3025AT-48/30, 3025AT-72/54,4025AT-78/60. Piercing and Notching Machines: Parts Manual asexploded-component diagrams and Sectional Drawings.

MP229X PILOT 12-ton, 15-to and 20-ton Hydraulic Presses. Two Operating & Maintenance instructionswith Parts as Exploded Component Drawings and a wiring diagrams

MP229Y PILOT 3-Ton Hydraulic Bench Press Model No. 8. Operating and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Diagrams.

PINONDO Shapers - see SEBA below

MP230 PITTLER TURRET Lathes.Detailed Operating Hand book. 295 pages.

MP230A PITTLER Standard Tool Holders and Chucking Tools for Pittler TurretLathes. Detailed specifications with dimensions. 140 pages

MP230B PITTLER Cutting and Threading Tools for Pittler Multi-SpindleAutomatics. Detailed specifications with dimensions. 140 pages

MP230C PITTLER Standard Tool Holders and Clamping Arrangements Tools forPittler Multi-Spindle Automatics. Detailed specifications with dimensions. 140pages

MP230D PITTLER Pirex 50: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withSectional Drawings. Not a perfect copy.

MP230E PITTLER Pirex 80: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withSectional Drawings.

MP230F PITTLER RE-111-60 - Revolver - Drehbank. A remarkable Pittler capstanlathe with its turret disposed vertically between the bed ways. The maker'sworkshop Manual; profusely illustrated - German text.

MP230G PITTLER PRB 32/6 Operator's Manual with Electrical Schematics (availablewith GERMAN TEXT only).

MP230H PITTLER PRB 32/6 and PRB 50/4 Parts Manual as Exploded Component andSectional Drawings.

MP230J PITTLER PRC 32/8, 50/6 and 66/4 Operator's Manual (Available with GermanText only).

MP230K PITTLER PRC 32/8, 50/6 and 72/4 Operator's Manual. English Text.

MP230L PITTLER PRC 32/8, 50/6 and 66/4 Parts Manual as Exploded Component andSectional Drawings.

MP230M PITTLER PRC 66/4, 50/6 and 32/8 Operator's Instruction and ServiceManual (available with German Text only).

MP230P PITTLER PRC 72/4 (with 32/8 and 50/6) Parts Manual as Exploded Componentand Sectional Drawings.

MP230Q PITTLER Standard Tool Holders and Chucking Tools for Pittler Drum-TypeTurret Lathes. Detailed specifications with dimensions. 140 pages

MP230R PITTLER Pirette Automatic Turret Lathe. Operating Instructions withAdditional Equipment Operating Instructions and Maintenance Instructions.

MP230S PITTLER Pirette 100 and 130 Automatic Turret Lathes. StandardToolholders and Clamping Arrangements. Dimensioned Drawings.

MP230T PITTLER Pirette Automatic Turret Lathe 100. Electrical Diagrams. Longfold-out schematic over 48 pages annotated in English and German.

MP230U PITTLER NF200 lathe. Operating Instructions.

MP234 PLESSEY BR3100 Controller Programming Manual.

MP234A PLESSEY BR3100 Controller Programming Manual.

MP234B PLESSEY Autoset Type N410 Operator's Instruction, Programming andServicing Manual.

MP234C PLESSEY NC 1100 Engineering and Electrical Manual Vol. 1. Multipleelectrical schematics.

MP234D PLESSEY NC 1100 Operating and Programming Manual

MP234G HERBERT/PLESSEY BR 3100 System Controls. Operational Manual.

MP234H HERBERT/PLESSEY BR 3100 System Controls SERVICE Manual.


MP235/MT350 TUE-40 Lathe (Polish) Manual with wiring diagrams. US

POLLARD CORONA DRILLS: please note that the drills usually carry a clearidentification but, if not, they were brand ed as follows (send a photograph ifunsure):
Floor-standing models: 1-spindle = 15AX; 2-spindle = 15CX; 3-spindle = 15DX;4-spindle = 15EX; 6-spindle = 15LX; multiple adjustable spindles = 16MX
Bench models usually had a the letter F in the middle of the model type:1-spindle = 1FX, 15FX and 9FX; 2-spindle = 1CFX; 3-spindle = 1DFX; 4-spindle =1EFX; 6-spindle = 1LFX
Upright production drills all-geared head = Type 21A and 28A with 1 to 6columns on a single base

MP237 POLLARD "Corona" 1AX, 1CX, 1CFX, 1DX, 1DFX, 1EX, 1EFX, 1LX and1LFX Drilling Machines. Installation, Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and IllustratedParts Manual as Sectional Diagrams.

MP237A POLLARD "Corona" 6MX Drill and 6MXT Combined Drill and tappingmachine. Installation, Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and IllustratedParts Manual as Sectional Diagrams.

MP237B POLLARD "Corona" 9FX Precision Bench Drill. SimpleInstallation, Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Instructions and Parts as aSectional Drawing.

MP237BB POLLARD "Corona" 12MX & 12MXT Multi-spindle Drill.Installation, Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Instructions and Parts as aSectional Drawing.

MP237C POLLARD "Corona" 13AX and 13AY 13-inch Drilling Machines.Installation, Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and Illustrated Parts Manualas Sectional Diagrams.

MP237d POLLARD "Corona" 15-inch Drill Series: 15AX, 15AY, 15CX, 15CY,15DX, 15DY, 15EX, 15EY, 15LX, 15LY, 15FX, 15FY 15HA, 15HF, 15HC, 15HCF, 15HD,15HDF, 15HE, 15HEF, 15HL and 15HLF 15-inch Drilling Machines with head-mountedmotors. Installation, Operator's Instruction, Maintenance and Illustrated PartsManual as Sectional Diagrams.

MP237F POLLARD 20MH and 20MX Multi-spindle Drilling Machine. Operating Manual,Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Diagrams. Includesand electrical diagram and maker's Sales & Technical SpecificationCatalogue.

MP237G POLLARD 21A and 28A Production Drilling Machines. Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MP237H POLLARD 31MX Multi-spindle Drilling Machine. Operating Manual, MaintenanceManual and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Diagrams.

MP237JJ POLLARD Series 100 Drill Models A and F (Bench and floor standing) withpoly-V drive to the head. Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manualas Sectional Drawings and Electrical Diagram. Includes a copy of the maker'scomprehensive sales and Technical specification catalogue.

MP237K POLLARD Series 130 Drills. Instruction and Maintenance Manual with PartsManual as Sectional Drawings and Electrical Diagram.

MP237L POLLARD Series 150 Drills. Instruction and Maintenance Manual with PartsManual as Sectional Drawings and Electrical Diagram.

MP237M POLLARD Tappers - Auto-reversing Types No. 1, 2, 4, 5 and 200.Operation, Maintenance and Spares Manual. Includes a copy of the maker'sdetailed Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue.

PONAR-KOMO machine Tools - see under "MECHANICY" above.

PONAR PRUSZKOW – milling machines. Manuals may be available. Please e-mail yourrequirements

MP238/MC370 PONAR-WROCLAW Lathe TUR63 (WAFUM TUR 63): Instruction andMaintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MP238B PONAR-WROCLAW COMPUTURN CNC-390 Lathe (also badged as Churchill).Comprehensive Operator's Instruction Manual with Parts as detailed sectionaldrawings.

MP239PNT PONTIGGIA (Leopoldo Pontiggia and LEPONT) "Nuvo SFE" LatheOperation and Maintenance Manual with an Electrical Schematic.

MP239Z POP RIVET Machine T.T.1A with Hydraulic Intensifier. Made by Geo. Tucker Eyelet Co. Ltd.Detailed Instruction Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings. Gives full details of all rivet types and sizes and their particular use.

MP239 POREBA (FUM) Lathes TR-100B1, TR-135B1 and TR-100C1. Operating andMaintenance Instructions with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MP239A POREBA (FUM) Lathes Types TR45, TR55, TPK80, TPK90, TCG and TCE.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as large sectionaldrawings.

MP239B POREBA (FUM) Lathes Types TR70B and TR70C Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with a Parts Manual as sectional drawings.

P475 PORTASS Lathes: no manuals were ever issued but this is an interestingcollection of (rare) Sales & Technical Specification Sheets, IndividualMachine Catalogues, Illustrations, Accessories and "Letters ofRecommendation". Covers, amongst others, the X.L., Mark V, Model X.Dreadnought (several versions including the 5-inch), Model S, Model 21/8",Model-de-Lux 21./8", Model Super, Heavy-duty 4-inch, Milling &Drilling Attachment, shapers, 4-inch wood lathe, etc. 70 sheets.

MP240 Posidata (Matchmaker) CNC 1800 Programming Manual and Instruction Manual.

MP240B Posidata (Matchmaker) CNC 2800 Service Manual with 20 electricalschematics.

MP240MD Posidata (Matchmaker) Powercentre 111 & Matchamaker Operator's Manual with Partsas Sectional and Exploded Component Drawings and Electrical Schematics.

MP240C Posidata (Matchmaker) TNC 151/155 Programming Course Notes.

MP242 POTISJE-ADA "TypePA" Lathe. Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawingswith Electrical Schematic.

MP244 POTTER and JOHNSTON 3U SPEED-FLEX Automatic Turret Lathe. Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MP244A POTTER and JOHNSTON Power-Flex 5D, 5DE, 5DL, 5DEL, 5D-2-9",5D-2-12", 5DE-2-15" Manufacturing Automatic Lathes. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual.

MP244B POTTER and JOHNSTON 5D Automatic Lathe. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MP244C POTTER and JOHNSTON Manual of Production Tools for use on the Model 4UAutomatic Turret Lathe.

MP244D POTTER and JOHNSTON 6DRE-40 and 6DREL-40 Automatic Turret Lathes. Operator's Instruction and Adjustments Manual

MP249 POTTS: Blueprint to manufacture the Potts indexing, 6-station,tailstock-mounted tool holder. Universal fitting, adaptable to any lathe.

MP250 POWERMATIC (Burke/Millrite) Miller. Maintenance Manual and IllustratedParts Manual.

POWER VANE Compressors - see under "Broomwade"

PRECIMAX - see under Lund and Landis-Lund above

MP250A/MB800 BURKE (Millrite/Powermatic) Vertical Turret Miller. IncludesStandard and variable-speed models. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings. Includes ElectricalSchematics.

MP250B/MM330A POWERMATIC (MILLRITE/Burke) No. 4 Horizontal Miller. MaintenanceManual and Illustrated Parts Manual (Army Edition).

MP250C POWERMATIC 12-inch BENCH LATHE. Operator's, Maintenance and Spare PartsManual as Exploded Assembly Diagrams.

MP250D POWERMATIC (and Burke) Woodturning Lathe Model 45. variable-speed andDirect-drive models. Operating Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded ComponentDiagrams.

MP250E POWERMATIC Model 143 14-inch Combination Band Saw. OperatingInstructions and Parts List.

MP251 PR-50R.Type R Capstan Lathe. Essential Maintenance and Adjustment Guide.

MP252 PRAEHOMA SURFACE GRINDER: RW8, RW9 and RW10: Operator's InstructionManual Including Electrical and Hydraulic Schematics.

MP254 PRAGA Surface Grinder 451 Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Electrical Diagrams (this machine is a copy of the Jones and Shipman 540).

MP254A PRAGA Surface Grinder 451 Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings(this machine is a copy of the Jones and Shipman 540).

MP254B PRAGA Surface Grinder 452. Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MP254C PRAGA Model-137 Box Column Drilling Machine. Operation & Maintenance Manual.

MP254D PRAGA (Praga-Gambin) Model10N Universal Milling. Operation & Maintenance Manual.

MP260 PRATT and WHITNEY Lathe12" X 30" Model B. Operator's Instruction Book" (only 26 pagesbut very useful detailed information) .

MP260A PRATT and WHITNEY Model B 20"Lathe. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MP260B PRATT and WHITNEY Model B 20" Lathe: Repair Parts List withSectional and 3D Drawings.

MP260C PRATT and WHITNEY Model C 12-inch Screwcutting Engine Lathe Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MP260C4 PRATT and WHITNEY Model C 14-inch Screwcutting Engine Lathe Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MP26OD PRATT and WHITNEY Model C Lathe: Relieving Attachment: Instructions andcomprehensive gear charts.

MP262 PRATT and WHITNEY Keller BL Automatic Tracer-controlled Milling machine.Operating and Maintenance Manual.

MP262A PRATT and WHITNEY Keller BL Automatic Tracer-controlled Milling machine.Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MP262B PRATT and WHITNEY Keller BG-21 Automatic Tracer-controlled Millingmachine. Comprehensive Operating and Maintenance Manual with ElectricalSchematics.

MP262C PRATT and WHITNEY Keller BG-21 Automatic Tracer-controlled MillingMachine. Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MP264 PRATT and WHITNEY 10-inch Hydraulic Gear Grinder. Manual, Maintenance,Operator's Instruction and detailed Illustrated Parts Manual with AssemblyDrawings and Annotated Photographs.

MP265 PRATT and WHITNEY No. 3C Universal Precision Bench Miller. InstructionBook with Tables of Leads and wiring diagram.

MP266 PRATT and WHITNEY 2A Jig Borer. Operator's Instruction Book. Includes acopy of the Maker's detailed Technical Sales and Specification Catalog.

MP266P PRATT and WHITNEY 2A Jig Borer. Repair Parts Manual.

MP266A PRATT and WHITNEY 2B Jig Borer. Operator's Instruction Book.

MP266RT PRATT and WHITNEY Jig Borer Tilting Rotary Table. Operator'sInstruction Book.

MP267 PRATT and WHITNEY 4.5" Thread Miller Model C. Operator's InstructionBook.

MP267A PRATT and WHITNEY 6" Thread Miller Model C. Operator's InstructionBook and Parts Manual (Repair Parts) as Sectional and Annotated Drawings.

MP268 Pratt and Whitney TAPE-O-MATIC Drilling Machine Model A. Full Data Packincluding: Operator's Manual, Electronic Manual, Trouble-Shooting Guide, 2Editions of the Elementary and Logic Wiring Diagrams and the Quantizer EmitterFollower and Block Fitting Instructions.

MP269 Pratt and Whitney Model B 14-inch vertical Surface Grinder. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual.

MP270 PRAZIMA Watchmaker's lathes Types Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4 and Z5. Operation Manual(4 pages) and Catalogue (6 pages)

MP680 PRAZIMAT DLZ 180 x 450 Lathe. Instruction and Maintenance Manual andParts as Exploded Component Drawings and a Wiring Diagram.

MP682 Precisionair Column Instruments by M.P.J.Gauge and Tool Co. (under licience from the The Sheffield Corporation of Dayton, USA) Operation & Service Manual. Includesa copy of the maker's detailed, 24-page Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue for the 900 Series with much additional information, explanations, reproduction of scales,tubing, connectors, parts, jet sizes, standard and carbide spindles, master rings, master setting duscs, standard, adjustable and fixed Airsnaps, flatness gauges, calibration, Airtest Indicators and Illustrated Parts Lists, etc.

"PRECISION GEAR MACHINES and Tools Ltd." - see under RED-RING below

MP685 PROJECTORSCOPE Models 2 and 4 (by Precision Grinding Ltd) Two Operator'sInstruction Manuals with copies of the maker's Sales & TechnicalSpecification Catalogues.

"PRECISION GRINDING Ltd." - See Under Alexander

MP685 PRECISONLAP Camberley. Twin-Wheel 400 Lapping Machine. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with a separate manual on the General Rulesof Practice" for lapping.

MP687/MV199 PREMO Lathe (also badged as the VEEM Mk. 3) (Australia).Instruction Manual. Slender but useful publication. Includes a copy of themaker's catalogue.

MP690 PREMA SHAPING MACHINES Nos. 03 and 04. Operating Manual and Parts Manualas Detailed Sectional Drawings. Includes detailed Instructions for the AssayLubricator. The operating instructions also apply to the smaller Prema shapers.Includes a copy of the No. 04 19-inch shaper (8 page) Catalogue.

MP692 P & S (Press & Shear Machinery) MR50/10 & MR80/10 MechanicalGuillotines. Operating Instructions.

MP693 PRINCE Crankshaft Grinding Machines. Detailed and Practical Operation, Maintenance and Installation Manual. Includes an Electrical Schematic, many useful sectional drawings and lots of practical, hands-on hints and tips for getting the best from the machine.

MP694 PROBEND Folding Machines.Operator's Instruction Instructions.


MP700A/ME613E PROGRESS (ELLIOTT/Victoria) 3E, 4E and 5E Heavy-duty geared-headDrills. Operating and Maintenance Manual with Illustrated Spares. Includescopies of all the appropriate Technical Sales and Specification Catalogues.

MP700B/ME61A PROGRESS (ELLIOTT/Victoria) Models "1" and"1S" Bench and floor standing Drills. Operating and MaintenanceManual and Illustrated Spares.

MP700C/ME61B PROGRESS (ELLIOTT/Victoria) "2G" and "2GS"Bench and floor standing Drilling Machines with reduction gearing in head.Operating and Maintenance Manual, Wiring Diagrams, Illustrated Spares Lists anda copy of the maker's detailed Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MP700D PROGRESS 3A Drill Operator's Instruction Manual and Parts manual asExploded Component Drawings.

MP703 PROJECTORSCOPE 10/250 (by Precision Grinding) Instruction Manual

MP705 PROMACH "Promill" PK-1 1/2 GRM KV Turret milling machine(Bridgeport copy). Operation, Maintenance and a Parts Manual as ExplodedComponent Drawings.

MP710 Promecam BRG-3100 Series 125 Hydraulic Shear. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with an electrical schematic and a copy of the maker'sdetailed 6-page sales & Technical Specification Catalogue.

MP710A PROMECAM RG Press Brake Type 2 Models 103 and 104. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical and Hydraulic Schematics andParts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes a copy of the comprehensivePromecam Tooling Catalogue with many examples of set-ups, the tools requiredand how to mount them effectively.

MP710B PROMECAM RG Press Brake Type 2 Models 25-12 to 35-25. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical and Hydraulic Schematics andParts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes a copy of the comprehensivePromecam Tooling Catalogue with many examples of set-ups, the tools requiredand how to mount them effectively.

MP710C PROMECAM RG Press Brake Types RG35, RG135 and TG110. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual. Includes a copy of the comprehensivePromecam Tooling Catalogue with many examples of set-ups, the tools requiredand how to mount them effectively.

MP710D PROMECAM RG3 Press Brake (may be badged Barker Perkins) Instructions forOperator's Instruction and Maintenance including Parts as useful SectionalDrawings.

MP710E PROMECAM HC Hydraulic Bending Rolls. Instruction Manual. English andFrench Text.

MP710F PROMECAM Press Type 3 (Manuel d'installation des Presses Type 3).Installation Instructions. FRENCH TEXT.

MP710G PROMECAM Brake Press Type 25-12-B Operation and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as clear Exploded-component Drawings.

MP710H PROMECAM Brake Press Type RG-2000-50 Operation and Maintenance Manual with Hydraulic Schematic.

MP715 PROSAW STG-320-DGH Horizontal Band saw. Detailed Operating andMaintenance Instructions with Electrical Circuit Diagrams.

MP715A PROSAW UE250 & UE250SSA Horizontal Band saw. Operating andMaintenance Instructions with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings and anElectrical Circuit Diagram.

MP720/MS1 PROXXON (Toyo, Sakai) ML360 Lathe Instruction & MaintenanceManual and Exploded Assembly Diagrams Parts Manual.

MP721/MS2 PROXXON (Toyo, Sakai) ML210 Lathe & Milling Head. InstructionManual with a Parts Manual as useful Exploded Assembly Diagrams and acomprehensive Sales, Specification & Accessories Catalogue. Included aredetails of how to use the full range of accessories.

MP721A PROXXON PD40 Lathe. Instruction & Maintenance Manual and ExplodedDiagrams Parts Manual. English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch,Danish, Swedish, Cesky and Turkish text

MP750 PRVOMAJSKA ALG-100 Miller Universal Precision (Deckel) Type (also coversthe 100B, 100C, 100E etc). Operating and Maintenance Manual together with threecopies of the detailed and well-illustrated Sales, Specification andAccessories Catalogues.

MP750A PRVOMAJSKA G-01B and G-01V "knee-type" Milling Machines.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MP350B PRVOMAJSKA G-301 Vertical Ram-type Milling machines. Parts manual asSectional Drawings.

MP750c PRVOMAJSKA G-301A & G-301D Vertical Ram-type Milling machine withUniversal Swivelling heads. Operation & Maintenance Manual with ElectricalSchematics and Parts Manual as detailed Sectional Drawings. Includes sectionsdealing with "Extra Equipment" including power feed to table; riserblock; moveable stops for long and cross feeds; measuring attachments forfeeds; vertical movable stop & rule for head quill and dial indicatorsupport; profiling attachment; optical measuring systems for long and crossfeeds; dividing heads and equipment; rotary table with dividing attachment& direct and indirect indexing instructions; angle adjusting device &tailstock for rotary table; right-angle attachments & arbor support;adjustable angle attachment; milling head Types BN & BB with self-containedmotor drive; vertical shaping head.

MP750D PRVOMAJSKA G-301-D1A Vertical Ram-type Milling machines. Two electricalSchematics.

MP750E PRVOMAJSKA TNP 160A & TNP 200A Lathes. Operating and LubricationInstructions with comprehensive screwcutting charts and Electrical Diagrams.

MP770 PUCKERT Pneumatic Bar Feed. Operating and Maintenance Manual withassorted set-up drawings and diagrams. Two editions are included.

MP790 PULLMAX Universal Plate Worker: Two very Detailed Technical Sales andSpecification Catalogues. Not a manual but very useful in understanding how aPullmax works with straightforward descriptions of the various processes andcontains clear descriptions of how the machine is used for: cutting, nibbling,slotting, 4-way cutting, louvring, punching, beading, joggling, edge bending,flanging, lock-forming, doming and the use of straight-cutting, circle cutting,spiral cutting, outer-circle cutting and power-feed attachments. Includes acopy of the very useful and detailed publication "Demonstrating a Pullmax"- a useful guide to every Pullmax operation.

MP790A PULLMAX Major 2. A complete data pack consisting of the Operator'sInstruction Manual, a copy of the very useful publication (obviouslyhand-written within the factory) "Demonstrating a Pullmax" - a usefulguide to every Pullmax operation - and the detailed Sales & SpecificationCatalogues that also gives detailed accounts of how the machine is used on avariety of jobs.

MP790C PULLMAX P5 Universal Plate Worker - older model. Operating Manual.Includes a copy of the very useful and detailed book "Demonstrating aPullmax" - a useful guide to every Pullmax operation.

MP790D PULLMAX P3 and P5 Universal Plate Workers Newer Models. A complete datapack consisting of the Operator's Instruction Manual, a copy of the very usefulpublication (obviously hand-written within the factory) "Demonstrating aPullmax" - a useful guide to every Pullmax operation - and the detailedSales & Specification Catalogues that also gives detailed accounts of howthe machine is used on a variety of jobs.

MP790P6 Pullmax P6 Universal Plate Worker. A complete data packconsisting of the Operator's Instruction and Parts Manual, a copy of the very usefulpublication (obviously hand-written within the factory) "Demonstrating aPullmax" - a useful guide to every Pullmax operation - and the detailedSales & Specification Catalogues that also gives detailed accounts of howthe machine is used on a variety of jobs.

MP790E PULLMAX P7 and P8 Universal Plate Worker. A complete data packconsisting of the Operator's Instruction Manual, a copy of the very usefulpublication (obviously hand-written within the factory) "Demonstrating aPullmax" - a useful guide to every Pullmax operation - and the detailedSales & Specification Catalogues that also gives detailed accounts of howthe machine is used on a variety of jobs.

MP790F PULLMAX P9 Universal Plate Worker. A complete data pack consisting ofthe Operator's Instruction Manual, a copy of the very useful publication(obviously hand-written within the factory) "Demonstrating a Pullmax"- a useful guide to every Pullmax operation - and the detailed Sales & SpecificationCatalogues that also gives detailed accounts of how the machine is used on avariety of jobs.

MP790G PULLMAX P21 Universal Plate Worker. A complete data pack consisting ofthe Operator's Instruction Manual, Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings, a copyof the very useful publication (obviously hand-written within the factory)"Demonstrating a Pullmax" - a useful guide to every Pullmax operation- and the detailed Sales & Specification Catalogues that also givesdetailed accounts of how the machine is used on a variety of jobs.

MP790HH PULLMAX X91 Bevelling Machine. Instruction and Parts Manual withadjustment and lubrication guides. Includes an electrical diagram.

MP790JJ Pullmax X8 Bevelling Machine, Model B - Operator's Manual and Parts Listas exploded component diagrams.

MP790KK Pullmax 3015NC a computer-controlled punching and nibbling machine.Large Operation and Maintenance Manual

MP790J Pullmax (SMT-PULLMAX) Swedturn 6 CNC lathe. Detailed Operation Manualwith Parts Manual as sectional drawings.

MP790K Pullmax (SMT-PULLMAX) Swedturn 10 and Swedturn 14 CNC200 Lathes. Hugeand Detailed Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manual as sectional drawings withElectrical Schematics.

PULTRA Lathes: a 211-page all-models' Operation & Maintenance Manual withSpare Parts as Sectional Drawings covering both early open-headstock P-Type andlater 1750, 1770 and 1790 Models and their Drive Systems including the"Mardrive" type. A pair of beautifully-produced, full-rangecatalogues showing all the P-Type, 1750, 1770 & 1790 models and accessoriesincluding the Pultra Grinding and Milling Attachments Catalogue (a rareedition). For the Pultra "D" bed watchmakers' lathes there are twosets of Exploded Component and Sectional Drawings showing two versions of thelathe and a Catalogue for the Pultra 10 watchmakers' lathe. This high-qualitypackage contains almost every (non-duplicated) Pultra publication issued by thefactory.

MP800 PULTRA Lathes: All-models' Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual. (see below for comprehensive collection of literature).

MP800A PULTRA Lathes: Spare Parts as Sectional Drawings covering both earlyopen-headstock and later 1750 and 1770 Models and their Drive Systems includingthe "Mardrive" type.

MP800B PULTRA Micro Lathes: if you have an early Pultra a good companion to theabove Manual is a pair of beautifully-produced full-range catalogues showingall the models and accessories (both open and Closed headstock versions).

MP800C PULTRA Micro Lathes: Pultra Grinding and Milling Attachments Catalogue(not a Manual) - very rare edition.

MP800D All the above Pultra literature (which represents a carefully-chosen andcomplete Data Pack to give all the information required to understand and usethese fine lathes) 194 pages:

MP950 PURCELL (South Bend Copy). By far the best Manual for this lathe is theone produced by Denford Tools for the original Boxford lathe. A few mechanicaldetails are different but the operating procedures are identical. It contains acomplete 160-page set of information for all models of belt-drive Boxford lathefrom the earliest to the last made. Contains the larger and far-better earlymanual with clearer pictures and drawings together with additional sections andcharts added not included in the original including, for example, how togenerate pitches not shown on the screwcutting gearbox and what pitches thelever positions indicate, a full list of standard and extra changewheels anddata on metric to inch and inch to metric screwcutting.

MP950A PURCELL "New Visby" 17-26 lathe. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic and Headstock shown as ExplodedComponent Parts. Includes a copy of the maker's detailed and well illustrated Sales,Specification Catalogue.

Due to interest in Purcell and New Visby lathes (and a lack of technical data)the following catalogue collection has been put together
P900 PURCELL Comprehensive Catalogue Collection covering the: Visby, New Visbyin M. 1, Mk. 2 and Mk. 3 types, the "Record", Conehead (andgeared-head versions), Heavy-duty 10.5 and 12.5 industrial lathes and the4.5" South Bend Clone. 56 pages.

MQ1 QUALITY MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS Digital Readout System including Alpha 500Readerhead: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual



MQ2B Qualters and Smith QDM-500, QDM-625 and QDM-750 Drillmaster: InstructionManual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MQ2C Qualters and Smith QDM-1000 Drillmaster: Instruction Manual and PartsManual as Sectional Drawings.

MQ2D Qualters and Smith QDM-1250 Drillmaster: Instruction Manual and PartsManual as Sectional Drawings.

MQ2E/MR182A Qualters & Smith (actually RICHMOND) SR2 Radial Arm DrillingMachine. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual asExploded Component Drawings and Wiring Schematic.

MQ2F Qualters and Smith (and Kerry-branded) QSR2, QSR-3, QSR-4, QSR-3E, E3, E4.Radial-arm Drills all types both rise-and-fall arm and rise-and-fall tables. Acomplete Data Pack for all versions and brandings with Instruction Manuals,Parts Manuals as Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics. This is a large,4-edition publication covering all versions from first to last and includes aset of Sales & Specification Catalogues.

MQ4 Qualters and Smith 150,150-Terrier, 200-Terrier, 150-Bulldog and 200-Bulldog Hacksaws (also covers thelarger Model 250). Complete set of Instruction Manuals with Parts andElectrical Schematics (or single and two-speed motors) that covers all versionsof these saws.

MQ4A Qualters and Smith 6" and 8" Hacksaw (early models). InstructionManuals (combined) with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MQ4B Qualters and Smith SAWMASTER hacksaws Models: QSH-6, HDS-6, HDS-8, HDS-10,(6", 8", 10" and 12") Mk.1 and Mk. 2 (distinctiverounded-top heavy cast-iron overarm). All-models Instruction Manual with PartsManual as Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics.

MQ4C Qualters and Smith 6B Autocut Band SAW. Instruction and Service Manualwith Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematic.

MQ5A Qualters and Smith 6W Band SAW. Instruction and Service Manual with SpareParts Manual as Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematic.

MQ5B Qualters and Smith QSB-7 and QSB-7A Band SAWS. Instruction and ServiceManual with Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematic.

MQ5C Qualters and Smith QSB-7B Band SAW. Instruction and Service Manual withSpare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematic.

MQ4D Qualters and Smith 10B Standard, 10B Autocut and A/180, QSB10 and QSB10AHorizontal bandsaw. Instruction and Service Manuals and Spare Parts Manual asSectional Drawings (2 manuals in the set covering all versions). Includeselectrical diagrams and hydraulic conduits layout (not a hydraulic diagram).

MQ5F Qualters and Smith 12A and 12B Band SAW. Electrical Blueprints.

MQ5G Qualters and Smith 12A Band SAW. Instruction and Service Manual with SpareParts Manual as Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics.

MQ5H Qualters and Smith 150 Band SAW: Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawingsand Electrical Schematics.

MQ5J Qualters and Smith 180, 180A, 260 and 260A Band SAWS. Instruction andService Manual with Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and ElectricalSchematics (pc).

MQ5K Qualters and Smith 350 and 350A Band SAWS. Instruction and Service Manualwith Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics forboth Standard and Automatic. (pc)

For other QUALTERS and SMITH DRILLS and LATHES etc. check the KERRY sectionabove; the Kerry name was used interchangeably with Qualters and Smith on manymodels.

MQ20 QUASI-ARC = see under BOC (British Oxygen Company) above.

MQ50 QUORN Tool and Cutter Grinder. Detailed operating Instructions.

MQ100 DENFORD (Heidenhain 355) Operator's Instruction and Service Manual.

MR3 Radiovisor Photo-Electric Press Guard Type PG28. Installation, Operating& Adjustment Instructions with electrical schematic.

MR3A Radiovisor Photo-Electric Press Guard Type PG210 Vertical and Universal.Installation, Operating & Adjustment Instructions with electricalschematic.

MR5 RABOMA Radial Drill Model 12-U-1000: Instruction and Maintenance Book. BothEnglish and German text.

MR5A RABOMA Radial Drills. General Instructions & Maintenance Instructions.English and text.

MR8 RADYNE W3 and W5 High-frequency Welder for Thermoplastic Materials. Operation Manual.

MR8A RADYNE Model R3/400 30kW Induction Heater. Instruction Manual.

MR10 "RC-10 BF" Miller. Instruction Manual and MaintenanceInformation.

MR15 RAGLAN "Little John" Mk.1 & Mk. 2. A complete data packconsisting of the Operator's Handbooks, Illustrated Parts Manuals, AccessoriesLists and a wiring diagram for both Dewhurst and Stanton switches. There arethree Manuals in the set: the first for the Mk.1 (a publication with limitedthough interesting technical data - including the correct screwcutting chartfor the Mk. 1) and two editions (one early, one late with complimentaryinformation) for the Mk. 2 as well as illustrated Parts Lists. Three Sales andAccessories Catalogues are also included (showing all versions of the lathe andevery accessory ever offered) together with the article about thelathes and their development.

MR15B RAGLAN "5-INCH" Lathe (The later Raglan with a smooth,rounded-edge headstock cover). Operator's Manual, Illustrated Parts Manual.Includes Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogues and SpecialScrewcutting Supplement. This lathe can be seen here

MR15C Raglan Loughborough Training Lathe. Instruction Manual and a Parts Manualas Sectional Drawings togther with a copy of the Maker's Sales Catalogue. .This lathe can be seen here

MR15D RAGLAN Capstan Lathe. Operator's Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MR15C RAGLAN Vertical Miller. Basic Hand book with some dimensioned PartsDrawings and a detailed Sectional drawing through the machine.

MR17 RAIMANN Automatic Wood Knot Boring and Plugging Machine. DetailedOperating Instructions.

MR20 RAMBAUDI M-Series Milling Machines Types M including: M3, MG3, MS3, M3-P,MG3-P, MS3-P and MO. These models all used the same basic column knee and tableassembly but were fitted with either the NV3 or V3 heads and made inhorizontal, vertical and ram-head forms. An Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual and Parts Manual is available for the M3P and MS3 versionsthat covers the essentials of the other models as well. This manual is not thebest of reproductions - but is readable and includes a Sales &Specification Catalogue.

MR20B RAMBAUDI "RAM" vertical Miller. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts Manual as large fold-out Sectional Drawings.Includes Electrical Schematics (pc).

MR20C RAMBAUDI UR60 and UR60-U vertical Miller. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts Manual as large fold-out Sectional Drawings.Includes Electrical Schematics (pc).

MR20D RAMBAUDI V2, VR2, VRG2 and VSR2 Ram-type Vertical Milling Machines:Operation Instructions & Spares Parts List with Electrical Schematic andSchlesinger Test Chart for the V2. Includes two editions: one marked for theVR2 the other for the VR2, VRG2 and VSR2.

MR20E RAMBAUDI VR3 Ram-type Vertical Milling Machines: Instruction Book andParts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MR20F RAMBAUDI VERSAMIL 12: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withParts Manual as fold-out Sectional Drawings. Includes a copy of the detailedand well illustrated Sales, Technical Specification & AccessoriesCatalogue. (pc).

MR20G RAMBAUDI FVR Vertical Milling Machine. Instruction Book with basicadjustments and a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MR20H RAMBAUDI Rammatic 1000E NC Milling Machine. Operation and MaintenanceManual including Installation, Lubrication, Controls, Accessories, etc.

MJ60 Randa Miniature Clockmaker's Lathe. Operating Manual with Parts Manual asSectional Drawings. Also sold with Jason, "Pixi", Sartglen &Randa Badges. click here for pictures.

RANK Precision Industries - See under TAYLOR HOBSON

MR30 RAPIDOR Hacksaws Spare Parts Manual as Drawings. Includes 16 individual Salesand Specification catalogues from the 1920 to the 1970s showing virtually theentire range of the company's regular models, 6", 8", 10",12", 14", 16" 20", etc., a number of special typesincluding saw sharpening machines, girder saws, tyre saws (railway wheels),portable units, jig saws and filing machines, rail saws, angle plates, screwpacking steel side cramps, machine vices, etc. and representing the completeknown data set for this manufacturer. 64 pages.

MR30X RASKIN Presses: Rigid Model Comprehensive Operator's Instructions withmany sectional and other drawings.

MR32 RAVENSBURG K600KHF Facing Lathe. Operating Instructions with ElectricalSchematics and Foundation Plans.

MR32A RAVENSBURG S1500 Slotting Machine. Detailed Operating Instructions.Originally bound in two volumes with a number of large A2 inserts. IncludesMaintenance details for the Binder, ZF and Ortlinghuase clutches; Delimon,WillyVogel and Hawe pumps, etc.

MR32B RAVENSBURG S1500 Slotting Machine. Full Electrical Manual with 21+ largewiring diagrams and multiple Heidenhain and Siemens Instruction Manuals. .An original, ex-works copy of this manual may be available.

MR32C RAVENSBURG S500 Vertical Miller: Bedienungsanleitung zurSenkrecht-Stobmaschine. Operation Instructions. German Text

MR35 "RB" S-211X Steam Cleaning Plant. Operating and MaintenanceInstructions.

MR45 REAVELL COMPRESSORS (All models) Lubrication Guide with useful sectionaldrawings.

MR50 Rebmann "Boy" lathe. Operation & Maintenance manual. GERMANTEXT.

MR58 RECORD Wood Lathes: Model CLOOperator's Instruction Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual with maker'scomprehensive Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue (also sold asthe Coronet No.0).

MC400B Record (and Coronet) Woodturning lathes No. 1, 2, 3 (twin bar-bed stylein various configurations) Operator's instructions with Sales and SpecificationCatalogue. Also marketed as the RECORD CL1, CL2, CL3, etc. A completecompendium of instructions and Sales & Accessories Catalogues coveringthese machines.

**************************** MR400B-CAM Record Wood lathes CL3-CAM (5-speed)and CL4-CAM (Electronically variable speed) Operator's Instruction, Maintenanceand Parts Manual.

MR58C RECORD Wood Lathe: Model CL4 Variable-speed Drive. Operator's InstructionManual and Illustrated Parts Manual with maker's comprehensive Sales andSpecification and Accessories Catalogue.

MR58K RECORD CL3 lathe (late model) with swivelling headstock. Assembly, Instruction, Maintenance and Parts Manual.

MR58D RECORD Wood Lathes: Model marked "DML" and "DML/SW".Operator's Instruction Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual with maker'scomprehensive Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue.

MR58DH RECORD Wood Lathes: Models DML24X & DML36SH (Swivel-head, 4-speed).Operator's Instruction Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual with maker'scomprehensive Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue.

MR58D18 DML18-SH Swivel-headwood-turning lathe. Operator's Instruction and Assembly Manual and IllustratedParts Manual.

MR58RPMLRecord RPML-300lathe Operator's Instruction and Assembly Manual and Illustrated PartsManual.

MR58E Record DML305 6-speed lathe.Operator's Instruction and Assembly Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual withmaker's comprehensive Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue.

MR58EV Record DML305-VSElectronically Variable-speed lathe. Operator's Instruction and Assembly Manualand Illustrated Parts Manual.

MR58F Record DML36SH-CAM Swivel head 4-speed lathe (sometimes marked"DMLBR). Instruction and Assembly Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual withmaker's comprehensive Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue.

MR58G Record MAXI-1 Vari-speed Swivel-head lathe. Operator's Instruction Manualand Illustrated Parts Manual with maker's comprehensive Sales and Specificationand Accessories Catalogue.

MR58HL Record MAXI-2 Vari-speed Swivel-head lathe with bowl-turning attachment.Operator's Instruction Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual with maker'scomprehensive Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue.

MR58ET RECORD (Toyo ) ML360 Lathe and Milling Head. Instruction Manual andParts Manual as useful Exploded Assembly Diagram and a comprehensive Sales,Specification & Accessories Catalogue. Included are details of how to usethe full range of accessories.

MT58FT RECORD (Toyo) ML210 Lathe & Milling Head. Instruction Manual with aParts Manual as useful Exploded Assembly Diagrams and a comprehensive Sales,Specification & Accessories Catalogue. Included are details of how to usethe full range of accessories.

MR58G RECORD 301S Vertical Bandsaw Detailed Instruction Manual and ExplodedAssembly Diagrams Parts Manual.

MR58H RECORD BK3 Band saw. Instruction Manual.

MB915B RECORD BK3 and BK3 Plus (actually a re-badged BURGESS) Bandsaw Manual

MR58J RECORD RP3000 Power Chuck. Instruction Manual.

MR59 RECORD (Italy) Tappers M15, M25 and M35 with Electro-pneumatic operation.Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematic.

RED-RING Gear Machines - also sold under the LEES-BRADNER and PRECISION GEARMACHINES and TOOLS brand s

MR60 RED-RING 5-AC Gear generator: Operating Instructions and FormulaeBooklet.

MR60A RED-RING 7-HD Gear Hobbing Machine: Operating Instructions.

MR60B RED-RING G.H.D. GEAR HONER: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualand Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MR60C RED-RING G.C.U. Gear Shaving Machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings. Late, fully-revisedEdition

MR60D RED-RING G.C.I. 8", 12" and 18" Gear Finishing Machine.Operator's Manual with useful sectional drawings.

