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Reviews about The Aligned Clinic, Dr. Alex Tubio
/ 41 reviews and21 ratings
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Cartier O.
October 26, 2022, 11:43 pm
Such agreat experience! Hereally takes his time with you and makes you feel seen and heard! Ileft feeling amazing! 10out of10definitely recommend!
Laurie M.
October 26, 2022, 9:40 pm
Now Iknow whyDr. Pinto atDr. Tubio’s office atThe Aligned Clinic isseriously adored! Asan International gold medalist insynchronize figure skating mybody was feelingit. For along time myarms and shoulders felt locked-hurt and Ididn’t know ifthat could beadjusted. AfterDr. Pinto heard myconcerns, hedid x-rays then aligned myshoulders and arms. Itfelt like amiracle when the pain went away. Myneck was constantly clicking and now myneck doesn’t click but moves smoothly. The videos you see online are the real deal! Mywhole body feelsnew! Heshowed meexercises for myshoulders, arms and neck. It’s definitely worth the drive fromSt. Louis,Mo! Thank youDr. Pinto for making miracles happen!!! Ifeel somuch better!!!… – show
Vena B.
October 25, 2022, 11:36 pm
My experience was agreatone. Ihave lower back issues that was making itmore difficult for meto goup and down stairs. Exercising was hard just walking walking. affecting when Iwas atwork standing was painful after 10mins. Affecting mysleep because Iwas having tomove mylegs orchange myposition just somy back won't hurt asmuch.
Since going and seeing doctor Tubio and hedid the adjustments mylower back feels somuch better. Easier togo updown stairs. Felt sogood tobe able toget out ofbed. Healso explained even more what's going onwith myback and why sothat was really good.
I definitely recommend DrAlex Tubio.… – show00
Paul M.
October 20, 2022, 5:39 pm
Dr. Tubio istheG.O.A.T. ofchiropractors!!! Mywife and Iboth got adjustments during our recent trip toHouston and the experience was truly life-changing!!! Wefeel like years ofpain and stiffness were gone ina matter ofminutes! Weare forever grateful toDr. Tubio and his staff for making usfeel like family. Hetruly isa master athis craft!!! Wewill most definitely beback!!!
Korina S.
October 19, 2022, 3:16 am
Well worth the cost. Walked out ofthere feeling somuch better. Have not had such agreat adjustment ina very long time. Been tonumerous chiropractors, only towalk away disappointed. Looking forward tomy next appointment withDr. Jimenez
I know there were some poor reviews regarding the front desk, but can only speak highly ofthe staff. Everyone was super friendly and helpful.00
Vaisali N.
October 19, 2022, 12:26 am
Kudos toDr. Eric Pinto..!! Ionly wanted togive this rating, after checking how Ifelt even after 2weeks from mysession. Injust one treatment, Ican already see alot ofimprovement inmy lifestyle. I’m able todo things with less pain. The way heexplained about myspine and neck issues were very clear. Also, the way heexplained onhow hewas adjustingme, gave mea sense ofconfidence that I’m gonna get cured after all mysessions. After the treatment, heshowed mefew exercises tofollow. Ireally felt like abutterfly coming out ofa cocoon. Ilive inDallas and its Worth driving for 4hours tothis treatment. Can’t wait for my2nd session. Staff was also really sweet and helped mebook mynext appointments over the phone. Thank you
Dr. Avram, thank you for taking myX-rays, explaining methe right body postures and noting down all myconcerns before treatment.
Dr. Tubio, thank you for opening the aligned clinic
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Jewell F.
October 15, 2022, 7:46 pm
I feel amazing after just one session, Ican’t wait tocome back.Dr.Pinto relieved pain, that I’ve been dealing with for years. Ialmost cried because Ifelt somuch better. I’ve tried pretty much everything Icould torelieve the back &neck pain and nothing worked. Now Ifeel like things will definitely get better for mephysically and Ican’t wait .I won’t begoing toany other Chiropractic office. This isthe one and only!!!
Jasmine B.
October 14, 2022, 6:22 pm
The Aligned Clinic should beeveryone's first choice ifthey are inpain and need tofeel better when itseems like nothing else isworking. Iwas treated byDr. Jimenez and has given memy life back. Atthe age of44, Iwas just ready togive upin believing that Iwould bepain free ever again, but hechanged that for meon this visit. Iknow 44is not “Old”, but when you've tried everything and all these different doctors were telling you nothing iswrong, and offering surgery asthe alternative, but Iknew the pain Iwas feeling isreal. The thought ofit being just aging pains, just became the more realistic way ofbelieving this was just the body Iwas going tobe stuck with for rest ofmy life. The Aligned Clinic has fixed mymind and mybody. Itdoesn't matter which doctor you allow toadjust you there. They all have the skills tochange your life. The staff isamazing. Everyone makes you feel sowelcomed there. Ipromiseyou, just make the decision togo, you won't regretit.… – show
carmen d.
October 12, 2022, 11:53 pm
Recently had myvisit withDr. Avram, Felt that alignment deep into mysoul, finally have relief after 15+ years. I’m really grateful and excited tosee myprogress, asI have already after just one visit. Thank you somuch!
October 11, 2022, 9:23 pm
Very clean, beautiful office.Dr. Pinto was soprofessional, gentle, and helpful/caring. Ifeel great and will goback again.
Isa S.
October 3, 2022, 10:24 pm
I waited ayear for myappointment withDr. Tubio, and itwas well worthit! Iflew toHouston from Virginia, hetook the time togive mex-rays, discuss myneeds, and then gave mean amazing adjustment! Healso advised meabout specific exercises that would help maintain myresults. Ican’t wait togo back inthe future!
K C.