MR60E RED-RING G.C.P. 24" Traduzione Libro Istruzione Sbarbatrice GCP24" (Operator's Manual and Parts), Italian text.

MR60F RED-RING PGC Gear Chamfering and deburring machine. Operator's Manual andService Instructions with Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MR60G RED-RING PGM-Staehely SH200 Gear Hobbing Machine. Operator'sInstructions.

M^60H RED-RING SF-900 CBC Gear Grinder. Maintenance Manual with Parts asSectional Drawings.

MR60J RED-RING TRP-12" Tooth Rounder and Pointer. Operator's Manual andService Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MR60Z RED-RING. "Modern Methods of Gear Manufacture" ComprehensiveTextbook that explains design, calculations, materials, machining, forming,finishing, inspection and specialised machinery.

MR62 REED-PRENTICE (Black Rock) 14 and 16-inch Geared-head Engine and Toolroomlathes. Instruction Manual and super Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MR62A REED-PRENTICE 22-V Vertical Miller and 22-VS Vertical Miller. Instructionand Maintenance Book with Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MR63 REED A-22 Cylindrical Die Thread Rolling Machine Parts List.

REGAL Lathes - See Under LeBlond above

MR63A REGLUS Precision Drilling Machine (Universal-Bohrvorrichtung) . Operation Manual in English, French and German.

MR64 Reichenbacher RANC Operating and Programmings Instructions for CNCWoodworking Routers.

MR65 REICHERTER (Georg Reicherter) BRIRO AUTOMAT Rockwell Hardness Tester.Instruction Book (in English and German).

MR70 REIDEN Lathe R-200 (2). Operating and Servicing Manual with usefulSectional drawings and Electrical Schematic. Includes a copy of the maker'sSales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue.

MR70A REIDEN Miller HF-20 and HF-30. Horizontal Miller. Operating and ServicingManual. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification and AccessoriesCatalogue.

MR70B REIDEN Miller VF-20 and VF-30. Vertical Miller. Operating and ServicingManual. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification and AccessoriesCatalogue. Both English and German Text.

MR70C REIDEN Miller FU-100. Operating and Servicing Manual with a copy of themaker's Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue and some useful sectionaldrawings.

MR80 REINECKER Universal Gear Milling Machines, Splined Shaft and pinionMilling Machines and Screw Spindle Milling Machines: Operating Instructions.English Text.

MR81 REIS Trimming Presses SEP-24 and SEP-26 Operating Instructions withElectrical Schematics

MR82 REISHAUER NZA Gear Grinding Machine. Operating Manual with Parts Manual asSectional Drawings.

MR85 RELIANCE " Drill Grinding Jig" and "Drill GrindingMachine" (a self-contained unit based on a double-ended grinder): Threesets of Operating Instructions (10 pages) combined in one publication.

RELIANT Folding machines and other sheet-metal machinery - see under MorganRushworth.

REMEX - see under Ex-Cell-O

MR90 REMS Automatic Parting Off Machine Type 95S. Instruction, Operating andServicing Manual including clamping Device and Loading-magazine Manuals.

MR90A REMS Tornado 2000/2010/2020 Pipe Threader. English, German, French,Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Portuguese,Polish, CZE, Hungarian, HRV, Russian.

MR100 RENISHAW Laser Training Course Manual. Comprehensive Instruction Manualto setting up, using and exploiting laser measurement technology.

MR100A RENISHAW Probe Systems for machining centres FANUC 0-6-10-11-12-15/MSeries for YASNAC MX2 and MX3 (Matsuura), MX2 Series. Detailed Operator'sInstruction Manual with M15 hard Wire Supplement.

MR100B RENISHAW Inspection Plus Software Programming Manual.

MR100C RENISHAW Retrofit Software package For FANUC 6MB Control. Users Guide.

MR100D RENISHAW FANUC 11MA Toolsetting Inductive. Users Guide.

MR100E RENISHAW MP7 Compact Optical for FANUC 6MB Control. Users Guide.

MR100F RENISHAW Hard copy, Printer option for FANUC 11MA. Users Guide.

MR100G RENISHAW TP200 Precision Tough-trigger Probe and SCR200 Stylus ChangeRack User's Guide.

MR100H RENISHAW P1200 Interface for TP200 Probe. Installation Guide.

MR110 REX Hacksaw "Six and a Half M" Instruction Booklet. Includesdetailed and well illustrated sales and specification catalogues for the Models"Light", 6.5M, 7.5-inch and 10-inch.

M110 REXVALTER "Rex" VF-118 lathe. Simple Operator's hand book withscrewcutting charts and sectional diagrams of headstock and gearbox. Swedishtext.

MR120 REZNOR Heaters Type X, XA, XB, XC, XD, XE and XJ. Installation,Operator's Instruction and Maintenance with Electrical Schematics.

MR130/MX20 RF-30 Miller-Driller. Instruction Manual and Parts as ExplodedComponent Drawings.

MR140 RHODES RH Series Open Fronted Presses - 25 to 300 tons, RHO Series 100 to300 tons and RHS Series 100 to 300 tons (as the RHO but fitted with motorisedvariable stroke and slide adjustment mechanisms) Operator's Instruction Manualand Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings for all Models. Includesmanuals for various third-part fitments including the BHI Powerblock 3000,Thermal Overloads and Pneumatic Timing Relays, Tecalemit Lubrication, AirPressure Regulators, etc. together with a detailed Technical Specification Bookletfor all models.

MR140A RHODES 150-ton Type RS OpenFronted Press: Operator's Instruction Manual.

MR140B RHODES RF Series Open FrontedPresses. Simple Operator's Instruction Handbook; Assembly Instructions for theHi-Powerblock 3000; Instructions and Parts List for the Tecalemit LubricationSystem; Instructions for the Series RO-4 Air Pressure Regulators; MaintenanceInstructions for the BHI Thermal Overload Units and the Pneumatic Timing RelaysType 906.

MR140C RHODES CHE 30/4 Hydraulic Shearing Machine. Operation and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics.

RIBON - See under ELGIN RIBON above

RICHARDS BORERS - see also under"KEARNS" above.

MR150 RICHARDS Horizontal Boring Machines: all early models, often marked"The Pearn Richards Machine", were covered by one publication givingoperating and Maintenance details.

MR150A RICHARDS (George Richards) No. 1 Horizontal Boring Machine. Operating Instructions.

MR150B RICHARDS (George Richards) Vertical Borers. Detailed Instruction andMaintenance Manual with a Parts Manual as clear Sectional Drawings with threeeditions of the maker's Sales & Specification Catalogue. This manualapplies to many Richards twin-column Vertical Borers with a round table - theyall shared a commonality of many parts. The first page of the manual isarranged for the machine specification to be partially completed by hand - inthis case marked MB10M for a 10-foot table model

MR150C RICHARDS (George Richards) BM12H Horizontal Borer. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MR150D RICHARDS (George Richards) BM12v Vertical Borer. 12 large electricalsheets.

MR150E RICHARDS Kearns-Richards BTX40 Horizontal Borer. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MK150E/318F RICHARDS (KEARNS) PR Series Horizontal Boring and Facing MachineManual of Instruction. This was issued together with, and intended to be usedalongside, a very detailed 63-page Technical Sales and Specification,Accessories and Tooling Catalog.

MR150G RICHARDS (George Richards) PR Horizontal Boring and Facing Machine"Tools and Equipment". *

MR150H RICHARDS (George Richards) HBF Type Horizontal Boring machine.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manuals. The borer was made in early andlate versions so two manuals are included.

MR150J/MK318P Richards (also found badged Kearns-Richards and Staveley)"Electrabore" Boring and Facing machines. Two manuals in one coveringboth early and late machines ("round" and "angular"styling) and all sizes (A, B, C and D) and Versions: T, S, W, O, e.g. some beingmarked AT, BT, CT, ATX, ATY, ATZ, BTX, BTY, BTZ, CTZ, CTY, CTZ, AS, BS, CS,TA30, TB40, TC50, TC60, WA30/72, WB40/84, WB40/102, WC50/144, WC60/144,WC50/168, YA35, YB50, YC60, XA35, XB50, XC60, etc. Operator's Instruction andbasic Maintenance Manual together with a detailed Sales & TechnicalSpecification catalogue.

MR150JE RICHARDS (George Richards) No. 4 & 5 Electrabore Horizontal Boringmachines. Operating & Maintenance Instructions.

MR150K RICHARDS (George Richards)'VK' Vertical Slot Drilling and Keyway Slotting Machine. Operating Manual withGeneral Arrangement Photograph.

MR150L RICHARDS (George Richards) Type 35 Borer - Electrical Schematic Set (10drawings)

MR150M/MK318K KEARNS-RICHARDS TK, SB, SK and TK Horizontal Boring and MillingMachines (Sometimes marked Staveley). Detailed Instruction and MaintenanceManual and Parts as Sectional and Exploded-component Drawings.

MR15P/MK318L RICHARDS Kearns-Richards BTX40 Horizontal Borer. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MR150N RICHARDS Hyrdabore Boring Machine. Care, Operation & MaintenanceManual.

MR180 RICHMOND 14-60 Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual with WiringDiagram.

MR180A RICHMOND 14-60 Milling Machine. Parts Manual as Exploded AssemblyDiagrams.

MR180B RICHMOND 03SD Milling Machine. Simple Operator's Instruction Book.Includes a copy of the maker's Sales & Specification Catalogue.

MR181 RICHMOND No. 2 Milling Machine Universal and Horizontal. Instruction Bookwith Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings, an Electrical Schematic, acopy of the maker's Specification and Sales catalogue and an Accessoriescatalogue.

MR181B RICHMOND No. 3 Milling Machine - Vertical and Horizontal. Instruction Bookand Spare Parts Manual as Exploded Assembly Diagrams. Includes Sales andSpecification and Accessories Catalogues for all models.

MR181C RICHMOND Turret Milling (round ram) Operator's Instruction Manual.Includes Several Blueprints (pc).

MR181D RICHMOND Universal Diving Head 5-inch. Instruction Booklet with Table ofDifferential Indexing and Spiral Milling. Includes a copy of the maker'sSpecification and Sales Catalogue.

MR182A RICHMOND SR2 Radial Arm Drilling Machine (also badged as a Midgely &Sutcliffe). Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual asExploded Component Drawings and Wiring Schematic.

MR182B RICHMOND SR3 Radial Arm Drilling Machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual and Wiring Schematic.

MR182D RICHMOND SR.3 Radial Drilling Machine: 14 Blueprints of the wholemachine.

MR182E RICHMOND "CONSUL" Radial Drilling Machine: Instruction Manualand Spare Parts Manual as Exploded Component Diagrams. Includes ElectricalSchematics.

MR182F RICHMOND "HERALD" Radial Drilling Machine: Instruction Manualand Spare Parts Manual as Exploded Component Diagrams. Includes ElectricalSchematics.

MR182G RICHMOND "ENVOY" Radial Drilling Machine: Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Diagrams and ElectricalSchematics.(English, French and German Text).

MR82H RICHMOND "Tape Drilling Machine" with Plessey 1100 System.Operating Guide.

MR182J RICHMOND HB 3/12 Radial Drilling Machine: Instruction Manual.

MR284 RIGHI Mk. 2 (Hispano Oerlikon) Automatic Plug-board Controlled Lathe.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with large Electrical Schematic.

MR286 RIGIDE (RIGID Ltd Starrag) VS5, VS6 and VS6E Vertical HydrocopyingMilling Machines (Switzerland ). Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual(not a first class copy).

MR286A RIGID La RIGIDE (RIGID Ltd Starrag) Type 535 Pipe and Bolt ThreadingMachine: Operator's Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MR286B RIGID La RIGIDE (RIGID Ltd Starrag) KAB-270 Hydrocopying Die Sinker.Operator's Instruction, basic Maintenance and Lubrication Manual with 25 largeElectrical & Hydraulic schematics.

MR286C RIGID La RIGIDE (RIGID LtdStarrag) Hydrocoping Milling Machines Types: S-2, S-3 & S-4. Operator'sInstructions, basic Maintenance and Lubrication Manual

MR288/MMG95 Rigidturn Lathe Models1810 and 2215 . Instruction Book and Parts as Sectional Drawings and ElectricalDiagram.

RIGIVA Milling Machines. Rigiva "manuals" tended to be skimpy affairswith the company producing one general guide (reference MR391C) and thenindividual bookelts coverings specifics for each machine to cover such asshear-pin replacement, spindle adjustments, lubrication points, electricaldiagrams, etc.

MR391C RIGIVA (RIVA) "Handbook For Milling Operations" Comprehensive100-page Well-illustrated General Operator's Guide For Rigiva Millers. Containsdetailed instructions concerning the operation of ordinary processes as well ashow to use many of the more complex accessories: Dividing Heads, Bevel GearCutting, Universal Dividing Head, Plain and Differential Indexing, MillingSpiral cams, Hob Milling, Cam Plate and Drum Milling, Automatic Cycle settings,etc.

MR391 RIGIVA (RIVA) "UO-A" MR391 RIGIVA (RIVA) "UO-A"Miller Basic Manual, Dimensions, Electrical Diagram and Spindle section(ITALIAN TEXT) This publication is issued together with the comprehensiveEnglish-langauge Manual "Handbook for Milling Operations" (Ref:MR391C above).

MR391A RIGIVA (RIVA) V6 MILLER: Basic Installation, Lubrication and Shear PinReplacement Instructions.

MR391B RIGIVA (RIVA) U6 and U8 Milling Machines. Instruction Manual withspindle-adjustment data, lubrication, shear pin details, wiring.

MR391D RIGIVA (RIVA) Universal Dividing Head. Manual with 36 pages of divisiontables.

MR391E/R220 RIGIVA (RIVA) Full-range Sales & Technical SpecificationCatalogue. Horizontal, Vertical and Turret Millers dated 1968 showing the U.2,U.6, U.8, U.20, V.2, V.4, V.6, V.20, V.20-P and the 0.2,0.6,0.8,0.20 etc withplain, non-swivelling tables), Autocycle V.20, Autocycle 0.6, Numerical controlV.100, S.8 Diesinker, V.6C & V.20C with hydraulic copying, Model S.G.A. GeometricallyShaped Dies Milling machine, 0.8-BA with powered overarm, 0.20-BA with poweredoverarm, C.400 cam milling and cam grinding machine, F.1200, F.1600, F.1700,F.2000, G1200, G.1600, G.2000, C.D., C.A, P.T.2, specialist machines for thetextile industry and a range of dividing heads, rotary tables, rack dividingattachments, vertical heads, special vertical heads, slotting heads, boringheads, worm & gear-cutting attachments, machine vices, compound tables,inclinable tables, optical readers, cutters, cutter holders, worm-screw cuttingdividing head, hob milling attachments, bevel gear attachments, etc. 51 pages.

MR440 RIKA KF-73-E Copy Milling Machine (Switzerland ). Service Instructionswith Large Electrical Schematics.

MR444 RINDIS Multi-purpose Machine Tools. A manual was never issued for thismodel but a well illustrated and detailed 8-page Sales and TechnicalSpecification that shows many of the set-up possibilities catalogue isavailable.

MR450 RISHTON Pro Mill 35 Vertical Miller. Operator's Instruction, MaintenanceManual and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings. Includes a complete setof Rishton sales 7 Accessories catalogues.

Rishton VM602 and VM452 Vertical Milling Machines. Detailed Operator'sInstruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings- with an electrical schematic. Includes a complete set of Rishton Sales &Accessories catalogues. Also applies to the geared-head assembly as fitted tosome Colchester, Harrison, Viceroy and Myford lathes.


Not all the publications below areManuals, but such is the interest in this maker that items are duplicated fromthe "catalogues" section. - -

R466D RIVETT 608 (USA) Workshop Manual and Instruction Manual. Army IssuePublication - Covers, in great detail, every aspect of the lathe and its use.Also applies, in general terms, to the earlier and similar 8-inch Precision.140 pages.

R466E RIVETT 608 Sales and Specification Catalogue with additional 6-page pricelist (1944 edition). A Superb copy from a mint-condition original.

R466F Rivett 608 "Blue Prints" Sectional drawing and various assemblydrawings.98 sheets.
< R466GX All the above 608 literature being a complete data pack for themodel.

R466H Rivett Patent Drawings. 91 interesting Pages with details of many Rivettpatents including such things as the 8-inch Precision Lathe's spiral millingattachment.

R466 R466I Rivett 1020S: Rivett 1020S: Parts as Sectional Drawings, LubricationInstructions; Electrical Data; sheets on the US Varidrive motors; Dingsmagnetic Disc Brakes "60-70-80" Series; Wiring & Coil ReplacementInstructions.

R466J Rivett 1020s: basic OperatingManual (9 sheets) plus the useful Sales and Specification catalogue. Scan toCD-ROM or print.

MR469 RIVETT Universal GRINDER MODEL 1024. Instruction Manual and Spare PartsManual as detailed Sectional Drawings. Includes a copy of the maker's 16-pageSales and Specification catalogue.

R466 RIVETT catalogue dated 1894. A superb production showing the Nos. 3 and 4bench lathes - and a vertical miller. 34 pages.

R466A Rivett All-models Catalogue dated 1898. Shows Millers, Grinders andLathes both Watchmaker and Precision Bench Types Numbers 3, 4, 5 and 8-inch.Includes watchmaking accessories and lathe drive systems. 106 pages.

R466B Rivett All-models Catalogue dated 1901. Shows Millers, Grinders andLathes. 100 pages.

R466C Rivett All Models Catalogue Circa 1903 - 1910 Rivett Lathes Models No.31/2, No. 4, No. 5 and "8-Inch Precision". 106 pages.

R466H Rivett 1020S Precision Toolroom Lathe: Catalogue.

R466K Rivett 505 Plain Precision Bench Lathe Sales and Specification Catalogue.12 pages.

R466L Rivett 507 Junior Bench Lath Sales and Specification Catalogue. Suchdetailed information that it might be regarded as an Instruction Manual. Scanto CD-ROM. 44 pages.

R466M Rivett 918 "Cabinet Lathe" Sales and Specification Catalogue.20 pages.

R467 All the above Rivett publications on CD-ROM. on CD. ashigh-quality prints.

MR468 Rivett 715 lathe. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MR475 ROBBE (MINILOR) TR-1 Lathe and Vertical Milling Head: ComprehensiveOperator's Instruction Manuals and Parts Manuals as Exploded Components.

MR478 ROBBRO and HASSTRUP A/S Migatronic MIG/MAG Welding Machines Types 100,120, 140, 160, 250, 300 320 7 350. Instruction Book with Parts Manual asSectional and Exploded Component Drawings and Electrical Schematics. .

MR480 ROBINSON Bandaw Type XF/T Operating Instructions.

MR480A ROBINSON 24-inch Bandaws Types EY/E and EY/T Operating Instructions withPhotographic Parts List.

MR480B ROBINSON Automatic Bandsaw Filer and Blade Setter Type LFB/T InstructionManual.

MR480C ROBINSON Cutter Balancing Unit Type ZX. Instruction Book

MR480D ROBINSON Pro-Set Cutter Profile Developer Type ZG. Comprehensive Operating Manual together with a separate 8-page booklet explain the system in even greater detail.

Robland X260 to X310 Universal Woodworkers. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Instructions with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings. English,French, Dutch and German Text.

MR486 ROBLAND K120 Multi-function Woodworker - circuits diagram.

MR490 ROBLING 650 and 850 Lathes. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual- German text. Includes a (reasonable) copy of the maker's Sales andSpecification Catalogue.

MH733 ROBOT Surface Grinder - as copied by HOBROUGH in the UK. Basic Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Instructions with Parts as Sectional Drawings(Hobrough publication). The ROBOT/HOBROUGH grinder is very similar to the Brown& Sharpe 2B and, in case it helps, the parts manual for that model isincluded as well.

MR515 ROCKFORD (USA) SHAPER 14-inch Instruction Manual, Maintenance Manual andParts Manual as Exploded Assembly Diagrams.

MR515A ROCKFORD (USA) SHAPER 16-inch Instruction Manual, Maintenance Manual andParts Manual as Exploded Assembly Diagrams.

MR515B ROCKFORD (USA) No. 1 RIGIDMILL Installation, Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings.

ROCKFORD Hy-Draulic Machines - see under "Hy-Draulic"

ROCKWELL = DELTA ROCKWELL = Lathes and Milling machines using this brand nameare listed in the DELTA section above

MR522 ROCKWELL 6-inch Jointer Illustrated Parts Manual Model 6520-1.

MR523 ROCKWELL SERIES 70-100 Geared-head Drilling Machine Instruction Manual,Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded Assembly Diagrams.

MR523A ROCKWELL DRILL SERIES 70-150 Geared-head Radial-arm. Machine InstructionManual and Parts Manual as Sectional-Drawings.

MR523B ROCKWELL DRILL Sliding Head SERIES 15-127. Operator's and MaintenanceManual and Parts Manual as Exploded Assembly Diagrams.

MR523C ROCKWELL DRILL SERIES 17-232 Variable-speed drill press. Operator's andMaintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded Assembly Diagrams.

MR526 ROCKWELL Band SAW HORIZONTAL Model V: Instruction Manual.

MR526B ROCKWELL Band SAW HORIZONTAL Model 7V, Wet, Dry and Portable Models:Instruction Manual and Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MR526C ROCKWELL Band SAW 14-inch Vertical Model V Horizontal Band saw.Instruction Manual.

MR526D ROCKWELL Band SAW 20-inch Vertical Model V Horizontal Band saw.Instruction Manual.

MR526E ROCKWELL Band SAW. Model 10 Standard and 10A-Automatic. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings andElectrical Schematics.

MR526F ROCKWELL Band SAW. Model 12A: Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual.

MR529 Rockwell Hardness Testers by the original US Wilson Company (then Acco Industries). Not a manual but a detailed explanatory Booklet from the 1980s describing how to determine which type of tester to choose for different jobs and materials with copious notes on the different types and methods to be used. Includes details of the WDS Series, DT-PL Series, JR Series, JS Series, TT and TY Series, Y Series, OUR and OUS Series, Goosenext Adapters, Goosneck Anvils, Test Blocks, Work Supports, Vari-Rest, Jack-Rest, Gear Testing Fixture, Equitron Fixture, GN Tester and other accessories.

MR530 ROCKWELL HARDNESS TESTING Methods (Engineering Series): ExplanatoryBooklet.

MR530A ROCKWELL HARDNESS TESTERS Models JR and J5. Operator's Instruction Book.

ROCKWELL HARDNESS TESTING - see also under ESEWAY Machines above

MR65 Rockwell Hardness testers by REICHERTER (Georg Reicherter) BRIRO AUTOMATRockwell Hardness Tester. Instruction Book (in English and German).

MR531/MM510P ROCKWELL-MATRIX 25-ton Dieing Press Air-clutch Model. ReplacementParts list as Sectional and Exploded component drawings.

MR532/R980 RODNEY (MYFORD RODNEY) MILLING ATTACHMENTS Full-size and Mini - asused on Myford, Boxford and other small lathes. Sales & TechnicalSpecification & Technical Specification Sheet - includes the maker's 1-page(simple) operating instructions). 5 pages.

MR540 ROLLO SUPREME Lathe. Maker's slender combined basic Instruction Manualand Catalogue set.

MR545 Romarc MIG-325 Welder Manual with Electrical Diagrams.

MR548 ROMI lathes S20 & S20A. Instruction & Maintenance Manual with acopy of the maker's Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue.

MR550 Rosa Ermando RTRC-1600 andRTRC-1200 Grinders. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withElectrical Schematics. English, French, German, Italian and Spanish text (not afirst-class copy).

MR552 ROSE FORGROVE 84 Super G Flowpack Machine. Operating Instructions, List of Spare Parts and Electrical Details (but no schematic)

MR552A ROSE FORGROVE RF21 Cartoning Machine. Detailed Operation and Maintenance and Adjustment Manual.

MR555 ROSENFORS RFE, RFU, RFV and RFV-M Milling Machines. Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MR560 ROTEX (USA) Vertical and Horizontal Milling Machine (VM and RM) PartsManual as Exploded Components Diagrams together with copies of the maker'stechnical Sales and Specification literature.

MR600 ROTWERK EFM-200-DS Milling and Co-ordinated Drilling Machine. Operating Instructions and Parts asExploded Component Drawings. FRENCH text only.

MR742/MW360 Rowen-arc (WESTINGHOUSE) ARC WELDER Type TR (AC/DC). InstructionBook. (see WESTINGHOUSE).

MR742 RS 512 DC Speed and TorqueControl Module. Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MR743 Rowen-arc (Rubery Owen) RSAWelder and SAP Controller. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withParts.

MR744 Rowen-Gloor, Rowen-Arc (Rubery Owen) Rowen-Gloor Jointed Arm Flame Cutting Machine. Operating and Dismantling Instructions and a Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MR745 ROWLAND 20-inch single-head and 30-inch Duplex Head Grinding Machines(F.E.Rowland , Stockport, UK) Installation, Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Hand book. Also includes: a very informative Whole-range TechnicalSales Catalogue and covering letter from the makers that explains how themachines work and the tasks they are capable of performing and two drawingsshowing the setting procedure for a rotary, oscillating and through-feedmachines machine where the alignment is taken from a truing device.

MR745A ROWLAND 12-inch Duplex Surface Grinder. Brief Installation, Operating and Maintenance Instructions.

ROYAL LATHES - Sweden - see belowunder the makers "Vesuv"

MR748 RUARO AV-760 Cylinder Boring Machine. Spare Parts Manual as Clear Exploded Component Drawings. English, French, German and Italian text.

MR748A RUARO RB-600 Connecting Road Boring and Grinding Machine. Well-illustrated Operator's Instruction Manual with foundation plans,and an Electrical Schematic.

MR748B RUARO RT-7-S3 Surface Milling and Grinding Machine for Motor Vehicle Cylinder heads, Blocks and other Flat Surfaces.Operator's Instructions with Electrical and Hydraulic Schematics

MR752 Ruhla/Thiel Duplex 58 Precision Universal Milling. Operation &Maintenance Manual with detailed and useful sectional drawings and ElectricalDiagrams (German text only). Includes copies of the only two knownEnglish-language Sales and Technical Specification Catalogues - an additional18 pages.

MR752A RUHLA (UMF RUHLA) DUPLEX 59Universal Precision Milling Machine. Operation & Maintenance Manual andmany detailed and useful sectional drawings. GERMAN TEXT only.

MR755 RUSCH Bandsaw HBS Operating and Maintenance Instructions with Parts asDetailed Sectional Drawings.

MR755A RUSCH Bandsaw HBSA-1 and AS-250: Operating and Maintenance Instructionswith Parts as Detailed Sectional Drawings. Includes a manual for the StoberVariable-speed Drive Motor-gearbox Unit

MR755B RUSCH Bandsaw HBS-7 HBS-250: Operating and Maintenance Instructions withParts as Detailed Sectional Drawings. Includes a manual for the StoberVariable-speed Drive Motor-gearbox Unit and some extra sheets showing analternative Pressure Regulator System and a different switch cover.

RUSHTON OIL ENGINES Vo and VH: Spares as Sectional Drawings.

MR757 RUSHWORTH Guillotines (see also under Morgan-Rushforth). Generalinstructions for all sizes. Two editions are included, one marked for the 6-foot by 3/16" machine. Sectional parts Drawings are included.

MR757B RUSHWORTH Press Brakes. Combined catalogue/hand book/technical datapublication, General Notes on Operator's Instruction with Maintenance withuseful Sectional Drawings and Electrical Diagram.

RUR - see under ELGIN RIBON

MR760 RUSSELL ROCKER RS20 and RNF20 Saws: Instruction and Maintenance Manual(with Electrical and Hydraulic schematics) and Sectional Drawings.

MR760A RUSSELL One-hundred RS Saws: Instruction and Maintenance Manual (withElectrical and Hydraulic schematics) and Sectional Drawings.

MR760B RUSSELL Twelve and one-half Automatic Sawing machine. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings andHydraulic Diagrams.

MR760C RUSSELL 14" and 15" Vertical Hydrofeed Cold sawing Machine.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Instructions (2 sheets) with largeSectional Drawings of gears in saddle and a large Hydraulic Diagram.

MR760D RUSSELL 22/18 and 22/28 Automatic Hydrofeed Cold Sawing Machines.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Instructions with Parts Manual asSectional Drawings.

MR760E RUSSELL 11/40 Saw Sharpening Machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Instructions.

MR760F RUSSELL Hydrofeed Model 16/20 Cold Sawing Machine. Instruction, Maintenance and a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.


MR680 RUSSIAN "Stankoimport ROUND-BED Universal 3" Model-engineeringlathe. Operating Instructions. Available in English, French, German andItalian.

MR950 RYDER No. 6 VERTICALAUTO: Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual.

MR950B RYDER No. 8 VERTICALAUTO: Detailed Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual including Hydraulic and Electrical Schematics and SpareParts Manual as clear Sectional Drawings.

MR950C RYDER No. 10 VERTICALAUTO for 6, 8 and 12 spindle models: DetailedOperator's Instruction Manual with a Parts Manual as clear Sectional Drawings.

MR950 RYDERMATIC No. 18 Operator's Instruction Manual. (pc)

MR955 RYE Auto Shaper Type R/72. Parts list - no illustrations.

SAALFELD = see under WMW & UNION below

Pillar Drilling Machine BS-20-A1, Box Column Drilling Machine BK-20-A1 andGrand Box Column Drilling Machines BKR-20 x 2 to 6-A1. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics.

MS100 SAF (SAFAN) Model CL/M Bending Machines. Instruction Hand book.

MS100A SAF (SAFAN) Model CL/3H Bending Machines. Instruction Hand book withParts as Sectional Drawings.

MS300 SAFAN "CN" Corner Notcher. Instruction and Maintenance Manual(English, French and German text).

MS300A SAFAN "SK" Folder and Bending Machine. Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Illustrated Parts Manual.

MS300B SAFAN "DoneWell" Pressbrake. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MS300C SAFAN "SK" Folder and Bending Machine. Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Illustrated Parts Manual.

MS300D SAFAN "VS" Power Shear (Chicago Power Shear). Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MS350 SAfa*g 1a Automatic Wheel and pinion Cutting Machine. Operator'sInstruction Manual with numerous drawings showing all the various elements ofthe machine and how they relate to the instructions.

MS350A SAfa*g 2a Automatic Wheel and pinion Cutting Machine. Operator'sInstruction Manual with numerous drawings showing all the various elements ofthe machine and how they relate to the instructions.

MS350B SAfa*g Type 4 Duplex Horizontal Milling Machine. Operator's InstructionManual with electrical diagram and numerous drawings showing various elementsof the machine and how they relate to the instructions. Includes a sectionaldrawing through the head and charts and graphs showing "The AdjustingAngle for Helical Copying Device".

SAG Lathes - see under GRAZIANO

MS375 SAFOP Leonard-Heid Facing Lathe. Operator's Instructions with a number ofsectional drawings. English and Italian Text.

MS400 SAGEM U2P Universal Milling Machine. Operating Instructions in English and French.

MS400A SAGEM U2M Universal Milling Machine. Operating, Maintenace and Parts Manual. English and French Text Instructions.

MR445 SAIMP ( S.A.I.M.P.) JSS230 and JS205 Lathes Junior Special: Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Detailed SectionalDrawings.

MR445A SAIMP ( S.A.I.M.P.) BARRETT 16" x 60" Lathes: Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Detailed SectionalDrawings.

MR445B SAIMP ( S.A.I.M.P.) Vertical Miller "PEARSON H". Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Detailed SectionalDrawings.

MR445C SAIMP FV-0 Vertical Milling Machine. Parts as Sectional Drawings(includes a few imperfect sheets).

MR445D SAIMP Millers - Manuals for these machines is sought - if you have any,please do make contact.

MS450 SAJO HBF-450 and VBF-450 Borers (horizontal and vertical models).Instruction and Maintenance Manual with program examples for the autofeeds.Includes a single hydraulic diagram.

MS450B SAJO VF-54 Vertical Milling Machine Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Parts as Sectional Drawings. Includes a well-produced 10-page Sales &Technical Specification Catalogue.

MS450C SAJO VF-52 Vertical Milling Machine Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MS450D SAJO APF-54 Horizontal Milling Machine Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

MS450E SAJO UF-24 and PF24 Horizontal Milling Machine Instruction, Maintenance and Parts Manual.

MS453 SAKAI ML360 Lathe and MillingHead. Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Assembly Diagramand a comprehensive Sales, Specification & Accessories Catalogue. Includedare details of how to use the full range of accessories.

MS453A SAKAI ML210 Lathe & Milling Head. Instruction Manual with a PartsManual as useful Exploded Assembly Diagrams and a comprehensive Sales,Specification & Accessories Catalogue. Included are details of how to usethe full range of accessories.

MS456 SALA Guillotine Model CGO:Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MS456A SALA ADIGE Automatic saw. Electrical Wiring Diagrams.

MS457 SALLAZ Grinding Machines for Tungsten Carbide Burnishing Wheels TypesR49, R.O/49, Type 3 and Type 2. Sales & Specification Catalogue. 6 pages.

MS458E SAMECA Autosam 3.26 Bar Magazine. Operation and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics.

MS458A SAMECA Hydro Bar Feeder. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith electrical diagrams and Parts as Annotated photographs.

MS458B SAMECA MONOSAM 45 Bar Feeder. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with electrical diagrams and Parts as Annotated photographs.

MS458C SAMECA Multisam MUZ 6.8 Magazine Bar Feeder. Detailed Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics, Parts as Sectional Drawings and a copy of the Manual ""Customer Pre-Installation and Operating Instructions".

MS458D SAMECA Quicksam 7.52 and 7.66 Bar Feed Systems. Detailed Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual with a number of useful sectional drawings. (NE)

MS458E SAMECA Autosam 3.26 Bar Feed Magazine. Operation and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics.

MS458F SAMECA Monosam D32 Bar Feeder Installation and Operating Instructions with Electrical Schematics.

MS458G SAMECA Multisam 2000 Bar Feeder Installation and Operating Instructions with Electrical Schematics. . FRENCH TEXT ONLY

MS458H Multisam 12.65 "Technical Description Manual". Details of how the machine works and various coding functions.

MS459 Samson: Samson Shearing, Rod Cutting, Angle and Pipe Bending and PunchingMachines - general descriptions with photographs and detailed specifications.

MS459A Samson: Samson Model 00 - General description and specification.

MS460 SANCHES BLANES TMB 9-inch lathe South Bend Copy. The best operationManual for this lathe is the one for the English BOXFORD South Bend copy. Thiscomplete and far-better early edition - actually a "Box-Fordised"plagiarism of the original South Bend publication but with lots of extra data.Includes the makers slim but useful Sanches Blanes handbook and illustratedParts List.

MS460A SANCHES BLANES TMB 9-inch lathe South Bend Copy. maker's basic hand bookand Photographic Parts List.

MS460SS SANDENS (Mek. Verkstad Varnamo) SAJO Bettfrasmachine VBF450 und HBF450(Frase) Umfassend Betriebsanleitung. Deutscher Text.

MS461 SANFORD Miniature Surface Grinder. Operator's Instructions and a 9-pageCatalogue Set.

MS462 SARO Lathes 1250, 3000, 6000 and 9000. Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

MS463 Saunders Roe Machine-Shop Lathe work. An interesting 169-page book intended for absolute beginners to lathe work in a WW2 factory. It assumes no previous knowledge of lathes or machine-shop practice.Covers lathe history, names of parts, tools, general turning, measuring, safety, cutting speeds, sharpening of tools, use of accessories such as steadies and useful tables and reference lists.Also includes an introduction to the capstan lathe and how to set it up and machine typical jobs. Includes lots of useful and practical hints and tips to get the best out of a lathe.

MS464 Saupe MD200 Mini-Turn. Manual and Exploded Diagrams Parts Manual.

MS464A Saupe 350-SD lathe. Manual and Exploded Diagrams Parts Manual. Italianor German text.

MS464B Saupe 630-KBF Milling Machine. Manual and Exploded Diagrams PartsManual. Italian text.

MS466 SAUTER KM-62 Hydraulic Tracer (copying) Unit : Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with list of wearing parts and Spare Parts.

MS466A SAUTER KAG 101 Thread-Cutting Unit. Detailed Operation Manual withElectrical Schematic. GERMAN TEXT.
MS466B SAUTER Disk-type Tool Turret with electric drive. Installation, Operation, Maintenance and Dismantling Manual with Parts as a Sectional Drawing (0.5.480.316).

MS473 SCHARMANN FB75 Opticut Horizontal Boring and Milling Machines.Instruction, Maintenance and Technical Manual. English andGerman Text.

MS473X SCHARMANN FB132 Opticut Horizontal Borer. Operation, Maintenance andTechnical Manual with English and German text. (stored FC7-D2)

MS473B SCHARMANN FB85, FB100 & FB125 Horizontal Boring and Milling Machines (Bohrwerk). A 2-edition pack of the Instruction and Maintenance Manuals and copies of the detailed Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogues.

MS473BE SCHARMANN FB125 Horizontal Boring and Milling Machine (Bohrwerk). Verylong fold-out electrical schematic.

MS473BF SCHARMANN FB160 Horizontal Boring and Milling Machine (Bohrwerk).Instruction and Maintenance Manual. English & German text.

MS473BFX SCHARMANN FB160 Horizontal Boring and Milling Machine (Bohrwerk) Two very large electrical Schematics and Foundation plan.

MS473C SCHARMANN WB2 and WB3 Horizontal Boring and Milling Machine. OperatingManual (vpc).

MS473D SCHARMANN WB75 Horizontal Boring Machine. Instruction and MaintenanceManual. Dual English and German text edition.

MS473E SCHARMANN WB80 Horizontal Boring Machine. Instruction and MaintenanceManual with a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MS473F SCHARMANN WB85 Horizontal Boring Machine. Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

MS473G SCHARMANN Elektrokonzept Sinumerik 850 M System Diagnose Manual (GermanText)

MS473H SCHARMANN How to Employ Scharmann Borers. The "Opticut System. A booklet with the details of the Scharmann System and Machines.Includes details of: Selecting the Machine Types WF, WF-ax, WF-qv, WFT, Boring Mill Combinations, Work Tables and Floor Plates, Drive and Clamping Systems,Spindle Bearings, Tool Registers and Chucking, Thermal Stabilization, Digital Readouts,Optical Measuring Devices, Operating Techniques.

MS475 SCHAUBLIN 70 and 65 Lathes: Servicing and Adjustment Manual with PartsManual as Drawings of Individual Units (including basic dimensions) and a copyof the comprehensive 55-page Sales and Specification and Accessories cataloguefor the Schaublin 70 together with an earlier combined 65 and 70 Catalogue.This literature represents a complete data pack for the Schaublin 70 and 65.

MS476A SCHAUBLIN 102-VM Screwcutting Lathe: Operator's Instruction and ServiceManual. This is the rare edition with some Parts as Dimensioned and SectionalDrawings. Includes electrical schematics and a copy of the comprehensivededicated 102-VM Catalogue. (also available with French Text)

MS476B SCHAUBLIN 102, 102-80, 102-82 and 102-SV Plain Lathes. Because of theconsiderable interest in this lathe a complete Data Pack has been built up fromseveral manuals and sales catalogues. The material: Operator's Instruction andService Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings (including the capstan head)with the critical headstock bearing adjustment instructions for both plain andbackgeared units (with sectional drawings); electrical diagrams. Drive systemsincluding how to adjust the mechanically and pneumatically operated clutch andbrake units (with sectional drawings); the variable-speed unit andspeed-reduction units. High-precision 3-jaw chuck (Burnerd Grip-tru); oil-mistlubrication equipment; lever-operated collet closers; 4-tool turret, grindingattachment, centring and built-in microscopes, Multi-fix toolholders, theoverhead drive attachment, tailstock reduction bush, compound slide drawingsincluding the special 150 mm stroke unit with off-set zero dial; indexingtables for the 4-disc dividing attachment, electric motors, filters - andcopies of the maker's comprehensive Sales, Specification and AccessoriesCatalogs (an additional 84 pages).

MS476E SCHAUBLIN 102-SV Lathe (plain-turning, no screwcutting): Service andOperator's Instruction Manual (29 pages, included in Publication MS476B above).

MS476F Schaublin 102-SV Lathe: Instruction Manual in French, but many usefulSectional diagrams. (Pages 12 and 13 incomplete).

MS477 Schaublin 120-VM Backgeared and Screwcutting Lathe. CombinedEnglish and German editions of the Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Adjustment Instructions and Parts as Sectional Drawings and the separatelist of dimensioned drawings for commonly-wearing parts. Both are included asthey combine to provide fuller details than the individual publications. TheEnglish version has 79 pages and the German 100.