October 2, 2022, 5:51 am
Book the appointment! You’ll beglad youdid.
That adjustment changed mylife.
After seeing several chiropractors, and telling them about myconcerns but not feeling like they were being addressed physically during the adjustment, Iwas sograteful tomeetDr. Pinto who not only validated what Iwas feeling physically bygoing over myX-rays withme, but also taught mea bit more about how the body works and what Ican doin mydaily living tohelp improve myposture.
It was comforting tokno
w Icould trust myintuition about what I’m feeling. Ifell asleep soundly and effortlessly and woke uppainless and grateful instead ofuncomfortable and annoyed.Everyone inthe office was kind and receptive. There’s such agreat energy and once myappointment was over Iwas able tounderstandwhy. When you feel your best, itshines through. Thank youDr. Pinto.
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Pranshu S.
September 29, 2022, 9:46 pm
Dr. Tubio isthe best chiropractor thereis. Ihave had two visits with him and Icertainly feel somuch better than before. Ihaven’t been adjusted better before. His adjusting technique isthe best there isin myopinion and Ihighly recommendhim. The front desk staff isflooded with alot ofrequest but they still have always gotten back tome whenever Ihave left aVM ormet inperson.
Michael I.
September 23, 2022, 2:44 am
Having been aFirefighter and EMT for almost ten years and even several more years ofheavyweight lifting Ihad severe lower back pain and constant headaches. Itwas sobad attimes Iwould have topush myself upfrom aseated position and slowly walk tokind ofstand upstraight due tomy lower back pain.
My first visit withDr. Tubio hetook X-rays and heshowed mehow messed upmy lower back was and that Ihave almost nocurve inmy neck. After myvery first adjustment Inoticed ahuge difference. Now after seeing him for the past five months Ihaven’t been getting headaches anymore and mylower back isso much better Ino longer have topush myself upand slowly walk tostraitenup, Ican now just stand straightup.
I highly recommendDr. Tubio and his staff ifyou are having issues like Iwas.… – show00
Cat T.
September 21, 2022, 2:54 am
If you're looking for amazing chiropractors please give this clinic atry!Dr. Tubio,Dr. Pinto, andDr. Jimenez are fantastic adjusters and they really listen toyour concerns. I've been going here for more than ayear now and Iregularly come once amonth for myadjustment.
I ama chiropractic student and know that they doamazing work because I'm currently studying toone day bein their shoes. The pictures I've attached tothis review were taken ayear apart. The 1st xray shows that myneck
curvature was facing the wrong direction and causing issues. Ayear later the curvature isalmost fully corrected and much closer tonormal.I highly recommend the chiropractors here.Dr. Tubio's adjustments are very thorough and feel deeper.Dr. Pinto has very fast and deep adjustments.Dr. Jimenez has very fast adjustments that feel lighter handed than the other doctors. Try them all and see which one you like. Overall Irefer everyone Iknow here. You will not bedisappointed and living pain free isworthit!
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Benjamin H.
September 20, 2022, 7:50 pm
The BEST experience I’ve everhad! Amazing Doctors Tubio and Pinto. Staff was sofriendly aswell. Life changing adjustment forme. Will definitely becontinuing togo back. Also Iam from Columbia Missouri and itwas well worth the day trip!
Alejandro P.
September 20, 2022, 7:11 pm
I flew infrom Chicago toseeDr. tubio and itwent pretty much how Iexpected asseen onhis videos. this guy knows how toadjust you well and hegot some very nice cracks onme where Ihad lots oftension. Ihighly reccomend. 5stars.
Mohammad B.
September 17, 2022, 6:39 pm
Amazing service and full comprehensive explanations ofeverything byDr. Pinto. Got the relief Iwas looking for and definitely recommend itfor everyone toexperience asit isa must have
Angela D.
September 16, 2022, 9:27 pm
Dr. Tubio istruly anexceptional Chiropractic Doctor. Iflew from Ohio tosee him after receiving months ofmediocre care for arecent injury. Mydetermination toseehim, was born out ofwatching all those onYouTube suffering inpain, find relief after asingle appointment.I,too, found relief and hope after asingle treatment withhim.
I won’t bore you with mymedical history but inshort, Ihave suffered for years with herniated discs, misalignments and arecent soft tissue injury from ma
ssage therapist. Iam well acquainted with many different modalities and treatment styles and declareDr. Tubio isa unicorn!He not only x-rays, which many chiropractors donot, but heprepares your spine/musculature for the adjustment itself byusing flexion, massagers,etc. Iappreciated this asit helped meadjust better than Iever have inthe past. Hewent over myfilm with meand showed meclearly what was causing mypain and how hewas going totreatme. Finally, Iwas given athoracic device tocontinue at-home treatment and help meprogress.
The decision totry something seemingly drastic and fly toTexas, was anexcellentone. Iam looking forward tofeeling even better and enjoying mylife again. Myonly regret isnot coming sooner.
God blessyou,Dr. Tubio.
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David F.
September 16, 2022, 6:21 pm
I sawDr. Pinto and after having been to4different chiropractors inthe past 2years, Ican say that making atrip out here was amillion percent worthit. I'm abigger guy and none ofthe other chiropractors could make mefeel like anadjustment was relieving stress and pressure any more than amassage. This was anentirely different experience.Dr. Pinto got aspot that Ihad been trying toget tofor four years, after hegot itI just laughed for 2minutes straight because ofhow relieved Ifelt. Ileft with some exercises that will help mymuscles get strong enough tocorrect myposture.
I have bad posture and when Isit inthecar, myhead doesn't naturally hit the headrest. When Igot out ofmy appointment, myhead hit the headrest without thinking aboutit. Amazing experience 12out of10.
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Average rating- 4.7based on41 reviews and21 ratings
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