MS477SPH Schaublin 102 lathe. Spherical Turning Attachment Type 102.53 Chariot a Tourner Spherique Pour. French text edition of the instruction book with clear diagrams

MS477C Schaublin 125 Lathe: Workshop Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual,Operating Manual, full set of Sectional Drawing of the entire machine. (62pages) Additional 16 page screwcutting supplement, a special section on theMaintenance of the electric motor and electromagnetic brake and one on theSinus-Multi Disc clutch. Includes a copy of the maker's comprehensive Sales,Specification and Accessories Catalogue.

MS477CF Schaublin 125 Lathe FRENCH TEXT Workshop Manual and Illustrated PartsManual, Operating Manual, full set of Sectional Drawing of the entire machine,screwcutting supplement, Electrial Supplement with wiring schematics, a specialsection on the Maintenance of the electric motor and electromagnetic brake andone on the Sinus-Multi Disc clutch. Includes a copy of the maker'scomprehensive Sales, Specification and Accessories Catalogue.

MS477CC Schaublin 135 Lathe. Operating & Maintenance Manual. Not the bestof copies - but adequate.

MS477D Schaublin 9A Cam Forming Lathe: Operator's Instruction Manual.

MS480 Schaublin 12 (SV12) Miller. Full-edition Operator's Instruction, Serviceand Adjustment Manual with Sectional Drawings, Parts as Component Drawings, anElectrical Schematic and detailed, well-illustrated Sales Catalogue. BothEnglish and German editions included as the German one includes additionalillustrations.

MS480D Schaublin 13 Precision Vertical Miller early "rounded-style"1950s and early 1960s. Combined publication with all available data: Operatingand Servicing Instructions, Illustrated Parts Manual as Exploded ComponentDrawings and a copy of the detailed Sales and Specification and AccessoriesCatalogue.

MS480E Schaublin 13 Precision Vertical Miller later "square" version1960s onwards with distinctly "angled edged" casting to hold the kneelift screw. Operator's Instruction and Service Manual with Parts Manual asSectional Drawings.

MS480F Schaublin 22 Precision Vertical Miller. Operator's Instruction andService Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MS480G Schaublin 22 Precision Vertical Miller. Electrical Manual with largeSchematics.

MS480H Schaublin 51 Precision Vertical Miller: Complete Service, Maintenanceand Operator's Instruction Manual with many parts shown as sectional drawingsIncludes an electrical schematic and dividing Index tables. GERMAN TEXT.

MS480J Schaublin 53 Precision Vertical Miller: Complete Service, Maintenanceand Operator's Instruction Manual with Parts as useful Exploded ComponentDrawings including sets for the High-Speed Head, Slotting Head, UniversalDividing Attachment, Rotary Table with power-feed attachment, and otheraccessories. Includes Index tables.

MS480K Schaublin Rotary Table for use on the Type 53 Miller. Table and GearingCharts.

MS480G Schaublin 53N Precision Vertical Miller (late-model angular styling): AComplete data packing including: Maintenance and Operator's Instruction Manualwith Parts as useful Exploded Component Drawings including sets for theHigh-Speed Head, Slotting Head, Universal Dividing Attachment, Rotary Tablewith power-feed attachment, and other accessories. Includes Index tables, anElectrical Manual with 5 Schematics (including two large ones( and a copy ofthe maker's 40-page Sales and Specification Catalogue and

MS480RT Schaublin 20 Rotary Transfer Machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with many useful sectional drawings.

MS481 SCHAUDT Cylindrical Grinder Gr.433 Comprehensive Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings - German Text.

MS481A SCHAUDT Cylindrical Grinder B-700 N-500. Comprehensive Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical and Hydraulic Schematics.

MS481B SCHAUDT Cylindrical Grinder ERTS-30-500. Basic Operator's InstructionManual with Electrical Schematics.

MS481C SCHAUDT Cylindrical Grinder PSA ULTRA Models PSA500, PSA750, PSA1000 andPSA1500 Operator's Instruction Manual with a number of Sectional Drawings

MS481D SCHAUDT Cylindrical Grinder A502 S750 Comprehensive Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with 29 large Electrical Schematics.

MS481E SCHAUDT Camshaft Grinder NWS 1800. Automatic Adjustment of Radialdepth-of-cut Grinding Wheel. Instructions and Electrical Schematic.

MS482 SCHENCK Balancing Machine Type H30V. Detailed User's Instructions.

MS482A SCHENCK Balancing Machine Type RL-30-UB. User's Instructions.

MS482B SCHENCK Balancing Machine Type 102 RBTK. Huge Operation Manual withElectrical and Control Schematics on large A1 and A2 sheets. Complete assupplied to the original customer.

MS482C SCHENCK Balancing Machine Type H3/N/3. Technical Documentation including:Certificates, Test Protocol, Assembly, Foundation Plan, Installation and Dismantling, Overview of Balancing Procedure and Parts of the Machine, Functions of Switching and Operating Elements, care of Electric Motor, Checking the Drive Shaft, Bearing Pedestal, Drive System, Measuring Head, Safety Enclosures, Unbalance Correction, Enclosures, etc.

MS483 SCHIESS 13EK Single Column Vertical Turret Lathe: Operating andMaintenance Manual. *

MS483A SCHIESS KEA100 Single Column Vertical Turret Lathe. Full Operating|instructions.

MS483B SCHIESS KEA100. Short Service Instructions (German text) with 3 largeElectrical Schematics.

MS484SCHLATTER (Swiss) PS-80-H Spot and Stitch Welding Machine. Operation Manual with Electrical Schematics and instructions for the "Ignitrons" types 2052, 5551A. 552A, 5553A, 5555 and 5822A

MS484BSCHLATTER (Swiss) PAC-14D & PAC-12D Wire-fed Welder. Parts Manual.

MS484CSCHLATTER (Swiss) PAC-14D Wire-fed Welder. Installation, Operating and Maintenance Instructions for Contact Welding Automatic with Pneumatic Shaping Device.Includes Electrical Schematics and a manual for the Arter & Co. Mannedorf Variable-speed Control Gear Type "Variator SR".

MS485 SCHLESINGER "Testing Machine Tools" (94 page edition) Coversthe complete specification of precision limits and how to test a wide varietyof machine tools for accuracy. .

MS486 SCHLUMBERGER (N.SCHLUMBERGER) Drill Point Grinder Type AF1. A set ofthree Electrical Schematics.

MS487 SCHNEIDER Model RHB Surface Grinder. Operating and MaintenanceInstructions.

MS487A SCHNEIDER ROTARIX R-507 and 510. Sectional Drawings, cam Design Guidesand Camshaft-speed Charts.

MS487B SCHNEIDER JoH2 Surface Grinder. Operating Manual with electrical and floor plan schematics.

MS487W SCHOU Crankshaft Grinder Type GS. Slim (22-page) but complete Operation Manual.

MS487X SCHOU Crankshaft Grinder Type 1500/260. Operation Manual with ElectricalSchematics and Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MS488 SCHUBERT WM1 Roll Straightening Machine. Operator's Instruction Manualwith basic Maintenance. Includes Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics(two editions are included).

MS491 SCHUMANN (Heinrich Schumann) Coil Winder 730 Selektastat. Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Parts as Annotated Ph0tographs and Electrical Schematics.

MS491 A SCHUMANN (Heinrich Schumann) SELEKTASTAT 740. Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MS493 SCHUTTE WU3 and WU4 Tool and Cutter Grinders: A Complete Data Pack forthese machines including the Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualtogether with a detailed and profusely illustrated 40-page "SpecialAttachments and Accessories Catalogue".

MS493A SCHUTTE WU2mS, WU3mS and WU4mS Tool and Cutter Grinders: Detailed Textand Photographic Instruction Book as Practical Examples of how to set up andexecute jobs of various kinds and employ all the accessories. Includes a copyof the Schutte detailed and profusely illustrated 40-page "SpecialAttachments and Accessories Catalogue".

MS493B SCHUTTE 4-spindle full-automatic lathe: VB35, VB50, VB65, VBH130 andVBH155 Spare Parts Lists as useful photographic plates. 174 pages.

MS493C SCHUTTE Sechsspindelautomat SE16 (6-spindle Automatic Lathe SE16):Betriedsanweisung (Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual). German Text.

MS493D SCHUTTE VB, SB, VBH and SBH Automatic Lathes. Detailed 168-page Operator's Manual.

MS495 SCINTA (also marketed badged as Scintilla and LESTO) Bar-bed latheOperator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Sales and SpecificationCatalogue. German or French text versions available (but English and French inthe Catalogue). Includes many useful diagrams showing the construction of thelathe, screwcutting charts and Electrical Schematics.

MS496 SCM S63 Planer Thicknesser. Spare Parts as Exploded Component drawings.Text in English, French and German.

MS496A SCM Shapecut 11 Manual.

MS496B SCM Sandya Uno Finish Sanding Machines, Levigatrici Automatiche, Und Feinschliffautomaten, Ponceuses Automatiques, Lijadoras Automaticas. Operating & Maintenance Instructions, Uso Manutenzione, Betriebes-und Wartungsanleitung, Fonctionnement et Entretien,Uso Y Manutencion. Text in English, Italiano, Deutsch, Francais & Espanol.

MS496B SCM Moulder Model 150 with Tilting Spindle. Spare Parts Manual as usefulExploded Component Drawings.

MS497 SCOTTISH Machine Tool Corporation (Craig & Donald) Plate BendingRolls 15' x 1/2" and 8' x 1/2" (2 manuals). Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Instructions.

MS497A SCOTTISH Machine Tool Corporation (Craig & Donald) Plate FoldingMachine 8-foot by 1/4-inch Operation and Maintenance Instructions.

MS498 SCRIPTA Tool and Cutter Grinders. A Data Pack consistng of two Manuals,one for the Scripta AL34 and the other for the Scripta type that was almostidentical to the Deckel SO and SOE Types. Includes every printed sheetdiscovered for these models: early and late manuals for the simpler"SO" Model together with the full Manual for the more complex andversatile "SOE". Also included is the special Deckel publication"SO Model: Notes on Disassembly and Reassembly - Spare Parts (as sectionalDrawings)", a copy of the maker's comprehensive Sales and AccessoriesCatalogue and all the extracts from the "Deckel Technical Bulletins"that dealt with these machines. Very comprehensive instructions include cutterprofiles, tool angles, cutting speeds, how to grind back rack angles, pointedcutters, tapered cutters, twist-drill grinding attachment, single lip cutters,grinding straight-toothed cylindrical or tapered two-lip or three-tooth cutterswith concentric or off-centre radii. etc. English text.

MS500/MC66 SCRIVENER CENTRELESS GRINDING: a "Handbook for Beginner andExpert" by the Scrivener Company. Details the principles, typical machinesand illustrated work examples. 103 pages.

MS500A SCRIVENER: Equipment for Centreless Grinding: Shows the range of extrasand how to apply them. Includes: workrests, plunge feed equipment, wheeladaptors and flanges, wheel truing former plates, auto-infeed camplates, finefeed equipment, deadstops, plain wet grinding equipment, wheels, diamonds,workplates, through-feed equipment, micro-sizing, wheel balancing, coolantthrough wheel, coolant filtration, low-voltage lighting, pressure gauge,workchutes, automatic ejectors, outboard supports, spring-loaded fingers,pressure rollers, process timers, variable auto-infeed camplates, etc. Appliesto all Scrivener models.

MS500B/MW382 SCRIVENER (Wickman-Scrivener) No. 0 CENTERLESS GRINDER. DetailedOperator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MS500C SCRIVENER (Wickman-Scrivener) No. 1 CENTERLESS GRINDER Model C and D:Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MS500D SCRIVENER (Wickman-Scrivener) No. 2 CENTERLESS GRINDER: Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MS500DJ SCRIVENER (Wickman-Scrivener) No. 2J CENTERLESS GRINDER: Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MS500E SCRIVENER (Wickman-Scrivener) 2C and 2G CENTERLESS GRINDER: Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual.

MS500F SCRIVENER (Wickman-Scrivener) No.2 Super Surface Grinder: Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual (pc).

MS500G SCRIVENER (Wickman-Scrivener) 345 Internal Grinding Machine: Operator'sInstruction Manual. Includes an Electrical Drawings, Hydraulic Schematic and Cycleand Solenoid Sequence Charts.

MS500H SCRIVENER (Wickman-Scrivener) 618 and 824 Super Surface Grinders(6" x 18" and 8" x 24"): Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with a copies of two Sales and Technical SpecificationCatalogues.

MS500J SCRIVENER (Wickman-Scrivener) Valve Rocker Grinding Machine. OperatingManual.

MS 500K SCRIVENER (Wickman/Scrivener) 18/20 Duplex Grinder. Operator's Manual.

MS502 SEBA (Spain) also badged as "Pinondo". Shapers Models: 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 750, 850 and 1000.Illustrated Parts Manual. *

MS502A SEBA (Spain) also badged as "Pinondo". Shapers Models: 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 750, 850 and 1000.Operator's Instruction Manual. *

MS503 SEBASTIAN 13-inch Geared-head Lathe. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual and Exploded-parts Assembly Diagrams. Includes a copy of themaker's Sales & Specification Catalogue.

MS503A SEBASTIAN 18-inch and 20-inch Type M.C. Geared-head Lathe. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Instructions.(22 pages).

MS507 SECMU Milling Machine Vertical Head No. 50 INT fitting - a set of RakeCharts giving angles for: "Spindle upward to right; Spindle downward toleft; rack to left; Spindle upward to left, Spindle downward to right and Rackto Right and their Instructions for use. The charts appear to apply to all themulti-angle heads fitted to Secmu millers.

MS507A SECO Dynafile 55-L Operating and Repair Instructions.

MS508 SEDGWICKS(SEDGWICK) Plate Bending and Folding Machines (Brake Press). Operator'sInstruction and basic Maintenance Instructions and a copy of the maker's Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue.

MS508A SEDGWICKS (SEDGWICK) Section Curving and Angle bending Machines.Operator's Instruction and basic Maintenance Instructions.

MS508C SEDGWICKS (SEDGWICK) Overcrank Heavy-duty Guillotine Shears. Starting upInstructions, Maintenance and Operation. 8 pages.

MS509 SEGATRICE "AUTOMA S" Hacksaw Models 230, 280, 330 and 420.Instruction Manual English and Italian text.

MS 509A SEGATRICE TRL 300 Cut-off saw MEP SEGATRICE) Operating Instructionswith Parts as Exploded Component Drawings and an Electrical Schematic. English,French, German, Italian and Spanish text.

MS510 SEEST Centreless Crankshaft Grinder. Instructions on the Care andOperation.

MS511 SEIKI Milling Machine Model G/V-2000 and 837. Instruction Manual andParts Manual as Sectional Drawings (also marketed as the BUFFALO and MICROCUT837).


MS512 SELSON 6" Oil Grooving Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual andParts Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings.

MS513 Seneca Falls "Star" Lathe 14" to 20" range Operator'sInstruction Manual and Replacement Parts Manual. This is a useful though"generic" publication - and was also the one that the company sentout when enquiries were made about their older machines.

MS513A SENECA FALLS Lathes Data Pack including: the Operator's InstructionManual and Replacement Parts Manual (a useful though "generic"publication the company sent out in the 1930s when enquiries were made abouttheir older machines) and four Full-range Catalogs: No. 20B circa 1905; No. 24Bincluding price lists from 1911 and 1913 (this catalog is interesting inshowing both the common flat-belt drive lathes and also the rare geared-headmodels); Catalog No.27 with a photographic Parts Manual of the 1920s range oflathes; Catalog No. 17 from circa 1920 complete with Parts and threadingcharts; Catalog No.28 from Circa 1925 and Catalog No. 32 dated 1936 completewith a letter from the factory. 255 pages.

MS514 SENIOR (Tom Senior) Milling Machines Operator's Instructions and PartsManual with Sectional Drawings. Covers all the common Senior millers: M1,Major, E.L.T., V.S., Junior, Universal, Light Vertical S Type and a special6-page manual and parts list for the E-Type head. Comprises a set of sheetsissued at various times by the company. Also included is a full set of Salesand Specification Catalogues detailing the machines as produced from the 1950suntil the end in the 1980s.

MS514A/S160 SENIOR (Tom Senior) earlier machines: lathes, shapers, saws, etc. -no manuals were ever printed but there is a very interesting early GeneralCatalogue from 1934 showing a range of Lathes in kit and complete forms:Shapers, Planers, Drills, Milling Slides, Dividing Attachments, Castings,Chucks, Horizontal Miller and Tools for Engineers, etc. 72 pages.

MS515 SENTINEL CRI-DAN High Speed Threading machines (lathe) - see underHerbert/Sentinel and CRI-DAN

MS516 SERVO PRODUCTS - power feed attachments for machine tools. Operating andServicing Manual and exploded-diagrams for Models 80, 100 and 200.

MS517 SHAPECUT MACHINES SCM 11 SYSTEM: Operator's Instruction Manual.

SHADOWMASTER Projectors = see under "BATY"

MS51 SHAPER WORK - A complete, highly detailed and well-illustrated 330-pagebook on how to use and get the best from any type or make of shaper. "Forbeginners in Machine Shop Practice". Features a larger machine but themethods and principles involved apply to all makes and types. A large, heavyvolume bound in two parts.

MS51A SHAPER Manual - How to Run a Metal Working Shaper - Basic, concise butvery useful Manual.

MS522 SHAPE-RITE 8-inch stroke shaper. Slender (8-page) but useful Operator'sInstruction Manual and Sectional-parts drawing.

MS523 SHARP Millers (UK). No hand book was produced for these machines butthere is a useful 5-page Sales and Specification catalogue available.

MS524 SHARP Lathe Model 1118H (Hardinge HL-H Copy made in Taiwan) Parts Manualas Sectional Drawings.

MS526 SHELDON "The Care and Operation of a Lathe" Pre-WW2 Sheldonlathes did not have a dedicated handbook, instead the Company issued thisdetailed 105 page small-format Manual showing how to get the best from thesewell-built machines.

MS526A Sheldon early 9-inch, 10-inch and 11-inch lathes with either exposedflat-belt overhead or on underdrive stands. This model began life in the late1930s as a rather agricultural-looking device but, by the early 1940s wasoffered on either on a very neat underdrive stand or cast-iron plinth and thedesign cleaned up to look much more modern. Unfortunately a proper handbook wasnever produced for early Sheldon lathes with 10 and 11-inch swings - but we canoffer a complete "data pack" that gives all the information knownabout this model (Pictures of this type here: It consists of: - "Care &Operation of a Lathe" by Sheldon - the large and well-illustrated SheldonSales, Accessories and Technical Specification Catalogue of the late 1930s andearly 1940s - a copy of the handbook for the later L and XL 10-inch lathes andthe exploded-component parts manual for the 11-inch models S (Underdriven) andKS (Overhead driven). Though these latter L and XL lathes are somewhatdifferent to the earlier versions, numbers of parts were were carried over andthe all screwcutting data is identical. 190 pages.

MS525B Sheldon 10-inch L and XL (and many variants) later-type model on anUnderdrive stand (either full-length sheet-steel or cast-iron pedestal type),V-belt transmission a screwcutting gearbox with a single selector lever on thefront face as sold from the 1940s to early 1950s under various designations. Acomplete 169-page Data Pack consisting of: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual, Illustrated Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings, anElectrical Schematic, the contemporary 48-page maker's Sales, TechnicalSpecification & Accessories Catalog and a copy of the Sheldon Publication Careand Operation of a Lathe. For the later twin-tumbler version see:

MS526BT SHELDON 10-inch L and XL later-type model mounted on an underdrivestand in either braced sheet-steel or cast iron that held an ordinary V-belttransmission or a rather complex variable-speed drive. The lathe was currentfrom the early 1950s to the 1970s and sold under various Model designations.Screwcutting was by a gearbox with two sliding levers. A complete 110-page DataPack conOperation &Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual asExploded Component Drawings. Contains an Electrical Schematic a copy of themaker's comprehensive Sales & Specification Catalogue and a copy of theSheldon Publication "Care and Operation of a Lathe".You canorder it on-line here: This latheis shown in the second picture down on this page: and here:

S170 SHELDON (USA) Very detailed, superbly produced Whole-range Catalogue isavailable showing the lathes as they were produced from the mid 1930s to early1940s. 48 pages.

MS526C SHELDON Newer Series S and M 11-inch and 13-inch Lathes. Setting-upInstructions, Spindle Dismantling, Metric Screwcutting Instructions, Parts asExploded Component Drawings and a detailed, full-range Sheldon Sales,Specification and Accessories catalogue.

MS526D Sheldon M 13-inch Series Lathe Illustrated Parts Manual.

MS526E Sheldon R13 and R15 Lathe Instruction, Maintenance, Lubrication Manualand Exploded Parts' Lists.

MS526F Sheldon S-56 (underdrive) and KS (overhead drive)Older 11" LatheIllustrated Parts Manual f 18 pages.

MS526G SHELDON (Vernon) Horizontal Miller. Two editions of the IllustratedParts Manual as Exploded-component drawings - one containing basic operator'sInsructions.

MS526H SHELDON 12-inch SHAPER. Parts Manual as Exploded Diagrams showing themachine's detailed construction. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales andSpecification Catalogue.

MS526Z Shemach Press Brake Type OS25/4 Operating Instructions with a simple motor-feed circuit diagram.

MS527 SHERATON "9-inch" lathe. The best Manual for the Sheraton isthe one produced in England for the South Bend clone by Boxford. Unlike theSouth Bend book "How to Run a Lathe" this 137-page editionconcentrates in detail on the 9-inch lathe, not the whole range, and thuscontains much more information about how to operate it as well as manyscrewcutting charts, lists of changewheels set-ups as machines left the factory,metric conversions and other valuable data. A few mechanical details aredifferent but the operating procedures are identical. Also included is a copyof the original Sheraton advertising catalogue and Sheraton Spares Manual as aphotographic listing of parts for the Models A, B, C and AR, BR and CR.

MS527A SHERATON Cub, Cadet, Diploma and Defiance lathes. These lathes werecopies of the LeBlond and "LeBlond Makino" lathes from the 1950s to1980s. Supplied for these Sheraton lathes is a copy of the detailed andwell-illustrated Instruction, Maintenance & Illustrated Parts Manual asdetailed Cross-Sectional Drawings as published by LeBlond, not Sheraton.Instead of the various models being accorded a Model Type by size, as per theLeBlond system. Sheraton gave them individual names: Cub, Cadet, Diploma andDefiance.

MS529B10V SHIZUOKA B-10V Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance.

MS529P SHIZUOKA B-10V Milling Machine. Parts List as Sectional Drawings (not afirst-class copy).

MS529A SHIZUOKA AN-S NC Vertical Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful sectional drawings.

MS529B SHIZUOKA VHR-A Milling Machine. Spare Parts manual as useful sectionaldrawings.

MS529BP SHIZUOKA VHR-A Vertical Turret Milling Machine. Instruction Manual.

MS529C SHIZUOKA VHR-G Turret Type Vertical and Horizontal Milling Machine.Instruction Manual.

MS529D SHIZUOKA B-3V Milling Machine. Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MS529Y SHODA Machine Type NC516P-1326 Electrical Schematics Manual.

MS530 SHORTE No. 16, 18 and 20 Rolloseam Lock Forming and Flanging Attachment.Rolloseam Flanging Machines Models 16, Button Punch and Autoguide, Button PunchSnap Lock Forming Machine, Rolloseam Cleat Forming Machines, OperatingInstructions with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings and Electrical CircuitDiagrams. Includes a very useful copy of "Procedures and Practices in theFabrication of Ducting" (with wide-ranging instructions in calculating,forming corner joints and seams, angle and bar cleats, making a Pittsburgh lockand right angle flanges, button-punch snap locks, using the cleat cutterattachment, joining ducts, etc, etc. A complete set of technical Sales andSpecification folders for the various machines is also included.

MS532 SHOPSMITH Mk. 7 Universal Woodworker (sometimes badged "FUSSO"or "SHOPSMITH"). Operator's Instruction Manual with Parts as ExplodedComponent Drawings

MS534 SHW Universal Milling Machine UF2: Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with some useful Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics. IncludesFitting and Maintenance Instructions for the Ortlinghause Slip Clutches, theOrtlinghause Elektro-Magnetic Multi SINUS Clutches, Ortlinghause Gear Units anda comprehensive Operating and Maintenance Manual for the Siemens Type OR2Electric Motors. Also includes a detailed 44-page Sales & TechnicalSpecification Catalogue.

MS534SX Sian FRsBR 60 Rotary Table Surface, Internal and External CylindricalGrinding Machine with three Grinding Heads. Operating, Maintenance andAdjustment Manual.

MS534A SICAR SCP 16, 18, 21, 23 and H5U Planing & moulding machines.Operator's Instructions and Parts Manual as exploded Component Drawings.

MS534X SICK Optic Elektronic Safety Light Curtains LVU450 and LVU1400. Installtion, Operation and Detailed Technical Data including several Electrical Schematicsand numerous Sectional Drawings.

MS535 SICME Sicmatic SB200 Lathe Instruction Manual (basic).

MS536 SIDNEY Operator's Instruction Manual for the 14", 16" 18"and 20" Geared Head lathes of the 1940 and early 1950s. Includes detailedCross-Sectional Drawings of the entire lathe and a copy of the well-illustratedand detailed sales and technical Specification Catalogue.

SIEG Model C0 Micro lathe. Operator's Instruction Instructions with parts asexploded component pictures and wiring diagrams.

MS538 SIEMENS SINUMERIK System 3 Operating Instructions Parts 2 and 3.

MS538A SIEMENS SINUMERIK System 3. Comprehensive Training Folder with SerialInterface for Data In and Data Out and Operating Instructions Part 3 Version4and Interface Instructions part 2E8.87.

MS538B SIEMENS SINUMERIK 3M Programming Instructions.

MS538C SIEMENS SINUMERIK 3G Operating Instructions.

MS538D SIEMENS SINUMERIK 6-B Interface Description with ConnectionRequirements, Contact Description of Interface Sinumerik System 6 InterfaceControl, Interface 6T/6M Servo Drives, Alphabetical Index of Signals, Diagrams6T, Diagrams 6M and External Equipment and operating Elements..

MS538E SIEMENS SINUMERIK NC800S "Basic Service Course". A completeguide to the 800 Series of controllers and the associated systems.

MS538F SIEMENS SINUMERIK 810 and 820. Basic Version 3. "Documentation forSpecialists involved in installation and servicing. Installation Instructionsand Installation Lists" .

MS538G SIEMENS SINUMERIK 810 Operating Instructions.

MS538H SIEMENS SINUMERIK 810M Software Version 1 Operating and ProgrammingManual.

MS538J SIEMENS SINUMERIK 810G Software Version 1 Operating and ProgrammingManual.

MS538K SIEMENS SINUMERIK 850 Commissioning Instructions with Lists.

MS538L SIEMENS SINUMERIK 850 Software Version 4 Service Documentation withInstallation Guide, Instructions and Lists Valid for Sinumerik 850M, 850ME,850T and 850TE.

MS538M SIEMENS SINUMERIK 850 AND 880 Software Version 3. Programming Guide,Planning Guide, Interface Description, Function Blocks, Basic Functions.

MS538N SIEMENS SIMATIC 55 S5-100 U Programmable Controller. Detailed Operator'sInstruction and Programming Manual.

MS538P SIEMENS SIMATIC S5 150K Central Controller, Compact Version.Instructions, Specification Sheets, Maintenance.

MS538Q SIEMENS SIMOREG M Transistor Chopper Operating Manual.

MS538R SIEMENS totally enclosed 3-phase motors Type OR2 to 11 kW. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Instructions.

MS538S SIEMENS "Simovert" Transistor Voltage - Source DC LinkConverter Series 6SE46 Instruction Book.

MS538T SIEMENS Sinumerik 840D sl Detailed Service Documentation "TrainingManual".

MS538U SIEMENS 3-Phase Servomotors 1FT6-02, 1FT6-03, 1FT6-04, 1FT6-06, 1FT6-08 and 1FT6-10. Documentation. English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Swedish text.

MS540 SIG SAWING MACHINE TA 60: Operator's Instruction and Service Manual andParts Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings:

MS542 SIGMA "Dialair" Instruction and Setting Manual. Includes AEIPressure regulator instruction Manual.

MS545 SIMAT 101 - see under Flexispeed

MS546 SIOME Machine Multiple TC-5. Fonctionnement & Entretien. TexteFrançais (French Text)

MS547 SIMONET basic Working Instructions & Maintenance Guide for theDC-102, DD-102, DR102 and DZ-450 Precision Plain-turning and ScrewcuttingLathes with screwcutting charts (11 pages) Also included are three catalogues:one in English (10 pages); one in English, French and German (8 pages) andanother in French (not such a good reproduction as the others with 6 pages).

MS552 "SIMPLE" Model SG-340 Surface Grinder (Chinese manufacture).Operation Manual.

MS555 SIMPLON 3U Milling Machine (by Gemmo). Simplon 3U Milling Machine (by Gemmo). Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings and an electrical schematic. The manual will also help with the plain, non-swing table version and the knee and table part of the vertical model. Includes a Sales & Technical Specification Catalogues for the: VA, 2URT, UF, UM and UN.

SIMPSON-SEARS - these lathes marketed in Canada were, in general, identical tothe Atlas and Craftsman brand s. If you are in doubt about which model youhave, refer to the Atlas pages in the Archive- or e-mail a photograph to:

MS560 SINN MS 11/B Universal Miller Instruction & Maintenance Manual.GERMAN TEXT.

SIP JIG BORERS. For data see: SIP jigborers

For a general background to SIPproducts the following catalogue is very handy:

S224 SIP (SOCIETE GENEVOISE)Full-range, all-models and accessories catalogue covering the period 1950s to1960s. This consists of the largest catalogue from the period, plus everyadditional different page from other SIP "Full-range" publications ofthe same era. Jig Borers: 1H, 2P, 3K, 3K-CN, 4G, 5E-CN, 6A, 6A-DIR, 6A-CN, 7A,7P, 7A-DIR, 7A-CN, 8P. Measuring Comparators F-7B, Universal Measuring SupportU-10, Micro-indicators MI-18 and MI-30, High Precision Micro-Indicator TypeMI-6B, Micrometer Type W-20, Shop gauge Measuring machine Type MUL-300,Universal Measuring machine Type MU-214B, Trioptic Universal Measuring Machine,3-co-ordinate Measuring Machine Superoptic-6AM, Superoptic-7AM, UniversalMeasuring Machine Type MUL-1000, Universal Measuring Machine Type MUL-3000,Universal Measuring Machine Type MUL-4000, Profile Projector AP-6A andUniversal Profile Projector Type AP-10. Spark erosion machine 1-EE. Circulardividing tables conventional and optical Types PI-2, PI-3, PI-4, PI5, PD-3,PD-4, PD-6, Rotopic No. 1, Rotopic No. 2 and PD-6H; tool cabinets, tooling andcutters, boring tools, special tooling, tool holders, tapping attachments, etc.98 pages.

SM560 SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer MP-1H: Detailed Technical Instruction Manualincluding Hints on Using the Machine.

SM560A SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer MP-2P: Detailed Technical Manualincluding a Setting-up Manual, Electrical Instructions with wiring diagrams,How to Use the Machine (and lay out work), employment of accessories includingthe Locating Microscope, Working Microscope, Reference Square, Spotting Tool,Drill Chuck, Collets, Boring Head, Boring Tool Holder, etc. Detailedlubrication instructions.

SM560C SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer MP-3C: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with useful sectional drawings. Includes a copy of themaker's Sales and Specification Catalogue.

SM560E SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer MP-4B, MP-5B and MP-5G: DetailedTechnical Manual, Maintenance, Use of Accessories

SM560G SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer MP-4G: Detailed Technical Manual,Maintenance, Use of Accessories

SM560H SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer MP-4G: Detailed Technical Manual,Maintenance, Use of Accessories

SM560J SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer MP-2H: Detailed Technical Manual,Installation, Maintenance, Lubrication, Use of Accessories and an ElectricalDiagram. Includes some useful sectional drawings.

SM560L SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer MP-3K: Detailed Operator's InstructionManual together with the separate "Preliminary Instructions" Booklet.- available in English or German. Many Useful illustrations. This is the later,fuller edition.

SM560N SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer MP-3K: SERVICE MANUAL with SectionalDrawings together with an electrical schematic. Two editions were produced,early and late - this publications includes all pages that were different fromeach.

SM560P SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer MP-3K: Separate Electrical Manual withelectrical schematic..

SM560PZ SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer MP-3K and MK-5E Service Manual forthe Numerical Readout System "Readour A35" with 14 large electricalschematics.

SM560R SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer MP-5E. A complete Data pack consistingof:
1) Operator's Instruction Manual
2) "Preliminary Instructions" - a manual that describes how to putthe jig borer into place, handling, cleaning and connecting to the mains.Assembling the machine, putting the cross rail into service, assembling thequill and spindle driving motor and various checks. Lubrication chart and afoundation plan.
3) Electrical Instructions
4) Supplementary Electrical Manual covering Electronic Control of table andspindle head motion and wiring diagrams
5) Makers detailed Sales & Accessories Catalogue
Full-range, all-models and accessories catalogue (98 pages) covering the period1950s to 1960s. This consists of the largest catalogue from the period, plusevery additional different page from other SIP "Full-range"publications of the same era. Useful in showing the range of special cuttersand cutter holders and accessories.

SM560U SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer HYDROPTIC-6. Detailed 140 pageOperator's Instruction Manual and Maintenance Guide with useful sectionaldrawings and electrical schematics.

SM560V SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer HYDROPTIC-6A and 7A. A complete datapack consisting of: "Operator's Instruction Manual" together with"Preliminary Instruction Manual", "Maintenance Manual" andthe larger of the two published "Electrical Instructions with WiringSchematics" (the Electrics Manual has 58 pages rather than the 10 of thefirst edition). Also includes a copy of the detailed an informative Sales &Technical Specification catalogue.

(The 7A was of identical construction and operation tothe 6A but with a larger table and extended travels. See the article here: SIP 6A and 7A jig borers )

SM560W SIP (Society Genevoise) Jig Borer HYDROPTIC-6A. French languageOperator's Instruction Manual together with Preliminary Instructions Manual.

SM560X SIP MP200 Jig Borer. Operation and Maintenance Manual with Parts manualas Sectional Drawings and Electrical Diagrams. English, French and German text.

SM560Y SIP 8000 Jig Borer. Maintenance Manual with many sectional drawings.

SM561X Jig Borer Hydroptic 6A and 7A French-language Manual for the use ofAccessories.

SM561 SIP (Society Genevoise) MDT-65A Circular Dividing Machine. TechnicalManual.

SM561A SIP (Society Genevoise) PD-1H ROTARY TABLES (circular tables). DetailedTechnical Instructions.

SM561A2 SIP (Society Genevoise) PD-2H ROTARY TABLES (circular tables). DetailedTechnical Instructions.
SM561B SIP (Society Genevoise) PD-4 and PD-5 ROTARY TABLES (circular tables) .Technical Instructions and Tables.

SM561B SIP (Society Genevoise) PD-4C ROTARY TABLE (circular table) . TechnicalInstructions.

SM561C SIP (Society Genevoise) PI-2, PI-3, PI-4 and PI-5 TILTING ROTARY TABLES(circular tables). Detailed Technical Instructions.

SM561D SIP (Society Genevoise) PI-4 and PI-5 TILTING ROTARY TABLES (circulartables). French language Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

SM561E SIP (Society Genevoise) ROTOPTIC-1 Optical Dividing table. Operatinginstructions.

SM561E2 SIP (Society Genevoise) ROTOPTIC-2 Optical Dividing table. Operatinginstructions.

SM561E6 SIP (Society Genevoise) ROTOPTIC-6 Optical Dividing table. Operatinginstructions.

SM561F SIP (Society Genevoise) MU-214 UNIVERSAL MEASURING APPARATUS: Detailed134-page Technical Manual.

SM561FB SIP (Society Genevoise) MU-214B UNIVERSAL MEASURING APPARATUS: Detailed 122-page Technical Manual.

SM561G SIP (Society Genevoise) Bookof Angular Spacing Tables.

SM561H SIP (Society Genevoise) FACING TOOL HOLDER Type P "P"Technical Manual.

SM561J SIP (Society Genevoise) MICRO-VIBROMETER Type VB-1A. TechnicalInstruction Book.

SM561K SIP DIR-4 Repeating Device. Operator's Manual (this unit was forrecording and automatically repeating any number of table and spindle headpositions.

SIT Type RP800CA Surface Grinder. Operation and Maintenance Manual. FRENCHtext.

SM564 SIXIS 103 Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual with ElectricalSchematics. Includes a copy of the maker's sales, Technical Specification andAccessories Catalogue.

SM564A SIXIS MP-200 Jig Borer. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withParts as Sectional Drawings. English, French and German Text.

SM564B SIXIS S.1101 Milling Machine. Basic Operation Instructions and Parts asSectional Drawings. Contains an electrical schematic. English & FrenchText.

SM568 SKODA Production Lathe Models RP-36, 52 and 62. Instruction Manual and Maintenance Manual - with SectionalDrawings. German Text.

SM568A SKODA A20 Automatic Lathe. Parts Manual.

SM568B SKODA A40 Automatic Lathe. Parts Manual.

SM568C SKODA A12, A20 and A40 Automatic Lathe. Service Manual with additional data on Disc Cam Calculations and charts of changewheels.

For other SKODA Lathes see under TOS below.

SM570 SLACK and PARR Fully-adjustable Multi Drill Heads. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Instructions including 2 full-size Drawings.

MS575 SMALLPEICE (Herbert-Smallpeice) No. 6 SL Production Lathe. Operator'sInstruction Manual and Maintenance Guide.

MS575A SMALLPEICE (Herbert-Smallpeice) No. 6 Multi-cut Production Lathe.Operator's Instruction Manual and Maintenance Guide.

MS575B SMALLPEICE (Herbert-Smallpeice) No. 6 Multi-cut Production Lathe. PartsManual as Exploded Component Drawings.

EN-US'>MS580 SMART and BROWN Sabel, "SAB" and "S" lathes.These lathes are copies of the "9-inch" South Bend and , as such, thebest manual is the one produced for the other copy, the Boxford. This editionhas been specially put together by Tony Griffiths with the aim of providing ascomplete a set of information as possible. Contains the larger and far-betterearlier manual with clearer pictures and drawings together with additionalsections and charts added not included in the original with details, forexample, of how to generate pitches not shown on the screwcutting gearbox,which pitches the lever positions produce, a full list of standard and extrachangewheels to fit the different models (and how they were set ex-factory) anddata on metric to inch and inch to metric screwcutting conversions. Wiringconnection diagrams for the Dewhurst and Stanton switches. Also included are acopy of the Smart and Brown Sabel Manual and the Smart and Brown catalogue.

MS580B SMART and BROWN"Sabel", "SAB" and "S" Lathes. Parts Manual andGeneral Assembly Drawings. 50 pages of drawing that are so good they are, ineffect, blueprints without the dimensions.

MS580C Data pack for the Smart & Brown Sabel, SAB and S Lathes: All theabove Smart and Brown Sabel, SAB and S items (Manuals, Parts List andcatalogue)

MS580D Smart and Brown 1024 Toolroom Lathes MK. 1 and Mk.2. A Complete DataPack consisting of the Operating and Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual asDetailed Cross-Sectional Drawings. Includes Electrical Schematics and copies ofboth the Maker's earlier small-format Manual and the interesting and usefultechnical Sales and Specification literature. This literature represents thecomplete set of data for this model and includes everything ever publishedincluding two sets of Instructions from the Works that never made it into themain manual.

MS580DD Smart and Brown 1024 Toolroom Lathe. Set of 5 full-size Sectionaldrawings of the lathe including: headstock, screwcutting gearbox, 2-speedcountershaft gearbox, layout of compound slide and saddle and tailstock.

MS580E Smart and Brown Model-M Mk.1 and Mk.2 Lathes: Operator's Handbook withSpare Parts Manual as useful General Assembly Drawings and three differentversions of the maker's Sales, Specification and Accessories Catalogue.
Note: There never was a dedicated manual for the Mk.1 but the Mk.2 isvery similar - and to help with the Mk.1 machine a copy of the pre-War Boley L4manual is included - but this has GERMAN TEXT only, though it includes manyuseful sectional drawings and charts. This collection represents a completedata pack for the Smart & Brown Model-M lathes.
Details of the Smart & Brown Model M lathes here: the Boley 4L here:
MS580F Smart and Brown Model A Lathe Mk.1 and Mk.2: A complete Data Packconsisting of early and late Operation & Maintenance Manuals with a wiringdiagram, Spare Parts Manual as useful General Assembly Drawings and a copies ofthe comprehensive Sales and Specification Catalogues. Details of the lathes here:

MS580K Smart and Brown Model L 4-inch Precision Plain Lathe - toolmaker,production & second operation types: A complete Date Pack consisting of theOperating and Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Cross-Sectional Drawingswith an Electrical Schematic - covers the complete range of machines from firstto last. This is the larger 100-page edition - but also includes a copy of theearlier 10-page publication as well as an additional 44 pages of early and lateSales, Specification and Accessories Catalogues. My article about thelathe here:

MS580L Smart and Brown SABMATIC Mk.2 Automatic Lathe. Detailed Manual for Automatic and Manual use. Includes programming instructions and details of the Hydraulic and Pneumaic Systems.

SMERAL - See also under "TOS"

MS750 SMITH (J.J.Smith) SCP 16, SCP18, SCP21, SCP23 and H5U Planing andMoulding machine. Instruction and Maintenance manual with Parts Manual asExploded Component Drawings.

MS760 Hugh SMITH (Glasgow) 600 Ton Vertical Bending Press. Basic General Instructions for Erection, Operation and Maintenance.

MS770 SMT Aldell U-35 and U35A Automatic Production Drilling Machine.Operator's Instruction and Parts Manual as useful sectional drawings.

MS770A SMT Aldell B35A Automatic Production Drilling Machine. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with 16 large electrical schematics.

MS770A2 Aldell SP16 Production Drilling Machine: Electrical Circuit Diagrams.

MS770B SMT-KOPING S10-NC and S15-NC Lathe: Instruction, Assembly Drawings,Programming, Presetting, Hydraulics, Extra Equipment Manual with a copy of themaker's Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MP790J SMT-PULLMAX Swedturn 6 CNC lathe. Detailed Operation and Maintenance Manual with a PartsManual as sectional drawings.

MS780C SNOW GRINDER (England ). HR25Horizontal Spindle Rotary Table Surface Grinder. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual. .

MS780CE SNOW GRINDER (England ). HR15 Horizontal Spindle Rotary Table SurfaceGrinder. Diagram of Electrical Connections.

MS780D SNOW GRINDER (England ). H.D.G.30 Double Disc Grinding Machine.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings. .

MS780E SNOW GRINDER (England ). Model OS-24 Surface Grinder Instructionstogether with a number of large drawings: Hydraulic Circuit, Control PanelArrangement, Lubrication Diagram, Arrangement of Piping Diagram of ControlValve, Cross Sectional Drawing, Front & Cross Sectional Arrangement ofCross Slide and a Printed List of Parts. .

MS780F SNOW GRINDER (England ). All Models Vertical (V. V12, VA12, V18, V24,V40/16, V40/60) Grinder: Setting up and Operating Manuals and Sales andSpecification catalogue. Includes layout and general-arrangement blueprints,some wiring schematics and Manuals for the Vickers-Detroit Vane Pumps, EllisonTime-lag Switches and Westalite Rectifiers. A complete data pack for thesemachines retrieved from the factory before its demolition.

MS780G SNOW GRINDER (England ) RT.400 Horizontal Spindle Rotary Table SurfaceGrinder. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Instructions.

MS780H SNOW GRINDER (England ) OS-24 Grinder Operating and MaintenanceInstructions.

MS780J SNOW GRINDER (England ) V.100/16 Vertical Spindle. Operating andMaintenance Instructions with Parts as Sectional Drawings. Includes Electrical& Hydraulic Schematics.

MS780K SNOW GRINDER (England ) Type DDG Rotary Workplate System. This grinder is designed to simultaneously grind parallel the opposite sides of a componentThe machine consists of two horizontally mounted wheelheads on adjustable bases. The heads are mounted on cast-iron slides carried on a heavy fabricated bed. Operating Instructions

MS585 SNOW (USA) VERTICAL Tapping,Drilling and Threading Machines. Operator's Instruction, Adjustment, ServiceManual and Parts Manual as Exploded and Sectional Diagrams.

MS585A SNOW (USA) HORIZONTAL Tapping, Drilling and Threading Machines ModelHT-2. Operator's Instruction, Adjustment and Service Manual.


MS588/MA480 Sofia C11M and C11B Lathes (sold as AJAX in the UK). Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Instructions and Parts as Detailed Sectional Drawings.Includes reproductions of the often damaged screwcutting and feeds charts.

MS588A/MA480A Sofia AJ165SS Lathe (also sold as the"Ajax"). Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Instructions andParts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MS588B/MA480B Sofia AJ210 Lathe (also sold as the "Ajax"). Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Instructions and Parts as Exploded ComponentDrawings.

MS588C/MA480C Sofia AJ250, AJ235, CU582 (SU401, SU502, SP401, SP402) Lathes(also sold as the "Ajax"). Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceInstructions.

MS589 SOLBRAZE RD3 Rotadip BrazingMachine (and also applying to other Solbraze machines). Operating Instructions

MH590 SOLEX Low Pressure Column Indicator Type B. Installation Instructions.

MH610 SOMUA P-24 Lathe (H.ERNAULT-SOMUA). Instruction Manual in French.

MS610A SOMUA (H.ERNAULT-SOMUA CHOLET) Lathes 350, 435, 550, 660: Operator's andMaintenance Manual.

MH610B SOMUA (H.ERNAULT-SOMUA CHOLET) Lathes 350, 435, 550, 660: Parts Manualas detailed Sectional Drawings.

MH610C SOMUA (H.ERNAULT-SOMUA) "S PILOT" Lathe. Parts as detailedSectional Drawings.

MH610D SOMUA (H.ERNAULT-SOMUA) "TRANSPILOTE" Lathes S130, S131, SC130,SC131 Parts as detailed Sectional Drawings.

MH610E SOMUA (H.ERNAULT-SOMUA) N5 Lathe. Spare Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings.

MH610F SOMUA (H.ERNAULT-SOMUA) Z1C-ZHV1 Milling Machine. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with the maker's Test & Alignment Sheets.

MH610G SOMUA (H.ERNAULT-SOMUA) Z1C-ZHV1 Milling Machine. Parts Manual asSectional Drawings.

MH610H SOMUA (H.ERNAULT-SOMUA) Z3CZ ZHV3 Milling Machine. Parts Manual asSectional Drawings. Includes large Electrical Schematics.

MH610J SOMUA (H.Ernault SOMUA) FHV-1 Universal Miller. Parts as SectionalDrawings.

MH610JM SOMUA (H.Ernault SOMUA) FHV-1 Universal Miller. Operation andMaintenance Instructions.

MH610K SOMUA (H.Ernault SOMUA) FHV-2C Universal Miller. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Electrical schematic.

MH610L SOMUA (H.Ernault SOMUA) Indexing Apparatus Type No.1. UniversalDecimal-base Divider 1-2-3 Operator's Instruction Manual with Tables ofDivision and tables of Change Gears, Approximate Angles and English Leads forCutting Spirals.

MH610M SOMUA (H.Ernault SOMUA) Transpilote Type S Lathes (S130, S131, etc)Detailed and well-illustrated Operation, Setting and Maintenance Manual.Includes Electrical and Hydraulic Schematics.

MH610N SOMUA (H.ERNAULT-SOMUA) S Pilote (S-Pilote) Lathe. Operation and Maintenance Manual with a Parts Manualas detailed and clear Sectional Drawings.

MH610P SOMUA (H.ERNAULT-SOMUA) OP-320 and OP-420 Lathes. Maintenance & Adjustments Manual.

MH610Q SOMUA (H.ERNAULT-SOMUA) U Pilote (U-Pilote) Lathe. Manuel d'exploitation et d'entretien avec dessins sectionnels. Texte en français. Operation and Maintenance Manual with Sectional Drawings. French Text.

MS790 SONOBOND "Sonoweld" Ultrasonic Spot Welder Model MH-2014.Instruction Manual with 6 blue-print size Electrical Diagrams.

MS800 SONY LH51 and LH52 Display Unit Magnescale Instruction Manual. English,German and French.

MS800A SONY LF20 Display Unit. Instruction Manual.

MS800B SONY GA-A Series Magnesale Sensor Unit. Instruction Manual

MS800C SONY LA10 Magnescale Instruction Manual

MS800D SONY LH1 and LH2 Magnescale Display Units. Detailed Instruction Manual. English and German Text.

MS800E SONY SJ700 Series Magnescale Scale (Senor) Units. Detailed Instruction Manual. English and German Text.

MS800F SONY GF Series Magnescale Scale (Senor) Units GF-20E to 205E. Detailed Mounting and Installation Manual.

MS802 Soraluce TR-1 Radial Arm Drill. Instructions for Use and Maintenance with Parts as clear Sectional Drawings. Includes an Electrical Schematic.

MS802A Soraluce TR-2 Radial Arm Drill. Operating and Lubricating Instructions and Parts as clear Sectional Drawings. Includes an Electrical Schematic.

MS805 SOUTH BEND 9-inch lathe and 10-inch "10K" Lathes. The bestManual for these models is the one produced in England for the South Bend cloneby Boxford. Unlike the South Bend book "How to Run a Lathe" thisedition concentrates in detail on the 9-inch lathe, not the whole range, andthus contains much additional material including instructions and extra screwcuttingcharts, lists of ex-factory changewheels set-ups, metric conversions and othervaluable data. A few mechanical details are different but the operatingprocedures are identical. Includes the correct South Bend Illustrated PartsLists with Exploded Component Diagrams and acopies of three catalogs: thebest-illustrated and most comprehensive of the dedicated South Bend 9-inchSales & Accessories Publication that lists all the options and everyaccessory ever made; all the pages showing the 9-inch from the 1941 Catalogthat contains other interesting data and the detailed dedicated 10K catalogfrom the 1950s.

MS805A SOUTH BEND 9-inch lathe: if you want a set of general assembly and SpareParts Drawings the 50-page one produced for the English Smart and Brown clone(see above) are excellent - blueprint quality, but without the dimensions. Onlythe headstock differs in any detail from the original lathe.

MS805B South Bend 9-inch and 10K Parts Manual. A detailed publication, whichcovers all models of the 9-inch "Workshop" and "10K"lathes.

MS805C South Bend Model Parts manual for the Models "O","N" and "R" in the following sizes: 9", 11",13", 15" and 18":

MS805D South Bend 10", 13", 141/2" and 16" to 24"Lathes (including the Heavy 10): Detailed Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual.This version contains the highly-detailed and useful headstock bearing andbackgear adjustment instructions.

MS805E South Bend: "How to Run a Lathe". Detailed 128-page generalinstructions for a wide range of South Bend lathes. This is a very high qualityreproduction of the last high-quality, superbly printed "gloss-paper"editions (after which the reproduction was markedly inferior). Superbphotographs and drawings. Includes a copy of the Bulletin set: The Installationand Levelling of a Lathe; Keeping Your Lathe in Trim; Keeping Your Lathe Cleanand Oiling the Lathe.

MS805F South Bend: "How to Run a Lathe" 1914 edition. Detailedgeneral instructions for a wide range of South Bend lathes.

MS805G South Bend: "How to Run a Lathe" Film Edition on DVD. VeryInteresting Historical Material filmed in the 1930s - and a very usefulintroduction to lathe work.

MS805H South Bend G-26-T Lathe. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Parts Manual as Exploded Assembly Diagrams.

MM440H SOUTH BEND GALLICOP and GALLIMAT Lathe. Comprehensive Operator's,Maintenance and Parts Manuals.

MS805GS South Bend Shaper. Detailed and well illustrated Instruction Manual -operating procedures for this model are common to many other small shapers.

MS806H South Bend Maintenance Bulletins 76 pages:
The Installation and Levelling of a Lathe:
Keeping Your Lathe in Trim
Keeping Your Lathe Clean
Oiling the Lathe
All 4 for

SOUTH BEND Milling Machine "Sturdimill" (see the Elliot Section inthe Archive - the machineswere identical). Operating and Maintenance Manual with Exploded-diagrams PartsManual and Electrical Schematic.

MS820W SPANDAU SJ-7 Internal Grinder. Operating Instructions with lubricationdata and Electrical Schematics.

MS820X SPANDAU SJD-12 Double Internal Grinder. Operating Instructions - 13sheets and 4 large schematics.

MS810 SPARCATRON SPF Pulse Generators Models 60/90/120/150 and 180 Hand book.

MS810A SPARCATRON JC262 Electric Discharge Machine Hand book.

MS810B SPARCATRON The Sparcatron Instruction Book. An "All-Models" Manual explaining the processes by which a Sparcatron machine works.

SPARK EROSION - The Techniques of Spark Erosion Machining. A booklet bySparcatron.40 pages.

MA882 Spartan Kadet (AVM 125) Lathe (as sold in various export marketsas theAVM 125) Two Operation Manuals with sectional drawings through the maincomponents, an electrical schematic and screwcutting data. The two manuals arethe original for the AVM125 and the more complete addition for the SpartanKadet. Not the best of reproductions, but readable.

MS825 SPECK (Robert Speck) MOTORISEDVICES. Assembly Blueprint, Repair Instructions and Electrical Schematics.

MS830 SPEEDY MELT FURNACE. Instruction Manual for Single and Double BurnerUnits.

MS840 SPEEDAX 14-inch Bandsaw and Blade Brazing Attachment. Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MS840A SPEEDAX 16-inch Bandsaw and blade welder. Operation Manual Parts Manualas Photographic Plates.

MS840C SPEEDAX 20-inch Bandsaw and Blade Brazing Attachment. Operator'sInstructions and a Separate Parts Manual.

MS845 SPEEDIGRIND Model SG-25. Operating Instructions with Electrical Schematic and a number of useful sectional drawings.

MS850 SPHERE 10-inch and 12-inch LATHES (Atlas 10-inch Clone):
A complete package of information that covers all models from the first modelsto the last is available. It includes:
1) A very comprehensive Manual with over 240 pages that contains detailedOperating and Maintenance Manual - it's probably the best instruction manualever produced by a lathe manufacturer.
2) Extensive thread-cutting instructions and dedicated charts from the larger61-page "supplementary" Screwcutting Instruction Booklet.
3) Extra instructional sheets issued by Atlas but never included in the mainManual: taper turning attachment; fitting new leadscrew nuts, steady rests,adjustable bed stop.
4) A complete, illustrated Parts Manual with exploded-parts diagrams.
5) A set of reproductions of the original (Atlas) advertising catalogs (somevery rare) that give a complete technical specification for the lathe, showsmodel changes over the years and illustrate all the accessories.

MS855/MK550 SPLENDOR by KONDIA FV1 Vertical Turret Miller (Bridgeport-likeclone) as marketed by Clausing USA and others and sometimes badged as the"Splendor"Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual - Includesan additional Service and Instruction Manual for the KV Variable-speed headwith Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MS860 SPV (S.P.V.) Multi-spindle Drill Heads Series AH3: Instruction Manualwith Maintenance, Lubrication, Dismantling and Assembly Instructions. Includesa separate booklet (Instruction manual 2) on how to design positioningtemplates.

MS860A SPV (S.P.V.) Tapping Attachments Instructions and Spare Parts as clearSectional Drawings

MS865 S.R. Boring Cutters (English Steel). Sharpening Instructions

MS868 SSD 3-phase Convertor Types 545, 546, 547 and 548 Detailed Manual withElectrical Schematics. Installation, Ventilation, Cooling, Controller TerminalDescriptions, Block Diagrams Descriptions, Setting Up and OperatingInstructions, Diagnostic Test Facilities, Spare Parts Identification, ServiceInformation, etc.

MS868A SSD 540 Series Spindle Drive, 545 Armature Converter, 5401 DC MotorField Controller and 5600 Option Modules. Detailed Setting Up and OperatingInstructions with Electrical Schematics and Spare Parts Identification.

MS870 STAFFA 101 Section Bender. Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual.

MS872 Stag RSPP40 and RSPP41 Gang Programmers Operating Manual.

MS874 Stamford C Range and MC Range Alternators with Frames C20, C30, C40, C45 C50, MC20, MC30, MC40 MC45 and MC50. Operation and Maintenance Manual including Electrical Schematics anda Parts Manual as Sectional and Exploded-component Drawings.

MS876 STANDARD MODERN LATHE "9-inch Utilathe" Operator's Handbookwith Spares as Photographic Plates.

MS876-10-11 STANDARD MODERN"10-inch lathe". We don't have the specific manual but the"10-inch" is very similar to the Series 2000 11" model (the10" measurement is conservative) with the main difference appearing to bethat the headstock and tailstock are rounded rather than angular in appearance- and generally less "modern" looking. Model 2000 was also made withtwo centre heights: 11-inches and 13-inches. The manual I have is marked forthe 11-inch - but it has also been found to cover the 10-inch and 13-inchmodels. Details of the lathes on my site here:

MS876A STANDARD MODERN LATHE 11-inch Model 2000. Operator's Instruction Manualand Spare Parts Illustrations.

MS876B STANDARD MODERN LATHE 1120 & 1334 Lathes. Operator's InstructionManual and Spare Parts Illustrations.

MS876C STANDARD MODERN LATHE 1530 Lathe. Operator's Instruction Manual andSpare Parts Illustrations.

MS876D STANDARD MODERN 1754 Lathe. Operator's Instruction Manual and SpareParts Illustrations.

MS876E STANDARD MODERN LATHE Utilathe "Model LD" Operator'sInstruction Manual.

STANKOIMPORT = Russian Machine Tools. Russian alphabet labelling canidentification of model types difficult. If in doubt, please email a picture ofyour lathe to:

MR680 RUSSIAN "Stankoimport ROUND-BED Universal 3" Model-engineeringlathe. Operating Instructions. Available in English, French, German andItalian.

MR682 Stankoimport RUSSIAN 1A616 Toolroom Lathe. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Equipment Electrical Manual and Schematics.Includes a copy of the Sales Specification Sheets.

MR682 STANKOIMPORT (Russian) 1K62 Toolroom Lathe Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Guide (poor copy).

MR682P STANKOIMPORT (Russian) 1K62 Toolroom Lathe. Spare Parts Manual asperfect sectional drawings. English, French, German & Russian text annotations.

unsure MS682B STANKOIMPORT (Russian) 1N611(P) - also badged as the HS1020 Lathe:Operator's Instruction and Service Manual.

unsure MS682BP STANKOIMPORT (Russian) 1N611(P) - also badged as the HS1020 Lathe:Spare Parts Manual as useful and detailed Sectional Drawings.

MS682ZP STANKOIMPORT (Russian) 1N611NSpare Parts Manual as useful and detailed Sectional Drawings.

MS682BB-0 STANKOIMPORT (Russian) 16b16, 16b16, 16b1611, 16T16, 16b16K, 16b16K11 and 16T16K. Service Manual with Parts as useful sectional drawings. Includes a chart ofadditional screwcutting pitches. Two manuals are included, one in English, theother in Russian - the latter containing a greater number of sectional drawingsand electrical schematics.

R683C Russian Milling Machine Model 6A56 and 6A59: Complete Data Pack with:Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual Parts 1 and 2, Catalogue OfDimensioned Drawings for Manufacture of replacement Parts.

MS683F Stankoimport (Stanko) 6P Series Knee Type Milling Machines - Horizontal,Vertical and Ram Head including the 6P82W and 6P83W Ram Head Types - for whichthe manual was written - but also covering the knee and table assembles of thefollowing (allowing for the usual confusing listing employed by Stanko) 6P82,6P83, 6P82R, 6P83R, 6P82W, 6P83W, 6P12, 6P13, 6P12b and 6P13b Operator'sInstruction Manual and the complete 3-edition Electrical Manual with Schematicsthat is listed as covering all versions and types. English Text.

MS683J STANKOIMPORT "675" Precision Universal Milling Machine(Russian) similar in design to the Deckel FP Series and appearing to have beendeveloped from the Polish "Avia" and Polamco" models. DetailedOperator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Sectional Drawings.

MS683L STANKOIMPORT "676" Precision Milling Machine (Russian):Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with additional section of"parts subject to wear" shown as fully-dimensioned Drawings andElectrical Schematics.

MS683LG STANKOIMPORT "676" Precision Milling Machine (Russian):Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with additional section of"parts subject to wear" shown as fully-dimensioned Drawings andElectrical Schematics. This edition is in GERMAN.

MS683M STANKOIMPORT CM13 and CM13/2 Milling Machine (Russian). Operator'sInstruction and Service Manual including Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MS683N STANKOIMPORT 6M13N Milling Machine (Russian): Operator's Instruction andService Manual including Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MS683P STANKOIMPORT 6T12 and 6T13 Vertical Millers Service and MaintenanceManual.

MS683R STANKOIMPORT 6T80W, 6T80R, 6T80 and 6T10 knee-type milling machines.Operator's Detailed Instruction Manual with sectional drawings, alignment dataand trouble-shooting guides.

MS683S STANKOIMPORT 6T80W, 6T80R, 6T80 and 6T10 knee-type milling machines.Spare Parts Manual.

MS684 STANKOIMPORT 6P82W and 6P83W Electromechanical Clamping Device.Instruction Manual and Electrical Schematics.

MS684A STANKOIMPORT H-160 INDEXING HEAD. Instruction Manual and Charts.

MS685 STANKOIMPORT 2A554 RADIAL DRILLING MACHINE (Russian): Electrical Manualincluding Electrical Schematics and Equipment.

MS686 STANKOIMPORT Model BPH20 Surface Grinder (Russian) by "PovazskeStrojarne Povaaska Bystrica": Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Guidewith Sectional Drawings.

MS686A STANKOIMPORT 3711 ( "3R71") Surface Grinder: Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with a separate Parts Manual as detailedSectional Drawings. Also included is a separate publication with Sectionaldrawings of those parts subject to wear or breakage. In English, French Germanand Russian.

MS686B STANKOIMPORT 3R182 and 3184 (3G182) Surface Grinder: Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with detailed Sectional Drawings. In EnglishText.

MS687 STANKOIMPORT (Russian) 1512 and 1516 Vertical Borer. Instruction Manual(in Russian) with Parts Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings.

MR687A STANKOIMPORT 2654, 2656 and 2657 Russian Horizontal Boring MachinesModels. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MR688 STANKOIMPORT 2?450 Jig Borer. Service Manual

MR688TC STANKOIMPORT TOOL and CUTTER GRINDER Operator's Manual. The Company'smost popular model was a copy of the Cincinnati No. 2 TOOL and CUTTER GRINDER -and a copy of the manual for that machine is offered in place of the yet-to-bediscovered Russian edition. Very Detailed Operator's Instruction Manualtogether with a copy of the interesting Sales and Specification and AccessoriesCatalogue.

MR688TCP STANKOIMPORT TOOL and CUTTER GRINDER Service, Adjustment andDismantling Manual, and Illustrated Parts' List Manual. The Company's mostpopular model was a copy of the Cincinnati No. 2 TOOL and CUTTER GRINDER - anda copy of the manual for that machine is offered in place of the yet-to-bediscovered Russian edition. Includes 3 Electrical Schematics and the maker'sAlignment Test Record Sheets.

MR686Z STANKOIMPORT 35732 Russian Surface Grinding Machine : Detailed SERVICEMANUAL with Large Sectional Drawings.

MS690 STANLEY MS13 Lathe: Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MS690A STANLEY MS18 Lathe, Instruction Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual.Sectional Drawings and general-assembly diagrams.

MS690B Stanley: General Instructions for the 7", 8.5", 10.5",12.5" and 14" lathes. Includes Sectional drawing of the headstocks.

MS690C Stanley: Spare Parts Manual for the 8.5-inch lathe with useful SectionalDrawings.

MS690D Stanley HS7 Lathe (7-inch centre height): Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MS690E Stanley L21 Lathe (10.5-inch centre height): Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MS692/MH116 Start-Rite Shaper (By Havir, USA) Operator's Manual.

STARTRITE - if your machine is not listed below amanual may still be available. Phone: 01298-872874
Also - see under Meba for those products re-branded with the Startrite name

MS700 STARTRITE and STARTRITE VOLANT S1, S5, S10, T5, T10 and V10 Band SAWS(labelled variously as Volant 18, Volant 24, 18S10, 24S10, 18T10, 24T10, 18V10,24V10,etc: Detailed Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts asSectional Drawings, Circuit Diagrams and detailed Blade Welding Instructions.

MS700A STARTRITE Bandit Series Bandsaws Types 12S1, 12S5 and 12S10 10-speed(late versions with a rectangular frame, not the earlier type with an angledback). Comprehensive Operator's Instruction Manual, Maintenance Manual withParts as Sectional Diagrams and Electrical Schematic.

MS700B SABRE Bandsaw. Comprehensive Operator's Instruction Manual, MaintenanceManual with Parts as Sectional Diagrams and Electrical Schematic.

MS700C STARTRITE S1 and S5 (single and 5-speed) Bandsaw: Operator'sInstruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded ComponentDiagrams with electrical schematic.

MS700D STARTRITE H175 and H200W HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL Bandsaw: Operator'sInstruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded ComponentDiagrams with Electrical Schematic.

MS700D2 STARTRITE H225 HORIZONTAL Bandsaw: Operator's Instruction, MaintenanceManual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with ElectricalSchematic.

MS700E STARTRITE 216, 216H. 316 and 316H Bandsaws: Operator's Instruction,Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams withelectrical schematic.

MS700F STARTRITE H250M Bandsaw: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual andParts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with Electrical Schematic.

MS700G STARTRITE H250A Bandsaw (late model with angular styling): Operator'sInstruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded ComponentDiagrams with Electrical Schematic.

MS700J STARTRITE H250M Bandsaw: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual andParts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with Electrical Schematic.

MS700HB STARTRITE HB225M, HB250M, HB280M and HB330M 5-speed and variable-speedmetal-cutting Horizontal Bandsaws. Detailed Operator's Instruction, MaintenanceManual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with WiringDiagrams and Electrical Installation Diagrams.

MS700H STARTRITE H280M4 Horizontal Bandsaw: Operator's Instruction, MaintenanceManual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with ElectricalSchematic.

MS700H2 STARTRITE HB280A Automatic Horizontal Bandsaw: Operator's Instruction,Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams withElectrical Schematic.

MS700H3 STARTRITE H330M (H330MV) Variable-speed Horizontal Bandsaw: DetailedOperator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful ExplodedComponent Diagrams with Electrical Schematic.

MS700HBV STARTRITE S330MV - no manual was ever issued for this model - insteadthe following will cover it: HB225M, HB250M, HB280M and HB330M 5-speed andvariable-speed metal-cutting Horizontal Bandsaws. Operator's Instruction,Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams withWiring Diagrams and Electrical Installation Diagrams.

MS700KKa STARTRITE K210 and K260 (Multico) Operator's Instruction, MaintenanceManual with Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MS700KKc STARTRITE K310* (Multico) Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual.with Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MS700K STARTRITE RW, RWF, RWS and RWH bandsaws - these were made in severalsizes and versions but this manual covers them all: Fixed table, sliding tablewith hand or hydraulic feed, 10-speed gearbox and variable-speed: Operator'sInstruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded ComponentDiagrams and Electrical Schematic.

MS700TA STARTRITE TA145 Tilt Arbor Saw Bench. Operator's Instruction, MaintenanceManual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings. *

MS700TA2 STARTRITE TA165 Tilt Arbor Saw Bench. Operator's Instruction,Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings. *

MS700TAA STARTRITE TA175 and 175DS Tilt Arbor Saw Bench. Operator'sInstruction, Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings. *

MS700TA3 STARTRITE TA255 Tilt Arbor Saw Bench. Operator's Instruction,Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings. *

MS700TAb STARTRITE TA275 Tilt Arbor Saw Bench. Operator's Instruction,Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings. *

MS700TAc STARTRITE TA300 Tilt Arbor Saw Bench. Operator's Instruction,Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings. *

MS700TA4 STARTRITE STA300 Tilt Arbor Saw Bench. Operator's Instruction,Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings. *

MS700TAd STARTRITE TA300PS Tilt Arbor Saw Bench.Operator's Instruction,Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings. *

MS700TAe STARTRITE TA1250 Tilt Arbor Saw Bench.Operator's Instruction,Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings. *

MS700M STARTRITE 301 Bandsaw: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual andParts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams and Electrical Schematic.

MS700MS STARTRITE 301S Bandsaw: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual andParts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams and Electrical Schematic.

MS700ME STARTRITE 301E Bandsaw: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual andParts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams and Electrical Schematic.

MS700MSB STARTRITE 301SB and 351SB Bandsaws: Operator's Instruction,Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams andElectrical Schematic.

MS700N STARTRITE 351 Bandsaw (single speed): Operator's Instruction,Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams andElectrical Schematic.

MS700NS STARTRITE 351S Bandsaw (single speed): Operator's Instruction,Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams andElectrical Schematic.

MS700NE STARTRITE 351E Bandsaw (single speed): Operator's Instruction,Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams andElectrical Schematic.

MS700SE STARTRITE 351SE Bandsaw (single speed): Operator's Instruction,Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams andElectrical Schematic.

MS700SB STARTRITE 351SB Bandsaw (single speed): Operator's Instruction,Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams andElectrical Schematic. MS700P STARTRITE 352 Bandsaw (dual speed): Operator'sInstruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded ComponentDiagrams.

MS700XP STARTRITE 325SB, 401E, 401S, 440R, 581S and 681S Bandsaws. Operator'sInstruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded ComponentDiagrams.

MS700Q STARTRITE UMB220 and VMB220 Metora Bandsaw: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams withElectrical Schematic.

MS700R/MM260A STARTRITE-METORA VMB-250 Bandsaw. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes a HydraulicSchematic.

MS700S-MM260B STARTRITE-METORA HMB 400 +STA Bandsaw. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and ElectricalSchematic.

MS700T STARTRITE V500 Bandsaw: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual andParts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams. Includes Hydraulic ControlDiagrams and Electrical Schematic.

MS700UA STARTRITE 502 Bandsaw: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual andParts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams.

MS700U STARTRITE V502 Bandsaw (dual speed): Operator's Instruction, MaintenanceManual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with ElectricalSchematic.

MS700V STARTRITE V900 Bandsaw: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual andParts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with Electrical Schematic.*

MS700V STARTRITE V and RWF Bandsaws: Detailed Operating, Maintenance Manual andExploded-component Parts Manual and Electrical Schematic.

MS700W STARTRITE T, V, R, RF, RWF and RWS series Bandsaw: Detailed Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual and Exploded Component Parts Manual withelectrical schematic.

MS700X STARTRITE S, T and RF Series (10-speed) Bandsaws: Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with useful Exploded-components Parts Manual andelectrical schematic.

MS702 STARTRITE LM260 PLANER and THICKNESSER: Operator's Instruction,Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams.

MS702B STARTRITE SD310 PLANER and THICKNESSER: Operator's Instruction,Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams.

MS702A STARTRITE X-SERIES Universal Woodworker (X-SD-B310, XTZ-30, SD-310,X-260, X310, XTZ-30, etc) Operator's Instruction, Maintenance Manual and PartsManual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with Electrical Schematics.

MS703 STARTRITE CF275 CIRCULAR SAWING MACHINE: Operator's Instruction, MaintenanceManual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Diagrams with electricalschematic.

MS703A STARTRITE CF315M and CF350MT CIRCULAR SAWING MACHINES: Operator'sInstruction, Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as useful Exploded ComponentDiagrams with Electrical Schematic.

MS703B STARTRITE 175 CIRCULAR SAWING MACHINES: Operator's Instruction,Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as sectional drawings.


MS704/MM180A STARTRITE MEBA and "Mebamat" 250, 250A (Automatic type)and 320 Horizontal Band Saws. Operating and Maintenance Manual with somesectional drawings. This is a Data Pack consisting of all publications foundfor the machines from early to late.

MS705 STARTRITE EFI "FG" Drilling Machine. Operating and MaintenanceManual with electrical Diagram and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Englishand German Text.

MS705A STARTRITE FH2 and FH2A Geared-head drilling machines. Operating and MaintenanceManual with electrical Diagram and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MS706 STARTRITE CYCLAIR 75 Extractor Unit. Assembly Instructions and Parts Listas Exploded-component Drawings.

MS706A STARTRITE MDE/HC Dust Extraction Unit. Assembly Instructions and PartsList as Exploded-component Drawings.

MS706B STARTRITE MDE2 and MDE3 Dust Extraction Units. Assembly Instructions andParts List as Exploded-component Drawings.

MS707 STARTRITE Mercury 4-speed and 5-speed Drilling Machines. OperatingInstructions with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MS707A STARTRITE Mercury 10-speed Drilling Machine. Operating Instructions withParts as Exploded Component Drawings.

STARTRITE-METORA - see the above STARTRITE section and also the METORA Section

MS740 STAT SYSTEMS (Herbert). Chart showing setting instructions for Herbertand Ward capstan lathes in sizes 2, 3 and 4 sizes.

STATOSEC = see under the manufacturer = MESSER GRIESHEIM

MS760 STAVELEY Large Vertical Milling Machine with Plessey PTL100 Controller.Machine Controls and Service Manual.

MS760B/MA685 STAVELEY (ASQUITH) Twist Drill Grinding Machine. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings and anElectrical Schematic.

MS760C Staveley Hydraulic Pedestal Presses 8 tp 100 tons capacity. Installation & Operating Instructions.

MS762 STE-CO Plate bending machine Type HIP./5CAR Operator's and MaintenanceInstructions.

MS764 STEDALL No. 3 Horizontal Milling Machine. Simple Handbook with MaintenanceNotes.

MS768 STEINHAUSER R8 Automatic Lathe (Wire Fed). Operating Instructions.

MS769 STEINEMANN TOP-110 Sander. Operator's Instruction Manual with largeSectional and General Arrangement Drawings and Electrical Schematics. Alsoapplicable to the TOP-190.

MS770W STEINLE Thread Generating Machine No. 1. Detailed Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MS770X STEINEL SV4d Vertical Miller. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Sectional Drawings.

MS770Y STEINEL Steinel Multi-spindle Drilling, Countersinking, Reaming &Tapping Machines all types including BS-140, GS, ST-ST-P, ET, ET-P, ET-H, EK-F,EH, GBW, GBWT. Detailed Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MS775 STEPTOE Shapers: Operator's Instruction Manual including Repair PartsManual with Sectional Drawings. Not Model-specific but written to cover allversions.

MS785 STEVENS and BULLIVANT Rotary Swaging Machines. Not a manual but a veryuseful 52-page Catalogue with details of the full product range, Models 26, 24,20, 18, 16, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 and 00 including some useful technical data, adescription of the rotary swaging process, examples of swaged work, sectionaldrawing of the head assembly and Setting up and Adjustments Data.

MM588 Stima AMC Lathes Models HDP190 and HDP240. Detailed and well-illustratedOperation, Maintenance and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. English, French,German and Spanish Text.

MS790 STIRK PLANING MACHINE Model DX combined planer and milling machine fittedwith a 15 h.p. head (covers, in general terms, other Stirk models as well).Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MS790A STIRK Lathe Model 6. Instruction Manual.

S765 STIRK PLANING MACHINES. Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue set.
Edition 1: Details of later models with combined planing and milling facilitiesin planing widths from 42" to 120" 22 pages.
Edition 2: Covers all earlier models ("Veloplanes" of the Standard Patternand Heavy Pattern, with admitted widths of 30" to 84" and the"Hiloplanes" Class 1, Class2 and Class 3. Gives details anddimensioned drawings of capacity, stroke, speeds, etc. 32 pages.
Edition 3: Covering the Open-sided Hiloplanes (General Duty) Models. Detailedtechnical descriptions of the machines. 14 pages.
Edition 4: Covering the Double-housing Hiloplanes and (very heavy duty)Hiloplows. Detailed technical descriptions of the machines. 16 pages. TheComplete set

MS795 STOBER Variable-speed drive Units Types R25 to R86. OperatingInstructions and Parts as useful Cut-away Drawings.

MS800 STOP-CUT (Electronic Autosizing Metrology Ltd) Electronic Sizing System.Operator's Hand book with Electrical Schematic.

MS818/MO500 Storebro Bruks "ORN" Model GK Lathe Operator'sInstruction Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. English or Germantext.

MS818A STOREBRO 9-inch Lathe - South Bend Copy. The best Manual for this latheis the one produced in England for the South Bend clone by Boxford. Unlike theSouth Bend book "How to Run a Lathe" this 137-page editionconcentrates in detail on the 9-inch lathe, not the whole range, and thuscontains much more information about how to operate it as well as manyscrewcutting charts, lists of changewheels set-ups as machines left thefactory, metric conversions and other valuable data. A few mechanical detailsare different but the operating procedures are identical. Includes a Parts Listas Exploded Component Drawings.

MS820Y STRASMANN E-23, E-24 and E-25 Surface Grinder. Operator's Instructions.Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue. English andGerman Text.

MS822 STREICHER R Series Automatic tapping machines. Operating Manual withElectrical Schematic.

MS824 STRIGON MP200.M (MP200M) Pantograph Milling Machine. Detailed Operator's InstructionManual with Maintenance Manual (with many parts shown as useful sectionaldrawings), Electrical Schematics. Includes details and Operator's Instructionof accessories including the Rotary Table, Tilting Rotary Table, StartingTemplate Holder, Circular Template Holder, Upper Template Holder, Circular ArcGuide, Locking Bracket, Depth Limiter, Electric Engraving Device.

MS824A STRIGON Shapers GH400, GH560 and GH710. A detailed Operator's Manualwith Parts as Sectional Drawings, Electrical Schematics, Lubrication andAdjustment Instructions and Basic Maintenance. Not a very good reproduction butreadable and sent as a PDF.

MB920E Strippit Super 30/30 Hole Punching & Notching machine. Operation& Maintenance Manual with an electrical schematic and a copy of theFabricator Tooling Catalogue.

STROHM Machine Tools - see under TRAUB STROHM below

MS820/MT204E Strojimport Twist Drill Grinders BNV 75 and Twist Drill GrinderBNV 80. Operation Manual and Parts Manual as detailed Sectional Drawings.

MS825 STUBBE SKM-141 Plastic Injection Moulding machine. Detailed InstructionManual. English and German Text.

MS825 STUBBE SKM-250 Plastic Injection Moulding machine. Spare Parts Manual asExploded Component and Sectional Drawings. English and German Text.

MS826 STUDER FH-450 Surface Grinder. Operating and Maintenance Manual withSectional Drawings and Electrical Diagrams.

M826C STUDER OB Universal Grinder: Operating and Maintenance Manual withSectional Drawings and 3 electrical drawings.

MS826E STUDER PSM-20 Profile Grinding Machine: detailed Operating andMaintenance Manual with Sectional Drawings and Electrical Diagrams.

MS826G STUDER PSM-150 Profile Grinding Machine. Detailed Operating andMaintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Component Sectional Drawings andElectrical Diagrams. Also included is a detailed and well-illustrated 28-pageSales & Technical Specification Catalogue.

MS826H STUDER PSM-250 Profile Grinding Machine. Detailed Operating andMaintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Component Sectional Drawings andElectrical Diagrams. FRENCH TEXT.

MS826J STUDER RHU-450 Semi-Universal Cylindrical Grinder: Two editions of theOperating and Maintenance Manual with a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings andElectrical Schematics. 315 detailed pages

MS826JE STUDER RHU-500 Grinder. Large Electrical Schematic - an original Copy:

MS826K STUDER RHU-650 Cylindrical Grinders: Massisve Operating and Maintenance Manualwith Sectional Drawings and Electrical Diagrams.

MS826L STUDER RM-250-L Grinding Machine. Detailed Operating and MaintenanceManual with Sectional Drawings and Electrical Diagrams.
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MS826MSTUDER S30, S40, S45Cylindrical Grinder. Detailed Operating and MaintenanceManual with electrical schematics. English, French and German text.
<![if !supportLineBreakNewLine]>

MS826NSTUDER SFM-500 Template Milling Machine. Detailed Operating and MaintenanceManual with Sectional Drawings and Electrical Diagrams.

MS826P STUDER 01 Plain High Precision Grinding machine. Operation Manual withbasic Maintenance & Lubrication.
<![if !supportLineBreakNewLine]>

MS826ZSTUDER FILTROX WS Coolant Filter. Operation and Maintenance Manual.

S780E STUDER RLS-200 and RLS-400/1000 Snap Gauge Grinding & LappingMachines. Not a manual but two Detailed Sales & Specification Catalogueswith sufficient detail to act as an instruction manual. 24 pages.

MS827 Stuga STG-2 General Purpose Turning Machine with Program Contol System. Operation Manual.

MS828 STUHLMANN NZ100 Keyseating Machine. Operating Manual with ElectricalDiagrams and the maker's useful Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MS828A STUHLMANN NZ250 Keyseating Machine. Operating Manual with ElectricalDiagram and the maker's useful Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MS828B STUHLMANN NZ350 Keyseating Machine. Operating Manual with ElectricalDiagrams.

MS830 SUGA Model STM.3 Electrical Diagrams (pc)

MS832 SUGINO Synchro Tapper STC-P316 (electrically operated automatic tappingunit) detailed Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MS833 SUMMIT/Dane QUICKDRAW ATC Automatic Tool Changer. Operator's InstructionManual with Electrical Schematics.

SUNDERLAND Gear Planers.

MS835 SUNDERLAND GEAR PLANERS: All models worked in the same way and the Companypublished one excellent general guide together with a limited number ofmodel-specific manuals for other types. This is a Comprehensive 210-page Operator's InstructionManual. Detailed information on: principles of operation for cutting spur,spiral and double helical gears; reference tables and formulae (includes a noteabout Meld's ratios and demonstrates how to calculate them); operatingfunctions of machines with care and adjustment instructions; testing gears,etc. Includes two Sales & Technical Specification Cataloges, one modern,the other older.

MS835A Sunderland Model 27S GEAR PLANER for spur gears. Operator's InstructionManual.

MS835B SUNDERLAND G150 Gear Generator. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

MS835C SUNDERLAND No.30 and No.35 Gear Planers. Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual and a Parts Manual as clear exploded-component drawings. Includes wiring diagrams.

S790 SUNDERLAND GEAR PLANERS: Very detailed Sales & Technical SpecificationCatalogue with an explanation of the Sunderland gear-generation system. 55pages.

MS836 SUNNEN HONING CV-616 Vertical Honing Machine. Operating and MaintenanceInstructions together with Repair Parts Manual.

MS836A SUNNEN HONING MBB-1650, MBB-1650MS and MBB-1650JIC Honing machines.Operating and Maintenance Instructions and Electrical Schematics.

MS836B SUNNEN HONING MBC-1801 & MBC-1802 Honing machines. Operating andMaintenance Instructions with numerous useful exploded-component drawings.

MS836C SUNNEN HONING MBB-1690 Honing Machines. Operating andMaintenance Instructions with numerous useful exploded-component and other drawings.

MS837 SUNSTRAND 4A, 6A, 8A, 12A and 16A Automatic lathes. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with useful Sectional and cut-away Drawings.

MS837A SUNSTRAND RIGIDMIL No. 00. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Parts as Detailed Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics. Alsoincludes sheets for the Knees, Tables and Cross-slide of "AH" feedmachines and Table of Cycles for Z1B Square Cycle Milling machine.

MS837B SUNSTRAND RIGIDMIL No. 1. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual,Parts as Detailed Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics with Motor andswitchgear Instructions (a complete data pack as supplied with as new machine).

MS837C SUNSTRAND Model 4A Automatic lathe. Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings.

MS838 SUPERMAX (Yeong Chin) YCM VS Turret Miller Operator's Instruction,Maintenance and Illustrated Parts Manual

MS838A SUPERMAX (Yeong Chin) YCM-1 1/2 VS Turret Miller Operator's Instruction,Maintenance and Illustrated Parts Manual

MS838B SUPERMAX (Yeong Chin) YCM-V65A Vertical Machining Centre. Parts Manual

MS840 SUPERTECH STP2040 Grinder. Operation & Maintenance Manual

MS844 "SV18R" Lathe (made by Zbrojovka). Operating and MaintenanceManual. Includes a detailed 12-page sales & Specification Catalogue. .

MS844A "SV18R" Lathe (made by Zbrojovka). Parts Manual as detailedSectional Drawings. Contains an Electrical Schematic. .

MS845 SWIFT 'G' Lathe. Operating Manual and Sectional Assembly Drawings (rc).

MS845AX SWIFT L.3 16" to 20" Lathe. Operator's Instruction Manual andLubrication Guide.

MS845A SWIFT L.5 Lathe. Operator's Instruction Manual and Lubrication Guide.

MS845B SWIFT V3 Series lathes (18" to 22" swing). Operator's andMaintenance Manual; includes reproductions of the Speeds, Feeds andScrewcutting Charts. Includes a Taylor Clutch Manual.

MS845C SWIFT V5 with (28" to 36" diameter swing) Lathe. Operator'sand Maintenance Manual; includes reproductions of the Speeds, Feeds andScrewcutting Charts. Includes a Taylor Clutch Manual.

MS845-V7 SWIFT V7 Lathe Operating Instructions with sectional drawings of the major components.

MS845D SWIFT 10V6 Lathe. Blueprints of: Layout Plan, bedways, compound sliderests, front and rear toolposts, saddle assembly, saddle arrangement, runningcentre, limit switches, travelling steady.

MS845CX SWIFT 11SA Lathe. Operating Instructions and the maker's Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue. .

MS845E SWIFT Craven 16B lathe Series 60.Operator's Manual

MS845E SWIFT 60-inch Diameter Swing right-angle copy lathe with twin saddlesand Heid copying equipment using electro-magnetic clutches in the apron..Operating Instructions.

MS848/MB142 Swiss Automatic Lathes: A comprehensive 285-page User's InstructionManual (for Bechler lathes but the general operating instructions andCam-design data can be applied to any type of Swiss Automatic) designed toteach the operator every detail of the construction and operation of theseremarkable machines. Includes a very interesting Bechler Company history,background notes and data on materials, processes, cam design, types of belt touse and numerous hints and tips for efficient and accurate production.

MS848B Swiss Automatic Lathes: A comprehensive 3-part Guide by"Machinery".

MS852/S900 SYKES: Informative and useful Data Sheets with Specifications andcapabilities of a range of Sykes Gear Hobbing and Shaping Machines, thesharpening of cutters, use of hobs, cutters and much general advice about gearproduction: I.M.L.F6, H.6 Unimat Hobbing machine, I.M.L. Sykomat S6 GearShaper, I.M.L. Multimat S6 Gear Shaper, 1B Horizontal Gear Generator, 1B M/C,1B Semi-Automatic, 5E Horizontal Multi-Cutter, V6 Fine Pitch Gear generator,V10c, V10C, Shaving Tools, Accurate Un-ground Hobs, Sharpening Gear ShaperCutters, Re-sharpening Shaving Tools, Re-sharpening Rotary Shaving Cutters, HobSharpening, Generating-Milling Hobs, Gear Cutting Tool Surface Treatments, GearCutting Tools Materials, Sharpening Sykes Gear Shaper Cutters, The Use ofSpecial Hobs, Choice of Cutter Size for Shaping Internal gears, Inch/mm,MOD/D.P. Equivalents.

MS852A SYKES 1A Horizontal Gear generator: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts as useful Sectional Drawings. Two manuals areincluded: one early, the other late together with a Sales & TechnicalSpecification Sheet.

MS852B SYKES "Hobs, Cutters & Shaving Tools" A guide to the use,care and sharpening of hobs and cutters used for gear production. Shows all thedifferent kinds available and explains the process of gear generation andshaving, etc..

MS852-3C SYKES 3C Horizontal Gear generator: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales & TechnicalSpecification Catalogue. (NE).

MS852-5E SYKES 5E Horizontal Gear generator: Operator's Instruction Manual(NE).

MS852-H150/160 SYKES H150 & H160 Gear Hobbing Machines. Operator'sInstruction Manual. Includes the Installation, Lubrication, Maintenance andSpare Parts Manual for the Platt Series 70 Variable-speed drive unit.

MS852-HV14 SYKES HV14 Universal Gear Hobbing Machine: Detailed Operator'sInstruction Manual (includes both small and larger editions).

MS852-HV14A SYKES HV14 Universal Gear Hobbing Machine: Operator'sInstruction Manual

MS852- HV234 SYKES HV24 Universal Gear Hobbing Machine: Detailed Operator'sInstruction Manual (NE) includes both small and larger editions.

MS862-G250 SYKES Genertron 250 Vertical Gear Shaper. Operating and MaintenanceInstructions.

MS852-S6 SYKES S6 Vertical Gear Generator: Operator's Instruction Manual withParts Manual as Sectional Drawings (NE).

MS852-SPH8 SYKES SPH8 High Production Hobbing Machine: Operator's InstructionManual (NE).

MS852-V4 SYKES V4 Vertical Gear Generator: Operator's Instruction Manual.

MS852-VS4A SYKES VS4A Fine Pitch Gear Shaving Machine: Operator's InstructionManual.

MS852-V6 SYKES V6 Vertical Gear Generator: Operator's Instruction Manual withParts Manual as Sectional Drawings (NE).

MS852-VS8 SYKES VS8, VS8S, VS12, VS12A, VS18, VS18A, VS20 and VS20A VerticalGear Shaving Machines: Operator's Instruction Manual.

MS852K-VS8E SYKES VS8A two large electrical schematics.

MS852-V10 SYKES V10 Vertical Gear Generator: Operator's Instruction Manual.

MS852a-V10 SYKES V10 "Precision Rack Cutting Attachment" Mounting& Operating Instructions.

MS852-V10ASYKES V10A Vertical Gear Generator: Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual withElectrical Diagram.

MS852-V10B SYKES V10B Vertical Gear Generator (including theSykomaticauto-loading version: Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual. Includesmanuals for the KOPP Variator unit, the Lockheed Hydroloc valves and a detailedTechnical Sales and Specification catalogue giving a useful oversight of themachine's capabilities (NE).

MS852-V10b/1 SYKES V10B/1 Vertical Gear Generator (including theSykomaticauto-loading version: Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual. Includesmanuals for the KOPP Variator unit, the Lockheed Hydroloc valves and a detailedTechnical Sales and Specification catalogue giving a useful oversight of themachine's capabilities.

MS852-VR72B SYKES VR72B Vertical Rack Generator. Operator's Instruction Manual- includes a manual for the KOPP variable-speed drive unit (NE)

MS862-V400 SYKES V400 Vertical Gear Generator: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual (NE) (also available with German Text).

MS862Z SYKES Helical Cutter Sharpening Attachments Types DCA8 & NCA.Operator's Instructions.

MS920 SYNDER Automatic Con-rod Balancing Machine. Instruction Book andElectrical Diagrams.

MS930 SYSTEM 3R Rotating Spindles 3R-1.321-HS. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MS940 SZERSZAMGEPIPARI MUVEK - See under Technoimpex

MS950(X) SZIM (Szerszamgepipari Muvek) MC 403-02 3-Spindle CNC MachiningCentre. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MS950A SZIM Universal Grinder KU 250-03/750. Comprehensive Operation & Maintenance Manual with large Electrical and Hydraulic Schematics.

"AIS" Generic Model Taiwanese bench milling machine as branded byWarco, Whitecoat, Ajax, Naerok, etc. Service Manual (very basic, but withuseful parts Drawings).
The machines were all very similar and sometimes carried the code letters"AIS" on the maker's late:

MA470A TAIWANESE belt-drive headstock lathes: A 2-Edition Manual for Taiwaneselathes - the most popular and common medium-sized model offered during the last35 years being sold with a bewildering variety of names including: Brazier’sTY110, Carolina, Grizzly DF-1224G, Enco, Glen, Honden Visa, Husky PC-36, JET10-24, Kin Shin, KS-3.5, Lantaine, Lux-Cut, Manhattan, Mascot SS-23, McMillan,MS, MSC, Peerless, Stebbins, Warco, Wey YII Corp, TIDA TD-4A, 45A, 5A, etc. -"1122", "1124", "1224", "1236","1340", "1327" & 2021, etc.. Some of the names used wereof actual manufacturers - or importers and agents - while others were entirelymade-up - lathes sometimes arriving at the distributors with an envelopecontaining a selection of “fictional” nameplates. However, all versions andsizes appear to have been of mechanically identical design and constructionwith common Model designations being: “1122”, “1124”, “1224”, “1236”, “1340”,“1327”, TD-4A, TD-45A, TD-5A, TD-4AA, TD-45AA and, TD-5AA. Some minordifferences have been found on the headstock including one model with alever-operated backgear.The publication consists of two Operation, Maintenanceand Parts Manuals: one from a version often branded Warco and another for thatlisted as the Lantaine with Parts as clear, exploded-component drawings andElectrical Schematics including those from a late version of this lathe with adownward-pointing lever on the face of the headstock a vertical line ofpush-button switches on the left of the headstock's front face.

Anexample of the type can be seen here:

MA470B TAIWANESE Geared-head Generic Lathe with a single rotary spindle-speedselector on the face of the headstock, sold from the 1980s until the mid 2000sas the models 1330, 1340, 1430 and 1440 (a version remains in productiontoday). Operation, Maintenance and a Parts Manual as clear exploded-componentdrawings. Includes an Electrical Schematic.

Anexample of the type can be seen here:

MA470C TAIWANESE Geared-head Generic Lathe (Type 2) with three levers and adial on the face of the headstock to change spindle speeds, sold from the 1970suntil the early 2000s branded with a variety of names(a version remains inproduction today). Operation, Maintenance and a Parts Manual as clearexploded-component drawings. Includes Electrical Schematics and connectiondiagrams for single and three-phase electrics.

Anexample of the type can be seen here:

MA470D TAIWANESE Generic Horizontal metal-cutting bandsaw. Branded by many importers as the RF, Warco, Whitecoat, Ajax, Naerok, etc.Operation and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.


MT10 TAKANK TK-105 and TK-107. Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings. Poor but readable copy. pdf.

MT20 TAKISAWA TSL-D lathes: 550D, 800D and 1000D. Instruction and Maintenance Manual with a Parts Manualas Exploded Component Drawings.

MT20A TAKISAWA SR-14 "Majestic" Lathe. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts as clear Sectional Drawings and an electricalschematic.

MT35 Talleres Arocena GER Model CE-800 Cylindrical Grinding Machine. Operationand Maintenance Instructions with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MT40 TALLY Tape Reader Model 625: Instruction Manual

MT45 Taylor & Challen Open-Fronted Presses. Instruction & MaintenanceManual.

TAREX - See also 'MANURHIN' for Manurhin-Tarex machines

MT50 TAREX TAR-H Single Spindle Automatic Turret Lathe (Screw Machine).Technical and Operating Instructions - consisting of text and multiple drawingsshowing the machine's construction.

MT50A TAREX TAR-H Single Spindle Automatic Turret Lathe (Screw Machine). Partsas Exploded Component and Sectioned Pictures.

MT50B TAREX TAR-L Single Spindle Automatic Turret Lathe (Screw Machine).Detailed Operating Manual.

MT50C TAREX TAR-L Single Spindle Automatic Turret Lathe (Screw Machine). PartsManual as Photographic Lists.

MT50D TAREX TAR-L Single Spindle Automatic Turret Lathe (Screw Machine).Technical Instruction: Installation, Maintenance, Adjustment, Lubrication, etc.

MT50E TAREX TAR-L Single Spindle Automatic Turret Lathe (Screw Machine). ToolHolders and Tooling Catalogue. Detailed, Illustrated listing with essentialdimensions of toolholders, toolposts, collets, bushes and feeding fingers.

MT50F TAREX TAR-L Single Spindle Automatic Turret Lathe (Screw Machine).Planning and Tooling Manual For Small Batch Production.

MT50G TAREX TAR-M Programme-controlled Automatic Lathe. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics.

MT50GP TAREX TAR-M Programme-controlled Automatic Lathe. Parts Manual asAnnotated Photographs.

MT50H TAREX TAR-M Programme-controlled Automatic Lathe. Tooling catalogue.

MT50J TAREX TAR-N Programme-controlled Automatic Lathe. Operating andMaintenance Instructions.

MT50K TAREX TAR-42, TAR-52 and TAR-60 Single Spindle Automatic Turret Lathe(Screw Machine). Very detailed Operating Manual including Parts Manual ascut-away drawings showing parts relationships and organisation ofsub-assemblies.

MT50L TAREX TAR-64 Single Spindle Automatic Screw Machine. Detailed InstructionManual.

MT50M TAREX TF-2 Automatic Finishing and Second Operation Lathe. DetailedInstruction Manual with many useful sectional drawings.

MT50N TAREX Thread Chasing Attachment PF23. Operating Instructions.

MT50Z TAREX Bar-Feed Unit AB-221-01 Service Instructions.

MT55 TARGET Milling Attachment. Operator's Instructions.

MT55A TARGET Dial-indicator Type cutting-tool setter.. Operator's Instructions.

MZ20A TARNOW & ZAKLADY TUJ-50M Lathe. Operation and Maintenance Manual withParts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes wiring diagrams and reproductionsof the screwcutting charts.

MZ20B TARNOW & ZAKLADY RVM40 Capstan lathe: machine specification sheet, alubrication chart and a printed (not illustrated) list of spare parts).

MZ20C TARNOW TUB-32 Lathe. Comprehensive Operator's Instruction &Maintenance Manual with a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. IncludesElectrical Schematics and reproductions of the Screwcutting and Feeds Charts.

MT58 Tarragona-Export S.A. CIUTAR Light Lathe. Instruction Book with ElectricDiagrams and Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MT65 TAURUS Transfer Auto Tapper. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings. Includes the "SpindlePositions" booklet.

MT68 TAVANNES Gyromatic SSA60 8-Spindle Automatic Lathe. Detailed Operation Manual,Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings andcam production.

MT70 Taylor Spinning Lathes: there appear never to have been a manual for theselathes only a Sales, Specification and Accessories Catalogues that included asimple set-up and levelling guide, instructions for adjusting the head bearingsand details of accessories including eccentric chucks. Covers models from the1940s to 1970s. 24 pages.

MT70A TAYLOR CAPSTAN LATHES Model 1494, 1515 & 1525. Instruction Manuals(two editions) with Electrical Schematic

MT70B TAYLOR No. 1 Cutting-Off Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual (alsoapplies to the larger models).

MT70C TAYLOR No. 1 and No. 2 Cutting-Off Machines. Spare Parts catalogue.

MT70D TAYLOR No. 3 Cutting-Off Machine, flat-belt-drive. Spare Parts catalogue.

MT80 TAYLOR CLUTCHES. Maintenance Instructions with Spares Parts listings.

TAYLOR HOBSON - some items below may have been badged as "Rank PrecisionIndustries and Newing Hall Ltd."

MT100 TAYLOR HOBSON Pantograph Engravers Models C, CB, CX and CXL. A completedata pack consisting of: the Operator's Instruction Manual (includingInstructions for all the Accessories and the Javelin Electric EtchingAttachment) The first "catalogue-cum-instruction book, a Parts Manual asSectional Drawings and a set of the maker's detailed Sales, Accessories andTechnical specification catalogues (an additional 46 pages).

MT100A TAYLOR HOBSON Model K Pantograph Engraver and Light Profiling MachineOperator's Instruction and Maintenance and a Parts Manual with Exploded andSectional Drawings. Also includes a copy of the maker's early and late Sales& Specification Catalogues.

MT100B TAYLOR HOBSON Model D (stand-mounted) - this publication also covers thealmost identical bench-mounted Type A. Pantograph Engraver Operator'sInstruction Manual. Includes a two Sales Catalogues (one for the A and theother for the D) and a 32-page Taylor Hobson Accessories Catalogue (includingcutter grinders) that not only illustrate the various extras but give usefuldetails of their functions.

MT100C TAYLOR HOBSON )Newing-Hall) Model D Pantograph Engraver (also covers thehead section of the A). Parts Manual as Sectional and Exploded-componentDiagrams.

MT100D TAYLOR HOBSON "Model JH" Engraving Machine. Operator's Manual.Includes a 32-page Taylor Hobson Accessories Catalogue (including cuttergrinders) that not only illustrate the various items but give useful details oftheir functions.

MT100E TAYLOR HOBSON "Model JR" 1 to 1 Copying, Profiling, Routingand Milling Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual. Includes a 32-page TaylorHobson Accessories Catalogue (including cutter grinders) that not onlyillustrate the various items but give useful details of their function.

MT100GB TAYLOR HOBSON "Handbook of the Talyrond" - Early and verydetailed account of how the Talyrond works and how to use it. Includes detailedinstructions on the manipulation of the machine and its controls,interpretation of results, the use of filters, a summary of periodic checks andinstructions for more thorough periodic inspection and adjustment, etc.

MT100G TAYLOR HOBSON TALYROND First Edition Operator's Manual - appears to bethe maker's first-ever volume with annotations by hand on real photographs.

MT100G3 TAYLOR HOBSON TALYROND 3 SYSTEM - Detailed Operator's Manual.

MT100G4 TAYLOR HOBSON TALYROND Model 50 - Detailed Operator's Manual. MT100F TAYLOR HOBSON Model 3-DS Pantograph Milling and Diesinking Machine.Operating Manual. Includes a 32-page Taylor Hobson Accessories Catalogue(including cutter grinders) that not only illustrate the various items but giveuseful details of their functions.

MT100H Taylor Hobson (Rank Taylor Hobson) Surtronic 3. Operating Instructions.Includes a detailed 10-page Technical Specification catalogue.

Taylor Hobson (Rank Taylor Hobson) Surtronic 3. Operating Instructions. Includes a detailed10-page Technical Specification catalogue.


MT9K TAYLOR HOBSON Model G Cutter grinder. Operator's Hand book with electricalschematic.

MT9L Taylor Hobson Javelin Etching Unit. Operating Instructions.

MT9M Taylor Hobson PANTOCUT Engraver. Operator's Manual.

MT20 Techniha TSCH-32-ME Lathe. Operation and Maintenance Manual German Text. Techniha TSCH-32-ME Drehmaschine. Betriebs- und Wartungsanleitung Deutscher Text.

TECHNOIMPEX E2N-MH Lathe (also branded KART ROYAL). Operator's InstructionManual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes reproductions of thescrewcutting and spindle-speed charts and electrical diagrams.

MT110 Tekny TWL 800/1000 Wood-turning Lathe (sometimes badged Multico) with 2-bar bed. Two Instruction Manuals (one Multico the other Tekny) with a Parts manual as Exploded Component Drawings. Includes copies of the Maker's Sales and Specification Sheets.

MT110A TEKNY 37-inch single-bar bed wood-turning Lathe (sometimes badgedMultico) Instruction Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MT112 TESTON DG100 Drill Grinding Machine. Instruction Manual

MT115 TFY (T.F.Y.) 1050 and 1054 Turret Millers. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings

MT115/MK470 TFY-515 (KING TFY) Vertical Miller. Instruction Manual with Partsas Exploded Component Drawings.

THAKOOR SM-23D-B, SM-23D-P and SM-23D-L Precision Drilling Machines.Instruction Manual with Electrical schematics.

MT120 THEILENHAUS "Microfinish" Machine Type KW3. Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MT120A THEILENHAUS "Microfinish" Machine Type PMS50 A9A. DetailedOperator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual. Includes large fold-outdiagrams.

MT120B THEILENHAUS MICROMATIC "HYDROHONING" HONING MACHINE Model 150:Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings.

MT120C THEILENHAUS COOLANT CLARIFIERS Models MSE Series 20 and MSE Series 40..Installation, Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with ElectricalDiagrams.

MT 122 THERMAL ARC PAK 3XR. Instruction Manual with Electrical Diagrams.

MT124 THERMAL DYNAMICS PAK-3 Cutting System. Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Electrical Schematic.

MR752 THIEL RUHLA (UMF RUHLA) DUPLEX 58 Universal Precision Milling Machine.Operation & Maintenance Manual with detailed and useful sectional drawingsand Electrical Diagrams (German text only). Includes copies of the only twoknown English-language Sales and Technical Specification Catalogues - anadditional 18 pages.

MR752A THIEL RUHLA (UMF RUHLA) DUPLEX 59 Universal Precision Milling Machine.Operation & Maintenance Manual with Electrical Diagrams and many detailedand useful sectional drawings. GERMAN TEXT only.

MT115B THIEL 115 Produro Precision Filing and Sawing Machine Data Packincluding the Operating Manual (also useful with the Model Produro 111).Includes a copy of the comprehensive makers Sales, Technical Specification andAccessories Catalogue together with a second, earlier catalogue that, althoughconcerned with early Thiel filing machines, contains a lot of useful backgroundinformation.

MT115C THIEL 117 SEGURA Precision Band Sawing and Filing Machine OperatingManual. Includes a copy of the comprehensive makers Sales & TechnicalSpecification Catalogue. 31 pages.

MT115D THIEL Conturex 132 PUNCH SHAPER (punch and Electrode Shaping machine):Detailed Instruction Manual and Basic Spare Parts Lists with text in English,German and French. Includes a copy of the maker's comprehensive Sales andSpecification Catalogue. This manual is for the twin-foot pedal model - thoughthe operating procedures are identical to the earlier single-pedal version.

T119G THIEL 32 Punch and Form Shaping Machine. Detailed Sales & TechnicalSpecification Catalogue. Not a manual but very useful in showing theconstruction and operation of the machine, the accessories available and howthey are employed and how to make a Blanking Punch, etc. 16 pages.

MT115E THIEL Duplex 158 and 158S (the 158S has separate feed motor and rapidtraverses) Precision Milling Machines. A complete instructional data packconsisting of three Manuals bound as one: 1st Edition for the 159, a secondedition for the 158 and another for the 158S. Operator's Instructions,Servicing and Maintenance with an electrical schematic. Includes use of theAccessory range - rotary tables, slotting head, etc., and the Final-assemblyTest Sheets used by the manufacturer. This literature represents a completeData Pack for the Thiel 158.

MT115F THIEL Duplex 158 and 158S Precision Milling Machine. Illustrated PartsManual as Sectional Drawings. Includes Clutch-manufacturer's Service sheets.

T119 THIEL Duplex 158 Milling Machine Sales, Accessories & TechnicalSpecification Catalogue. Two editions: one early, the other late, with 20detailed pages.

MT115G THIEL Duplex Precision 159 Milling Machine. Large Servicing andInstruction Manual. with comprehensive and detailed coverage.

MT115H THIEL Duplex Precision 159 Milling Machine. Detailed Parts Manual asSectional Drawings.

MT119B THIEL Duplex 159 Sales, Accessories & Technical SpecificationCatalogue. 24 detailed pages.

MT115J THIEL 162 Operator's Instruction Manual. Includes a useful 35-page Salesand Specification catalogue showing the machine in use with detaileddescriptions of its abilities.

MT115K THIEL Vertical Tapping Machines sizes 2, 3 and 4. Operator'sinstructions.

MT117 Thielenhaus Microfinsh Machine PM-120-C-1 Operation and MaintenanceManual with eight Electrical Schematics.

MT118 THOMPSON Grinder Co. (USA) Surface Grinding Machines Models A, B, C, BB,4C, 5C & 3B. Operating manual with bearing and other adjustmentinstructions. Includes sectional drawings through a number of parts.

MT120/MC510S THOMPSON/Matrix (Coventry Gauge and Tool Company) Type B and BBSurface Grinding Machines (sometimes badged Matrix-Thompson). Operator'sInstruction Manual with Maintenance & Trouble-shooting Guides, lubricationand hydraulic charts and detailed technical descriptions of the machines. MT126 THOMPSON and MUNROE CM Cam-type Straightening and Cutting Machines.Operating and Maintenance Manual.

THORN EMI - See under EMI

MT124 Thorns (AB Thorns) Mekaniska Verkstad Model T Tool & Cutter Grinder.A set of sectional drawings, an electrical schematic and a sales catalogue.

MT128 THREAD GRINDING by MATRIX (Coventry Gauge and Tool Company) ThreadGrinding - History and Development of thread-grinding techniques.

MT130 THYRATRON - Single-phase Speed-control Equipment by A.E.I. Operating handbook with Servicing and Fault-finding notes.

MT132 TIGER FU.140 Horizontal Milling Machine (Italy). Parts Manual asExploded-component Drawings (in conjunction with annotated photographs) andincluding Electrical Schematics.

MT132A TIGER FMT-700 and FMT-700 CM. (Italy)Parts Manuals Exploded-component Drawings(in conjunction with annotated photographs).

MT132B TIGER Super Vigo Lathe(by Ashok Machie Tools of Ahmedabad) Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manual with an Electrical Schematic.

MT134 TIMESAVERS Series 400 (all versions) Sanding Line. Complete hand book anddata pack as supplied with a new machine including many sectional drawings andset-up notes.

MT135 TIMKEN Taper Roller Bearings: Workshop Manual. 60-page book coveringtheir Assembly, Adjustment, Operator's Instruction, Lubrication andMaintenance. Includes data for machining housings and shafts.

MT135A TIMKEN Bearings: Machine Tool Manual. 70-page book covering the Designand Application Of Taper Roller Bearings with 39 pages of actual machine-toolapplications from a variety of makers with sectional drawings. MT140 TOATRD-600C Radial Drill. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MT140A TOA TRD-850C Radial Drill. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MT150 TOMLEE wood-turning lathe. Simple 4-page guide with Sectional Drawings,assembly instructions and basic instructions.

MT155 TONGIL TIPL-4 Lathe. Operating and Maintenance Instructions withThread-cutting Charts.

MT158 TONSHOFF VH 11 (VH-11) Four-spindle Semi-Automatic Lathe(Betriebsanleitung sum Vierspindle-Halbautomat) Operation Manual. English Text.

MT160 TOOL and CUTTER GRINDING. Jones and Shipman Tool and Cutter Grinding.60-page Explanatory Booklet, which details the principles that must be adheredto for successful operation of a Tool and Cutter Grinder. Details specificexamples with wonderful photographs and explanations. Instructions are alsoapplicable to other makes of grinder. Includes a copy of the Jones and ShipmanTool and Cutter Grinder Sales and Specification and Accessories Catalogue.


MT170 TORNOS TOR-4 Automatic lathe with two headstocks. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual.

MT170A TORNOS M-4 Automatic Lathe. Detailed Operating and Maintenance Manual.

MT170B TORNOS M-6 Automatic Lathe. Working Instructions.

MT170C TORNOS M-7 Automatic Lathe. Detailed Operating and Maintenance Manual.

MT170D TORNOS MS-7 Automatic Lathe. Detailed Operating and Maintenance Manualwith dismantling instructions, details of the 3-Spindle Attachment, ThreadingInstruction, Slotting Attachment, "Barboy" Magazine Feeder, etc.

MT170E TORNOS M-10 Automatic Lathe. Detailed Operating and Maintenance Manual.

MT170F TORNOS M-14 Automatic Lathe. Working Instructions.

MT170G TORNOS M-15 Automatic Lathe. Detailed Operating and Maintenance Manual.

MT170H TORNOS M-25 Automatic Lathe. Detailed Operating and Maintenance Manual.

MT170J TORNOS MR-28 and MR-32 Automatic Lathe. Detailed Operating andMaintenance Manual.

MT170K TORNOS R-10 Automatic Lathe. Operating and Maintenance Manual.

MT170L TORNOS R-16 Automatic Lathe. Operating and Maintenance Manual.

MT170M TORNOS Thread Chasing Attachment Type XX-WB Operator's InstructionManual and Parts List.

MT170N TORNOS List of Spare Parts for Type M Automatic Screw Machines asSectional Drawings.

MT170P TORNOS Cam Design Instruction. Detailed Operator's Hand book

MT170PL TORNOS "Laying Out The Cams" - A detailed set of instructionsthat explains the theory and practice of operating a Tornos Automatic lathe inthe most efficient manner with numbers of worked examples.

MT170Q TORNOS "BARBOY" Automatic Magazine Bar Feed. Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics.

MT180 TORNOS BECHLER ENC-164 complete Operator's Instruction and ProgrammingManual. Massive Publication.

MB145W BECHLER Type ENC-164 Lathe. Maintenance and Tooling Manual with OptionalEquipment and Parts as Detailed Sectional Drawings.

MB145X BECHLER Types ENC-162 and ENC-164 Lathes. "Schedule of Conditionsfor Tube or Bar Loading Device". Detailed Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MT180A TORNOS BECHLER DECO 2000 Programming Manual 4.2 and OperatingInstructions for the TB-DECO Software For DECO 2000 20 mm Capacity.

"TOS" LATHE MANUALS - Most Models available even if not listed below-please e-mail for details: All TOS manuals are in English unless otherwisestated

MT200SU TOS SU16 A Miniature Precision Lathe. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MT200SUPART TOS SU16 A Miniature Precision Lathe. Parts Manual as Exploded ComponentDiagrams.

MT200MN TOS MN80 and MN80A Miniature Precision Lathe. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual. Available with English German or Czech text.

MT200S28 TOS S28 Lathe. Operator's Instruction Manual with Many Parts shown asSectional Drawings and an Electrical Schematic.

MT200S30 TOS S30 Lathe. Operator's Instruction Manual with Many Parts shown asSectional Drawings and an Electrical Schematic. Text in CZECH only.

MT200S32TOS S32 Lathe. Operation & Maintenance Manual with a Parts Manual asSectional Drawings.

MT200SN40/50TOS SN40 and SN50 Lathes Operation & Maintenance Manual GERMAN TEXT (pf).

MT200SN40/50P TOS SN40 and SN50 Lathes Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings withElectrical Schematics (pf).

MT200A TOS SN-40C and SN-50C Lathes: Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

MT200AP TOS SN-40C and SN-50C Lathes: Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawingsand Electrical Diagrams.

MT200B TOS SN-40B, SN-45B and SN-50B Lathes: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MT200BP TOS SN-40B, SN-45B and SN-50B Lathes: Spare Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings and Electrical Diagrams.

MT200BF TOS SN-40B, SN-45B and SN-50B Tour Parallele Universal: Instructions De Service (French Text)

MT200C TOS SUI-40A and SUI-50A and RP Lathes: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MT200D TOS SV18R Lathe Operating and Maintenance Manual. Includes a detailed12-page Sales & Specification Catalogue.

MT200DP TOS SV18R Lathe Parts Manual as detailed Sectional Drawings. ContainsElectrical Schematics and clear reproductions of all the screwcutting chartsand one showing the list of spindle speeds and the relationship to cuttingspeeds.

MT200J TOS SN55A, SN63A, SN71A, SN-55B, SN-63B and SN-71B Lathes: Parts Manualas Sectional Drawings with Electrical Schematics and reproductions of the(frequently damaged or missing) Screwcutting Charts.

MT200J2 TOS SN-55B, SN-63B and SN-71B Lathes: Operation and Maintenance Manual.

MT200E TOS SU-140A and SU-I50A Lathes: Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

MT200F TOS SUI-63 and SUI-80 Lathes: Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual (large-edition version).

MT200K TOS R5 CAPSTAN Lathe. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withElectrical Schematics.

MT200KP TOS R5 CAPSTAN Lathe. Main Parts as Sectional Drawings with electricalschematics and foundation plan.

MT200RC TOS RC80 and RC100 CAPSTAN Lathes. Operation and Maintenance Manualwith a separate Electrical Manual with schematics and a number of usefulsectional and annotated drawings of the machine's component parts.



MT201 TOS MILLER Vertical Head Model "IFV" to fit Models F20, FG32and FG40 Millers

MT201A TOS FA2-H, FA2-V and FA-2U Milling Machines. Operating Instructions withElectrical Schematic.

MT201B TOS KZA-2 Hydraulic Copying and Slotting Attachment for the FA2V MillingMachine. Operating Instructions, Sectional Drawings and an ElectricalSchematic.

MT201C TOS FA-3H, FA-3U & FA-3V ((Horizontal, Universal & Vertical)millers. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual. Includes a copy of themaker's comprehensive 74-page Sales, Specification and Accessories Catalogue.

MT201D TOS FA-3H, FA-3U & FA-3V ((Horizontal, Universal & Vertical)millers. Parts Manual as large Sectional Drawings with Electrical Schematic.

MT201E TOS FA3A-H, FA3A-U & FA3A-V (Horizontal, Universal & Vertical)millers: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MT201F TOS FA3A-H, FA3A-U & FA3A-V (Horizontal, Universal & Vertical)millers. Parts Manual as large Sectional Drawings with Electrical Schematic.

MT201G TOS FA4 Series Millers. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualfor the FA4-V, FA4-H and FA4U models and a Parts Manual for the Vertical Model(FA4-V) and Electrical Schematics. Includes a copy of the maker's comprehensive74-page Sales, Specification and Accessories Catalogue.

MT201H TOS FA4A-H, FA4A-U and FA4A-V Millers: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MT201J TOS FA4A-H, FA4A-U and FA4A-V Millers: Parts Manual as detailedSectional Drawings.

MT201K TOS "HVB" MILLER Vertical Head Model to fit Models FB25, FA3,FA4 and FA5 Millers. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Partsas sectional Drawings

MT201L TOS FA-5H (Horizontal) Miller (covers most oif the Universal swing tablemodel as well): Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts asSectional Drawings.

MT201M TOS FA-5V (Vertical) Miller: Data Pack with Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual together with the complete Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings and Wiring Diagrams.

MT201N TOS FA-5V (Vertical) Miller: Separate denSpares Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MT201P TOS FA-5B Operating and Maintenance Manual, Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings and an Electrical Schematic. The text part original manual was printedon poor-quality, grey paper using a spirit duplicator hence the quality is notall that might be desired. The parts drawings are all perfect.

MT201Q TOS FN-20 Toolroom Milling Machine (Similar in design to a Deckel FP1),Instruction Manual with many useful Sectional Drawings and an ElectricalSchematic.

MT201NR TOS FN-22 Toolroom Milling Machine (Similar to a Deckel FP1),Instruction Manual with useful Sectional Drawings of all parts and anElectrical schematic. Includes Illustrations of all Accessories and theirmounting systems with sectional drawings. GERMAN TEXT.

MT201S TOS FN-25 Toolroom Milling Machine (Similar in layout to the Deckel FP1and FP2), Instruction Manual with Parts as useful Sectional Drawings andElectrical schematics. Includes Illustrations of all Accessories and theirmounting systems with sectional drawings. GERMAN TEXT ONLY

MT201FNGJ TOS FNGJ-32 Universal Ram-head Milling Machine. Operator's Manualwith a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics.

MT201T TOS FNK-25 & FNK25A (with rapid feeds) Milling Machine: OperatingManual with Electrical Schematics.

MT201U TOS FNK-25 & FNK-25A (with rapid feeds) Miller: Maintenance Manualwith a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings and a copy of the maker's detailedSales, Technical Specification & Accessories Catalogue.

MT201V TOS FG-40 Miller. Operator's Instruction Manual and Parts Manual asdetailed Sectional Drawings. Very large publication.

MT201W TOS FG-40 Miller. Electrical Manual with Sectional Drawings.

MT201X TOS FB-25 Milling Machine. Operation Manual.

MT201Y TOS FGS-50 Knee-type Milling Machine with Ram-Type Spindle. A largeOperation and Maintenance Manual with a Parts Manual as sectional drawings.

MT201Z TOS FB32 Service Instructions and Descriptions of Functions of Electrical Circuits of FB32 Machine with Programme Control.



MT202 TOS H63A Horizontal Borer. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Electrical Schematic. German Text only.

MT202A TOS H63A Horizontal Borer. Parts manual as useful sectional drawingswith an Electrical Schematic.

MT202D TOS H80 Boring, Milling and Drilling Machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with a number of useful sectional drawings and an electricaldiagram .

MT202E TOS H100 BORING MACHINE: Operator's Instruction Manual in CZ and German.

MT202F TOS H100 BORING MACHINE: Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MT202G TOS W9 Horizontal Boring andMilling Machine. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts asSectional Drawings together with a Separate Electrical Manual with Schematics.

MT202H "TOS" WH63 and WH80 BORING MACHINES: Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with an electrical Schematic. Includes a copy of themaker's' Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MT202J TOS WH63 and WH80 BORING MACHINES: Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings:

MT202K TOS W100 & W100A Horizontal Borers: Combined, 2-edition Operator'sInstruction and Service Manual.

MT202L TOS W100 Horizontal Borers: Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Not thebest of reproductions, but still clear.

MT202M TOS Varnsdorf LD650 and WHN (Q) 13 CNC + TNC 426 CB Operating & Maintenance Manual.



MT203TOS OF71 GEAR HOBBER: Operator's Instruction & Maintenance Manual(available in both English and German). Includes detailed installation andoperating instructions, technical descriptions, Maintenance and adjustmentprocedures, indexing change-gear charts, differential change-gear charts,instructions for setting change of indexing shifter, reversing of tablerotation shifter, etc) tables of change-gears for cutting spur gears withelementary number of teeth, independently of feed, etc. Also included is aseparate supplementary Manual: "Hobbing Carriage With Automatic AxialTraverse of Tool with Electro-hydraulic Drive".

MT203AMT203ATOS OF71 GEAR HOBBER: Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings (includes theAutomatic Indexing Attachment and a large blue-print of this unit)

MT203B TOS F0-10 Gear Hobbing Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual.



MT204 TOS UNIVERSAL 2UD UNIVERSAL GRINDER: Operating and Maintenance Manual.

MT204A TOS UNIVERSAL 2UD UNIVERSAL GRINDER: Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MT204NA TOS BPH-20NA Surface Grinder: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance andParts Manual.

MT204B TOS BPH-300 SURFACE: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withElectrical Schematics.

MT204C TOS BU28 Cylindrical Grinder: Operator's Instruction, Maintenance andParts Manual as detailed Sectional Drawings.

MT204D TOS BU31 Grinder: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MT204E TOS Twist Drill Grinders BNV 75 and BNV 80. Operation Manual and PartsManual as detailed Sectional Drawings.

MT204F TOS BN102B Tool & Cutter Grinder. Operation Manual and Parts asuseful Sectional Drawings. Includes two electrical schematics, post-productionmachine accuracy reports and a copy of the maker's detailed, 35-page Sales& Technical Specification Catalogue.

MT216 TOS Hostivar BPV 700/3000 Grinder. Operator's Instruction Manual.



MT205 TOS (Smeral) PRESSES LENR, LENP, LESP, 25A, 40A and 63A. InstructionManual with Electrical Schematics and Sectional Drawings.



MT206/MM14 TOS "MAS" VR-2 Radial Arm Drilling Machine: Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MT206A/MM14A TOS "MAS" VRM-50A Universal Radial Drilling Machine:Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MT206C TOS Drilling Machines Types V20, VS20, VS32, VN20, Two editions of the"Manual & Specifications" and "Technical Documentation"including an electrical diagram and Sectional Parts Drawings.


MT210 TOSHIBA (Shibaura) TX-16 Vertical Boring and Turning Mill Parts Manual asuseful Sectional Drawings.

MT210A TOSHIBA (Shibaura) TX-13 and TX-16 Vertical Boring and Turning MillElectrical Instruction Manual with Schematics.

MT220Z TOWN (Frederick Town) A.E.0 (Town AE0) Radial-arm Drill. Operating andMaintenance Manual

MT220 TOWN (Frederick Town) A.E.1 (Town AE1)Radial-arm Drill. Operating andMaintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings

MT220A TOWN (Frederick Town) C.E.1 (Town CE1) Radial-arm Drill. Operating andMaintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Contains anelectrical diagram.

MT220B TOWN (Frederick Town) A.E.4 (Town AE4) Radial-arm Drill. Operating andMaintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Contains anelectrical diagram.

MT220C TOWN (Frederick Town) A.E.5 (Town AE5) Radial-arm Drill. Operating andMaintenance and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Contains an electricaldiagram.

MT220D TOWN (Frederick Town) E.G. Girder Radial Drilling Machine. Operating andMaintenance and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MT230/MW501A TOWN WOODHOUSE - see under "Mitchell" above and"Woodhouse and Mitchell" below

MT240 Toyo ML360 Lathe and Milling Head. Instruction Manual and Parts Manual asuseful Exploded Assembly Diagram. Comprehensive details of how to use the fullrange of accessories.

MT240A Toyo ML210 Lathe and Milling Head. Instruction Manual and Parts Manualas useful Exploded Assembly Diagrams. Comprehensive details of how to use thefull range of accessories.

MT240B Toyo ML1 Precision Lathe. Comprehensive Operator's hand book and Partsas Exploded Component Drawings. Includes screwcutting charts and instructionson how to assemble the belt-driven automatic fine-feed and screwcuttingchangewheels. Includes a copy of the maker's interesting TechnicalSpecification and Sales Catalogue and represents a complete data pack for thelathe.

MT245 Toyoda (H.Ernault Somua Toyoda) GUP32 Universal Cylindrical Grinder. Operation Manual withAdjustment, Setting and Lubrication instructions. Includes a set of electricaldrawingInstruction manual.

MT245A Toyoda (H.Ernault Somua Toyoda) Operation Manuals for Z1C and Z3C Millers: "Automatic Square Contour", "New Programme Cubic Cycle" and the "Automatic Longitudinal Cycle" and "Square Cycle" manuals for the Z1C/ZHV1 and Z3C/ZHV3. These five publications cover just the "Square Contour", "Cubic Cycle", "Automatic Cycle" and "Square Cycle" Systems.

MT245B Toyoda (H.Ernault Somua Toyoda) Z1C-ZHV1 Miller Parts Manual as Clear Sectional Drawings - enlarged to A3. MT245C Toyoda (H.Ernault Somua Toyoda) Z1C Miller Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings - enlarged to A3

MT245D Toyoda (H.Ernault Somua Toyoda) Z3C -ZHV3 Miller Maintenance and Setting Handbook.

MT250 TOYOKOKI SEISAKUSHO Vibro-Shear Model MM-7. Instruction and Parts Manual.

MT250A TOYOKOKI SEISAKUSHO Vibro-Shear Models MT-3 and MT-4. Instruction andParts Manual.

MT280 TRAPANI ROSA R400 & R500 Jig-borers. Operation & MaintenanceManual with a Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes a copy of themaker's Sales & Technical Specification Sheet. ITALIAN TEXT.

MT318TRAUB STROHM: Product Range: excellent overview publication showing theapplications possible with the Standard Turret Lathes, Strohm Precision SlidingHeadstock Automatic Lathes, Traub Rotary Tables and Traub Programme-controlledTurret Lathes.

MT318A TRAUB STROHM Swiss-type Automatic Lathes (Automatic Screw Machines) -all models. Detailed (240-page) Instruction Manual for Calculation of Cams andCycle Times.

MT318B TRAUB STROHM Automatic Lathes - all types: Detailed Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Sectional Drawings and full details ofhow to employ all the many accessories.

MT319 Traub Strohm AF130 Single Spindle Automatic Lathe. Operation Manual with a Electrical Schematic.

MT320A TRAUB STROHM A15, A20 and A25 Single Spindle Automatic Lathe. Threemanuals in one: Operating Manual and Technical Description; Cam LayoutInstructions and Instructions for Various Attachments including Threading,2-spindle Drilling and Threading, Small Threading Attachment, SlottingAttachment, Feed Finger, Back-Burring (drilling) and Hydraulic Copying. Alsoincludes two electrical Schematics and pages culled from earlier manuals withspecification and technical details missing from the later editions.

MT320B TRAUB STROHM A15, A20, A25, A42 and A60 AUTOMATIC LATHES: Spare PartsCatalogue as detailed Exploded Component Drawings.

MT320C TRAUB STROHM A15, A20 and A25 Automatic Lathes: Cams, Collets, Tools andToolholder. Illustrated Listings.

MT320D TRAUB STROHM A15, A20 and A25 Automatic Lathes: Spare Parts Catalogue asdetailed Exploded Component Drawings. German Text.

MT320E TRAUB STROHM A15, A20 and A25 Automatic Lathes: Instructions for PieceRate and Cam Calculations. Explains when and how the individual attachmentsshould be applied.

MT321 TRAUB STROHM M45 Precision Sliding Headstock lathe. Instruction Manualwith many useful sectional drawings.

MT321A TRAUB STROHM M75, M105 and M125 Swiss-type automatic lathe (AutomaticScrew Machine). Detailed Operator's Instruction and Service Manuals (combined))with Sectional Drawings and full details of how to use the all the manyaccessories. Includes the supplementary Manual issued with new machinesdetailing: test record of alignments, Accessory List, Speed Charts for SpecialAttachments, Lifting and Installing, Speed Charts, Drawings showing the correctArrangement of Tools and Gears, Belt-making Instructions, Belt Dimensions forMachine and Special Attachments, Cam Dimensions, List of Ball Bearings, Risesand Falls for Headstock Feed and Drilling and Threading Fixtures, etc.

MT321B TRAUB STROHM M125 Swiss-type automatic lathe (Automatic Screw Machine).Detailed Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Sectional Drawingsand full details of how to use the all the many accessories.

MT321C TRAUB STROHM M205 and M255. Spare Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MT321CP TRAUB STROHM M205 and M255. Instruction Manual together with a separate publication "Special Instructions and Tables" thatgives Principle Dimensions, Cam Dimensions, Speed tables, Spare Parts Lists with dimensions of drive belts and specification of Ball bearings, , Headstck Feed Marking Gauges,Rocker Cam Marking Gauge, Marking Gauge for Tool Bits - and others, Tool Layouts, Bell Cam Marking Gauge, etc.

MT322 TRAUB STROHM Types M, S, SJ: 75, 105 and 125. Instruction Manual.

MT322P TRAUB STROHM Types M, S & SJ: 75, 105 and 125 Automatic Lathes.Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings with details of the Accelerator andThree-spindle Drilling and Thread-cutting Attachment also available in German).

MT322A TRAUB STROHM M,S, SJ: 75, 105 and 125 Lathes Gear Hobbing AttachmentOperator's Instruction Manual.

MT323 TRAUB STROHM: TB Single-spindle Automatic Lathes (EinspindleDrehautomat). A complete servicing pack for the Type including: Lathe ServiceManual including spindle-switch gear and gearbox. Separate Manuals are includedfor: Six-position Turret Tool Holder with high-speed retraction device, QuickChucking Device, Thread Chasing Attachment, Synchronized Drive Unit, SpindleGearbox, Weight-operated Silent Bar feed Unit, Parts deflector Unit, TraverseFeed Unit, Hydraulic Copying (with double-cut attachment), Longitudinal TurningAttachment and Thread Milling and Turning Attachment.

MT323A TRAUB STROHM: all TB Types Single-spindle Automatic Lathes (TB42, TB60,TBF42 and TBH60). Complete Parts Manual as Exploded Assembly Diagrams(available with English or German text).

MT323B TRAUB STROHM: TB42, TB60, TBF42, TBh60 Single-spindle Automatic ScrewMachines: Operator's Instruction Manual. Includes a Parts manual for the"Wearing Parts".

MT323C TRAUB STROHN TC-15 Single Spindle Automatic lathe. Service Instructionsand Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MT323D TRAUB STROHM: TD16, TD26, TDF26 and TD36. Detailed Maintenance, Adjustment, Tooling Instructions and Technical Descriptions Manual including the many Attachments. English text but with a further "Operation Manual" in German that includes many useful sectional and exploded-component drawings.

MT323E TRAUB STROHM: TD16, TD26, TDF26 and TD36. Operation Manual with many useful Sectional Drawings. GERMAN TEXT.

MT323EC TRAUB STROHM Models TD: Instructions for Cycle Time and CamCalculations.

MT324TRAUB TE Automatic Rotary Transfer Machine. Service Instructions withElectrical Diagrams.

MT324A TRAUB TE Automatic Rotary Transfer Machine. Spare Parts Manual asExploded Component Drawings.

MT325 TRAUB STROHM: TK Single Spindle Automatic Lathe. Service Instructions.

MT325 TRAUB STROHM: TK Single Spindle Automatic Lathe. Spare Parts as Sectionaland Exploded Component Drawings.

MT326 TRAUB STROHM: AUTOMATIC LATHE Six Position Turret with High-speedRetracting Device: Service Manual with Parts Manual as Exploded ComponentPictures.

MT326A TRAUB STROHM: Graphic Process Simulation System for Traub TX-8 Control.Programming and Operating Instructions.

MT326B TRAUB STROHM: Automatic CNC Turning Machines TNS with TX-8 Control.Operating Instructions.

MT326C TRAUB STROHM: CNC Automatic TNS with TX8 Control System. AbbreviatedProgramming and Operating Instructions.

MT326D TRAUB STROHM: Tool Radius Compensation (G46, G40) with TRAUB TX-8Control System. Detailed Technical Information.

MT326E TRAUB STROHM: Type A Single Bar Hydro Feed Units - as used on many makesof lathe. Operating and Service Instructions.

MT326F TRAUB STROHM: Type A Automatic Bar Loading Magazine. Operator'sInstruction and Service Instructions with Electrical Schematics.

MT326G TRAUB STROHM: TD Rotating Turret - bed Mounting Type (Sternrevolver)Operating and Maintenance Instructions with Parts Manual as Exploded ComponentDrawings. German text.

MT326H TRAUB STROHM: TK 6 or 8-Station Turret. Operating and MaintenanceInstructions.

MT322 TRAV-A-DIAL (by A P Warren) Installation and Calibration Manual

MT322A TRACK SENSOR (by AP Warren) machine-tool positioning device. Installationand calibration Manual.

MT324TREE 2UVR Milling Machine Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withParts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MT345 TRENNJAEGER Universal Cutting Machines: Instruction Book.

MT355 TRI-ONICS 50G Digital Position Display System. Instruction Manual.

MT357 TRIPET AMI Universal Grinding Machines. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MT357A Tripet MUS-100 Universal Grinding Machines. Operator's InstructionManual with a detailed 20-page Sales, Technical Specification & AccessoriesCatalogue.

MT357B TRIPET TST-300 CNC-4R Detailed Machine Operation Manual.

MT357C TRIPET TST-300 CNC-4R Programming Manual.

MT365 TRUE-TRACE "SYNCHRO-TRACE" Automatic 3D Programmed Mill ControlHydraulic Copying Unit. Service Manual for Mechanical and Electrical Componentswith Parts Manual as Exploded Component and Sectional Drawings.

MT365A TRUE-TRACE "SYNCHRO-TRACE 11" AUTOMATIC 3D Programmed MillControl. Detailed Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual for thefollowing assemblies: Model 1053-01 Tracer valve, Model 4003-09 Control Box,Model 5016-11 Power unit, Model 6050-04 Knee Cylinder, Model 4030-02 HydraulicTransmission and Model 4029-02 Hydraulic Transmission.

MT365B TRUE-TRACE Control-Path Automatic 360/3D Tracer Unit. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual.

MT365C TRUE-TRACE "Synchro-Trace 11" Tracer Hydraulic Copying Unit.Service Manual for Mechanical and Electrical Components with Parts Manual asExploded Component and Sectional Drawings.

MT365D TRUE-TRACE "Synchro-Trace 11" Tracer Hydraulic Copy Unit.OPERATOR'S INSTRUCTION MANUAL.

MT365F TRUE-TRACE Man-Au-Trace 360/3D Tracer Hydraulic Copying. Service Manualwith Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MT365F TRUE-TRACE Control-Path Automatic 360/3D Tracer. Service Manual withParts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MT365Y TRUE-TRACE 360 and 360/3D Tracer Valves Series C-360, D-360, C-360/3Dand D-360/3D. Service Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MT365Z TRUE-TRACE S-180-degree Tracer Valve Application (Control system 1112).Service Manual.

MT370 TRUMPF TAS63A and TAS80A Nibbling SHEARS: Operating and MaintenanceManual with electrical diagrams.

MT370A TRUMPF CN63 and CN80 Nibbling SHEARS: Operating and Maintenance Manualwith electrical diagrams.

MT370B TRUMPF TAS500 Nibbling, Curve and Cutting-out Shears: Operating andMaintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MT370C TRUMPF THN 800 Nibbling Machine. Operating Instructions with Parts asExploded Component Drawings. English, French, German, Italian and Spanish text.

MT370D TRUMPF TRUMATIC 20 Punching Machine. Operating Instructions.

MT370E TRUMPF "Operator's Instructions on Universal Sheet Metal WorkingMachines" and "Trumpf Machines for economical SheetmetalWorking" Both these publications give an excellent overall view of how totackle: Nibbling, Punching, Shearing, Slotting, Louver Cutting, Beading,Folding, Flanging and Peening (Dishing) operations.

MT370F TRUMPF TKFB-100 Bevelling Machine. Operating Instructions with Parts asa Sectional Drawing. English, French, German, and Spanish text.
MT375 TSCHUDIN (H.Tschudin Grenchen) HTG-400 Cylindrical Grinding Machine. OperatingManual with lubrication data.

MT376 TSUGAMI Dyna-Rol Form and Thread Rolling Machines Type 25 and T-ROL25.Operation Manual with Electrical Schematics and Parts shown as clear SectionalDrawings.

MT376A TSUGAMI Dyna-Rol Form and Thread Rolling Machines Type 25 and T-ROL25.Parts Manual as useful Exploded Component Drawings.

MT 378 TUBELA Tube Bending Machines. Working and Assembly Instructions. (2pages).

MT380 TUE-40 Lathe (Polish) Manual with wiring diagrams. US

MT385 TWIN DISC Power Transmission Equipment (Marine and IndustrialTransmissions Ltd.) BMM-2010-B for all 400 Series Power-Shift Transmissions.Maintenance Manual with Parts manuals as Exploded Component Drawings.

MT400 Tyme "AVON" Wood Lathes Owner's Manual and Parts Manual.

MT400A Tyme "CUB" Wood Lathes Owner's Manual and Parts Manual.

MT400B Tyme "Gem" and "Little Gem" Wood Lathes Owner'sManual and Parts Manual.

MU3 UCAM Rotary Table Model URH-150-RP with NC Control. Instruction and Maintenance Manual

MU5 UDAL INTERLOCK GUARDS Setting and Testing Manual.

MU40 UF-VF221 Miller. Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes electricaldiagrams.

MU45 ULTRASEAL PC504 Operator's Manual

MU55 ULTRASONICS RAPIDCLEAN S36 Ultrasonic Cleaning machine. Operating andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Diagrams.

UNIMAT - See under Emco Unimatabove

MU60/MHW1 UNION (HARRISON) GRADUATE Woodturning and Bowl-turning Lathe.Machine Manual with Maintenance, Lubrication, Wiring and Exploded-diagram andSectional-Drawings Parts Manual. Two editions are included, early and late,showing both types of spindle design. Includes an ORIGINAL Sales andSpecification and Accessories Catalogue.

MU60A/MB387 UNION TOOL and CUTTER GRINDER (Often badged BOXFORD). InstructionManual.

MU60 UNION Double-ended, single-ended, wetand dry heavy-duty Grinding and Polishing Machines. A full manual was neverproduced for these machines but we have all the available data in one package:Single-page installation and Maintenance Guide, a detailed and well-illustrated14-page Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue showing both older andnewer models together with a copy of the latest Government " Safety in theUse of Abrasive Wheels Regulations".

MU70 UNIVERSAL HYDRAULIK GMBH Operating Instructions for the Universal Hydraulic Aggregate.

UNION, WMW, HECKERT and VEB (East Germany) see listings under "VEB"and "Heckert" as well

MU80 UNION (WMW & UNION) BFT-63 and BFT-80 Horizontal Boring and MillingMachine. Operation Instructions and Service Manual with Parts as SectionalDrawings. Includes a detailed Sales and Specification catalogue.

MU80A UNION (WMW & UNION) BFT 80/2 Horizontal Boring and Milling Machine.Large Operator's Instruction and Service Manual with some Sectional Drawings and electrical schematics.

MU80AP UNION (WMW & UNION) BFT 80/2 Horizontal Boring and Milling Machine. Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MU80B UNION (WMW & UNION) BFT 100/4/5 Horizontal Boring and MillingMachine. Operation Instructions and Service Manual with Sectional Diagrams.

MU80C UNION (WMW & UNION) BFP 125/5 Horizontal Boring and Milling Machine.Operation Instructions and Service Manual with many Sectional and others Parts Diagrams (it does not seem to be a proper parts manual), a Hydraulic Schematic and a copy of the maker's detailed sales and technical specification catalogue.

MU80CTUNION (WMW) BFT 125/5 Horizontal Boring and Milling Machine. Operation Instructions and Service Manual with many Sectional and others Parts Diagrams (it does not seem to be a proper parts manual), a Hydraulic Schematic and a copy of the maker's detailed sales and technical specification catalogue.It can be ordered securely on-line here: UNION (NAXOS-UNION and WMW & UNION) RTMDSS-45 Crankshaft GrindingMachine Swing Diameter 440mm capacity between centres 750mm. Very DetailedOperator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with blue-print electricaldiagrams.

MU80E UNION (VEB-Union WMW) Portable Worktable Ti2 Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MU80F/MV197B Union Model BR40 Radial Arm Drill (also shown as the Type AMK,WMW, BOWES and VEB Drill. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withuseful sectional drawings, annotated photographs of various assemblies and aWiring Diagram.

MU80G WMW DKES 1320 x 1000 Single Column Vertical Turret Lathe. Operator's Manual. Not the best of copies.

MU88 UNISPAN 110 lathe. Operation & Maintenance Manual. GERMAN TEXT.

MU90 UNIVERSAL 3-Inch Russian Round-bed Lathe. Instruction Manual. Not a verygood copy, but useable.

MU95 Universal Guards Ltd: This manual covers Fixed, Interlocking, Automatic,Trip and Photoelectric Guards produced by Universal Guards Ltd. Full-edition Operation & Maintenance Manual.

MU100 UPAM V.500 Vertical Band saw. Instruction Manual.

MU100 UPAM UP-2 SUPERPNEUMATIC Band saw. Instruction Manual.

MA641K URK 46 Punch Shaper (Karle Anderle) Instruction Manual with WiringDiagram and maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue.

URKType 46 Punch Shaper (and earlier Steyer). Instruction Manual with WiringDiagram and maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MU115 URPE L180 Lathe. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Partsas Sectional Drawings and Electrical Diagram.

MU115A URPE L200 Lathe. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withParts as Sectional Drawings and Electrical Diagram.

MU115B URPE 4-M Lathe. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Partsas Sectional Drawings and Electrical Diagram.

MU120 URSUS (CMT) 225, 250 and 260 Lathes. Operation and Basic Maintenance Manualwith Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. ITALIAN TEXT. Not the best of copies -but the sectional drawings are not too bad.

MU125 U.S.BAIRD Multi-Slide Machines Models 28, 33 and 35. General Instructionsand Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

UTILATHE - see under "STANDARD MODERN" above

MU150 UTTING UB-180a Horizontal Band saw Models. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MU150A UTTING UB-254 and 254E Horizontal Band saw Models. Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MU150B UTTING UB305 and UB305B Horizontal Band saw Models. Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MU150C UTTING SW85 Steelworker. Operator's Instruction Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MU200 UVA U-55 Internal Grinding Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual withElectrical and Hydraulic Schematics. Sectional and cut-away Drawings.

MU200A UVA U-55 N2 Internal Grinding Machine. Operator's Instruction Manualwith Hydraulic and Electrical Schematics.

MU200B UVA U55-M1P Internal Grinding Machine. Operator's Manual with a hydraulicschematic and 27 sheets of electrical diagrams.

MU200C UVA UHM-195 Internal Grinding Machine Type Operator's Instruction Manualwith Electrical Schematics, a hydraulic schematic and numbers of usefulmechanical Sectional Drawings Drawings.

MU200D UVA UHM-195 Internal Grinder. Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MU200D UVA UHMV-195 Internal Grinder. Detailed Operator's Manual with threelarge Electrical Schematics.

MU200F UVA MC-6122 Internal Grinding Machine: Comprehensive Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual includes Hydraulic and Pneumatic Schematicsand some Sectional Drawings.

UWG - see under HOMMEL

MV50 VACU-BLAST (Vacublast) Shot and Bead Blasters. Honermaster, Blastmaster, SH080, SH100,SH125, SH150, SB080, SB100, SB125 and SB150. Instruction Manual, Electrical andsome Parts as Sectional Drawings. Includes Blast Enclosure, Dust Collectors,etc.

MV50A VACU-BLAST (Vacublast) VB-2065/25 and 42/42 Dry Honer and Special 42/42 for heavierloads. Shot Blast Machines. Instruction Manual, Electrical and some Parts asSectional Drawings. Includes Blast Enclosure, Dust Collectors, etc.

MV50B VACU-BLAST (Vacublast) Dry Honer Model 36/30 Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MV50C VACU-BLAST (Vacublast) Type GP76. Instruction and Routine Inspection and Maintenance Manual.

MV90 VALEX BV20 Lathe. Maker's Manual in Italian.

MV95 VANGUARD Guillotine: Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MV100 VAN NORMAN No. 2R-3-28 and 2R-5-28 Milling Machine. Maintenance Manualand Parts Manual.

MV100A VAN NORMAN 3SP and 3SU Plain and Universal Milling Machines. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded ComponentDrawings.

MV100B VAN NORMAN No. 12 Milling Machine. Installation, Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.Small but useful publication. Includes a copy of the beautifully illustrated12-page Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MV100C VAN NORMAN No. 16 Milling Machine. Maintenance Manual.

MV100D VAN NORMAN No. 22 Milling Machine. Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual.Includes a copy of the comprehensive and interesting Van Norman Attachments,Arbors & Accessories catalogue.

MV100E VAN NORMAN No. 24 Milling Machine Maintenance Manual & Parts Manual.

MV100F VAN NORMAN No. 26, 26-SU and 36 Millers, Plain, Universal and Special.Operator's Instruction Manual, Maintenance and Parts Manual as ExplodedComponent Drawings. Includes a copy of the maker's detailed Sales, TechnicalSpecification & Sales Satalog.

MV100G VAN NORMAN No. 38 Ram Head Milling Machine Maintenance Manual.

MV100H VAN NORMAN IR-3-22 and IRQ-3-22 Millers. Installation, Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual. Basic edition

MV150 VARNAMO U-1 and P1 Milling Machines. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Spare Parts as Sectional Drawings (some drawings arealso marked as covering the U2-L, P2-L and * FV-2.

MV150A VARNAMO VB-2 Vertical Miller: Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Spare Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MV150B VARNAMO VMA SHAPER Models EV-2, EV-3, EV-4, EV5 and EV-6. OperatingManual and Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Diagrams.

MV150C VARNAMO VMA Multi-mill Models U-1 and P-1 (with details of the U2, U-2L,FV-2, FU-3, FP-3). Operating Manual and Spare Parts Manual as SectionalDiagrams. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification andAccessories catalogue.

MV150D VARNAMO FV-30 Miller. Maintenance Manual with many useful SectionalDrawings.

MV150E VARNAMO FV-2KM Milling Machine. Operation and Maintenance Manual withmany useful Sectional Drawings. The original copy was not of the highestquality and some, but not all of the drawings, are poor. However, they havebeen scanned at high resolution to retain as much detail as possible.

MM191 Vario-Lux 130 (MINILOR TR-1) Lathe and Powered Vertical Milling Head:Comprehensive Operator's Instruction Manuals and Parts Manuals as ExplodedComponent Drawings.

MV160 VAUNSAW 6-inch Hacksaw. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Spare Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MV170 VDF 18RO, 21RO and 24RO Lathes. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceInstructions with Parts manual as useful Exploded Component Drawings.

MV170A VDF (Vereinigte Drehbank - Fabriken) Lathe Models 36S, 44S and 36L and44L. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with electrical schematic.

MV170B VDF W45V, W35L, W35, W40 and W45 lathes. Operating Instructions. withAdjustment instructions for clutch, brake, headstock spindle bearings,lubrication, belt fitting, dismantling the main spindle, etc. Not a perfectreproduction but readable.

MV170C VDF 36S, 36DSL, 44S and 44DSL Lathes. Detailed Operation and MaintenanceInstructions.

MV170D VDF (Gebruder Boehringer) S355 and S400 Lathes (also covers the largerbut identical S450 and S500 versions). Operating and basic Maintenance Manual.Includes instructions for adjusting the clutch, spindle bearings,electro-magnetic brake, dismantling the quick-action unit, and reproductions ofthe screwcutting charts and how to use the complicated thread-dial indicator.

MV170DBT VDF (Gebruder Boehringer) BT800 Lathe. Operating and MaintenanceManual. Not the best of reproductions - but perfectly readable. GERMAN TEXT.

V170E VDF (Heidenreich and Harbeck) V3 Mk. 4 Unicop Copying Lathe. OperatingManual.

MV170F VDF BOEHRINGER DM550/640 LATHE. Operation and Service Manual

MV170G VDF Type DP/NCMR Front Turning Machine. Operation Manual.

MV170H VDF TYPE E2 and V8 lathes (Part of E3, V3, E5, V5 and V6 Models all with the same design but of different capacities). Operation and basic Maintenance Manual - German Text. Includes acopy of the English language detailed and well-illustrated Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue. Not a very good copy but perfectly readable.

VEB (East German" also sold with "WMW" and "Union"badges)

MV197B VEB (Union and WMW) Model BR40 Radial Arm Drill (also shown as the AMK,BOWES and Heckert). Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with usefulsectional drawings, annotated photographs of various assemblies and a WiringDiagram.

MV197C VEB (Union and WMW) Model SA200 and SU200 Cylindrical Grinding Machines.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with many useful sectionaldrawings and a hydraulic schematic.

MW560J VEB (Union, WMW, Saalfeld) BS, BK and BKR Series Drills BS-20-A1,BK-20-A1 and BKR-2 x 2 to 6-A1 Pillar, Box Column and Gang Column DrillingMachines. Operation and Maintenance Manual with some useful Sectional Drawings

MW560K VEB (Union, WMW, Saalfeld) BS, BK and BKR Series Drills BS-25, BK-25 andBKR x 2 to 6 Pillar, Box Column and Gang Column Drilling machines. Operationand Maintenance Manual with some useful Sectional Drawings

MV199 VEEM Mk. 3 lathe - also badged as the Premo (Australia). InstructionManual. Slender but useful publication. Includes a copy of the maker'scatalogue.

MV200 VELOX (Elliott) HACKSAWING MACHINES 7.5", 10" and 12".Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as ExplodedComponent Drawings. Includes copies of the maker's Sales and TechnicalSpecification Catalogues for the 7.5 and 10-inch models.

VEM - see under "UNION" (WMW - East German machine Tools)

MV210 VERNIER DA Miller Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MV210A VERNIER FV-3S Horizontal Miller. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Parts as Sectional Drawings. Not a first-class copy. French Text.

MV210B Vernier FV270 Operation & Maintenance Manual with electricalschematics. FRENCH TEXT.

MV210C VERNIER FV250E, FV270E and FV300E Millers. Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MV210D VERNIER FV300 Operation & Maintenance manual and Parts Manual asSectional Drawings.

MV210E VERNIER FV380 Milling Machine. Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings (not afirst-class copy but readable).

MV210F VERNIER Elmec 160, Elmec 170 % Elmec 190 Lathes. Operation Manual withparts as Sectional Drawings. Not a very good copy. FRENCH TEXT.

MV212Vernon/Sheldon Vertical Miller. Unfortunately there never seems to have been aproper user's manual for this machine. However, we can offer two well-illustratedSales Folders giving full details of the machine and its accessories.

MV212A VERNON (Sheldon) Horizontal Miller. Illustrated Parts Manual and UsersTips.

MV212XX Versaduct Probend Sheet-metal Machine. Basic Instructions.

MV213 VERO Autodrill Model R1000 Operation Manual. Also sold as the ChurchillTI Vero.

MV214 VERSON HME GH-Series Open-front Power Presses. Operator's InstructionBoo, Service Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Sectional-type Drawings.

MV216 VERTEX Universal Tool and Cutter Grinder Taiwan Copy of Deckel SO. ComprehensiveOperator's Instruction Manual (the original Deckel) - this is a vastimprovement on the Chinese one supplied.

VERTICALAUTO - see under RYDER Verticalauto above

MV218 VERTIMAX No.3 CHUCKING LATHE: (sometimes badged Churchill-Vertimax) Operator'sManual.

MV218A VERTIMAX No.3 CHUCKING LATHE: Maintenance Manual.

MV220/MA322 VERTOMAT (by ACKWORTHIE) Rotary Transfer Machine. Operating &Maintenance Instructions with Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.Includes Electrical Schematics and a copy of the maker's Sales &Specification Catalogue.

MR223 VESUV "Royal" 160 & 180 Lathes (Sweden) Basic Instructionsas a Parts Manual with Sectional Drawings, Annotated Control & LubricationDiagrams, Spindle Speed and Detailed Screwcutting and Feeds Charts and adetailed Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue.

MV225VIBRO-SHEAR (by Toyokoki Seisakusho Japan) MT-3 and MT-4. Instruction Manualand Parts Manual as photographic plates.

MV230 VICEROY Lathes: A complete data pack for all metal-turning modelsconsisting of every piece of literature discovered for these models. Itincludes the Installation and Operating instructions (covering the TD, TDS (andvariants) Variable-speed (280 and Synchro) and "Educator" models inboth plain-turning and screwcutting versions and those lathes constructed asdual metal-wood lathes (Viceroy TDS3/CM and WL, etc.) screwcutting charts,additional screwcutting charts and important advice relating to the operationof the screwcutting gearbox and metric/English conversions and lubricationrequirements. Several sheets of advertising material are also included fromwhich the lathes' original specifications and range of accessories and fittingscan be deduced.

MV230X VICEROY TD Series and 280VS, 280 Synchro and Enterprise 280 lathes, etc.Large set of Sectional Drawings taken from original factory-issue paper copies- but not every detail shown.

MV230D VICEROY TDS 6 and TDS 6BT (short-bed) WOODTURNING and Bowl-turningLathes: A complete Data Pack consisting of the Maker's Installation, Operation,Maintenance and Spare Parts Manual together with 20 large A3 sheets ofsectional drawings showing all components of the lathe including the headstock,stand and countershaft drive system, bed and feet, hand-rest assemblies,bowl-turning attachment, tailstock, sanding table, dowl collet arrangement,metal-spinning attachment and dust-extraction equipment. Includes copies of theMaker's Sales and Specification Catalogues.

MV230E VICEROY TDS10, TDS10DE, TDS7/10 Double-end Polishing and GrindingMachines. Set of 8 General Arrangement Drawings showing the machine in sectionand giving the specification of the motors, nuts, bolts, fastenings,lubrication, belts, etc.

MV230F VICEROY "Sharpedge" Instruction Manual and a set of 11Technical Drawings showing, in section, the machine and the Internal GougeAttachment.

MV230H Viceroy (by AEW) Vertical and Horizontal Milling Machine: Manual. 2editions covering both early and late machines are included.

MV230H Viceroy (by AEW) Vertical and Horizontal Milling Machine: IllustratedParts Manual.

MV230J Viceroy (by AEW) HORIZON Milling Machine. Complete data pack includingboth Operator's Manuals, Parts List and a reproduction of 6 works photographsof "show" machines.

MV233 VICKERS Pyramid Hardness Tester, Vickers Portable Gear-hardness Testerand Vickers General Purpose Portable Hardness Tester. Working Instructions.

MV235 VICKERS POWER PRESSES - See under "British Clearing" above.

MV240 VICTOR CTL-618, CTL-618EM and CTL-618EVS Lathes (copy of the HardingeHLV-H). Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual asSectional Drawings and Electrical Schematic.

MV250 VICTORIA MILLERS and DRILLS - we have large quantities of originalmanuals for these machines (often badged Elliott). Phone 01298-871633 or email for details.

MV250A VICTORIA (later badged Elliott) Dividing Heads: 31/2", 43/4",5", 7", 9", 10" and 12". Detailed Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manuals with Dividing and Spiral Milling Charts.The complete set for these units.

MV260 VICTORIA R600 Lathe (made by Azpiazu in Italy). Brief Operator'sInstructions with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MV260A VICTORIA R8000 Lathe (made by Azpiazu in Italy) Brief Operator'sInstructions with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MV260B VICTORIA R1000 Lathe (made by Azpiazu in Italy) Brief Operator'sInstructions with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MV275 VIKTEK Pregraph U2 Tool and Cutter Grinder. The best manual for this isthe one for the original DECKEL SOE machine. See under Deckel for details.

VILH.PEDERSEN (Denmark) see Pedersen section above.

MV280 "Virginia Beavermill" TC-30 Tool and Cutter Grinder. A copy ofthe Clarkson Mk. 2 machine. See under Clarkson above for details.

VISBY (New Visby, Australia) see under PURCELL above

MV282 VISON Tool and Cutter Grinder. Instruction Book and Assembly Details.Includes a copy of the maker's detailed Sales Catalogue.


MV285 V and O Power Presses USA). Operator's Instructions and Maintenance Guidewith Electrical Schematic. Includes sheets on ancillary Parts including theNorgen Regulators, Norgem Filters, Lubricators, Rototimers and Clutches.

MV300 Voest DA-180, DA-210 and DA-225 Lathes. Data Pack consisting of theComprehensive Instruction and Service Manual (with some sectional drawings),Parts Manual, Electrical Diagrams, reproductions of the machine-mountedscrewcutting charts and a copy of the Maker's Sales and SpecificationCatalogue. Three editions are included to cover the known differences of earlyand late models: one is an English language edition issued by the makers forthe first versions made, the other a translation of the later manual from theoriginal German text and the third a copy in German.
Although these manuals are for later machines with "angular" stylingrather than the "rounded" of the earlier, they do cover most of theoperating and screwcutting functions of the first models from the 1950s and1960s - in other words, the factory just seems to have squared off all thecastings to make the machine look "modern".

MV300A VOEST DA160 Lathe (re-badged Emco V13). Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual including electrical connection diagrams, copies of thesometimes damaged or unclear screwcutting charts. Also included is a copy ofthe comprehensive Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories Catalogue.

MV300B VOEST DA160 Lathe (a re-badged Emco V13): Parts Manuals as usefulExploded-component Diagrams.

MV400 VOLLMER Automatic Saw Sharpener Model CNH: Operating and MaintenanceManual.

MV400A Vollmer Finimat IV B-600 TS (4 B-600 TS) Automatic blade and saw sharpener detailed Operation Manual.

MM261B VOLSTAD Pinacho 190 Lathe Operation Manual with Parts Manualas sectional drawings. Includes an electrical schematic and reproductions ofthe screwcutting and feed charts.

MM261C VOLSTAD Pinacho S94C 165 to 310 CNC Lathe Electric Drawings andElectrical Data Manual.

MV500A VOUMARD Type 3 (3ACH,3APCH, 3-32 and 3A, etc.) Internal GrindingMachines: Highly Detailed Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withSectional Drawings and large Hydraulic and Electrical Schematics.

MV500B VOUMARD Type 3A Machine-specific Internal Grinding: Smaller Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Sectional Drawings and large Hydraulicand Electrical Schematics.

MV500C VOUMARD Type 5 Internal Grinding Machine. Operation Instructions.

MV500D VOUMARD Type 200 and Type 400 Internal Grinding Machines. DetailedOperator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Sectional Drawings and largeHydraulic and Electrical Schematics.

MV410 VUILLEUMIER FRERES VF 250/35 Precision lathe. Comprehensive Operator'sHandbook and Maintenance Manual. French Text.Includes a copy of the maker's Technical Specification and AccessoriesCatalogue in French.

MV410A VUILLEUMIER FRERES VF 250/35 Precision lathe. Special Accessories Catalogue. French Text.

MV600/ME350Y VULCAN lathe (copy of EMCO Compact 8): Detailed Instruction Manualand Comprehensive 76 page Workshop Manual together with Exploded AssemblyDiagrams.

MW50 WABECO D2000E, D2400E and D3000E Lathes. Operator's Instruction &Maintenance Manual with Parts as Detailed Sectional Drawings and ElectricalSchematics.

MW50A WABECO D4000E and CC-D4000E Lathes. Operator's Instruction &Maintenance Manual with Parts as Detailed Sectional Drawings and ElectricalSchematics.

MW50B WABECO D6000, CC-D6000, CC-D6000HS, CC-6000CA-HS, D6000E and High-SpeedVersions. Operator's Instruction & Maintenance Manual with Parts asDetailed Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics.

MW100 WADE 8A Precision Toolmakers Lathe. Operator's Instruction &Maintenance Manual with Parts as Detailed Sectional Drawings and ElectricalSchematics.

MW100A WADE 8A Precision Toolmakers Lathe. Operator's Instruction Manual withParts as Detailed Sectional Drawings. Complete with the two largest 8A Salesand Specification and Accessories catalogs and one very early (probablyfirst-edition Sales and Specification sheets) This package represents thecomplete data pack for this lathe.

MW100B WADE Precision Lathes Models 94 and 98 Instruction Manual with partsmanual as clear, Exploded component Drawings. Includes two copies of themaker's Sales, Specification & Accessories Catalogue.

MW100C WADE Precision Lathe Model 73 Instruction Manual with Parts Manual asclear, Exploded Component Drawings.

W1 Wade-CAV Miniature round-bed lathe. No manual was ever produced for thislathe but the following is helpful in getting the best from it: Two detailedSales & Technical Specification Catalogues combined (one from the USAagent) with some duplication. Sectional and general-arrangement drawings, themaker's screwcutting and changewheel chart and special backgear (slow-speed)engagement instructions. This package represents all the data available forthese lathes.

WADKIN - if you machine is not listed below most other WADKIN manuals areavailable; please phone: 01298-871633 to check.

MW5121 Wadkin-Bursgreen: Wadkin-Bursgreen AGS 10" Tilting Arbor Sawbench.Instruction Manual and Spares as Exploded Component Drawings with ElectricalDiagram. .00

MW5122 Wadkin-Bursgreen: Wadkin-Bursgreen AGS 12" Tilting Arbor Sawbench.Instruction Manual and Spares as Exploded Component Drawings including theSliding Table Attachment Accessory Parts List and assembly Instructions withElectrical Diagram. .00

MW5123 Wadkin: Wadkin AGS250 & AGS300 Tilting Arbor Sawbench. InstructionManual. .00

MW5124 Wadkin: Wadkin AGS400 and AGS430 Tilting Arbor Sawbench. InstructionManual. .00

MW5125 Wadkin: Wadkin AGS 10" Tilting Arbor Sawbench. Instruction Manual..00

MW5126 Wadkin: Wadkin AGS 12" Tilting Arbor Sawbench. Instruction Manual..00

MW5127 Wadkin: Wadkin AGS 14" Tilting Arbor Sawbench. Instruction Manual..00

MW5128 Wadkin: Wadkin AGSP Tilting Arbor Panel Sawbench. Instruction Manual..00

MW5129 Wadkin: Wadkin B700 and B800 Bandsaws. Instruction Manual. .00

MW5131 Wadkin: Wadkin BAJ 24" High-speed Planer & Thicknesser.Instruction Manual.

MW5132 Wadkin: Wadkin BAO 12" Roller Feed Planer & Thicknesser.Instruction Manual.

MW5133 Wadkin: Wadkin BAO 24" Roller Feed Planer & Thicknesser.Instruction Manual.

MW5134 Wadkin: Wadkin BAO/S 12" Roller Feed Planer & Thicknesser.Instruction Manual.

MW5135 Wadkin: Wadkin BCC Heavy-duty Vertical Spindle Moulder. InstructionManual.

MW5136 Wadkin: Wadkin BCW Right & Left Hand Pneumatic Crosscut Saws.Instruction Manual.

MW5137 Wadkin: Wadkin BEL Vertical Spindle Moulder. Instruction Manual.

MW5138 Wadkin: Wadkin BEM Heavy-duty Spindle Moulder. Instruction Manual.

MW5139 Wadkin: Wadkin BEN Single Vertical Spindle Moulder. Instruction Manual.

MW5140 Wadkin: Wadkin BER Spindle Moulder. Instruction Manual & Parts Listas Exploded Component Drawings.

MW5141 Wadkin: Wadkin BER2 Medium Duty Spindle Moulder. Instruction Manual andSpares as Exploded Component Drawings with Electrical Diagram.

MW5142 Wadkin: Wadkin BER3 Spindle Moulder. Instruction Manual & Parts Listas Exploded Component Drawings.

MW5143 Wadkin: Wadkin BEX Spindle Moulder. Instruction Manual.

MW5144 Wadkin: Wadkin BFO Planer & Moulder. Instruction Manual & PartsList as Exploded Component Drawings (3 editions, included, early and late).

MW5145 Wadkin: Wadkin BFR Planer Thicknesser (Double Thicknessser Model).Instruction Manual.

MW5146 Wadkin: Wadkin BFT 9" Hand-feed Planer. Instruction Manual.

MW5147 Wadkin: Wadkin BFT 12-inch Hand Feed Planer. Operating Manual,Maintenance Manual and Parts List Book with Electrical Diagram.

MW5148 Wadkin: Wadkin BGP Sliding Table Panel Sawbench. Instruction Manual.

MW5149 Wadkin: Wadkin BGS 12" Sliding Table Dimension Saw. InstructionManual.

MW5150 Wadkin: Wadkin BH7 700 mm Bandsaw. Instruction Manual.

MW5151 Wadkin: Wadkin BL150 Wood Turning Lathe. Instruction Manual with Partsas Exploded Component Drawings.

MW5152 Wadkin: Wadkin BMA Chain or Chisel Morticer. Instruction Manual.

MW5153 Wadkin: Wadkin Bosch "Alpha 3" Programming Manual.

MW5154 Wadkin: Wadkin BRA 14-inch Universal Radial Saw. Operating Manual,Maintenance Manual and Parts List Book with Electrical Diagram.

MW5155 Wadkin: Wadkin BRA 16" Universal Radial Arm Saw. InstructionManual.

MW5156 Wadkin: Wadkin BRA 350 & BRA 400 Universal & Semi-UniversalRadial Arm Saws. Instruction Manual.

MW5157 Wadkin: Wadkin BRA 350 & BEL 400 Universal Radial Cross-cut Saws.Instruction Manual.

MW5158 Wadkin: Wadkin BRA 400 Universal radial Arm saw. Instruction Manual.

MW5159 Wadkin: Wadkin BSM Multi-rip Saw: Operating Manual with ElectricalDiagram.

MW5160 Wadkin: Wadkin BSW 16" Saw Bench. Instruction Manual with Parts asExploded Component Drawings.

MW5161 Wadkin: Wadkin BSW 20-inch Circular Sawbench. Operating Manual,Maintenance Manual and Parts List Book with Electrical Diagram.

MW5162 Wadkin: Wadkin BSW 26" Saw Bench. Instruction Manual with Parts asExploded Component Drawings.

MW5163 Wadkin: Wadkin BT500 Planer and Thicknesser. Instruction Manual withElectrical Diagram

MW5164 Wadkin: Wadkin BT630 Planer & Thicknesser. Instruction &Maintenance Manual with Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MW5165 Wadkin: Wadkin BTS Planer and Thicknesser. Instruction Manual withElectrical Diagram.

MW5166 Wadkin: Wadkin BZB 20" Bandsaw. Instruction Manual with Parts asExploded Component Drawings.

MW5167 Wadkin: Wadkin BZB 24" Bandsaw. Instruction Manual with Parts asExploded Component Drawings.

MW5168 Wadkin: Wadkin BZB 30" Bandsaw. Instruction Manual with Parts asExploded Component Drawings.

MW5169 Wadkin: Wadkin BZG Wood-workers' Tool Grinder. Instruction Manual withParts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MW5170 Wadkin: Wadkin BZL 6-inch Woodturning Lathe: Operating Manual withMaintenance Instructions, Parts Book and Electrical Diagram. Includes a copy ofthe maker's Sales, Technical Specification and Accessories catalogue.

MW5171 Wadkin: Wadkin C500 and C700 Bandsaws. Instruction Manual.

MW5172 Wadkin: Wadkin Model C Range of Power Band Ripsaws (C5, C6, C7, C8 andC9) Instruction and Parts Manual.

MW5173 Wadkin: Wadkin C5 Band saw (dedicated). Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Diagram.

MW5174 Wadkin: Wadkin C5 and C6 Bandsaws (dedicated). Instruction and PartsManual.

MW5175 Wadkin: Wadkin C8 Bandsaw (dedicated). Instruction and Parts Manual.

MW5176 Wadkin: Wadkin Types CC, CD & CF Cross Cutting & TrenchingMachines. Operating & Maintenance Instructions.

MW5177 Wadkin: Wadkin CJ Hydraulic Cross-cutting & Trenching Machines.Operating & Maintenance Instructions.

MW5178 Wadkin: Wadkin CJ2 Cross Cutting and Trenching Machines. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Diagram.

MW5179 Wadkin: Wadkin CK90 High-speed Cross-cut Saw. Operating, Maintenance andParts Manual.

MW5180 Wadkin: Wadkin CP & CPD Range of Sliding Table Panel Saws.All-models Operating, Maintenance and Parts Manual.

MW5181 Wadkin: Wadkin CP12 & CP12/D Panel Sizing & Dimension Saws.Operating, Maintenance and Parts Manual as Exploded-component photographicplates.

MW5182 Wadkin: Wadkin CP25 & CP32 Panel Sizing & Dimension Saws.Operating, Maintenance and Parts Manual.

MW5183 Wadkin: Wadkin CT1300 Saw, Spindle Moulder & Tenoner. Operation& Maintenance Manual.

MW5184 Wadkin: Wadkin CW Cross-cut. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Electrical Diagram.

MW5185 Wadkin: Wadkin DA Double-end Tenoner & Profile Machine. Operating,Maintenance and Parts Manual.

MW5186 Wadkin: Wadkin Delta HT Series Through-feed, Four-sided Planing Machine.Illustrated Parts Manual as Exploded Component and sectional Drawings.

MW5187 Wadkin: Wadkin DL Double End Tenoning Machine. Operation &Maintenance manual.

MW5188 Wadkin: Wadkin DM Hollow Chisel Mortiser. Instruction Manual with Partsas Exploded Component Drawings.

MW5189 Wadkin: Wadkin DM and DM/V (vibrating head version) Hollow ChiselMortiser. Operating Manual, Maintenance Manual and Parts List Book withElectrical Diagram.

MW5190 Wadkin: Wadkin "Dominion" KK Automatic Cross-cut Saw.Operation & Maintenance Manual.

MW5191 Wadkin: Wadkin DP Double-ended Profiling Machine. Detailed OperatingInstructions with Basic Maintenance.

MW5191P Wadkin: Wadkin DP Double End Tenoner. Parts Manual as ExplodedComponent Pictures.

MW5192 Wadkin: Wadkin DR Bandsaws 30" & 36". Instruction Manual.

MW5193 Wadkin: Wadkin Duplex 2000 Tenoning & Profiling Workcentre.Instruction Manual.

MW5194 Wadkin: Wadkin DW-37A Belt Sander. Instruction Manual with Parts asExploded Component Drawings.

MW5195 Wadkin: Wadkin ECA Tenoner Operation & Maintenance Manual.

MW5196 Wadkin: Wadkin ECA Tenoner. Parts Manual.

MW5197 Wadkin: Wadkin EDA Chisel Mortiser. Instruction Manual & IllustratedParts List.

MW5198 Wadkin: Wadkin EEC Band Saw Resaw Instruction Manual.

MW5199 Wadkin: Wadkin EKA Single end Tenoner. Instruction Manual &Illustrated Parts List.

MW5200 Wadkin: Wadkin EQ and EX Single & Double Vertical Spindle Moulders.Operation, Maintenance & Parts Manual.

MW5201 Wadkin: Wadkin ES1000 Band Resaw. Operation Manual.

MW5202 Wadkin: Wadkin FB Moulding Machine. Operation & MaintenanceInstructions.

MW5203 Wadkin: Wadkin FBN Planing & Moulding Machine. Operation &Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MW5204 Wadkin: Wadkin FBP 300 Planing & Moulding Machine. Operation &Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MW5205 Wadkin: Wadkin FD 4" Planing & Moulding Machine. Operation& Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual (not a first-class copy).

MW5206 Wadkin: Wadkin FD 8" & 9" Planing & Moulding Machine.Operation & Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual.

MW5207 Wadkin: Wadkin FD 12" Planing & Moulding Machine. Operation& Maintenance Manual.

MW5208 Wadkin: Wadkin FDB 130 Planing & Moulding Machine. Operation &Maintenance Manual.

MW5209 Wadkin: Wadkin FM Combined Surfacer & Thicknesser. Operation &Maintenance Manual.

MW5210 Wadkin: Wadkin FSP 180 & FSP 220 Through-feed four-side PlaningMachines. Operation & Maintenance Manual with Parts manual as ExplodedComponent Drawings.

MW5211 Wadkin: Wadkin GA Through Feed Straightening Moulder. Operation &Maintenance Manual with Parts manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MW5212 Wadkin: Wadkin GB Through Feed Four Side Straightening Planing machine& Moulder. Operation & Maintenance Manual with Parts manual as ExplodedComponent Drawings.

MW5213 Wadkin: Wadkin GC Through Feed Four Side Straightening Planing machine& Moulder. Operation & Maintenance Manual with Parts manual as ExplodedComponent Drawings.

MW5214 Wadkin: Wadkin GC300 Moulder. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Electrical Diagram.

MW5215 Wadkin: Wadkin GD & GDU Through Feed Four Side Planer & Moulder.Operation & Maintenance Manual with Parts manual as Exploded ComponentDrawings.

MW5216 Wadkin: Wadkin GEM170 Through Feed Straightening Moulder. Operation& Maintenance Manual with Illustrated Parts Manual.

MW5217 Wadkin: Wadkin HC Automatic Saw Sharpener. Operation and MaintenanceManual with Electrical Diagram.

MW5218 Wadkin: Wadkin HH Saw Sharpener. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Electrical Diagram.

MW5219 Wadkin: Wadkin Image 150 Profile Grinder. Operation & MaintenanceManual with Parts manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MW5220 Wadkin: Wadkin JET Tenoning & End Jointing System. InstructionManual.

MW5221 Wadkin: Wadkin JTA Combined Disc & Bobbin Sander. InstructionManual.

MW5222 Wadkin: Wadkin JVA & JWA 30" Double-disc Sanders. Instructionmanual.

MW5223 Wadkin: Wadkin K23 and K25 Through Feed Four Side Planing Machine.Operation & Maintenance Manual with Parts manual as Exploded ComponentDrawings.

MW5224 Wadkin: Wadkin LAM180 Through Feed Four Side Planing Machine. Operation& Maintenance Manual.

MW5225 Wadkin: Wadkin LC Router with Universal Articulated Arm. Operating andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MW5226 Wadkin: Wadkin LC6 Router and Heavy Duty LC. Two Operation Manuals.

MW5227 Wadkin: Wadkin LE and LG Routers (Radial Arm Drill & RoutingMachines). Operation & Maintenance Instructions.

MW5228 Wadkin: Wadkin LQ Overhead Boring & Recessing Machine. Operation& Maintenance Instructions.

MW5229 Wadkin: Wadkin LS and LSA Router. Instruction Manual.

MW5230 Wadkin: Wadkin LSM, LU and LE Routers. Operating and Maintenance Manualwith Electrical Diagram.

MW5231 Wadkin: Wadkin LZ8 Spar Milling Machine. Operating and MaintenanceInstructions.

MW5232 Wadkin: Wadkin MA Mortiser (Chain & Chisel Type). OperationInstructions.

MW5233 Wadkin: Wadkin MF Mortiser (Chain & Chisel Type). OperationInstructions.

MW5234 Wadkin: Wadkin MPS 14/0 Microprocessor Controlled Crosscut Saw.Instruction Manual.

MW5235 Wadkin: Wadkin MT Mortiser (Pneumatically Operated Chain or Chisel). Operating& Maintenance Instructions.

MW5236 Wadkin: Wadkin NH Universal Cutter Grinder. Instruction &Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MW5237 Wadkin: Wadkin NNU Silhouette Profile Grinding Machine. Instruction,Maintenance and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MW5238 Wadkin: Wadkin NNV "Visage Series" Profile Grinding Machines.Instruction, Maintenance and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MW5239 Wadkin: Wadkin NQ 36" & 48" Knife Grinders. InstructionManual.

MW5240 Wadkin: Wadkin NU Grinder. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Electrical Diagram.

MW5241 Wadkin: Wadkin NV Profile Grinder. Instruction, Maintenance and PartsManual as Sectional Drawings.

MW5242 Wadkin: Wadkin NX Profile Grinder. Operation & Maintenance Manual.

MW5243 Wadkin: Wadkin NXU Profile & Planerhead Grinder. Operation &Maintenance Manual.

MW5244 Wadkin: Wadkin NZ 300 & NZ 350 Planerhead Grinder. Instruction,Maintenance and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MW5245 Wadkin: Wadkin NZ Knife Grinder. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Electrical Diagram.

MW5246 Wadkin: Wadkin Opti-Cass Optical Setting System. Instruction Manual.

MW5247 Wadkin: Wadkin P25 and P32 Panel Sizing & Dimension Saws. Operation& Maintenance Manual.

MW5248 Wadkin: Wadkin Panelmaster Panel Sizing & Dimension Saw. Operation& Maintenance Manual.

MW5249 Wadkin: Wadkin PAR Planer. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Electrical Diagram.

MW5250 Wadkin: Wadkin PBR PowerBand Rip Saw. Instruction Manual.

MW5251 Wadkin: Wadkin PBR Resaw. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith Electrical Diagram.

MW5252 Wadkin: Wadkin PBR-HD Bandsaw Power Band Resaw. Instruction Manual.

MW5253 Wadkin: Wadkin PK Dimension Saw. Instruction & Maintenance Manual.

MW5254 Wadkin: Wadkin PP Dimension Saw. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Electrical Diagram.

MW5255 Wadkin: Wadkin PU Electric Straight Line Edger. Instruction &Maintenance Manual with Electrical Diagrams.

MW5256 Wadkin: Wadkin PYM Single & Multi-rip Saw. Instruction &Maintenance Manual.

MW5257 Wadkin: Wadkin RBP400 Tradesman Planer & Thicknesser. Parts Manualwith Electrical Circuit Diagram.

MW5258 Wadkin: Wadkin RJ Planing & Thicknessing Machine. Instruction &Maintenance Manual.

MW5259 Wadkin: Wadkin RK Planing & Thicknessing Machine. Instruction &Maintenance Manual.

MW5260 Wadkin: Wadkin RM Combined Surfacer & Thicknesser. InstructionManual.

MW5261 Wadkin: Wadkin RR1000 Heavy-duty Band Resaw. Instruction Manual.

MW5262 Wadkin: Wadkin RS Woodturning Lathes. Operator's Instruction Manual withelectrical diagrams. Includes a copy of the maker's Technical Specification andAccessories Catalogue.

MW5263 Wadkin: Wadkin RX Panel Planer & Thicknesser. Instruction &Maintenance Manual.

MW5264 Wadkin: Wadkin RZ Surface Planer. Instruction Manual.

MW5265 Wadkin: Wadkin S230LT Hand-feed Surface Planer. Instruction Manual &Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MW5266 Wadkin: Wadkin S400 Surface Planer. Instruction Manual.

MW5267 Wadkin: Wadkin SCD50 Vertical NC Milling Machine. Operating andMaintenance Manual.

MW5267A Wadkin: Wadkin SCD100 & SCD130 Vertical NC Milling Machine. Operating andMaintenance Manual.

MW5268 Wadkin: Wadkin SET Single End Tenoner. Instruction Manual.

MW5269 Wadkin: Wadkin SP12 Panel Sizing Dimension Saw. Instruction Manual &Parts Manual as Exploded Component Pictures.

MW5270 Wadkin: Wadkin SP130 Sliding Table Panel Saw. Instruction Manual.

MW5271 Wadkin: Wadkin Superplane 230. Instruction Manual & Parts Manual asExploded Component Drawings.

MW5272 Wadkin: Wadkin T5 & T6 Planer & Thicknessers. OperatingInstructions.

MW5273 Wadkin: Wadkin T500 Thicknesser. Operating Instructions.

MW5274 Wadkin: Wadkin TCD 1535 Plano Milling, Drilling, Boring and Tappingmachine. Installation, Assembly, Alignment and Preparation for useInstructions. Parts as Sectional and Exploded Component Drawings.

MW5275 Wadkin: Wadkin TD630 Heavy-duty Thicknesser. Instruction Manual andParts Manual as Exploded Component Pictures.

MW5276 Wadkin: Wadkin TS180 Truss Cutter. Operating Instructions.

MW5277 Wadkin: Wadkin UO/S Surface Planer and Thicknesser. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Electrical Diagram.

MW5278 Wadkin: Wadkin UR High-speed Router. Very detailed Operator'sInstruction Manual with Electrical Diagram.

MW5279 Wadkin: Wadkin UX Routers. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MW5280 Wadkin: Wadkin Vision Profile Grinder. Instruction Manual and PartsManual as Sectional Drawings.

MW5281 Wadkin: Wadkin WN Double-ended tenoner. Operator's Instruction Manualwith Electrical Diagram.

MW5281X Wadkin WN and WNF DOUBLE-ENDED DIMENSION & PROFILING MACHINEOperator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with 3 large ElectricalSchematics.

MW5282 Wadkin: Wadkin WO Double-ended tenoner. Operator's Instruction Manualwith Electrical Diagram.

MW5283 Wadkin: Wadkin Router CC 2000-S, CC 2000-D and CC 2000-T. ComputerControlled Models. Operating & Maintenance Instructions.

MW5284 Wadkin Universal Milling Machine Type WL25. Operating and MaintenanceManual

MW200 WAFANGDIAN WF30 Lathe. Operation and Maintenance Manual with ElectricalSchematics. With English and Chinese Text

WAFUM machine Tools: also marketed using FAT WROCLAW badges. If your lathe isnot listed a manual may still be available. Please e-mail your requirements

MW205 WAFUM LATHES Models TUR-40 and TUR-50. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual and Parts Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings.

MW205A WAFUM Lathe TUR-63. Instruction and Maintenance Manual and Parts Manualas Sectional Drawings. . Also sold as the PONAR-WROCLAW TUR63.

MW205B WAFUM Lathe TUD-40 and TUD-50. Instruction and Maintenance Manual andParts Manual as Sectional Drawings. German Text. . Also sold as thePONAR-WROCLAW TUR63.

MW208 WAGNER (Gustaf Wagner) Die Head Z39: Operator's instruction with PartsManual as Component Pictures.

MW210 WAGNER GG-39A Thread-cutting machine with Automatic Turning Device:Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings.

WAHLI 76 Multi-function Machine. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith screwcutting charts, an electrical schematic, details of the Automaticrapid clamping attachment and a dividing unit. This manual is also marked inplaces as pertaining to the Wahli 78.

MW215 WAHLI 90 Gear-cutting machine. A two-part Manual: 1) For Starting up,Setting and Maintenance and 2) a detailed Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with an Electrical Schematic and a number of usefulSectional Drawings.

MW215A WAHLI 90 Gear-cutting Machine. Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings

MW215B WAHLI 91 Gear-cutting Machine. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual with Electrical Diagrams

MW215C WAHLI 96 Automatic Gear Cutting Machine. Operator's Instruction, SettingUp and Maintenance with Electrical Diagrams and a number of useful sectionaldrawings. English Text.

MW215CG Wahli 96 Betriebsanleitung der Automatischen Verzahnungsmaschine.Deutscher Text WAHLI 96 Automatic Gear Cutting Machine. Operator's Instruction,Setting Up and Maintenance with Electrical Diagrams and a number of usefulsectional drawings. GERMAN TEXT.

MW215CP WAHLI 96 Automatic Gear Cutting Machine. Spare Parts Manual asSectional and other Drawings Pieces de Rechange (French Text)

MW215D WAHLI W20 Auto-Loader. Parts as Photographs.

MW215D WAHLI W31 Auto-Loader Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MW218 WALDRICH SIEGEN Roll-Grinding machines with the Program and MeasuringControl POGRIMAT - Operator's Instructions.

MW218A WALDRICH SIEGEN Roll-Grinding Machines - not a manual but a verydetailed and well-illustrated explanation of how the Company's machines weredesigned, constructed, operated and the various accessories employed. 56 pages.

MW218A WALDRICH COBURG NC Plano-Millers Sales and Technical Specification Catalogueshowing giving the specifications of all the FP Series CNC Models. 32 pages

MW220 WALKER-TURNER variable-speed wood lathe Models: L951, L952 and L1152.Simple but vital 4-sided instruction sheet covering set up, adjustment andMaintenance of the variable-speed drive system. Exploded Parts Drawings;Accessories Listings. The original publication was printed on poor qualitypaper with ink bleed through the sheets. Includes 3 advertising sheets.

MW2120A WALKER-TURNER 6-inch Jointer Model 6520-1. Parts List as explodedcomponent Drawings.

MW230 WALTEC Miller. Instruction Manual and Electrical and Hydraulic Diagrams.

MW230/MH236H HERBERT "WALTEC" PROGRAMME-CONTROLLED PRODUCTION MILLINGMACHINE Types H, LV, H/RF and LV/RF. Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual, General Arrangement Drawings and Electrical Schematic.

MW232 WALTER UNIVERSAL TOOL and CUTTER GRINDER Model 3CYS: ComprehensiveInstruction Manual with Electrical Schematics.

MW232A WALTER Dividing Heads Operating Instructions and Sectional Drawings for the Models UTA80N, UTA100E, UTA125N, UTA15E, UTA160N, UTA200E, UTA200N, UTA250E and UTA320N.

MW232B Walter AMS 500 Tool & Cutter Grinder. Detailed Operating Manual with a Hydraulic Schematic, Electrical Schematic, Sectional Drawings, and a copy of the maker's detailed 24-page Sales & Technical Specification catalogue.

MW233 Walton (Walton of radcliffe): Instruction Manual and Parts List for Walton hand-folding machinesCramp and Box and Pan Type 16SWG.

MW234 Wand ERER 3G/U Milling Machine: Operating Manual with Use of Accessoriesincluding Standard and ram-type vertical heads, slotting head, dividingattachment. Assembly and Adjustment of Electro-magnetic Clutches.

MW234B Wand ERER 1-F/V Milling Machine: Installation and Operator's InstructionManual.

MW238 Wandess "Wand ESS" Cylinder Boring Bar. Operator'sInstructions.

MW246 WARCO LATHES - the common Taiwanese "1122", "1124","1224", "1236", 1325, 1336, 1340B, "1340","1327" & 2021 Lathe with a 6.5" centre height - amedium-sized type branded variously as Warco, Brazier's TY110, Carolina,Grizzly DF-1224G, Enco, Honden Visa, Kin Shin, KS-3.5, Lantaine, Manhattan,McMillan, MSC, Peerless, Warco, Wey YII Corp, etc. This is Operator's Manualand Parts as Sectional Drawings supplied for the Warco version - but will alsobe applicable to the other brands as well.

MW246A WARCO Milling and Drilling Machine. Major, Minor and Economy. BasicOperator's Instruction Manual - but with full Sectional Drawings. Includescopies of various sales catalogues.

MW246B Warco CT-918 lathe. Full Manual and Exploded Components Manual. Alsoapplies to other Taiwanese and Chinese lathes sold under the "918"label. An improved USERS MANUAL for this lathe is the one for Emco Compact8 - of which the 918 is a copy.

MW246C Warco 210 Lathe Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual as full SectionalDrawings (Covers Models C210T, C210 and other variants).

MW246D Warco 220 Lathe. Operator's Manual with Electrical Diagrams.

MM546 Warco-Myford VM-C, VM-E "A1S", "AM", "A1" and "VO-A1 Milling Machines (also sold badged with names). This is a collection of data for these models that often had the designation "A1S", "AM", "A1" and "VO-A1" in their model-type description. Three publications are included, two for the Myford-badged models and another for the "generic" Warco type. Operator's Instruction Manuals with Parts as Sectional drawings. Includes two copies of the maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue and price lists for the VM-C and VM-E.

MW246F Warco ALH4 Turret Miller (a Bridgeport clone): Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manualwith a Parts Manual as Exploded Component and sectiona Drawings. Two manuals are included, one a smaller edition, the other larger.

MW246G Warco 1420BH Lathe: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual withParts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MW246H WARCO FV320T - a direct copy of the Emco FB2 (and MENTOR) VerticalMilling Machine. This manual is for the Emco and includes Combined Operator's'Instruction Manual and Parts Manuals shown as useful Exploded-componentDiagrams. Includes details of both the later 6-speed and earlier 4-speedversions together with a factory issue 14-page "Electrical System"bulletin for the late FB2. Includes a copy of the maker's detailed Sales &Accessories Catalogue and a chart showing the "Calculation of hole numbersrequired on the indexing attachment".

MW249WARD "Over Sixty Years Of Capstan and Turret Lathe Manufacture": Ward "Over Sixty Years Of Capstan and Turret Lathe Manufacture": A Celebration Booklet giving a Factory Tour of the Birmingham and Worcester factories of H.W.Ward. Profusely illustrated with detailed descriptions of the manufacturing and machining processes and of the many and varied departments.

MW249A WARD CAPSTAN Lathes, TOOLING, COLLETS, CHUCKS and ATTACHMENTS. Anindispensable 175-page guide to equipment for Ward capstan lathes with CapacityCharts, spindle nose dimensions and full details (photographs and dimensioneddrawings) of tooling to fit the turret head, cross slide, copy turning andprofiling equipment, turning and threading tools (including how to sharpen andset), work holding and hand ling equipment, bar feeds, etc. Several editions ofthis book were published - this is the most comprehensive.

MW250 WARD Capstan and Turret Lathes. Ward's system for Manuals included thepublication of this very comprehensive but non-machine-specific 78-page"Operator's Instruction Manual, Instruction Manual and Catalogue" andto back this up with smaller publications to explain the operatingpeculiarities of individual models (listed below). The book illustratesexamples of work produced as well as showing virtually every model of latheproduced - "0", "OE", "No.1", "No.1A","No.2", No.2A", "No.2DS", "No.3",No.3A", No.3DS", "No.7", "No.7DS", "No.7"Prelector"", No.8 Turret", No.10 Turret","No.10/13 Turret", "No.16 Turret". Published continuouslyfrom the 1930s to the 1970s this is an excellent companion to any of the WardManuals listed below. Wonderful illustrations.

MW250A WARD Automatic BAR CHUCK. Operation Manual with Sectional Drawings and Parts as Exploded-component Views.

MW250B WARD Bar-feed Attachments - hand and air-operated versions: InstallationManual.

MW250B WARD No. 2A Capstan Lathe. Spare Parts Manual as detailed SectionalDrawings.

MW250C WARD No. 2A Capstan Lathe. Detailed Operating Manual. Includes a copy ofthe maker's comprehensive Sales and Specification catalogue.

MW250D WARD No. 2CA, 2DS, 3CA and 3DS Capstan lathe. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual. Two editions are included, the later large and earliersmall format versions, together with a copy of the maker's Technical Sales andSpecification Catalogue.

MW250E WARD No. 2CA Capstan lathe. Spare Parts Manual as Detailed SectionalDrawings.

MW250F WARD 2DB and 3DB and 2DB(NF) and 3DB(NF) Capstan Lathes. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual.

MW250G WARD 2DB and 3DB Capstan Lathes: Spare Parts Manual as DetailedSectional Drawings.

MW250GG WARD 4DB Capstan Lathe: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MW250H WARD 2DS and 3DS Capstan Lathes: Operating Manual. Small Format Edition- includes extensive data from Technical Advertising Catalogues.

MW250K WARD 2DS and 3DS Plug Programme Lathes: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MW250KK WARD 2DS and 3DS Plug Programme Lathes. Capstan Lathes: InstructionCourse Manual with Practical Working Examples.

MW250KKP WARD 2DS Spare Parts Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings. LargeFormat.

MW250R WARD No. 2 and No. 3 "Auto-Ward" Plug Programmed CapstanLathes. Installation, Operating and Maintenance Manual including faultDiagnosis. Late Edition, fully revised.

MW250RR WARD No. 2 and No. 3 "Auto-Ward" Plug Programmed CapstanLathes. Detailed Electrical and Hydraulic Circuits Manual.

MW250T WARD No.3 "Auto-Ward" Plug Programmed Capstan Lathe:"Setting Instructions". - this should really be called an"Instruction Book" and show the basic operating proceduresspecifically for the No. 3 lathe -the air-operated bar feed and automaticchucks, etc.

MW250V WARD No.3 Plug Programmed Lathe: Spares as Detailed Sectional Drawings.

MW250W WARD Plug Programmed Lathes: Special Tooling and Equipment: Standard,Auto-mechanical and Work Hand ling.

MW250M WARD No. 3A Capstan Lathe: Detailed Operating Manual and a TechnicalAdvertising Catalogue.

MW250MS WARD No. 3A Capstan Lathe. Detailed Sectional Parts Drawings Manual.

MW250MCS WARD No. 3A Capstan Lathe with chasing saddle - Technical Sales andSpecification Catalogue to accompany MW50M.

MW250N WARD 3DS Spare Parts Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings for modelwith "rounded" headstock. Large Format.

MW250NS WARD 3DS Spare Parts Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings for modelwith "square" headstock. Large Format.

MW250P WARD 3DB Spare Parts Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings. Largeformat.

MW250X WARD No.3 Automatic Lathe: "Setting Manual". this should reallybe called an "Instruction Book" and shows the basic operatingprocedures for using the lathe, the air-operated bar feed and automatic chucks,etc..

MW250Z WARD No.7 Capstan & Turret Lathe. 3 Operation Manuals in onecovering:
the Standard Machine (with 4 individual gear levers on the top of headstock)
the Combination Turret Lathe (with feed shaft and leadscrew rotationscontrolled by two levers mounted on separate discs to the left of thescrewcutting and feeds' gearbox)
the Prelector Turret Lathe - a development of the standard machine with a"Prelector" control dial on the face of the headstock that allows thepre-selection of any speed before its engagement.

MW251 WARD No.7 Spare Parts Manual as detailed Cross Sectional Drawings. Largeformat.

MW251A WARD No.7C, 7D and 7E ""Prelector"" CombinationTurret Lathes (the type with a rotating dial on the front face of theheadstock. The C was an early version of the D, almost identical but producedin limited numbers). A complete data pack with two editions, early and late ofthe: Installation, Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manuals withElectrical and Hydraulic Schematics.

MW251 WARD No.7C and 7D ""Prelector"" Spare Parts Manual asdetailed Cross Sectional Drawings. Large format.

MW251C WARD No.7D and 7E ""Prelector"" Combination TurretLathes: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MW251DS WARD No.7DS Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual. Includes acopy of the Interesting 24-page Maker's Sales, Accessories and Specificationcatalogue.

MW251DS2 WARD No.7DS Spares Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings.

MW251E WARD No. 8, 10 and 10/13 Combination Turret Lathes (also covers thealmost identical 10/18 Model): Installation, Operating and Maintenance Manual.

MW251K WARD 10/13 Turret Lathe (also applicable to the very similar 10/18Model): Spares Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings.

MW251F WARD No.8 Spares Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings.

MW251GA WARD 10C and 10CR Prelector Combination Turret Lathe: Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with Hydraulic and Electrical Schematics.
MW251G WARD 10D Prelector Combination Turret Lathe: Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual.

MW251H WARD 10D Prelector Combination Turret Lathe: Spares as DetailedSectional Drawings. 150 pages.

MW251J WARD 10 Turret Lathe: Spares Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings.

MW251L WARD "CRUSADER" M.D.I. Lathe (based on the Ward 3DS).Operating Manual.

MW251m WARD 32/42 Automatic Lathe. Operating Manual with Parts as SectionalDrawings.

MW254 WARD Bar Chucks - Manually and Air-operated Types. Manual for Operation,Maintenance, Fitting, Removing, Dismantling and Assembly, Lubrication,Sectional Drawings and2-axis Parts as Exploded Component Drawings, etc.

MW254A WARD Air-operated 2" (51mm) Collet Chuck: Operation, Maintenance,Fitting, Removing, Dismantling and Assembly, Lubrication, Sectional Drawingsand Parts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MW254B WARD Taper Turning on Capstan and Combination Turret Lathes.


MW270 Ward, Haggas & Smith Lathes. Instructions, care & MaintenanceInstructions.

MW270 WARD Tool & Cutter Grinders. Types C.S.G. and C.S.G. Semi-automatic,MAXIGRIND C.S.G. (Controlled Spiral Grinding Machines). Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings, ElectricalSchematics, Connection Diagrams and Hydraulic Schematics. Three editions of themanual are included: one the largest and most comprehensive published and twosmaller, slightly different ones. Also included is a copy of the Maker'scomprehensive Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MW281 WARNER ELECTRIC BRAKE Models 500, 825, 1000, 1225, 1525 and ERDInstallation. Service Manual with Sectional Drawings and InstallationInstructions.

MW290z WARNER and SWASEY: A company History 1880 - 1930. 66 pages.

MW290 WARNER and SWASEY No. 1 and 2 Electric and No. 2 "All-geared"Head Turret Lathes: Comprehensive Service Manual - Installation, Maintenanceand Repair Parts Manual. (Model M-1360).

MW290A Warner and Swasey No.1 "Electric" Ram Type Turret Lathe:Service Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual with detailed Assembly Diagrams.

MW290B Warner and Swasey No.1 "Universal" Ram Type Turret Lathe:Service Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual with detailed Assembly Diagrams.

MW290C Warner and Swasey 1AC Single Spindle Chucking Automatic: Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MW290D Warner and Swasey No. 1A, 2A, 3A and 4A Turret Lathes Service Manualwith Installation and Maintenance Instructions.

MW290E Warner and Swasey 2A Turret Lathe. Dedicated Model Service Manual withMaintenance Instructions and Repair Parts as Annotated Sectional drawings.

MW290F Warner and Swasey No. 1AC Single-spindle Chucking Automatic: ServiceManual and part-exploded, part-Sectional Repair Parts Manual and detailed AssemblyDiagrams.

MW290G Warner and Swasey No. 2AC Single-spindle Chucking Automatic: Operator'sInstruction Book (also applies to the 3-AC).

MW290H Warner and Swasey No. 2AC Single-spindle Chucking Automatic: ServiceManual and Exploded-diagrams Repair Parts Manual with detailed Assembly Diagrams.

MW290J Warner and Swasey No. 3AC Single-spindle Chucking Automatic: Operation and ServiceManual and Exploded-diagrams Repair Parts Manual with detailed Assembly Diagrams.

MW290K Warner and Swasey No. 4AC Single-spindle Chucking Automatic: ServiceManual and Exploded-diagrams Repair Parts Manual with detailed Assembly Diagrams.

MW290L WARNER and SWASEY Pre-Setting Instruction Book for 1AC and 2CA machines.detailed descriptions of how to set tooling for maximum efficiency andproduction.

MW290M Warner and Swasey 3-A Turret Lathe Model M-3500: Installation,Alignment, Adjustment, Operation and Repair Parts Manual as Detailed Exploded ComponentDrawings.

MW290N Warner and Swasey No. 4A Universal Turret Lathe. Service Manual. plussuperb Sectional Drawings of the entire machine.

MW291 Warner and Swasey 2-Axis NC Controlled Turning Machines Models: M5000,M5020, M5060, M5090 (1-SC Series) Numerically Controlled Lathe. Comprehensive173 page Service Manual with Repair Parts as clear Exploded-Component and Sectional Drawings. Includes an Operating Manual for the Punch tape reader.

MW252B FANUC Control System for above (W and S M5000 Series Lathes).Maintenance Manual.

MW292C Warner and Swasey No. 3, 4 and 5 "Universal Ram Type" TurretLathe: Service Manual and Fold-out Sectional Drawings Parts Manual withdetailed Assembly Diagrams.

MW292D Warner and Swasey Turret Lathes Tools: A comprehensive 200-page Bookletillustrating the full range of tooling, accessories, chucks, lathe data sheets,etc, etc, appropriate for W and S lathes.

MW293 Warner and Swasey Column Type CCNC Turning Machine. Operator's Manual.

MW293A Warner and Swasey UNIVERSAL 315 CNC Lathe. Operating Instructions formachines with Siemens 6TB Controls.

MW293B Warner and Swasey Type C-5 and C5-HD Cylindrical Grinders Plain andSemi-Automatic. Instruction Manual and a Parts Manual as clearexploded-component drawings.

MW293C Warner and Swasey Cylindrical Grinders Type CV-5 6-inch and 10-inch and Type LCV-5 10 inch and 14-inch. Instruction Manual and a Parts Manual asclear Exploded-component drawings.

MW293D Warner and Swasey Universal Grinders Type U-4 14-inch and 18-inch. HandOperated and Semi-Automatic Types. Instruction Manual and a Parts Manual as clearExploded-component drawings.

MW293E Wardner & Swasey No.12 Tapping & Threading Machines. PartsManual as clear annotated 3-D cut-away Drawings.

WARREN (A.P.Warren) = see under Trav-a-dial and TRAK Sensor

WM294 Waterbury & Farrel Rotary Die Threader. Operation Manual with a Parts Manual as Exploded-component Drawings.

MW295 WASINO "LEO" Lathe. Instruction and Maintenance Manual withElectrical Schematic.

MW295-0 WAVIS "T" Range Unit Heads - screw feed slide type. Instructionand Maintenance Manual

MW298 Weatherley Oilgear 5 and 10-ton presses and Oilgear Cyclematic BroachingMachines: Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual. Includes ElectricalSchematics.

MW298A Weatherley XS 50 x 66 Vertical Surface Broaching Transfer MachineOperator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MW298B Weatherley VSD 12" x 30" Broaching Machine with Broach Handling. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MW305 WEBO "Bohrmaschine B16" - Boring Machine Model B16. Instructionand Maintenance Manual with some Sectional Drawings. German text.

MW305A WEBO "Bohrmaschine V5" - Boring Machine Model V5. Instructionand Maintenance Manual with some Sectional Drawings - (included in MW265Aabove).

MW305B WEBO Varia Auto-cycle Pillar drill. Package of 57 Electrical and ControlFlow Diagrams.

MW315 WEBSTER and BENNETT D Series Boring andTurning Mills (usually identified by a lack of rotary electrical controls on a consul to the right of the horizontal slide - just push-buttons being provided): Detailed Maintenance Manual, Repair Manual and Parts Manual asdetailed Sectional Drawings.

MW315A WEBSTER and BENNETT Series "M" and "EM" Boring andTurning Mills: Detailed Maintenance Manual, Repair Manual and Parts Manual asdetailed Sectional Drawings. Includes a hydraulic schematic.

MW315B WEBSTER and BENNETT D Series and DH and EH Boring and Turning Mills: DetailedMaintenance Manual, Repair Manual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Latefull edition covering changes made to the machine. Includes a 36-page Sales andTechnical Specification Catalogue. 179 pages

MW315C WEBSTER and BENNETT "High Power Duplex Boring and TurningMills": Early Operator's Instruction sheets with Technical Sales andSpecification Catalogues for the 30 to 60-inch models.

MW315D WEBSTER and BENNETT "DCM" Boring and Turning Mills"Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.Not a first-class copy but useable.

MW315E WEBSTER and BENNETT Tool Layouts and Floor-to-Floor Time Estimates fortypical jobs.

MW315F WEBSTER and BENNETT FRNC and ERNC Boring Mills. Technical Catalogueshows machine capabilities and work examples.

MW315G WEBSTER and BENNETT Electronic Profiling Equipment. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual.

MW315H WEBSTER and BENNETT Series EV 36-inch Vertical Boring & TurningMachine. Operator's Manual.

MW315HM WEBSTER and BENNETT Series EV 36-inch Vertical Boring & TurningMachine. Maintenance Instructions & Parts Manual as Sectioanl Drawings.

MW315J WEBSTER and BENNETT Series EV 48-inch Vertical Boring & TurningMachine. Operator's Manual.

MW315JM WEBSTER and BENNETT Series EV 48-inch Vertical Boring & TurningMachine. Maintenance Instructions & Parts Manual as Sectioanl Drawings.

MW315K WEBSTER and BENNETT Series EV 60-inch Vertical Boring & TurningMachine. Operator's Manual.

MW315KM WEBSTER and BENNETT Series EV 60-inch Vertical Boring & TurningMachine. Maintenance Instructions & Parts Manual as Sectioanl Drawings.

MW315Q WEBSTER and BENNETT Series Q 54 Vertical Boring & Turning Machine.Maintenance Manual and Parts List.

MW315R WEBSTER and BENNETT Series V Series Vertical Boring & TurningMachines. Maintenance Manual and Parts Manual as clear Sectional Drawings withan electrical schematic. This manual is for the 60-inch machine but alsoapplies to other versions with smaller and larger tables.


MW320 Weidemann Turret Punch Presses Type BR4, BR44 and BR41P (also applies toother sizes). Operating and Maintenance Instructions.

MW320A Weidemann Turret Punch Presses Type R44. Operating and Maintenance Instructions.

WEILER Lathes - it can sometimes be difficult to tell one model from another.If in doubt email photographs an identification.

MW325 WEILER CONDOR Lathes Model W (variable-speed drive) and VS (per-selectorspeed change). Instruction Manual with Screwcutting and LubricationInstructions, Electrical Circuits and Parts Manual as Sectional SectionalDrawings. As supplied with lathes delivered to the UK. Includes reproductionsof the often worn screwcutting and feeds charts and a copy of the Maker'sSales, Specification and Special Accessories Catalogue.

MW325BG WEILER MATADOR. The manual is also marked: "LZ 330 Condor".GERMAN TEXT. Model VS and Model W (variable-speed drive and pre-selectorgearbox types): Instruction Manual with Electrical Circuits and Spare PartsManual as exploded component diagrams with open sections clearly showing thedetailed construction of every element of the machine. Screwcutting and LubricationInstructions. 100 pages. (The nearest manual in English that gives detailsof this style of Weiler lathe is listed under reference MW325 above)

MW325C WEILER LZ220 and LD220 (1950s model with a long vertical lever in frontof the headstock). Instruction Manual with Screwcutting, LubricationInstructions, Electrical Circuits and Parts Manual as Sectional SectionalDrawings. GERMAN TEXT, Includes a copy of the comprehensive Special AccessoriesCatalogue.

MW325D WEILER LZ-280 Instruction Manual with Screwcutting and LubricationInstructions, Electrical Circuits, Parts Manual as Sectional SectionalDrawings and a copy of the maker's comprehensive Sales & Specificationcatalogue. As supplied with lathes delivered to the UK (English text).

MW325E WEILER "MATADOR LZ330-Condor" Lathe: Instruction Manual withElectrical Circuits and Spare Parts Manual as exploded component diagrams withopen sections clearly showing the detailed construction of every element of themachine. MAIN TEXT IN GERMAN but includes English annotations of the lathe'sControls, Screwcutting and Lubrication Instructions. As supplied with lathesdelivered to the UK. 100 pages.

MW325F WEILER LZ280, LZ300 & MD260 Lathes. Two copies of the InstructionManual with Electrical Circuit diagrams with Parts as Sectional Drawings.GERMAN TEXT but with some English annotations on the drawings.

MW325G WEILER Praktikant W and R Lathes: Instruction Manual with ElectricalCircuits and Parts Manual shown as exploded component diagrams with opensections clearly showing the detailed construction of every element of themachine. Main text in German but includes English annotations of the lathe'scontrols, screwcutting and lubrication details. As supplied with lathesdelivered to the UK. 100 pages.

MW325H WEILER Praktikant 140, Praktikant 160: Instruction Manual with Parts asDetailed Sectional Sectional Drawings.

MW325J WEILER RDU-260, 260/28, 260/38. 260/38-Z, 260/38-D (etc) Capstan Lathe.Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings.

MW325Y Weiler Primus Lathe. Operation, Maintenance and a Parts Manual as clear sectional drawings. Includes Electrical Schematics, reproductions of the screwcutting and feed charts, a Parts Manual for the Verical Milling Head and a copy of the maker's Sales and Technical Specification Catalogue. German Text in the manual, the catalogue is in English. .

MW32Z WEILER PRECISION TOOLROOM LATHE Accessories Catalogue for Condor,Matador, 300 and 200 Models. Useful adjunct to the Manual above. 57 pages.

MW327 WEIR Pumps (Direct-acting Feed Pumps). Working Instructions.

MW330 WEISSER HEILBRONN "GOLIATH" Lathe. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics and Parts Manual as fold-outSectional Drawings.

MW330A WEISSER HEILBRONN "SENIOR" Lathe. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics and Parts Manual as fold-outSectional Drawings. Includes reproductions of the screwcutting and feedscharts.

WELDERS - we have access to a large collection of manuals for all kinds ofWelding machines Please phone: 01298-871633 with requirements.

MW340 WELLS-INDEX 745, 756, 760, 845 856 Horizontal and Vertical MillingMachines. Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as detailed Sectional Drawings.

MW340A WELLS-INDEX 747VS Vertical Miller. Operator's, Maintenance and PartsManual with Sectional Drawings.

MW340B WELLS Model L-9 Band saw: Operator's, Maintenance and Parts Manual. Poorphotographs.

MW340C WELLS Model 8 Band saw: Operator's, Maintenance and Parts Manual withexcellent exploded Parts Illustrations. 102 pages.

MW340D WELLS Model W-9 Band saw: Operator's, Maintenance and Parts Manual withexcellent exploded Parts Illustrations. 102 pages.

MW342 WENTGATE Electron Beam Welders Models BW-510-PG, BW-502-PG and BW-602-PG.Operating and Maintenance Manual with a Supplement "Precision FilamentManufacture and Alignment Procedure".

MW342A WENTGATE Vacuum Furnace 1218. Instruction Manual with Electrical Schematic.

MW345 WERA Profilator. Instruction Book.

MW349 WERNER (Fritz Werner) 2.231D and 2.231E Vertical Milling Machines. OperatingManual with Wiring Diagram.

MW350 WERNER (Fritz Werner) 3.230 Vertical Milling Machine. Werner (FritzWerner) 3.230 Vertical Milling Machine. Simple Operating Manual with electricalschematics and sectional drawings (27 pages) together with the comprehensive(contemporary) full-range 93-page Fritz Werner Sales, Technical Specificationand Accessories Catalogue.

MW350A WERNER (Fritz Werner) 3.275 Spine Shaft Grinder. Operating Manual withWiring Diagram.

MW350E WERNER (Fritz Werner) 4.221 Double-spindle Milling Machine. Operatingand Maintenance Manual.

MW350G WERNER (Fritz Werner) 5.131 Vertical Milling Machine. Operating andMaintenance Manual including large electrical schematics.

MW350H WERNER (Fritz Werner) 8.100 Horizontal Milling Machine. Operating andMaintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics. GERMAN TEXT.

MW350I WERNER (Fritz Werner) 8.102 Horizontal Milling Machine. WorkingInstructions.

MW350K WERNER (Fritz Werner) 9.101 Horizontal Milling Machine. Operating andMaintenance Manual including large electrical schematics.

MW350L WERNER PC2000 Computer Control System. Comprehensive Operating andMaintenance Manual including many Electrical Schematics. 0

MW350M Werner VF-1.5, HF-1.5 & UF-1.5 Vertical, Horizontal & UniversalMilling Machines. Operator's Manual. GERMAN text but with many useful diagrams,lubrication details in English and an Electrical Schematic.

MW350N WERNER FV2 Milling Machine GERMAN TEXT. Comprehensive Operating andMaintenance Manual. MW350P WERNER FV3D and FV4 Milling Machines.Comprehensive Operating and Maintenance Manual including a section onRectification of electrical faults in the control system and a translation ofthe electrical Parts List.

MW350ME WERNER FV3D Milling Machine. Large Electrical Schematic.

MW355 WESPA Types MS (MS, MSP, MSU, MSL) Metal Bandsawing Machines and theirElectrical Blade Welder Types "Ideal" EBS 0/BS-0 and BS 0-25.Operating Instructions with electrical diagrams and lubrication chart.

MW356 WESTOOL Westminster HBD/L single coil and HBD/L3 triple coil Coil WindingMachines: Operation and Service Instructions with a Parts Manual as SectionalDrawings.

MW358 WESTERN MACHINE TOOL WORKS Lathes and Shapers (Chard and Steptoe): Seeentry under CHARD and STEPTO.

MW360 WESTINGHOUSE ARC WELDER Type TR (AC/DC). Instruction Book. (seeRowen-Arc UK).

MW360a WESTINGHOUSE chargers for Electric Vehicles and Trucks Type SV Sizes 2,3 and 4. Instruction Book.

MW362 WETZEL Boring Machines Models B and Models Q. Comprehensive InstructionBook with Sectional Drawings.

MW362A-W55 WETZEL Boring Machines "Working Instructions, SpecialAttachments, Tools, Work Holders, Speed and Feed Charts" dated 1928 withspecifications and pictures of the various models. 111 pages.

MW363 W.G.W. Keyseating Machines 70/400, 70/520 and 70/650. OperatingInstructions. Includes a detailed technical bulletin about the principles of keyseating and how to set the machines for maximum productivity.

MW364 WHARCO Threading Dies. Complete Guide to Operator's Instruction andMaintenance. 70 pages.

MW368 WHITE (Thomas White) AKG Automatic Grinding mMchine. Operating andMaintenance Instructions.

MW370 WHITEHEAD BJF Band saw. Operator's Instructions.

MW374 Wickam Handy Dandy Steam Cleaner. Instruction and Maintenance Manual withParts as Exploded Component Drawings.

MW378 WICKMAN No.1 Centreless Grinding machine. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual

MS500B/MW382 SCRIVENER (Wickman-Scrivener) No. 0 CENTERLESS GRINDER. DetailedOperator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual.

MS500C SCRIVENER (Wickman-Scrivener) No. 1 CENTERLESS GRINDER Model C and D:Two editions, early and late, of the Operator's Instruction and MaintenanceManual.

MS500D SCRIVENER (Wickman-Scrivener) No. 2 CENTERLESS GRINDER: Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with large Electrical Schematic.

MS500DJ SCRIVENER (Wickman-Scrivener) No. 2J CENTERLESS GRINDER: Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MS500E SCRIVENER (Wickman-Scrivener) 2C and 2G CENTERLESS GRINDER: Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual.

MS500F SCRIVENER (Wickman-Scrivener) No.2 Super Surface Grinder: Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual (pc).

MS500G SCRIVENER (Wickman-Scrivener) 345 Internal Grinding Machine: Operator'sInstruction Manual. Includes an Electrical Drawings, Hydraulic Schematic andCycle and Solenoid Sequence Charts.

MS500H SCRIVENER (Wickman-Scrivener) 618 and 824 Super Surface Grinders(6" x 18" and 8" x 24"): Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with a copies of two Sales and Technical SpecificationCatalogues.

MS500J SCRIVENER (Wickman-Scrivener) Valve Rocker Grinding Machine. OperatingManual.

MS 500K SCRIVENER (Wickman/Scrivener) 18/20 Duplex Grinder. Operator's Manual.
MW380 WICKMAN TAIYO 60-250 CNC Turning System. Instruction Manual.

MW380T WICKMAN TAIYO 60-250 CNC Turning System. Parts as Sectional Drawings.

MW380/260 WICKMAN TAIYO 60-260 CNC Lathe. Operating Manual (two Volumes).

MW380A WICKMAN Spark Erosion Machines. Explanatory Booklet and Catalogueshowing the basic operating procedures as well as the various machines andtheir capabilities.

MW380B WICKMAN CSA-600 Automatic Chucking Machine. Operator's InstructionManual *

MW380C Wickman 5/8"-6 Automatic. Machine and Attachments Parts List asSectional Drawings.

MW380D Wickman 5/8"-6 Automatic. Machine and Attachments Data.

MW380E WICKMAN 13/8"-6 and 13/4"- 6 Bar Automatic Lathes Operator'sInstruction Manual.

MW380EP WICKMAN 13/8"-6 and 13/4"- 6, 55/8-6 6-Bar Automatic Lathes.Parts List as Detailed Sectional drawings

MW380F WICKMAN 1"-6 Automatic Lathe. Operator's Instruction Manual withdetailed Sectional Drawings.

MW380G WICKMAN 1"-6, 1"-6D, 1"-6S Automatic Lathe. Parts List asDetailed Sectional Drawings.

MW380K WICKMAN 13/4" Bar Automatic Lathes Operator's Instruction Manual.

MW380L WICKMAN 13/4" Bar Automatic Lathes Spares as Detailed SectionalDrawings.

MW380M WICKMAN 21/4"-6, 21/4"-6D, 2"-6, 2"-6D Spares asDetailed Sectional Drawings.

MW380MA WICKMAN 21/4"-6 including 2"-6 Operator's Manual.

MW380N WICKMAN 25/8"-31/2" Automatic Bar Lathe. Not a manual but adetailed overview of the machines that explains how they work and with numerous"worked examples" demonstrating tooling layouts and what they arecapable of.

MW380P WICKMAN 25/8"-31/2" Automatic Bar Lathe. Operator's manual

MW380PP WICKMAN 25/8"-31/2" Automatic Bar Lathe. Spares as DetailedSectional Drawings.

MW380Q WICKMAN 5 Spindle Bar and Chucking Automatic Lathes. Comprehensive120-page Detailed Operator's Instruction Manual.

MW380R WICKMAN 71/4"-6, 71/4"-6D and 9"-4 Multi-spindleAutomatics Chucking Machines. Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MW380S WICKMAN SCA-12 Chucking Automatic. Operator's Instruction Manual.

MW383 WICKMAN 5-Spindle Automatics. Operator's Instruction Manual. Detaileddescription of the lathe and an excellent guide as to how the best can be gotfrom it.

MW383A WICKMAN 1"- Five-Spindle Automatic Lathes 13/8",13/4",21/4" Bar and 5" and 6" Chucking Automatics. DetailedOperator's Instructions1.

MW383B WICKMAN Six-spindle Automatic 11/4"-6 and 2"-6 lathe.Operator's Instruction Manual with detailed Sectional Drawings.

MW383C WICKMAN 1"- Eight Spindle Bar Automatic, Detailed Operator'sInstructions1.

MW383D WICKMAN 2 5/8" (67mm) and 3 1/2" (89mm) Automatic Bar lathe. Parts Manual.

MW384 WICKMAN 24/30 Duplex Face Grinding Machine. Operating Manual.

MW385 WICKMAN Optical Profile Grinding Machine. Operator's Instruction Manualand the Comprehensive "Training Course for Operators". Includes bothearly and late copies of the maker's detailed Sales, Technical Specificationand Attachments Catalogue.

MW385A WICKMAN OPTICAL PROFILE GRINDING MACHINE. Maintenance Manual and PartsManual as Sectional Drawings.

MW386 WICKMAN-BENNETT 72" Series EV Boring and Turning Mill. MaintenanceManual with Parts as Sectional Drawings and Electrical and HydraulicSchematics.


MW387 WICKES DHT-4 lathe - Spacing and Undercutting Lathe. Operation,Maintenance, Lubrication, Fault Diagnosis with Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Electricaland Lubrication Schematics. MW387A WICKES MP Pin Lathe: Installation,Operation and Maintenance and Fault-finding Manual with a Special Booklet"Oiling Data for Wickes Lathes" Includes a manual for the Fawick TypeVC Clutches.

MW390 WICKSTEED HACKSAWS: Due to the difficulty of identifying exact models allthe literature for these machines had been combined in one publication. Itcomprises:
"Econocut" Hacksaw: Operator's Instruction Manual and Parts asSectional Drawings + WICKSTEED SAWS 6", 8", 10", 12",14" and 16" + a Combined Manual and Parts List (with some SectionalDrawings) for the "Hydromatic" (including Bar Feed) "HydraulicResistance" and "Standard" 8-inch Models + WICKSTEED 8-inchMetal Saw Instruction Manual and Parts Manual as Component Drawings and someSectional Diagrams.

MW390C WICKSTEED 3-inch Capacity Circular saw. Instruction Manual and PartsManual as Exploded Component Drawings.

MW392 Wiedemann Turret Punch Presses Types BR4, BR44, BR41P and R41P and R44 Rack Type Gauge - Operating and Setting Up Instructions.

MW392A Wiedemann Turret Punch Presses Type RA-41P - Operating and Setting Up Instructions.

MW395 WILD BARFIELD FURNACES Models M251, M252, M253 and M254. Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual with electrical diagrams. Two full editionsare included early and late, giving a complete data pack for these popularmodels. .

MW395A WILD BARFIELD FURNACES Models HW1 and HWP1. Instruction and MaintenanceManual with electrical diagrams and including Supplementary Instructions forModified Furnaces and a hand book for the Operator's Instruction andMaintenance of Elliott Process Automation Thermo-electric Pyrometers. .

MW395B WILD BARFIELD Toolroom Vacuum Heat Treatment Furnace (some times codedVIP.0812GQ) Operating and Maintenance Manual including Foster Thermocouples,Instrument Controls and Wiring Diagrams and Leybold Gas Ballest Pump Operator'sInstruction and Maintenance Manual.

MW395C WILD BARFIELD Vertical Forced Air Circulation Furnace Model 2018TComprehensive Supplementary Instructions. Includes: Temperature Control &Switchgear Equipment. Description, Installation, Operating and MaintenenaceInstructions. Foster recording equipment and an electrical Schematic.

MW395D WILD BARFIELD Vertical Forced Air Circulation Type T Models 1612, 2018, 2624 and 3232. Comprehensive Installation, Working and Maintenance Instructions.

MW400 Wilson Model TCB Single-ended Tenenor. Instruction Manual (WilsonWoodworking machinery).

Willson Lathes - it can sometimes be difficult to determine exactly which modela Willson lathes is. If you are unsure about yours just email photographs

MW480 WILLSON "Slant-bed" Lathe. This lathe was also badged as othermodels including the "Elliott Ensign" and , with a straight bed, asthe Elliot Mark 1N and Mark 1U. The headstock speed levers were concentric on asingle boss with some versions having a distinctive cover over the levers witha semi-circular base and straight angled sides at the top. Manual InstructionManual, Parts as Sectional Drawings and detailed Sales and Specification andAccessories Catalogues for both Slant-Bed and other versions. Includesthreading and spindle-speed charts.

MW480A WILLSON 7.5-inch and 8.5-inch Lathes: Instruction Manual and IllustratedParts Manual for the model with two concentrically-mounted levers on the frontface of the flat-topped headstock and with a clutch lever pointing forwards.The screwcutting gearbox has two levers and one sliding tumbler. Includes acopy of the maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MW480B WILLSON 7.5-inch (covers for the 8.5-inch as well). Parts Manual asexploded-component drawings.

MW480C WILLSON Mk. 5 7.5-inch "Newel" and"Willson/Elliott": Instruction Manual and Illustrated Parts Manual(as useful sectional drawings) for the model with the large circular (orsemi-circular) boss on the headstock (from which the spindle-speed leversprotrude) and a circular control on the face of the screwcutting gearbox.Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification Catalogue - and alsodiagrams of the Headstock speed chart and SCREWCUTTING GEARBOX THREADING andFEEDS PLATE - items often damaged or missing on this model.

MW480D Willson "Pitel" Lathe 8.5-inch centre height. The Pitel can be recognised by its flat-topped headstock, more angular lines and a "dial" spindle-speed selector on the front face of the headstock (based on the Willson "Newhall" model). Instruction Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings.
MW480E Willson interesting but tiny Booklet: "A Brief Explanation of theEssential Points of a 7.5" Centre Lathe".

MW500 WILLSON Woodworking Spindle Moulder. Instruction Manual.

MW500A WILLSON Woodworking Planer Thicknesser. Instruction Manual.

MW450 WILKINS and MITCHELL 300 Press. Electrical Drawings (5 sheets) and ToolProtection Electrical Drawings (6 sheets).

MW550 WILTON Geared-head Drill Press Model 24503 Operator's Instruction Manualand Repair Parts Manual.

MW550A WILTON Vari-speed Series 4800 Drill Press Operator's Instruction Manualand Repair Parts Manual.

MW550B WILTON Circular Cut-off Saws. Operator's Instruction Manual and RepairParts Manual.

MW555 WINCHESTER Model 125 Plugboard Capstan Lathe (sometimes badged as aGate-Winchester). Operator's Manual.

MW555A WINCHESTER Model 4200 6-axis CNC lathe. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with 20 Electrical Schematics, Hydraulic Schematics andParts as Annotated Sectional Drawings.

MW555B WINCHESTER Model 2600 5-axis CNC lathe. Operator's Instruction andMaintenance Manual with 14 Electrical Schematics, Hydraulic Schematics and a Parts Manual as Annotated Sectional Drawings. Includes chapters covering Machine Specification, Programming, Electrical and Mechanical Drawings, Hydraulic Drawings, Linear Scales, Parts List and Maintenance.

MW70 WINFIELD (and also badged "Grayson") lathes: 3.5-inch and3-inch. Unfortunately no manual was ever issued for these machines but thefollowing is available: Two editions of the Sales & Technical Specification& Accessories Catalogues; one early one late with different cover pictureand prices. 8 pages. To help with the lathe an excellent low-cost substituteis a book: "The Amateur's Lathe". This was first published at a timewhen many similar lathes were on the market - and non had any worthwhileliterature. The book covers in detail all the elements of a lathe'sconstruction, its operation, Maintenance and how to make accessories.Screwcutting charts that suit the Winfield and Grayson leadscrew pitch are alsoincluded. To order the books see: MW200Wood Machinist Training Manual - Construction Industry Training Board. A comprehensiveguide to the safe use of circular rip saws; Dimension saws; crosscut saws;surface planers; panel planers and thicknessers; setting out, marking out andcutting lists; hollow chisel morticers; chain morticers; narrow bandsaws;single end tenoners; vertical spindle moulders; high-speed routers belt sanders- and storage. 380 pages. Original bound volume.

WMW - also see the listing under "UNION", "HECKERT" and"VEB"

MW560 WMW & UNION AMK-30 Universal Cylindrical Grinder. Operator's Instructionand Maintenance Manual with Electrical Schematics.

MW560A WMW & UNION SASL 125 Centreless Grinder (also covers the SASL 3,SASL 4 and SASL 5). Detailed Instruction and Maintenance Manual withElectrical; Schematics.

MW560B WMW & UNION SU-200 VEB Cylindrical Grinder. Detailed OperatingManual.

MW560BE WMW & UNION SU-125, SU-125/1, SU-200, SU-200/1 and SU-315 Cylindrical Grinders. "Description of all the Electrical Equipment"with Electrical Schematics including one for the wiring layout of the control Panel.

MW560B-315 WMW & UNION SU-315 VEB Cylindrical Grinder. Detailed OperatingManual.

MW560C WMW & UNION SU 125, SU-200, SU 315, SU 125/1 and SU200/1 VEBCylindrical Grinders. Electrical Manual with Schematics for Models.

MW560D WMW & UNION SASE 200/02 and SASE 200/03 ERFURT (VEB) ExternalCylindrical Grinders . Electrical Control Manual with fold-out schematics.

MW561 WMW & UNION VEB (and ERFURT, NILES and VEB) DLZ-500V, DLZ-630V andDLZ-800VL Precision Lathes - late models angular styling (also covers the 500E,630E and 800E versions). Operating Manual with Mechanical and ElectricalSchematics. English Text.

MW561A WMW & UNION VEB (and ERFURT, NILES and VEB) DLZ-500, DLZ-630 andDLZ-800 Precision Lathes - early models rounded styling. Operating Manual withMechanical and Electrical Schematics. English or German text available.

MW561B WMW & UNION VEB (and ERFURT, NILES and VEB) DLZ-500/111 PrecisionLathe - early model with rounded styling. Operating & Maintenance Manualwith Electrical Schematics and reproductions of the Screwcutting and FeedsCharts.

MW560J WMW & UNION "SAALFELD" Pillar Drilling Machine BS-20-A!,Box Column Drilling Machine BK-20-A1 and Gand Box Column Drilling MachinesBKR-20 x 2 to 6-A1. Operator's Instruction and Maintenance manual withElectrical Schematics.

MW560L WMW & UNION STSR-400 Vertical Slotting Machine with Round table.Operator's Instruction Manual.

MW560N WMW & UNION BOWES BR40 radial-Arm Drill (also badged as the AMK,BOWES, & AMK). Operator's Instruction and Maintenance Manual with usefulsectional drawings, annotated photographs of various assemblies and a WiringDiagram.

MW560Q WMW & UNION (VEB) BOWES (Meuselwitz) RADIAL-ARM DRILL Models: 40 x1250 and 1250/1 and 2x 1250. Operator's Instruction Manual, Electrical Manualand Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MW560R WMW (Union) AMK F33 (FU 250 x 1000) Milling Machine. Detailed Operator's Instruction Book with many useful Sectional Drawings and use of Accessories.

MU80G WMW DKES 1320 x 1000 Single Column Vertical Turret Lathe. Operator's Manual. Not the best of copies.

MW580 WOHLAUPTER Boring and Facing Heads (as used, for example, on SIP andsimilar high-precision Jig Borers) Operating Instructions. Three Editionscovering the Types: UPA-1, UPA-2, UPA-3, UPA-4, UPA-4S5, UPA-5S6, UPA-6 andUPA-6S7. Operating Instructions and a copy of the maker's comprehensive Salesand Technical Specification Catalogue.

MW581 WOLF Bench & Pedestal Grinders. Operator's Instructions. English,French, Swedish & Dutch text.

MW582 WOLF Bench & Pedestal Grinders. Instruction Booklet. English, Dutch,French and German text.

MW582 WOLF-DUPLEX Toolpost Grinder GL3. Operation Instructions and threedetailed technical-specification catalogues. includes Duplex Models D22A,D22A/3, D27A, D27A/3, D28, D29. D30, D30A, D31, D31A, D31B, D34, D35, D70, D71,D72, D73 and Collace M34, M36.

W80 WOLF, JAHN. No manuals were ever offered for these lathe - but their isavailable a most interesting and comprehensive full-range Catalogue circa1905-1914 showing Watchmaker's lathes as individual machines and in boxed sets;Conventional Lathes (Models "C", "DD" and "LL");precision milling machines and a very wide range of Accessories. Drive Systems,countershafts, collets, chucks, milling slides, milling attachments,watchmaker's tools, etc. A superb production. 85 pages.

MW585 WOLTERS FL8 and FL12 Flat Lapping Machines. Operation, Maintenance andLubrication Manual with Sectional Drawings and Electrical Schematics.

MW585a WOLTERS IL12 Internal Lapping Machine: Operation, Maintenance andLubrication Manual Electrical Schematics.


MW590a WOODHOUSE and MITCHELL 70 Junior 7" Lathe: Operation andMaintenance Manual with Illustrated Parts Manual. Includes a set ofcomprehensive Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue. This represents thecomplete known data pack for the lathe.

MW590C WOODHOUSE and MITCHELL (Town Woodhouse) 369 Turret Milling Machine.Operator's and Maintenance Manual with Illustrated Parts Manual. Includes acomprehensive Technical Sales and Specification Catalogue.

MM370 MITCHELL (and Woodhouse and Mitchell) 6.5" and 7.5"centre-height Lathes: Operating Manual and Spare Parts Manual as DetailedSectional Drawings. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification andAccessories Catalogue.

MM370A MITCHELL (and Woodhouse and Mitchell) 8.5"centre-height Lathe Models DM8 and VM8:Operating Manual and Spare Parts Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings.Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification and AccessoriesCatalogue.

MM370B MITCHELL DM10 and VM10 (and Woodhouse and Mitchell)10.5"centre-height Lathe: Operating Manual and Spare Parts Manual asDetailed Sectional Drawings. Includes a copy of the maker's Sales andSpecification and Accessories Catalogue

MM370C MITCHELL DM12 (and Woodhouse and Mitchell) 12.5" centre-heightLathe: Operating Manual and Spare Parts Manual as Detailed Sectional Drawings.Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification and AccessoriesCatalogue

MM370D MITCHELL (and Woodhouse and Mitchell) DM14 Lathe. Operating Instructions.

MM370E MITCHELL (and Woodhouse and Mitchell)NM10 Lathe (8.5, 10.5 and 12.5-inch centre heights. BasicOperating Instruction Sheet with a copy of the maker's sales and Specificationcatalogue.

MM370F MITCHELL (and Woodhouse and Mitchell) 85 Series lathes. Operaton & Maintenance Manual.Includes a copy of the maker's Sales and Specification and AccessoriesCatalogue.
MW592 WORCESTER 6-ton bench POWER PRESS. Installation, Operating andMaintenance Instructions with Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings

MW592A WORCESTER 18-ton POWER PRESS. Installation, Operating andMaintenance Instructions with Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings

MW650 WORSON Pneumatic Die Cushion. Fitting and Working Instructions.2 pages.

MW700 WOTAN B-75T Horizontal Boring and Milling Machine. Parts Manual asExploded Component Drawings with Electrical Diagrams. Includes a lubricationDiagram.

MW700A WOTAN HWF-2 Gear Hobbing Machine. Operator's Instruction Manual,Electrical Schematics, Gear Charts, Differential Change Gear Settings andCalculation Examples, etc.
MW700B WOTAN S 317/12U Internal Grinder. Five large Electrical Schematics.

MW800 WYSSBROD Type V1 (Type 6) Automatic, multi-spindle Milling machine.Operation and Maintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings andElectrical Schematics.

MW800 WYSSBROD Type 26 Milling Cutter Grinding Machine. Working Instructionswith Electrical Schematic and Some sectional drawings.

MW900 WYVERN Wyvomatic Mk.3 Duplex Turning, Facing and Boring Machine: DetailedMaintenance Manual.

MW900 WYVERN Wyvomatic Mk.4 Duplex Turning, Facing and Boring Machine:Instruction Manual with Electrical Schematics. Available with English or FrenchText.

MW901 WYVERN Lathe Mk. 4 WT: Simple Handbook and lubrication guide togetherwith an Illustrated Parts Manual and 4 Sales & Specification Catalogues (anextra 24 pages) for the Models 4WT, 5WT and 4WT with Hydraulic Copying.

MX10 XLO (Ex-Cell-O) 602 Miller Operation and Instruction Manual. Includes Spares asDetailed Sectional Drawings.

MX10A XLO (Ex-Cell-O) Models 33 and 33-L Precision Thread Grinder. Detailed Operation & Maintenance Manual.

MX20 XYZ Machine Tools RF-30 Miller-Driller. Instruction Manual and Parts asExploded Component Drawings.

MY03 YAMAMOTO YF-700 Milling Machine with auto-cycle. Operator's InstructionManual and Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes 4 electricalschematics.

MY05 YAMAZAKI MS-15. Parts Manual as Sectional drawings.

MY05A YAMAZAKI MAZAK Precision Lathe Models A, B, C and D - (sometimes markedas the Model MK530). Basic Operating Manual and Parts List as DetailedSectional Drawings. Includes high resolution pictures of the often worn-outscrewcutting and feed chart. Although the operating instructions are basic therest of the publication is superb.

MY05AJ YAMAZAKI MAZAK JUNIOR High-speed Precision Lathe. Operation Manual and Parts Manual as DetailedSectional Drawings with an electrical schematic. Includes high resolution pictures of the often worn-out screwcutting and feed charts and a copy of the Maker's Sales & Technical Specification Catalogue.

MY05B YAMAZAKI MAZAK-MATE Precision Lathe. Operating Manual and Parts List asDetailed Sectional Drawings.

MY05C YAMAZAKI MAZAK Mazatech H-630, H-500/50 NC Lathe. Detailed Operating andMaintenance Manual (2 publications) with Alarm Code and M Code tables.

MY05D YAMAZAKI MAZAK Rough Positioning Control System Magazine and Index Table= MAZAK Positioning Sequencer: Maintenance Manual with Specifications,Parameters, setting details, Servo Driver trouble shooting, MagazineAdjustments, Circuit Diagrams and Parts Lists .

MY06 Yamazaki MAZAK SLANT TURN 25 lathe. Detailed Operating Manual.

MY08 YAMAZAKI Micro Slant 15 Lathe. Spare Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.
MY06 Yamazaki Mazatrol T Plus Series Maintenance Manual (Hardware). Includesthe items required to maintain the entire range of Mazatrol T PLUS Series CNCUnits

MY06A Yamazaki Mazatrol T1 Control Programming Manual.

MY06B YAMAZAKI MAZATROL M-32. Basic Operating Manual.

MY06C YAMAZAKI MAZATROL M-32 (H Series) Basic Operating Manual.

MY06D YAMAZAKI MAZATROL M-32 Programming Manual.

MY06E YAMAZAKI MAZATROL M-32 Electrical Circuit Diagrams and Parameter Lists +Additions in Version C Operating Manual.

MY06F YAMAZAKI MAZAK T32 Programming Manual.

MY06G YAMAZAKI MAZAK T32 Programming Examples Manual.

MY10 YAMAZAKI MAZAK DYNA-TURN 3L Detailed Operating Manual and ProgrammingManual.

MY07 YAMAZAKI Quick-Turn Lathe: Tooling System Diagrams.

MY07A YAMAZAKI Quick-Turn Lathe: Instruction Manuals for 3rd-party Accessories- spindle motor, spindle drive controller, tachometer generator, "H"Motor Repair manual, "H" Motor Repair Parts information, DaikenHydraulic Unit, Nachi Hydraulic Unit, Q-PAC Instruction Manual for SlantTurn-30, Instruction Manual for NACHI Hydraulic Unit for Slant Turn-40 x 4AX18,Lube-matic Lubrication System, Mitsubishi Coolant Pump and Hand lingInstructions for HOWA Power Chucks.

MY07B YAMAZAKI Quick-Turn Lathe: Maintenance Manual.

MY07C YAMAZAKI Quick-Turn Lathe: Book of Electrical Circuit Diagrams.

MY08X YAMAZAKI MAZAK DYNA-TURN Operation Manual with Mazak and Fanuc Control.


MY09 YAMAZAKI MAZAK M-1 Machining Monitor System. Operating Manual

MY09A YAMAZAKI MAZAK CAM M-2 The full, very detailed Operating Manual

MY09B YAMAZAKI MAZAK CAM M-2 Programming Manual

MY09C YAMAZAKI MAZAK Power Centre V-10N Operating Manual

MY09D YAMAZAKI MAZAK Power Centre V-10N Maintenance Manual

MY09E YAMAZAKI MAZAK Power Centre V-10N Spare Parts Manual

MY09F YAMAZAKI MAZAK Power Centre V-10N Electric Wiring Diagrams (also markedMAZATROL M-1)

MY09G YAMAZAKI MAZAK VQC -20/40 and 50. Mechanical Parts Manual.

MY09H YAMAZAKI MAZAK T3 Electric Wiring Diagrams - a large, 240-page volume that also covers the Ikura Bar Feed.

MY09J YAMAZAKI MAZAK MAZATECH H400N and H500/40 Machining Centre. Operation Manual.

MY11 YANG IRON Works YAM-NC 1000 Numerically Controlled lathe: Operation,Programming and Maintenance Manuals (two publications).

MY11A YANG IRON Works CK2 Chucking Lathe. Spare Parts Manual as usefulSectional Drawings.

MY11B YANG IRON Works SMV-1000 Vertical Machining Centre. Parts ManualSectional Drawings (284 pages).

MY13 YASDA YPC-30 Horizontal machining Centre. Electric Ladder Diagram Manual

MY14YCM Pinnacle Turret Milling Machine 1 1/2 VS. This miller - a close replica of the Bridgeport - was sold under various brand names. Specifications, Installation Instructions, Maintenance Instructions and an illustrated Parts Manual as Exploded Component Drawings

MY15 YING LIN Pipe Benders CR-E25, E38, F38 T38 and CR-T38. Operation andMaintenance Manual

MZ20/MM40J ZAKLADY PRZEMYSLOWE FXE40 Milling Machine. Operation and MaintenanceManual with large fold-out Electrical Schematics.

MZ20A Zaklady. Tarnow Mechaniczne TUJ-50(M) Lathe. Operation and MaintenanceManual with Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings. Includes wiring diagrams andreproductions of the screwcutting charts. The manual is marked as both TUJ-50and TUJ-50M.

MZ20B ZAKLADY and TARNOW RVM40 Capstan lathe: machine specification sheet, alubrication chart and a printed but not illustrated listing of spare parts).

MZ50 ZAYER 3U Universal Milling Machine Operator's Instruction Manual *

MZ50A ZAYER 3U Universal Milling Machine - Full set of Sectional Drawings(Maker's originals - but they are not of the best quality) *

MZ50B ZAYER Model 66-AM and 66-BM Ram-head Milling Machine. Instruction Book. Includescomplete settings charts for the multi-angle head. English, French, German andSpanish Text.

MZ50C ZAYER Model BM Milling Machine. Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MZ50D ZAYER Model BF Milling Machine. Parts Manual as Sectional Drawings.

MZ60 Zbrojovka SV18R Lathe (Identical to the TOS and MAS Models) Operating andMaintenance Manual. Includes a detailed 12-page sales & SpecificationCatalogue. .

MZ60A Zbrojovka SV18R Lathe (Identical to the TOS and MAS Models)Parts Manualas detailed Sectional Drawings. Contains an Electrical Schematic. .

MZ70 ZEATZ Rotary Table. Instruction book with Parts as Sectional Drawings.Includes tables for Indirect Divisions.English, German, French & Italiantext.

MZ100 ZEATZ Universal Dividing Head Types: U-115, U-130, U-150, U-175 &U-200. Detailed Operator's Instructions with Tables of Direct, Indirect &Spiral Indexing charts and methods of calculating differential indexing, etc.English, French & Italian Text.

MZ150 ZM TARNOW Lathes. Manuals may be available for: TUJ-48 and-TUJ 50.

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MZ160 ZF Electromagnetic Multi-disc Clutches for wet operating conditions TypesEK, EK-B, EK-C, EK-H, Types up to EKR 20, EKR 30 to EKR 250, EKR 30G to EKR 250G. B and H, EK-Z, EK-BZ, EKR-Z Operating Instructions, Installation &Commissioning, Lubrication, Current Supply Brushes, Electrical Connection,Repairs, etc.

MZ200 ZMM Slicen C8C and CU325 lathes. Operation and Maintenance Manual.

MZ250 Surface Grinders Models RU 600/3, RU 1000/3 and RU 1500/3. Operation andMaintenance Manual with Parts as Sectional Drawings. Includes Switch andCoolant pump wiring diagrams.

MZ250A ZOCCA Surface Grinders. Not a manual but a useful technical salescatalogue with details of the 500, 650, 850, 1100 models. Well illustrated andshowing many unusual and complex operations.28 pages.


Z400 ZUBAL AP-250 Lathe. Sales, Technical Specification & Accessoriescatalogue. 12 pages.

MZ200 ZUBAL LATHE Model C2. Instruction Manual with Sectional Drawings of allmain components and electrical diagrams. Includes tracer attachment.

MZ300A ZYTO VSM Combination Woodworker. Operator's Instructions.

MZ300 ZYTO Lathes. Unfortunately no manual was ever published for this verypopular little lathe. An excellent low-cost substitute is a book: "TheAmateur's Lathe". This was first published at a time when many similarlathes were on the market - and non had any worthwhile literature. The bookcovers in detail all the elements of a lathe's construction, its operation,Maintenance and how to make accessories. Screwcutting charts that suit the Zytoleadscrew pitch are also included. .75To order the books see:

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

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Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.